Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/32/1 - 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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upposss in central truckes on Chuneek. No rifle shoobing. Abt boogds to go- we occupied right half of left truck & left half of right. Otogs 1of occo flanks Col. Moore wt inbeg and retired 10.15 (Telephone place sand bazed at left. edge. I shipd it to centre loyds behiend man trench - We only had I truch abt deers practical 5H6m prac no traverse We were dispin all auht till daylight. In centre we were abt 25 9ds from T. truch I don't know if they occupied it. Tarks not attacken nor bombary to night.
40 Dawn 9th Bomballack starter. seemed to be com over constantly. One mak wdlran foriod & tow bomb & be shat down (then ha t ronserd on planks). Tey trew so bombs in Socks -cd thow abt Foyds. Their strapnel stath. Ours also Abt 1hr after Tarks began to move (.5am.) Our how threw 3 by shells into our trenches. Some of men on left broke (this after bombs) & began to retire from trenches. Meldran went out wth Kelsall w & Elmslie to turn kem.
41 Elmslie who had his troop by him d them ap to fill in where these men had lef treches. Then very queckly camb back Castt 40 or soyds - one shell had k. Statham, ano. officer, & 7or I men - shell came definitely from behin us. Frie t were wit 400050 yds & other shells were exceedingly well timed Elislie ws hit to refle bullet just as he got to y. He fellfoud, got up & sobouts trench - but hit from Shoulder to neek + died afew mins later. He smiled to some of
there were on left 3 truches as and (Rrobly duy by our men 442 men & sd Imafair I cant help you much further boys; but youre donn well - keep on. Kelall folld into truch as men near Elushg & ws very soon k. w bonb. East Hastey & Capt James had had legs shallered be boabs. Then & many man got out of thanch & lay betwe parados firm over it (his left more room in truch). Attack tasted infall sbrength abt 3/4 hr. We lost 50per cent. Not a bridge in I men they stood up to it joking & lampin Trks were rushing four dropping down & shootlng 20
43 3 lives of these lives of Skermeshers - then bomb throwers thra fom behin our man on left co see ts. attacking on our et. Our it cd shoot aross to left (clip in centre of posite) & we kept this going all don There ast lave be gt execute done amongst their supports on hill bec we had ach greater arty fire. They only had 2 guas one Taba Tepe way, on from anafarta (tie did most ofdamet Turks made little attacks 20 at a time all day. Never t he without our blazang at
44 Ts. somewhere Pam. had at asendt down a message to Bdier to say to had attacked Leavil we wanted amum & reieds. (meringer had to zuing No answer. like dever Repeatil wessap at Sam. Abt 10 I saw woremed down Lill. Sent word along tt reiss were coming. Abt 12, 4000d 6th L haues gt trenc fist in port of me - (magor he bu sent as a coy. Dion't know Where rest were). Only one of them find a slot during day. They only lay in bothom of tench. N.3. officers kicher But I saw we them. some of
45 ed hold post till relief as oar men were holding swl my cnstrus were th 1 post as tobe held to flastman. I sent to message a little after noon (there is a moral effect in receps comng in - but actual men were with nothing to had no cha our ma duriy day. Some shells got in, but we co beer gun pass 1 word along. Never more than 20 l showed at a time to afterroon. No Ammn or waterduring day but and. after dark up it came - water, 560, Dr, Amno
46 up by 90c. (All our N.Z. men). we got wounded out. Seld truches to bels 1o 12 when reld. I retire below Devl. H.B. on Cheshire Ridge. Infy Bdier 5monater Col. well Col. you may tell Your men this if you like th Ien satisfied now you can fight as well as we do. God leys congratterd also Maories were on Farm. Cuck. MR. wentup on sand morng & lost 196 out of 248 on sund (in open in day time) well bost 110 ont of 183 on ton o hill.
500 6 Loyallanes & 400 wills (900 in all) reld. as - more vere than we ever had. We aed on to 583 & came out a 280. Well. Taf, and few Glos. Auckl. M.R.; Well. M.K. & Olago CR. ruf. reldthm on Sunday night. 30 well inf rolled up within a day or two. Tha lone ws talking to another officer at his H.D. on Sundafter noon abt 4.30 when one of our shells killed him. on Mondmaming abt 7. or 8 am a wark came round left round day faceon
D ete 48 on W of Chumuk carrying rifle in sting in hand, & coming up to crest from rear. He seem to lange at Someone to his bayonet & we shot himself d. after. we left t men behindd a L.N. L. 40 Meldou asked one as to strength of 25. th morning. He sd I Parks had not fired more than 60 bombs all thro - be we revelly in it, shooting for all he ws wort. He looked along & Saw men botting from the left. 6th L.N.L. had one of Well. M.R. mgs left w them but nove of wellington Junners. Theygive jost at day light 5 of Olago Inf - 1 of Well. M.R. were left (is this men or guns


up postns in central trenches

on Chunuk.. No rifle

shooting. Abt 600 yds to go -

we occupied right half of

left trench & left half of 
right. Otago inf occd. flanks.

Col. Moore wd in leg and

retired 10.15 (Telephone

place sand bagged at left. edge -

I shifted it to centre 10 yds

behind main trench - we

only had 1 trench abt

5 ft 6 in ^deep; practically prac no traverse

we were digging all night till

daylight. In centre we were

abt 25 yds from T. Trench.

I dont know if they occupied


Turks not attacking

nor bombing tt night.



Dawn 9th Bomb attack

started. seemed to be coming

over constantly. One man

wd run forwd & throw

bomb & be shot down (they

had to run fowd on

flanks). They threw socks

bombs in socks -cd throw

abt 50 yds. their shrapnel

xxxx started. Ours also.

Abt ¼ hr after Turks began

to move (5am.) our 

hows. threw 3 big shells

into our trenches. Some of
men on left broke(this after
bombs) & began to retire
from trenches. Meldrum

went out w Capt Kelsall

& Maj Elmslie to turn them.



Elmslie who had his troop

by him led them up to fill

in where these men had

left / trenches. Men very 

quickly came back (abt 40

or 50 yds - one shell had k.

Statham, anor officer, & 7 or 

8 men - shell came

definitely from behind us. Trenches

xx were within 40 or 50

yds & other shells were

exceedingly well timed)

Elmslie ws hit w rifle

bullet just as he got to [shorthand].

He fell fowd, got up & got into

trench - but hit from shoulder

to neck & died a few mins

later. He smiled to some o /


on left ^there were 3 trenches as under

[Hand drawn sketch, see original]

(probly dug by our men) ⇣


men & sd " I'm afraid I

cant help you much further

boys; but you're doing

well - keep on."

Kelsall folld into trench w /→

men near Elmslie & ws very

soon k. w bomb. Capt Hastings

& Capt James had had legs

shattered by bombs. They

& many men got out of trench

& lay behind parados firing

over it (this left more room

in trench). →

Attack lasted in full

strength abt ¾ hr. We lost 50 per

cent. Not a budge in / men -

they stood up to it joking & laughing

Turks were rushing forwd

dropping down & shooting - 2 or


3 lines of these lines of
skermishers - then bomb
throwers threw from behind.
Our men on left cd see Ts.
attacking on our rt. Our rt
cd shoot across to left (dip
in centre of positn) & we
kept this going all day.
There must have bn gd
executn done amongst
their supports on hiill bec.
we had much greater arty
fire.  They only had 2 guns -
one Gaba Tepe way, one
from Anafarta (these did
most o / damage).
Turks made little attacks
20 at a time all day.  Never
14 hr without over blazing at




Ts somewhere.

At xxxx 7 am. I had sent down a

message to Bdier to say

Ts had attacked heavily &

we wanted [[?]] & [[?]]

No answer. (messenger had to run  like devil)

repeated message at 8 am.

Abt 10 I saw movement down

hill. Sent word along tt reinfs

were coming. Abt 12, 40 odd

of 6th L. Laucs. got into trench

just in front of me - (Major had

bn sent w a coy. Didn't know

where rest we).

Only one

of them fired a shot during / day

They only lay in bottom of

trench. No 3 officers kicked

some of them. But I saw we



cd hold / post till relief

as our men were holding [[?]] well

 y [[?]] were tt / post

ws to be held to / last man.

I sent tt message a little after

noon (there is a [[moral?]] effect

in reinfs coming in - but /

actual men were worth nothing), 

Ts had no chance w

our men during day. Some

shells got in , but we cd hear

/ gun & pass / word along.

Never more than 20 Ts showed

at a time tt afternoon.

No ammn or water during /

day but [[?]]. after dark up

it came - water,, Dr, ammn



up by 9 o'c (all our N.Z. even).

we got wounded out. Held

trenches to [[?]] 11 8 12

when [[reld?]] 9 retire below

Divl H.Q. on cheshire Ridge-

Infy Bdier & mounted Col.

"Well Col. you may tell -

your men this if you like

tt I'm satisfied now you

can fight as well as 

we do." Got by, [[?]] also

Maoris were on Farm.

Auck. M.R. went up on

second morng & lost 19 out

of 248 [[?]] [[?]] (in open in day time).

Well lost 110 out of 183 on

top of hill.



500 6 loyal [[?]] &

400 wilts (900 in all)

reld. as - more men Than

we ever had - we went in as

583 & came out as 280.

Well. Inf., And few [[?]].

Auckl. M. R.; well, M.R.

& Otago M.R. inf. reld. there

on Sunday night.

30 well. I rather up within

a day or two. Malone ws

talking to another officer at

his H.Q. on [[Sun?]] after [[?]]

abt 4.30 when one of our

shells killed.

on Mond morning

abt 7. or 8 am a Turk came

round left round [[lay?]] face on


5 Otago Inf

1 well m R


on W of Chunnk carrying rifle

in sling in hand, & coming up

to crest from rear. He seemed

to lunge at someone w his

bayonet & we shot [[?]]

[[?]]. after



We left 6 men behind on /

L.N.L. xxx

Meldrum asked one as to

strength of Ts. tt morning. He said

/ Turks had not fired more than

60 bombs all thro - he ws revelling

in it, shooting for all he ws

worth. He looked along & saw men

bolting from the left.

6th L.N.L. had one of well. M.R.

m.g.s left w them but none of

Wellington [[Sunners.]]


They [[?]] just at daylight.


5 of Otago Inf - 1 of well. M.R. were left

(is this men or guns?) xxxx













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