Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/32/1 - 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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29 got into rearmost trench & made good posite. Sergt May. Milie pob 5 runnn Tarks w one grenade. The to seemed (all ee abl 40) to have putted out to dugonets during shellen prots adeep. Some had no aros. No great yellen- our own cheer probl stattled them - cheered lond to let fellows on left know. were thro' to rear truches by 9.15. No live 15. Fexc. a few prisoners taken nti on positin after 9.30. There for rest of night + till 1.30 next day. Then went to Evertons Gally near NZ Mnf Bde H.Q. There all to night, till 2 am. on 8th
G 2 guns on far hills indirect fere, Extrane rauge 33 te Aug Beam. moved to support wift Remained by BdeHO Abr gam. ordered to support wify Deployed into 8s & ran across neck in Ss. Sork migs on ao there Had some wounded. Lay down behind a saddle - (whole regt I There when men moved the Shrapnel got onto as I 5k.8w. ol Chapman K. bysliok at abt ypo. we moned to support fing line - crawlin on stomachs. We had to crawl over a little ledge into a second shallgully wh took as within 200 ye. of finny line. Them we deployed & charged across in ESqus. (Maj. Schofeele Cound we foum Fere we high. men in firy Ane were done - The trench ws 3Ht deep. On Rt it ws within 59ds of T trench ou
5 s e N3 truck wah w wors deed tritricts tark truck 89 N.3. truch t 31 left 15 yds. They were bombury succession of attacks all time - nrew bus seemed to be coming whole time. ID. 60 hand grenades in air at once. we had no handgrenades & those in trucles had used larks all theirs. They were getteng right out of trundes & coming ou boabs, officers leading Ve just Jot over trench to make attack &we knocked them down - Hsop saw at least 10 or 15 attacks all afternoon Little Shrapnel. wounder out in rear were getting it bs were working all night. The 4th Sqn brengiy up rations etc Ds Somehow or another ordered to charge & ws cat up
At little sandbag H.A. Signallers were sitten outside man H.Q. when German Officer came upI asked signatler if be were English or N.Z. He sdyes. strayer fined to revolver messar him. Sergl. Maloney N. Cuckl. Sq.) picked up rifle & thove bayonet thro- him. Trks covg behied shot maloney. In night diff to see Alsopp saw it - came thro preckly scrub - spoke beautiful English - he ws not more then Sydsaway. you cosee other Turks. Capt Wood ws shot there (sniping there all day All commus were cad off. Had Kelepho ws deation but as 2 2 Lighty all night. Trying to dig ourselves in but during short intervals cdut get in. We were relieved at Gam. be Wellington M.R. & some territorisly At Robl. call there were 27. majority had be bit by bombs practically everyone had some sort of knock. AelM After wns, out of it till Hill bo then in 2nd altack.
e Wellington gov 181 251 01 1610 wek. abrg2 Lississippt Remaining 2 squs were to have gone thro scrub but climed up day faces (enabling to cut. Wellington N.R. 33 starled bedind Aucklan. Turned (1512 troops, abt 50) turne off to right at abt 10.H1 seized Astrozer Hill by 10.15 Beyonete At 20 Turk, Swere were in deponts. taken prisoners; wo I was done v geably te rench they w was on top - thro the Leorts forst (man in here. common betw. Old No3 & T. Top. They of gully f they were 3esagsed up end When hal way ap, Tarks threw a flare O ridge between Old No3& Totop wh setfire to Scrub & raised a big flame. Mew were just then diggay 38 as stips in clayface Niw of table Top & were clearly vesible tey stopped a moment thought aight be vesible from
Wellington MR were on top of 7.100 by 10.SS ossessed t by 1u take in this passa Felephoned to H.O. where marked expagesatio at 11.5 to hill taken this mory de 6Oe Fable 10p, Saw 200 Parks at Rhodo come into the Otago Lif. to hands up. The Otago men some of them 5d: Let em have it boys - & shot abt 40 of them. Rest you of clear. Elistie came along overwheluend to indignation to Meldram & sd. c I ever see such a thiig again I'll do straight to the Devision P H.R.) & hand in my commission 34 (ridge to MW of them (old No 3) but no fire came. Cot up to lop abb 20. ft below crest. went over ridge - surprised bayoneter. a few Tarks (possible picket) & got in rear of trench & took it from rear. lurks had gones forward along ridge to ot No 37 Banchofs an Chailak where fighting ws takeng place- Trenches werend held at all - no one in the - & no one staged Tarks started coming back along road on N face of ridge (road there we built by tarks) we put picket there - sent out few scouts. t orders not to fire The ws moving down lone of hill when officer
35 ing Bont. suddenle appeared. I our mair sd halt & presented bayone & oficer made dive to Sicke & got away - thiak serub - Your man aont reachhim). Within an hour we got att 20 Co on this 2d. In early morning we got abt 60 in one balth retirn abt 1.30 in port of out infantin - came thro our picket (tey were marching easg att Qabreast). They had no dea we were behind him We were: all stricter in Kelpey Silence. Maones got ito New of Old No 3. Thy cheere, So did Huckto.
36 Immediately started to sight a treck at Nend ofbell to prevent any attemptt by to at dawn. No w came down from th end. About dawn (4.33 3 loys of Otago Infly came up 1 road on 1N. W. corner of hill under Ma. Statham (this same nt I tarks had come) He so he ws not quite sure shere hews thought1 top ws unoccupied, & thought he had better take it b them ask for orders. We sent him on to top Rhado Spar whi coanected t T topbya Nek - told him there were
There wo a gun on. farm but we decided not to go for it. no t5 on it at time (we had sentries covering the party dipey our trench opp 4.45. 6th toy OAgo w Col. moore came up atshill [E) Take in herepassage from 14 paps back Tacky Hughes had taken two trenches on lower Rhedo. He then got oute steep I side of Tabletop & finally outs & sid of week where ant weldnn Otago were a little in port of & pleftof Canterbi (Youg) (inalone) Auckr Wellington were on leftof otago. Wentup Chailik Dere & got a little further tan our infy are now at Apex.
Well mo 38 During Satied see bead of Each columm. they is see a cotunin Abt 10 fabt 2000 men At noon 4,000. Abb Tmile out of way. You cd see heads of 4 different columne to N of as ton Deller wok posson of Chunick duing carly morning (Batoo) We saw them there. There were a few tomies there Bayn pteratabl, we saw some men appt Orcakay thro' without arms! men in trendes were curi rounds shooting them down. Abt 10 am They wd be glaters 8th sendmorng. orders to report at Sam w 2sgns to Bdier. Reported at tan Started 8.15 pm Opu look


got into rearmost trench

& made good position.

Sergt Maj. Milne got 5 running

Turks to one grenade. The

Ts seemed (all exc. abt 40) to have

pulled out to dugouts during shelling

-proby asleep. Some had no

arms. No great yelling - Our

own cheer proby startled

them - cheered loud to let

fellows on left know.


Were thro' to rear trenches by

9.15. No live Ts. (exc. a few

prisoners taken) until on position

after 9.30.


There for rest of night &

till 1.30 next day.

Then went to Overtons

Gully near NZ Inf Bde H.Q.

There all tt night, till 2 am.

on 8th. 



[Hand drawn diagram}






Aug 8th-2am. moved to support infy.

Remained by Bde H.Q.

Abt 9 am. ordered to support infy.

Deployed into 8s & ran across

neck in 8s. 3 or 4 migs on as there -

Had some wounded. Lay down

behind a saddle - (whole

regt). X (map here) There when men moved

the shrapnel got onto as 2 guns on far hills indirect fire. Extreme range.

Col. Chapman K. by shrap.


At abt xx 1pm. we moved 

to support firing line - crawling

on stomachs. We had to crawl

over a little ledge into a second

shallow gully wh took us within 200

yds of firing line. Then we

deployed & charged across

in ½ sqns. (Maj. Schofield comdg)

Fire ws high. We found men in firing

line were done. The trench

ws 3/&6 deep. On rs it ws

within 5yds of T.trench, on



[Hand drawn diagram}


Little trench w 4 or 5 dead territorials

Turnks get in here (on 8th)

NZ Trench

Turk Trench

NZ trench

4 sqn charged

Headq. of Base

Turks get in here



left 15 yds. They were bombing

-succession of attacks all I

time. New bns seemed to be

coming whole time. 50. 60.

hand grenades in air at once.

We had no hand grenades &

those in trenches had pl used

all theirs. They Turks were getting

right out of trenches & coming on 

w bombs, officers leading them -

just got over trench to make

attack & we knocked them

down - Also opp saw at least

10 or 15 attacks all afternoon

Little shrapnel. Wounded out

in rear were getting it - were working all night.

The 4th Sqn bringing up

rations etc ws somehow or

another ordered to charge

& ws cut up.



At little sandbag H.Q.

Signallers were sitting 

outside main H.Q. when

German officer came up &

asked signaller if he were

English or N.Z. He sd yes.

Stranger fired w revolver,

missing him. Sergt. Maloney

(N. Cluckil Sq.) picked up rifle

& drove bayonet thro. him.

Turks coming behind shot

Maloney. In night - diff to see

Alsopp saw it - cam thro

prickly scrub - spoke beautiful

English - he ws not more

than 3 yds away.

You cd see/ other

Turks. Capt Wood ws shot

there (sniping there all day)

All comms were cut off. Had

telephone but wires destroyed.

Lt [?] went down 2 or 3 times

for reinforcements. 



[Hand drawn diagram]


Remaining 2 sqns were to

have come thro scrub but climbed

up clay faces (enabling to cut -



Wellington M.R.

Started behind Auckland.

Turned (1st 2 troops.i.e. abt 50) Turned

off to right at abt 10.xx & seized

Destroyer Hill by 10.15.

Bayonets abt 20 Turks, 8 were

taken prisoner; many ∧were in dugouts -

It was done & v.quickly. The Trench

was on top -∧they went thro the dugouts first.


(map in here)

Common betw. Old No 3 & T.Top. They

zigzagged up I end ∧o/gully. When ∧they were half

way up, Turks threw a flare

on ridge between Old No 3 &

T.Top wh set fire to scrub &

raised a big flame. Men

were just then digging zigzag

steps in clay face NW of Table

Top & were clearly visible.

They stopped a moment -

thought might be visible from



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Judi GayferJudi Gayfer
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