Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/32/1 - 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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19 & answer came back "No more bombs? Parise then began to stoot on 75 tn end line of truches + shot several They shpped down within phe over edge on it & remain in dreadgod, all day one we ard in arm, ind anwd, garvie in foobor Cout i they started him off lst as w. in foot - but to immed - he fot in opened w a dimonstratio & oters probs caught or this + never trond up. Turke came out & searched some hodies. went back & ws laughing & joking i second in an get out. in trichis any men sported him & find
Garvie ws in lirst time. snour front brech The earth as falleng down in a continuous stream fom parapet I to Dr Cdas dress his patients there. 20 & he got back. After to they Cawe away Sameone saw a man plant a flag on parapet on right It is so to he planted a flags & as he planted it jamp into trench. - proby he wd be in Ifirst tive – (who were to take 15t line of trunches & stop ther] this may be taken as correct Dro wilfoed Harper of W. Anshalan in Godtine on extreme right we last seen sprinting for his life towards 1F brench. 2nd Linc saw first line down. Sodline saw then & went ont fast
(take this paye in at O, next paye but one (who has died since) Gollan as on 8th line wh as certainly ordered to go. 17 camateus in C. Sgn wh wsin th line 10.6H AFLB. 35 hime Maj. ToDd: Capt Try, Rapt M Masters H Hetter, (Tackon D.H., bomb offiar Bidd, Harper, Turnep Roskams. 4thLen (EBS C) Scott: Capt Peesse H. Hamby Burgess Clrin), Lgall, Capi Rowan, & Craig. May scott who commendi synded ifth line e- b piece of boub. t Peesse, Cra wan k; Cruig & Scott W. Rowen ws ton parapet -bod ncovered at once. izell, Roshams, & hyall got saw night te herlelise before 21 Serg, Hampshire - who wend out f Dod line brought on several boay men - sushing them in govy on his elbows; he ws in I centre - Hbarg ws one to he saved. H went out. abt 5 & 4 macbean sd he had to throw his arms round him to stp him pay again. He was getting someone else in & passed & Crai & totd him he wa come back for him. I lost his leg thro pacture (also shot thro' elbow). M.9. ws sweeping (parapet & hit men in less. My Sobtt Brd line on left order to dis in - I kidd
22 ws only officer there wo some of the Pt LH. & 10th. H Lyall we w on 8th- (rreveously w. at quinns). I take in here the last rage butone. 11th Battation, Landiy Note. Pinktop of the 11th (see reg Red. called himself so because of his red hair & ase to trade under I name real save Iimcoct ae his name Scott (4 Bon at L. Tne Maj. Mackay had just be hitat t our acroplans his made good trench maps before LR not atcurate as to augh but on wshols excellent then knew by Orginally we had X& ame truch war to truck at 2 made it untinable (take two want of boubs
(Sc 23 Hostomne got his atI in pain Lloyds men got bombed to Pr came back without warning men in D & built barricade at t Men in D were cut off. men have been MV.sdto Scott: Hoyds subed back. you will have i take the trench. 6. y I don't thank be knew men were in D 160. D. Isd whill come wo me. we hopped over barr, as + made a rush Straight towards A not knowen what gaig at & got them red haned bombing ust behaw barricade + shot For 4. Barr, was 4H high & we saw them over top - Then ran further along. I sent 2 men along to t hold Ts back while Ir another bomber. One of 2 men on guard watehey to rifles & shooting gt killed. They fired
d Ctake in opd where marked) (At Love Pine young Richards (4Bn) tells me to he thinks the T machine guns were pickening out the machine jun carriers etc. Theis were ki & the seeund to play on them when down. Sm all bodies of Tarks remained when 3rd Lene jot in - abt 7mins after charge. when 151 men were alread Jnst at furthest Cruch shrapnel as then drenchin space between & many gothit in living parapets b notic them srivel up, as it were, as he can past one after another. The Turks, wd come out a their rifles. ten Trest. in -oneor two first 24 into t smake. Bombs began damage comeng. only one sot in did no t One man gt / shot in Para - One took place of deadman ansuddenly crawled in (1B from back (really from D). 28m 31 M.G. from Tally as betteng bank S at S. I put Lloyd bldg a SBr barricede at S-ing. Crevt st I s otherm pittes along truch to end & get out One man fot shot & sd he cont move. I do gouv fot to move. get along as best you can. Thy made one flying leap They throw their rafles over first They threw as all corts of boubs. including some 75 cases filled w H.E. one fell short - next settled in t place. the 1s. e knew our rifles +dead mans rifle to Doyd. told him to cleartings while we made a dive - wereithit in crossing. Fevebucot &to we hav a wait all varricide buil.
The Wek. 415 Bd 25 Tis being asked in Engl.why light H. Charged on 1 Nek? I have often wondered if it ws justifiable: But putting it other way - wh N.Z.bde fighting for its fife on (scope of Rhodo to reach Isummit - wot success or faiturs of whole operato, as it appeared, Ed they have stayed in their trcueties & done nothing. They did help, undoubted to keep tarks away from 13 shep Hill ofUte Betty Any 8. Kawcontells me to be did not see monash's attack Bet at 898.30 on Aug7 he got notice to stand by the suppos
1 Australn Bde wh ws you to attack Abdel Rahman Bair at 110/C. This wdbefrom Gen. Cox. The attack never came off Wext day from abl 80/c. onwd be had to shell 1 Razor Back wh runs in a southerly direction from Abdel Rohman (prolz to cover 4Bde's retreat after attack It ws mgs wh defeated (ateck.
Huck. M.R. Maj. L. Chapman Auy 817 16. Churk 8 thing Lin were Shinx Zully & walk So sph. came out on St. Rested. SI stept on No 2 out post w Otoge All day 5r Kere (shelled some camalties 1k2 w abl 6 pm Moved 8.30 w orders rifles nott be loaded. only bayonebased. We were to rush Old No3 outpost Rush & Bon I pickets Attack for 9pm. 3Sqn. had met some pickets & killed ten - dont think her we any firing. Gum fer from ship covered movemnt. interval of 10 mm. Then at foot of hill - we closed up
t g os g 4 2 & 32 5 71 8 6 7 2 t 8 S 11 28 ranks. Then 2 sgns went up on Aucklans W. auck Either side. 3ra on et, 11,00 ceft. 4t Waskato in centre in support. We had got right to sandbays & distroyer had leagthened puse & nt firing down reverse stope. As soon as Destroger shat of her light tremendous cheer then clambered over trench others can to rear jumping over treches not worryny abt positi in pont at 6th wdt deal with Found no Large quanter of bombs. Only one shot came near one Sqn. 8k & 13w ws all regt loss (some bayoneted t picket an hellside) Ind troop of 11th Sqn want Straight to dug outs on rear stope. Other Blroops

& answer came back “No
more bombs." Garvie then

began to shoot on Ts in 2nd

line of trenches & shot several.

They slipped down so a within

½ hr over edge on rt &

remained in dead grd. all day.

One ws wd in arm, 2nd

unwd, Garvie in foot w

bomb; they started him

off 1st as w. in foot-but

Ts mined - he got in opened

w a demonstration & others

probly caught in this & never
turned up. Turk came 

out & searched some bodies -

went back & ws laughing &

joking; second man got out -           

our men ∧in trenches spotted him & fired



(Garvie was in /
first line.)→

[In our front trench (?).
The earth was falling

down in a continuous stream
from parapet so tt Dr cd not
dress his patients there.]


& he got back. After tt they

came away.  
Someone saw a man plant 

a flag, on parapet on right 

It is sd tt he planted a

flag, & as he planted it jumped

into / trench. - probly he wd 

be in / first line - (who were

 to take 1st line of trenches &

stop there). This may be taken

as correct. X

Tpr. Wilfred Harper of W. Australia

in 3rd line on extreme right

was last seen sprinting for his

life towards / T. trench.

2nd Line saw first line

go down. 3rd line saw

them & went out fast.


(Take this page in at X, next page but one.)   
Gollan (who has died since)  ws in 4th line wh

ws certainly ordered to go. 

17 casualties in C.Sqn 

(wh ws in 4th line)

10. L.H.

A & ½ B. 3rd Line.

Maj. Todd: Capt Fry, Capt M'Masters

Lt Heller, (Jackon D.A., bomb officer) Kidd,

Harper, Turnbull, Roskarns.

4th Line (½ B & C) ∧Maj. Scott: Capt Piesse; Lts Hamblin

Burgess (Irwin), Lyall, Capt Rowan, Lt Craig.

Maj. Scott who commanded

4th line got woundedws wounded - by   

 piece of bomb.        

Piesse, Craig, x Rowan k; Craig

& Scott w.
Rowan ws k on parapet - body

recovered at once.

x Turnbull, Roskarns, & Lyall got stars night before
x Rhodes scholar


Sergt. Hampshire- who went

out w / 3rd line brought in

6 or 7several men - pushing them in

going on his elbows; he ws

in / centre - Lt Craig ws one

tt he saved. H. went out abt

5 & Lt Macbean sd he had to

throw his arms round him

to stop him going again. He

was getting someone else in

& passed Craig & told him he

wd come back for him.

C. lost his leg thro fracture

(also shot thro' elbow). m.g.

ws sweeping / parapet & hit

men in legs.

Maj: Scott   3rd line on left

got order to dig in - Lt Kidd



ws only officer in there ws some

of the 8th L.H. & 10th.

Lt Lyall ws w. on 8th - (previously w.

at Quinns). (X Take in here the last

page but one.)

11th Battalion, Landing

Note. Pinktop of the 11th (see regt Recd)
called himself so because of record)
his red hair & used
to trade under / name.
(Dave Simcocke ws his real name).
Scott (4 Bn at L.Pine)   

Maj. Mackay 

had just 

bn hit at L       





Jolly              X            Y


                               L                        s                         



Our aeroplanes had 
made good trench maps before L.P.                                                     not accurate as to angle 

but on whole excellent                                                                       Officers knew by 

name trench

they were to 



Originally we had XY 

Trench as Z made it untenable 

thro' want of bombs                                                                                            



Lt ∧J Osborne got hit at D in groin

Lloyds men got bombed to P & came

back without warning men in D

& built barricade at P.

Men in D were cut off.

M'N. sd to Scott: "Lloyds [shorthand symbols] ∧men have been

bombed back - you will have to take the trench".


I don't think he knew men were in D.
symbols] D.

(Scott) "I sd who'll come w me.

We hopped over barr. at P

& made a rush straight towards

A not knowing that going at &

got them red handed bombing

just behind barricade & shot

 3 or 4. Barr. was 4ft high

 & we saw them over top - They

ran further along.

I sent 2 men along to bomb

hold Ts back while I & 

another bombed. One of 2 men

on guard watching w rifles

& shooting got killed. They fired


(Take in opp where marked)

[At Lone Pine - young Richards

(4Bn) tells me tt he thinks the

T. machine guns were picking

out the machine gun carriers

etc. Theirs were killed & they 

seemed to play on them

when down.

Small bodies of Turks

remained when 3rd line got

in - abt 7 mins after charge.

When 1st men were already

just at furthest trench.

Shrapnel ws then drenching 

space between & many got hit

in lining parapets - he noticed

them shrivel up, as it were, as

he ran past - one after another. The

Turks wd come out w their rifles

down - one or two first - then / rest.]                                                                                                 


into Turk smoke. Bombs began

coming only one got in; did no damage [symbol

One man got shot in / arm - one took place of dead man.                                                

 Man suddenly crawled in                           

  from back (really from D).                          

4 Bn    


all mixed*]

[* 3 Bn 

6 reinf 

got killed)*  
M.g. from Jolly ws hitting bank                                    
 at S. I put Lloyd bldg 
a barricade at S - mg.
I sd to other men ∧in D wriggle 
along trench to end & get out                                             One man got shot & sd he cdnt move.
I sd youve got to move. Get 
along as best you can.                                                 

They made one flying leap

They threw their rifles over first

They threw us all sorts of bombs.
including some 75 cases filled w 
H.E. one fell short- next settled 
the Ts in tt place. We threw our rifles & dead 
mans rifle to Lloyd. Told him to 
clear things while we made a dive -
weren't hit in crossing.

Trench ws v. low.
We had to wait till barricade built. 




                                                                                                                                                              The Nek.


4 th Bde


It is being asked in Engl. Why
/ Light H. charged on / Nek?
I have often wondered if it ws

justifiable: But- putting it /

other way - w / N.Z. bde
fighting for its life on / slope of
Rhodo to reach / summit - involving

/ success or failure o / whole 

operatn, as it appeared, -

cd they have stayed in their

trenches & done nothing?

They did help, undoubtedly,

to keep Turks away from B'ship

Aug 8  Rawson ∧o / Mtn Batty tells me tt he
did not see Monash's attack.

But at 8 or 8.30 on Aug 7 he
got notice to stand by to support


1 Australn Bde wh ws going            
to attack Abdel Rahman Bair

at 11 o'c. This wd be from Gen. Cox.
The attack never came off.
Next day from abt 8 o'c onwds
he had shell / Razor Back

wh runs in a southerly direction

from Abdel Rahman (partly to 

cover 4 Bde's retreat after attack)

It ws wh defeated / attack.



Auckl. M.R.      Maj.F.Chapman.
Aug 6/7                        k. Chunuk 8th
Sphinx Gully between walk. Ridge & Sph.
Came out on 5th. Rested 5 th
Slept on No 2 outpost w Otago.
All day 6th there (shelled some

casualties 1 k 2 w 

abt 6pm.)

Moved  8.30 w orders rifles not to 

be loaded. only bayonets used.
We were to rush Old No 3 outpost,
Rush & bayonet pickets.
Attack for 9pm.
3 Sqn. had met some pickets
& killed them - dont think there 

ws any firing. Gun fire from
ship covered movement.
Interval of 10 min. Then
at foot of hill - we closed up


Heavy wire across 


w gaps & 


of mines 

in each gap.
Man ws 


w hand 





in trench   

In beautiful day out was switchbd 
& 5 wires- batty only connected w one
Bayonet ws stuck thro him before he had time to do anything                                    

[Take in this map for note here ⇣]                   





3                                               3rd sqn.

2                    4th in support


                                                                                                                                                              [*Take in this map 4 note here⇣ *]



ranks. Then 2 sqns went up on

either side 3rd ∧(Auckland) on rt, 11 ∧(N.Auck) on left.
4th Waikato in centre in support.

We had got right to sandbags
& destroyer has lengthened fuse
& ws firing down reverse slope.
As soon as Destroyer shut 
off her light tremendous cheer

Men clambered over trench,
others ran to rear jumping over

trenches not worrying abt positn

in front wh 4th wd deal with
found no Large quantity 

of bombs. Only one shot came
near one sqn. 8 k & 13 w ws
 all regt loss (some bayoneted by
picket on hillside)..
  →  .x.  2nd troop of 11th Sqn went
straight to dug outs on 
near slope. Other 3 troops

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