Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/32/1 - 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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6th ay Resre W. Clw B. 25/5/23. but our men were still far away at bottom o1 Gully, By Itime the got up 1T5. had all got back & they got it in 1 neck. They also say to I start for the 6th attack ws fearfully slow. The into guns were to pash off at 9.30 They did so & arrd. at Restfully at 10.30. There a stap officer 50l. The advance guard, even, has not pushed off yet (I think he as wrong. The battery officer made his men bie down & sleep till called while he satwatchey 1start. when it aame, men had to be huiter poon their dugouts; regts were aot ready paraded. they started a batches w huge gaps between - both Austialians Indians. Some hopeless staft work there. This wdbe 1 last 2 Bris of the 4th Bde.
SLH. lt. white Dale T Woods Resford Marsh Sex Grenpell Bortwick Wilon Torson A. H. B Huly in Seelle McLaurin Hore Rob. Hy. Craw part Car. Housed Noons went (ibt) in Each tine. "I unce they knew there, was an attack-one ol ur ay tad ter a to as tines ten ec eof s te right of lin 6 10 get rouns pocketon (st (the head of monash fally at the NCK. wort r Se less bus ofthe Boe. 85 Ke Aug7 From Rt. 18t fine 4 tablet Woods Col. White Henty 4 Dale Borthwick Resford Marst anderion Witson 2ndline Here Howserd Higgns Dekle Crapford i Caythew malfu Grant. Robinon (by redlang) Madaurin (at whespery reund
Accountdf Nek charp as 10 seen by Sirgt Ashburner from Turks Head Fr3 in cenet Tor Clockhoril 1 41 0 1 1111 fereed e 5 455 Aug7. The Wek. Sergt Ashburner - 10,000 rounds from Tw tok during nighte 4Bam. tld to cease fire Bombardment shelled into fully & other lines but messed fiohed time of trenches. A teficer kept on looking over from pont tine abend of proceedings after charge - shell hit him. 11 te Turks were on top of parcpets Ashburner open outs, M.9. on to Turkish right agst orders. Ront French ws full of Ts brech high. We cdnt see back line trench- not bec. of. Third time got as far as knoll hat to scaley ladders & dropped these by first part H End lics went out runnin charging; 3od tue bent w rifles on guards walking. when they phas for as knoll be turned & those who io get back to trenches did 50. Order came thos from Col. Kinell arest you feriy on our ocon men. yen were then all down. Mr Hetcheson took a party of suyners (S)oshol T at 200 y do & guns gt Cot- As soon as gun sot outs
12 them they got down & knockad out 2 men of seation As soon as boubt. ceased (w couple of stiayshots) Turks began to at heads over parapet. After charge ws over distioyers started firing. No shells seemed to go into pant line till after show us over when destroyer put abo 10 shells strayht o. some of first party, bombey party. got over the skyling to the right & we thought Ithing wo going well till word came down (after 30) had gne t) to it ws a faihures Capt Hoare maning a bay way abead Fone man; gt within abt 15 ydsof T Y. He had abt 80 7ds to go where he was - looked roued once to see
13 if men were come The Ts started to fire before our man got out - they seemed to Expect a bombard ment 30r4 Bomby Party we Bt thee man. Ed see men trying to drink out of bottles afterwos - & raising aris – butwither S 0 4 Was then second &be dead. Then hr before next lot. Then a long time before last lot. 10tC.H, Hill 60 prossell as a Sanderson. Saunderson in charge of bombers, Thronch chiyof sappers. Startes abt 2o wiks later. Gotinto yr of the 15t, l) w Capt Byl
Has t bourts were falling in& They wold Try to leave it but he wdn't & 25 I my skeech. from memory not fresk revidence Tunk in Quinns: pr. Robson tast of line as getting co of trench when he fellback. gurk agpaierover parapet abt 6 shoot- other F seiged rifle & shot him-Last is stragling w some others. 14 te in the owing bowbs. I were old parspet o throwing teartey bombo. (no fighting for a few hrs - some waited for 1st party turt Prob. fon left t waited on rcarsed thei aparapet for we lost so att It was on Hey 29. 1amt 10 tie lep tradies. Towed wg abt 10 assites after thwent w aad line on extr. right. The Ts: made abit of a fight as they retired. An unwounded T. prisoner indicated by signs where c-attackmged be expected. I came of at Abt. 4 am. Cd Jast see them coming out of trench wh ran from top of ours on right- (these seemed to be oldtrenches tho down kill on plains oflax). By this time Mc Bean had b
Fakel in this page at when ae got into them the Truches were in some places half fell of dead turks who had often bu rightly buried under floor of trech leavily surface springy Plan of Tark Counter attack, Kidd pat in little I trenches afternos at S&Sstmen cd fire without getting into open. In S Cattack When t Eame is at Y Captkidd threw, out a part into scrut on owr inctiativs & cleared them back from a into their own trench A kidds Party (he us outh them rby kidd certy did excellent work (his wat 15 be in trench (after charge he kuet sty of Turks in French. He k one, next K him - Thot We were consolidatin Throsself Try were basy putting up overhead cover - were caught in middle of it. attack ws cheell wo bombs. we cd se them apparent in lives. First time wiped. out or took cover. Secon cve wd pick up remainder etc. We had erected 2 now barricades &pubup a Brd. Is are now usin our first. We beat off Sot C. attack in abt by Mr. & then went on consolidation (whils 18 Combing only from X) Before
50 1ight they delivered 2nd for 3id four catlack- for a all bombiy & we replied to rifpes hombo's men Dn left had to get over paropet to fire & Ha v. fierce lost many of these men on parapt There ws a third wilder attact abt abt 6 am. Throssell we working at shelters & a attacks & pradical held end of trenct himself white parapet as benng built - berriad &overhead cour-n. He must have to att 7B.w his rifle - he as holding end of trench while barr. ltt in port of them. He ws hit w buller at abt rain in Shoulder; he didnt get wound dreased. In 40c. C allo & hit thro' neck to rifle bullet & dint leave tendies. Cpt K. ordered him ofit. it abt P am. He went to Capt Bently + wstsld much aptwill to he dnot to go back as hews unfit all men tro mylt spike of works I It incouragemest he gave thing 1Oth L.H. Nek 16 Aug 7. Capt Vernon Presse to Hopshin 10 Rlst. we sent away by to a an4he objectin He knew there ws ane attack on- So he got off on night of th 6& knextmorning I'd never havebu able to stand ap agn If I hadat he sd te night before. sers Collan (son of Majog of Beverley) whose father Wel. made him start in Franks was in F Amblee. He beged not to be sent awa sdhe as alright day before - the Dr tells me he went alright. He wd wrn. in I trech
before starting thro haue went out never t & had his high shattered- (bomb or 75) many men hit thro bf fell into strain if bullets. 2 men ran past Hoare. Bot There ws a distrnct pause betw. time when boubt. ceasedo pst line went. Destroger started form into truches in pout & on Suyers Ridge (prob. after our attack started) 5 gsfency & rapitt after our men started. endling aft 2mind after 15t. Some from Secret sax Cabt. 3 ft deep) the word 3rd lie on left
18 advance ws passed down before 2nd time we clear. 4th tine didn't getanton lp & part of 320line (A trook of 15 Sen.) did not get out oweny to wouded blockin trunches & difficuly of gette in. Gen. Hughes,was tooking thio periscope from Olivers trech mortar positn. Garvie of O.L.H. ws out all day, all to night, allnextday & camin folly night betw 708 He &2 others got underneath T. peropet (sauobys). unwounded at time. They one bag of bombe all of at they threes into T trench; called out for more

7th &6th day

Reserve Gy.



but our men were still far away

at / bottom o / Gully. But / time

they got up / Ts. had all got back

& they got it in / neck

They also say tt / start for the 6th Aug

attack ws fearfully slow. The

mortar guns were to push off at 9.30

 - They did so & arrd. at Rest Gully

at 10.30. There a staff officer sd

" The advance guard even has not

pushed off yet" (I think he was

wrong). The battery officer made his

men lie down & sleep till called

while he sat watching / start.

When it came, men had to be

hunted from their dug out; /

regts were not ready paraded;

they started in batches w huge

gaps between - both Australians

Indians. Some hopeless staff

work there. This wd be / last 2 Bn of the 4th Bde.


 8th L.H.

Col White



T. Woods

a. Wilson xxxxx Marsh say Grenfell Borthwick Hurly


McLauren   Hore

Rob. Hy. Craw Grant Car. Hound


175 (abt) in each line. No one went

sick since they knew there was an attack - one

old miner,very bad for a long time, wont go sick

The job of those [[?]] be right o / line  was to

To [[prbly?]] [[?]] / pocket or 1st

(the head of Monash Gully, so → 


at the Nek.
work there. This and be /

last 2 bns of the 4th Bde

8th L H Reg Aug 7

From Rt

1st line

Col White  

Lt Table Woods

Lt Dale 







2nd line













( by red lamp


(at Wispering Tunnel)



Account of Nek charge as

seen by Sgt Ashburner from Turks Head

Diagram: please see scanned original document

Aus 7. The Nek

Sgt Ashburner- 10-000 rounds from

Turks ^post during nights

4.30 am. told  to cease fire

Bombardment shelled into Gully

& other lines but missed front

line of trenches. A Turk Officer

kept on looking over from front

line at end of proceedings after

charge - shell hit him.

11 10
Turks were on top of parapets

Ashburner opened with m.g.

onto Turkish right agst orders.

Front trench ws full of Ts breach

bigde - We cdnt see back line of 

trench - not bc of

Third line got as far as Knoll

to scaling ladders had bn dropped there

by first party.

1st & 2nd lines went out running -

charging; 3rd line bent w

rifles on guard, walking.

When they got as far as Knoll they

turned & those who cd get back

to trenches did so.

Order came thro' from Col Russell-

aren't you firing on our own men.

Men were then call down-

Mr Hutchinson took a party sniper

(5) & shot Ts at 200 yds & guns got /

lot- As soon as gun got onto



then they got down & knocked

out 2 men of section.

As soon as  bombs ceased (w

couple of stray shots) Turks began to

get near our parapet. After

charge ws over destroyers

starter firing. No shells seemed to

go into the front line till after show

ws over when destroyer put

abt 10 shell straight in.

Some of first party, bombing party,

got over the skyline to the right &

we thought / thing ws going well till

word came down (after 3hrs had

gone thro tt it ws a failure

Capt Hoare running a long way

ahead  & one man, got within 

 abt 15yds of Ts. He

had abt 80 yds to go where he 

was - looked round once to see



if men were coming.

The Ts. started to fire before our

men got out - they seemed to

expect a bombardment.

Bombing party ws 1st then main party 3 or 4 mins

cd see men trying to drink

out of bottles afterwards - & raising

arms- but within 3 or 4 hrs they 

seemed to be dead.

Then ¼ hr before next lot.

Then a long time before last lot.

10th L.H., Hill 60.

Russell wd w

Sanderson - Saunderson in

charge of Bombers, Throssell in

charge of sappers. Started abt

20 mins later. Got into [[?]].

Capt Fry (in command of the 1st ^Bt line) wd



Diagram - please see original scanned document.

(my sketch- from memory

 - not fresh evidence)

Turks in Quinns

1pm Robson last of line ws getting out

of trench when he fell back. xx Turk

appeared over parapet abt to shoot.

Other T seized rifle & shot him - Last

seen struggling w some others.



K is throwing bombs - here (referring to diagram)

See diagram Pge 13a

were bldy parapet & throwing Turkish

bombs. (No fighting for a few

hrs - some waited for 1st party).

Prob ^Turks left to waited on rear side

of ^their parapet for xxx xxx xxxx we lost so

heavily on left.

It was on Aug 29. / Aus tt 1st time

left trenches.  Joined w 9th
 xxx abt 10 minutes after.

Tk went w 2nd line on extr, right;

The Ts made a bit of a fight as

they retired. An unwounded T

prisoner indicated by signs where

c - attack might be expected. It

came off at abt 4 am-cd

just see them coming out of

 trench wh ran from top of ours

on right - (these seemed to be

old trenches - those down /

hill on plains  flat).

By this time McBean had bn



(Take in this page at A)

When we got into them the

trenches were in some places half

full of dead Turks who had often bn

lightly buried under floor of trench

leaving surface springy.

Plan of Turk. Counter attack.

Diagram: please see original scanned document

Kidd put in little

T trenches afterwards

at S & S x tt men

cd fire without getting

into open →

In first attack

When Turks came in at Y Capt  Kidd

threw out a party into scout on own

initiative & cleared them back from

Z into their own trench.

A Kidd party (he ws out w them)

Kidd certly did excellent work (his 3rd [[?]]




k in trench (after charge he met

pty of Turks in Trench. He k

one, next k. him - shot).

We were consolidating - Throssell

& Fry were busy putting up

overhead cover - were

caught in middle of it.

Attack ws chiefly w bombs.

We cd see them - apparently

in lines. First line wiped

out or took cover. Second

line wd pick up remainder

etc. We had erected 2

barricades & ^put up a Bn.

(Ts are now using our first.)

We beat off 1st C.attack

in abt ½ hr. & then went on

consolidating (while T.s

bombing only from x) Before



light they delivered 2nd (0r 3d)

c-attack - for an hour abt xxxx, all

bombing x we replied w rifles &

bombs; men on left had to get

over parapet to fire. It ws v fierce

 - lost many of these men on parapet.

There was a third milder attack abt

abt 6 am. Throssell ws working

at shelters & c attacks & practically

held / end o / trench himself

while parapet ws being built - barricade

& overhead count- He ws bombing. He

must have k abt 7 Ts w his rifle -

he was holding end of trench while barr.

blt in front of him. He ws hit w bullet

at abt 7 am in shoulder; he didnt go

to get wound dressed. In 4 o'c. c - attack

ws hit thro neck w rifle bullet & didnt

leave trenches. Capt K. ordered him out -

at abt 8 am. He went to Capt Bentley & 

ws told much after-will  tt he won’t

to go back as he ws unfit.

All men thro / night spoke of [[?]]

gt encouragement he gave them.

(A) Here

take in last

half but one.



10th L.H. NEK

Aug 7. Capt Vernon Piesse

10 Regt ws sent away to [[Hosp?]] ship by Dr

abt  aug 4 - he objecting.


He knew there ws an attack

on - So he got off on night

of Aug 6 & ws k. next morning.

"I'd never have bn able

to stand up after If I hadn't

he sd. the night before.

Serg Gollan ( son of Maj. G.

of Beverley W.A. ) whose father

made him start in / ranks

was in F Amblu. He not

begged not & be sent away

[[4 sake ?]] was & so he ws alright /

day before - he dr tells me

he wsnt alright. He

ws wounded in / trench



thro ' hand before starting, went out never the less

& had his thigh shattered -

(bomb or [[75?]]) many men hit

thro leg fell into streamof bullets.

2 men ran past Hoare.


There ws a distinct pause

betw time when went bombs.

ceased & 1st line went.

Destroyer started firing

in to trenches in front &

on Surprise' Ridge (prob. after

our attack started).

75 guns firing v rapidly

after our men started.

2nd line aft 2 mins after

1st. Some from secret sap (aft. 3

ft deep).

On left the word 3rd line



advance ws passed down

before 2nd line ws clear.

4th line didnt get out on

left & part of 3rd line (a troop

of B sqn.) didnt get out

owing to wounded blocking

trenches & difficultly of 

getting in.

Gen Hughes, xxx was

looking thro periscope from Olivers

trench mortar position.

M Garvie of 8 L.H. ws out all

day, all tt night all next day,

& confirm night betw 7 & 8;

He & 2 others got underneath

T. parapet (sandbags) unwounded

at time. They one  of bombs 

all of wh they threw into

T trench; called out for more



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