Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/32/1 - 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR1606/3217 Title: Notebook, 1915 includes references to various Australian Light Horse Regiments, and Indian and New Zealand units at Gallipoli. AWMISS-3DRL60613211
N 35 3 0 3 8 5 HIM. H A 0 0 2 a 83 Te 32-33 5 42. A6 &H1160 the
Sever 864 Capt. Thorn 21. M13. Corpl. Rickard puthn Moort Lavan tae e Ev pun it s Der Observry Aug 7 w N2. Aa967 &11160 Lt Nesbit. Otago trif. for Duncan. Sergt Trnlen tres al CCy 17b 32
Veb 8 pound. All but 25 accounted for. 2 witls Fir boots off in Cittle F.T S hunpy; I Gurkda. Turks were in sally Mritill tells me of the fallowing men who have been doing fine fa wore. Richards Corpl 1JE Ex. malter 194. Gerd Linacre of 94 Copt. Fiday all oscouts also day syte Of chap of 50 yaw & 2 sonskotted wom he found in his Bde. Chap who ws crypy Saged in the Rick. 1 30 ps wit dan atons, Dere. Brough in 3one ight antill tills me that Sergt Wilson of 9EEH) at Bottom of Sayli Deryks fo1 let remainy 3oppated Chund Teranton to obsece Sutlely ran into a patrol of 4 Tuales, one leading, 3 bhind 5F ] shothim at Byds. He first & k he bagoneted end (rifle ap to kilt on ood I Bember 2 Nemcelling one he thought trossels V.C. Hill 60 wish of Aug28. Callery Taffray, & FryK. Throstell 24t. from sanks (ncupsomoted) wt Capt. Kidd of 10 AH. French lost by Connaught 65 Connauge RS No room in trench bec. To full Throusel wa of dea [ inn up & down believed French enguraging men & boup trowing. Bomb dropded onto him opened up back upuscles & shoulder blade &hit in 3 other places. Went on for 2 hours when nearly fainted. they sent him back; Dr fired him up the wait to come back but they walt allow Hill 60. Aug. 28/95 Assault by AKH. at 3.30. am 28 Aug. 1am. 29 Aug. 6710L.H. Ross of Kise two 170.) 10L. H. K Fry, heake, & Mackeen. 1 Tolal (k. w785
The next night Awaned 9t L.4. man, 50 recoverd from under glesd turks &ws draged out but diedon way H F.A. 3 ofr. K. 1268 ors kw. rm. Fotil 71. 27 GLH. Ang 28 night Attack by 9t. on ?Aug. 29. morns. Warned 7 P.M. 4 Phillis & SOmen 9.30 wentout went out to reinforce Russell who put in 11.30 Capt Parsons, Capt Taffray At Mardonald co 100 B. Capt Callery & 25 men. Maj Parsons W 52 men bombed way along firs trunch abt looys but had to return all 20 yos & barricad AHack 12.30 Col. Rinell, Copts Callersy & Taffrey & H M. Donald to 75 wen attempted to cross over & join N.3 & then wheet to lef & fight back to makes at barricate. They seems to bse directy in serab + arrives at truch held by Parsons, set ont again for where 1s were & came under withing fire- Mg.
& rifle, bombs. D M. Don. Sery Maj Shaw & Sman pbback. to wounded called in. I serst & 15 men on it were detached but reached in and trunch from wh starled. MrD after getting back returned to times & bought in 6 wd men. Maj. Parson's party ws bombed back further but fought back somewhats fold held. at 10 am. on 29th L M.D. t coveri parte fought way to bombs along trench & councity W 10 LH. who had some time previously rushed traces? taken them. Rinell & Taffrays bodies found - not callerays A wounded of He LH man was recovered next night under 2 dead Turks Ad ws dragges put, but die on way to suls ambulanc. MHcaciooas 3 offis K. 682 K.W. or m. Totol 71. (101L A.LH.-see below)
Bombfight w0 kept up till Sept 7 (parth traning Ks army who were sanwiched with as) fidd gave orders agot picking up bombs as they were shosien m fuses, on pending every bomb the own back. After this put in little Sandby? steps or traverse to locale to catch boards mtt wch effect of explasion. Also threw sand baps. On Aug 29. ShettCe. Cook of 10L1. Cooked for whole regt, supplied a 3 course meal for whole rest. (att 2 pm.)4c w batwen carted water 12 miles- That night auy 28729 we were supposed to have throw n 3200 bouls & D. 4 10L.H.8pgan L Howard, Burgess & To men detailed at 20w, on 29 Ang. ander gen Russell to proceed to reserve trth to bombs. At 6.10 p.m. measage from fim Russel asky for 50 I more. B.30 pm. Operate Order atft instruction 1016 L H to recapters is a receptured truches on N W slope of hil 60. assang went forunder &Fmg. kible & bombs & seized T trenches. Heavy bomby 5 thro night & Leavy c. attack at day light wt repolie swmac bes. Durin day fighting could but brnches despenedobod kown out .2 no got
70 ant IAs report ran:- emplocea (B)5 exhaucted still in posetn. Casnathis 3ofrk. 3 w. 79 others. 85 LtMacdonald tept Kidd did leadid work; 1 Throssell, (Continued at Son last pase but one Ytar Bty, Hill 60 On Auy 20 Ferjuson of 21 Batte ws told he wd be required to bring one can ito I ferig tine of Australian Bde in order tocover atacknext day. He went along & chose a place on wend of Djamelik. He was asked to See Jen. Cox & the gull. when to
21 an told him where his gun we sd. Ch, to will never do. I want it here" putting his finger on 1map. It ws then xp.m. So La send a staff officer to show him where. I on reaching pplace (it ws dark) sd: now if I guaranter to have my gun a its muzzle over parapet will you guaranter to I can see Ilowest T truch; Yes. F wo day in & fun pat there. In morning I tooked + clearly the gan ad not see I towest trench. searched abt for another place. Found a low half trinch of ours in scrubon hill top thro wh cd just see towest T truck. Da lmplacement here. Ednt move sun till bombardment started. Then moved of an round. After fint began I tirned gun on to
pe 3t 21 an Av. 23 paropet of T. commn trench- Saw 3 first to comealong it. At first unsure whether 1st Australo. End we dark. 3nd we dearly. so let fly. First of all edonly see headt of Ts comig in. By end of fyat ed see their knees as they scrambled ove heaps of dead bodies. If sun were only 9.f. & cd fire 20 rouns per mentcust of 3 or 2 he thinks he cd have stopped 7s. attogether & our men and have had whole of knotl. 4Bde: The intor battery gan men say to reason affair on Abdul Kahman on Aug failed ws to 1 troops did not push up during (bombandment. The is withdrew from Bridge (or they may have) during 6 bombl.

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.
Diaries and Notebooks
Item number: 3DR1606/32/1
Title: Notebook, 1915
includes references to various Australian Light
Horse Regiments, and Indian and New Zealand
units at Gallipoli.



N.Z. Aug 6/10
& Hill 60

Original   AWM 38
3DRL 606 ITEM 32 [1]
The use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings, represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true. the diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer's mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep:
also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not
follow that he always, discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistaken when
discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing, believed.  Further, he cannot of course, vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded.  But he
did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events.  The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind. 
16 Sept., 1946.    C.E.W. BEAN.




Lt Oliver 8 L H. Observing Aug 7.
Capt. Thorn 21. MB.
Corpl. Rickard.
( Carruthers L. C
( Moore
( Cavanagh
Owen's hit.
Duns in Eng.

Lambert sick,
Dr Fitzpatrick of Sydney.
Young chap.
Malone ) bad arm

NZ. Aug 6/10
& Hill 60
Lt Nesbit.  Otago Inf
for Duncan 

Sergt Finlay
C Coy 17 Bn
Turks at Co x




[Page of text cancelled with vertical lines]

Abt 8 found. All but 25 accounted for.
2 Wilts 1 w  boots off in little
humpy; I Gurkha.
Turks were in gully
[Antill tells me of the following men who have
been doing fine
[[xx]] patrol work:-.
(Rickards Corpl 10th - xx - Ex - signaller
(Sergt  Linacre of 9th
(Corpl. Friday of 9th
all gt scouts.
also [[dan?]]
Old chap of 60 ∧white hair & 2 sons killed

whom he found in his Bde.
Chap who was crying
Rick. ∧stayed 30 hrs with days rations ∧in the Dere.
Brought in 3 rifles one night) [symbols]
Antill tills me that
Sergt Wilson of 9th LH at Bottom
of Sazli Dere [symbols]
left remaining 3 of patrol xxx ∧behind & went on
to observe x Suddenly ran into a patrol of 4 Turks,
one leading, 3 behind As 1st T  shot him
at 8 yds. He fired & k him
bayoneted 2nd (rifle up to hilt in 

blood) Bombed 2 remainder killing one he thought
[*& got back w / rifle of one of these Turks as well as
his own covered with blood.  Mates carried him in 150 yds.
Hop out of [symbols] & go down. Whole brigade now has to go out
every night -
one each night*]

[Page of text, two-thirds cancelled with vertical lines]

Throssel's V.C.
Hill 60. Night of Aug 28. Callery,
Jaffray, & Fry K. Throssell 2Lt.
from ranks (newly promoted) w Capt. Kidd
of 10 L.H. Trench lost by Connaughts. ∨5 Connaught Rs.
No room in trench bec. so full
of dead Ts. ∧Throssel ws running up & down
behind trench encouraging men
& bomb throwing. Bomb
dropped onto him opened up
back muscles & shoulder blade
& hit in 3 other places.  Went on
for 2 hours when nearly fainted.
They sent him back; Dr fixed
him up & he wanted to come
back but they wouldn't allow

Hill 60. Aug. 28/9th
Assault by
9 L.H.  at 3.30. am 28 Aug.
1 am. 29 Aug. by 10 L.H.

(Loss of these two 170.)
10 L.H.
K. Fry, Leake, & MacBean.
" Total (k & w} 85


The next night
A wounded 9th L.H. man, ws
recovered from under 2 dead
Turks & ws dragged out but
died on way to F.A.
3 ofr. k. & 68 ors k. w. or m.
Total 71.


9 L.H.                                                    
?27th Attack by 9th. on (Aug 28 night
                                            (Aug. 29. morng.        
Warned 7 P.M.
9.30 went out Lt Phillis & 50 men
went out to reinforce Russell who put in ∨amongst own
11.30 Capt Parsons, Capt Jaffray
Lt Macdonald w 100
12. . Capt Callery & 25 men.
Maj Parsons w 52 men
bombed way along fire trench
abt 100 yds but had to return
abt 20 yds & barricade
12.30 Col. Rinell, Capts Callery
& Jaffrey & Lt M'Donald
w 75 men attempted to
cross over & join N.Z.
& then wheel to left &
fight back to mates at
barricade. They seemed to
lose direction in scrub &
arrived at trench held by
Parsons; set out again
for where Ts were & came
under withering fire- mg.


& rifle, bombs. Lt M'Don. Sergt
Maj. Shaw & 3 men got back.
20 wounded called in. 1 sergt
& 15 men on rt were detached
but reached in end trench from
wh started. M'D after getting
back returned 4 times & bought
in 4 wd. men.
Maj. Parson's party ws
bombed back further but fought
back somewhat and held.
At 10 am. on 29th Lt M'D.
w covering party fought way w
bombs along trench & connected
w 10 L.H. who had some time
previously rushed trenches &
taken them. Rinell & Jaffrays
bodies found - not Callerays
A wounded 9th L.H. man was
recovered next night under 2 dead Turks and
ws dragged out, but died on way to field
ambulance. [[xxx]]
3 offrs k. 68 ∧o.rmen k. w. or m.
Total 71.
(10th A.L.H.-see below)


Bomb fight ws kept up till
Sept 7 (partly training K's army
who were sandwiched with us)
Kidd gave orders agst picking up
bombs as they were shortening fuses,
on finding
every bomb
thrown back.
After this
put in
little sandbags
steps or traverses
to catch bombs
so ∧as to localise tt men cd w effect of explosion.
Also threw sandbags.
On Aug 29.
The HQ. Cook of 10 L.H.
cooked for whole regt,
supplied a 3 course
meal for whole regt.
(abt 2 pm.) & carre
batmen carted water 1½
That night Aug 28/29 we were
supposed to have thrown 3200 bombs 

[*from abt 20 yds of trench every one lit w a match.
Tpt Ferrier ws suppd to have thrown 500 till he had his*]

[*arm blown off throwing out a Turk bomb & walked
down trench to dressing stn. Died since (well known
family W.A.) A Sqn. provided all own horses. whole lot
wiped out at Russells top.*]

10 L.H .28/29 Aug
Lt Howard, Burgess & 50 men
detailed at 2a.m. on 29 Aug.
under Gen Russell to proceed to
reserve trenches w bombs.
At 6.10 p.m. message from
Gen Russell asking for 50
At 3 p.m. officers8.30 pm. Operation Order
instructing 10th L.H. to recapture
recaptured trenches on N W slope
of hill 60.
At 7.8Assault went forward under
m.g. rifle & bombs & seized
T. trenches. Heavy bombing
thro night & heavy c- attack
at daylight was repulsed
w much loss. During
day fighting contd but
trenches deepened & bodies
thrown out. 2 m gs xx


20 Aug
2   5

emplaced. ReportC.O.s report ran:- "Altho

exhausted still in position."
Casualties  3 offrs k. 3 w.
                      79 others.



Lt Macdonald & Capt Kidd did
splendid work; & Throssell,
(Continued at (3) on last page but one)

Mtn Bty, Hill 60
On Aug 20 Ferguson of
21 Batty ws told he wd be
required to bring one gun into
/ firing line of Australian Bde
in order to atta cover /
attack next day. He went along
& chose a place on N end of
Djamelik. He was asked to
See Gen. Cox & the Genl when he


21 Aug

told him where his gun was
sd: "Oh, it will never do. I want
it here" putting his finger on / map.
It ws then 7 p.m. So F asked for
Cox sent a staff officer to show him
where. F., on reaching / place (it ws
dark) sd: "now if I guarantee to
have my gun w its muzzle over /
parapet will you guarantee tt I
can see / lowest T. trench," Yes.
GunPit ws dug in & gun put there.
In morning F looked & clearly
the gun cd not see / lowest trench.
searched abt for another place.
Found a low half trench of ours
in scrub on hill top thro wh cd
just see lowest T. trench. Dug
emplacement there. Cdnt move
gun till bombardment started.
Then moved gun round. After
fight fight began F turned gun on to


21 Aug

7 Aug
(meant for Aug 8
CEWB. 25/5/23)

parapet of T. commn trench -
Saw 3 first Ts come along it. At
first unsure whether 1st Australn.
2nd ws dark. 3rd ws clearly T.
so let fly. First of all cd only see
heads of Ts coming in. By end of
fight cd see their knees as they
scrambled over heaps of dead bodies.
If gun were only 9. f. & cd fire 20
rounds per minute inst. of 3 or 2
he thinks he cd have stopped Ts.
altogether & our men and have had
whole of knoll.
4 Bde:
The mtn battery gun men
say tt / reason / affair on
Abdul Rahman on Aug 7
failed ws tt I  troops did not
push up during / bombardment.
The Ts withdrew from / ridge
(or they may have) during / bombt.


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