Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/31/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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Capt. Luxton wt this offrs, name. 49 would After dark withdoe mere & To not near th I know of & fire had dicreased onot see to my left Left all men w officer at x& went on to tol. M Nicoll Explained where this officer was & for S.6s. I found the Col. & del. my message. He sent me back to tell officer where Trest of people were join ap a them. When I got back they had come back onts knoll 2 in valley & had dug in - an isolated positin. In tookeng for young officer I came on Capt Facob of bn. He ws digpy in to 1left of Dany patch across a gully. I He as on flator further side of jully wb rerched up to 1leR. Everyone challenged me wherevw I went. He seemed to be a mile to my left
Mr Richardson. just below St s light wa Theyos found us. officer 50 I had fone to f young officers positin, They toto me he had fone to left. In searching for him I found Jacob. I reported to McN. He told me to have a sleep, 5 Lound Bdiett- Beclates) For hound. Our Coy of 1216 ws on toman w 10th Ba. Abb 11.45 we were put on destroyers I had t 6ri lp Co & 1121 Tust as 14 lands party touched e we top started. leave destroge Tuest before destroyer stopped we light on hill - I think it ws on hill on lefs site of shwax gully on skylie. Burnt for abt I minute or minute - sort of flare or electin
Cps out after lestrozer While we were lining up on e full spend up board, to a2 fill overboard they threw lifebell over w flare. Scourp saw 1 flare. Got tobacco, cyarettes all we Sipe smashed a shoapual 51 when tooch. We were Tmiles out there were 3 boats on each side sbow of first & stern of last fastmed to destroyer. We were doing 17.18 knots. the man in I second boad didn't seem to be controllin his boat at all - She ws slewing in I out all time - for 2 minutes. This boat had in it 2 naval en, 7 men of tenth (first tow), nene in all. A seaman on destrrger calledout to Commander. Pace wo fast for no 2 boat. Pace didnt slow up - cdut. Boat swening into destroyer - put tetler over & stat to lep slewed out o started to tip put teller over again i came it destroyer, tipped; water semply washed tham all out of ster excman on teller who Mon no to catch stern rope a began to crawl back along rope
52 into boat. He sot ove legints boat on her inside beam when she swining in again & crushed him They lefter him inboard. The men were all tined up tooking at it over I side. The boat had hards cleared when ford naval men were on I Job patting a rope round the poor chap whom ws cying past hope - & haued him in ar Pace cased by then I think they cat boat adrist still aft 3miles out a abt 5 m out & put boats cren I believe I scourge picked i some of men -they threw ife belts or ight away. rchardson got into line a lttel oight of wire gulty. The shrapned ws very fierce from
direct of 9711 Could see thaks coming down gan Ridge & creeping ap edge of stope beyond Daiy Patch. our men charged across D.P. 5 or 6 times. Ove chap picked up a mate y wr running back a him along far edge o.D.P. - dust in whirhwinds abt his feet- hadnearly reached scrub when he pitched headforemort w make still on his back. The line came back twric during 1 day, S of wire Gully owing to shrap. One shell wh burst right over Richardson but 6 men. He had to go back & braing up men twice. was but himself about 6pm in thiyh splenter in hear. Got back on recurn trge. On May 19- 1218 were expects from 12 po. A sas
67 as giving up hope men down forwd sap reported movement on hill in port. We had stood to arms at 12. for all ready. There ws a M.G. down Sap. They were att 9yds in post of truck. They stanted 157. t I glasses then weed see aren Tarks in wheatfield (the wheat ws abt 3 ft high). The m.g. ws firig in serub first. Then whole con fire on wheatfield 50r 6 shots per man brought them nt of that. They bunched ato 1 scrub - & tese at later my Burgess? gun openid on them. If threw seruf up into tair. to chunks. The queen Clin Oplanjust in dusk one by high explosive rore shrap
55 great outo fun ridy flashes & starsh One man offered another L1 for his position to day. others wont 56 One char belien palted down man in porit. He had asked him to get down before. They had a fight over it then & there for 3 minutes until an officer stopped it & fave place toman behind. In another a serst off made a youngster get down While they chimber up & pritted dow Abags & Thot. a Capt You sik beyars, What are you up to he sel "You'll both get shot? Then he gotup himself, & standing out by a head Thoulders he spolled for tham
50 Capt Reperty 12 Bn (cont). can tes. Ap. 27. Bdier sd Ross & orderly were getting 32d Bde out. decided owing to Strrapnel fire (one of wh went. thoo cap, hit badge, & threw it down hill while talking to him to take bog to beach. Spint day assumbly &reorganising Coys of 1216 w maj. Brand. They came out of every part of time. Thes night - sentro 100 men along beach to right as right picket on beach - allo most to steep. on wad morn) back to camp fiven charge of C.Co. Spent day reonganing amen still comy as. Weat to fint kit & found it ws all scattered by N. Zealond W.B were still there - & told as key had done it. Bos had shifted to near beach & Hell spit. on wed night 100 men under Capt. Keper & myself were sent ap Bridges ba. to stand by till pops were up & in posito. After 2 his near H.B. we were Scotts Point? ordered by someone to occupy trenches
5 a bit on 1 left. Capt Keyser led men round back of Maclaurins Hill to short commnn trench running in 8 passed back for 6 men to be sent in at a time. Lost touch of keyeer here. But Capt. Johnson? or Jackson. took us out of Commn truch, across a little Avelpou to firepits Street ws on North - trnches better there. Street took us back to a sort of by rifle pit, rather advanced where 9 men were It ws quite unimproved. We were taken to abt 5 dif places they had pobbidies. I told in9 men to get out - & they went over back of hill. We pt in. They tadon in abt 24 hro they sd. From thei we sd sll across gally across to T. Tolly. There were
56 men working on I tolly in I morning - we thought they were our own engrs - they were working there all time but we dut get any informate as & who they were. Therefore we did not sere - our men were well out - I had seen them while waite for keyser near 1 marines truch on full There ws a gun wh peppere us whichever ando I pit we showed ourself. prob. on T.Tally. We tunnelled to connect up pits on left & right & had est abt finisher their tunnels on Fid-night when relieved. We had to work a entrenchi tools, no bap exc. a few at 1end wh we blocked by way of a braverse by bags. Some work we done but not much in rifte pits. There ws no regular provisuring - found som rationbags in trech & had a little water-

Capt. Luxton
ws this offrs. name.

After dark withdrew men & wd wounded.
(Ts. not near tt I know of, & fire had
decreased - I cd not see to my left)
Left all sound men w young officer
at X & went on to Col. M'Nicoll
& explained where this officer was
& for I found the Col.
& del. my message. He sent
me back to tell / officer to say to /
where / rest of / people were &
join up w them. When I got back
they had come back onto Knoll Z
in valley & had dug in - an 
isolated positn. In looking for
young officer I came on Capt Jacob of
? bn. He ws digging in to / left o / 
Daisy Patch across a gully. I He ws
on / flat on further side of gully wh
reached up to / left. Everyone
challenged me wherever I went.
He seemed to be a mile to my left.


Mr Richardson:

This light was just below skyline
- an officer sd - They've found us.

I had gone to / young officers positn.
They told me he had gone to / left.
In searching for him I found Jacob.
I reported to McN. He told me to 
have a sleep. S Found Bdier.
(See later)
Foxhound. One Coy of 12th
ws on Ionian w 10th Bn.
Abt 11.45 we were put on destroyers.
- I had [[shorthand]] left
Just as 1st landg party touched
shore we left started. leave destroyer.
Just before destroyer stopped we
saw light on hill - I think it ws
on hill on left side of Shrap Gully
on skyline. Burnt for abt 1 minute
or ½ minute - sort of flare or electric


Cigs. out after destroyer.
While we were lining up on
board, when we got full speed up,
a ^naval reservist ^of crew fell overboard -
they threw a lifebelt over w a
flare. Scourge saw / flare.
Got tobacco, cigarettes all wet -
pipe smashed w shrapnel.

torch. ^When we were 2 miles out there
were 3 boats on each side, bow of
first & stern of last fastened to
destroyer & we were doing 17-18
knots. The man in / second boat
didnt seem to be controlling his
boat at all - She ws slewing in & 
out all / time - for 2 minutes.
Each bo This boat had in it 2 naval
men, 7 men o / tenth (first tow), nine
in all. A seaman on destroyer
called out to Commander. Pace too
fast for no 2 boat. Pace didnt
slow up - cdnt. Boat swung into
destroyer - put tiller over & started
to tip slewed out & started to tip -
put tiller over again - came in &
hit destroyer, tipped; water
simply washed them all out o /
stern. exc. man on tiller who
managed to catch stern rope
& began to crawl back along rope


into boat. He got one leg into boat
on her inside beam when she
swung in again & crushed him.
They lifted him inboard. The men
were all lined up looking at it over
/ side. The boat had hardly cleared
when 6 or 8 naval men were on /
job putting a rope round the
poor chap who ws dying -
past hope - & hauled him in
board - Pace eased by then -
I think they cut / boat adrift
- still abt 8 miles out.
We had slowed up abt 5 miles
out & put boats crews in -
I believe / Scourge picked up
some o / men - they threw
life belts over right away.
Richardson got into line a little
to / right of Wire Gully. The
shrapnel ws very fierce from


directn of 971. Could see Turks
coming down Gun Ridge & creeping up
edge of slope beyond Daisy Patch. Our
men charged across D.P. 5 or 6 times.
Anyone One chap picked up a mate
& ws running back w him along /
far edge o D.P. - dust in whirlwinds
abt his feet - had nearly reached
scrub when he pitched head foremost
w mate still on his back.

The line came back twice
during / day, S of Wire Gully owing
to shrap. One shell wh burst right
over Richardson hit 6 men. He had
to go back & bring up men twice.
Was hit himself about 6 p.m. in thigh
- splinter in head. Got back on return 
On May 19 - 12th were expecting
enemy from 12 p.m. At 3 am dawn just


as giving up hope men down forwd
sap reported movement on hill in
front - We had stood to arms at 12.
Got all ready. There ws a m.g.
down sap. They were abt 9 yds
in front of trench. They started 1st,
w / glasses then we cd see
Turks ^crawling in wheatfield (the wheat
ws abt 3 ft high). The m.g.
ws firing in scrub first. Then
whole coy fired on wheatfield
- 5 or 6 shots per man brought
them out of that. They bunched
up into / scrub - & then abt
10 minutes later Hughes &
Burgess' gun opened on them.
It threw / scrub up into / air -
in chunks. The Queen Eliz.
opened just under in dusk.
One big high explosive & one shrap


onto Gun Ridge  - five great
Diagram, see original
flashes - starshaped. 

One man offered another £1
for his position tt day - others wdnt
look at it.

One chap behind pulled down /
man in front - He had asked him
to get down before. They had a
fight over it then & there for 3 minutes
until an officer stopped it & gave /
place to / man behind. In another
case a sergt & offr made a 
nervous youngster get down
while they climbed up & pulled down
sandbags & shot. They A Capt
came up. "You silly beggars,
What are you up to?" he sd "You'll
both get shot". Then he got up
himself, & standing out by a head
& shoulders he spotted for them.


Capt Rafferty 12 Bn (cont).
Tues. Ap. 27. Bdier sd ^Capt Ross & orderly
were getting 3rd Bde out. He showed
decided owing to shrapnel fire
(one of wh went thro' cap, hit badge, &
threw it down hill while talking to him)
to take bde to beach. Spent day assembling
& reorganising Coys of 12th w Maj.
Brand. They came out of every part 
of line.

Tues night - sent our 100 men along
beach to right as right picket on
beach - alld most to sleep.

On Wed morng back to camp
given charge of C. Co. spent day reorganising
- men still coming in. Went to find
kit & found it ws all scattered by N. Zealanders
N.Zs. They were still there - & told us they
had done it. Bn had shifted to near
beach & Hell Spit.

On Wed night 100 men under
Capt. Keyser & myself were sent up Bridges
Rd. to stand by till RMLI were up & in
positn. After 2 hrs near H.Q. ^(Scotts Point) we were
ordered by someone to occupy trenches


a bit on / left. Capt Keyser led men
round back of Maclaurins Hill to short
commn trench running in & passed back
for 6 men to be sent in at a time.
Lost touch of Keyser here, But Capt.
Johnson? or Jackson? took us out of 
commn trench, across a little level ground
to fire pits.

Hand drawn Diagram, see original                     
Street ws on
north - trenches
better there.
Street took us
back to a sort of
big rifle pit,
rather advanced,
where 9 men were.
It was quite unimproved.
We were taken to abt 5 diff. places 
- they had grabbed us. I told the 9
men to get out - & they went over
/ back o / hill. We got in. They
had bn in abt 24 hrs they sd.
From there we cd see across
gully across to J. Jolly. There were


men working on / Jolly in /
morning - we thought they were
our own engrs - they were working
there all / time but we cdn't get
any informatn as to who they were.
Rec word not to Therefore we did
not fire - Our men were well
out - I had seen them while
waiting for Keyser near / marines
trench on Quinns Wire Gully. There ws
a gun wh peppered us whichever
end o / pit we showed ourself.
- prob. on J. Jolly.

We tunnelled to connect up
w / pits on left & right & had 
just abt finished these tunnels on
Frid. night when relieved.

We had to work w entrenching
tools, no bags exc. a few at / end
wh ws blocked by way of a traverse
by bags. Some work ws done but not
much in rifle pits. There ws no
regular provisioning - found some
ration bags in trench & had a little water -



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