Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/31/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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my orders He sd cant help to I had 23 ofmay own men & abt to other whom I gathered. I moved to lett in extended order att a yard & moved thas serb to donga. A few men of 11th a officer were on beachan left. (the one a 1 tin screen & open patch to sungle tree - 200 yds abt to Tribermens but - open in pout of us). In donge it ws untenable. first men were bit there Cm from hill on it post -probl no1 post. After daylight we saw trunshes tin. I searched beach first - cont ase classes as wet - but premt saw to morin, on this ridge either going away or to smping posities. At this stage Saw S boats gon for J. Hat. I decided to pash on to the little knoll ahead - a lower
40 knoll this side of the bare knoll & aosist landiy. As we advanced we lost sight of boats - cont say how they were getting on, mysellf Serft Semner T 6 otes reacher posite on hill where we were fairly safe. F.H. 101 5 t Dongo & new soon. we dropped 20 men in field A 12 lying Dead. when we got to knol fire seemed to slacken & we found boats on shore + mew
41 all lying out on beach in post of them, as if abt y g'd. open order. We cosee no movement from them nor attract their attentio Ple Stubbings put down his equipment & rifle + ran across (Isd Id tike to know" he sd "Ill go Sir Hobert Boy) to find out what these men were doing or what their intention ws. He found four only who were able to tal to him takeng cover belienet boat Iere seemed to be all ing. but it had now dwvindled almost to notcin & I recd. at least 3 orders (shoated - one signalled) to come back. Co get no informn who from S0
From knol I aosee ridges &skylive occupied w lots of men - saw some fall backwds, slipped or shot. Post Not had a mos positer w a lot of amu i so NZ afterds sd wisse plasses or handley, thi tail of shert but all wet. 47 took no potice at time. shay there a time observing then found our troops were occupying ridges to right rear, I then decided to make for my guns - Comy back I found naw w1 packs; gave him vestros to father all 12tt packs, park them, & remain till sent for. He a afterwar taken for carrying ammn + packs & man were gore. Comin back little or no fire a bit of Thrapnel. I got to sendervous & found Sans just landin. met gans to a plation of 17 men - abt 8 my ovn, an other F Aby Serp, all Brd bde min We came to positin on 400. man firt, time wo then ahead of us on brow of hill. Junspen
43 fire. Atter being there some time O.C. batt Capt Kerby askidne to change positer & get to his right inkion rear as beasnro abt the right flank - our tiue w0 coming goiy in port - I ws to hold on at all costs. We starty to dig in, very light scratches. We adnt use our rifles bec. of forward line but were subjected to shell fire wh came on 1 battery - The bath ws very cool -ofecers bit but made no diffec. I had b men hit c shrapnel - from up 1 main range & opposite. Ii We were probl there phrs. then guns withddew to a new positin nearer beach. They dion't notify me they were moving. I found faus had pone- came to condor it at no pod my following tall dark Stap officer came along. I told him what had hepped + I ought I had better go into mann
44 ferig line 5 men (Segt hit in toe) hit - so only 12. We moved up & I met may. witham (hit in sholder or armI w Corpt Austin. We came in as part of firing line. We gatered thes hew together (W. ws searching for men to command as I ws). We gatuered all available men & reorganised them into line. Maj. Saker ws in charge of this part (on my left). we entunched there for night: We were behind firing lime, getting bullets overs - several hit thro night. - we stopped there till alt 11 am. Monday. Genl Brid came along from Brown's Dip direct alegain. I wo looking at trenches on right wt had be vacated durin Early morning. He asked what kthes are these. I sd I wos looking after straight line & these trenches Ladbo Empty soncr morn He sx Theyre nodamn sood
178 anyway. Withen att 2 hrs after to an order came along "The whole line will advance!" & maj. Saker letarvance. We had not sone st yds when he fell - I ws within 109ds o him. I don't kvow, if he ws killed - he swayed & collapsed. The message reached me from my left- from Maj. saker - the whole line will advance - we were waiting for orders & I noticed Maj. saker getting up by 1 time order reached me. I wo calling out to some men on my right to join outs my party . At this moment Mag Ross, abtat 1 head of Browns Dip, rde sd: Right of Referty keep on as you are going but bear slightly to your right. We were heading towards right of Darsy Patch There ws an old tarkesh m. 9. pit on our et pont we passed to S. of D.P. At fared
46 of D.P. is a gally. We went down into it & up onto flat lother side. Here we up inteaforing live & an order came from my left to cease fire as our own men were ahead of us. At this time we had not opened fire. Almost and. came an order & retire - again from lett. I edsee none of our troops ahead of me - We ddsee down gally to owr right to distent hills. There were abt 50 men on my it who had come forwardwithalos lot. A Tmg opend on us from right. The order to retirn ws repeated multancously the whole time went back. There is a hot shrap. fire M.9. ws. not paying on us I called to I men around me to hie stell - to there ws no going back. Cospl. Austin & 12 others (3 0r3 of my own & others) stayed w me. I told tem they were safer there
I asked who hews. 4 & we might set M.9. Abt Lomins. later I ws hailed from my rear askin what I ws doing there & who we were. H ws col M Nicall. He askwt me did I hear 1 order to reture. I sd ges, passed down line. He asked Did I know who it came I to tole Wo to cos why I hang on. I sd Col. Clarke had always insented on this pt. to we shd always be very partic. as to where ordered to returr came from. He came right up, & was plad we stayed, & secuet distressed to rest had retired. I mentioned our intentio of tryen to shat up th mig, He sel thaas another body on our let- I told him wed stick. He we satisfied & went off to find tother men. Betwr then & dark I had I man blown clean away & others badly injured. The man ws
48 betw. me & Corpt Austin. He we hit under chest & carried clean away & there wo custen lying ao his headin thole to had be mmade - pont of mans rifle ws there still - at behind bolt all right I heard Austin say. are you tllw. He sd he had bn bit in 1guts. He hurned out to have be bath shot all down I side of his Og. He hang on & so did all other eod. till dusk. L..B. B. Bo DE We had men all aft 22. A young offcer Capt. of e we dipiny in at X & we were at naw In early part of day our Juns were shooting outs S & Enemys ghas seeued to be shooting from part shoulver on our extremt af frent. 4X& Eneu batty

my orders He sd “cant help tt.”
I had 23 of my own men & abt

20 others whom I gathered. I

moved to left in extended order

abt a yard & moved thro
scrub to donga. A few men of

11th w officer were on beach on 

left. (The one w / tin screen & open

patch w single tree - 200 yds abt

to Fishermans hut - open in

front of us).

In donga it ws untenable.

Our first men were hit there

from hill on rt front - probly no 1

post. After daylight we saw trenches 

I searched beach first - cdnt

use glasses as wet - but presently

saw Ts moving on this ridge -

either going away or to sniping


At this stage saw 3 boats

going for F.Hut.

I decided to push on to the

little knoll ahead - a lower



knoll this side of the bare knoll -

& assist landing. As we advanced

we lost sight of boats - cdnt say

how they were getting on. Myself

Sergt Skinner & 6 others reached

position on hill where we were

fairly safe.


No 1


x  ? No 1


x new posn


We dropped 20 men in field A

 - 12 lying Dead

When we got to knoll fire

seemed to slacken & we found

3 boats on shore & men



all lying out on beach

in front of them, as if abt ½

yd open order. we cd see no

movement from them nor

attract their attentn.

Pte Stubbings put down

his equipment & rifle &

ran across (I sd "I'd like to

know" he sd "I'll go Sir" Hobart

Boy) to find out what these

men were doing or what their

intentn ws - He found four

only who were able to talk

to him taking cover behind /

boat. Fire seemed to be all 

[Diagram] m.g but it had now

dwindled almost to

nothing & I recd.

at least 3 orders

(shouted - one signalled)

to come back. Cd get

no informn who from so



From knoll I cd see ridges

& skyline occupied w lots of

men - saw some fall backwds,

slipped or shot.


(Post No 1 had a m.g. position w

a lot of ammun so NZ afterwds sd)

Wiped glasses on handkef, then

tail of shirt  but all wet



took no notice at time.

Lay there a time observing &

then found our troops were

occupying ridges to right rear.

I then decided to make for my

guns - coming back I found /

man w / packs; gave him

instrns to gather all 12th packs,

park them, & remain till

sent for. He ws afterwds taken 

for carrying ammn & packs

& man were gone.

Coming back little or no fire

 - a bit of shrapnel.

I got to rendezvous & found

guns just landing.

Met guns w a platoon

of 17 men - abt 8 my own, an

A Coy Sergt, ∧other bns all 3rd bde men.

We came to position on

400 - main fire line ws then ahead

of us on brow of hill, guns opened



fire. After being there some time

O.C. batty, Capt Kirby, asked me

to change position & get to his right

rear as he ws ∧anxious nervous abt the

right flank  - our line ws coming &

going in front - I ws to hold on at

all costs. We started to dig in,

very light scratches. We cdnt

use our rifles bec. of forward line

but were subjected to shell fire

wh came on / battery - The batty

ws very cool - officers hit but

made no diffce. I had 4 men

hit w shrapnel - from up /

main range & opposite. ↓

We were probly there 4 hrs. Then

guns withdrew to a new positn

nearer / beach. They didn't

notify me they were moving.

I found guns had gone - came to

concln it ws no good my following.

Tall dark Staff officer came along

I told him what had happened & I

thought I had better go into main



firing line. 5 men (Sergt hit in toe)

hit - so only 12. We moved up &

I met Maj Witham (hit in shoulder

or arm) w Corpl Austin. We came in

w part of firing line - we gathered

these men together (W. ws searching

for men to command as I ws).

We gathered all available men

& reorganised them into line. Maj

Saker ws in charge of this part (on

my left). We entrenched there for

night . We were behind firing line,

getting bullets overs - several hit

thro night. We stopped there

till abt 11 a.m. Monday. Gen Bridges

came along from Brown's Dip direction

abt 9 a.m. I ws looking at trenches

on right wh had bn vacated during

early morning. He asked "What

trenches are these" I sd I ws

looking after straight line & these

trenches had bn empty since morng.

He sd " They're no damn good



anyway." Within abt 2 hrs after

tt an order came along "The whole

line will advance!" & Maj. Saker

led / advance. We had not gone 50

yds when he fell- I ws within 10 yds of

him. I dont know if he ws killed - he

swayed & collapsed.

The message reached me from my 

left - from Maj Saker - "The whole line

will advance"- we were waiting for

orders & I noticed Maj. Saker getting

up by / time / order reached me.

I ws calling out to some men

on my right to join onto my

party - At this moment Maj.

Ross, abt at / head of Browns Dip

ordered sd: Right oh Rafferty,

keep on as you are going but bear

slightly to your right. We were

heading towards right of Daisy Patch

There ws an old Turkish m.g. pit

on our rt front.

We passed to S. of D.P. At far edge


of D.P. is a gully. We went down
into it & up onto flat / other side.
Here we ∧formed drew up into a firing line &
an order came from my left to
cease fire as our own men were
ahead of us. At this time we had
not opened fire.  Almost imd.
came an order to retire - again
from left.  I cd see none of our troops
ahead of me - we cd see down
gully to our right to distant hills.
There were abt 50 men on my
rt who had come forward with our
lot. A T. m.g. opened on us
from right.
The order to retire ws repeated
simultaneously the whole line went
back. There ws a hot shrap. fire -
m.g. ws not playing on us.
I called to / men around me to
lie still - tt there ws no going back.
Corpl. Austin & 12 others (2 or 3 of 
my own & others) stayed w me.
I told them they were safer there



I asked who he ws.



& we might get m.g. Abt 10 mins.

later I ws hailed from my rear asking

what I ws doing there & who we

were. It ws Col M'Nicoll. He asked

me did I hear / order to retire. I

sd "Yes x , passed down / line". He

asked "Did I know who it came

from?" I told him "No - tt ws

why I hung on." I sd Col. Clarke

had always insisted on this pt. -

tt we shd always be very

partic. as to where orders to

retire came from. He came right

up, & was glad we stayed, &

seemed distressed tt / rest had

retired. I mentioned our intentn

of trying to shut up tt m.g., He

sd there ws another ∧left body on our

left - I told him we'd stick. He ws

satisfied & went off to find / other men.

Betw then & dark I had

1 man blown clean away &

5 others badly injured The man ws



betw. me & Corpl Austin. He ws hit

under chest & carried clean away &

there ws Austin lying w his head in

/ hole tt had bn made - front of mans 

rifle ws there still - cut behind bolt.

I heard Austin say: are you ∧all right hit Sir?

He sd he had bn hit "in the guts" -

He turned out to have bn badly shot

all down / side of his leg. He hung on

& so did all / other wd. till dusk.



 DP                                  Y               S


                 Z    Z  

We had men all abt Z Z. A young

officer - Capt ------of ∧6 Bn 2nd Bde ws digging

in at X & we were at Y

In early part of day our ∧naval guns

were shooting onto S & enemys

guns seemed to be shooting from

past shoulder on over extreme

rt] front. 


Enemy batty.











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