Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/31/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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29 you do as told - take your bught & so & see if you can tray some support & stretcher bearers. I saw Lalor B off across dip of top of Tally & towards Finpers West. It we last I saw of him in I went down malone's fully, full of mad, lost patties in mid - got outs fat at bottom - found wounded 12K man hobblin shot in foot. Told quantrell to pive him a hand. I went on, met some D.Cs. waitin there - I sent them ap & saw them start & reported to some Col. on beach to Apt. Calor wanted recifs. I had left Lalor abb 4 p.m. I had left top of 700 abt S.B & there were Endtn men there still there at G.0.c. I reported to D.H.O. F. Paw Slasferd & told him Laloss message &he told me to stand by to receif it.
30 flank Ihm went back & place when few slightly wds etc of 12t5 collectes Just S of Hr. Burner - Lay down & went to steep - Green of 1215 ws here collecting straplers. AP.M came along told me I ws to collect all men Iedo 3Bde & report to Glasfard to move out to right. Yew looked as if quite unable to do any climbing at all. White came out + sd you people stand by; if we want you will send.? I sd w a rest Key'll fight but well never get him up there we went into little Fully near C A.C. headg. & had some tea. in middle of tea had to go ap+ recif right & went up w all men of 3 Bde I coget. Yet in Shrap Sully Mas. Ross who ordered as back to beach as 3Bde were trying to reorganise. It ws
Mouday 31 now dark. Mar. Smith ws there. & took charg of 12 Bn. I slept on beach - Abt 12-30 it we cold & I went & setmy pack & doget of -sotiy W.p. shreet. Sailors wd wake me up. sot prac. no steep. At dawn 63.30 we moved up under Maj. Swith & de in in rear of N.3. an Maclagons Rodge - Everyone ad diging. Mountain Batty ws down neas Hell spit. Then we moved up Shrap Gutly cuts ferry tine - just tS. of wire gully. We were in support. Maj. Denton ws there. We were there alt 12.30 where seemed to be heavy firing near head of Monach's Sull. ws were on rear slope of ridge disscy shelves. Abb dusk orders came along Hustialians will not fire another shot tonight French + English have Enemy surrounted? came along before that. cease
32 fere! On Tues. morning early the Navy fired one shot short - a beg one + killed one man near me- Man in next positer jumped straight out into mine. Turks then started attack in force near Quinns across Moster kidge in small skermisting parkes, beautiful liner. Also across, slopss of Battleship Hill & Chess board. Navy got on to them - they were fairly theck - & soon nothing of hill as visible except towlyig green curtain of lyddite. Enemy found hill unsaft. They came down opp. Courtneys. We adsee Turks coming ap. Austalians ran out to meet them, both wo bayonets fixed. our men td be seen standing up shooting at abt 10yds distance. Ts gave way into bollow & I thank took up posity there. They had a M.g. there ? near GB.T.
supports hat to be dyped out a bayonets shung in Moonlyght all tw to lime read slope. we were waiting standing to for exp. attack all morning, & all afternoon. At night T5. edbe heard blowing bughs, shorting allah, shooting like (devil - we expected bayonet charge every minute. Every few minutes ferig tiue cod siy out supports ready to charge. Onee a cheer we heard on lef thinking it ws 1 charge to meet attack we left trenches & ran abt 10 or 15 gds frod. There wa intense darkness - saw nothin - 30 decides to go back to trench constant cries of stretcher bearers wanted on aet or left - another M.g man wanted: Continuon rattle of muskelry & M.9. allnight. No steep. I went to sleep to head on arm & revolver in hand on parcpet. Waket ap by frient By daylight found to several Smpers had got thro' to redge in rear of positn & in 65 menates
Wed 34 we had lost 5 men. After th abt. I am?Bn ws relieved (wed. moreg + ordered to reoganiss on beach. No steep since Did night, all beards, no one had washed, few even had time for a rear. Nerves felt at end i trowsers torn Dribbons, boots all mad. Alway pluty to 8at, plent of amnin plenty of water - supply people pt it up. Males were party responsible for this - no man there will forged males. 6 officers out of 29 tnd up. Maj. Smith, Capt Burt, Capt. Keyser, Capt Raperty, Lieut Margetts, dieut Vowls. Strungth of Coy. 84. n out of 213. Bn. 80fro 472 others out of abt 1000. Navy Shelles Suvla (Lala Rabe moved into Victoria Gully on wed night Bn Parade on Thurs morrey. on Frid. 9.30 am moved anto
Did Saturdan May 7.1 35 trinches and retieve 4 Bn. famy Selt Spar. Trincher v. Shallow but room for firing line & supports o Commn trenches. They sd there was nuisance from Snipers. Batte had 3 sections – I had left, Burt Centro, Vowets of Keyser, it. No camalties to day. On let Ibn of PMA.L. undersubalteon of abt 18yrs. Srutday degin amp. trenches, deepeng o traversing by blocking trench & diig round. Still deps. R.M.L. I sitting tight not degping That night we laid were in front of truches finishing just before moon rise. As son as moon robe to attacked in force in droves on our left pont. we fired rapit controlled fire, in bursty, apset order of line +
36 heard cries of allah + bughs Suns on right flante did wonders at abt 700 yds. again ts advanced & again bursts broke them up. Sectu commanders had men well under control -5 rounds ropid of then waite till another larget etc. One man shot thro head. In morning counte 37 dear To in port of our small portion of truck. This scrap put great heart into men. Attack laster till dawn- they wd go back & get into fully. When firing ws onword bs pass fom marnies for an Anstialian officer I sound I of our men in charge of 3men a fixet bayonets, an sub. & a Major - They wanted to know if man we are Australian
I asked what he ws doing He dhe ws DH& had had a slow time & come up for a shot. I struck 1wrong shop! hedd. It ws there maries who (their maj sd next morning) shot their own colonel + bayonete Mn Vicol. They had a lot of casualtess to night. We ouly had one. Atter to on sund awn we were relieved by 8Bn & bevonacke on beach- Duyall afternoon - Monday 3n moved to shedgreen to support 11 Bn. One Coy went an & reliesed part of 4th who next mor at down went to Cabe Tepe.
H Rapert on wed ws put into little a man rifle pit on right of Street on Maclaurius Hill & relieved on Fd/ sat night by maries. 36 Capt. Rafferty 13 Bo. handed by way betw. Fisherman Hut + Ar Burne. Instructions: to land & meet 26th Lnd. Nto Batte at rendegoor betw 57 7am. - as soon as possible after 5 am. Tay were to take positi on Hill 600 & we were to meet theur near foot of Shrapuil vally we were the fun escort - fullplatoon. Got off Ribble w 1st tow wh dropper last bost, return to pick it up, then moving off 2nd boat cauglt andhor; tose away rdered to cast of. She went to 2nd tow & we rb astone t 3oars under fire, Imen hit in boat. dewbed, assumblet were in creek month, took of packs, put them togeter. One man pet charge - recd orders from colonil to go & combat fore on left. I told him (We parked packs - man left in charge ao afterds taken awy by someone)

you do as told - take your bugler
& go & see if you can bring some
support & stretcher bearers."
I saw Lalor go off across dip of top
of Gully & towards Snipers Nest.
It ws last I saw of him. I went
down Malone's Gully, full of mud,
lost putties in mud - got onto
flat at bottom - found wounded
man of 12th hobbling shot in foot. Told
Quantrell to give him a hand. I
went on, met some waiting
there - I sent them up & saw
them start & reported to some
Col. on beach tt Capt. Lalor
wanted reinfs. I had left Lalor
abt 4 p.m. I had left top of 700
abt 3.15 & there were 2nd Bn men there
still there at 4. o'c.

I reported to D.H.Q. & saw
Glasfurd & told him Lalors message
& he told me to stand by to reinf rt.



Then went back to place where
few slightly wds etc of 12th collected
just S of Ari Burnu - Lay down &
went to sleep - Green of 12th ws there
collecting stragglers. A P.M came along
& told me I ws to collect all men
I cd of 3 Bde & report to Glasfurd,
to move out to right. Men looked
as if quite unable to do any climbing
at all. White came out & sd "You
people stand by: if we want you
we'll send." I sd w a rest they'll
fight but we'll never get them up

We went into little gully near
Nomansland  A.C. headq. & had some tea.
In middle of tea had to go up &
reinf right.  Went up w all men
of 3 Bde I cd get. Met in Shrap
Gully Maj. Ross who ordered
us back to beach as 3 Bde were
trying to reorganise. It ws



now dark. Maj. Smith ws there -
& took charge of 12 Bn. I slept on
beach - Abt 12-30 it ws cold & I went
& got my pack & dozed off - got my
w.p. sheet. Sailors wd wake me up.
Got prac. no sleep. At dawn
(3.30 we moved up under Maj.
Smith & dug in in rear of N.Z.
on Maclagans Ridge - Everyone ws
digging. Mountain Batty ws down
near Hell Spit.

Then we moved up Shrap Gully into
firing line - just to S. of Wire Gully.
We were in support. Maj. Denton
ws there. We were there abt 12.30

There seemed to be heavy firing
near head of Monash's Gully.
We were on rear slope of ridge
digging shelves.

Abt dusk orders came along
"Australians will not fire
another shot tonight." "French
& English have enemy surrounded."
came along before that. "Cease



On Tues. morning early the Navy
fired one shot short - a big one -
& killed one man near me - man
in next positn jumped straight out into
mine -

Turks then started attack in
force near Quinns across Mortar
Ridge in small skermishing parties,
beautiful lines. Also across E slopes of
Battleship Hill & Chessboard. Navy
got on to them - they were fairly
thick - & soon nothing of hill ws
visible except low lying green
curtain of lyddite. Enemy found
hill unsafe. They came down
opp. Courtneys. We cd see Turks
coming up. Australians ran out
to meet them, both w bayonets fixed.
Our men cd be seen standing up
shooting at abt 10 yds distance.
T.s gave way into hollow &
went I think took up positn there.
They had a m.g. there ? near G.O.T.


Supports had to be
dragged out w
bayonets shining in
moonlight all /
time to line rear

We were waiting standing to for
exp. attack all morning, & all
afternoon. At night Ts. cd be
heard blowing bugles, shouting Allah,
shooting like / devil - we expected
bayonet charge every minute -
Every few minutes firing line wd
sing out "Supports ready to charge."
Once a cheer ws heard on left &
thinking it ws / charge to meet /
attack we left trenches & ran abt
10 or 15 yds forwd. There ws intense
darkness - saw nothing - so
decided to go back to trench.

Constant cries of "stretcher bearers
wanted on rt or left" - "Another
m.g man wanted." Continuous
rattle of musketry & m.g. all night.
No sleep. I went to sleep w head on
arm & revolver in hand on parapet.
Waked up by friend.

By daylight found tt several
snipers had got thro' to ridge in
rear of positn & in 65 minutes



we had lost 5 men. After tt
abt. 8 a.m. 12 Bn ws relieved (Wed.
morng) & ordered to reorganise on
beach. No sleep since Frid night,
all beards, no one had washed,
few even had time for a rear.
Nerves felt at end - trowsers torn
to ribbons, boots all mud.
Alway plenty to eat, plenty of ammn,
plenty of water - supply people got
it up. Mules were party responsible
for this - no man there will forget

6 officers out of 29 turned up -
Maj. Smith, Capt Burt, Capt. Keyser,
Capt Rafferty, Lieut Margetts, Lieut
Vowels. Strength of Coy. 84 - Bn out
of 213. Bn. 8 offrs 472 others.
out of abt 1000.

Navy shelled Suvla (Lala Baba)
moved into Victoria Gully on Wed
night. Bn Parade on Thurs morng.
On Frid. 9.30 am moved into



May 1.

trenches and relieved 4 Bn. facing
Silt Spur. Trenches v. shallow but
room for firing line & supports &
Commn trenches. They sd there
was nuisance from snipers.
Battn had 3 sections – I had left,
Burt centre, Keyser & Vowels rt.
No casualties tt day. On left  1 bn
of R.M.L.I. under subaltern
of abt 18yrs. Spent day digging
imp. trenches, deepening & traversing.
by blocking trench & digging round.

Still digging. R.M.L.I sitting
tight not digging.

That night we laid wire in
front of trenches finishing
just before moon rise. As soon
as moon rose Ts attacked in
force in droves on our left front.
We fired rapid controlled fire,
in bursts, upset order of line &


heard cries of Allah & bugles.

Guns on right flank did
wonders at abt 700 yds.

Again Ts advanced & again
bursts broke them up. Sectn
Commanders had men well under
control - "5 rounds rapid " then
waited till another target etc.
One man shot thro' head.

In morning counted 37
dead Ts in front of our small
portion of trench. This scrap put
great heart into men.

Attack lasted till dawn -
they wd go back & get into gully.
When firing ws on front word
ws passed from marines for an
Australian officer I Found
1 of our men in charge of 3 men
w fixed bayonets, a sub. & a
Major - So I asked They wanted
to know if man ws an Australian 


I asked what he ws doing He
sd he ws DH.Q & had
had a slow time & come up for
a shot - "I struck / wrong shop",
he sd. It ws these marines who
(their Maj. sd next morning) shot
their own colonel & bayoneted
M'Nicol. They had a lot of
casualties tt night. We only
had one.

After tt on Sund morng
we were relieved by 8 Bn &
bivouacked on beach- Dug all
afternoon - Monday 3rd moved
to Shell Green to support 11 Bn.
One Coy went in & relieved
part of 11th who next morning
at dawn went to Gaba


Lt Rafferty on Wed ws put into little
9 man rifle pit on right of street
on Maclaurins Hill & relieved on
Frid/ Sat night by Marines.

Capt. Rafferty 12 Bn.

Landed ½ way betw. Fishermans
Hut & Ari Burnu.

Instructions: to land & meet
26th Ind. Mtn Batty at rendezvous
betw 5 & 7a.m. - as soon as
possible after 5 am. They were to
take positn on Hill 400 & we were to
meet them near foot of Shrapnel valley.
We were the gun escort - full platoon.

Got off Ribble w 1st tow wh
dropped last boat, returned to pick it
up, then moving off 2nd boat caught
anchor, tore away. ∧Tug ordered to
cast off. She went to 2nd tow &
we rowed ashore w 3 oars under
fire, 2 men hit in boat.

Landed, assembled men in
creek mouth, took off packs,
put them together - One man just
charge - recd. orders from colonel
to go & combat fire on left. I told him
(We parked packs - man left in charge
ws aftwrds taken awy by someone)

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