Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/31/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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into barbed were it wouldn't hurt his legs. He as killed on Sunday Evenng fighting at this ridpe. A man s wounded he wanted to fet him to cover os k himself we cdnot see the sea behind as because walkers Ridg stopped view. That Ridge ws not held on Friday. In fields around I farm there as a stunted wheat - bells around it were covered to scrut Except a palch atl backo Phouse. There as a pad leaden from (house t up to 1 teuch. There we a little hill to our lefrear - a white Sandy Wokn prace on wh there we a trench which enfiladed as from our left rear. We noticed to fire from there t t therewere
stopped after a bit. (Possiblye 7th Br. got in these). I think it as a halfmoon truch facoy seaward. Capt. Lalor had clembed up a goat track to right O1 Iphiik. He got abt 700,800 yrs N from the 3 Tark tents on Maclagns Ridge. Abt 3 on Sunday afternoon the Turks fixed bayonets + came withen abt 100 yds (we had a bit of cover by thtime & 3 sandbags each tied on t our meastens. Hws a useful tim to us. If we hadn't carried thi We sho have by lost. We were taken on to the trunches app- the Daisy Patch on Tues. & the fighting there ws as tough as any- He wednendy at th time there were 4offaty
.0 5 above me only & we had to reinforce the 8 Br. (Capt Roas took as up). The shrapuel ws going over as on Sunday stelling walkers Ridge. Lr Basse, Helonan, Nox 12Bn LI.S. Margelts A Co. 12 Bn tells me it when leading his Blatoon in pent of Walkers Nex amidot the thyme, when he did not know what we dig to happen & there ws Ne one sapporting him os to take authority (tell he met lator) he had constantly the et smell off thee an his nostrils. He can never small theme how without 7
its recalliy to possible day. Lef Lemnos 2 Pm. Devanha. of Imbros abt 8 - sailed there direct. Queen Lizzie, then row of battleships (London, Pof. W, Queen, Freumph, Bacchauts, Odestroyers, transport L 59 1OE came out at att 20c. At outside made straight for Dardavelles, perfect afternoon, perfect swook sea - Destroyers left fleet at (1) All had bn keeping perfect. enterval - & came alongside traveports, one attached to each, within hailiy distance. Fremendoas cheery from French bocts in harbour as great things
7 sneeked out. We felt quite beroes? Ancunt French Covetle done up as hoop ship passed us going in - they cheered our cheps truetto whisde 1 Marculais. We had spent day before scrubbing down decks as Divanna ws to bes used as hosp ship. By8 we were behied Imbra. Before dark everyone ws broughtup on deck & put in proper place. Frst plateon commd had to inspect ever plation. Each man had I have 2 sdurbays rolled round Entrenching tool, 2 little white bags wh we tried to stain (bosled in tea, coffee, cocoa, -a faw condies crptile) 1c7) tiel on 1.61E behind - water bottles filled - & as Excludiace ws inspected he ws told to put it down where he cd find it in 1 dark. That ws finished att Fam men were told they ad sleep till 11. O Colonel sapested you fellows had better go & have a sleep. went down ito dark taben is & s. Deck, as simply full
Meal at 5 - anoher at PO. Bradier had had packs fixed w2 toops for arms 50 th they cd be thrown off immediatel. 1pm. started getting into bosts. Skepper sd: Lower Gangway – beautifully calm - We pot down in half time onte Ribble (not I rope ladders wh we had praction for monks) By 11.55 we pached off. We were wot kepheles We didnt see transport at all after th Abt. 5 menutes after leaving her we fund other destrogers - pob. 7urall We came along S. of Imbros - no lights. cxcept in waidroom where were Col Clark, Col. Hawley, Adjt, margilts, Elbott - had cup of cocas-cont find space for packs so mostly wort them. Men were moste on deck - End tow on meas deck betc of destioyer. Two old sailors were getting men cocoe all I time. I Comm witkinton from bridge - You fellows cam Smoke & talk quiety, can pumpshep vexp. over Iside; bur an lights to be put out& absolute quiet when I give esdew. The noon as shenig most behind closide
137 We came very slowly. Wilkmson sent a message down to Colonel Clerk - "I have just got a measage - (by bugzer, sure to be, wonld few meles radis) H they have started to transfer troops from 1 battleships. This ws before moondown, at abt Sam. At abt 3.30 am. moon was joi down & Wilkinson sd: Lights out men & stop talking. Were doing in now The speed increased, shep throbbuy. Tust after this we suddenly saw anchosed great dark shape of warshep - (2000 yo off shore) Edse all 1 destrogers all in line going in. We passed a between them. As 4 am. (warship time) when we edsee flat county to 1 N. & dull shape of hells in perit we heard first shot, then succession of shots. There we no cheerin heard . We were town 6 boats. Eade for 36 mew (2 naval men were in charge of boots We were getting under shots at ttime
16 Wilkenson sd. Briy those boats alongside. Each destroyer had improvised little wooden landing stages like step ortside a train. Order "man boats Men-" Pash off, Pennace Conig back from 188 tow sd: can we give you a tow. Picked as up, but outy got away a one boat. Ame back. This time we hit andhor atd carried away our rope. Came bock again & pecked as up. Io ws just after 15t tow (at landed almost straight in front of Sphink Gaba tepe gun fered - towards rowing boats. We dsee 1 flash of gun & barst of shell. (When 1st tow got ashore co see a man at abt 20 yds We had to wait for boats to come back. seemed ages. In one boat as soon as boat touched shore by let oars go & A Birt had to wade dot trying to pick them t up. Some boats had 3 Seamen in them - One man out & his dept heing on to back of Bab& is sd to have by droped of - Mayetts saw hes
One boat in one o (tows is sel to have bu draged over going in pom destroyer. Presently pennace w by naval cutter came alongside. We didn't wait Comnot 5d; Here you are, you can get into the sour man had be hit waiting. Got men in & just shoveng pstandig at S0c, 118 off. Subktier as saying good bye & good luck when be fellback but thro head. on cutter ws young middy - stay a &sailors. Dil one a world of good to see him standing up there - had gt effect on our man. Stamen had heads well down in boat & our men wod have taken cul pom them. As soon as we were close in pinnace sleeved round & we pboars out& sd Row Rown v. fast but S man bit before we touched. Boat v. deep & struck A stone. I at once gave order to disembark. (st man over, bows went in up to shoulders - I went in up to neck + head under bagles went right under (58t2 but his pack seem to floabler Shots very thick. some of missing
Stripper packs + drapped them - hoaded 10 rounds - cut off open - fixed bayonets - safety catches back. 16 may have be lost in water. Shots comeig from S. Stones made men fall in water & it looked as if were hit. Everythey ws wet- Clothes frightfully heavy. There as a ridge on inner side of beach. got men lyeng down - the other men were still on destroyer & had to come along a 2nd tow. We cdntwait for those. Col. ws bete. AriBurner & Sphiix on Nside of small knoll - I aw him standing there. He saw me &Id. Bren your men up here. we were unter cover on beach - forabt 2 minutes & We werhap to Colonel. men coming up on Pridian file. Chrbed knoll by colonel & tried from top to see if co see anything to shoot at. It ws just dull pdy dawn. Field plasses were wet + had nothing to dry tens with $6 or thees.6 9I go hauk Buntroon) Patterson, ws there & to Col. on hands

into barbed wire it wouldnt hurt
his legs. He ws killed on Sunday
evening fighting at this ridge. A man
ws wounded & he wanted to get
him to cover & ws k. himself.
We cd not see the sea behind us 
because Walkers Ridge stopped /

That Ridge ws not held on

In / fields around / farm there
ws a stunted wheat - hills around
it were covered w scrub except
a patch at / back o / house.
There ws a pad leading from / house
T. trench up to / trench.

There ws a little hill to our
left rear - a white sandy looking 
place on wh there ws a T.
trench which enfiladed us
from our left rear. We
noticed tt / fire from there
By tt time there were 4 officers &


stopped after a bit. (Possibly
7th Bn. got in there). I think
it ws a halfmoon trench
facing seaward.

Capt. Lalor had climbed up
a goat track to / right o /
Sphinx. He got abt 700 - 800 yds
N from the 3 Turk tents on Maclagans

Abt 3 on Sunday afternoon
the Turks fixed bayonets &
came within abt 100 yds (we had
a bit of cover by tt time & 3
sandbags each tied on w our
mess tins. It ws a useful thing
to us. If we hadn't carried them
we shd have bn lost.

We were taken on to the
trenches opp. the Daisy Patch
on Tues. & the fighting there ws
as tough as any - tt & Wednesday.
At tt time there were 4 officers


above me only & we had to
reinforce the 8 Bn. (Capt Ross
took us up). The shrapnel ws
going over us on Sunday,
shelling Walkers Ridge.
Lt Basse, Helonan. Hosp
12 Bn.
Lt. I.S. Margetts A Co. 12 Bn
tells me tt when leading his
platoon in front of Walkers Nek
amidst the thyme, when he
did not know what ws
going to happen & there ws
no one supporting him or to
take authority (till he met
Lalor) he had constantly the
sweet smell o / thyme in
his nostrils. He can never
smell thyme now without


its recalling tt horrible day.
Left Lemnos 2 p.m. Devanha.
Off Imbros abt 8 - sailed there

Queen Lizzie, then row of
battleships (London, P. of. W, Queen,
Triumph, Bacchante, 6 destroyers, transports)
Diagram - see original document

Came out at abt 2 o'c. Q.E outside
made straight for Dardanelles,
perfect afternoon, perfect smooth
sea - Destroyers left fleet at
(1) All had bn keeping perfect.
interval - & fell came alongside
transports, one attached to
each, within hailing distance.
Tremendous cheering from French
boats in harbour as great things


sneaked out. "We felt quite heroes." Ancient
French covette done up as hosp ship
passed us going in - they cheered &
our chaps tried to whistle / Marseillaise.
We had spent day before scrubbing down
decks as Devanha ws to be used
as hosp. ship.

By 8 we were behind Imbros.
Before dark everyone ws brought up
on deck & put in proper place.

First platoon commdr had to
inspect every platoon. Each man had
to have 2 sandbays rolled round
entrenching tool, 2 little white bags
wh we tried to stain (boiled in tea,
coffee, cocoa, - a few condies crystals)
[[shorthand]] tied on
behind - water bottles filled - & as
each man ws inspected he ws told
to put it down where he cd find
it in / dark. That ws finished abt
6 p.m. Men were told they cd sleep till
11. Old Colonel suggested "You fellows had
better go & have a sleep." Went down
into dark cabin: [[shorthand]]
is [[shorthand]] Deck ws simply full


Meal at 5 - another at 10. Brigadier
had had packs fixed w 2 loops for arms
so tt they cd be thrown off immediately.

11 p.m. started getting into boats.
Skipper sd: Lower gangway – beautifully
calm - we got down in half time
onto Ribble (not / rope ladders wh
we had practiced for months) By
11.55 we pushed off. We were W of Kephalos.

We didnt see transport at all after tt.
Abt. 5 minutes after leaving her we
found other destroyers - prob. 7 in all.
We came along S. of Imbros - no lights - 
all as except in wardroom where were
Col Clark, Col. Hawley, Adjt, Margetts,
Elliott - had cup of cocoa - cdnt find
space for packs so mostly wore them. Men
were mostly on deck - 2nd tow on
mess deck etc of destroyer. Two old sailors
were getting men cocoa all / time. Lt Commr
Wilkinson from bridge - You fellows can
smoke & talk quietly - can pump ship
over / side; but ∧I exp. all lights to be put
out & absolute quiet when I give
/ order." The moon ws shining mostly
behind clouds.


We came very slowly.

Wilkinson sent a message down
to Colonel Clark - "I have just got a
message - (by buzzer, sure to be, w only
few miles radius) tt they have started to
transfer troops from / battleships."
This ws before moon down, at abt
3 a.m. At abt 3.30 a.m. moon
was going down & Wilkinson sd:
"Lights out men & stop talking. We're
going in now." The speed increased,
ship throbbing.

Just after this we suddenly saw
great dark shape of warship - (anchored 2000 yds
off shore)
Cd see all / destroyers all in line
going in. We passed in between

At 4 a.m. (warship time) when we
cd see flat county to / N. & dull
shape of hills in front we heard first
shot, then succession of shots. There
we no cheering heard . We were towing
6 boats. Next thing Each for 36 men.
(2 naval men were in charge o / boats)
We were getting under shots at tt time


Wilkinson sd: Bring those boats alongside.
Each destroyer had improvised little
wooden landing stages like step outside
a train. Men stepped Order "Man /
boats, Men-" Push off, Pinnace coming
back from 1st tow sd: Can we give
you a tow? Picked us up, but only
got away w one boat. Came back.
This time we hit anchor and
carried away our rope. Came back
again & picked us up.

It ws just after 1st tow (wh landed
almost straight in front of Sphinx)
Gaba Tepe gun fired - towards
rowing boats. We cd see / flash o /
gun & burst of shell. (When 1st tow
got ashore cd see a man at abt 20 yds).

We had to wait for boats to come back -
seemed ages. In one boat as soon as
boat touched shore they let oars go
& Lt Birt had to wade abt trying to
pick them back up. Some boats had 3
seamen in them - one man out o his
depth hung on to back of boat & is sd to
have bn dropped off - Margetts saw him.


One boat in one o / tows is sd to have
bn dragged over going in from destroyer.

Presently pinnace w big naval
cutter came alongside. We didn't wait
- Commdt sd: "Here you are, you
can get into tt." Four man had bn
hit waiting. Got men in & just shoving
off. Sublieut. ∧standing at side ws saying 
"Good bye & good luck"
when he fell back hit thro head.

On cutter ws young middy - standing
up - w 4 sailors. Did one a world of good
to see him standing up there - had gt effect
on our men. Seamen had heads well
down in boat & our men cd have
taken cue from them. As soon as
we were close in pinnace slewed
round & we got oars out & sd Row.
Rowed v. fast but 3 men hit before
we touched. Boat v. deep & struck
a stone. I at once gave order to
disembark. 1st man over bows
went in up to shoulders - I went
in up to neck & head under -
bugler went right under (5 ft 2)
but his pack seem to float him.
Shots very thick. Some of missing


Stripped packs & dropped
them - Loaded 10 rounds - cut off
open - fixed bayonets - safety
catches back.

may have be lost in water. Shots
coming from S. Stones made men fall
in water & it looked as if were hit.
Everything ws wet- Clothes frightfully
heavy - There ws a ridge on inner side
of beach. Got men lying down - the other
men were still on destroyer & had to come
along w 3rd tow. We cdnt wait for
those. Col. ws betw. Ari Burnu &
Sphinx on N. side of small knoll - I
Saw him standing there. He saw me
& sd. Bring your men up here.
We were under cover on beach - for abt
2 minutes. We went up to Colonel -
men coming up in Indian file.
Climbed knoll by Colonel & tried from
top to see if cd see anything to shoot
at. It ws just dull grey dawn.
Field glasses were wet & had nothing
to dry lens with [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] theories [[shorthand]]
[[shorthand]] hankf.
Patterson ∧(Duntroon) ws there & w Col. on hands


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