Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/30/1 - April - August 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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W. Hills. 29th Dir Aug 21. 18 another jumped up in his place. he ws shot too. Is. came over in 3o & ls as usual. Maj. Goodsell n right held on to part of his trench the attack a wk later ws far better arranged - they knew what to do tem - so 1 officer, sd. on Auy 21 the 29th Dion wete go for w Hills from N of Chockat Hills the 33,34, SS Bdes were to attack certain trenches on S. to preout enfelade from F. trunch & Susak Kugis + £4 E29k She Sde on I right ws to start from our French A & take tanrk truck & I The Bde on 1 left ws to goon & Cabe Turk trench TQ & the Bde
May Jackson) 19 in reserve ws to help to take T. trinch XV. The right Bde dis its iob it To. TH daft woyds to lf tds somenow lost directon + came on right across I front of 29th. The 3rd Bde wandere of to Susak Knyn. The right Bde left by itself, attacked from 3 sides, came back. The right Bde came back. I am told tt we had the Burnt Hill abready at this time & only lost et afterward. FCS0 F of 1 pst Austrati Dron teir who ws there on & staff tells me So. He doesnt believe Butish wer were right up in Auafarta. As for 1 yeomanny they had to come later right across I plain under a fearful shelling & were killed in rows as thy lay ap waiting on 1S. sid of Chocolate Hills. You cosee
20 t ceive ws to take I tanet them there nex day (he says). He tought they were alive & as hi what they were doin there. He never heard to they went any further but I'm pretty sure his wrong if he means to they didnt

W. Hills. 29th Div.
Aug 21.


another jumped up in his place -

he ws short too. Ts came over in

3s & 4s as usual. Maj. Goodsell

on right held on to part of his trench

the attack a wk later ws far

better arranged - they knew what

to do then - so / officer sd.

On Aug 21 the 29th Divn wd to

go for W Hills from N of Chocolate

Hill; the 33, 34, 35 Bdes were 

to attack certain trenches on S.

to prevent enfilade from T. trench


[Sketched map- see original scan.]

The Bde on / right ws to start from our

trench A & take Turk trench YZ.

The Bde on / left ws to go on &

take Turk trench TQ & the Bde



in reserve ws to help to take T. trench

XY. The right Bde did its job The it

left bde somehow lost directn & 

came on right across / front of

29th. The 3rd Bde wondered off

to Susak Kuyu. The right Bde left

by itself, attacked from 3 sides,

came back. The right Bde came 

back. I am told th we had the

Burnt Hill already at this

time  &only lost it afterwards

-GSO II of 1st Australn Divn (Maj Jackson)

who ws there on ^their staff tells

me so. He doesnt believe I

British men were right up in

Anafarta. As for I yeomanry

they had to come later right

across I plain under a fearful

shelling & were killed in rows

as they lay up waiting on I S. side

of Chocolate Hill. You cd see



in reserve ws to take T trench
them there next day (he says). He

thought they were alive & asked

what they were doing there.

He never heard th they went

any further but I'm pretty sure

he's wrong if he mean th they 




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