Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/30/1 - April - August 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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a pty came back in a M. G. Section (5 men and ferms W.C.O. from Joeben). They told snhptue truches. By standiny upon our tricty see e ot charges they after made tleft us alone). Fight as incessant (wo came out or mondan night) coou our truc on night of Moad Ay G.N left 4 m. 9s on Churruh Bair- some with parties; some & wisty These of Durie were all lost Cty gune aw nothing of Baldwins altach on Mond. morning - B jobap Aghyl Dere & Entrenctied before Farm &wt there on thes. morning. Monday night Army l3 somepeopie sterle t di Etle trench to your upw us from Farm but it had not got thro when we left. Abt Poyds to come
The E15h.4. on No1 Post stew at Daybreak trks attackin in at lanst cs times from Bship hill - our shrapselon them, some falling - then came on out of sight. That after abt 100 men came rushing down Bli Beit Ot Moad night we were ough back -on thesmorg. put onto Cheshie Ridge. There ws no artillery bombardment of our trunches by teks as far as we cdsee. There as a tremendous shooting from Chrinak Bair. We did not see trunches on top go bec. they had come outby daylight . Saw Tarks coming over from Chunak towards farm coming by Small parties dogens at a time ensby over cant see very top of Chunicik from these) Ths w from 6 onwards. Our own truck had gone also - Turks were not up to them at all. The second live went at Sametime as Chunnk Bair. Turksnever pt there in force. Unquestionably theee trenches Abovebn held + wd have saved Farm. I In wed. Auckl. & Ota
10 took over a Apex from einsters & covered it while truebes were day by o Weth Pioneers - lyny out in by screen. Turks at this time were digpi on - busy at night robbing our dead -all coveri pties for some days reported this. The Ts. were fought right out + were very goet. You cd sit out on 1 parspet those days & not get a shot fried seered on Sunday t -yon. t 40 Bae D Dwn (Royal Welsh) crenches twith The Farm. This we left on tread. No one there on Wed morny. Tarks didnt Comedown there till abt Friday or Saturday. Is never got as fas as Farm on jues. but got down ridge to left towards Abdel Rahman we had a live along ridge
icertus wmbout more towads Farm. Abdel Rahman but stope towa it we ordered back as it ws considered to sabentastoo by Hleft exposed Jurkhas who came in with suck. on 7th had lost way & come up Chaclak cnsread of Aghyl. They were afterwds sent back fre but very few lefts The British troops Simple left the Farm - they were hot say hevilly o therei to leave it noneed At bottom of sap down Sayli there wd a Turkish well & all oar wounded were lying there - fully 300 were there, crowded round it. Men bedg hit were who vernt
2 Auckland m. 9s were left w Iwills in Malone's trenches. & m.g. crews. (Dwoy these ganners survive) 12 giving them drinks. One man belonging to Wellington who we shot thro leg (brokin) sehertisother foot, crawled all night on Land- night upagotonts our trech on Mond. at bandlayed & setty daylight & wyt hap who knew first and ilan allday in sen (Padd M Gurk, Cook in Hawkes Bay loy) & we carried out by 5.6s at night. Il ron you a wogds yet Sir, head as the took him over I trech were working to wounded in Sasle Beit weren'd even suised poobg most were got out. Wewer short of Fom
Helles 13. 10.30. Huck first over Innisk & Houts trush, then over Essex (150 yds ferwd). nder Shrep. & anawned fire ever sence left 2 support tres. At 15t trench got M. 9s. on as. One M.9. from across Mellah on left other on hill near Dany patch. Firtrees were far to our right. Anck & Cant. between asrausto. got roogds. from Essex & dig in - Centre ws held up. Our extreme tett ws held. K.O.S.Rs &Indeans were the. At 5.30 ger. Marshall we there. ROTB officer told Marshall he cont jo prid. wd rather be relieved of his Command. At 5.30 issex
14 came cuto our trech Sentford Sector on st9 Wellington & they got weped up on the hill -only 2 wen pt back - So line ws hold where it &Essex went back to own truet agn. The right were a good deal furtur back had made abt 1oyds. They advanced but has to fad back to heave casualties in Danh Patch (Auckl- Canterbury on Extreme right job up to where Anstolu were + heidon but w their left bentback.
one Pine 7 Bn) 15 On morning of 97 (see cable 49 in T. Polle the T machins guns, keptap a constant fire on our parspet. They could get our men in 1 back Where they addle them on 1 Southern plank. 3 Our parados had not bu T. Folly made high eno F mgs cdsle a row of men to their head over parapet. At down this day 7en they swept down this lene + -50 men who are there say - practically killed the Cot. They just fellforwd one after anotin a their heads on I parapet as if they were resting my informant (Copt. Ball) Spoke to one officer (Lreet Edwards) - thought he ws merely deaf (as he had bu). but he ws dead. The diffy of the Tn weth our common trenches were so bad oso few a yet to bombs coabbe got up & we were apaid to hold I front tie lightly trust to supports - thought
18Bad Will 60 16 supports co not be shap in time. An officer of 18Bn whows present tel med On 22 Aug 18Bn at Kill 60 had am no preparation encept o at 4.0c or thereabouts officers were as ked to meet the Bdemagos of the NEMIE. He 3d. Geallenen - Here's a hill over ther in possession o1 enemy. You can goround to 1 south side of it Where I sikhs have a trench & you will take it from there. They underster Gea. Monach'o men wd cooperate to them - & then their advice ended. They were marched straydin to place, as a guide - when they reached Kaiagik Dire 1 guide turned up it & let them right up it instead of across to Indians - & they had to turn round as best thy co &0 back down 1 creek & then across I field - Result ws to Turks saw them in 1 Kaiagite, &an knew someting wss up. The Turks saw them again (it ws now breaking day light) crossing wheat or stubble field before getting to 1 sckcles.
They were here in column of voule & several mgs & riflefore opened On them when they were all in I field They broke. Some ran to Sitchs trench - Others to 1 scrub (mostdf these were K.) alt 40 were knock over. At te gats (or gap in (hedge) in I Sikhes line 1 offer got Lopte what men they could & pushed on to I attack in little parties of 8 or 10.A M.J. opened on him at once in 1 sap. They some of them reached the F. truch others didn't. They didnt know N.Z. ws holdny part I twench, they didn't know what trench or truches there were or what they were supposed to do. Their Col- may have known but he didn't tell 1 officers I doubt if he had much time may Lave took his party down I trench to I left & ws bonbed out. To counterattaclied bravily officers at anyrate. They a see officer on parapet wavin his sword - he we shot

a pty came back in a
M. G. Section (5 men. and German
N.C.O. from Goeben). They told
nothing had captured the Turkish
trenches. By standing upon
our trench you cd see
some o / charges they afterwd
made, but (they left us alone).
Fight as incessant (wo came
out or mondan
coou our
truc on night of Moad Ay G.N
left 4 m. 9s on Churruh Bair- some with parties; some & wisty
These of Durie were all lost Cty gune
aw nothing of Baldwins altach
on Mond. morning - B jobap
Aghyl Dere & Entrenctied before
Farm &wt there on thes.
Monday night
Army l3
somepeopie sterle t di
trench to your upw us from
Farm but it had not got thro
when we left. Abt Poyds to come


The E15h.4. on No1
Post stew at Daybreak
trks attackin in at
lanst cs times from Bship
hill - our shrapselon them,
some falling - then came on
out of sight.
That after abt 100 men
came rushing down Bli Beit

Ot Moad night we were ough
back -on thesmorg. put onto
Cheshie Ridge. There ws
no artillery bombardment
of our trunches by teks as far
as we cdsee. There as a
tremendous shooting from Chrinak
Bair. We did not see trunches on
top go bec. they had come outby
daylight . Saw Tarks coming
over from Chunak towards farm
coming by Small parties
dogens at a time ensby over
cant see very top of Chunicik
from these) Ths w from 6
onwards. Our own truck had
gone also - Turks were not up
to them at all. The second live
went at Sametime as Chunnk
Bair. Turksnever pt there in
force. Unquestionably theee trenches
Abovebn held + wd have
saved Farm. I
In wed. Auckl. & Ota


took over a Apex from einsters
& covered it while truebes were
day by o Weth Pioneers - lyny
out in by screen. Turks at
this time were digpi on - busy
at night robbing our dead
-all coveri pties for some
days reported this. The Ts.
were fought right out + were
very goet. You cd sit
out on 1 parspet those
days & not get a shot fried
on Sunday t
40 Bae D Dwn (Royal Welsh)
crenches twith
The Farm. This we left
on tread. No one there on
Wed morny. Tarks didnt
Comedown there till abt
Friday or Saturday.
Is never got as fas as Farm
on jues. but got down ridge
to left towards Abdel Rahman
we had a live along ridge


icertus wmbout more
towads Farm.

Abdel Rahman but
stope towa
it we ordered back as it ws
considered to sabentastoo
by Hleft exposed
Jurkhas who came in
with suck. on 7th had lost
way & come up Chaclak
cnsread of Aghyl. They
were afterwds sent back fre
but very few lefts
The British troops Simple
left the Farm - they were hot
say hevilly o therei
to leave it
At bottom of sap down
Sayli there wd a Turkish
well & all oar wounded
were lying there - fully 300
were there, crowded round it. Men
bedg hit were
who vernt


2 Auckland m. 9s were
left w Iwills in
Malone's trenches.
& m.g. crews. (Dwoy
these ganners survive)

giving them drinks. One
man belonging to Wellington
who we shot thro leg (brokin)

foot, crawled all night
on Land- night upagotonts
our trech on Mond. at
bandlayed & setty
daylight & wyt hap
who knew first and ilan
allday in sen (Padd
M Gurk, Cook in Hawkes
Bay loy) & we carried
out by 5.6s at night.
Il ron you a wogds
yet Sir, head as the
took him over I trech were working to
wounded in Sasle Beit
weren'd even suised
poobg most were got out.
Wewer short of




10.30. Huck first over
Innisk & Houts trush, then
over Essex (150 yds ferwd).
nder Shrep. & anawned
fire ever sence left 2 support
tres. At 15t trench got
M. 9s. on as. One M.9.
from across Mellah on left
other on hill near Dany
patch. Firtrees were far
to our right. Anck & Cant.
between asrausto.
got roogds. from Essex
& dig in - Centre ws
held up. Our extreme
tett ws held. K.O.S.Rs
&Indeans were the.
At 5.30 ger. Marshall
we there. ROTB officer told
Marshall he cont jo prid.
wd rather be relieved of his
Command. At 5.30 issex


came cuto our trech
Sentford Sector on st9
Wellington & they got weped
up on the hill -only
2 wen pt back - So
line ws hold where it
&Essex went back to own
truet agn. The right were
a good deal furtur back
had made abt 1oyds.
They advanced but has
to fad back to heave
casualties in Danh
Patch (Auckl-
Canterbury on Extreme
right job up to where Anstolu
were + heidon but w
their left bentback.


one Pine
7 Bn)

On morning of 97 (see cable 49
in T. Polle
the T machins guns, keptap a
constant fire on our parspet.
They could get our men in 1 back
Where they addle them on 1 Southern
Our parados
had not bu
T. Folly
made high eno
F mgs cdsle a
row of men to their head over
parapet. At down this day
they swept down this lene + -50
men who are there say - practically
killed the Cot. They just fellforwd
one after anotin a their heads on
I parapet as if they were resting
my informant (Copt. Ball) Spoke
to one officer (Lreet Edwards) - thought
he ws merely deaf (as he had bu).
but he ws dead. The diffy of the
Tn weth our common trenches
were so bad oso few a yet to
bombs coabbe got up & we were
apaid to hold I front tie lightly
trust to supports - thought


18Bad Will 60

supports co not be shap
in time.
An officer of 18Bn whows present tel
med On 22 Aug 18Bn at Kill 60 had
no preparation encept o at 4.0c or
thereabouts officers were as ked to meet
the Bdemagos of the NEMIE. He 3d.
Geallenen - Here's a hill over ther
in possession o1 enemy. You
can goround to 1 south side of it
Where I sikhs have a trench & you
will take it from there. They underster
Gea. Monach'o men wd cooperate
to them - & then their advice
ended. They were marched straydin
to place, as a guide - when they
reached Kaiagik Dire 1 guide
turned up it & let them right
up it instead of across to
Indians - & they had to turn
round as best thy co &0
back down 1 creek & then
across I field - Result ws to
Turks saw them in 1 Kaiagite, &an
knew someting wss up. The Turks
saw them again (it ws now breaking
day light) crossing wheat or stubble
field before getting to 1 sckcles.


They were here in column of voule
& several mgs & riflefore opened
On them when they were all in I field
They broke. Some ran to Sitchs
trench - Others to 1 scrub (mostdf
these were K.) alt 40 were knock
over. At te gats (or gap in (hedge)
in I Sikhes line 1 offer got Lopte
what men they could & pushed
on to I attack in little parties
of 8 or 10.A M.J. opened on him
at once in 1 sap. They some of
them reached the F. truch
others didn't. They didnt
know N.Z. ws holdny part
I twench, they didn't know what
trench or truches there were or
what they were supposed to do.
Their Col- may have known but
he didn't tell 1 officers
I doubt if he had much time
may Lave took his party down
I trench to I left & ws bonbed
out. To counterattaclied bravily
officers at anyrate. They a
see officer on parapet wavin
his sword - he we shot


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