Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/30/1 - April - August 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR1606/3017 Title: Notebook, April - August 1975 includes references to Auckland Battalion, 7th and 18th Battalions, 29th Division, the landing, Lone Pine and Hill 60. AWMISS-3DRL60613011
& EI M. 5e i 2 22 208 50 5 8 3 3 3 5 83 35 3 2 53 35 5 5 323 s tC 3 58 5 68 5.3 25 5 5 Reg. Reco.
Regr. Rec.
planded Auchd. M.. Bn; WAlikato Eoq. Clrrck12 10.30 an 12oc. recd orders to reif. Austoln left at 22t C.S. Puchdap Reveoush had gone ap towads Sphi but few. Walker wished advance to be made over Plyjes Platian. Put in over Playses, thro commn trench; down Mine Gully (past sentry who warned them) Last Bn of Austialians we monay past thereat We waiter in mine valley till thy cleared. Then starlit ap Maclaurins Hill towards firing tine but were waved from top to keep on up fully (monash Tubby). went to extreme top.
Note as to times & units. Got out Baby 700 abt 1.15 got to extreme positi at2 Left there abt 2.30 saw no one on left or right while there. Lef Baby 700 abt 4.30 for Nek. H it abt 5.15 on the Wek. th Haurakis (Coy of Huckl) were sentap but didnt find Wackats. A few jound at 3.30or 4. Some were on Nek at 4. 30 & some went to right of Waikato but didn't geton touch. One by we on Plugges Ratean rd Huckld ts (N. Auckt). were more in centre of live - didnt. turnupto left. Monash fully octibeed up sleep ground on our left wh put as just past the Nek (E of it). Tast there there ws a nice depression + we collected the company in it. Then sent them on thio scrut. Abt 200yds on met knydon . He had 40r I live men & sev. wounded holding on. He had bn there all morning & had sent back agn & agr for remps. We asked who ws on left. got reply tro Austilus. On high ground on our right rear were Austrtus of Donta guns. went on to edge of scrut where it cleared - clear valley ws in point o Enemy tructs abl 800 gds on. We were there abt ½ br - some austialious with me - on crest of Baby 700 ednt see the Sea. We went back to
Kindon. I wanted to Soback say in by Nek but K. wont leave his wounded. stayed there till 6.30. Fire very hot, m.9. & rifle fire. Ednt see to rewform Had a platoon on right but station condo, messng ever since. (Baddely) got back to Wek & found it held by a few of 6th Haurak is (hadn't seen anyone there on way up). got wounded & event back to beach. were in 86.0.4 & looking at 80 p.6 - noticed quarry. Turks first fired one gan & then series of y. Tustamed rifle fire astony as t scrab but momentgot up to advance fire greatly increased. (Tho ednt see to exceptover towards sand pit cnn trench). Brown Cring thro open, half way. From crest of Baby 700 we finished w 1 scrut It ws open from there to sandpit.
luckl. Inf. Aug7. Col. Stuast wik. between Walkers + Nek abt 80n7 & major panlo body wd be bet 80n8 & 80.S.2. His bod we found. stuart ws then advancing. Pobl K. att 5th 5.30 No N.3. Cupon Banchopes Auck came following on wellington up Chailak. Reachedo after Wellington abt daybreak 4.15. Had no fighty so far. Had breakf. M.G. pom Chareek B spottedas auny breakfast on conthern Hope of Dere reter W. of Apex - & given lost. After breakf. Col. wo called to Bde & patin over Apek to take Chunak B.
12 fe R. s parties some without these of course all 64 Tarks posity. Pinade Apis ours. Ct of Pinnach there wsa dip fabt. 1P 15 or 20 ft - then uphill t top of Chunk. Dair. The neck is abt 75f wide. Lraden tosoon as got over Htoped Apex - in tiues of platoons Turthas (supposed to go smult ancously) started a little after us to go in a curious diamond shaper formati. But some swerved into Sasli & some to Larm SThen were asking all f time But arent Purkhas comny. Ad Ther 1 and cover f to seems to be their way of fypting. Ednt face the Tabe in ippo noteshere) fire. Auck. went over line after line over apix. men went down so fast as went over edge of apex to Col. Younger thought the were diving for dugants. Bet it at M. gs on Chunuk (not Battleship) to ws catahing
farm Thatine Sagle But tuck putin wavytrenches. T. latring we very filthy – Nobile. wosyn of sanitation it. There ws nobode on Battleshing They cd have enfiladed us from these but there ws no one there! we got do aen out of the 3 Cogs into 1 Turkish truch by 12am behad slanted at 11 am. there we a t mountain gun on Abdel Rahman She put in t0 shots or so. This Turkish trunch ws good cover - nan down into Sagli Beit. It had bn occupied but they must have cleared out the morning - it ws a good fire truck from Sasli to Farm. We took up to stope (drop of 30/t) above Farm. Lost ho one after gtting to treach 15oyds ws covered in abt I rushes. ( take in here map & noted That night we put in support on mondnight started join it to linchon trench &
Before Wellingtons attack we put in tremendous shelling - our own Arty & ships - startyabt 3 - right ontop of Chamek Bair - from walkers right wand I crest. Tat stopped Jast before W. came up - they followed almost just on malone ws a little late. It we asplended bombardment. apex. Whole line had bu day by Mon-Lues. night - it we 2-3ff down. Saby night you cd work out on topens - Col. came back to BleH. Q. 3 Garkhas got in. we werent in toach to f Farm. Mew an Sazli (Turkhas) were never seen again - tey much hage got it from lower on Bohp Hill. Sand. morning welling ton came over in lives of platoons extended, just before day brak Wdvalched them to up 1 stope (strigg slope from us to Chumk Wair, Every one of us got out of trenches expectin ever menate to seeth peton them. First live desappeared over crest. Some firny started Abt 10 mins. After they Pa

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.
Diaries and Notebooks

Item number 3DRL606/30/1
Title: Notebook, April - August 1915
Includes references to Auckland Battalion, 7th
and 18th Battalions, 29th Division, the landing,
Lone Pine and Hill 60.


Regt Rec


Original  DIARY No. 30
AWM38  3DRL 606  ITEM 30 [1]


The use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But apart from these terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer's mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep;
also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when
discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.

These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he
did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.
16 Sep., 1946.                   C.E.W. BEAN


23.2.78 ARM


Reg. Rec.


Diagram - see original document


Auckld. Inf. Bn; Waikato Coy. Auckl. ^landed 10.30 a.m.
Diagram - see original document

12 o'c. recd
orders to
left? at 2.25 4?
Pushed up
had gone up
towards Sphinx but Gen.
Walker wished advance
to be made over Plugges
Plateau. Put in over Plugges,
thro commn trench, down
"Mine" Gully (past sentry who
warned them) Last Bn of Australians
ws moving past there & Auck Waikato
waited in Mine Valley till
they cleared. Then started up
Maclaurins Hill towards firing
line but were waved from top
to keep on up gully (Monash
Gully). Went to extreme top of


[Note as to times & units.
Got onto Baby 700 abt 1.15.
Got to extreme positn abt. 2
Left there abt 2.30 -
saw no one on left or right
while there. Left Baby 700
abt 4.30 for Nek.
Hit abt 5.15 on the Nek.

6th Haurakis (Coy of Auckl.)
were sent up but didnt
find Waikato. A few joined
at 3.30 or 4. Some were
on Nek at 4.30 & some
went to right of Waikato
but didn't get in touch.

One Coy ws on Plugges Plateau
(3rd Auckld Coy)

15th (N. Auckl). were more
in centre of line - didnt
turn up to left.]  →

Monash Gully & climbed
up steep ground on our left
wh put us just past the Nek
(E of it). Just there there ws a
nice depression & we collected
the company in it. Then sent them
on thro scrub. Abt 200 yds
on met Kingdon. He had
4 or 5 live men & sev. wounded
holding on. He had bn there
all morning & had sent back
agn & agn for reinfs. We
asked who ws on left. Got 
reply 2nd Austrlns. On high
ground on our right rear were
Austrlns & (?) mtn guns.
Went on to edge of scrub where
it cleared - clear valley ws
in front w enemy trench abt
800 yds on.  ⇣  We were there

abt ½ hr - some Australians
with me - on crest of Baby 700
- cdnt see the sea. We went back to


Kingdon. I wanted to go back
& dig in by Nek but K. wdnt
leave his wounded. Stayed there
till 4.30. Fire very hot, m.g.
& rifle fire. Cdnt see T.s reinforcing
Had a platoon on right but
platoon comdr. missing ever
since. (Baddely).

Got back to Nek & found it
held by a few of 6th Haurakis
(hadn't seen anyone there on 
way up). Got wounded & went
back to beach.

Were in 80 . O . 4 & looking
at 80 p. 6 - noticed quarry.

Turks first fired one gun
& then series of 4 - Sustained
rifle fire as long as ^lying in scrub but
moment got up to advance
fire greatly increased. (Tho cdnt
see Ts except over towards sand
pit in trench). Brown line thro'
open, half way. From crest of
Baby 700 we finished w / scrub.
It ws open from there to sandpit.


Auckl. Inf. Aug 7.

Col. Stuart ws k. between
Walkers & Nek abt 80 n 7.
& Major Grants body wd be betw
80 n 8 & 80 S. 2. His body
ws found. He ws Stuart ws
then advancing. Probly k. abt 5 to
No N.Z. Inf on Bauchopes
Auck. came following on Wellington
up Chailak. Reached top
after Wellington abt daybreak
4.15. Had no fighting so far.
Had breakf. M.G. from Chunuk
B. spotted us during breakfast
on southern slope of Dere -
rather W. of Apex - & 9 men
lost. After breakf. Col. ws called
to Bde & put in over Apex
to take Chunuk B.


N Z 

We left 4 on Chunuk B. some with
parties some without - there of course all

Diagram - see original document

Pinnacle = Turks positn.

Apex ours.

E of Pinnacle there 

ws a dip of abt.

15 or 20 ft - then

uphill to top of 

Chunuk Bair.

The neck is abt

75 ft wide.

As soon as got over slope of
Apex - in lines of platoons.
Gurkhas (supposed to go 
simultaneously) started a little
after us to go in a curious
diamond shaped formatn.
But some swerved into Sazli
& some to / Farm. N.Z. Men were
asking all / time - "But 
arent / Gurkhas coming."
They Gurkhas tried to creep round
under cover but got it
tt seems to be their way of
fighting - they cdnt face
/ fire. (※ Take in map & notes here) Auck. went over 
line after line over Apex.
Men went down so fast
as went over edge of Apex
tt Col. Younger thought they
were diving for dugouts. But
it ws m.g.s on Chunuk
(not Battleship) tt ws catching


Diagram - see original document
Auck put in wavy trenches.
T. latrine ws very flithy - No hole.
No sign of sanitation

it. "There ws nobody on Battleship
They cd have enfiladed us
from there but there ws no one there."

We got 100 men out of the 3
Coys into / Turkish trench by 12 am
We had started at 11 a.m.

There ws a T. mountain
gun on Abdel Rahman -
she put in 60 shots or so.

This Turkish trench ws good
cover - ran down into Sazli
Beit. It had bn occupied
but they must have cleared
out tt morning - it ws a
good fire trench from Sazli
to Farm. We took up to slope
(drop of 30 ft) above Farm. Lost 
no one after getting to trench.
150 yds ws covered in abt
2 rushes. (x Take in here maps & notes)
That night we put in support
trench & ^started to join it ^on Mond night to trench on


Before Wellingtons attack we put
in tremendous shelling - our own
arty & ships - started abt
8 - right on top of Chunuk
Bair - from Walkers right
round / crest. That stopped
just before W. came up - they
followed almost just on,
Malone ws a little late. It
ws a splendid bombardment. →

Apex. Whole line had bn dug by
Mon-Tues. night - it ws 2-3 ft down.

Saty night you cd work out
in / open - Col. came back to
Bde H.Q. 3 Gurkhas got in.
We werent in touch w / Farm.
Men in Sazli (Gurkhas) were
never seen again - they must 
have got it from lower on Bship

Sund. morning Wellington
came over in lines of platoons
extended, just before daybreak.
⇣ We Watched them go up / slope
(straight slope from us to Chunuk Bair)
Every one of us got out of
trenches expecting every
minute to see the Turks open out on
them. First line disappeared
over crest. Some firing started.
Abt 10 mins. after they passed



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