Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/281/1 - 1918 - 1933 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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Lad Hoy. orders Tands & move into forward areas with t0 shovels 50 pichs 2 bales sandbags 10 bundles Frand were 20 corls baibed 100 long screws so0 shore. and emload in valley R296 or C ord. No. 4 Section, with LE Best (14 Hey) was to take the J0T Cundated) Report on operations from 8Aug. onwards three main works carried out by 2t Coy were water suftly Reconnansance Defeasive works. Water susply Definite areas were allotted to exploit. From three sources:- Village surface wells Decp well system River supplies. the village supplies were namely sufficient for the troops, but E failed absolutely to cobe with the quantities regd for the large number of houses area. The testing of the wells by the AMe was often very late, to kente pattingpuntiny heres anay pon the bormne neonne was made to be des wells. On 9 Aug. Faraund filons coyunfrtinaly intact futing a conplece Crman punbing alt, but later on the puning ats sets were destroyed. the speater wenedeat ron and aper e eny heal
3 Hs. 22/8/18. Reserve field by An RAP I constructed at RSa00 but ½ wrecked by 23/8/18 presumably by a delay action mine or sheel. an explosion in a deecup, I sappens were Ricled (CLIPice made a detailed between 23426An reconnaissance of area of left Brigade of t accommodation, bridges, roads stracks, railways, wells, dumps At Troissy dump (L34d and R46) on 298/18. Adges Shovels 120 (abt) 3do (about Anvils spars, 30 lengths 600 leather belting 50 ft (abl) Switchboard & starter Armowred cable 3reels Timber 30,000 maning feet were cable 100 ft (abl) Vices 3 Cement 6dozbags Barbie were 760cals 1 dos teas Conartina wire 200coils Duchboards 3500 French wire 280 rolls Portable eagires 2 Were netting wolls 52 Stationary 3 Hoopvron 4 dozcoils Dron, round 1000 ft (abt) Joists, rolled steel 8x3, averge length 18 6400 Small lathe, complete Mining sets 1500 Flectric motor Icomplete in pieces I slightly damaged. Nails 8doz casts 2dos bags Vickets, angle vion, long 1800 short 50 " Teman 70 screw, long 3800 Picks 36 (abt) Pit props 36,000 (abt) Kellleys 7 Hand pumps. 10 Hails, metre sange 25 length, 20 Rmmens 24 (alt) land Law, complate Cercular saws. 26 circular saws &benches (complete) of Cossent saws 4 derews ecases Shafting 50 ft
AU. Wardeary 19/8/18 Appendices 296/16 21/8/18 261918 Ar 0 ClC 3Dw 9 Hoy relieved 13 Floy, the only &lay with the Peaison Irce 3 Pronendon taken from Che & attached to gnfAde as an extrafighting by HH Johnson will act as Engpeaison officer with 9fade stell employed with 9 mfple on enge preparis until 9Hes 7/2 night when I come into reserve. Bridge in forwardarea. 5 hice e Northern bay (18. - (22263 Three bays (S. bay 12, centre bay 14½) completely demolished. Span 21s L22956, budge over stream. superstructure completely demolished. (22a5D6S. bridge over stream. Span 20t superstructure completely dencolished. 64.6 (railway budse). L21668. Span 671/½. Superstructure L21658 roadbugge completely deawolished. L21d 25710 Standard Gange failway buidge, Span 109 Tember superstructure. In good order (21d2035. Road bridge. Bricharch good condiction is Buch arch demolishes. (28 C6525 Shan 49
3 DW. Enps Mersages & Synel From LE. T.A Borthwick 3 par 26 Aug 1918. report G large Arty ammuin dump at (226 &d 0 fully prepared a demolition with detonators position. Hand grenade traps are cnstatled stacs engr dump at same place. YoBn tenfly mouated small guard but 10 quite inadequates & rize place. I take I least two days & remove charges investigate the placea farther traps.
9He Wardary phreesations of coy iats reserve. No. 2 Secter engaged in 22/8/18 gide ofern. Moved out at gew hour (4.45am) to reconnoctre cafta area for deep dupnts & to examine mines traps. Section had a very roughday though heavy eveny banage both going 1 comeng back Your sections lefteamp. 3.30 a.m Aittack continued. 2578/18 to construct luages overdonine & canal near fray & to make roads tr afficatte. Norkcontinued for over 14 his three bridges to take ambalancer. tell 6.30pm three forfoothaffic te three foothaffic bridge de previous day, reconstructed 208/18 to carry fieldarty. Resoe of he WCook (No 2 Setion) on bray operations 22/8/18. Role - to examinet reporton capta duposets in 7Bre area Worked in three parties. Trach took seation I dense mest in valley, Has pretty bad also However by piching uplandmants. ! I noticed day before, reached small quarrg near te Main Bray Corbie road where divided into 3 parties. No 1 party went on the left & the farther we were the the maners bicycles thecher the banage seewed to fet. were becoming awhward overthe town-appound, so left in a shellbole. After 1½ meante; speel behend disabled laal party sprea out Iwent on. Thechest part bange just ahead & only by shee luck ed I hope- passit. Aparty abt (2infymen blotted a 5.9 shell ined ahead 1 other to first thought 2 forstaid, but a strent the rule o Set on with job leave CC S/bs. Soon cwent. The first dugontI a m/s post open, well canonplaged. Mysuaners I kelled? shlefire, alsoone their
29918 Major Drake Brochmans report 9 Hor Pattr Kelled by German messagedogs. The other dog ver much alive savage. sell toobusy toches seanded +every ench dupout &booby traps. but found in suspicious. On Sig officer already established s there Remainder area seanhed taak mines looby traps, but apparently there had act St. prepare (8 two other parties were trohen up & banage, the corporal chagge as being killed, while the corporal a spr other party were dightly wounded but considery saken. Hot hity As ( did notturn up at readezvous, No 1 Party searhed the remainder be area. I included 3 dep diyouts and a hastily prepared tank mine on the main road & made up stick prenades. Easily dismantled + thrown dear road. (L14C 757S) pemene I 2 parts one c each tractor "tank. Each consisted of 21 stick bombs on top of 1I a lemp of vion There were 3 buadles 3 bombs (about 56W). borad together strings allteed, aleagth cable. The two ables laid along the road to a dujout 100 yas East, so that the minesexplided Co the tanh reached Appeared aherrriedly constructed the spot. attempt at work, only concealment I an amoninta bashet thrown less conspicuous had (not I on the top each. exactly opp each other on the wheel tracds. Pontoon bridge with appeaaches completed at L33C19 Bridge for F. Arty constructed L 28c31 At L22a53 gap being bridged by stone bank (as bridge o only over a backwater ]o abt completed, At L22 a 66 three saps still remain) bridged. Col. Sanday (3Ponark) I making reconm there demolished bridgesidea commeniig work (6after. Chestates 6). job -o men worked out proposehanding over. the three gaps at L22a66. Will hand over12.30 pe Road S made pt C traffic 2 L33 819to C 22 a66)
2518/18 later report Report pu 26/8/18. A Hay road along caval I improved made passable to Ferman pontoon bridge S. of 85d 21. Pontoon (oolbridge?I put at (33283 track marked) refaired & L33a83 to L21d93. Tempy foottridge I put first gapatf 22a66, the other two gaps & crossed 1 only diffy. Tenished word buages etc at 12.30 pr. by day. te road I ft c light traffic to L22a66 & it, aubulances cd go to th point. advance 6 three saps over stream still require bridged a I roughl polbriged so, take walking woudded itc. From Pontom brilge L33a 30 to 122267 Spt & traffic) bpan teday. That o, three bridges t constructed over Caps. shd carry F. Arty Have examined denioleshed roadbuidge at 122b 66. Wd take several days to clean up old site, 12 poss, erect a bridge between road railway buage faily quickly. Thream at least 12/t deep. opinion Coy ed constred bridge 12days but CW working hard "a long hours a last few days s soner t more to espec tresle bridge a always doubtful proportion ofc foundations.
1070 Engaged on road reconnaissance & rpau work, wells, dugouts dc. stock of Engr material in captined dump at Gray St 51bboxes of explanves 5800 anning sets 1000 vion notice boards 200 expanded metae rolls 53605500 leagths of timber corugated von 675 750 bundles of laths 350 peeprops 56 565 poles. 83830 rolls were neting yo beendles round vion I stack forging iron 84 nexed cron rails 3 stachs Hospital tember parts 400 sheets baby elephant iron 220 .. Cupola vion 500.. ridging 25 bands tar 6250 soien pichets 3000 coils baibed wirre 1255 a plain wire 24 barbed were entanglements 300 woils French wire 4320 rolls of camouflage soo picks 8850 8850 ion pichets 350 coils treach matting 0000 bundles fascines no 75 Bgirders 18815 18 heavs sets bny foobbridges 12.73 300 lighesets 16x3 100 Cmonflage road screens 400 duchboards 780750 bridge deching also. 120 Plass wiadows Naies 24 Suction pumps gronsiping 40 force Slate Hes alc I stach Dron timber clamps 3 boring machine outfits 200 baps cement T000 saudbats 10 tons lime
Wardiary 22/8/18 23/8/18 298/18 117 Lt EHRhodes & party marked (trech & [13 centrel on main Gray-Corbie road to 19c98 No.4 lection on water seeply, No 2 Section on road maintenance No1 loading bugying gear &naterial. No.3 on dugouts, aleater proofshelters
Extracts from War Piary C.R.E. Second Division (J.M.C. Corletts. ist Oct. Went up to 5th D.H.Q. at Hervilly to see Colonel Mather as we are taking over part of the front from them tomorrow morning No formal taking over necessary. Work is chiefly the development of wells in the forward area. 2nd Oct. Templeux. Received information that an attack to be made by this Div. tomorrow morning. There is no opportunity for any detailed arrange- ments as to engineer work; this also is scarcely necessary as coys. will arrange direct with Bdes. for co-operation. The chief duties will be water supply and searching for booby traps, mines, etc........The whole affair has been hurriedly arranged. 3rd Oct. Visited three coys. today. Went up to high ground between Estrees and Joncourt, from where there was a good view of Montbrehain; did not see much going on on the front. Field coys. are not able to do much, they are chiefly occupied in opening up wells. Bioneers were employed on roads but today they have been taken over as div. reserve fighting troops and moved to near Nauroy. This quarry has been shelled fairly frequently by H.V. guns; a number of casualties were caused last night among D.H.Q. staff and attached personnel. 4th Oct. Further attack made today to advance our Line........The troops are getting pretty done up and these small attacks are not doing us much good. Tomorrow the 6th Bde. to take Montbrehain village. So far as I know the capture of the village is the complete operation and if successful will leave a salient like a wart on our front commanded from the high ground on the S.E. No mention of co-operation of troops on our right for the capture of this high ground. 5th Oct. This afternoon I walked to Gillemont Farm. Not far from there were 8 British tanks in a row within a distance of 200 yds., which had been put out of action through crossing old British anti-tank minefield which had been laid early in the year before the retreat. Four more, similarly disabled, were lying a short distance away. Disabled tanks are freely dotted all over the landscape. Near Gillemont Farm American troops are collecting and burying men killed in recent attacks against the Hindenburg Line by the 27th American Div. They are burying hundreds and still more are being brought in. 54 238ld Cog Report by Lieut. R. J. Dumas re laying of J.O. tapes between Estrees and Jonsourt, on night of 213rd October. Left camp 6.30 p.m. 2/10/18 and owing to H.Q. of 18th Bn. having been blown out I could not locate them until 10. 30 pem. As suggested by C.O. 18th, I then waited until Coy. commanders came in from the line to explain to them where the tape would be ....... It was not till 11.30 pam. that 1 left Bn. H.Q. to carry out the work. The tape was laid throughout the length between the map references required, and two coy. boundary leading-on tapes ran back to sunken road. Work completed about 2.15 a.m. As troops were to be on tapes by 4 a.m. I decided to stay to see everything satisfactory. During night very heavy shelling behind front Line and slight Mc. fire in No Man'’s Land. On right sector great deal of gas from previous shelling and owing to the barbed wire and shell holes was totally impossible to wear gas masks on such a dark night.

2nd FCoy. (2)
Tanks [Shorthand] move into forward areas with
100 shovels
50 picks
2 bales sandbags
10 bundles French wire
20 coils barbed     "
100 long screws
100 short "
and unload in valley R29b or c or d.
No. 4 Section, with Lt. Best (14 FCoy ) was to take the I.O.T.
Report, ^(undated) on operations from 8 Aug. onwards
Three main works carried out by 2 FCoy were
Water supply
Defensive works.
Water supply
Definite areas were allotted to exploit. From three sources:-
Village surface wells
Deep well system
River supplies.
The village supplies were usually sufficient for the troops, but [Shorthand] failed
absolutely to cope with the quantities reqd for the large number of horses [Shorthand]
area. The testing of the wells by the AMC was often very late.
To cope with the problem of watering horses away from the Somme recourse
was made to the deep wells. On 9 Aug. & around Lihons coy was fortunate [Shorthand]
finding ^intact a complete German pumping set, but later on the pumping xxx sets
were destroyed.
Where operations were close to the river there [Shorthand] a plentiful supply for all.


3 FCoy.
22/8/18. Reserve field Coy
25/8/18 An RAP [Shorthand] constructed at R 5a 00 but [Shorthand] wrecked by
presumably by a delay action mine or shell.
an explosion in a dump, ^ 2sappers were killed.
Between 23 & 26 Aug. carried out ^ LtL J Price made a detailed reconnaissance of area of Left Brigade
of for accommodation, bridges, roads & tracks, railways, wells, dumps
At Froissy dump (L 34d and R4b) on 25/8/18 —
Adzes 3 doz(about)                  Shovels  120 (abt)
Anvils  1                                        Spares, 30' lengths  600
Leather Belting  50ft (abt)      Switchboard & starter 1
Armoured cable  3 reels           Timber 30000 running feet
Wire cable 100 ft (abt)               Vices   3
Cement   6 doz bags                 Barbed wire 760 coils
" 1 doz tins                                    Concertina wire 200 coils
Duckboards     3500                  French wire   280 rolls
Portable engines    2                  Wire netting  22 52 rolls
Stationary       "         3  
Hoop iron    4 doz coils
Iron, round   1000 ft (abt)
Joists, rolled steel 8"x 3", average length 18'         6400.
Small lathe, complete    1
Mining sets   1500
Electric motor   1 complete
"                 "        1 in pieces
"                  "   1 slightly damaged.
Nails                8 doz casks
   "                      2 doz bags
Pickets, angle iron,   long 1800
   "                "          "     short    50
   "                 "          "    German  70
Picks           36 (abt)
Pit props     36,000   (abt)
Pulleys    7
Hand pumps.     10
Rails, metre gauge,  25' lengths,    90
Rammers   24 (abt)
Band Saw , complete,   1
Circular saws.    26
Circular saws & benches (complete)   4
Crosscut saws     4
Screws       4 cases
Shafting   50 ft


CRE 3 Div


19/8/18  9 F Coy relieved 13 F Coy, the only F Coy

with the Liaison once

3 Pioneer Bn taken from CRE & attached to 9 Inf Bde

as an extra fighting bn


20/8/18  Lt N Johnson will act as Engr Liaison Officer with 9 Inf Bde

21/8/18    9 F Coy ^still employed with 9 Inf Bde on engr preparing until

Y/Z night when [Shorthand] come into reserve.

26/8/18. Bridges in forward area.

L 2 2 a 6 3 , ^5 Sluice gates. Three bays  - Northern bay (18')

completely demolished. (S. bay 12', centre bay 14½)

L 2 2 a 56. bridge over stream. Span 21'.

superstructure completely demolished.

 [*This is copy of 9FCoy report*]

L 2 2 a 5 0 65.   bridge over stream. Span 20'.  superstructure
L 2 1 b 6 8.  (railway bridge).                 64'6"
 L 2 1 b 5 8      road bridge.        
 Span 67 1/2. Superstructure.
 completely demolished.

L 2 1 d 2 5 4 0   Standard Gauge Railway bridge.

Span 10'9"  Timber superstructure.   In good order,

L 2 1 d 2 0 3 5.        Road bridge. 
Brick arch. good condition.

L 2 8 C 6 5 2 5            "          "        
Brick arch demolished.

   Span   49"


3 Div. [[Engrs?]]
Messages & Signals
From Lt. T. A Borthwick  
3 pm  26 Aug 1918.

{?} report {?} large Arty '  

ammun dump at L22 b & d    o

fully prepared {?} demolition 
with detonators {?} position.

Hand grenade traps are cast 

celled {?} stacks {?} Engr dump

at same place. 40 Bn {?} templey 
mounted small guard

but {?} {?} quite inadequate 

{?} size {?} place. {?} take 1 least

two days {?} remove charges

{?} investigate the place {?}

further traps.


9 F Coy

War diary

22/8/18. Three sections of coy into reserve. No. 2 Sectn e engaged in

9 Bde opern. Moved out at zero hour (4.45am) to
reconnoitre captd area for deep dugouts & to examine CC 

mines {?} traps. Section had a very rough day through

heavy enemy barrage both going {?} {?} coming back

25/8/18 Attack continued. Four sections left camp 3.30am

to construct bridges over Somme & canal near Bray.

& to make roads trafficable. Work continued for over 14 hrs,
till 6.30 p.m. Three bridges to 

take ambulances,
three for foot traffic

26/8/18 The three 
foot traffic bridges
made previous da
to carry field arty.

Report of Lt N Cook ( No 2 
Section ) on 
Bray operations 22/8/18.

Role - to {?} report of captd

 dugouts in 9 Bde area.

Worked in three parties.

Track took section {?} dense

mist in valley, Gas "pretty bad" 


However by picking up land 

marks {?} noticed day before,

reached a small quarry near the 

main Bray Corbie road

Where divided into 3 parties.

No 1 

party went on the left & and 

the farther we went the

thicker the barrage seemed to get".
The runners bicycles

were becoming awkward over 
the torn-up ground, so

left in a shell hole.

After 1/2 minute's spell behind 
disabled tank party spread

out & went on. Thickest part {?}

barrage just ahead

& only by sheer 

luck cd {?} 

{?} pass it.

 A party abt

12 infymen blocked {?} 
{?} a 5.9 shell 

{?} ahead.

{?} {?} other {?} {?} first

thought {?} '
first aid', but {?} a stuck the

rule of 'Get on with
{?} job 
{?} leave 
{?}{?} s/bs. So on

{?} went"
The first dugout {?} 

a mf8 post {?} open, well

camouflaged. Inf gunners {?} 

killed {?} shellfire, also one {?} their


9 FCoy (2)

Later Killed 

by German

message dogs.

The other dog very much alive +


Got busy {?} torches {?}
vevery inch 
?} dugout {?} booby traps.

but found {?} suspicious. Bn Sig 

Officer already

established {?} there.

Remainder {?} area 

searched {?} 
tank mines {?} booby

traps, but "apparently there had 
{?} {?} {?} prepare {?} ."

The(^ Two other parties were broken up {?} barrage, the

corporal {?} charge {?} is being killed, 
while the corporal {?} a spr

other party were 

slightly wounded 
but considbly shaken.)

No 1 party

As (did not turn up at r
endezvous, No 1 Party 

searched the remainder {?} bde area.
{?} included 3 deep

dugouts and a hastily prepared
tank mine on the main

road I––I made up {?} 
stick grenades. Easily

dismantled & thrown clear {?}
road. (L14c7575)

The mine {?} {?} 2 parts,
one {?}

each tractor
{?} tank. Each

consisted of 21 stick 
bombs on top of {?} {

?} a heap of iron

(about 56 lb). There were 
3 bundles {?} 3 bombs

bound together {?} strings
all tied {?} a length {?} cable.

The two cables laid along the road 

o a dugout 100 yds

East, so that the mines cd {?} 

exploded {?} the tank reached

the spot. Appeared {?} 

a hurriedly constructed
(attempt at }work , {?} only ^ 
concealment {?} an 
ammunition basket thrown

on the top {?} each. {?} {?} less
conspicuous had {?} not {?}

exactly off each other on the 
wheel tracks.

25/8/18 Pontoon bridge with approaches completed at L 33 c 19

Bridge for F.Arty constructed L 28c31.

[*Major Drake brockman's report*]

At L 22 a 53 safe being bridged by stone bank [as bridge only

over a backwater] {?} {?} abt completed.

At L 22 a 66 three saps still remain {?} bridged.

Col. Sanday (3 Pioneer Bn) making reconn. {?} {?} these demolished

bridges {?} says idea {?} commencing work {?}{?} 6 after. {?} he states 6 ) {?}

job {?} {?} {?} men {?} worked out {?} propose handing over {?} {?}

the three jobs at L22 a 66. Will hand over {?} {?} {?} 12.30 {?}

Road {?} made fit {?} traffic {?} L33c19 to L22a667


9 FCoy 3

road along canal {?} improved {?} made passable to German

pontoon bridge S. of Q5d 21.

Pontoon footbridge {?} {?} put {?} at L33a83 track marked {?} {?}

repaired {?} {?} L 33a83 to L21d93.

Tempry footbridge {?} put {?} first gap at L22a66. The

other two gaps {?} crossed 1 only ?} deffy.

25/8/18 Finished work {?} bridges etc at 12.30pm.{?} day.

Later report The road {?} fit {?} light traffic to L22a66 I—I {?{ ambulances

cd go to that point.

{?} advance to three saps over streams still require {?} bridged.

{?} {?}{?} {?} roughly footbridged so {?} {?} take walking wounded etc.

[*Report 7pm 26/8/18*]

From Pontoon bridge L33a 30 to L22a67 {?} fit {?} traffic {?}

6pm today. that o , three bridges {?} constructed over gaps.

Shd carry F. Arty.

Have examined demolished road bridge at L22b66.

Wd take several days to clear up old site, {?} poss {?} erect a

bridge between road {?} railway bridge fairly quickly. Stream at

least 12 ft deep. {?} {?} opinion {?} Coy cd construct bridge {?} 1 1/2 days

but {?} {?} {?} working hard {?} long hours {?} {?} few days {?}

sooner {?} more {?}{?} {?} trestle bridge {?} always

doubtful proportion{?} {?}foundations.


10 F Coy

Engaged on road reconnaissance & repair work, wells,

dugouts etc.

Stock of Engr material in captured dump at Bray

52 516 boxes of explosives

3800 mining sets

1000 iron notice boards

200 expanded metal rolls

5360 5200 lengths of timber

675             "          "   corrugated iron

750    bundles of laths

350     pit props

56  5

565  poles.

838 338 rolls wire netting.

40 bundles round iron

1 stack forging iron

84 Mixed iron rails

3 stacks Hospital timber parts

400 sheets baby elephant iron

220        "         Cupola iron

500        "                 "         " ridging

25 barrels tar

6250   screw pickets

3000 coils barbed wire

1255       "       plain wire

24       barbed wire entanglements

300     coils French wire

432  312  162  140    rolls of camouflage

200 picks

8850 8350   iron pickets

350 coils trench matting

5000   bundles  {?}

75    xxx iron  girders      18' &  15'


18  ^   sets heavy  foot bridges  12' x 3'

300 light sets    "           "         16' x 3'

100 Camouflage road screens

400  duckboards

780 750  xxx   bridge decking

120 Glass windows

 24 Suction pumps

40  24   force          "

1 stack Iron timber clamps

3 boring machine outfits

200    bags cement    10 tons lime      700 sandbags

[*also Nails iron piping plate glass etc*]


11 F Coy

War diary

22/8/18 Lt. E.H.Rhodes & party marched [shorthand] track L13 central on main Bray-Corbie

road to L9c98.

23/8/18 No. 4  Section on water supply.

25/8/18 No 2   Section on road maintenance

No 1       "        loading bridging gear and material.

No. 3      "        on dugouts, {?} proof shelters


Extracts from War Diary C.R.E. Second Division (J.M.C. Corlette).

1st Oct. Went up to 5th D.H.Q. at Hervilly to see Colonel Mather as we

are taking over part of the front from them tomorrow morning.....

No formal taking over necessary. Work is chiefly the development of wells

in the forward area.

2nd Oct. Templeux. Received information that an attack to be made by this

Div. tomorrow morning. There is no opportunity for any detailed arrangements
as to engineer work; this also is scarcely necessary as coys. will

arrange direct with Bdes. for co-operation. The chief duties will be water

supply and searching for booby traps, mines, etc....The whole affair

has been hurriedly arranged.

3rd Oct. Visited three coys. today. Went up to high ground between

Estrees amd Joncourt, from where there was a good view of Montbrehain; did

not see much going on on the front. Field coys. are not able to do much,

they are chiefly occupied in opening up wells. Pioneers were employed on

roads but today they have been taken over as div. reserve fighting troops

and moved to near Nauroy. This quarry has been shelled fairly frequently

by H.V. guns; a number of casualties were caused last night among D.H.Q.

staff and attached personnel.

4th Oct. Further attack made today to advance our line......The troops

are getting pretty done up and these small attacks are not doing us much

good. Tomorrow the 6th Bde. to take Montbrehain village. So far as I know

the capture of the village is the complete operation and if successful will

leave a salient like a wart on out front commanded from the high ground on

the S.E. No mention of co-operation of troops on our right for the capture

of this high ground.

5th Oct. This afternoon I walked to Gillemont Farm. Not far from there

were 8 British tanks in a row within a distance of 200 yds. which had been 

put out of action through crossing old British anti-tank minefield which

had been laid early in the year before the retreat. Four more. similarly

disabled, were lying a short distance away. Disabled tanks are freely

dotted all over the landscape. Near Gillemont Farm American troops are

collecting and burying men killed in recent attacks against the Hindenburg

Line by the 27th American Div. They are burying hundreds and still more

are being brought in.

5th Field Coy.

Report by Lieut. R. J. Dumas re laying of J.O. tapes between

Estrees and Joncourt. on night of 2/3rd October:

Left camp at 6.30 p.m. 2/10/18 and owing to H.Q. of 18th Bn.

having been blown out I could not locate them until 10.30 p.m. As

suggested by C.O. 18th, I then waited until Coy. commanders came in from

the line to explain to them where the tape would be ..........It was not till

11.30 p.m. that I left Bn. H.Q. to carry out the work. The tape was laid

throughout the length between the map references required, and two coy.

boundary leading-on tapes ran back to sunken road. Work completed about

2.15 a.m. As troops were to be on tapes by 4 a.m. I decided to stay to see

everything satisfactory. During night very heavy shelling behind front

line and slight MG. fire in No Man's Land. On right sector great deal of

gas from previous shelling and owing to the barbed wire and shell holes

was totally impossible to wear gas masks on such a dark night.

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