Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/28/1 - 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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mons The line gained by 1pm. ran in a curved director: C0s by 1pm in carved 2. leps royds in pont of Popes Hill positn; centre 500 ydo aheed of t $2003 poith, Ac on guin bod duliage, ders in an lay affene centie 300326 to up By 2 Asn. on 3od May 2 Bno of RMLI were ordered Eace 3nt 2r0 RML in support, but by 1 time the arrived & made their dispositus (delagi N by wd being brought down ite day had begen to breat oty ts Iet) 11 - reach 1 line. W.R In 1 meantins 1telephone connectiy NE. [BLe H 9n on Walkers Rif NB.1.B. H.A. walken a 1 Crigadier had ceased to work (. which Bdigr) he wirs hadbn 2 S1 cut by a bulle. No nows co thers be oblained. 1r 68 At Mpm. one Coy of Casterbuy ws despatched to cupport 11pm 1Coy 8 Co9s. At 1.45 the rest f Cagal . Cantertun. D. R Iwsorderd to cuppre. Sap. 11.45 Olago N.E. It ws particulary icuportanl for Otag to push forw as far as Iolapv possible. Col. Moore telephoned to Monash to he hadn't been able to get moore t Monast C. tie Turkish trunces but had a good firing line within 100 yds of them B 61000 &, as soon as Eantrbin arrd, wd go forwed wt 1 bayoned. [here ws some misunderstanding thro certain messeges this day CoWg) 2 nakedis27 Faby Br had not got hns te Wislal betewen to 2 Odes T 13 4
3 monce & ocaso as terefore ordered to dig itself in Olap) 6 in In (morning (Erenry, who had brought up mg! in I night is Enpladed Otagg stonghy & it had to g back. at 5 am our Snpledes Otago To back 18per ballerics opend sir & landed F sells on the Edge of the Iam 18pdr & Rayor Ridge, damaging aportion of parspet rezortPparepet Shaking 1troops Shakey The Remainder of 16t (300) &c fellback in the Valley. The RALI attempted to restore 1 line but cont on Ruh 14 C.013 account of m gs. in daylight. Otago Sn & the Coy of 15t Bn witndrew. Wtoh Olajo Bn & 151½ Moore with 6 offis & 80 men of Oago Bn reached 1 Beach as Moore 6. 80 Ot noon, & other sman partigs up to Frmn. at noon. 7po. This left only the 13Bn. It hang on gallenth 6 a only 131h. 1 hung on Brg Gen. + ws with drawn by Hattman at right held on 2 days till ordered to Partof Otago #26fN cut its way out out (enfiladed) figeting te shappehorting for several days This stoppin I secb tot 117 r
NS. L Bdeat Helles. mas Bdmas) We had oue days rest. The nex a Temperby sgs. is afternoon we moved up to a ridp in supprt of attack 7got stellide. Good deal bewere polding a ling from sea to see (i, the army was & they have sea been pashing on daily by degrees. Kritia is (main objec at Ko. present. 2he & The next my we were ordered to go thio the 88 Bds & attack 882 1 & Koithia & 1Ground it at 1030 a.m. This order ws carried out. He 1 at 10.30 an 6 were 3Bno in 1 Roatlins & Otago in reserve. I 311 3r0 ySB-Otap Wellington on1 less & cauterby on it made fair propress but Welligton Ancklt met a terrible crossfire of igs & got on very little. By Huck 0719 Ism (allachwsat a standstid of we all commncero diy We had put in half of orago to support Auchld before this. The Situate ws reported to tuntes veston whe ordered anoth, adreice as Otago, E Auck 76. Hunber W. 5. Dpm. The Bde were in no conlition to make this advance he D.30 pm iptorted tin aperel, Ian Henith anidg rderdagenenet 26 h prace ab oly his egt ty an ant bon t o end dis bygenat Jam 11. The R aeos ent fute then aeneg se et e edy n one ite ilede s 6 ts p Ives hoblin adrauned & a bondus of sigds wo te At 5.30 pm &Rbe onon rupl who weas soud te (man degent, dac & gallenty s our Cim 1. CE0f forwd very well teo. Ancklan came under a terrible machins fun 26 too a Auck Totl 771 N3m
N3 What time 13. of e ncledins 210 to Colplugge wre knocket [ out. Tere ws a dary fuld to their pout wh not one man in 1r 2 dany y19310 to succeeded in crosseng, Canterby made 600 yds + then day in 10eC ✓ 6003 Auch. made ground s thiefell back in some confision as tuck, duck. 0 bi Welliston stonaswell E). Thas mypt there were many gaps s a goedly 654106 of a hun tilye mang d t tgtetep out r wnt renn ant of Anckland - only 4 offrs a 120 men of t Branswered their 4 of -120 names on parafl (next mg. The fight cast us att 8.00 6 9 n 800 casualtics, It us reduved by 1 vontinpit dash in attack of our men 5t & on all sides we have be told how good it wts. Bostner 5 days we consitated (poiit & wy ther relieved by he 351 Manchester Bde. The French came on well on 1rt of then all strted rehetiy agin se al le pront hishes wo bo taken o over by 1 cast hancs dien & we are in resines sor abt o wt E Laues "a The Austoalian Bde is returing to Aazac but, we are.- 2s2 Angae w Fetel 77 N3
Eud Helles, 4.T. 5de. on plays wo dimbarked fom 36 5am & bwonached at 168V3 & concenbrats ga. by 9ain. On May ] orders were recd to reconnatle #1680 approaded to vlley 1686 up wh we wo pudly have to advance. W2.30 orders were resd 5 more out to 30 1680 168C. Wemored at 245. Bdette went to mmonth oI stream at X 2/245 Bde H.Ces Beach. The remainder were stopped by B gen marhall & ordered to &B. Gen Marchall Entrenct on & Lope 1681 gr case of comnlerattack stope Wellington ws pashed sorved in support of 8/Bdes Anckland in 6550 87 Bde Suppl of 88th Bds. Afer this all orders came from 29 Dwn. We 29 Po Bde. abecanatti between 6 were Shelled & 5 & 6.30p May 8. At 3.15 orders were recd to be rendy to go thro' At S. 9. 88sde +, wih 87 on lefs to renew the attack at 10. 30am Adrass of 21 ff & 833 men arribed after the fight tradstarted. of tl 833 4 The Bde closed up to 1 pont. At 10 am an operate order ao at t am it Bd iisved. At 10.30 the allack bygan. Wellingt Auchld Caulh b ttoat 1030 Stap. with otago in reserve. Bogress ws slow owny is wss by mt Ion all Bus were digging witts to get purther forwer Cantert CT 200 habat made 2501/ of Ancho) ur cop. got 250. yds pe Phe ackn reserve truches ox Hto2 Cll 777
but their rt by fell back owing to bg crossfere wh Lluck t rendered Fir Tre prountenable. Welling mat 350 7s under beny fire from terkis trunch Fir Free knot Wellington 300 on lest proub. taseye of Oago wes sent to helf Acd t o 2 Etri on Mauck & were a bit shaken. (Col. Plugge of Huched had ber £ o wdin cerist on first Sunday Donl Agi ordered an advance of whols 13 af oat 300 5. 30pm ois arty bombt. Aorter we afterwas attered to - d General admice &arty) bombt, when whole li advanced on Kritig. This effort fineshed abt em go X ledo Cantly gaied 200yds- Auch t bl Plugge & Swo Aask 2 A b Ma Dawson were splendidly leg but fell back to their original ho Dawion o Wellit gained 400 & were heldep by a tkish l on left port to0 There we a deep nultah betw Wellington & this lwh is only be take wattat ot t &c by 87th Bde Defore 1 assante 27loys of Otago were &s pushed into 8 ammuthet Iline on Wellingtons roger & Acklands left? O auck on left? Oap e LH. Anch & I draft ws moved into suppt truches, in reserve. After dark it ws fount to Eenterby were in direct toush to the 242 indent tall on henst and e o o t in toe t anyorte m ustine ad ondto in war filled gen ding miss caung fs digorgemed muh onr gots to thek up ws withrown to reserve truvches 15725 24 Witigto2 Tateh 77 N3MC
Not ta30 ther amatten wee vey leang e fothe th shendI nyght on 1 battlefuld. 4 Onrean g ar 35 3 an reed to alores o 353 bate o tep d t. hall by a 24161 heny moon thater Mes 88 Bay to remin an dot Exppert olep. Br. O te Connected betw Wellingtn a Canterbury. Oe 88 we reld exc.400 worcesters & 200 laser too torcesters 200e & reported to Dye & reporte o De He whosd of question Dev. HO of relief wdbe taken over by them Cantelay, In during (after hed much cunues in conter enping rothend depergty ouer teaten coutroe Betw 2. 3 am on May 2t te manchester Ede Col over an t. Manch & how N.E.B.d fors part of 29 Divn or remains with t 5 t u (87188ea. Casnalties: of Mi kw K w ne Col38 Johnston Cluck 5.9 21 150 61 Canterby 49 131!21 3:2 53 15 Ofapo 1552 24 Wittey to Toteh 774

Mon 3.
The line gained by 11 p.m. ran in a curved direction:
left, 200 yds in front of Popes Hill positn;  centre 500 yds ahead of tt
positn;  Rt on Quinns Post.  The troops dug in but lost all time
[[shorthand ]]
By 2 a.m. on 3rd May 2 Bns of RMLT were ordered to be up
in support, but by / time the arrived & made their dispositns (delayed
by wd. being brought down etc) day had begun to break & they cdnt
reach / line.
In / meantime / telephone connecting NZ 1 Bde HQrs on Walkers Hill
w / Brigadier had ceased to work (?which Bdier?) - The wire had bn
cut by a bullet.  No news cd thus be obtained.
At 11 p.m. one Coy of Canterbury ws despatched to support
Otago at 11.45 the rest of Otago (? Canterbury?) ws ordered to support.
It ws particularly important for Otago to push forwd as far as
possible.  Col. Moore telephoned to Monash tt he hadnt been able to get
[[shorthand ]]
the Turkish trenches but had a good firing line within 100 yds of them,
[[shorthand ]]
& , as soon as Canterbury arrd, wd go forwd w / bayonet.
[[shorthand ]]
[there ws some misunderstanding thro certain messages this day CEWB]
[[shorthand ]]
terby Bn had not got thro the Nullah between the 2 Bdes


Mon 4.
& Otago ws therefore ordered to dig itself in.
[[ shorthand ]]
In / morning / enemy, who had brought up in / night
[[ shorthand ]]
enfiladed Otago strongly & it had to go back.  At 5am our
[[ shorthand ]]
18 pdr batteries opened fire & landed 5 shells on the edge of the
[[ shorthand ]]
Razor Ridge, damaging a portion o / parapet &
[[ shorthand ]]
shaking / troops.
[[ shorthand ]]
The Remainder of 16th (300) [[ shorthand ]] fell back into
the valley.  the RML 1 attempted to restore / line but cont on
[[ shorthand ]]
account of in daylight.
[[ shorthand ]]
Otago Bn & the Coy of 15th Bn withdrew. Lt Col.
[[ shorthand ]]
Moore with 6 offrs & 80 men of Otago Bn reached / Beach at
Moore [[ shorthand ]]
noon, & other small parties up to 7 p.m.
at noon, [[ shorthand ]]
This left only the 13 Bn.  It hung on gallantly
[[ shorthand ]]
& ws withdrawn by ^Brig-Gen Trottman 
Part of Otago [[ shorthand ]] held on 2 days ^a 1 night till ordered to
cut its way out
[[ shorthand ]] (Enfiladed)
this ^fighting stopped ^the sharpshooting for several days.
[[ shorthand ]] 


NZ. I Bde at Helles.
9 ^Maj Temperley ^(Bde Maj.) says:  We had one days rest.  The next
[[ shorthand ]]
afternoon we moved up to a ridge in support o / attack & got shelled a
[[ shorthand ]]
good deal.  We were holding a line from sea to sea (i.e. the Army ws) & they have
[[ shorthand ]]
been pushing on daily by degrees.  Krithia is / main objve at
[[ shorthand ]]
The next mg we were ordered to go thro the 88 Bde & attack
[[ shorthand ]]
Krithia & / [[ shorthand ]] round it at 10.30 a.m.  This order ws carried out.  There
[[ shorthand ]]
were 3 Bns in / front line & Otago in reserve.
[[ shorthand ]]
Wellington on / left & Canterby on rt made fair progress but
[[ shorthand ]]
Auckld met a terrible cross fire of & got on very little.  By
[[ shorthand ]]
2pm / attack ws at a standstill & we all commenced digging in.
[[ shorthand ]]
We had put in half of Otago to support Auckld before this.  The
[[ shorthand ]]
situatn ws reported to Hunter Weston who ordered another advance at
[[ shorthand ]]
5.30 p.m. The Bde were in no condition to make this advance
[[ shorthand ]]
unsupported - & then apparently Ian Hamilton arrived & & ordered a general
[[ shorthand ]]
advance all along / line supptd by an arty bombt beforehand.  This began abt 5pm
[[ shorthand ]]
it ws / most effective I have ever seen.  The whole ws under one commd & it ws well
[[ shorthand ]]
At 5.30 pm the whole line advanced & a wonderful sight ws the Australians
[[ shorthand ]]
on our right who went forwd w / most desperate dash & gallantry & our line went
[[ shorthand ]]
forwd very well too.  Auckland came under a terrible machine gun
[[ shorthand ]]


N Z 2
short time 13 offrs including Col Plugge were knocked
[[ shorthand ]]
out.  There ws a daisy field to their front wh not one man in
[[ shorthand ]]
10 succeeded in crossing.  Canterby made 600 yds & then dug in.
[[ shorthand ]]
Auck. made ground & then fell back in some confusion at dusk.
[[ shorthand ]]
Wellington got on as well (?)  That night there were many gaps & a good deal
[[ shorthand ]]
of confusion but we managed to straighten things out & extract / remnants
[[ shorthand ]]
of Auckland - only 4 offrs & 120 men of tt Bn answered their
[[ shorthand ]]
names on parade / next mg.  The fight cost us abt 800
[[ shorthand ]]
casualties.  It ws redeemed by / wonderful dash in attack of our men
[[ shorthand ]]
& on all sides we have bn told how good is ws.
[[ shorthand ]]
For / next 5 days we consolidated / positn & were then relieved by the
[[ shorthand ]]
Manchester Bde.  The French came on well on / rt of them all
[[ shorthand ]]
started retreating again.  The whole front line has now bn taken
[[ shorthand ]]
over by / East Lancs Divn & we are in reserve for abt a wk
[[ shorthand ]]
The Australian Bde is returning to Anzac but we are .......
[[ shorthand ]]


Helles:  NZ I Bde: On May 3 we disembarked X 
May 3: Disemb 3-5 am
Helles) from 3 to 5 am & bivouacked at 168 Y 3 & concentrated
[[ shorthand ]]
by 9 a.m.  On May 7 orders were recd to reconnoitre
[[ shorthand ]]
approaches to Valley 168c up wh we wd probly have to 
[[ shorthand ]]
advance.  At 2.30 pm orders were read to move out to
[[ shorthand ]] 
168c.  We moved at 2.45. Bde HQ went to / mouth o / stream at Y
[[ shorthand ]]
Beach.  The remainder were stopped by B/Gen Marshall & ordered to
[[ shorthand ]]
entrench on X slope / 168 & in case of counterattack
[[ shorthand ]]
Wellington ws pushed forwd in support of 87 Bdes Auckland in
[[ shorthand ]]
Suppt. of 88th Bde.  After this all orders came from 29 Divn.  We
[[ shorthand ]]
were shelled between 5 & 6.30 pm ^a few casuaties.
[[ shorthand ]]
May 8: At 3.15 orders were recd to be ready to go thro
[[ shorthand ]]
88 Bde &, with 87 on left, to renew the attack at 10.30 am
[[ shorthand ]]
A draft of 21 offrs & 833 men arrived after the fight had started.
[[ shorthand ]]
The Bde closed up to / front.  At 10 am an operatn order ws
[[ shorthand ]]
issued.  At 10.30 the attack began.  Wellington Auckld Cantby
[[ shorthand ]]
with Otago in reserve.  Progress ws slow owing to  By
[[ shorthand ]]
3pm all Bns were digging unable to get further forwd.  Canterby
[[ shorthand ]]
hadnt made 250 yds of Auckld two coys. got 250 yds
[[ shorthand ]]
Plugge Auck [[ shorthand ]]


but their rt Coy fell back owing to m.g. crossfire wh
[[ shorthand ]]
rendered Fir Tree KNOLL untenable.  Wellington
[[ shorthand ]]
made 300 yds under heavy fire from Turkish trench
[[ shorthand ]]
on left front.  Two Coys of Otago were sent to help Auck
[[ shorthand ]]
& were a bit shaken.  [Col. Plugge of Auckld had bn
[[ shorthand ]] wd in / wrist on / first Sunday]
Divnl Hqrs ordered an advance o / whole Bde at
[[ shorthand ]]
5.30 p.m. after arty bombt.  The order ws afterwds altered to
[[ shorthand ]]
general advance & arty bombt, when whole line advanced on
Krithia.  This effort finished abt 9 p.m.
[[ shorthand ]]
Cantby gained 400 yds - Auckld xxxxxxxx led by Lt Col Plugge &
[[ shorthand ]]
Maj Dawson were splendidly led but fell back to their original line
[[ shorthand ]]
Wellington gained 400 & were held up by a Turkish [[ shorthand ]] on left front.
[[ shorthand ]]
There ws a deep nullah betw Wellington & this [[ shorthand ]] wh cd only be taken
[[ shorthand ]]
by 87th Bde.  Before / assault 2 ^remaining Coys of Otago were [[ shorthand ]] pushed into
[[ shorthand ]]
/ line on Wellingtons right & Aucklands left (?or "Auck. on left")
[[ shorthand ]]
& a draft ws moved into suppt trenches in reserve.
[[ shorthand ]]
After dark it ws found tt Canberby were in direct touch w the
[[ shorthand ]]
2nd Aust I Bde on their rt;  Their left ws not in touch with anyone.  The 2nd line
[[ shorthand ]]
in rear filled / gap. Durg / night Auckld wh ws disorganised & much split
[[ shorthand ]]
up ws withdrawn to reserve trenches


[[ shorthand ]]
Their casualties were very heavy & / wd had to
spend / night on / battlefield.
On May 9 at 3.53 an order ws recd to take over the
[[ shorthand ]]
section from left of 87th Bde to be held by the 2 Bde to 1 Krithia Nullah
[[ shorthand ]]
[[ shorthand ]]
88th Bde to remain in close support. Otago Bn
[[ shorthand ]]
connected betw Wellington & Canterbury.
[[ shorthand ]]
88th ws reld exc. 400 Worcesters & 200 Essex
[[ shorthand ]]
& reported to Div HQ & reported to Div HQ who sd tt / question
[[ shorthand ]]
of relief wd be taken over by them
Canterbury Bn during / aftn had much
[[ shorthand ]]
success in counter-sniping & obtained superiority over / Turks
[[ shorthand ]]
Betw 2 & 3 am on May 12th the Manchester Bde took over
[[ shorthand ]]
& now N.Z. Bde forms part of 29 Divn or remains with
[[ shorthand ]]
it (87 & 88 Bdes).
[[ shorthand ]]

                          Off                        Men O.R

Auck.            K   W   M                  K   M   W            Col F E Johnston

Auck              4    9                        21  150  61

Canterby       3    2                       49  131   21


Otago            1     6                       15   53    27

Wellington   2    7                        24 155   25

NZ M C                 2                                1

H Q                                                          1                   Total 771



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