Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/28/1 - 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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10t Clate in apout). e mst t up gully past 9.3 very steep b onto surfact - across 2 small dipf. Lamb came op to first dip. Valley ws on our right. As we reached to Endkidge Turks, began to appear on Ardshlfe Sheigs Langon tex & let tee other fellows dig Abt 3 Pm. Lear Sd. Tarks are getting round they' re engitading us from left put his head up - & looked round to the left to where they thng the 12th were & ws hit thro' right jagalar. H Cowey ws on my et when Len k. He as donn splended work. wery been getting round on as tosee Walkers & we cose out fellows Ealways Wok r were being pashed back £ atT the 12th - we had seen 12t getting hell at Fiderman's Hut on left - & so knew Chere ty had gor Afew N.3. (who came in behind is) had t come on & done splendid work but most wont stop - it ws too hot for them they got back to fedge of Gulley. Returement on left began at abt 2. We reached there at 900 9.30 & got back abt dusk - right inative to Qunnrs & 225 pm they were swept by Rifs & m.g fireg into N3M a pons (24B to move T 4an 224 Sr 15t. 30 lowrt tee 717
t Stake in this prssags after the other insertion, at X opposite Yeles says some attempt ws made to advance ? on walkess Ridge? on the monday – but unsuccessful. Maj. wagstaffe tells me that it is quite true to our men were lining the Blady Augle past quin on Monday; they were under I crest trying to get at Turks by patting their bayonets over top &f tarks on 1tp were trye to reach down over crest wo their bayguets. . for the fate of Read of 1110 See Gufiths of Canterburys & Waite of R.G. Engrs] To e Ost Dourtaggs. te had bu firing on the ey crossing ent of mule gully. We left abt so dead there. A go number of wounded crawled back & were carried - Seyt in 3 Bn wo bandaging them – We had no touch w anyove on bleft. Re rear ws on gulle. (F) (Take in passagefrom 2 pages back) I (take in here passap on opp-pago there ws a roundedslope on edge of but a square Bloody Augle likethis edge as quinns: + I thought there are plenty of men living the edge behind as - will incline to right & go toward. to F trunch- At Courtreys we found more of the 3 Bn. Puins ws them prac. One m.g in buches - bushes allalong creat at this time & heavy fire but we managed & retire along top. Cowce (shot in wrist) v. Digorons a helping to build truches at Courtacys. walsh (&) in es of one length of trench to right again dang fine work. Mar Carter w8 ko there in same trenck as walsh (both shot from font - Cowie st careless) Maj. Lamb ws continually there. maj. Steele came up abt 3r0 day (w2 other officers) - We very suped fom near we cd see patrots scouring bushes £25 pm they were swept by Rif & m. g fired into ToT NSM 40 pime 1248 t more T 4a 224 Sr 15th J. owrt inste 1
capt. Sead A suballern c poust rid were k ont there set day. tS in ser of yur unifor but left hand spur of Courtneys kept & up fom being fired at in passing up & down billsede. Firstnight we feeated on charge but kept to offe rapid fire. and sod 4th nights we cdsee Tbayonets amonpss dense bushes 20 yds away - they wd go left & right afy dreat and ane Messag 10 am. Mond. to Pritisl & tachch wd be coming up from behun Turks abt 40c. So not to fire when they came up. On mond. morng. 16th Bn. Tecame & get along walkers ridge scond As far as in pout of Popes to live w Moster Ridge but a R.E. shell lander amongst tow ab 8-9 amr. Turks were coming to way very thick. to follow them. They broke & rate & we followed them to righ fire – Cowey & 3N38 & 30r4 of 3od Be did some wonderful shabteng as soon as line of men dropped they fired on them - Esaversed them from right to left. nen day made home made penceopt.) wray 225pm they were swept by Riflo & m. fireo i To 0 pons 248 to move T 224 85 3 towo rente
le vey sood ap about charg awont ftant our charge. Turs gueed. B2 we still ferry I think Dardanallis way. Bies t Naval shooting on Monday 9.10. (Col. Shaw says be notices navel shells Cobbin amongst to8 on Thes. Afternoon ha b Monday wo worse - Ships plastered 124B whole slopes of nan range where to were coming over in graups & lines of columne. I coy batches. more but cheefly in sections] On Mon. Thes nights where we had to charge N.3. paind round 4 Dont Charge - to have m go ready we pave orders. Prepare to chalge Charge on the whistle blast 224 in whisper dont go past prepit. 85 we ad gell - 3 lines of truches, w fixed bayonets (chiefl and nyst sump up on parapet - give whistle 339.500 and Turks cleared - you cdsle towot bayonet flast as they disappeared (vay and t fire fom hips as then advanced & edhear i go fireng from if & left att 10 yds in front of as. Wea soon Esalised it1 tarks wont charge & wont stand our charge. I d The 1s proctictad the high knot ix at steeles abt 10 yds aways startes to scraleh ground there - but they were driven offcer this same om wan 5 225pm they were swept by Rifle & m. g firis into ToT NYm a
Frail, ing. offe of 810 tells glasfd. be we 4 times backwds & feriods to fum Ridge - 18. 24ther 2a back. Gr I think this cauthy true. wrt way at night 2 or 3 times tho on ty kept suipers there - it ws it a death trapby day HTH IBATTN. IAP. 2GT. we in wagstafs dugout tonight When glasfurd came in I hadd lay you came ylasfird tells me in continuation 224B of the stoy of Ap 28. J. Tolly ine &Bn to more Er + 65 n Pof tin Bly & & 3 224 1019 85. tt 33.529 Briotes tole G. to take ap towrt on Mond. Afternoon there was a gap betw. left of M Cays & right of Mactajan. Bridges went to this point early - & wanted this ls truntay straightened out. He ws w glaspird & r he found bits of the 6578 5 at. F&E & we v annoyed. Glaspird i put part of 67 at A & part at 13 formary the Bumple by the Daray Fiel 725 pm they Evers swept by kiss & m. g. feres int TT17 N3m
(6 Patl in there marted. (Mr Cay att 9 a ontnat daw had found one of his bris Creakin back & had gone out of his to them. You blood cowards he sd you bloods curs - get up - what ary you doing here - for gods Take remember you are Australians. Several bus of 2nd Bde broke this first morning. The first they white saw on going S. Ws a vattation breakking back over the 400 platean] take in on p. opposite, were marked f TG. on 1edge of Victoria Jutly remembers seevy Clements someone askey him wh was to go or something of sort.] wot 5 0n he had better te Bridges told him p find 5th its GH took walls to find the SR & lear them up & the gent. Sd. Well then ( Sake in passap op opp pags) came I think I go home. Y. went across 220B to Walles & found 5th at H & thereabouts & directed them to go ford & dis in in the direction of X. He to more the people who were diging in at C poforwd to where thy ed get a poo field of fire (nearer to A) AFC they 4 were sereen by the rise. (The people day in at F were facing s. in an old Turkish trench 17 224 S Brdges had sd to Glasperd. tte I want you to go & tell Ouslow Thompson how pleased I am, w park 5a de D 4th Bn & I way they have towrt So after finding 5 1t be went straight down steep side of ticwna gutly, degginy in his heel & up 1 other side towards trinten Thompsons H.Q. He found some for Of signallers there &anked where I col. ws. Theyve just 225 pm they were swept by Rift & m. 9. feres int Jo NYm HR
15 on one out, Sir "sd I signaller - theres on a general advunce ordered. it He went straight on & as he got up other side met some of 4t coming back. He asked them what came they were don,. "We be bu ordered 220B pretive& to take up our old trenches" they sd. He sd he'd show them where they were, & placed them along a ot to more pat wh rou down I hill T & got them to improve I Edgeof path into a trench. On their right 7244 ws h Tanning who had not four w drest but ws i trenches 18 in deep – pretty good 2. 224 55 trenches"G.sdeps - & be made freth him a sort of pivot. He put I rest of line a little Jonerth 3rd. forward - rallying 1 men & leading them back a little to towr E3 The charge had gone NE (2 just in 1 direct he had told the 6th to Co in ?] the 4th must trunte have charged round I back of Lone Pine & any valley it met will must have by Owvens Gully, There may be a stream in Owens 7.25 2 3 225 om thy were swept by kes m. I feres n TT NYM a
NLYAMONE fally with a sandy cutin 15 on ank where H., ws placed lait as Mr Nanghn describe it to me A part of the 4th anyway retired across Owens rilly to came across J. Fally or 1 fortpround 224D to it for this 1 way Massey came in very shaken and no wonder) having carried Col. OThon not to more & the Cols. body ws found afterwods T somewhere in region of V? tai Our nin certainly got anto 122 Holly Ridge 1 first day, for w9 glasferd going over it w major Sy. 224 Field a couple of days later forms 55 rifle pits on 1 top of it perete doull wour crtridge cases in them, & funk holes down H 3 in Ibottom o 1 gull Bde Cowrt C½) On the monday line betw 3 Maclagan & Mcay we still very open. T is trenty On 1 Tuesday there were rifle pits all along for Clastrd were well 65 hopped along them tof were fully of course ws still open. 7.25 8 - 225 pm they were seept by kist & m. Fferes anted To 117 3m1 0
N NLYADiOns o Acct of Pyht of 2/3 May 1915 aleach of may 2/1915 on S2 1915 rectnall delaits Baby 700 Intration to occupy line inctuday c-knoll 224 DS threce sly Walong to bank of Jully 2240, SW. 65WC w 224 0 5w It ws known that it ws cntreched + most of enemy attacks came L224B from 224 D. Troops: 2 infuitey Bdes of N3&A Dion & LBn of Vaval Blo; 62021W3 & 1 was to jin right we left of 15 Audt Diva wh was not to move oleft 1211 The Cto, wa to advance + make a good lins connestion d tt ho 700 wth left plank of Auans Post in Cooperate t t N22of 1o ore w He Neval Bn ws to for a general reservegn Plges Patean hyps S 224 Naoat 4 55. Above All, the WE& Ausths were to be in touch at 1 end of 1 operati WZTEt T0 The Asbance Cs to Commence at 7.15 p.m. N Z Bde ws to be in Monrsh Grl 7.15 N32 be. ready to advance. Otego Bn wsld move past t left of the 4th Bde towot he Oleseat id Eayear, gny aoien 642 astistur Knott 224 D to knot 224 DS reserve. Wellington Bn to hold trung OfI TB.N 4Bde. 1512 13 t Bus were to advance w 15th in support, 14t in trunle 15 16 & 13. ✓14. Y A uthe Razor Ridge D arsHill) & the groand were well 7m.. Razor o sV 6 slery gyns till 716 shellid by wust 7.15 7.23 W. 7. 25 pm they were scept by kisp & m. F feres ina a 13 fa
Mon 2 At 7.15 the 16th advanced NE to head of valley & stormed 1 7.1516ba Neot 6-0 ob stopes of righe & made good by 7.45 – but suffered heavily from Casilade H8 451509 enplade I fire. They theo dug in. The 13th followed 16h to had of valley gained high gomnd on less of 16Bn + prolonged live lowds 136116 -01 s knotl 7o0. Butas, obago had not yet come up ou its-eft ry 6 Knotl 700 10 Otago so + as orders were definite, abst joining up, left of 132 was Jeb & S held back 13✓ 1r Bn had recd orders to sive Claye Bn right 151e of Ry 57 a come up after them. 15th had therefore to stand fast lett Olays past 15619 8610t. tho its lines, Orapo didnot arrive alt te pircte o wellig tilll p adientcley sope bid he o & col more commandig the te 6 7.45 Sc opes Hill b had left Walkers Ridge at 4.30 pm. moving along/ beach & Mone 4Cf Moores. 12 walkers Gully. The enemys sharpshooters delayed him, & alvo stretcher 4.30 pm L. parties. Meprkin aergus of oup wo mees in then fo &also ? 6 witierig miss fore from 224D5 & stipped obt 50 yds fom its objoc. Of7 hey then lay dopon + opens fire o began to dig. Onr coy of, 15 ta Kin 224 D & coent sewward resoined otago up wesles of 132. his boy renteed the Encemgs forward trencled on rasd goo but had to foll tack 64C411s 13.6 cute tine. C kno 7001V GB To71 w3m a

D    C    B    A


10th Btn

(Take in opposite).



Ri gt up gully past 9. & ^up very steep

xxx onto surface - across 2 small

dips.  Lamb came up to first dip.

Valley ws on our right.  As we reached the

2nd Ridge Turks began to appear on

3rd Ridge I thought, "We’ll hang on here & let these

other fellows dig"

Abt 3p.m. Lear sd. "Turks are getting round

They're enfilading us from / left" - put

his head up - & looked round to the 

left to where they thought the 12th were

& ws hit thr' right jugular.

Lt Cowey ws on my rt when Lear ws

K.  I pa He ws doing splendid work.

As T.s seemed to were seen getting round on

Walkers & we cd see our fellows

were being pushed back ( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx we always took them for

the 12th - we had seen 12th getting hell at

Fisherman's Hut on left - & so knew

[[ shorthand ]] 

where they had gone )

A few N.Z. (who came in behind us)

had dug come on & done splendid

work but most won't stop - it

ws too hot for them & they got back

to / edge of / gully.  Retirement on

left began at abt 2.  We reached

there at 9 or 9.30 & got back abt

dusk - right incline to Quinns &



(take in this passage after the other

insertion, at .X. opposite)

Giles says some attempt ws

made to advance ? on Walkers

Ridge? on the Monday - but


Maj. Wagstaffe tells me that it

is quite true tt our men were

lining the Bloody Angle past Quinns

on Monday;  they were under

/ crest trying to get at Turks

by putting their bayonets over / 

top & / Turks on / top were trying

to reach down over crest w

their bayonets. 

[ ?For the fate of Read of 1115

See Griffiths of Canterburys

& Waite of N. Z. Engrs. ]


Courtneys. We ^Our rt had bn firing on the

enemy crossing end of Mule Gully.  We left

abt 60 dead there.  A gt number of wounded

crawled back & were carried - Sergt ^major in 3 Bn

ws bandaging them - We had no touch w

anyone on left.  Rr rear ws on gully. 

:+: (Take in passage from 2 pages back.)

.X. (Take in here passage on opp. page)

there ws a rounded slope on edge of

Bloody Angle [[ diagram ]] but a square

edge at like this Quinns: [[ diagram ]] I thought:  there are

plenty of men lining the edge behind

us - we'll incline to right & go towards

tt T. trench -

At Courtneys we found more of the 

3 bn.

Quinns ws then prac. on m.g. in

bushes - bushes all along crest at

this time & heavy fire but we

managed to retire along top.

Cowie (shot in wrist) v. vigorous

in helping to build trenches at

Courtneys. Capt. Walsh (K) in xx ^charge of one

length of trench to right again doing fine

work.  Maj Carter ws K. there in

same trench as Walsh (both shot

from front - Cowie got careless)

Maj. Lamb ws continually there -

Maj. Steele came up abt 3rd day (w 2

other officers) - we were sniped from rear

-we cd see patrols scouring bushes


Capt. Lear,

a subaltern

& possibly 3rd

were k. out

there 1st day.

Turks [[ shorthand ]]

in some of our



but left hand spur of Courtneys kept

up from being fired at in passing up &

down hillside.

First night we feinted one charge

but kept Ts off w rapid fire.

2nd 3rd 4th nights we cd see

T bayonets amongst dense bushes

20 yds away - they wd go left

& right -

Message ^arrd arrd abt tt Brit & French 10 a.m. Mond.

tt British & French wd be coming

up from behind Turks abt 4 o'c.

So not to fire when they came 


On Mond. morng. 16th Bn.? seemed

to get along Walkers ridge seemed

ws far as in front of Popes to

line w Mortar Ridge but a

Q.E. shell landed amongst them

abt 8-9 a.m.  Turks were coming

tt way very thick.  Q.E. seemed

to follow them.  They broke &

ran & we followed them w rifle

fire - Cowey & 3 NZs & 3 or 4 of 3rd

Bn did some wonderful shooting -

as soon as line of men dropped

they fired on them - traversed them from

right to left. 

(G. next day made home made



We very soon realised Ts

wont charge & wont stand

our charge.


Tuesd. Q E ws still firing I think

Dardonelles way.  Biggest Naval

shooting on Monday 9 - 10

[Col. Shaw says he noticed naval shells

lobbing amongst T.s on Tues. afternoon,

but Monday ws worse - Ships plastered

whole slopes of main range where

T.s were coming over in groups

& lines of columns. ½ Coy batches -

but chiefly in sections ].

On Mon. Tues nights when we

had to charge N.Z. passed round

"Dont charge - Ts have ready."

We passed orders - "Prepare to charge!

Charge on the whistle blast!!" Then

in whisper dont go past parapet.

We wd yell - 3 lines of trenches, w

fixed bayonets (chiefly 2nd night)

jump up on parapet - give whistle -

and Turks cleared - you cd see

bayonet flash as they disappeared

(They used to fire from hips as they

advanced) & cd hear firing

from rt & left abt 10 yds in from of us. We very

soon realised tt / Turks wont charge & wont stand our charge.

The Ts practically had the high knob

at Steele's abt 10 yds away, &

started to scratch ground there - but

they were driven off in this same


Trail, m.g. offr of 8th,

tells Glasfd he ws 4 times

backwds & forwds to Sun

Ridge - i.e.2ce there

2 a back. G & I think

this cant be true.


way at night 2 or 3 times tho'

they kept snipers there - it ws

a death trap by day


Ws in Hancock's Wagstaff's dug out tonight

when Glasfurd came in & had a long yarn

Glasfurd tells me in continuation

of the story of Ap26:


[[ detailed map  ]]

J. Jolly                 L. Pine

Browns Dip


in trenches

18 in deep

Victoria Gully


White Valley

Bridges told G. to take up

On Mond afternoon there was a

gap betw. left of M'Cays & right

of Maclagans.  Bridges went to

this point early - & wanted this

straightened out.  He ws w Glasfurd &

he found bits of the 6 & 7 & 5 at

F & E & ws v. annoyed.  Glasfurd

put part of 6.7 at A & part at B

forming the Pimple by the Daisy Field


[[ whole paragraph circled ]]

( [[ circles within circles symbol ]] Take in where marked)

[M'Cay abt 9 am ^on first xx day

had found one of his bns breaking

back & had gone out of his

H.Q. to them.  "You bloody

Cowards!" he sd "you bloody

curs - get up - what are

you doing here - for God's

sake remember you are

Australians."  Several bns

of 2nd  Bde broke this first

morning.  The first thing White

saw after on going S. ws a

battalion breaking back over

the 400 plateau ]


[[ whole paragraph circled ]]

Take in on p. opposite where marked :+:

[G. on / edge of Victoria Gully

remembers seeing Clements &

someone asking him wh way

to go, or something o / sort. ]


them Bridges told him ^he had better find 5th.

G xx took Wallis to find the 5th & lead

them up & the Genl. sd:  "Well then

I think I'll go home". [[ circles within circles symbol ]] (Take in passage on opp. page) G. went across

w Wallis & found 5th at H & thereabouts

& directed them to go forwd & dig

in in the direction of X.  He got

the people who were digging in at C

to go forwd to where they cd get a good

field of fire (nearer to A)  At C they

were screened by the rise.  [The people

dug in at F were facing S. in an

old Turkish trench!]

Bridges had sd to Glasfurd

-"I want you to go & tell Onslow

Thompson how pleased I am w /

4th Bn & / way they have acted done"

So after finding 5th he went

straight down steep side of

Victoria Gully :+:, digging in his

heels & up / other side towards

Thompsons H.Q.  He found some

o / signallers there & asked

where / Col. ws.  Theyve just


(g)one out, Sir" sd / signaller - There's

bn a general advance ordered.

He went straight on & as he got up

other side met some of 4th

coming back.  He asked them what

they were doing.  "We've bn ordered

to ^retire & take up our old trenches" they

sd.  he sd he'd show them where

they were, & placed them along a

path wh ran down along / hill,

& got them to improve / edge o /

path into a trench.  On their right

ws Lt Fanning who had not gone

forwd w / rest but ws in

trenches 18 in deep - "pretty good

trenches" G. sd ys - & he made

him a sort of pivot.  He

put / rest o / line a little

forward - rallying / men &

leading them back a little. 

The charge had some NE (Z)

[just in / directn he had told

the 5th to go in-]  the 4th must

charged round / back of

Lone Pine & any valley it met

must have bn Owen's gully,

there may be a stream in Owens


Gully with a sandy cut in /

bank where H.Q. ws placed

as McNaughton described it to me.

A part of the 4th anyway

retired across Owens gully

across J. Jolly or / foreground

to it for tt is / way Massey

came in very shaken (and no

wonder) having carried Col. O. Thompson

& the Cols. body ws found afterwds

somewhere in the region of Y.


Our men certainly got onto

Holly Ridge / first day, for

Glasfurd going over it w Major

Field a couple of days later found

rifle pits on / top of it & dug outs

down / gully w our cartridge

cases in them, & funk holes down

in / bottom o / gully.


On the Monday / line betw

Maclagan & M Cay ws still

very open.

On / Tuesday there were rifle

pits all along for Glasfurd

hopped along them.  Top of Wire Gully

of course ws still open.


Two xxxxx ^NZ & A Divns Acct of

attack of May 2/1915 on

Baby 700

Not correct in all details

Night of 2/3 May 1915

[[ shorthand ]]

Intention to occupy line including knoll 224 D 5

[[ shorthand ]]

thence S by W along W bank of gully 224 O, S.W

[[ shorthand ]]

It ws known that it ws entrenched & most of enemy attacks came

[[ shorthand ]]

from 224 D.

Troops:  2 infantry Bdes of NZ & A Divn & 1 Bn of Naval Bde.;

[[ shorthand ]]

was to join right w / left of 1st Aust Divn wh was not to move

[[ shorthand ]]

The 4th A.I.Bde ws to advance & make a good line connecting

[[ shorthand ]]

700 w / left flank of Quinns Post in cooperation w the N Z 2nd Bde

[[ shorthand ]]

the Naval Bn ws to form a general reserve on Plugges Plateau Sq. 224 B5.

[[ shorthand ]]

Above all, the NZs & Austlns were to be in touch at / end of / operation

[[ shorthand ]]

the advance ws to commence at 7.15 pm. NZ Bde ws to be in Monash Gully

[[ shorthand ]] 

ready to advance. Otago Bn was to move past to the left of the 4th Bde towds

[[ shorthand ]] 

Knoll 224 D 5, Canterbury Battln in support, Otago Bn in

[[ shorthand ]] 

reserve.  Wellington Bn to hold trenches.

[[ shorthand ]] 

4 Bde:

16th, 13th Bns were to advance w 15th in support & 14th in trenches

[[ shorthand ]] 

At 7pm the Razor Ridge (Dead Mans Hill) & the ground were well

[[ shorthand ]] 

shelled by Naval & military guns till 7.15.

[[ shorthand ]] 

[[ shorthand ]] 

At 7.25 pm they were swept by Rifle & m. g. fire & in a


Mon ?

At 7.15 the 16th advanced NE to head of valley & stormed /

[[ shorthand ]] 

slopes o / ridge & made good by 7.45 - but suffered heavily from enfilade M g

[[ shorthand ]] 

fire.  They then dug in.  the 13th followed 16th to head of valley &

[[ shorthand ]] 

gained high ground on left of 16 Bn & prolonged line towds

[[ shorthand ]] 

Knoll 700.  But as Otago had not yet

[[ shorthand ]] 

& as orders were definite abt joining up, / left of 13th was

[[ shorthand ]] 

held back

[[ shorthand ]] 

15th Bn had recd orders to give Otago Bn right of way

[[ shorthand ]] 

& come up after them.  15th had therefore to stand fast till Otago past

[[ shorthand ]] 

thro' its lines.  Otago did not arrived at the junctn o / valleys till 7.45

[[ shorthand ]] 

& didnt clear Popes Hill till 8.45 Lt Col Moore Commanding the Bn

[[ shorthand ]] 

had left Walkers Ridge at 4.30 p.m. moving along / beach & Monash

[[ shorthand ]] 

Gully.  The enemys sharpshooters delayed him, & also stretcher

[[ shorthand ]] 

parties.  The further advance of Otago ws made in / face of a

[[ shorthand ]] 

withering m.g. fire from 224 D5 & stopped abt 50 yds from its objve.

[[ shorthand ]] 

They then lay down & opened fire & began to dig. One coy of 15 Bn then

[[ shorthand ]] 

went forward & joined Otago up w / left of 13th.  This Coy reached

[[ shorthand ]] 

the enemys forward trenches on Knoll 700 but had to fall back

[[ shorthand ]] 

into line.

[[ 2 lines of shorthand ]]



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