Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/28/1 - 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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& amagui began to put hyddite into C Coloma. Kork's ran holding head in hand, like anto next sterred up, every way, quite mad not knowng what twere doing S fired abt 6 bi lyddite swell - one of thim ws firing blacksmok onto Battleshig Hill - & broke this attack up. Pones, we all go at tracks wes nostiiuren: That after Col. T. Sh. 1 if we cant get a party onto Walkers Ridge as wearetryy tget outs Walkers. Turks To tried to get 14th to move up outs Walkers, but monash od; all it, Sis, I'l reconnoctre myself thank you, There wa a parson there, whate haired, wt dead When warships finished Turks 5 lay down + sniped. We were withdrawn abt. 4 when it as a fire fight - there were only 6 left al th time & they wd have gone to walker's R. if the Edh. got the men - as seemed wanted thene visitle. our mens very few were for in serab on walkers abt opp. Popes A feer of 11th under L2 Wauge on Tuesd. meased others gaing to Popes & went on to Walkers & a far went to Quinns. There ws quite or tot of water in three dais oy th vanyrrew 225 pm they were swept by Rifls & m. g feri& ina To 717 NYm a 4 han 4B more 224 8 52 wrt pt
Popes to Courtneg on Tues. Night A Dorsean a went round to support Maj. Bennett. Col. Brown (thin Capt.). we at Courtreys. Then we a suiper on ridg at back on Wed. a who hil him in hand] Coln Oision Irvine stood up in duyont on back. shells were coming heavily from fun Ridge. Irv. had perisiope in bod hands & ws shot in back by snipe from rear on thes. deane as back at Courtaeys afterwor "a fixed had to be ready all nighty bayonets. Bat attack never came.] (On Monday Message came along abt French & Biltish are just out back of Turks. Prescully message, came: Indeans are diggey in on our right; don't fire. some Tarks on it of Courtneys Poat wre approached quite. close to lives before trick foumr out iupossible on i vany ore 225 pm they were swept by Rifl & m. g. ferisina NSM fom hae 4B more T 44 224 55. fers (D
furts 16 moved t Rest on Wed After. Dpothe Col. T, Maj. Roberts & hea e and a few men had be at mackerins Hill or courtneys Rested sped night on thurs took up Es above Shellgreen - Thurs. 2id. Saturday no fighting (diging in). Nighs of May 3. (Frond night) Heane went to beash wo 700 men, 8L. Rockliffe & 24. Thompson (K. J. Tepe). Capt Brennan & 8560. (37 & Sergl, & Engineers (10 men under 1t And Serg 3pisc slept on beach till 3.30. Destroyer sent in boats & towe as (alorguide) in boats (under her shadow) to within 500yds of point of F. Teps. My custris were to land just to left of Point, destros plantin observing ste & if possible any guns. No time prot for blowing ap oldgs. but capt. or kill any turks found then t get away quickly. to reture along beach of possible - Not to lose men if place were impossible io by to Bany trew 225 p they were swept by Rifl & m. g feris ina To T17 W3m AQ and 4B mone E t5 224 5 529 far pte
burt B to storm. Icane had be observing oit for 2 days. H shd have bu evg. before. Then scheme tod off. Then scheme ws L. Warr on again - (House sa 2 of there but only I lowed us, Chelmer (3). She cashas off +we rowed in a carb. Previous to leaven boad we saw 10mer of 10th (Rumball under an off. cutty were on stream. It ws V. day & to disht fere a shot. The 4 boats went in in line abocast by order rowe by our own men w 4 navy men in each boat helping wt oars & steening. Boats ren aground I so pass wdto land - sailors had be shouting before to one anot. No firing so far. As soon as order w f to land they opened fire w 3mops. Wordenfelds ([in) & rifles. (see plain Rochliffe we but in boat; some were bit in boat. Some seamen k+w. many shot on beach. 5 K. in landing, 2 missing. (3 of thesr kil tolal as retired cas. W.194 (15t. by i sanyrer 225 pm they were swept by Rifls & m.g fire&ina To 717 3m ane 24B more E 224 5 52 are
(Innert oprisile were marked) From V Goundrey, 20/14/19 included Tiis ply conscted of Pr Goundrey (later, Heus) Ple A. Gie Cresened by Destroger) Plo E. Jee Pt within Ple Steadmas (knoon as Ally Sloper) Pteles Patil. They got 30 far, round to they cont get back (hroy ded) They went round under Edgeof cliff bub formed (first were ancut (nearspoot of fally). It cnfints als so they had to dash down into bsea & go round it. Thi involved getting usto heavy fire pom ig or diff behad them wh caused all trouble at aalmont look in behad 1 edge of criff. Wilkins we be just before reacting were P HGee was left believ tis pty. Ter mg but down a barrage ahead of him hen he had to stay under ciff. Te tther plave him up for lost, but I destroylor saw him & sent in & pect a fins bit fuorp (visondam.) him of ia Wt Drnig 1727 ductio, ir fe e an or tne Aistere (Rockloft 15 8 me ran Sbe Falt 4 En g Si Harty raiked across beach. Only poss. pince to get up we patt - barbed were across rest was impossible. I saw to were cutting party had got away under Cover. Discusse w. Capt Brennan; he thought S.C. cd getaway if retreet covered. I sent t men to take covery poarte on high gd. just to lefS. of steam. They got as fas as cover went but raked th assoon as tried to get to CR. A Blyler wo k. there (Welkiss) & I saw they cont go further. Tast then Dnevy blew up a mine just in rear of this party wh as shettern under bank. No one huit tho all smothers w dirt. Black smoke & by hole close under bank - true dlods over as Dogds away. I saw cod. ednst get away tt wayof at abt 5.15. I sipalled to destroyer to sent boat for wounder. They did so at once. They sent a picket boat w boat towed. To fined on her all way in She came in v. fast & let go boat some 100 w4o) yds from shore, o her way brought her in. Picket boat stood off & used m.9. (had 5 min inside some nordinfelbt holes in her). Party per of men volunteered (on my call) under Cept Brennan & assistet wad to boats. To who had bee firy ceased firm at the wd. kept firmy on word. The oy i sage 225pm they were swept by Rifls & m.g fire& in a ToT NSM e ha p4B more T 44 224 8 454 fer h
Insert opposite page where marke 42 E t bretchers co lying down cases count st then wounded helped by other. wd. were put into boat, boat pacted off, men assisting returned across weach to cover - no shot fired. only wod alld to leave beach. Only had fit men left. I saw no chance of getting away by beach. Destroyers L E/t off I firmyg when tuks wd. were bein got off. Picket boat wo firy on trenches & trinctes on picket boat - also (gt batt for 6th) firingon Jaba 1epe 3 Olive S. on our sans. splayed commander & be sent back wessay to me (after wd had been saply sent aboard) I replied impossible try the beach. n af behit any woa would have to be left. I boats sent I cd get wod away in them He made no reply but just before 6 2 picket boats dashed out tr two tows (2 boats in each) wh came in live abreast. I flayed posite of mgs & Nord. to destroyw commaner - & he put in very beary fire, kicking up tremendous dust. i sange 225 p they were swept by Rifl & m. g. fereo into To T17 NSM a hane p4B mone T 44 224 85 5 o
Bordered men to rush out into water vejore boats grounded & to spread out so as not to overload an boat. They did so. Tremendons fire but ill directed. got off a 3 casualties but getting into boat & in boat. Tust as may.h ws getting on he pt Smack across two finfers of ethant. Seryt Macheary (sot D. C.M) &as badl emashed ir nordenfels] There were prob. 150 in trenahes others were seen swarming up w fixed bayonets p comme tenches. I men got around beach under heaven fire of retirement into boats ial request of tacks ate in Ectord i The man for who boat we attends sent in ws wounded but k- (That thesbrain) & we noving arm i [([this has alwardbr & stell is a dispused males]. Acl. to gound rey. On May 19. Turks at daybreak app. 11th were in Allah gully on forward stope in front of our trenches to Holly ridge w fixed bayonsts -in lives, apparently waitg 225 pm they were swept by Rifs & m. g fires ind To NSM a hame 24B to move T 44 224 S5. o. 50 Cowrs pente
16.3C an for order to charge. Fwe westy morning. We saw Torks running over skyting to attack pumple. Tarks Omr bbwere late & we we pae beforeLave properly awakenes. [ot T. 24B officer. & I men prisoners later. They were waving their to move bayonets. in taken of surrendn T abt medday. We threw them notices in Turkish (in german 42 characters) tied on stone & stra They cut strung (abt 17yds away in tanch 224 then thro back note in French 85. saying if they were octtrcated they'd some in. Interpreter 25.347 called out- Cadet officer towrt (wounded) then came in afterwor 5 others on day of informal armistici (22m) unty to trenches in Soukh were certainy crammed to troops w fixed bayonets. Hag of truce 225m they were swept by Rifts & m.g feres into M 11Y NSM 20
O take in these seetches where warked opposite. Haghes for alft neat SphinAlso Shrep. wtertel when some of 10 ws nearly on top of Macl. Ridge s we got to o the Bacshante came close in I shelled G.T. wh had begnn to shell boats by destroyer. 2 otn Major Tiles, On Scourge cort degloyes y behind to By Cn P (AAD om 1 Tust 98 1 tanched & I noticed, we were under way (A Foxhound D Scourge). away. I thought t after we sumped into boats I haw a few shots fired. Co see flaskes then but down came quickly. As we landed whole place ws alive in bullets. Sparkle of rift fire we on 1 top of Maclagens lidge & from edge of cliff There were flastes son its N. from 1 cliffs near 1 sphiix also. We landed as in the 2ste opposite B Rallied on top - Part & F thaks a lot of ammn inthem just over ed Eecy Reformed again in jully – went up White Valley, Screen of fastert men in front clearing to (as 11th came up we went of Paiges) Up white valley stopped to left abt were fully This we abt 8 am. Our men who BCo AAmmey had sore on 4th Capt. Pyder were reterny, We por measap send remfs. at all cost we cant hold on Syned Ryder. Hemmin & Peydercame 225 p they were swept by kips & m. g ferioit To NSM e 15 pad 1245 5more T 42 224 B5 t G246 p towr punte
(() take in this passage 2 sages shead whore marked) Smpt clearly turks were feeling for our flanks by 9 They wa advance till mee by rrifle fire as thy crossed male fully. Some their wd then swerve to left & still meeting rifle fire wd swerve still further let round Lone ine way. Others wd swerve to right, & whe held up by his party on 3 upper (Iadontz 3p end? of Morter Ridg? fr etat ould those to followed, 10atgete began to get still further round & by 2yom were pashing in the weak parties whhe thought to be 12th Ba on Walkers Ridge & nigh ground. He reture abt dust - pob 5pm Capt Lear, a subaltern, & possibly a third officer were kelled out there on the first day - Turks were afterwar found in some of our uniforms. &i IF A Maj. Denton came up w part of 11 (his Coy) & Cpt. Croly (II) whis Coy-Edsee N.ind of. Yun Ridge but edn't see tarks. tho we knew ty were hat foot after Hemman He a Rgder I Don't ho know if Ryder will get back. 24B We saw Tarks appty crossing foot of wirefully & going left - up mule fully. I I saw it we secy. to to more steengthen the left - tere were prac. T none of our men visible in port of them Chessboard - tho we knew to they were going along walkers Ridge or wd probt be there, Ws apd To wd get in between 8 G. thought 224 Il get in between & bridge. 85. th (lef flank of C. Coy 10Bn rested on edge of Wire gully con ws on let of them 5.38 middle of were gully in a hillct in degging in Maj. Lanb as belw courtneys & steele towr Wiz 150 mea (only 38 Maj. Denton sent the V101 Bn but about 150 altogggur) Geal. Sam going lest? Gites met Lear on way. att Countrey& G. Thought 12th were on Walkers tente working past further end of Bazor Back (1e. Popes). At tim we starte one cd sec Tarks making across Mule valley in Herdirection G went on ap monach fally 225 p they were swept by Rife & m. g feris int To T17 3m &R

& Majestic began to put Lyddite into

/ column. Turks ran holding head

in hand, like ants nest stirred up,

every way, quite mad not knowing

what they were doing. Q.E. fired

abt 6 big lyddite shell- one of them

ws firing black smoke onto Battleship

Hill - & broke this attack up.

Popes was all goat tracks.

That aftn Col. J. sd [[Shorthand]] ^we had better see if we

cant get a party onto Walkers Ridge as

Turks [symbols] ^we are trying to get onto Walkers.

J. tried to get 14th to move up onto

Walkers, but Monash sd: all rt, 

sir, I'll reconnoitre myself thank you.

There ws a parson there, white haired, w dead

When warships finished Turks

[symbol] ∧simply lay down & sniped.

XXX We were withdrawn abt.

4 when it ws a fire fight - there were

only 6 left at tt time & they wd

have gone to Walker's R. if they cd h.

got the men - as seemed wanted there.

Our men, very few, were ^visible firing

in scrub on Walkers abt opp. Popes. 

A few of 11th under Le Nauze on 

Tuesd. missed others going to Popes

& went on to Walkers & a few

went to Quinns. There ws quite a lot

of water in these days.

[*7.25 pm they were swept by Rifle & m.g. fire in a*]


From Popes to Courtneys on Tues. night.

^[[?]] Leane went round to support Maj. Bennett.

[Col. Brown (their Capt.) ws at Courtneys. There

ws a sniper on ridge at back on Wed [symbol]

who hit him in hand].

Co. Owen ws [symbols]

Irvine stood up in dugout on bank.

Shells were coming heavily from Gun

Ridge. Irv. had periscope in both

hands & ws shot in back by sniper

from rear.

Leane ws back at Courtneys ^on Tues. afterwds

& had to be ready all night w fixed

bayonets. But attack never ^really came.]

[On Monday message came along abt "French & British

are just out back of Turks."

Presently message came: "Indians

are digging in on our right: dont fire."

Some Turks on rt of Courtneys

Post were fo approached quite close

to lines before trick found out.]



[[?th]] moved to Rest on Wed aftn.

Before then ^On Tuesd Col. J., Maj. Roberts & Leane & quite and

a few men had bn at Maclaurins Hill or


Rested Ap 28 night. On Thurs. took up [symbol] above

Shell Green - Thurs. Frid. Saturday

-no fighting -(digging in).


Night of May 3 (Mond. night) Heane ^Leane

went to beach w 100 men, & Lt. Rockliffe &

2Lt. Thompson (K.G. Tepe). Capt Brennan &

8 S.b.o.(?) & ^Med. Sergt, & Engineers (10 men under

Lt......... and Sergt        ∨ 3rd field coy).

Slept on beach till 3.30.

Destroyer sent in boats & towed us

(alongside) in boats (under her shadow)

to within 500 yds of point of

G. Tepe. My instrns were to land just

to left of Point, destroy plant in

observing stn & if possible any guns.

No time prob for blowing up bldgs 

but capt. or kill any Turks found

there & get away quickly. To retire

along beach if possible - Not to 

lose men if place were impossible


to storm. Leane had bn observing

it for 2 days. It ^prob. shd have bn evg. before.

L. warned. Then scheme ws off. Then scheme ws

on again. (Howe says men volunteered
rather than called for.)
2 [symbol] there but only 1 towed us,

Chelmer(?). She cast us off & we

rowed in w oars. Previous to leaving 

boat we saw 10 men of 10th (Rumball)

under an offr. cutting wire on stream. It

ws [symbol] day & Ts didn't fire a shot.

The 4 boats went in in line abreast

by order rowed by our own men w

4 navy men in each boat helping w

oars & steering. Boats ran aground.

I sd pass wd to land - sailors

had bn shouting before to one anor.

No firing so far. As soon as order

ws g. to land they opened fire w

3 mgs. 1 Nordenfeldt (1 in) & rifles.

        (see plan)

Rockcliffe ws hit in boat; some

were hit in boat. Some seamen k. & w.

Many shot on beach.


Total ( 5 k. in landing,  2 missing 

 cas.   ( w. 19 xx (1 s.b.)    (3 of these kil as retired)


(Insert opposite where marked)

[From Lt Goundrey, 20/4/19

*  This pty ^included consisted of:

      Pte Goundrey (later, officer)

      Pte A. Gee (rescued by Destroyer)

      Pte E. Gee

      Pte Wilkins

      Pte Steadman (known as Ally Sloper)

      Pte Les Pahl.

They got so far round tt they cdnt get back (other 4 did)

They went round under / edge o / cliff but found

/ first wire uncut (near / foot of gully). It

went into / sea so they had to dash down into

/ sea & go round it. This involved getting

into heavy fire from mg. on cliff behind them

wh caused all / trouble - it cd almost

look in behind / edge of cliff - Wilkins was

hit just before reaching / wire.

Pte A Gee was left behind this pty. The

mg. put down a barrage ahead of him &

there he had to stay, under / cliff. The 

others gave him up for lost, but /

destroyer saw him & sent in & picked

him off - a fine bit of work (before 8 am)



Party rushed across beach. Only poss.

place to get up ws path - barbed wire

across rest was impossible. L. saw th

wire cutting party had got away under

cover. Discussed w Capt Brennan; he 

thought s.b. cd get away if retreat

covered. I sent 10 men to take covering

position on high gd just to left S. of

stream, they got as far as cover went but

m.g. raked them as soon as tried

to get to Ck.* A Bugler ws k. there

(Wilkins) & I saw they cdnt go further.

Just then enemy blew up a mine just

in rear of this party wh ws sheltering

under / bank. No one hurt tho all

smothered w dirt. Black smoke &big

hole close under bank - threw clods

over us 50 yds away.

I saw wd cdn't get away tt way &

at abt 5.15 I signalled to destroyer to

sent boat for wounded. They did

so at once. They sent a picket boat w

boat towed. Ts fired on her all way in -

she came in v. fast & let go boat some 100

yds from shore ⇣ [*w 4 or 5 seamen inside her*]

& her way brought her in.

Picket boat stood off & used m.g. (had

some Nordenfeldt holes in her). Party

of men volunteered (on my call) under

Capt Brennan & assisted wnd. to boats

Ts. who had bn firing ceased firing

at the wd. Kept firing on w nd. The


Insert on opposite page where marked. .+.


[*Kaba Tepe - as explained to me by Maj. Leane.


15 yds of beach.

Then cliff, 15 ft, falling away inland to lower height.

Then 50 yds of flat grass - a trap.

Then sheer cliff up which only one way - wire all along
side of it & round W end but one Y path leading up.
Machine gun in hole in front of Y. *]


Stretchers w lying down cases went

1st, then wounded helped by others.

[[xxx]] Wd. were put into boat, boat

pushed off, men assisting returned

across beach to cover - no shot

fired. only wd. alld to leave beach.

Only had fit men left. L. saw no

chance of getting away by beach. 

Destroyers left off firing when Turks

wd. were being got off. Picket boat

ws firing on trenches & trenches on

picket boat - also ( 7th batty (or

6th) firing on Oha Gaba Tepe &

Olive G on our guns.

.+. Drs I flagged Commander & he

sent back message to me (after

wd had been safely sent aboard)

"try the beach". I replied "impossible

wd ^any men who shd be hit would have to be left. If boats

sent I cd get wd away in them."

He made no reply but just before 6

2 picket boats dashed out w two

tows (2 boats in each) wh came in

line abreast. I sent men I flagged

position of mgs & Nord to destroyer

Commander - & he put in very heavy

fire, kicking up tremendous dust.


I ordered men to rush out into water

before boats grounded & to spread 

out so as not to overload any 

boat. They did so. Tremendous

fire but ill directed. Got off w

3 casualties hit getting into boat

& in boat. Just as Maj. L ws

getting in he got smack across two

fingers on rt hand. Sergt MacLeary

(got D.C.M) & ws badly smashed w



There were prob. 150 in trenches & 

others were seen swarming up w

fixed bayonets thro commn trenches.


3 men got around beach under 

heavy fire of retirement into boats.

[? Late in / day another boat was sent in at request of Turks. 

This is according to Goundrey].

The man for whom boat ws

aftwds sent in ws ^not wounded but k -

(shot thro brain) & ws moving arm.*

[*This has always bn & still is a disputed matter

acc. to Goundrey].


On May 19. Turks at daybreak

opp. 11th were in Allah Gully on forward

slope in front of our trenches

to Holly ridge w fixed bayonets 

-in lines, apparently waiting


in order to charge. It ws misty

morning. We saw Turks running

over skyline to attack pimple.

Our lot ^of Turks were late & we were

properly awakened ^beforehand. Got T

Officer & 5 men prisoners

11.30am. later. They were waving their 

bayonets in token of surrender

abt midday. We threw them

notices in Turkish (in German

characters) tied on stone & string.

They cut string (abt 17 yds away ∨in trench

Then threw back note in French

saying if they were well treated 

they'd come in. Interpreter

called out - Cadet Officer

(wounded) then came in -

afterwds 5 others.


On day of informal armistice (22 May)

T. trenches in south were certainly

crammed w troops w fixed

bayonets. Flag of truce was shown


*Take in these sketches where marked opposite.




from cliffs 

Sphinx also


* Shrap. started when

some of 10th ws

nearly on top of

Sha Macl. Ridge.

As we got to top

the Bacchante came

close in & shelled G.T.

wh had begun to shell

boats by destroyers.→


10th Bn

10th. Major Giles: On Scourge

(A & D ^cons on ∧destroyers slightly behind B & C which were on P of W)

Just as 1st boats touched, to I noticed, we were

under way (A Foxhound D Scourge).

½ way.

I thought ^just after we jumped into boats I heard

a few shots fired. Cd see flashes then but

dawn came quickly. As we landed

whole place ws alive w bullets.

Sparkle of rifle fire ws on / top of

Maclagans Ridge & from edge of cliff

11m its N. There were flashes

from / cliff near / Sphinx also. We landed as in the 2 sketches

opposite(*) Rallied on top- Past 4 T. trenches

w lot of ammn in them just

over edge of 


[*Take in here*]

Reformed again in gully - went

up White Valley, screen of fastest

men in front clearing Ts. (As

11th came up we went off

Plugges). Up White Valley stopped

w left abt Wire Gully

This ws abt 8 am. Our men who 

had gone on (Lt Hemming B Co ∨Capt Ryder)

were retiring. We got message "send

reinfs. at all cost We cant hold on"

signed Ryder. Hemming & Ryder came


(*Take in this passage 2 pages ahead where marked)


Turks were ^clearly feeling for our flanks by 9a

or 9.30.

They wd advance till met by rifle fire

as they crossed Mule Gully. Some

wd then swerve to ^their left & still meeting

rifle fire wd swerve still further

left round Lone Pine way. Others

wd swerve to right, & when ^some held up we

by his party on ? upper               

end ? of Mortar Ridge?                

would those tt followed              

began to get still further round &

by 2pm. were pushing in the weak

parties wh he thought to be 12th Bn

on Walkers Ridge T high ground.

[*  I had only 3  10th

Bn men but abt

150 altogether *]

He retired abt dusk - prob 5pm.

Capt Lean, a subaltern, & possibly 

a third officer were killed out there on

the first day - Turks were afterwds

found in some of our uniforms.


in. Maj. Denton came up w part

of 11th (his Coy) & Capt Croly (11th) w his

Coy. Cd see N end of Gun Ridge but

cdn't see Turks tho we knew they were

hot foot after Hemming. He sd Ryder "I dont

know if Ryder will get back."

We saw Turks apptly crossing foot

of Wire Gully & going left - ? up Mule

Gully. I saw it ws necy. to

strengthen the left - there were prac.

none of our men visible in front of

their Chessboard - tho' we knew

tt they were going along Walkers Ridge

or wd proby be there. Ws afrd

Ts wd get in between & G. thought

I'll get in between & bridge.

[Left flank of C. Coy 10 Bn rested on edge

of Wire Gully. D Coy ws on left of them

in a hillock in midst of Wire Gully

digging in.] 

Maj. Lamb ws betw Courtneys & Steeles.

Maj. Denton sent G. with 150 men (only 3 of

the 10th Bn but about 150 altogether)

Giles met Lean on way, ∨abt Courtneys). G said "I am going left"

G. Thought 12th were on Walkers

working past further end of Razor

Back (i.e. Popes). At time we started 

one cd see Turks making across

Mule Valley in North direction

Lean & G. went on up Monash Gully




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