Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274B/1 - 1918 - 1939 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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(Copy of Novement Orddr No. 48) SECRET Copy No. 13. Sccond Australian Battalion Order No. 48. Reference map Namur 1/1000000. 1. TheSecond Australian Battalion will move by route march from VILLERS POTERIE to billets in BOUFFIOULX on the Ilth. instant. STARTT" POINT. - C. 2.62.30 - Cross roads between school and FIGOTREE. ROUTE. -gg.2.62.30 - ACOZ - BOUFFIOULX, Battalion will be at starting point at 1000. nRiowong Transport allotted for use of 2nd. Battalion 4. will follow in rear of unit. BILLETING PARTY. One N.CO per Company and Headquarters 5. will report to Lieut. D. Tennant at Battalion Headquarters at 0900 on 10th. and will meet the Battalion on arrival at BOUFFIOULX. ORDER OF MARCH. H.9.,":" and"B" Companies, strict march 6. discipline will be maintained throoghout. Halts will be made at 10 minutes to each clock. p COMMAND. On arrival at B00FIOULX the 2nd. and 3rd. Batt- 7. NnITTI D/ In IRD Battalionsand will be allons will become SEd commanded by Lieut. Col. D.T. Moore (C.M.G., D.S.0.) Major Gilder (2nd. Bn.) will be 2nd. in command. 8. Acknowledge. J. Knox Lieut. (sge A/Adjutant, 2nd. Austr. Bn
AU 1. 23. 11. 1. 2. 3. DISTRIBUTION. ist. A. I. Brigade. C. O. 3rd. Battalion. 2nd. O. C. A Company. O. C. O. C. Headquarters Details. 2. M. and T..O. R. M. O. Har Diary. File. Sparc. ADMINISTRATION. Full marching order, less blankets ; waterproof Dreos sneets to be worn under flap of pack. Officer's Valises of Headquarters and A Company will be dumped at K. Q. Z. store and B Company's headquarters, at 0830 Blankets (rolled shortwise in bundles of 10, and clearly : H. 2. labelled) will be stacked at Coy. H.2. at O8 blankets at R. C. M. store. Mess Gear will be dumped at Coy. H. Q. at 0830. Watches will be synchronised at 0900.
A TELEPHONE, CENTRAL 4780. aee COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE, MELBOURNE. 5th April 1934 Dear Bazley, In response to your request for files dealing with repatriation and demobilisation, I am forwarding herewith the following :- Defence C588/1/248 re Repatriation. Defence AB500/1/160 re Repatriation Conference D.A.G.,A.I.F. 193/22 re Demobilisation - Policy File D.A.G.,A.I.F.193/35 re Repat.& Demob.Dept.- Organisation A.M.S..A.I.F.200/ - re Educational Scheme - Org. & Policy A.I.F.4334/1/15 Files No's 1 & 2 re General Schemes and Procedure regarding Repatriation. I think you will find that these files contain all that you will require, if however you need additional records you may be able to give me a reference number from the files which will simplify tracing others. I am advising Mr.McAllan that I am forwarding these files to you, and shall be obliged if you will return them to me when you have finished with them as Colonel Butler has not yet finalised his chapter covering this subject. Yours sincerely, er C A.W. Bazley Esq.. Victoria Barracks PADDINGTON.N.S.W.
COPY. 21/I1/18. GENERAL MONRSH'S NOTES ON DEMOBILIZATION. Question of permanent ship staffs? Not attractive. Me must retain, throughout period, officers, nurses, and N.C.O's of all classes, requisite for (a) ships' staffs, (b) embarkation port staffs. Questionof gathering in all odd and small units and definitely attaching them to one or other of the divisions, to simplify communications and control. Arrangement by C.O's of all personnel, in order of priority, on definite basis to be laid down. Preliminary Demobilization Memo re Demobilization Morale. Bad co-operation or want of sympathy by any, xx impede all. Draw up pro forma ships' staffs. Full census of A.I.F. personnel. Full list and distribution of all A.I.F. units. Liaison with Egypt. Liaisons with G.H.C., France, xxxxxxx Depots, etc. Dissolution of English Depots - see M'Cay. Amply strengthen Somerville's staff. Taks over December shipments from Dodds. Question of Ration Pay for officers on duty in England. Tabulation and numbering of all decisions. Liaison with Australia. Employment of Major Lyons. Abbreviated terms throughout. Use decimal classifications for categories. Commence draft earlier circulars. 3 rooms for Gens. B., White, and Ward. Attaching odd units to divisions. Following to be signed by me (or in my absence by Foott) - except mere routine a) to War Office (? Dodds) to G.O.C., A.I.F. to Prime Minister. (d) to Australian Defence or Repatriation. I shall deal with all subordinates direct, but will give no orders except thro Foott. Settle terms on which officers and men xx can be discharged in England, and releases to be given.
COPY. Mr. Hughes wishes to see General Monash at "Carfax", 29 Elsworthy Road, Hampstead, at 11.30 a.m. on Monday, 18th (Nov. 1918). (1) Seats arranged on staff train on Tuesday. (2) Cabin arranged for on Tuesday's boat. Colonel Leane re car.
COPY. 18/I1/18. axxxxxxlxx GENERAL WHITE'S SCHEME. -- ------------- COC.AIF Demoblzn. Br. Adm. HQ. Princip. Tptn. Ord. Pay Med. èc. Aust. Corps Aust.Depots Depots England Frence Ministry --------- Bd. of Control---------2000.4IF. France England Egypt ? Demob. Doubtful as to location of Demob. Br. Egypt
Tor Vel V tA Dennsbeleäaløn 6194 538 COLLINS STREET, MELBOURNE. ist November, 1939. Dr. C. E. W. Bean, D.Litt., Historian, Victoria Barracks, PADDINGTON, N.S.W. My dear Bean, Butler's statement is only correct in parts! It is true that General Birdwood had arranged for a small branch of A.I.F. Headquarters to study demobilization and to try to fix certain principles. How much the branch achieved I cannot say from memory. After the Armistice Mr. Hughes had General Birdwood, Monash and me over to a Conference in London to consider demobilization and repatriation. It was quite an amusing gathering. The little Prime Minister was in an execrable frame of mind, threw the chairs about and said a union of Generals was the hardest one he had ever had to deal with. As a matter of fact he wanted to be sure of two things and he succeeded. Firstly he had his mind cleared as to the need of a Demobilization and Repatriation Department and secondly, but not quite so easily, he reached a conclusion that Monash had better be given charge of it. When this new Department was set up it was done under the orders and was responsible to General Birdwood as G.O.C. A.I.F. and I know of no reason for the statement that there
2. was no liaison with A.I.F. Headquarters; indeed the reverse was the case, although naturally the new Department gradually grew and became more independent until finally it usurped the place of A.I.F. Headquarters. I hope that this hurried explanation may be of some value to you. If there is anything else you want from me I know you will let me know. Yours ever, Ohedersk Ml
AUS ucai nisNon, Vol.II. Extract from Chapter XXV (p.26) - The Department of "Repatriation" and "Demobilisation" The problems relating to repatriation and demibilisation of the A.I.F. had been a matter of concern to the G.O.C., A.I.F. (General Birdwood) and his advisers from as early as 1916, and a tentative plan had heen designed by his chief-of-staff Major-General White, whereby the return of the troops should dovetail in with tho existing system of the Command Depots and of"invaliding". A small department of Administrative Hoadquarters had been formed to study the involvements of the problem - particularly that of adapting the machinèry of Administrative Headquarters to the purpose of repatriation. An educational scheme had been devised and was already working When the problem actually arose, however, on Z1st November, 1918, the G.O.C., Australian Corps (Lieut.-General Monash) was made by the Australian Government responsible for devising and carrying out the necessary plans, and on December ist he was appointed "Director-General" of a new and entirely independent "Department of Repatriation and Demobilisation". A great office was created with its premises in Victoria¬ street, London. After some misunderstanding liaison was established with Australian Administrative Headquarters, Horseferry-road; in particular, it was agreed that the department of the D.M.S., A.I.F., should be directly responsible for all action relating to the medical service in France. Te Sie vyeg 25/5 4

(Copy of Movement Order No. 48)

Copy No. 13.

Second Australian Battalion
Order No. 48.

Reference map Namur 1/100,000.

  1. The Second Australian Battalion will move by route march from
    VILLERS POTERIE to billets in BOUFFIOULX on the 11th. instant.
  2. STARTING POINT. G. 2.62.30 - Cross roads between school and FIGOTREE.
  3. ROUTE. -gg.2.62.30 - ACOZ - BOUFFIOULX, Battalion will be
    at starting point at 1000.
  4. TRANSPORT. Transport allotted for use of 2nd. Battalion
    will follow in rear of unit.
  5. BILLETING PARTY. One N.CO per Company and Headquarters
    will report to Lieut. D. Tennant at Battalion Headquarters
    at 0900 on 10th. and will meet the Battalion on arrival
  6. ORDER OF MARCH. H.Q., "A" and"B" Companies, strict march
    discipline will be maintained throughout. Halts will be
    made at 10 minutes to each clock.
  7. COMMAND. On arrival at BOUFFIOULX the 2nd. and 3rd. Battalions
    will become SECOND/THIRD Battalionsand will be
    commanded by Lieut.Col. D.T.Moore (C.M.G, D.S.O.)
    Major Gilder (2nd. Bn.) will be 2nd. in command.
  8. Acknowledge.

(sgd.) J. Knox Lieut.
A/Adjutant, 2nd. Austr. Bn



  1. 1st A. I. Brigade.
  2. C.O. 3rd. Battalion.
  3. "      2nd.   "
  4. O.C. A Company
  5. O.C. B
  6. O.C. Headquarters Details.
  7. Q.M. and T.O.
  8. R.M.O.
  9. War Diary
  10. File.
  11. Spare.


  1. Dress Full marching order, less blankets; waterproof
    sheets to be worn under flap of pack.
  2. Officer's Valises of Headquarters and A Company will be
    dumped at R.Q.M. store and B Company's headquarters,
    at 0830.
    Blankets (rolled shortwise in bundles of 10, and clearly
    labelled) will be stacked at Coy. H.Q. at 0830; H.Q.
    blankets at R.Q.M. store.
    Mess Gear will be dumped at Coy. H.Q. at 0830.
  3. Watches will be synchronised at 0900.


    [*Vol VI*]


    CENTRAL 4780




    6th April 1934

    Dear Bazley,

    In response to your request for files

    dealing with repatriation and demobilisation, I 

    am forwarding herewith the following  :-

    Defence C588/1/248 re Repatriation. 

    Defence AB500/1/160 re Repatriation Conference

    D.A.G., A.I.F.193/22 re Demobilisation - Policy File

    D.A.G., A.I.F.193/35 re Repat. & Demob. Dept. - Organistion 

    A.M.S., A.I.F. 200/ - re Educational Scheme - Org. & Policy

    A.I.F. 4334/1/15 Files No's 1 & 2 re General Schemes and 

    Procedure regarding Repatriation.

I think you will find that these files 

contain all that you will require, if however you 

need additional records you may be able to give

me a reference number from the files which will 

simplify tracing others.  I am advising Mr. McAllan

that I am forwarding these files to you , and shall be

obliged if you will return them to me when you have

finished with them as Colonel Butler has not yet

finalised his chapter covering this subject.

Yours sincerely,

A. J. Withers

A.W. Bazley Esq.,

Victoria Barracks,



COPY.                                                                                                                   21/11/18.


Question of permanent ship staffs? Not attractive.

We must retain, throughout period, officers, nurses, and N.C.O's of

all classes, requisite for (a) ships' staffs, (b) embarkation

port staffs.

Questionof gathering in all odd and small units and definitely

attaching them to one or other of the divisions, to simplify

communications and control.

Arrangements by C.O's of all personnel, in order of priority, on 

definite basis to be laid down.

Preliminary Demobilization Memo re Demobilization Morale. Bad
co-operation for want of sympathy by any, xxxx impede all.

Draw up pro forma ships' staffs.

Full census of A.I.F. personnel.

Full list and distribution of all A.I.F. units.

Liaison with Egypt.

Liaison with G.H.Q., France Depotxxxtxx Depots, etc.

Dissolution of English Depots - see M'Kay.

Amply strengthen Somerville's staff.

Take over December shipments from Dodds.

Question of Ration Pay for officers on duty in England.

Tabulation and numbering of all decisions.

Liaison with Australia.

Employment of Major Lyons.

Abbreviated terms throught.

Use decimal classifications for categories.

Commence draft earlier circulars.

3 rooms for Gens. B., White and Ward.

Attaching odd units to divisions.

Following to be signed by me (or in my absence by Foott) except
mere routine - 

(a) to War Office (? Dodds)

(b) to G.O.C., A.I.F.

(c) to Prime Minister.

(d) to Australian Defence or Repatriation.

I shall deal with all subordinates direct, but will give no orders

except thro Foott.

Settle terms on which officers and men xx can be discharged in

England, and releases to be given.



Mr. Hughes wishes to see General Monash at "Carfax",

29 Elsworthy Road, Hampstead, at 11.30 a.m. on Monday,

18th (Nov. 1918).

(1) Seats arranged on staff train on Tuesday.

(2) Cabin arranged for on Tuesday's boat.

Colonel Leane re car.






Diagram - see original document


[*H.N. For Vol VI


[*70 791*]



1st November, 1939.

Dr C.E.W. Bean, D. Litt.,


Victoria Barracks,


My dear Bean

Butler's statement is only correct in parts! It is 

true that General Birdwood had arranged for a small branch

of A.I.F. Headquarters to study demobilization and to try 

to fix certain principles. How much the branch achieved I 

cannot say from memory.

After the Armistice Mr. Hughes had General Birdwood,

Monash and me over to a Conference in London to consider 

demobilization and repatriation. It was quite an amusing

gathering. The little Prime Minister was in an execrable

frame of mind, threw chairs about and said a union of

Generals was the hardest one he had ever had to deal with.

As a matter of fact he wanted to be sure of two things and

he succeeded.  Firstly he had his mind cleared as to the need

of a Demobilization and Repatriation Department and secondly,

but not quite so easily, he reached a conclusion that Monash

had better be given charge of it.

When this new Department was set up it was done under

the order and was responsible to General Birdwood as G.O.C.

A.I.F. and I know of no reason for the statement that there



was no liaison with A.I.F. Headquarters; indeed the reverse

was the case, although naturally the new Department gradually

grew and became more independent until finally it usurped the

place of A.I.F. Headquarters.

I hope this hurried explanation may be of some value 

to you. If there is anything else you want from me I know

you will let me know.

Yours ever

Brudenell White



Extract from Chapter XXV (p.26)

The Department of "Repatriation" and "Demobilisation".

The problems relating to repatriation and demobilisation of

the A.I.F. had been a matter of concern to the G.O.C, A.I.F.

(General Birdwood) and his advisers from as early as 1916, and

a tentative plan had been designed by his chief-of-staff

Major-General White, whereby the return of the troops should

dovetail in with the existing system of the Command Depots

and of "invaliding". A small department of Admistrative
Headquarters had been formed to study the involvements of the 

problem - particularly that of adapting the machinery of

Administrative Headquarters to the purpose of repatriation.

An educational scheme had been devised and was already working.

When the problem actually arose, however, on 21st November,

1918, the G.O.G. Australian Corps (Lieut.-General Monash)

was made by the Australian Government responsible for

devising and carrying out the necessary plans, and on December 

1st he was appointed "Director-General" of a new and entirely

independent "Department of Repatriation and Demobilisation".

A great office was created with its premises in Victoria-

street, London. After some misunderstanding liaison was

established with Australian Admistrative Headquarters,

Horseferry-road; in particular, it was agreed that the

department of the D.M.S., A.I.F. should be directly 

responsible for all action relating to the medical services

in France.

[*To Gen White












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