Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274B/1 - 1918 - 1939 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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2. senterad but monast would not act. they were kept under arrest for 6 weeks, & the bryade had to carry them about with it – a great in convenience, & a heghly undeserable circumstance from the point of velw of discipling. At the end, when the Armestice ponesh or Hobbs bd shegon was arranged. +Monach and before a conference. atd thim whater, in vew of the anmente he dis not thith bey cald recomment he relend sassows of tist men. Gasgow, whos first prinaple in discipline was that every man meest stand up to be consequences of his own acts relused. Monash sawd "Oh, very will, general. & they went back to the Conferina, quite so & the men were sent to prison. Monash, of he thought is right, coalt have made the recommendation, but he would not take the Slasgon say that he showed li response 106
semeler weakness in splediing up the battations. In the 13 Bde there was no sepn of repast toobey. Hlasgow let the officers know that come what might, they would have to be taken by the units they were posted to, & he told those wnit commanders that they mast treat tiee fairly in the matter of appointments & seneority. He hat one 5 Col. but after sight diffecult with Christic there was he had spoken to Christie no sign of troable. part of the Monast arranged that when officers & men, who materied at the spletting up returned from convalsine toi womnts they should be sent to the 6t Diva. Slasgow was atterly opposed to his mated as beag a seaking of a "case way out isteed of the staight out course. But, the order heary been given, he supported it. On some of these trooges 1601
coming back from England, Cam Kobertion who commanded the Lond Div, asker fladgow if he would not apel to the transfer of a party which showed itself materous & beted to gain the nt I w. hopow pot on your bfe said gave orde for to avent of the paity as son as thy hand what hes attitude was, he parly at once save an Glasgow says to Rosethal was a good didl. cdr in the lwo, but was wehis to go on leave as soon as the division was out of live, & leave responsibulity for training to others.
KLSTORICAL NOTES Extract from 2lst Battalion Histery- Disbandment of Battalion. This sudden and unexpected blow caused great dismay amongst all concerned. During the afternoon the C.O. attended another conference at Bde. Hgrs., and, in his absence the situation was keenly discussed by the members of the Unit. on his return a deputation from the Officers and also one from the other Ranks waited on him, These deputations put forward the views of the members of the BN. on the subject. Our seniority, our services, our record, our decorations, were all brought forward as arguments against this action, which was distasteful to all, on account of the pride we had in our Unit. The C.O. arranged by telephone for these deputations to wait on the Brigadier next day. At 10.30 a.m. a special parade was called, but owing to the unexpected length of time taken by the deputations whilst waiting on the Brigadier, the C.O. was unable to address the men. At 9.30 a.m. the C.O. waited on the Brigadier and placed the views of the Unit before him. The Deputations waited on the Brigadier at 21st BN. Hgrs. at 10.30 a.m. The views put forward by the Deputations were reduced to writing and a copy of this was handed to the Brigadier. Nothing definite was obtained from this interview. After Church Parade the Bn. formed up in rear of Hers, and was addressed by the C.O. He informed them that the disbandment had been definitely decided upon by the authorities and exhorted the Bn, to render full obedience to any orders they might receive. He also stated that the date of disbandment would not definitely be decided upon until the return of the Divisional Commander, and that the Brigadier would then place the views of the Unit before the Divisional Commander before the disbandment took place, In the afternoon Lt.G.R. Dearden proceeded to 2nd Aust. Div. Rft. Camp, en route for Australia on 1914 furlough. Administrative notes on the disbandment of an Infantry Battalion were received. The following day passed quietly although everybody was very anxious to know what action would happen. Training was carried out according to the syllabus laid down, Lt. J.A. Gray, M.C. was detached for duty with the 6th A.L. T.M. Battery, and on the following day Lt, L.J.A. Buchanan was evacuated to Field Ambulance, and 2/Lts. G.F.v. Grenness and C.W. Stewart joined us from Off,Cadet Bn. At noon on the 24th Sept., the Divisional Commander received the deputations representing the Officers and Other Ranks of the Battalion. They put before him the views of the Unit on the subject of disbandment, in writing. The Unit was informed through them, by the G.O.C. that the orders of the Higher Command would be put into force immediately. At 3.30 p.m. a special Bn. Parade was held at which the Divisional & Brigade Commanders addressed the men. The Unit then marched back to Bn. Hars., where the C.O. spoke to the men and told them that the decision of the Higher Authorities was final and definite, and that the orders were expected that evening. During the evening it came to the knowledge of the C.O. that the men had decided to carry out all duties required of them, with the exception of falling in in marching order to proceed to another Unit. The C.O. immediately notified the Brigadier of this and, after a personal interview withboth the Divisional & Bde. Commanders, the C.O. again addressed the Officers at 10 p.m. Written orders for the disbandment of the Unit were received at 10,10 p.m. These were in turn issued to Companies and Hgrs., together with necessary nominal rolls, etc., at 3.15 a.m. on the 25th. The Divisional Concert Party tended a special invitation to the Unit for the evening of the 24th, but, owing to the situation, this was not attended, though it had been accepted some days previously, A Bn. Parade was ordered for 9.30 a.m., 25th, when Companies were to fall in in marching order ready to move off to their new Units. At 9.30 Coy. Commanders reported to the C.o. that the men refused to fall in in marching order, but would fall in in drill order, and were prepared to carry out the training syllabus, and carry out the axaining
2 regular routine. The C.O. then ordered the Companies to be paraded in drill order at 10 a.m. On this parade he addressed the companies in the following order (1) An (2) &Br & Dr, (3) &c. & He. Verhal orders were then given to the Coy. Commanders to fall their men in in marching order and to move them off to the respective Battalions to which they had been allotted, by noon. At 11.30 a.m. Coy, Commanders reported that the men did not intend to obey this order. The Officers were then instructed to personally report themselves to their new Units. This was done after they had held a meeting and decided that the men would stand a better chance of making good with them out of the The C.O. then personally reported the situation to the way. Brigadier. After dinner the men, who were now without Officers, and were not officially recognised, held a meeting and decided to maintain order, to carry out all ordinary routines, and to obey every order received with the exception of marching out to another Unit. At the same meeting it was decided that any man who gave offence or went absent without leave would be drastically dealt with by the men themselves. In furtherance of this policy the companies, without orders, changed over the existing guards and duties, and, at parade time, fell in in a methodical manner and marched to the Sports Ground. Organised games had for the last week been the general af after- noon routine. At the ground a football match was played, after which the men returned to billets in an orderly manner. Throughout the afternoon there was an entire absence of any disorder. All complimentswere paid to Officers, and general discipline was maintained. During the evening the band played as usual and rations, which had been drawn for the following day, were issued to the Companies by the R.Q.M. Staff in the usual manner. This was done on the authority of the men themselves, At 6.30 p.m. the C.C. was informed by the Brigadier, who had just attended a conference, that for the present the disbandment would be in abevance, and that, in the meanwhile, the Battalions in the Brigade would be reorganised on a three-Company basis. This news was communicated by the C.O. to the Officers and men at Bn. Hgrs, where it was received with deafening cheers. On the following day it was announced officially on parade. After this parade the Bn. marched to Herleville to witness a practice attack with tanks. On return the Bn. Cr Coy. was divided into was divided into three Companies. three Platoons one of which went to each of the other three Companies. ECLEDEUOUDN
Glassow Nov. 193. HN. matences. Monash arranges that the men of other divisional tesbanded) bors who were away casaatties et she be sentherk to (St Dov. be glasgow diont like it but acc Cohen 20r3 come veel went back to one of Cam Robertsons bus (2 Div cdo vice Rosenthal on leave) Sleagan for the police, & the vew returned at onr without cocont. The Gates meeting CRA FIDE After the Armistice Saderion toto flosgow that he was anxious to get back to the Brt Army. (He saw trouble coming sd Stargow. Glasgow saw Hobbe who told him he didn't know what to do with Lloyd. give him to an, said (.I t take him. (Lloyd to to flasgow 12 years tated that he overheard this. Lloyd came to ? Prist & glaspow asked A. in his presence if he wishs to give him a statement as &te present condition of the Artillery. Loyd sawd he was satisfied without it, & flasgow said goodby at once with Anderson. glasgow then turned to Ltoyd the od artillery have watence adond be sd, and before you know where you are you will have deligates, or
whatever they are called, over pou them among your mere, & you are certain of trouble undas you get in jirst. See your fillows at once thes and tell them tat men well be comay, & that if the honour of themselves & the division are t be preserved bey muast stamp on the head of this thing at once, & crush it out as they would a saake in the prass. te Loyd said: Leave it to te Sir. 2 got them into a hall – He is good speaker. & be used Glasgows -8 phrase, & they cheered him they did twrn a deafear to the vitincers. flasgow had under him then a Bcl of Army Artillery as well as his own had been & they were very Hack. Macartaly was sent to him to take it over. Hlasgow with Wacartary veside aim, casul watched them passing - said onewood to Mr. - Which of those two men riding on th limber is properly dresses "And then want on talking to someove Elos. When the ths had passed ged to M. - I give you a fostnight macartary to put Theyre daaned had vight a fortnight. M had caterely changs te appeavel o1 bde. thee IAA
PHONE: S. 4650 ASSOCIATION. 2nd BATTALION A.I.F (NULLI SECUNDUs) Formed on the Return of the end Ballation, A. I.P. from 5 Vears’ Active Service, 1919. Hen. Bscretary and Urensurer: President: F. W. TAYLOK, L1-Col. E. E. HERROD, C.M.C.. D.S.O., v.D linmarns. Watson House, 11 Bligh Street Hawkins St., Artarmon. Sydney. Sydney 3151 Mca 1929 Drear Mr Bayle SATTLE HONORS. Landing at Anzac Henewirl the fromised (1915) Sari Bair copy of ht knoses notes on the (Lone Pine) clant days of the L..d By & Pozieres Bullecourt a copy of the last movement Vpres (1917) order. Menin Road Hazebrouck The Bin records were final Amiens handed over to A.S.F H.G Albert 1918 (Chuignes London ly ht wgarves an Hindenburg Line onymal Buite who becaue tst adjutant after knox shaobed for houre. After a shay of pist on three months at Villieas Potherie te kin moved to Bouffloves, a village much neare to Chaleroi. I have another wribe up in from Col Tanden relatiive to the Pof Wales visit I will send you a coby later Regands Lay or m
The following were the movenents of the 2nd. Bn. after the signing of the Armistice. Under the command of Col. Youden the Bn. moved off in easy stages from Busigny, passing through Mazinghin, Prisches, Flamorg, Solre le Chateau, Solre St. Gery, on the long march to Germany, where it was intended that the Elge. would form a part of the Army of Occupation. This order was later countermanded, and after- marching well into Belgiun, the Edge. was billeted about 10 miles out of Charleroi, the 2nd. Bn. occupying Villers Poterie early in December which was the last town in Belgiun that the Bn. was billeted in as an entire Bn. From there repatriation comnenced and drafts were isent to England for return to Australia. Our stay in Villers Poterie was a very happy one, receiving the best of treatment from the Villagers, accounted for, no doubt by the fact that we were the first English troops to stay there any length of tine. Rifles having been handed in the daily routine consisted of route march in the morning and sports in the afternoon. Football matches were the main item of interest, several ganes being played against the 9th. Bn. at Chatalet creafing great interest. The last sports meeting of the Edge. was held at this time, consisting of foot-ball, tug-o- war, foot racing, quoit tennis etc., points being allotted to each Bn. for a win. Football being the most important sport, five teans from each Bn. were entered. The 2nd. Bn. finished up as winners of the competition and held the shield for the last time. Christnas 1913 was spent at Villers Poterie, and a special dinner was served up for the men. Horse racing was started at Chatalet, the Bn. entering Mick (Capt. Noy's mount) for the light
A0. draught race over four furlongs. To the delight and profit of his followers, he was first past the post. During the early part of January 1919, the first batch of Brarpeps including Col. Youden, who handed over to Major Gilder, were Adtepathhed to England for repatriation, shortly after being followed by another which greatly thinned out the members of the Bn. It was then decided to form the Edge. into two composite Bns. consisting of lst, And, 42hd, and 3nd. Pand 3rd. Bns. On 1113119 the Bn. ceased to be known as the 2nd. Bn. and joined up with the 3rd. Bn. at Bouffioulx, the two Bns. then being known as the 2nd/3rd pn. Attached is the last movement order t.48 issued by connand of Major Gilder. At Bouffioulx the dakly routine of marches and sport continued, under connand of Col. Moore, who conmanded the composite Bn. After the dispatch of the next quota to England, the two composite Bns. 2nd/3rd, and lst(4th analgamated as one at Couillet, and as such went to England for return to Australia as the 49th. Quota. During December, while the Dn. was at Yillers Poterie, the Prince of Tales visited the Bn. and inspected the billets in the morning and during the afternoon witnessed the inter Bn. foot- ball matches.

sentenced but Monash would not act. They
were kept under arrest for 6 weeks. xxxx
& the brigade had to carry them about xxx
with it - a great inconvenience, & a highly
undesirable circumstance from the point of view
of discipline. At the end, when the Armistice
was arranged, Monash & Hobbs led Glasgow
aside after before a conference, & Monash
asked him whether, in view of the armistice,
he did not think he ^(Glasgow) could recommend the release
of these men.
Glasgow, whose first principle in
discipline was that every man must stand
up to the consequences of his own acts,
refused. Monash said "Oh, very well, General,
quite so" & they went back to the Conference,
& the men were sent to prison. Monash, if
he thought it right, could have made the
recommendation, but he would not take the
responsibility. Glasgow says that he showed


similar weakness in splitting up the battalions.
In the 13 Bde there was no sign of refusal
to obey. Glasgow let the officers know that,
come what might, they would have to be
taken by the units they were posted to, &
he told those unit commanders that they
must treat them fairly in the matter of
appointment & seniority. he had one
slight difficulty with Col. Christie ^[[(S1)?]], but after
he had spoken to Christie there was
no sign of trouble.


Coming back from England, Cam Robertson
who commanded the 2nd Div., asked Glasgow
if he would not agree to the transfer of a
party which showed itself mutinous &
wanted to join the 2nd Div.
"Not on your life" said Glasgow, &
gave order for the arrest of the party.
As soon as they heard what his
attitude was, the party at once gave in.
Glasgow says tt Rosenthal was
a good divl. cdr in the line, but
was inclined to go on leave as soon as
the division was out o / line, & leave
/ responsibility for training to others.


Extract from 21st Battalion History - Disbandment of Battalion.
This sudden and unexpected blow caused great dismay amongst
all concerned. During the afternoon the C.O. attended another
conference at Bde. Hqrs., and, in his absence the situation was keenly
discussed by the members of the Unit. On his return a deputation
from the Officers and also one from the Other Ranks waited on him.
These deputations put forward the views of the members of the BN. on
the subject. Our seniority, our services, our record, our decorations,
were all brought forward as arguments against this action, which was
distasteful to all, on account of the pride we had in our Unit. The
C/O/ arranged by telephone for these deputations to wait on the
Brigadier next day. At 10.30 a.m. a special parade was called, but
owing to the unexpected length of time taken by the deputations whilst
waiting on the Brigadier, the C.O. was unable to address the men.
At 9.30 a.m. the C.O. waited on the Brigadier and placed
the views of the Unit before him. The Dpeutation waited on the
Brigadier at 21st BN. Hqrs. at 10.30 a.m. The views put forward by
the Deputations were reduced to writing and a copy of this was handed
to the Brigadier. Nothing definite was obtained from this interview.
After Church Parade the Bn. formed up in the rear of Hqrs, and was addressed
by the C.O. He informed them that the disbandment had been definitely
decided upon by the authorities and exhorted the Bn. to render full
obedience to any orders they might receive. He also stated that the
date of disbandment would not definitely be decided upon until the
return of the Divisional Commander, and that the Brigadier would then
place the views of the Unit before the Divisional Commander before
the disbandment took place.
In the afternoon Lt.G.R. Dearden proceeded to 2nd Aust. Div.
Rft. Camp, en route for Australia on 1914 furlough.
Administrative notes on the disbandment of an Infantry
battalion were received. The following day passed quietly although
everybody was very anxious to know what action would happen.
Training was carried out according to the syllabus laid down.
Lt. J.A. Gray, M.C. was detached for duty with the 6th A.L.T.W.
Battery, and on the following day Lt. L.J.A. Buchanan was evacuated
to Field Ambulance, and 2/Lts. G.F.V. Grenness and C.W. Stewart joined
us from Off.Cadet Bn.
At noon on the 24th Sept., the Divisional Commander received
the deputations representing the Officers and Other Ranks of the
Battalion. They put before him the views of the Unit on the subject
on disbandment, in writing.
The Unit was informed through them, by the G.O.C. that the orders of
the Higher Command would be put into force immediately.
At 3.30 p.m. a special Bn. Parade was held at which the
Divisional & Brigade Commanders addressed the men. The Unit then
marched back to Bn. Hqrs., where the C.O. spoke to the men and told
them that the decision of the Higher Authorities was final and definite,
and that the orders were expected that evening.
During the evening it came to the knowledge of the C.O. that
the men had decided to carry out all duties required of them, with the
exception of falling in in marching order to proceed to another Unit.
The C.O. immediately notified the Brigadier of this and, after a
personal interview withboth the Divisional & Bde Commanders, the C.O.
again addressed the officers at 10 p.m.

Written orders for the disbandment of the Unit were received
at 10.10 p.m. These were in turn issued to Companies and Hqrs.
The Divisional Concert Party tended a special invitation to
the Unit for the evening of the 24th, but, owing to the situation, this
was not attended, though it had been accepted some days previously.
A Bn. Parade was ordered for 9.30 a.m., 25th, when Companies were to
fall in in marching order ready to move off to their new Units. At
9.30 Coy. Commanders reported to the C.O. that the men refused to fall
in in marching order, but would fall in in drill order, and were
prepared to carry out the training syllabus, and carry out the training


regular routine. The C.O. then ordered the Companies to be
paraded in drill order at 10 a.m.
On this parade he addressed the companies in the following order
(1) "A" (2) "B" & "D", (3) "C" & HQ.
Verbal orders were then given to the Coy. Commanders to fall
their men in in marching order and to move them off top the
respective Battalions to which they had been allocated, by noon.
At 11.30 a.m. Coy. Commanders reported that the men did not
intend to obey this order. The Officers were then instructed
to personally report themselves to their new Units. This was
done after they held a meeting and decided that the men
would stand a better chance of making good with them out of the
way. The C.O. then personally reported the situation to the
After dinner, the men, who were now without Officers, and were
not officially recognised, held a meeting and decided to maintain
order, to carry out all ordinary routines, and to obey every
order received with the exception of marching to another Unit.
At the same meeting it was decided that any man who gave offence
or went absent without leave would be drastically dealt with by
the men themselves.
In furtherance of this policy the companies, without orders,
changed over the existing guards and duties, and, at parade time,
fell in in a methodical manner and marched to the Sports Ground.
Organised games had for the last week been the general xx afternoon
At the ground a football match was played, after which the men
returned to billets in an orderly manner. Throughout the
afternoon there was an entire absence of any disorder. All
complimentswere paid to Officers, and general discipline was
maintained. During the evening the band played as usual and
rations, which had been drawn for the following day, were issued
to the Companies by the R.Q.M. Staff in the usual manner. This
was done on the authority of the men themselves. At 6.30 p.m.
the C.O. was informed by the Brigadier, who had just attended a
conference, that for the present the disbandment would be in
abeyance, and that, in the meanwhile, the Battalions in the
Brigade would be reorganised on a three-Company basis. This
news was communicated by the C.O. to the Officers and men at
Bn. Hqrs. where it was received with deafening cheers.
On the following day it was announced officially
on parade. After this parade the Bn. marched to Herleville
to witness a practice attack with tanks. On return the Bn.
was divided into three Companies. "C" Coy. was divided into
three Platoons one of which went to each of the other three


Nov. 1918.
Mutinies. Monash arranged that the
men of other disbanded divisional bns who were
away casualties etc shd be sent back to 1st Div.
Glasgow didn't like it but accepted obeyed. When
some ^2 or 3 men went back to one of Cam Robertson's
bns (2 Div cdr vice Rosenthal on leave)
Glasgow sent for the police, & the men were returned
at once without escort.
The Yates Meeting
After the Armistice Anderson ^C.RA !st Div told
Glasgow that he was anxious to get back to
the Brit Army. ("He saw trouble coming," sd
Glasgow.) Glasgow saw Hobbs who told him
he didn't know what to do with Lloyd.
"Give him to me", said G. "I'll take
him". (Lloyd told Glasgow 12 years later
that he overheard this).
Lloyd came to ? Prisle & Glasgow
asked A. in his presence if he wished to give
him a statement as to the present condition
of the artillery. Lloyd said he was
satisfied without it, & Glasgow said
dispensed goodby at once with to Anderson.
Glasgow then turned to Lloyd,
"The 3rd Divl Artillery have mutinied,"
he sd," and before you know where
you are you will have delegates, or


whatever they are called, over from
them among your men, & you are
certain of trouble unless you get
in first.


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