Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274B/1 - 1918 - 1939 - Part 4
as it must be, as with public statements of a frank nature, would
result in a complete disaster. They decided that the only thing
they could do was to let things stand as they were.
Hughes said that it was only his vote, and he thinks only
one other, that prevented the transfer of all white troops, except
one division, from Palestine to the Western Front in 1918. He said
that if Great Britain went down in Palestine her prestige in the
East could not survive, the Suez Canal must go, and if Britain lost
her position in the East it would be fatal to her. If she failed
either in the East or the West it would be fatal, but of the two, if
she were going to fail, he thought that failure in the West would
entail less serious after-effects. The Cabinet voted, and either by
one or two votes decided to retain its troops in Palestine.
In 1916 Hughes sitting in the War Cabinet formed the strong
impression that if Asquith remained Prime Minister the Allies would
lose the war. He said as much to Lloyd George, and asked him:
"Why don't you take control?" L.G. told him that the time was not
yet ripe; he could not do sothen. Hughes was impressed with the
fact that Long, who was an Englishman, was about the solidest man in
the Cabinet - not brilliant, but sound and strong. Asquith had
probably the finest intellect.
October 28th, 1937.
Australia’s Leader in Peace and in War
Being the Oration Delivered by Sir Isaac Isaacs Before the Victorian
Jewish Graduates Association
It is my great privilege to-night, in response to your request, to
deliver what you have called “The Monash Oration,” established by
your Association as an annual Memorial in honour of the late
Sir John Monash
I speak of him simply as an Australian, as one of an immortal band
of Australians, who, each in the place assigned him, greatly served King
and Country, and through them the cause of human freedom, and then
so far as life and limb and sense permitted, took up again with the
same dauntless spirit their daily task of building up the land that gave
them birth.
The Memory of Sir John Monash, in the greatest enterprise of his
wonderful life, is the priceless possession' not merely of his co-religionists,
his compatriots, or his comrades. For not alone Victoria, where he drew
his first and his last breath, nor our Commonwealth, whose wider national
citizenship he proudly shared, nbr even our world-wide Empire, among
whose many distinguished leaders he held an honored place, can suffice
to circumscribe the service he rendered or the renown he won.
Every nation, who, in that titanic struggle we still call the Great
War, stood beside the Empire animated by the same spirit of freedom,
the same love of international peace and good faith, and the same hatred
of aggressive War as a method of national policy, and who, with those
.sublime motives, helped to beat back the tyranny that threatened our
liberty and that of all mankind, has reason to give, has given, and will
never fail to give to his name and memory grateful recognition.
It is of that great adventure I desire most to speak, because of its
enormous general importance, its originality, its consequences, which
penetrate many lands, its example, which speaks all languages, its spiritual and
even its special national significance for Australia.
Endowed with Many Gifts
From the purely personal standpoint of Monash himself, it was no
isolated incident in a fairly long life of earnest endeavour. It was
the product of a half century of preparation by one endowed by Nature
with a sound constitution and extraordinary mental gifts, impelled by
high principles, and perfect patriotism, to fit himself, bodily and intellectually,
to discharge in the most efficient manner possible, whatever duties
of Australian citizenship he might be called upon to fulfil.
The story of the strenuous and single-minded preparation and performance
that preceded the four years of leadership that meant so much
to Australia, and have left their mark upon the world, has been told with
simple moving eloquence by his affectionate son-in-law, Dr. Gershon
Bennett, to whom we must all be indebted for the admirable personal
portrait he presented. It is unnecessary, and would be tedious on my
part to repeat that story, I shall touch upon it rapidly and only so far
as it seems to bear upon the formation and development of the man, who,
in the novel and responsible circumstances with which he was confronted,
applied his “education”—using that term in the highest and most
comprehensive sense, to original and triumphant solutions of difficulties and
complications that by ordinary methods seemed insoluble.
He was born in 1865. Entering Melbourne University at the age of
17, in ten years he graduated successively in Arts, in Engineering—he was
Master of Civil Engineering—and in Law.
In the meantime, he had turned to public duty, by enlisting in 1884
as a private. He became Sergeant at 19. At 22, he was Lieutenant, and
passed through every grade until, at 43, he was Lieutenant Colonel, and
at 48, in 1913, Colonel of the 13th Infantry Brigade.
His Early Years
In August, 1914, came the Great War. In December, 1914, Colonel
Monash embarked with the 4th Australian Infantry Brigade.
His great adventure had begun, but before I refer to its incidents,
let us take stock of Monash as he then stood. I am tempted to say, that
bough naturally Dr. Bennett can and did speak more intimately of him,
too had known him many years, personally and professionally. He had,
on many occasions, assisted in various engineering and municipal cases
in which as a barrister I was concerned. Sometimes he was on my side;
sometimes on the other side. But one characteristic was invariably
manifest. He came to the Court with a perfect grasp of the points at issue,
a perfect understanding of the rights and wrongs of the dispute,
a perfect power of expressing with lucidity the opinions he held, and of
pointing out whatever fallacies lay in contrary opinions. More than once,
he was invited, instead of waiting to answer questions, to state in his
own clear and connected way, how the matter stood from his professional
standpoint. I believe his view was almost always accepted, for its
accuracy and its sincerity. I shall add just one more personal word at
this point. On the Saturday before he left Australia with his Brigade,
I met him walking quietly down Lonsdale Street, with his two little grand
children. He realised the sternness of the struggle we had entered into.
His main concern for the moment was the welfare of his men, their
training and preparation, and their getting the best chance possible in the
task that lay before them.
Now going back to his private career as outlined, and as supplemented
by what Dr. Bennett has given to the world, Monash had consciously
formed his character, had consciously sought light and learning from all
sources, with a catholicity of mind that indicates the man looking for truth,
for power to do his civic duty, for all the possible equipment to play, with
honor, whatever part in national affairs, private or public, that he might
be called upon to play, lie had moulded his mind and his body to a
condition that enabled him to use his natural powers most effectively.
And this was the man who, as Colonel in command of his Brigade
of fellow Australians, sailed in 1914 from Australia, on the most tremendous
mission that men can undertake.
Of his career in Gallipoli Peninsula I shall not speak in detail. It
was the first chapter of the epic story of Australia’s immortal contribution
to the freedom of the World. Monash and his comrades—for they can
never be severed in appraisement of what was achieved by them in
co-operation—even there won imperishable glory. At the ever-memorable
landing on April 25th, 1915,—a day forever consecrated in every Australian
heart—Monash and his Brigade began, with their brother Australians,
that glorious course of endeavour that hat* written, as Mr. Lloyd George
has so truly said, “the name of the Anzacs in inerasable glory upon the
barren rocks of Gallipoli.”
I do not dwell on the services there that gained for him the rank
of Brigadier General and the distinction of C.B. But I must refer to the
signal instance of the superb soldiership characteristic of all he did, that
marked his part in the evacuation when he brought off his troops without
casualty or loss of any kind, and thereby closed a chapter which seemed
to foreshadow the brilliant future awaiting him on the larger and more
vital theatre of war.
Complete Command of the A.I.F.
I am compelled to pass over many thrilling incidents of his service in
France, and to come at once to the 31st of May, 19X8, when he was given
command of the entire Australian Army Corps of 166,000 men.
He tells us in his letters with glowing fervour of the historic occasion
when the Commander in Chief of the Australian Corps was himself a
native-born Australian, and of the Council of War held at which every
member present was a native-born Australian. And then came some
masterpieces of strategy and tactics, that in their originality illumine
military history, and place an everlasting stamp of national and individual
worth and honor on the men who took part in them, from the Commanding
Officer to the youngest private.
The first of his notable exploits to which, in this connection, I shall
refer, is the battle of Hamel, on the 4th July, 1918. It was important
to utilize the Tanks, but the experts who were consulted beforehand
pronounced it not practicable for them to follow close behind an artillery
barrage. As Monash observes, “The battle of Hamel proved that it was.’*
Hamel was notable for several other reasons. In speaking of that battle,
Sir John compares a battle plan with an orchestral composition in needing
the harmonious co-ordination of all its parts as written. Let us add in
justice, that in both cases two things are also necessary . for a great
production, the genius of the composer and the excellence of the executants.
Hamel was further notable for the fact to which he refers that it was
there “Americans became blood-brothers of Australians.” But still
another notable circumstance. When about the middle of July, Monash
laid before Lord Rowlinson, as Army Commander, his proposals to attack
the Somme Salient, a point of tremendous strategic importance, it was
(Continued on p. 9).
October 28th, 1937.
Mosley Makes Overtures
to Major Douglas
(From our Special Correspondent)
LONDON, Sept. 17.
Sir Oswald Mosley, the leader of
the British Union of Fascists, is making
overtures to Major C. H. Douglas,
the Chairman of the Social Credit
Secretariat Limited, and the leading
exponent of the theories of Social
Credit. In a special article on
“National Socialism and Social Credit”
in Saturday’s issue of “Action,” “the
half-conscious antipathy between
Social Creditors and National
Socialists” is examined.
The contributor goes to great pains
to make clear that “there are many
points in his (Major Douglas’s)
scheme which are compatible with the
creed of the National Socialists.” He
points out, for instance, “that each
desires first and foremost to create
a Britain run for the benefit of the
British. Each is acutely aware of the
fact that this objective cannot be
attained without the defeat of the
financial oligarchy and the establishment
of a national control of the Nation’s
credit. Each stands for a policy of
Economic Nationalism as the
prerequisite to the realisation of this aim.”
He continues, “In view of these
essential similarities Social Creditors
and National Socialists should surely
regard themselves as belonging to the
same front. . ." After an examination
of the differences between the two
bodies, he concludes that “tile closer
the matter is studied, the less do the
differences appear to be irreconcilable
ones. . .”
The author of the article, a Mr.
A. R. Reade, is, 1 am informed, “a
casual supporter of Social Credit,"
and not a member of that
organisation. His are not, therefore, official
views. It is interesting to note that
in 1924 Mosley was a believer in
Social Credit and published a
pamphlet, “Revolution by Reason," which
expressed his ideas on the subject. In
his book, “Fascism: 100 Questions
Asked and Answered," he states
explicitly that “in regard to the Douglas
proposals," he agreed with them in
principle, but disagreed upon methods.
Ignorance on Jewish Question
When I spoke to Mr. Bardsley, the
Secretary of the Social Credit
Secretariat, about this matter, he said that
while he did not wish to misunderstand
the Fascists, there was one
thing which distinguished his
organisation from theirs. “We believe,” he
said, “that the end of man, whilst unknown,
is something towards which
most rapid progress will be made by
the free expression of individuality.”
In effect, he expressed a disapproval
of individual persecution and a belief
in liberty which runs counter to the
authoritarian ideals of Fascism.
This article, however, merits serious
attention because the Social Credit
movement, although it contains a
number of Jews in its ranks — as
there were in the B.U.F. in its early
days—has shown the cloven hoof of
anti-Semitism. Major Douglas himself,
in the third edition of his standard
work, “Social Credit,” refers to
the “Jewish Question,” and displays
a curious ignorance about it. “At
the moment it can only be pointed
out,” he writes, “that the theory of
rewards and punishment is Mosaic in
origin, that finance and law derive)
their main inspiration from the same
source, and that countries such as
pre-war Germany and post-war Russia,
which exhibit the logical consequences
of unchecked collectivism,
have done so under the direct influence
of Jewish leaders.” He continues,
on a note peculiarly redolent
of certain anti-Jewish bodies, ‘‘that
the Jews are the protagonists of
collectivism in all its forms, whether it
is camouflaged under the name of
Socialism, Fabianism, or ‘big business,’
and that the opponents of collectivism
must look to the Jews for
an answer to the indictment of the
theory itself. It should in any case
be emphasised that it is the Jews as
a group, and not as individuals, who
are on trial, and that the remedy, if
one is required, is to break up the
group activity.”' Compare Mosley’s
absurd statement that: “The Jews, as
a whole, have chosen to organise
themselves as a nation within the
Nation and to set their interests be
fore those of Great Britain.”
Blackshirts Back a Loser
Furthermore, in an article in last
December’s issue of “The Fig Tree,”
a Douglas Social Credit quarterly
review, a certain validity is given to
that hoary, oft-proved forgery, “The
Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
“Whether they are a forgery or not
seems immaterial (!)” writes L. D.
Bryne. “The important fact is that
the pattern of the world to-day
conforms with extraordinary accuracy to
the plans laid down in this document
many years before the actual
occurrence of the events, and alleged to
be those of a self-appointed hierarchy
which has been scheming the enslavement
of mankind for many centuries.”
He then goes on to identify “the financial
hierarchy,” which “is just such a
hierarchy as this publication alleges
exists,” with the Jews, exactly as do
the Fascists.
The Blackshirts, then, in demoting
the central pages of their most''
important paper to an .article on Social
Credit, seem to be hopeful of certain
possibilities in regard to the Social
Credit movement. They may, how
ever, have once again backed a loser;
for at the conclusion of the article
in the Review, the author states that
is would be absurd “to suggest that
because the perilous and intolerable
position in which mankind finds itself
can be traced to a group composed
mainly of Jews (the bankers), therefore
all Jews are a menace.” In fact,
he recognises that “the principles of
a society organised as a brotherhood,”
which is a Social Credit ideal, was
established by the Jews.
Palestine Airport
Nears Completion
(J.T.A. Airmail Service)
Construction of the Lydda
Airport, which is already in use,
is rapidly nearing completion,
it was stated to-day. When
improvements now under way
are finished, the airport will be
the best in the entire Near East.
A wireless installation incorporating
all the latest devices is
part of the airport’s equipment.
The installation has not yet
been completed. The airport
also has a meteorological station
and will have complete
facilities for night landings.
A hangar large enough to
accommodate two big air liners
and several smaller craft has
been completed. Still under
construction are an hotel and
restaurant for the accommodation
of passengers, and a large
underground petrol storage
tank. Quarters for the airport
personnel are also planned.
The airport is now regularly
used by Imperial Airways, the
Dutch Line, K.L.M., the Polish
Line “Lot,” the Misr Airways,
and the recently established
Palestine Airways.
Thursday next, November 4, has
been set aside for a table tennis match
against the J.Y.P.A. A team of six
(three ladies and three gents) will be
selected to represent the K.Y.S.
The following syllabus has been
prepared: — Thursday, November 11
social and dance; November 18,
lecture; November 25, concert;
Dcember 2, break-up social; December 9,
annual meeting and elections.
It can be seen that the term of office
of the present committee has nearly
expired. The annual subscription is
but 3/6 per year, and entitles members
to 12 months of membership
from the date of payment. Although
our numerical strength is most
satisfactory, we invite Jewish youth (over
17) to join the club to further augment
our tally of financial members.
Sunday, October 31 (for the hike)
we meet “under the clocks,” Flinders
Street, at 10.15 a.m. Fare will be
approximately 2/-.
On Sunday, November 14, the auxiliary
of the Melbourne Hebrew
Ladies Benevolent Society is
organising an all-day mixed American tennis
tournament. Entry fee is 5/- a pair
and entries must be in by November
3. For further information ring
Classes are still in full swing and
members are training hard for the
forthcoming combined gymnastic
display to be held at Monash House,
on Wednesday, November 24.
Parents! give your sons a chance
to show what they can do by letting
them come along to the Phillip
Harrison Memorial Hall every Wednesday
at 8. p.m.
October 28th 1937
(continued from p. 7.)
he deep impression made upon Rawlinson by the Hamel attack, that
induced his agreement.
Speaking particularly of this period, Captain Ellis, M.C., in his story
of the Fifth Australian Division says:
“Of all the Allied Commanders he (Monash) appears to have
gauged the most accurately the precise moment at which the develop
ment of new weapons, and the adoption of new tactics would permit
the launching of an offensive of a scope and nature not hitherto
dreamed of in the Allied attacks of the past.’'
And so Monash got the permission he sought to attack that dangerous
Salient. He did so in the first week in August with complete success.
Captain Ellis writes further: “It was the greatest battle that Australian
troops had yet undertaken. The perfection of its conception was rivalled
only by the perfection of its execution.”
Australia’s Greatest Battle
Too parent homage cannot be rendered to Corps Commander, Divisional
Commanders, and the whole glorious brotherhood of Australians, who in
the valiant company of Canadians and British, who delivered what was in
truth a decisive blow at the German offensive, and annihilated all thoughts
of success that the German Commander-in-Chief had entertained.
'‘Perhaps,” says Captain Ellis, .‘‘only one man in the world realised
immediately the full significance of the operations of the 8th August. On
the Allied side, everybody felt that the enemy had been given a tremendous
blow. The far-sighted Monash saw further. Foch, perhaps, further still.
But Ludendorff alone knew at once that the blow was mortal. He writes
in his Memoirs: ‘After the severe defeat of August 8th, I gave up the
last vestige of hope .... August 8th was the black day in the history
of the German army’.”
As Captain Ellis observes, "A wonderful tribute to the Australian
soldier who has instigated the victory, and to the troops Canadian,
Australian and British that won it.”
‘‘Let the 8th of August,” he continues, ‘‘therefore be forever a day
of rejoicing and fetes and thanksgiving throughout all free lands, but
especially in Australia. The Armistice was signed on the 11th day of
November, 1918, the Peace on the 29th June, 1919, but both were won on
the glorious 8th of August.”
It would be wrong to omit the splendid recognition of this feat by the
Army Commander, General Rawlinson, who had sanctioned it. He says,
‘‘It was by the lessons learned at Hamel that they (the Australians) were
able to organise and carry through the extraordinarily successful offensive
of August 8th. This was the only instance he remembered in the War
when a corps who had been allotted certain difficult and highly important
objectives were able to carry out a complete success by winning those
objectives exactly as previously arranged, and half an hour before the
scheduled time.”
The third, and perhaps the greatest of the three specially notable events
was Mont St. Quentin. That Mount lies a mile north of Peronne, and
dominates the approach to the Somme. Monash wanted to make that river
useless to the Germans as a defensive line, and drive them back to their
last hope, the Hindenburg line. He wanted, as he says, to make this an
exclusively Australian achievement.
Ludendorff resolved to hold Mont St. Quentin as the key position, at
all costs. He sent the Second Prussian Guards Division, one of his finest
reserves, to hold it. Peronne was also to be held by volunteers and
picked men.
Plans Prepared for Attack
On August 29th, Monash had his plans prepared for the attack, and
needed only the consent of the Army Commander. On the 30th, he laid
them before Rawlinson, who said: “And so you think you are going to
take Mont St. Quentin with three battalions. What presumption!" “How
ever," he added (no doubt with recollections of the two previous triumphs),
“I don’t think I ought to stop you. So go ahead—and I wish you luck."
Rawlinson was there speaking of the Mont itself, the key position.
Monash lost no time. At dawn on the 31st the general attack took place.
Three Australian Divisions fought heroically till the evening of September
Let me quote from the “Times’ History of the War" as to this combat.
Having given Lord Rawlinson’s tribute regarding the Salient, the author
says: “More remarkable still as a combination of valour and skill was
the capture of Mont St. Quentin, the Citadel,,pf Peronne. General
Rawlinson had described it as a Gibraltar, commanding the passage of the
Somme, and the access to Peronne. So strong was the position that he
could not bring himself to order troops to attack it, and the suggestion
that they should be allowed to make the attempt came from the
Australians themselves. The German Commander of Peronne, who was
captured in the fighting, expressed his admiration of the feat. He had
believed the position, which was held by picked volunteer troops, to be
absolutely impregnable. But the story of Mont St. Quentin, told a dozen
times already, would need a volume to itself to have full justice done to it."
Monash tells us that Rawlinson has more than once referred to the
operation as the finest single feat of the war. It is in truth a landmark
in our Constitutional development.
At this point, I may aptly quote the Times' Historian’s appraisement
of our troops generally. He says: “The Australians undoubtedly had more
of the fierce joy of battle than any of the troops engaged in the Western
Front, and Macaulay’s celebrated description of Cromwell's Ironsides has
been not inaptly applied to them by one of their recent historians, Mr.
Cutlack, who says, ‘They moved to victory with the precision of machines,
while burning with the wildest fanaticism of Crusaders'.” The Times’
historian adds, “They marched against the most renowned battalions of
Europe with disdainful confidence.” He recalls Clemenceau as saying to
them: “We knew you would fight a real fight, but we did not know that
from the very beginning you would astonish the whole Continent with
your valour.”
And also Marshal Foch's memorable praise of the Australians as
“Shock troops of the first order.”
With such a Leader and such men, no enemy position could ever be
It was a magnificently planned and gloriously executed performance,
and for its swift decision, unflattering advance and complete triumph, not-
withstanding desperate resistance, must, by general consent, stand among
the most perfect military feats the world has known.
Let us gratefully remember how ably Monash was seconded by his
Divisional and Brigadier Generals. He specially mentions the rain of
congratulations that fell on the head of General Rosenthal.
The enemy was now driven to relite on the Hindenburg Line. This
line, thought to be secure, collapsed definitely after the Battle of Montbrehain.
It was fought on October 5th, and was the last Australian battle
in the Great War. The Germans sued for pence. Monash’s responsibility
as he tells us, came to an etui as a fighting Corps Commander, which he
had borne for a section of the battle front in France, varying from four
to eleven miles for 128 consecutive days without a break.
Renown Rests on Sure Basis
His renown as a soldier of genius rests on a sure basis. Witnesses
of acknowledged capacity to judge have attested his power in a mass of
circumstances, by recognizing the essential in novel situations, to
mould accustomed methods, and to re-arrange and weld familiar
instruments so as to give them new a ml effective force. He knew the difference
between principles and formulas, and never hesitated to re-shape the
formulas to fit new environment. His mind was wide enough to take
in all details, clear enough to select those important for the moment,
strong enough to rely on his selection, ami convincing enough to instil in
others the necessary confidence to act upon his judgment.
Without repeating earlier meeds of praise as from Lord Haig, we are
familiar with the striking testimony of Mr. Lloyd George to the surpas
sing genius of Monash. Captain Liddell Hart says that if the War had
lasted another year, Monash, by his transcendent ability, would have risen
still higher in Command, perhaps to that of British Commander in Chief.
(Continued on page 13).
October 28th 1937
Recommendations of
Special Sub-Committee
GENEVA, Oct. 3.
Continued assistance by the League
of Nations to German and other
refugees after December 31, 1938, the
date on which present efforts are to
terminate, is recommended to the
League Assembly by the sub-Committee
of the Sixth (Political) Commission.
The sub-Committee, after study of
the reports of the Nansen Office and
the High Commission for Refugees
from Germany, as well as the resolution
introduced by Norway for continued
refugee assistance, adopted
both reports and urged the Assembly
to make provisions to continue League
endeavours for refugees after December
31, 1938.
The Soviet representative on the
sub-Committee opposed these
recommendations. Unless the Soviet
delegates to the Assembly modify their
opposition, the recommendations can
not be adopted, since a unanimous
vote by the Assembly is required. The
sub-Committee therefore decided to
submit their conclusions to the plenary
meeting and seek to induce the
Soviet representatives to refrain from
voting on the question.
The sub-Committee’s report is divided
into two sections, the first
dealing with the Nansen Office and the
second with the High Commission for
Refugees from Germany.
In the first part, the report expresses
appreciation of the work done
by the President of the Nansen Office,
Mr. M. Hanssen, and requests the
members of the League to adhere to
the Convention of October 28, 1933,
and of June 30, 1928. The report
also requests members of the League,
not to deport refugees from the
countries of their present residence
before the refugees obtain permission
to settle in another country. It
further asks the Governments not to
make difficulties for the refugees in
obtaining work in the countries of
their present domicile.
High Commissioner’s Report
The second part of the sub-Committee’s
report accepts the report of
the High Commissioner for Refugees
from Germany and expresses the
appreciation of the Assembly for his
The resolution empowers the High
Commissioner, in co-operation with
the Secretary-General of the League,
to call an International Conference
early in 1938, in order to work out
an international convention for
German refugees.
The resolution requests the Governments
of the countries where German
refugees now live to facilitate their
settlement. It also expresses the wish
that a definition of the term “German
refugee” be decided upon by the
international conference, based upon
Article 1 of the agreement of July 1,
The report of the sub-Committee
further states that the problem of the
refugees, both from Germany and
from other countries, will continue to
exist after the end of 1938, and measures
have- therefore to be- taken for
aiding them. The report therefore
suggests that the League should
continue this work for a further stated
period. The report draws attention
to the fact that the work of the
League in aid of the refugees was a
humanitarian work not influenced by
political considerations. It confirms
the principle that only the expenses of
the administration of the Nansen
Office and the High Commissioner for
Refugees from Germany should be
covered from the budget of the
League of Nations. The report also
recommends that the general problem
of refugees be considered by the Assembly
of the League in 1938.
Plan of Work for 1939
The report concludes with the re
commendation that the Secretary
General of the League be requested
by the Assembly to work out, on the
basis of the principles stated in the
report and in conjunction with the
President of the Nansen Office and the
High Commissioner for Refugees
from Germany, a plan of work in aid
of the refugees after December 31,
1938. This plan should be submitted
to the various Governments for
examination not later than May 15,
In the course of the sub-Commit
tee’s discussions, President Motta, the
representative of Switzerland, suggested
combining the Nansen Office
with the office of the High Commissioner
for Refugees from Germany.
He declared that both organisations
were doing essentially the same work.
The Second Commission of the Assembly
has decided to recommend to
the Assembly to put the 'question of
emigration on the agenda of the next
Jewish Doctors Hit
in Austria
(J.T.A. Airmail Service)
VIENNA, Oct. 8.
The Federal Council, it is
reliably learned to-day, is now
engaged in drawing up new
regulations governing the medical
profession which would have
the effect of making it almost
impossible for a Jewish medical
student in Austria to obtain his
It is understood that the
measures under consideration
follow those outlined by Dr.
Resch, the Minister for Social
Welfare, in ah article published
in the “Neue Freie Presse” last
month, providing that medical
doctorate degrees are to be
given only to those who have
completed a year of practical,
training at a hospital. Since at
present Jewish doctors are not-
admitted to the public hospitals
here, adoption of such regulations
would mean that the Jewish
medical students would not
be able to obtain their degrees,
A further restriction would be
provided by a clause in the new
regulations making it obligatory
for a doctor to receive a
special permit from the district
authorities before being able to
practise. This provision would
enable the local authorities to
limit the number of Jewish doctors
still further.
The second round concluded on
Saturday, October 23, the first
eleven’s game resulting in a draw,
time again foiling a victory for our
boys, while the seconds in a
disappointing display were again defeated.
West Brunswick, batting first, declared
at nine wickets for 136. Joe
Klooger, taking advantage of splendid
conditions offering for pace bowlers,
collected four wickets and was at all
times most troublesome to the opposing
batsmen. Max Cohen was in fine
form with two wickets at moderate
With 35 minutes left, Hakoah batsmen
flogged the West Brunswick
bowling and at stumps had 49 on the
board for the loss of two wickets.
Jack Silver in an attractive display
knocked up 22 not out in effortless
style, whilst Ben Molinski is gradually
running into top form.
The seconds registered a very poor
performance, and to have a chance
for final honours must improve
considerably. With the ball, Henry
Silver, Abe Bardas and Morry Edelstein
were outstanding.
This coming Saturday, October 30,
the third round commences when the
first eleven meets Mayston Cricket
Club on its home wicket, No. 8 Princes
Park, whilst the seconds are to play
St. Nicholas, also at Princes Park.
Club Singles Draw Announced
November will be a month of
opportunities for the Jewish community as
a whole in as much as the Judaean
Tennis Club is arranging two social
functions at which you will have
ample opportunity to renew old
friendships •and make others.
The first function will be in the
form of a card night at the home of
Mr. Louis Epstein, 56 Balaclava Road,
Caulfield, on Sunday evening,
November 14 — subscription being 2/6. . On
Saturday evening, November 20, the
club is holding their annual cabaret
ball at The Commodore, Howey Court,
City, from 8.30 p.m. till 2 a.m. There
will be numerous novelties and prizes
and for your entertainment there will
be at least two speciality artists.
Tickets will be 5/6.
We wish to extend to Miss Ouida
Lewis and Mr. Albert Josephs our
heartiest congratulations and best
wishes on the occasion of their
Club Singles Championships.
Competitors who do not attend the
courts punctually at the times stated
will not be given a second chance in
the future, but will forfeit their
matches automatically.
Following is the draw for Sunday
next, 31st inst.:—
9 a.m.—Mr. R. Sackville v. Mr. B.
Rosen (a); Mr. B. Le Branski v. Mr.
H. Haskin (b); Mr. N. Pizer v. Mr. H.
Sackville (c).
10 a.m.—Mr. J. Rose v. Mr. L.
Rosenfield (d); Miss I Rose v. Miss
V. Goldhill (e); Miss M. Metz v. Miss
J. Metz (f).
11 a.m.—Miss M. Cainer v. Miss P.
Rothstadt (g); Mr. L. Lewis v. Mr. S.
Goldberg (h).
12 noon.—Winner of (a) v. Mr. M.
Levin; Winner of (b) v. Mr. A. Sacks;
Winner of (c) v. Winner of (d).
1.0 p.m.—Winner of (e) v. Mrs. F.
Rogers; Winner of (f) v. Winner of
October 28th 1937
(Concluded from page 9).
As a soldier that an enemy had every reason to respect, his title to
fame is clear. But let us note that his humane regard for those under his
command was always conspicuous.
He had honors showered upon him—G.C.M.G., K.C.B.. Grand Officer
of the French Legion of Honor, Grand Officer of Belgian Order of the
Crown, the American Distinguished Service Medal and English and
Melbourne University distinctions. But as Mr. Cutlack touchingly reminds
us, his success left him “essentially unspoilt.’'
He came back to Australia to prove once more that “Peace hath her
victories no less renowned than War.”
Great Yallourn Achievement
I need only briefly remind you of his magnificent Yallourn achievement,
a constantly eloquent memorial to his genius as an engineer. Here again
when others failed to see the possibilities or practicability of the work, or
to gauge its progress, and impatiently demanded results, his clear vision
fully discerned and his balanced judgment accurately weighed the promise
and ultimate advantages. When severe criticism was directed at his efforts,
he boldly and bravely, in true Mont St. Quentin spirit, came forward, dispelled
all doubts and fears, and carried on the undertaking to a triumphant
conclusion and enormous national benefit.
He died on the 8th October, 1981, and was accorded public honours. 1
believe that, as Governor-General. I expressed universal sentiment when I
“With all Australia I mourn the loss of one of her ablest, bravest
and noblest sons, a loyal servant of King and Country. He served Australia
and the Empire well, and in his passing he has left us an example that
will be a beacon light of patriotic and unselfish endeavour.”
A yearly pilgrimage is made to his grave.
But above all is the memory of John Monash enshrined in the hearts of
his fellow-countrymen. Homage comes from many quarters. As a military
stiategist and tactician he stands in the first rank, and the lessons he taught
are a treasury of information, example, expedient, encouragement and
inspiration to be studied by both friend and foe.
Champion of Justice
Lovers of freedom and of peace throughout the world think of him and
his comrades as noble undaunted champions of Right and Justice, whose
valour, self-devotion and knightly skill did prodigies to rescue mankind
from an impending fate that no description can adequately portray, that no
civilised beings on this earth would ever voluntarily endure.
But in our Australian hearts there is also the special love we bear him
as one who shared our Nationhood, our pride and patriotism for the land
of our birth; one whose example is convincing proof to any loyal Australian
that here in this land of ours a man can qualify himself for the highest
duties that Australian citizenship can be called upon to perform.
The example of the Australian Corps inculcates a special and a lasting
truth for us with a clarity that leaves no room for doubt and a force that,
in my opinion, overpowers contradiction.
It is the truth which our brave men wrote with their lifeblood on the
battlefields of Gallipoli, Palestine, Belgium and France, and sealed with
finality at Mont St. Quentin—Australia’s proud equality in the British
Commonwealth of Nations—years before statesmen round a Council table
formally traced it with ink at the Imperial Conference of 1926.
It is not too much to say that in our constitutional development as an
autonomous Dominion, Mont St. Quentin was the final hour of our Runny-
mode as was the Imperial Conference Resolution our consequential Charter.
The full national significance'^ of all these momentous events by which
Australia won her title to be no longer a Dependency, but to possess full
Dominion status is, as Kipling expresses it, “another story,” which falls
more fitly into another setting.
But the facts themselves are soul-stirring. And one fact stands forth
among the rest with challenging impressiveness.
At Mont St. Quentin, the Australian Corps under Monash was in very
truth—AUSTRALIA. Its Corps Commander and its Divisional Commander's
were Australians. All the men they led were Australians. And there
Australia, from Corps Commander to junior private, was playing in her
own way and without a trace of inferiority complex, with her own trusted
loaders and men, her arduous part, within the Empire, and in making her
own great contribution to the welfare of the World.
And so, by this glorious history, culminating cn St. Quentin’s Mount,
was Australia’s standard raised to a glittering height. To us was left the
sacred duty, for ourselves and our children, to maintain it there, that never
shall so noble an example perish, never such devotion to Australia go un-
deserved, never such pure and perfect patriotism be unworthily forgotten.
“Lest We Forget.”
The Discussion on Partition
The Permanent Mandates’ Commission,
it is officially announced here
to-night, has agreed in principle to the
establishment of two States, a Jewish
and an Arab, in Palestine, but has
found that the period of political
apprenticeship for both Jews and Arabs
must be prolonged by the creation of
two separate Mandates for the two
States until either of them is fit to
govern itself.
The following is the text of the
official communique published here on
the report of the last session of the
Permanent Mandates Commission:—
“The report of the Mandates Com-
mission contains: -(1) the preliminary
opinion of the Commission on the
Palestine problem; (2) the general
observations on the disorders of 1930
and on the steps taken by the
Mandatory Power; and (3) detailed
observations on the administration of
the country.
“Speaking of the disorders, the
Mandates Commission recognises the
difficulties that stood in the way of
preventing such disorders, but it
declares that it is not convinced that it
was impossible to take more energetic
steps earlier to break the armed
resistance. On the other hand, the
Commission states that the disorders have
created a strained political situation
which increased the difficulties of
suppressing them.
“In its preliminary opinion on the
future of Palestine, the Commission,
after referring to the information sup
plied to it, the recommendations and-
the political Statement of Policy of
the Mandatory Power, gives a brief
summary of the advantages and
disadvantages of all the possible
solutions of the problem. The
Commission declares that, on the one side,
the growth of anti-Semitism and, on
the other, the growth of the Arab
national idea, contributed to the
increase of the difficulties of the
Mandatory Power in keeping the
necessary equilibrium. At the same time,
a certain tendency of the policy of the
Palestine Administration resulted in
the intensification of the conviction
among the Arabs that they would be
able to stop Jewish immigration by
sheer violence.
Professor Selig Brodetsky, head of
the Political Department of the Jewish
Agency, in London, said that he spoke
freely on the question as there was
no collective opinion of the executive.
He was opposed to the exaggerated
descriptions of the possibilities afforded
them by a Jewish State. Dr.
Wcizmann estimated the future Jewish
population at two million and
others suggested even larger estimates,
but he doubted whether even
a smaller estimate could be realised,
as that would mean 1,000 persons per
square mile. But that was no reason,
he said, why they should not carefully
examine the project. The attack by
the Arabs had been countered by the
growth of the Yishub. It was difficult
for the Jews to become a majority in
Palestine under present conditions.
“Our political rights under the Mandate
have been progressively reduced,
both in regard to immigration and
I other matters,” said Professor Brodet-sky.
If there was a possibility of
getting the Mandate properly fulfilled,
everybody would prefer it to a little
State. It would have been better if
the whole discussion had taken place
last January. The publication of the
report has been welcomed by the
British people and press with relief,
as it enabled the British Government
to shake off the burden of the Mandate."
October 28th 1937
Highly interesting and most
informative was the description of his
travels given by Mr. I Sher, president
of the Kadimah, last Sunday evening.
The gathering was a very large one
and all present eagerly followed the
speaker in his account of the Jewish
communities in America, Poland,
Soviet Russia, and Palestine. Mr. S.
Wynn, who was in the chair, welcomed
Mr. and Mrs. Sher on behalf of the
committee and members of the Kadimah.
At the termination of his talk, Mr.
and Mrs. Sher were honoured with a
banquet in the dining-room upstairs,
where, round beautifully appointed
and decorated tables which, by the
way, was the work of Mrs. N. Silberberg
and the Sisters Zacharin, members
of the committee, members of
the Kadimah and numerous friends
bid welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Sher,
Mr. Alec Mushin, acting-president of
the Kadimah, presided, and the following
gentlemen addressed and welcomed
the guests: — Dr. Patkin, Mr.
Okno, Mr. Rothman, Dr. Mushin, Mr.
A. S. Rose and R. Marks. Mr. Sher
thanked the Kadimah and all present
for the honour bestowed on him. Mrs.
Sher also thanked them all.
We wish to rectify here an unpardonable
omission in that Mr. S. Wynn,
on behalf of the Kadimah management,
presented Mr. M. Sheehter with
a beautiful box of cutlery in recognition
and appreciation of his very
valuable service rendered to the
Kadimah. The presentation was made
on Sunday night, October 17, after
the termination of the second
performance of “Blood."
We regret being unable to announce
the nature of the function to take
place this Sunday night, 31st inst.,
but, in most probability, a Yiddish
literary evening may be the programme.
On November 7, Mr. Newman H.
Rosenthal, B.A., B.Sc., will lecture on
“Don Isaac Abarbanel.”
The 26th annual general meeting
will be held on Sunday, November 14,
at 8 p.m.
The Kadimah annual picnic will be)
held on Sunday, November, 28, at
Lavender Farm.
In response to the appeal made in
all synagogues on Yom Kippur for
the relief of Polish Jews, we have
opened a relief fund. Subscriptions
to date have been received from Mrs.
S. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Slutzkin,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Renof, Mrs.
B. J. Burman, and Mrs. A. M. Davis.
Will all members wishing to help
please send their contribution through
! the Council. If any member would
care to arrange some function, please
get in touch with the president,
Madame Renof, 1 Dickens Street, St.
On Thursday night, November. 4, we
will hold a picture night at the Regent
Theatre, Collins Street. The picture
showing will be “Lost Horizon.” The
whole of the proceeds will go towards
W.I.Z.O. work. For tickets apply to
Madame Renof, Dickens Street, St.
Kilda (L5754), or Mrs. Lew, 19 Oak-
hill Avenue, East Preston (JU1275).
Remember to keep free Monday
afternoon, November 8, for our car
drive to Fern Tree Gully. Mrs. Her
man has generously lent her home and
will provide afternoon tea. Subscrip
tion 3/-.
The opening of the inter-club track
season on Saturday last saw members
of this club well to the fore as all
those competing performed most
Amongst the distance runners,
Harry Lazarus won his division of the
mile brilliantly. Alf Levy with a
second, and Harry Borowick and Jack
Lipshut each with a third in the 440
yards showed that we shall not lack
talented performers in this event,
although there has not previously been
an interstate contest over this
Sam Hyams and Simon Shinburg
both won their respective races over
220 yards, and Dave Cohen finished
in second place over the same
distance. Phil Opas, with a third over
100 yards, kept up the average of the
sprinters as they were all “placed.”
In the field games, Jack Barnett
tied for first in the high jump and
Phil Opas was second in the hop, step
and jump.
Details will shortly appear in these
columns of the open handicap events
to be conducted by this club next
Monash Vol VI
Monash was not a leader whose operations
were economical of men - although he claimed to be so.
His constant raids, not always in favourable circumstances,
and such operations as those of ^ the 60th + 44th Bas 28 Mar. 1918, were as
expensive as those of any commander. Hobbs did save
his troops where possible. The [[??]] lost more than any other
in 1917.
Historical Note
Birdwood and Command of A.I.F.
Murdoch tells me that at the very end of the war, Hughes had sent
a letter to Birdwood telling asking him to fix a date upon which
he would relinquish the command of the A.I.F., but the end of
the war made it unnecessary to proceed with the matter.
If Birdwood had given it up, Monash would have taken
the command of the A.I.F. - at least that is almost certain. It
would have been offered to him, or more proably he would have
been offered his choice of remaining with the corps and taking
the command of the A.I.F. Whichever he chose, the other would
have gone to White.
Monash Qualities
Note also that, capable though he was, Monash's account
of events after they happened (whether personal matters, e.g. his
account of the evacuation as he took part in it or of matters concerning
his troops) can never be relied on. His elucidation of a
scheme of operations before it occurs is unequalled in clearness.
I am not sure that Murdoch and I were not wrong in trying
to get these changes made in the A.I.F. command, because the method
was dangerous, though it was the only one. What guided me was
the knowledge that Monash's chief motive was ambition, and that the
lives of his troops and the greater interests of his side were
not his paramount cares, or at any rate, his ambition, I believed,
would weigh heavily in the scale whenever it came to a decision.
With White, whose capacity was in some ways greater, those
interests would be absolutely safe. Monash's selection was
largely justified by his great successes in August and September;
but I do not think he was the man to handle men - for
all his great qualities he was not, I fancy, quite straight and
courageous enough. If the mutinies which began in September had
been followed by others (the ending of the war prevented
it), Monash was not the best man to deal with them. At least
that is my reading of him.
He was a big man, nevertheless, and one of extraordinary
Brig Son HSV Lloyd said in conversation with me + others about
this after the war: "Monash had no moral courage."
Command of Aust Corps
Hobbs was in many ways like Birdwood: by
nature full of kindness; morally + physically
brave; a keen intelligence, a very good well trained soldier.
Both were small men in stature.
Bwd like Hobbs had a slight hesitation almost a
stammer in his speech. But where as
Bwd impressed by decision of [[??]] more than
one crisis Hobbs made a decisive stand) Hobbs did so
[[?]] by argument + appeal. His [[?]] was
depreciatory + tentative and hid the decisivness of his character.
He had driving force + independence;
both he and Bwd were
capable of posing. Both were well liked -
but Hobbs might have made an excellent
corps commander in British army but the commander of the
Australian corps required something of the personality
of a ...[[?]]
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