Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274A/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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105TF Sept. 1ept tock 106 3lfBlC. 106 Bgt suppt by 185. mall t cllsetos ee bath on Sept 29 Sept 27/13 reld 53 on Sept 2/18 10 sireg o (hie prool bu) to hes eu. karer, in pout whice, reptt se eve to patl or w Brg fon Falle egiaf te 20 behind to be bars Actet O6. Zer S te phase ad. 25 00. behid barnn to 400 & of tunnel. Halt 152 10 smake in barrage. ABdesBFA Auppl 27 dis. After emans Arty begon to lift 16. 30 kengla saw Go near Bonys Gruy 3 107 103 174 lost 28-1147 was the A21 B Conth [olony mast 1 pt of Ben Hand L. Ab. 315. 167 to reach canal with (n & when line of caual ws passed, use the other 2 bay on turning N. & safeguanding the flank. LIA An Dw. From Okyans hist of p at Iderat Ariy Mag. sen co Requlare FCyea bigly Cristonati of Dur 712.69 Regto. Bde NYlnf. This numbey was all 1 12371 Lo chayed 2374 was palt o arn brought in a Aug 5- into VSterig & eventually (when?) found part of the Sear Cops unde frn Beod. (it 216 n) CulRead Monosh himself was ueed for the action f Preli 106 3Oam Pafa i on Sept M. Sach lwissn 30 Du. te an en t tate it with tnks falled in this prelimary actions Affert eone tiley Front alld 100 t 16 . 132 an 19 ex. Apt. Hul wan wd. ben 22 Pn Wety loy cowen h a Exeted 81 2 1o2 1546 0667
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