Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274A/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AU MORI 10231. urc CNOG GEPL IOL FTE 9213 TIO E Geptain w.r. Rase.M.d. ommonzealth Tariff Board, ttzz Commonwealth Offices, freasurg Cardens, nYastau Malbourme, G.2. Viee Dear Captain Rose. Leur letter has been forwarded to me fram Cenberra. I anould be glad of ang heip that Fon ean give me with regard to tne aetask by tne 2in Amsrieen Division and ihe ird Australian Divizion, in Ceptember 1918. All such information, however detaiied, is useful, provided in ie eeturate.. Hany thanks for your courtesy. Feurs truls. inzzue'e a C.L.7. Beanene;e: eo! Te 2 om we EvvI voelgyub ogm
MA a Rag 79 Be 2552 Ve 388 Mortalleg Wunded Halck attong Bora mtte fransvaal undertte Kofableran Regene, un 1689. s Was a maanber of a Boadeig Iransonal fanuly - neftaus of W5 Lalt Gausrad De folarg Seo fatken, Alfrad befolang, a leser Aader, was kelled in Tho Bolrr Warr
Che Oülest Australian. sess eSOFEIETOSS I SESY AUSTEALIAN MLWSEAREES LEYE CL/Im a PO. BOX DI62. PERTH Prsceit A Aow ELc Aooazss: Brsea ee "WESTRALIAN" FERTH dloganagjore VuzeHons ssie! .s PERTH. w. November 1, 1933. Dr. C.E.W. Bean, Official War Historian C A N BERRA, N.S.W. 8 Dear Dr. Bean, Herewith I am sending you/an article and pictures which ap- peared in "The West Australian" today. Before publication I submit- ted them to several 3rd F.A. men, who stated that they were correct in all details(apart from the donkey's origin, of which they knew nothing). Mr. Andy Davidson (ex-3rd F.A.), now of Brennan's Arcade, Perth, was Kirkpatrick's pal, picked him up when he was shot, and was one of the burial party the evening of May 19, 1915. The men here state that the Australian War Museum photo is not of Kirkpatrick; neither is the one hanging in the Soldiers' Institute, Perth. If you require further information Davidson, who is a reliable citizen, would be pleased to give it. The origin of the donkey's presence on Gallipoli I got from Captain H.J. Sykes (ex-16th Battalion M.G.S.), now of Kondinin, W.A. I heard other members of the section speak of "doing in our good piastres" on the donkey stunt, so it is probably correct. Sykes could confirm this and so, perhaps, could Murray. By the way, I have my F.S. Message books at home, and one deals with the events of September 29, 1918. Somewhere about ten a.m. I found myself on the Canal Tunnel with two Companies of 44th - Fritz on the left, a battery in front at Cabaret Wood Farm firing at us over open sights, and the 5th Division apparently progressing well on the right. I decided to feed the companies into a long C.T. from the Hindenburg Line to the Tunnel and from there we connected up the two flanks. Personally, I believe we did better than we knew when we oc- cupied that C.T., as it protected the 5th Duyyy's flank. The copy of the message I sent back sometime after ten o'clock, has a pencilled note in the corner "One runner killed, the other wounded. Don't know whether message was delivered or not." It may be of interest to you and if you think so I will send it, but I would like it returned. Other
- 2 - Dr. C.E.W. Bean, Canberra. 1/11/1933. messages in the same book reporting on the Yanks' morale and our own physical condition may also be of more than passing interest, as they were written on the spot in e front line. We were very tired men then. With best wishes, Yours sincerely, torgusre (lek Paltan, uir B.d 233 "Non-Com" of "The Western Mail" Encs.
Mtane ben. L.TIVc BATTLE OF THE HINDENSURG LIME. The Australian Corps with the 2nd American Corps attached, attacked the Hindenburg Line in the Nauroy-Gouy sector on September 29th, 1918. The 3Oth American Division on the right, and the 27th American Division on the left were ordered to attack at zero hour, 5.30 a.m. and capture the first objective (Green Line). The 5th Australian Division on the right, and the 3rd Australian Division on the left were to pass through the American Divisions, when the first objective was captured, and advance and capture the final objective (Red Line). The 8th Australian Infantry Brigade Group, on the right of the 5th Division, and the 15th Infantry Brigade on the left, were to pass through the 3Oth American Division. The 1eth Australian Infantry Brigade was Divisional Reserve. The 46th British Division on the right of the 30th American Division e were to attack also, and if successful in crossing the Bellicourt Canal, were to move forward, followed by the 32nd British Division. The objective of the 8th Brigade was Johncourt Ridge with exploitation to Lehancourt Ridge, John- court Hill inclusive. The objective of the 15th (on our left) was Swiss Hill and Wiancourt. I was in command of the 5th Division at this time, and made all oetended ber onucne oHe arrangements for the Battle. Ceneral Hobbs was away on leave. The 8th Brigade was resting in the area just east of Peronne; Colonel C. S. Davies being in co¬ mmand. The orders for the Battle were issued on the night of September 27th, and the Brigade Group moved to the area of Hesbecourt and Templeaux le Guerard, with Brigade Headquarters in a hill east of Templeaux. The 117th and 120th American Regiments of the 30th American Division were operating with the 8th Brigade, and these Regiments were to capture and hold the first objective, while the 8th Brigade to pass through them and capture the final objective. The 8th Brigade Group consisted of our four infantry battalions 13th Field Art- illery, 8th Light Trench Mortar Battery, Sth Field Company Engineers, 25th Machine Gun Company, Bearer Division 8th Field Ambulance, "B" Company 8th Tank Battalion, 4 Whippet Tanks, and 2 Troops 13th Light Horse. General Hobbs returned to the Division, and I handed over to him, and went forward and took over the command of the 8th Brigade on the 28th Sep- tember. The final instructions were issued to the Commanders of units at 4 p.m. and the Brigade lay in readiness for the attack. At 7 a.m. on the 29th September the Assaulting Battalions began to move forward, so as to be in time to cross the Brown Line at 9 a.m. The advance was carried out in Artillery Formation; 32nd Battalion on the right; 29th Battalion on the left: 31st Battalion on the right
-2. flank, in rear of the 32nd, with the 30th Battalion in reserve. A thick fog hung over the Battlefield, and this was intensified by the smoke shells used by the artillery, and it was impossible to see what was going on, and we could not get any information from the Americans who were supposed to be in front of us. Before reaching the Bellicourt Tunnel our troops came under machine gun fire and the situation was very obscure. Serious opposition was met with from parties of Germans, but our men disposed of this unexpected resist- ance, and entered the main Hindenburg Line defences. Owing to the broken ground, deep trenches and wire entanglements, and bad visibility, the assault- ing Battalions had a very difficult task. Corps Headquarters were informed by the Flying Corps that the Americans were in front of us, and our Artillery were ordered to cease fire. In spite of all these difficulties our men advanceiwith great dash and gallant- ry, crossed the line of the tunnel, and entered Bellicourt, capturing prison¬ ers and guns. By 11.15 a.m. the 29th and 32nd Battalions were advancing on Nauroy, supported by their tanks and artillery. The 32nd Battalion passed through the southern part of Nauroy, capturing 50 prisoners. Led by their acting C.O.. Major B. A. Wark, they pushed on, encountering serious opposition, until they reached Mangyle Fosse. On this position, Major Wark, who was out in front accompanied by two runners, captured single handed, a battery of ?? m.m. guns, their crews, and 55 other prisoners. For this and other gallant deeds, during the three days fighting, Major Wark was subsequently awarded the Victoria Cross. At this time our left Battalion (29th) had reached the Le Catelet- Nauroy line, but could not advance owing to the situation on their left. They were being swept by enfilade fire from a German Strong Post north of Nauroy. No support was being given by the 15th Brigade on their left, who were at this time still held up in the main Hindenburg Line about two miles in the rear. The 3rd Division on the left of the 15th Brigade was definitely held up opposite Boney. There was a German Tank Fort just west of Nauroy, and as our infantry and tanks advanced on the town, a heavy fire was opened on the tanks and they were all knocked out in succession. One tank caught fire, and the officer and crew were burnt to death. I expected a German counter-attack, and knowing the position of our troops, I thought we were in for a bad time. I was asked by the Corps if I would gaurantee that there were no Americans in front of us. I did so without hesitation, and the Artillery were ordered to
open fire again. On our right the 32nd Battalion had reached their objective, Joncourt. The 29th Battalion were trying to eatablish themselves on the Green Line (which was the American objective) and I ordered the 31st Battalion to advance and link up the right of the 29th with the left of the 32nd. If the Germans had counter attacked north of Nauroy, the 8th Brigade would have been cut off from the rest of the Division. Fortunately the counter attack came from the direction of Mill Ridge, and was beaten off by rifle and machine gun fire by the 31st and 32nd Battalions. The 31st could net advance owing to direct fire from artillery and machine guns, emplaced in the Sugar Factory east of Nauroy, and as the left flank of the 32nd was exposed to this fire, the Battalion was withdrawn to a line west of Joncourt to a point east of Etricourt. Touch was maintained with the Leicester Regiment on the right, on Knobkerry Ridge, and the t6th Division had successfuly crossed the Bellicourt Canal. When dark- ness set in, the situation looked very serious, as we could not get any inform- ation about the troops on our left, and our left flank was dangerously exposed. At 8 p.m. I issued orders that a definite line was to be established east of Nauroy, and a Company of the 30th Battalion was pushed through the town, and linked up the right flank of the 29th, with the left flank of the 31st. This was completed by 11 p.m. and the position of the Brigade was consolidated. This closed the first day's fighting, with the 8th Brigade on the Green Line which was the American objective, and the l5th Brigade and the 3rd Australian Division still fighting in the main Hindenburg defences, two miles behind on the left of our position. The 8th Brigade had fought through forests of barbed wire entangle- ments, concrete dug-outs, deep trenches, tank forts, machine gun emplacements, and other defensive works in the Hindenburg Line, and had advanced further than any troops of the eth Army on the first day of the Battle. After a conference at Divisional Head Quarters it was decided to attack with the 1eth Brigade in conjunction with the 3rd Division at 6 a.m. on the 30th September, and the 8th Brigade with the 15th Brigade were to co-operate with local attacks. Our troops met with a stubborn resistance from the Germans, and the result of the second day's fighting was a slight advance on the left of the 5th Division. The offensive spirit of our men, and the constant pressure all along our line, in addition to the losses that were being inflicted on the enemy, made us feel that we were on the eve of victory. A conference was held at my Head Quarters on the night of the 30th, and it was decided to attack with the three Brigades at 6 a.m. on October lst. It rained heavily during the night, and the morning was very misty. Our Troops advanced rapidly under the
barrage. The objectives were, 8th Btigade, Sugar Factory and Mill Ridge, 14th Brigade Lamp Signal Station, 15th Brigade Cabaret Wood Farm. These strong defensive positions were captured by 7.15 n.m.and the towns of Joncourt and Estrees were soon efterwards taken by our troops. Exploitation patrols were pushed to the Beaurevoir Line, which was still held by the Germans. This ended the Battle of the Hinden- burg Line, and the 5th Australian Division was relieved by the 2nd Australian CDiv- ision on the night of October lst/2nd. The 8th Brigade was relieved by the 5th Brigade, and moved back to Malakoff Farm, an old German Strong Post. On the second day of the Battle we established Brigade Headquarters in a dug-out near the entrance of the Bellicourt Tunnel. This interesting canal tunnel was opened by Napoleon in 1812, and is built of masonry, about three miles long. It was used by the Germans to shelter their troops during a bombardment. We discovered large numbers of Americans in this tunnel during the battle, when our men were fighting desperately in the front line. I examined a chamber about 60 feet below ground level, filled with German dead. This room gave rise to the rumour that it was a boiling down place for German bodies. I have no doubt that it was a cook-house, and during our heavy bombardment a crowd of German soldiers took shelter there. One of our large shells landed near the entrance to the tunnel, and crashed through the masonry, and then burst killing xxxx everyone and scattering the remains, even into the cookers. During the night when we were handing over to the incomingbrigade, my Brigade Major (F. Wisdom) collapsed through exhaustion and it took me a long time to awaken him. The Brigade Bombing Officer was blown up by a mine, and although he was black and bleeding with the explosion, he insisted on following me about all night, until I had him evacuated. Before the Battle, the Corps Commander, Lieut. General Sir John Monash, made me personally responsible for the advance of the 5th British Cavalry Brigade. If a favourable opportunity occured for exploit- ation I was to let the Cavalry through our sector. Brigadier General Neil Haig, commanding the Cavalry, was with me, but owing to the stubborn resistance of the Germans, and the barbed wire, deep trenches, and other defensive works of the Hin- denburg Line, I decided that this Battle was not the occastion for the use of Cavalry, and did not let them go. The Cavalry Liason Officer, Major Charrington, who was attached to the 8th Brigade, gave me a glowing account of the wonderful advance of our men on Bellicourt. We left the Bellicourt Tunnel at 5.30 a.m. and met the men of the Brigade, who were on their way to rest arMalakoff Farm. I have never seen troops so worn and weary as these gallant ment, who were the survivors of the 8th Brigade. Some of them could hardly walk, and their pale,
drawn faces, showed the strain of three days and nights of incessant fighting. These men had been in the line practically for eight months, and when called on to face the great Hindenburg Line, they responded in a way that is beyond praise. The casualties were fairly heavy, and included officers and men who had been with us since the formation of the Brigade. We arrived at Malakoff Farm at 7 a.m. and the Brigade Staff cleaned out a dug-out that had been used as a dressing station, and we slept for the rest of the day. The Germans were shelling with long range artillery, and the dead were still lying about, but the men were too tired to worry about these things, and we let them rest until the next daywhen we moved back to the Roisel Area. -0
TELEFHONE CENTRAL NO. 4797 (A LINES) ROBERTSON & MULLENS LTO. ton. Moses BOOKSELLERS PUBLISHERS & LIBRARIANS COMMERCIAL AND SOCIETY STATIONERS AND NEWSAGENTS 107 113 Blegabeltr Loreet. Shanet 3lam. 234-232 0rand elbourne ci Lowpon. WC.2 ALL COMMUNICATION TO sE ADOREEEES vo co aCHB-IH. "SCNIFSIMUS" MELSOURNE. BENTLEYCoO anb al-o SRISSANE ADELAIDE tonpo ERTH C.E.W.Bean Esq. May 5th 1933. Official Historian, CANBERRA. F.C.T. Dear Captain Bean, -Today I had a call from a friend of mine a the Legacy Club who mentioned a fact which appeared to me quite important that I should pass on to you, hoping that it would be in time for inclusion in the coming volume of the War History. It concerns an error made by Dr.Ellis in his "History of the 5th Division" in which he states that the 29th Battalion on the 29th of September was commanded by Colonel J.E.W.Macarthur, who was at the time lying wounded in England. Actually the Battalion was commanded by Captain C.A.M.Derham M.C., and as he did an excellent job of work there it seems hard that the credit should not go to him. I may mention that this has come to me, not from Captain Derham, but frop our mutual friend, C.H.Read, who was also a Captaifand second in command to Captain Derham on that great day. Captain Read who is with me as I dictate this letter, says, "Of course it is only for Derham's sake that I bring the matter up" so that Derham should get the credit for a good show but perhaps this note is not necessary, for I am aware that you have other sources of information than Ellis's History, but it is possible that the sources are not correct, and that Captain Ellis may have got his information from some record which will be available to you and which will give you the same mis-information. I know you don't mind my writing to you along G these lines, I am happy to do a service mutyally for you and the good chap who has approached me Singeou, With kind regards, Ghafles H.Peters. Auer

19 May 1937.
Captain W.J. Rose.M.C.
Commonwealth Tariff Board,
Commonwealth Offices,
Treasury Gardens,
Melbourne, C.2. Vic.
Dear Captain Rose.
Your letter has been forwarded to me from Canberra.
I should be glad of any help that you can give me with regard to
the attack by the 27th American Division and the 3rd Australian
Division, in September 1918. All such information, however
detailed, is useful, provided in is accurate.
Many thanks for your courtesy.
Yours truly,
C.E.W. Bean


2252 Pte F J De La Rey M.M
38 Bn.
Mortally wounded 29/9/18 at Sony.
Born in the Transvaal under the Republican
regime in 1889. Was a member of a 
leading Transvaal family - nephew of
the late General xx Jacobus De La Rey.
His father, Alfred De La Rey, a lesser
leader, was killed in the Boar War



TELEPHONES 8 8161 - 6 lines
The West Australian
[[*Landing  &
29/Sept 1918*]]
November 1, 1933.
Dr. C.E.W. Bean,
Official War Historian
Dear Dr. Bean,
Herewith I am sending you an article [[*To War Memorial*]] and pictures which appeared 
in "The West Australian" today. Before publication I 
submitted them to several 3rd F.A. men, who stated that they were correct
in all details(apart from the donkey's origin, of which they knew
nothing). Mr. Andy Davidson [[*D.C.M., M.M.) (ex-3rd F.A.), now of Brennan's Arcade,
Perth, was Kirkpatrick's pal, picked him up when he was shot, and
was one of the burial party the evening of May 19, 1915. The men
here state that the Australian War Museum photo is not of Kirkpatrick;
neither is the one hanging in the Soldiers' Institute, Perth. If you
require further information Davidson, who is a reliable citizen, would
be pleased to give it.
[[*Landing*]] The origin of the donkey's presence on Gallipoli I got from
Captain H.J. Sykes (ex-16th Battalion M.G.S.), now of Kondinin, W.A.
I heard other members of the section speak of "doing in our good
piastres" on the donkey stunt, so it is probably correct. Sykes
could confirm this and so, perhaps, could Murray.
[[*29 Sept*]] By the way, I have my F.S. Message books at home, and one
deals with the events of September 29, 1918. Somewhere about ten a.m.
I found myself on the Canal Tunnel with two Companies of 44th - -Fritz
on the left, a battery in front at Cabaret Wood Farm firing at us over
open sights, and the 5th Division apparently progressing well on the
right. I decided to feed the companies into a long C.T. from the
Hindenburg Line to the Tunnel and from there we connected up the two
flanks. Personally, I believe we did better than we knew when we 
occupied that C.T., as it protected the 5th Divvy's flank. The copy of
the message I sent back sometime after ten o'clock, has a pencilled
note in the corner "One runner killed, the other wounded. Don't know
whether message was delivered or not." It may be of interest to you
and if you think so I will send it, but I would like it returned. Other


- 2 -
Dr. C.E.W. Bean, Canberra.
messages in the same book reporting on the Yanks' morale
and our own physical condition may also be of more than
passing interest, as they were written on the spot in the
front line. We were very tired men then.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
C Longmore (late Captain, 44th Batt., A.I.F.) 
("Non-Com" of "The Western Mail")


Major Gen E Tivey
The Australian Corps with the 2nd American Corps attached, attacked
the Hindenburg Line in the Nauroy-Gouy sector on September 29th, 1918. The
3Oth American Division on the right, and the 27th American Division on the left
were ordered to attack at zero hour, 5.30 a.m. and capture the first objective
(Green Line). The 5th Australian Division on the right, and the 3rd Australian
Division on the left were to pass through the American Divisions, when the first
objective was captured, and advance and capture the final objective (Red Line).
The 8th Australian Infantry Brigade Group, on the right of the 5th
Division, and the 15th Infantry Brigade on the left, were to pass through the
3Oth American Division. The 14th Australian Infantry Brigade was Divisional
Reserve. The 46th British Division on the right of the 30th American Division
were was to attack also, and if successful in crossing the Bellicourt Canal, were was
to move forward, followed by the 32nd British Division. The objective of the
8th Brigade was Johncourt Ridge with exploitation to Lehancourt Ridge, Johncourt 
Hill inclusive. The objective of the 15th (on our left) was Swiss Hill
and Wiancourt.
I was in command of the 5th Division at this time, and made all
arrangements for the Battle.  Attended the conference at Corps Hd Qrs on Sept 26th General Hobbs was away on leave. The 8th Brigade
was resting in the area just east of Peronne; Colonel C. S. Davies being in 
command. The orders for the Battle were issued on the night of September 27th,
and the Brigade Group moved to the area of Hesbecourt and Templeaux le Guerard,
with Brigade Headquarters in a hill east of Templeaux. The 117th and 120th
American Regiments of the 30th American Division were operating with the 8th
Brigade, and these Regiments were to capture and hold the first objective, while
the 8th Brigade were was to pass through them and capture the final objective.
The 8th Brigade Group consisted of our four infantry battalions 13th Field Artillery, 
8th Light Trench Mortar Battery, 8th Field Company Engineers, 25th
Machine Gun Company, Bearer Division 8th Field Ambulance, "B" Company 8th Tank Battalion, 4 Whippet Tanks, and 2 Troops 13th Light Horse.
General Hobbs returned to the Division, and I handed over to him,
and went forward and took over the command of the 8th Brigade on the 28th September.  The final instructions were issued to the Commanders of units at 4 p.m.
and the Brigade lay in readiness for the attack. At 7 a.m. on the 29th September
the Assaulting Battalions began to move forward, so as to be in time to cross the
Brown Line at 9 a.m. The advance was carried out in Artillery Formation; 32nd
Battalion on the right; 29th Battalion on the left: 31st Battalion on the right


flank, in rear of the 32nd, with the 30th Battalion in reserve. A thick
fog hung over the Battlefield, and this was intensified by the smoke shells
used by the artillery, and it was impossible to see what was going on, and
we could not get any information from the Americans who were supposed to be
in front of us.
Before reaching the Bellicourt Tunnel our troops came under machine
gun fire and the situation was very obscure. Serious opposition was met
with from parties of Germans, but our men disposed of this unexpected resistance, 
and entered the main Hindenburg Line defences. Owing to the broken
ground, deep trenches and wire entanglements, and bad visibility, the assaulting 
Battalions had a very difficult task.
Corps Headquarters were informed by the Flying Corps that the
Americans were in front of us, and our Artillery were ordered to cease fire.
In spite of all these difficulties our men advanced with great dash and gallantry,
crossed the line of the tunnel, and entered Bellicourt, capturing prisoners
and guns. By 11.15 a.m. the 29th and 32nd Battalions were advancing on
Nauroy, supported by their tanks and artillery. The 32nd Battalion passed
through the southern part of Nauroy, capturing 50 prisoners. Led by their
acting C.O.. Major B. A. Wark, they pushed on, encountering serious opposition,
until they reached Mangyle Fosse. On this position, Major Wark, who was out
in front accompanied by two runners, captured single handed, a battery of ??
m.m. guns, their crews, and 55 other prisoners. For this and other gallant
deeds, during the three days fighting, Major Wark was subsequently awarded the
Victoria Cross.
At this time our left Battalion (29th) had reached the Le Catelet-
Nauroy line, but could not advance owing to the situation on their left.
They were being swept by enfilade fire from a German Strong Post north of
Nauroy. No support was being given by the 15th Brigade on their left, who
were at this time still held up in the main Hindenburg Line about two miles in
the rear. The 3rd Division on the left of the 15th Brigade was definitely
held up opposite Boney. There was a German Tank Fort just west of Nauroy, and
as our infantry and tanks advanced on the town, a heavy fire was opened on the
tanks and they were all knocked out in succession. One tank caught fire, and
the officer and crew were burnt to death. I expected a German counter-attack,
and knowing the position of our troops, I thought we were in for a bad time.
I was asked by the Corps if I would gaurantee that there were no Americans in
front of us. I did so without hesitation, and the Artillery were ordered to


open fire again. On our right the 32nd Battalion had reached their objective,
Joncourt. The 29th Battalion were trying to establish themselves on the Green
Line (which was the American objective) and I ordered the 31st Battalion to
advance and link up the right of the 29th with the left of the 32nd. If the
Germans had counter attacked north of Nauroy, the 8th Brigade would have been
cut off from the rest of the Division. Fortunately the counter attack came from
the direction of Mill Ridge, and was beaten off by rifle and machine gun fire
by the 31st and 32nd Battalions. The 31st could not advance owing to direct
fire from artillery and machine guns, emplaced in the Sugar Factory east of
Nauroy, and as the left flank of the 32nd was exposed to this fire, the Battalion
was withdrawn to a line west of Joncourt to a point east of Etricourt. Touch
was maintained with the Leicester Regiment on the right, on Knobkerry Ridge,
and the t6th Division had successfully crossed the Bellicourt Canal. When darkness 
set in, the situation looked very serious, as we could not get any 
information about the troops on our left, and our left flank was dangerously exposed.
At 8 p.m. I issued orders that a definite line was to be established
east of Nauroy, and a Company of the 30th Battalion was pushed through the town,
and linked up the right flank of the 29th, with the left flank of the 31st.
This was completed by 11 p.m. and the position of the Brigade was consolidated.
This closed the first day's fighting, with the 8th Brigade on the Green Line which
was the American objective, and the 15th Brigade and the 3rd Australian Division
still fighting in the main Hindenburg defences, two miles behind on the left of
our position. The 8th Brigade had fought through forests of barbed wire entanglements, 
concrete dug-outs, deep trenches, tank forts, machine gun emplacements,
and other defensive works in the Hindenburg Line, and had advanced further than
any troops of the 4th Army on the first day of the Battle.
After a conference at Divisional Head Quarters it was decided to attack
with the 14th Brigade in conjunction with the 3rd Division at 6 a.m. on the 30th
September, and the 8th Brigade with the 15th Brigade were to co-operate with
local attacks. Our troops met with a stubborn resistance from the Germans,
and the result of the second day's fighting was a slight advance on the left of
the 5th Division. The offensive spirit of our men, and the constant pressure
all along our line, in addition to the losses that were being inflicted on the
enemy, made us feel that we were on the eve of victory. A conference was held
at my Head Quarters on the night of the 30th, and it was decided to attack with
the three Brigades at 6 a.m. on October 1st. It rained heavily during the
night, and the morning was very misty. Our Troops advanced rapidly under the


barrage. The objectives were, 8th Brigade, Sugar Factory and Mill Ridge, 14th
Brigade Lamp Signal Station, 15th Brigade Cabaret Wood Farm. These strong defensive
positions were captured by 7.15 p.m.and the towns of Joncourt and Estrees were soon
afterwards taken by our troops. Exploitation patrols were pushed to the Beaurevoir
Line, which was still held by the Germans. This ended the Battle of the Hindenburg 
Line, and the 5th Australian Division was relieved by the 2nd Australian Division 
on the night of October 1st/2nd. The 8th Brigade was relieved by the 5th
Brigade, and moved back to Malakoff Farm, an old German Strong Post. On the
second day of the Battle we established Brigade Headquarters in a dug-out near the
entrance of the Bellicourt Tunnel. This interesting canal tunnel was opened by
Napoleon in 1812, and is built of masonry, about three miles long. It was used
by the Germans to shelter their troops during a bombardment. We discovered
large numbers of Americans in this tunnel during the battle, when our men were
fighting desperately in the front line. I examined a chamber about 60 feet below
ground level, filled with German dead. This room gave rise to the rumour that
it was a boiling down place for German bodies. I have no doubt that it was a
cook-house, and during our heavy bombardment a crowd of German soldiers took
shelter there. One of our large shells landed near the entrance to the tunnel,
and crashed through the masonry, and then burst killing xxxx everyone and scattering
the remains, even into the cookers.
During the night when we were handing over to the incomingBrigade, my
Brigade Major (F. Wisdom) collapsed through exhaustion and it took me a long time
to awaken him. The Brigade Bombing Officer was blown up by a mine, and although
he was black and bleeding with the explosion, he insisted on following me about
all night, until I had him evacuated. Before the Battle, the Corps Commander,
Lieut. General Sir John Monash, made me personally responsible for the advance of
the 5th British Cavalry Brigade. If a favourable opportunity occured for exploitation 
I was to let the Cavalry through our sector. Brigadier General Neil Haig,
commanding the Cavalry, was with me, but owing to the stubborn resistance of the
Germans, and the barbed wire, deep trenches, and other defensive works of the 
Hindenburg Line, I decided that this Battle was not the occasion for the use of
Cavalry, and did not let them go. The Cavalry Liason Officer, Major Charrington,
who was attached to the 8th Brigade, gave me a glowing account of the wonderful
advance of our men on Bellicourt. We left the Bellicourt Tunnel at 5.30 a.m.
and met the men of the Brigade, who were on their way to rest arMalakoff Farm.
I have never seen troops so worn and weary as these gallant ment, who were the
survivors of the 8th Brigade. Some of them could hardly walk, and their pale,


drawn faces, showed the strain of three days and nights of incessant fighting.
These men had been in the line practically for eight months, and when called
on to face the great Hindenburg Line, they responded in a way that is beyond praise.
The casualties were fairly heavy, and included officers and men who had been with
us since the formation of the Brigade.
We arrived at Malakoff Farm at 7 a.m. and the Brigade Staff cleaned
out a dug-out that had been used as a dressing station, and we slept for the rest
of the day. The Germans were shelling with long range artillery, and the dead
were still lying about, but the men were too tired to worry about these things,
and we let them rest until the next daywhen we moved back to the Roisel Area.


Thanet House
231-232 Strand

                  ADELAIDE   LONDON
                  PERTH           NEW YORK

P.O. BOX 82
107-113 Elizabeth Street,
Melbourne, C.1
May 5th 1933.
C.E.W.Bean Esq.
Official Historian,
Dear Captain Bean,
Today I had a call from a friend of mine
[* a member of  t*]he Legacy Club who mentioned a fact which
appeared to me quite important that I should pass
on to you, hoping that it would be in time for
inclusion in the coming volume of the War History.
It concerns an error made by Dr.Ellis in his
"History of the 5th Division" in which he states
that the 29th Battalion on the 29th of September
was commanded by Colonel J.E.W.Macarthur, who was
at the time lying wounded in England. Actually
the Battalion was commanded by Captain C.A.M.Derham
M.C., and as he did an excellent job of work there
it seems hard that the credit should not go to him.
I may mention that this has come to me, not from
Captain Derham, but from our mutual friend, C.H.Read,
who was also a Captain ^ N/c and second in command to
Captain Derham on that great day. Captain Read who
is with me as I dictate this letter, says, "Of course
it is only for Derham's sake that I bring the matter up"
so that Derham should get the credit for a good show
but perhaps this note is not necessary, for I am aware
that you have other sources of information than Ellis's
History, but it is possible that the sources are not
correct, and that Captain Ellis may have got his
information from some record which will be available
to you and which will give you the same mis-information.
I know you don't mind my writing to you along
these lines, I am happy to do a service mutually for
you and the good chap who has approached me.
With kind regards,
Sincerely yours,
Charles H.Peters.

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