Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274A/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 13

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Open to contributions
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(2) place before the teams entered the railway cutting. In front of the teams, as they rested, was an off-shoot from the railway cutting in the shape of a small spur, possibly 200 yards distant. As the teams moved forward, two machine-guns opened fire from the direction of the spur. From the right-hand team Sergeant Adam, Private D. Lazarus and another crept forward and located one gun on the spur. Dashing over some open ground, Private Lazarus reached the gun first and shot two of the gunners with his revolver, thereupon six others put up their hands and surrendered. For this courageous act, Lazarus received the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal. Scarcely had this been done when the enemy gun on the left was located by some members of the left-hand team. Making use of the cover afforded by some straggling wheat, Lance Corporal N. C. Hammon and others got within ten yards and a final rush and shots from their revolvers induced the five or six occupants of a T shaped trench on lower ground on the left of the spur to surrender. Immediately they did, one was seen to tie a Red Cross badge on his arm. The position of the two coptured guns indicated that they had been so placed to give left flank protection to the large group situated on the railway embankment. At all events, their disposal had the very important result of permitting the teams to enter the railway cutting and engage the numerous guns on the embankment. The way being clear, Lieutenant Wilkinson then took his teams to the bend in the cutting and placed his guns at a point where the gunners had a clear view of their targets and at the same time giving a minimum fexposure of themselves. Thenfollowed a few hectic minutes. Two belts were fired from each gun, Lance Corporal A. E. D. Marsh operating one and Private J.7Bates and Corporal Barrand (in turn; the other. Before such a dreadful concentration helplessly and quickly faded out. On moving to the embankment, the annihilating effect of the fire was revealed. No less than fourt- een enemy guns had been put out of action and out of nearly a hundred men men estimated to have been on the embankment, about thirty were killed and fifty wounded; the others made good their The way being now open, the teams proceeded to escape to the rear. Neville's Cross. On the right rear of tne embankment, the teams came upon two machine-guns mounted in shell holes, evidently so placed to give right-flank protection to the embankment guns, but the wiping out of the main line of degence appeared to have unnerved.e because they retired hurridly to the rear; some of the gusners taking pot-shots as they ran. Lieutenant Wilkinson fired his revolver at one fat, ungainly German, who sprawled ludicrrously into a shell-hole with a wound in his hip, but others were firing and claimed the hit. Other Germans rose from cover and were fired on, the Pioneers appearing at this stage and joining in the shooting. The low-lying ground at Neville's Cross did not commend itself to Lieutenant Wilkinson so he took his teams forward till he reached the high ground south east of Montbrehain and from that vantage point was able to command a view for miles eastwards and southwards. The guns were mounted without any immediate opposition and feeling satisfied with his position, he sent a message to the nearest Pioneer officer on his right rear, proposing that he come forward with his men and establish a line on favourable ground. But the Pioneer could not be moved. He insisted that he was at his objective and intended to remain so. Actually, he was correct but his position on the low ground was not a good one. A quiet period followed and some of the teams did a little "souveniring" but presently parties of the enemy were observed making their way up the valley on the right of the guns so Lieutenant Wilkinson decided that his advanced and unsupported position was becoming dangerous and fell back to an embankment close to Neville's Cross. "We did the return trip in double quick time" said Sergeant Adam "as small shells and bullets were rather busy" The guns were again mounted and fire directed on the parties in the valley which were scattered. Later, reports indicated that massing was taking place in the same quarter and again fire was opened. Further reports stated that much havoc had been caused,
to (3) the half-section sustained its only casualty About 4 p.m., when Lieutenant Wilkinson received a bullet in the leg and was carried out. Late at night, relief was provided by teams from "B" Company II4th Machine Gun Battalion. The exchange was carried through without mishap and the teams retired to camp near Bellicourt, Such was the most effective blow delivered by the Company. The operation was carried through without any assistance from the Pioneers or tanks and affords a striking example of intelligent initiative in leadership supported by courageous and dashing team work. Admittedly an element of good fortune was present but that would have been of no avail had the leader and teams not seized their opportunitte With determination and skill. Attacking emplaced machine-guns in infantry fashion was not regarded as part of the gun-team's training or work but as no other solution was at hand the gunners - for the moment - assumed infantry tactics successfully, The disposal of the enemy guns on the embankment was an opportunity for gun work; to be seized quickly and skilfully. The fortunes of war decreed that the blow should be reserved for the Company's last fight and, incidentally, the last ground fight of the A.I.F. The writer is not competent to assess its value in relation to the Brigade attack as a whole. It must, however have been one of the determining factors in the Brigade's success because the enemy guns on the embankment and vicinity commanded the whole of the valley on the south of Montbrehain as well as most of the l ground which fell away from the village itself. The reports of the Brigade and Pioneer Battalion made but passing reference to the Company's activities and it would appear that both units were unawareof the latter's part in the operation. Generous acknowledgement came from higher sources. In addition to Private Lazarus' Distinguished Conduct Medal, Lieutenant Wiklinson's leadership and enterprise brought him the award of the Belgian Croix de Guerre while his principal gunners were decorated for their nertLon CornorolA D. March received the Distinguished Add 6 It should be added that throughout the operation Sergeant Adam render- ed invaluable service. Lieutenant Wilkinson subsequently testified to the assistance received and added that each move was the outcome of consultation with his Sergeant.
tor (3) About 4 p.m. the half-section sustained its only casualty when Lieutenant Wilkinson received a bullet in the leg and was carried out. Late at night, relief was provided by teams from "B" Company II4th Machine Gun Battalion. The exchange was carried through without mishap and the teams retired to camp near Bellicourt. Such was the most effective blow delivered by the Company. The operation was carried through without any assistance from the Pioneers or tanks and affords a striking example of intelligent initiative in leadership supported by courageous and dashing team work. Admittedly an element of good fortune was present but that would have been of no avail had the leader and teams not seized their opportunitt With determination and skill. Attacking emplaced machine-guns in infantry fashion was not regarded as part of the gun-team's training or work but as no other solution was at hand the gunners - for the moment - assumed infantry tactics successfully. The disposal of the enemy guns on the embankment was an opportunity for gun work; to be seized quickly and skilfully. The fortunes of war decreed that the blow should be reserved for the Company's last fight and, incidentally, the last ground fight of the A.I.F. The writer is not competent to assess its value in relation to the Brigade attack as a whole. It must, however have been one of the determining factors in the Brigade's success because the enemy guns on the embankment and vicinity commanded the whole of the valley on the south of Montbrehain as well as most of the ground which fell away from the village itself. The reports of the Brigade and Pioneer Battalion made but passing reference to the Company's activities and it would appear that both units were unawareof the latter's part in the operation. Generous acknowledgement came from higher sources. An addition to Private Lazarus' Distinguished Conduct Medal, Lieutenant Wiklinson's leadership and enterprise brought him the award of the Belgian Croix de Guerre while his principal gunners were decorated for their part. Lance Corporal A. E. D. Marsh received the Distinguished Conduct Medal and Private J. T. Bates the Military Medal.g S
6th MACHINE GUN COMPANY ASSOCLATTON Incorporating and Machine Gun Battalion c/o George Batchelor Pty. Ltd. 12 McKillop Street, Melbourne, C.I. 3/12/36 The Editor "Reveille" Sydney. Dear Sir, Many thanks for passing to me Mr. H. O. C. Hunter's letter dated 7th September last. Incidentally, it is striking evidence of the far-reaching drculation of "Reveille" that it should bring a response from British East Africa in respect to my claim that the 6th Machine Gun Company was the last A.I.F. machine gun company to leave the line in France and that it fired the last shot of the machine gun companies. My thanks are due to Mr. Hunter for his congratulations on the writing of the 6th M.G.Company's history as well as his kind references to the unit. With regard to the points raised in Mr. Hunter's letter, I would like to make the following comments. Apparently Mr. Hunter was writing from memory when he penned his letter to you because his remarks are at variance with his report on the doings of No.2 Section, 7th Machine Gun Company at Montbrehain. According to the report, Mr. Hunter and his Section left the vicinity of Bellicourt at I p.m. on the day of the attack on Montbrehain (5th October) and reported to the headquarters of the 2Ist Battalion. The C.O. directed him to bring indirect fire on two points north of the village where the enemy was reported to be massing and where movement was observed. His weapons were used as a four gun battery and were in operation åla at 3.30 p.m About a thousand rounds were, fired at hostile air craft. Mr. Hunter goes on to remark that "At 8.30 p.m. the C.O. 21st Battalion gave me orders to withdraw, which I did. The Section moved to west of Hargicourt It is safe to assume that Mr. Hunter lost no time in complying with the order for withdrawal. In that case, he would have been clear of the village and environs well before midnight. The 6th Company with eight of its guns in the front line with the infantry was not able to report its relief complete until 12.30 on the morning of the 6th October. On the evidence, there can be no 144
(2) doubt whatever that the 6th Company was the last to leave the line. As to my other claim that the 6th Company fired the last shot of the machine gun companies in France, the evidence clearly and definitely supports my cont ention rewr. Hunter's report states ndl that his guns were in actionnat 5.30 in the afternoon. His fire directed against hostile aircraft may have taken place at a later hour but low-flying enemy machines would hardly afford a target at dusk when the Company's line guns on the north of the village fired on enemy movement in their vicinity. I appreciate the friendly tone of Mr. Hunter's letter and will have pleasure in giving due credit in the 6th Company's history for the part played by the Section from the 7th Company. I may add that the history has received very favorable comments from Sir John Gellibrand who has written a Foreword and that it is almost ready for the printer. Yours faithfully, lbarere W. A. Carne.- P.S. Iam enclosing Mr. Hunter's letter herewith. r P.P.S. Will you please note to send me three copies (in addition to my usual copy) of the issue of "Reveille" in which you insert Mr. Hunter's letter. Should you insert my reply in a subsequent issue, I desire three extra copies also. Payment will be remitted on receipt. Wly
8 Arnn Hiadguarters eltvrrnt Aag 37 2 1937 2 iav lettan Bev 41 Kos seimed k tore Rat Shr follovnig Mtin neg the st sene na ti sjn in dhe noafelehnag sou fonal Tolmne og te 2 3 4 in Granea: e Kerigt guuste aehich dalis Hat teing Asjalaas g de 6 Nrirg Adr, Add, at He line She manslänes hure slwop (rinaunedh pheas sn Mas Mend Ote Kast ana Hat Sri Bugade dons oa aetron has in fnt s Busigneg. Wron shen it has sont tact 15 Hhe radetlits d Ameins to nienfarate od tnild uf its slring t o Shstk he and hoas hnglt ture mnestin Stet ofelts jone, for and for tetrsen ir far os rnng 4. d Sngades Sere konenrd Sher atbaps seemed to the holding Ske, tin, rlrering itter bilgedes, Haiklrig uf for steral sets, Bude stetting t tilt othus ete. Relnalg iote Pe Jnsahe, Arseh m pest area ets slinnglh, althongh dnon, was sufferind to canng ead, but ron dne Mnochlaiahte neasm, a heachn lane ont ets huonnel Mteltn id sus, on She lännin o a doag funscd ? frigttorg und Moring oi fon Ske Skongtt Shet it ond Ihst ste regnied m Shil dine agein 4) asnst nag (At eng nede shon deemed b Shase nerg dittte porsstane Arcd She tunhe schettrag ducht has m dide choal ashorhins, so mch o Shat Ihe ngade Sechiat opten, Sagn (l Linfsmehhl istatlisted a Bhst o in vrder i horsahly bare, eracnahug drit ho would Normallg doin seener tut hrheld uet de netmnd 6 Ste Bnäade fo dose tine dne t She enntesone Hers o mitnning Hen Throngh Se Ba Deht. ITiresw He Adist onne Mhad ti he ehslished hs then here itrunhg
iell urd had to te sant tart Ir hore ranpel Miatnort Zine of ohrm enenltalhg dich hrn Atielltakling n ion usancl Grammes deing hade it Wers sabtarnd Shat Ihe Bugade Musche Hrnger an effehie Srabting uit 44 did int hast sa pesnid ser 6o nunder etchehele aud Shis autnatron Nus chiarlg sehresentiel 2 Cats Haadguantie tig hhars Höß Pantsl Bio nto Sinhrautg isshanded Ihe Bugade, during Ste absie o ot Ll tiet, Hansd lohe lht 3io on bare Vetedor (slandrig Hhis sehnesentktinn, abne t tio dags later ie seserred Erdus, ct mdnght, 1o hore tactt be Line and t hars a Mänting hout, 8 hons latir - ad 8 a.m Io inniedrate hocfarahon to She trost bas hadhe tut a Msrage has set hactl I ahs Hil. dan atten hon I rn hinnns short as so m imehehtig 14 3 au he Nere again dgjinellly mtnetea to anng iont He Ione hdes hue mnechakty tøfer aned distuetutid to tattenes, Hut, in order to get Hhenn on She Hort, it baswheesans ti hreat uf Ohe Brgade anentmn, unn Shhrt hnte Hiaus ind hen Mere distretuted i Battznes i tuild uf Shenr egnrchests, and She sehichs and dnnnahin o) Ste lohune hartled nnde mand Al Shongt Uhe Aattors ne distütchit Hher an ma of atont tiie Auhe, husorneh nere setted un ennnfortaecte tihets und Brdurs dich chet siach watting hamahdero untt t.30. au Bhe, Bugade sus tree Tagam tr Oe Nore ot 3. am. Ohe das chanch inded ad Bogart shue be A.ORr. Aust fofs Brig luuel oa lreav eee Along ond gueried Ohe cheetssitg of tenring I aus Bomee of jehmtn settlg, She Tehrchs 9 hr Bngaa Arautis lhean, et Poniehs ba Neing shonn getir g on obringlk ahns he mechatddy lonehted She Mhort Ana She Brgede
Ailehratin Ihr Kanstiee m Ihis nninntig village. S Rang Arinsethang as it Nus mhiachg a toMais tarch annng Bonne Ihe Hrunt o uch shelt fe ad wanns hines and shattg nct a hone mläct m ad bftn AKoning it Sing d tult ot Str Brugadr svasdmnetig Marcheh ü5 elgiun ind Nas esenthallg oroden at otThoin Arll unts g Ohe 3 Les Artelter Afolttr 82A. Brurch

place before the teams entered the railway cutting. In front of
the teams, as they rested, was an off-shoot from the railway cutting
in the shape of a small spur, possibly 200 yards distant. As the
teams moved forward, two machine-guns opened fire from the direction
of the spur. From the right-hand team Sergeant Adam, Private D.
Lazarus and another crept forward and located one gun on the spur.
Dashing over some open ground, Private Lazarus reached the gun first
and shot two of the gunners with his revolver, thereupon six others
put up their hands and surrendered. For this courageous act, Lazarus
received the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal. Scarcely had
this been done when the enemy gun on the left was located by some
members of the left-hand team. Making use of the cover afforded by
some straggling wheat, Lance Corporal N. C. Hammon and others got
within ten yards and a final rush and shots from their revolvers
induced the five or six occupants of a T shaped trench on lower ground
on the left of the spur to surrender. Immediately they did, one was
seen to tie a Red Cross badge on his arm.
The position of the two captured guns indicated that they had
been so placed to give left flank protection to the large group
situated on the railway embankment. At all events, their disposal
had the very important result of permitting the teams to enter the
railway cutting and engage the numerous guns on the embankment.
The way being clear, Lieutenant Wilkinson then took his teams to the
bend in the cutting and placed his guns xxx at a point where the
gunners had a clear view of their targets and at the same time
giving a minimum of exposure of themselves. Then followed a few
hectic minutes. Two belts were fired from each gun, Lance Corporal
A. E. D. Marsh operating one and Private J.T. Bates and Corporal
Barrand (in turn; the other. Before such a dreadful concentration
helplessly and quickly faded out. On moving to the embankment, the
annihilating effect of the fire was revealed. No less than fourt-
een enemy guns had been put out of action and out of nearly a
hundred men men estimated to have been on the embankment, about
thirty were killed and fifty wounded; the others made good their
The way being now open, the teams proceeded to
escape to the rear.
Neville's Cross. On the right rear of tne embankment, the teams
came upon two machine-guns mounted in shell holes, evidently so
placed to give right-flank protection to the embankment guns, but the
wiping out of the main line of degence appeared to have unnerved.e
because they retired hurridly to the rear; some of the gusners
taking pot-shots as they ran. Lieutenant Wilkinson fired his
revolver at one fat, ungainly German, who sprawled ludicrrously into
a shell-hole with a wound in his hip, but others were firing and
claimed the hit. Other Germans rose from cover and were fired on,
the Pioneers appearing at this stage and joining in the shooting.
The low-lying ground at Neville's Cross did not commend
itself to Lieutenant Wilkinson so he took his teams forward till
he reached the high ground south east of Montbrehain and from that
vantage point was able to command a view for miles eastwards and
southwards. The guns were mounted without any immediate opposition
and feeling satisfied with his position, he sent a message to the
nearest Pioneer officer on his right rear, proposing that he come
forward with his men and establish a line on favourable ground. But
the Pioneer could not be moved. He insisted that he was at his
objective and intended to remain so. Actually, he was correct but
his position on the low ground was not a good one. A quiet period
followed and some of the teams did a little "souveniring" but
presently parties of the enemy were observed making their way up
the valley on the right of the guns so Lieutenant Wilkinson decided
that his advanced and unsupported position was becoming dangerous
and fell back to an embankment close to Neville's Cross. "We did
the return trip in double quick time" said Sergeant Adam "as small
shells and bullets were rather busy" The guns were again mounted
and fire directed on the parties in the valley which were scattered.
Later, reports indicated that massing was taking place in the same
quarter and again fire was opened. Further reports stated that
much havoc had been caused,



the half-section sustained its only casualty
About 4 p.m.,
when Lieutenant Wilkinson received a bullet in the leg and was
carried out. Late at night, relief was provided by teams from
"B" Company II4th Machine Gun Battalion. The exchange was carried
through without mishap and the teams retired to camp near Bellicourt,
Such was the most effective blow delivered by the Company.
The operation was carried through without any assistance from the
Pioneers or tanks and affords a striking example of intelligent
initiative in leadership supported by courageous and dashing team
work. Admittedly an element of good fortune was present but that
would have been of no avail had the leader and teams not seized
their opportunitte With determination and skill. Attacking emplaced
machine-guns in infantry fashion was not regarded as part of the
gun-team's training or work but as no other solution was at hand
the gunners - for the moment - assumed infantry tactics successfully,
The disposal of the enemy guns on the embankment was an opportunity
for gun work; to be seized quickly and skilfully.
The fortunes of war decreed that the blow should be reserved
for the Company's last fight and, incidentally, the last ground
fight of the A.I.F. The writer is not competent to assess its value
in relation to the Brigade attack as a whole. It must, however
have been one of the determining factors in the Brigade's success
because the enemy guns on the embankment and vicinity commanded the
whole of the valley on the south of Montbrehain as well as most of
the l ground which fell away from the village itself. The
reports of the Brigade and Pioneer Battalion made but passing
reference to the Company's activities and it would appear that
both units were unawareof the latter's part in the operation.
Generous acknowledgement came from higher sources. In addition to
Private Lazarus' Distinguished Conduct Medal, Lieutenant Wiklinson's
leadership and enterprise brought him the award of the Belgian
Croix de Guerre while his principal gunners were decorated for their
nertLon CornorolA
D. March received the Distinguished
Add 6
It should be added that throughout the operation Sergeant Adam render-
ed invaluable service. Lieutenant Wilkinson subsequently testified
to the assistance received and added that each move was the outcome
of consultation with his Sergeant.



About 4 p.m.
the half-section sustained its only casualty
when Lieutenant Wilkinson received a bullet in the leg and was
carried out. Late at night, relief was provided by teams from
"B" Company II4th Machine Gun Battalion. The exchange was carried
through without mishap and the teams retired to camp near Bellicourt.
Such was the most effective blow delivered by the Company.
The operation was carried through without any assistance from the
Pioneers or tanks and affords a striking example of intelligent
initiative in leadership supported by courageous and dashing team
work. Admittedly an element of good fortune was present but that
would have been of no avail had the leader and teams not seized
their opportunitt With determination and skill. Attacking emplaced
machine-guns in infantry fashion was not regarded as part of the
gun-team's training or work but as no other solution was at hand
the gunners - for the moment - assumed infantry tactics successfully.
The disposal of the enemy guns on the embankment was an opportunity
for gun work; to be seized quickly and skilfully.
The fortunes of war decreed that the blow should be reserved
for the Company's last fight and, incidentally, the last ground
fight of the A.I.F. The writer is not competent to assess its value
in relation to the Brigade attack as a whole. It must, however
have been one of the determining factors in the Brigade's success
because the enemy guns on the embankment and vicinity commanded the
whole of the valley on the south of Montbrehain as well as most of
the ground which fell away from the village itself. The
reports of the Brigade and Pioneer Battalion made but passing
reference to the Company's activities and it would appear that
both units were unawareof the latter's part in the operation.
Generous acknowledgement came from higher sources. An addition to
Private Lazarus' Distinguished Conduct Medal, Lieutenant Wiklinson's
leadership and enterprise brought him the award of the Belgian
Croix de Guerre while his principal gunners were decorated for their
part. Lance Corporal A. E. D. Marsh received the Distinguished
Conduct Medal and Private J. T. Bates the Military Medal.g


Incorporating and Machine Gun Battalion
c/o George Batchelor Pty. Ltd.
12 McKillop Street,
Melbourne, C.I.
The Editor
Dear Sir,
Many thanks for passing to me Mr. H. O. C. Hunter's
letter dated 7th September last. Incidentally, it is striking
evidence of the far-reaching drculation of "Reveille" that it
should bring a response from British East Africa in respect to
my claim that the 6th Machine Gun Company was the last A.I.F.
machine gun company to leave the line in France and that it fired
the last shot of the machine gun companies.
My thanks are due to Mr. Hunter for his congratulations
on the writing of the 6th M.G.Company's history as well as his
kind references to the unit.
With regard to the points raised in Mr. Hunter's letter,
I would like to make the following comments.
Apparently Mr. Hunter was writing from memory when he
penned his letter to you because his remarks are at variance
with his report on the doings of No.2 Section, 7th Machine Gun
Company at Montbrehain. According to the report, Mr. Hunter and
his Section left the vicinity of Bellicourt at I p.m. on the
day of the attack on Montbrehain (5th October) and reported to
the headquarters of the 2Ist Battalion. The C.O. directed him to
bring indirect fire on two points north of the village where the
enemy was reported to be massing and where movement was observed.
His weapons were used as a four gun battery and were in operation
at 3.30 p.m About a thousand rounds were, fired at hostile air
craft. Mr. Hunter goes on to remark that "At 8.30 p.m. the C.O.
21st Battalion gave me orders to withdraw, which I did. The Section
moved to west of Hargicourt
It is safe to assume that Mr. Hunter lost no time in
complying with the order for withdrawal. In that case, he would
have been clear of the village and environs well before midnight.
The 6th Company with eight of its guns in the front line with the
infantry was not able to report its relief complete until 12.30
on the morning of the 6th October. On the evidence, there can be no


doubt whatever that the 6th Company was the last to leave the line.
As to my other claim that the 6th Company fired the last
shot of the machine gun companies in France, the evidence clearly
and definitely supports my cont
ention rewr. Hunter's report states
that his guns were in actionnat 5.30 in the afternoon. His fire
directed against hostile aircraft may have taken place at a later
hour but low-flying enemy machines would hardly afford a target
at dusk when the Company's line guns on the north of the village
fired on enemy movement in their vicinity.
I appreciate the friendly tone of Mr. Hunter's letter and
will have pleasure in giving due credit in the 6th Company's history
for the part played by the Section from the 7th Company. I may
add that the history has received very favorable comments from
Sir John Gellibrand who has written a Foreword and that it is
almost ready for the printer.
Yours faithfully,
W. A. Carne.-
Iam enclosing Mr. Hunter's
letter herewith.
Will you please note to send me three copies (in addition
to my usual copy) of the issue of "Reveille" in which you
insert Mr. Hunter's letter.
Should you insert my reply in a subsequent issue, I desire
three extra copies also. Payment will be remitted on


Arnn Hiadguarters
Aag 37 2 1937
2 iav lettan Bev
41 Kos seimed k tore Rat Shr follovnig
Mtin neg the st sene na ti sjn in dhe noafelehnag
sou fonal Tolmne og te 2 3 4 in Granea: e Kerigt
guuste aehich dalis Hat teing Asjalaas g de 6 Nrirg
Adr, Add, at He line She manslänes hure slwop
(rinaunedh pheas sn Mas Mend
Ote Kast ana Hat Sri Bugade dons oa aetron
has in fnt s Busigneg. Wron shen it has sont tact
15 Hhe radetlits d Ameins to nienfarate od tnild uf
its slring t o Shstk he and hoas hnglt ture mnestin
Stet ofelts jone, for and for tetrsen ir far os rnng 4. d Sngades
Sere konenrd Sher atbaps seemed to the holding Ske, tin,
rlrering itter bilgedes, Haiklrig uf for steral sets,
Bude stetting t tilt othus ete. Relnalg iote Pe
Jnsahe, Arseh m pest area ets slinnglh, althongh
dnon, was sufferind to canng ead, but ron dne
Mnochlaiahte neasm, a heachn lane ont ets huonnel
Mteltn id sus, on She lännin o a doag funscd ?
frigttorg und Moring oi fon Ske Skongtt Shet it ond
Ihst ste regnied m Shil dine agein 4) asnst nag
(At eng nede shon deemed b Shase nerg dittte porsstane
Arcd She tunhe schettrag ducht has m dide choal
ashorhins, so mch o Shat Ihe ngade Sechiat opten,
Sagn (l Linfsmehhl istatlisted a Bhst o in
vrder i horsahly bare, eracnahug drit ho would
Normallg doin seener tut hrheld uet de netmnd 6
Ste Bnäade fo dose tine dne t She enntesone Hers
o mitnning Hen Throngh Se Ba Deht. ITiresw He
Adist onne Mhad ti he ehslished hs then here itrunhg


iell urd had to te sant tart Ir hore ranpel
Miatnort Zine of ohrm enenltalhg dich hrn
Atielltakling n ion usancl Grammes deing hade it
Wers sabtarnd Shat Ihe Bugade Musche Hrnger an effehie
Srabting uit 44 did int hast sa pesnid ser 6o
nunder etchehele aud Shis autnatron Nus chiarlg sehresentiel
2 Cats Haadguantie tig hhars Höß Pantsl Bio nto
Sinhrautg isshanded Ihe Bugade, during Ste absie
o ot Ll tiet, Hansd lohe lht 3io on bare
Vetedor (slandrig Hhis sehnesentktinn, abne t tio dags later
ie seserred Erdus, ct mdnght, 1o hore tactt be
Line and t hars a Mänting hout, 8 hons latir - ad
8 a.m Io inniedrate hocfarahon to She trost bas hadhe
tut a Msrage has set hactl I ahs Hil. dan
atten hon I rn hinnns short as so m imehehtig
14 3 au he Nere again dgjinellly mtnetea to
anng iont He Ione hdes hue mnechakty tøfer
aned distuetutid to tattenes, Hut, in order to get Hhenn
on She Hort, it baswheesans ti hreat uf Ohe Brgade
anentmn, unn Shhrt hnte Hiaus ind hen
Mere distretuted i Battznes i tuild uf Shenr
egnrchests, and She sehichs and dnnnahin o)
Ste lohune hartled nnde mand Al Shongt Uhe
Aattors ne distütchit Hher an ma of atont tiie
Auhe, husorneh nere setted un ennnfortaecte tihets und
Brdurs dich chet siach watting hamahdero untt t.30. au
Bhe, Bugade sus tree Tagam tr Oe Nore ot 3. am.
Ohe das chanch inded ad Bogart shue be
A.ORr. Aust fofs Brig luuel oa lreav eee
Along ond gueried Ohe cheetssitg of tenring
I aus Bomee of jehmtn settlg, She Tehrchs 9
hr Bngaa Arautis lhean, et Poniehs ba
Neing shonn getir g on obringlk ahns he
mechatddy lonehted She Mhort Ana She Brgede


Ailehratin Ihr Kanstiee m Ihis nninntig village. S Rang
Arinsethang as it Nus mhiachg a toMais tarch annng
Bonne Ihe Hrunt o uch shelt fe ad wanns hines
and shattg nct a hone mläct m ad bftn
AKoning it Sing d tult ot Str Brugadr svasdmnetig
Marcheh ü5 elgiun ind Nas esenthallg oroden at
otThoin Arll unts g Ohe 3
Les Artelter
82A. Brurch



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