Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274A/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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5 & A spreading battle then commenceos & The chief objective is a powerful line at closest one mile at farthest 3 miles & This is quite a proposition, and, may be witt as stip a taak as we have ever set to an Australian Division, with only 24 true to help them and only 3 aititlery buigades to support them & I have told them that they have to go as far as they prudently can, but not encounter heavy losses . It is rolling country & It is not anything like as formidable as the task of capturing Peronne & But you have to face the proposition that Limeone may keep his head Cool and deploy a division in the Beaurevon line & we have had that line under heavy bombardment, but it will be a very proud feat if they can accomplish it without Servons loss. They are nat to go beyond the red line in any circumstances. The Sabnt will be big enough to pass the British army through & We shall pass the 3nd & 9th Corps over it on the first day. star. The Cavalry brigade is timed to reach the brown line at 2 0’clock – not before. Their objective is to seize a definite line, and if the Enemy runs away they will have to keep in touch with him& we hope that we shall have to have a pure ba persit batthe. I dont think we can possibly continue in the day folowing Firstly, and flanks hill nt be up – Secundly, we cannot, I think, supply our men. I dued think these roads will be adequater. On the first day I shall have to move heavy shall co Artillers forward & no heavy artiller Cractor-drawn East of the start before I pan That gives the roadmakers a good chance, but after that I lightes heavz artiller will Io forward. 8t 9.25, Ebx., will of course not start at all till we can repair the bridge After I green line it will be (3) broad tracks. The real timble is the wire in 1Beaurevou's Line The heavy artillery barrage is to be similar to that of Sept. 18th and there will be three bands as a time The M Coops has got life belts, floabing mats, ladders – Every contrivance you can think of. But going down the shope towards the water they have to Encounter thic wire - an ugly proposition. Planes Special Stunt There will be smoke dropping by acroplanes but no dropping of ammunitions by acroplanes The fighting squadrous are to be most busy between 9 & 11 when there will be least activity by us, and they are 2o taekle the Boshe on the Planks.
& There are about 15 to 16 Squadrons & The Mgs. won Shipt their positions. Murray says they don't know enough (ie the Americans) to make it safe to shift them As to the ferture it would be a mirach if the fe further advance can come off on the 2nd day. Our front will then ing be 6000 yds. because the planks will be covered Reserve brigades will relieve first night as pllows? 91. Ble. 14 Boe 3 bno. 4 bno. They will go through for a few miles, and we will keep on changing brigude after bricade till we think they have done their share. The frint will narrow to 4000 yds. graduall & The 2nd Did. will pick up the story about 5th or 6th October and 90 on por 9 days & then I hope it will be finished a I am quite resolved not to call on the 1st or 4th Divisions, and there ought not to be any necessity. The finish will be the breaking of the wealhr & We shall come up against some surt of depensive line, and he shall have to reorganise Opposite us we have the polowing boop 8 5 5y Dis. which has been out for 3 weeks - We got 200 prisoners but of them resterday & they had been gussed and diont like it They are Prussians 11 Dw. 185" (should be done? 75 Main Yesterday there was a northward tad from us amounting to IDivisions There they may be a counteratach Auision The Germans have been pritting their guns steadily into the positions shown in 1 maps which we captured last year & we have of course been steadily avoiding shooting al them a The American infanting has to villow the tanks before the barrage start. The 27th American Division cannot tell me where their from line is & I cannot start monthying with the barrage. I say to I tank commander - pew business is to get to that line al 2ero where the infantry Vollow you; and to the Infantiy a Follow the tants? There will be night bombing all night. The Enemy must know we are coming at some time but they druil know the time . The germans may think that this is bluffy We are hoping that the have American prisoners, because their wereles sand restenday hat to tntel wee puting in the Amencane. (het plens in hare pen
£ The Army Commanders opposite us are SAm Resle 2 vonder Maunty wame Hulier 51 Corps 18 C8tt any Mistralor arps Corps Commander is in Bussigny and Army at he catean Alpine Corps has just been relieved. We think that Six of these reserve divisions have gone overnight, and this will go tomorrow. The probable reserves are (Vivian think). Dir D. 17 Reserve Der 557 Resene 16 Bewarian on Dw. Sep. 232 Dw Alpine. 233. 273. Div. as 5 Bavarian 119 1st Resirve, 38, 25 Reserve. Dir Possible The distance between Villers Bretennenx and where we nowo are is half-way to the proritier & Le Cabean is more than half-way between us as and the fronties & The immediate unfortunt ontcime would be that the French would immediately be able to captire St quentin after we have hned the flank of it& The first-big places north of Le Catean are Mons and Charlerois There are no lines of defence nearer than he Catean ( There are defences near he Caleau but he has not had time to organise them) The Americans had captined 200 guns by resterday. 1s & 3rd Armies 200 guns by today. 3rd Corps is putting One Batter, on our left flank. Rain is giing by – the glass has stopped falling, & there shoned be a bright interoal townovrow t
ROBERTSON & MULLENSLTD TELEPNONE CENTRAL NO. A7DS (a LINEs) BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS & LIBRARIANS COMMERCIAL AND SOCIETY STATIONERS AND NEWSAGENTS 107113 Elizabeth Street, Tnanct House 231-232 Strand Melbournec Ty LONDON W.C.2 CHI.M CABLE ADDRESS: SCRIPSIMUS MELBOURNE. BENTLEV'S CODE AND AT-SYDNEY BRIBBANE ADELAIDE LONDON PERTH NEW VORK AODRESS ALL MAIL TO. P.O. BOX 8ZA, MELBOURNE, C.1 Captain C.E.W. Bean, Commonwealth War Historian, Victoria Barracks, SIDUEY. NEW SOUTH WALES. 19th December, 1936. Dear Captain Bean: Lately I was in touch with one of my old troops, Sergeant Major Rupert Buckland, who contributed one of the successful prize winning essays to the War Records Competition. I asked him to dig up the old narrative and let me have it and he did, and my secretary has made a copy of it. I think it will have an interest for you, and I am, therefore, for- warding the copy to you. With kind regards and the compliments of the Season. Sincerely yours tatter Charles H. Peters. Manager. Encl. Buy Books
o Cast Cl.W. Bean BOPNM COVER 3 H BATTALION A.L.F. OOIPN Through the Hindenburg Line amoer 29th co October End 1918. 300 John by Company Sergeant-Major Rupert, Buckland, M.M. Jr Company, 38th Battalion, A.L.F.) 30603 (This Essay was contributed to the A.L.F.War Records Compotition, conducted during the Armistice and was awarded a Silver Medal) During the operation described, the 38th Btn. A.L.F. was commanded by Colonel G. Hurry, D.S.O., the Company Commander of Cr Company was Captain C.H. Peters, McC. EBar. It was 5.30 a.m. on the 29th September that we crawled out of our bivvies near RoNSSOY to got ready for the day's operations. All were well acquainted with the nature of our stunt, which was, in brief, to follow the Americans through the Hindenburg line to their objective, known as the green line, then to exploit their success pushing through them for a distance of about four Kilometres and there consolidate; this to be done without barrage and under open warfare conditions. The barrage that was put down on the enemy to assist the Yanks to advance commenced at 5.50 a.m. and the result of this, as far as we, personally, were concerned, being, that our position was heavily shelled by the enemy, mostly gas shells being used. We were timed to move forward at 7.15 a.m. so between 6 a.m. and that time we were subjected to enemy gas shells, with the result that nearly all hands were sick and many became casualties. The Tfall in was extremely difficult in conse- quence, of, the enemy shelling and of the fact that we had to keep our gas masks on. Well, off we went, the order of March being in column of route until necessity compelled deployment; soon we got to higher ground from which the gas had It was like heaven to us, especially as, cleared.
2- at this time, the morning was revealed to us as being beautiful, the sun shone out, and the atmosphere was beautifully fresh. One could not help thinking, that this, surely was an omen of success. The landscape was really magnificent as well as being undulating; the hollows were filled with gas. and smoke which created some beautiful cloud effects. We were on a particularly high piece of ground and as we marched along we had an extensive view ahead of us. It was not long till we were forced to adopt artillery formation, the advance being now made over very rough country and through many belts of wire. At about 8 a.m. we found ourselves moving through our artillery batteries, whose guns were shooting the barrage, and much to our surprise realised, that we were, at this early stage, under enemy machine gun Lire. A fine spectacle was here witnessed by us-that of an enemy plane (Red Devil type) flying quite low and dropping signals for guidance to enemy artillery; for quite a long time this devil hovered about, being fired at by machine gunners from all points-however at last, she was hit, and came down amidst the cheers of many troops. POT trench was reached by us, here a message was received to the offect, that our leading company (A. Coy) were held up by enemy machine gunefire, and were sending out a patrol to reconnoitre. We were all, naturally, at a loss to know what could have happened, as if all had gone well the Yanks should have been well ahoad and we should have met no resistance of this nature, at this stage. The resistance of machine gun fire increased, the leading company pushed on and we took up a position in the trench they had just vacated, known as DoG trench. Here we were subjected to heavy enemy shelling resulting in many of our number becoming casuities. 1 might here mention a few little items. Numbers of Americans, many of whom were wounded, filtered back to us and as each came into our trench he was barraged with questions from our Officers and N.C.0s each answer was the same, namely, that they had lost their leaders and did not know where they had been, or what had to be done. None could give us the information required. I know this, that we drew
Dog Trench 3 - our own conclusions which were that the Yanks must have lost their barrage, which, sweeping ahead according to plan, had exposed their troops to the fire of machine gunners and riflemen who had found ample time after the barrage lifted, to come out of their dugouts and prepare their defence. This meant that they mst have failed to accomplish their talk of gaining their objective. Our convictions, later on in the advance were confirmed as we passed through lines of Amorican dead, evidently just mowed down by enemy machine gunners and snipers before they reached the enemy. From our position in DoG trench, we could see numbers of tanks ahead, which had been put out of action by the enomy. These were in some cases on fire, in fact nearly all were smoking. One strange sight rather took our skipper's eye; despite the heavy shelling and machine gun fire an officer and sergeant were seen to be walking on top of the parapot, noither had equipment or fire anms but they were carrying leather bags. Our skipper, Capt. C.H. Peters, M.C. & Bar, told them to hop into the trench quickly which they did and their identity was soon established. The officer wearinga white Pibbon was wounded in the lower part of the face was Lt.Wilkin, Arctic Explorer, and our official photo- grapher, the Sergeant, being his assistant. Although wounded, the photographer was still keen on his job and expressed a desire to take our little part consisting of company headquarters spread out along the trench. As the camera clicked a big shell burst behind the photographer, a short distance along the trench where our right platoon was, inflicting several casualties. This granteffort of the photographer has since been reproduced in the Anzacr Bulletin. At 3 p.m. word came along that the advance was to be continued, and we made it in short rushes from shell hole to shell hole, over the top we went into this rain of machine gun bullets, pushing on very slowly Indeed, the left platoon suffering heavy casualties as soon as they got out of the trench. It was no fault of the enemy that we pushed on as besides using machine guns on us from all quarters, his minenwerfer mortars were most active and ground shrapnel and HE shells were bursting all round us. At 4 p.m., however, we were checked by the broad belt of wire west of South GLLLEMONT tranch, the few gaps that were in the wire were under machine gun
40 barrage from the enemy who also had snipers covering these gaps; these conditions rendered further pro- gress impossible. Our leaders at this stage then called for the help of artillery and soon our batteries became active and were successful in silencing many of the machine guns and minenwerfer. Tanks were then sent for and soon we witnessed some of these on their hazardous task, but it was not long before they were put out of action by the ennmy. A smoke screen was then requested which was put down in the valley ahdad, this was most effective enabling us to get forward without being observed by the enemy. By means of a patrol it was found that SoUTH GLLLEMONT trench had been vacated by the enemy, so in very quick time we were in possession of this trench, with Ar Company on the left and Alst Battn on the right of us. We cleared the trench and in our particular portion, took three prisoners, all of which were wounded, soon we were busily engaged making the trench as comfortable as possible and ourselves as safe from onemy shelling as we could. Posts were established, being manned by Yanks and diggers combined. We had forty three Yanks in all, divided amongst A. Coy. and our own, to holp us hold this line. 4 Cant The night was (extremely rough, it being wet, windy, and very cold. All hands were a bit down on it on account of now knowing how things were actually pro- gressing. At 9 pam. the cheerful news was passed along, to send back to DoG trench for our rations. This was done, and in a little over an hour all were busy eating a jolly good meal. Our morning meal together with a good supply of cigarettes and matches, arrived at 3.30 a.m. next day. It might be mentioned here, that our Company was now reduced to about 25 men, this enabled us to treat the Yanks to as much tucker as they desired, without running ourselves short. At 6.30 a.m. the advance was continued and much to the apparent disappointment of the Yanks, orders were received that they were not to accompany us, however we did not advance without all sorts of good wishes and expressions of gratitude and admiration. We advanced by way of the trench we were in as Far as BREAD-LANE into which we turned and pushed along this trench for a distance of about 200 yards, got out of the trench and advanced in artillery
5. formation under the cover of dead ground to CLAYMORE trench thense passed into BONY Avenue ninng pushed along in the trench to a point on the crest of the hill which commanded an extensive view of BONY village and the surrounding country including the HINDENBURG system of trenches. Here we established a block with two Lowis gun teams, the remainder of the members of the Company furnishing other garrison posts. One result of the occupation of this trench was the capture of two Minenwerfer Trench Mortars and six machine guns; a few wounded Germans and many dead were lying in the trenches. An attempt was made by us to advance) thssearly part of the morning, but this was checked by the enemy with machine gun fire from the village, luckily our patrol succeeded in withdrawing without a casualty. The enemy commanded allapproaches and able to engage attacking forces at 800 yards ths giving our small Company no chance in the unequal fight. We held on during the day and were subjected to intermittent shelling by the enemy, which apart from making us feel rather uncomfortable did little damage, Great gloe was discernible amongst the men when the signallers arrived with their apparatus, having laid the wire, this was soon after we gained our position. Now we were connected with H:Q. and able to get back much valuable information on account of the splendid position mann we were in to observe enem movement. On night approaching, we, being a detached post orders were received to withdraw to outpost line in CLAYMORE trench. Our numbers at this stage being only two officers (Capt. C.H.Peters, M.C. & Bar and Licut.P.Malloch) and twentytwo other ranks we were easily accommodated in dug-outs in this line while other companies, who up to this time were fresh as compared to ours, furnished the protection. We were allowed to sleep with one eye open, as it were, and this we did after receiving a good nip of rum and a sumptnous meal. The following morning our former position in BoNY Avenue was re-pccupied at an early hour, a sharp look- out over enemy country being kept by all hands. Movement in and around B0NY Village was noticed from our position and at about 8.30 a.m. one of our acro- planes was fired at by enemy machine gunners from BONY Village.
60 Friendly patrols were observed moving forward to establish connection with Southern attack in our direction but still a long way off. At about 9 a.m. we moved forward to the attack, first advancing along the trench about a hundred yards, afterwards adopting extended order across country. Very little opposition was encountered and that being from enemy artillery fire. We appeared to be the first unit through the HINDENBURG Line into BONY, however, it was not long before men were advancing from all points and this sight was indeed most wonderful to witness. On reaching the HINDENBURG Line we experienced a great feeling of elation together with a sense of disappointment in regard to the construction of the trenches from an engineering point of view. We had all pictures in our mind of these trenches being tremendously olaborate, now we were actually seeing exactly what they were. The main features of this system were the difficult wire entanglements, the depth of the trenches and the wonderfully built underground dugouts, which we had an opportunity of studying later on in the stunt. We pushed on round the north of the village across the LE CATALET canal and here encountered an extremely determined existence, a patrol of a neighbouring company being wiped right out. Our company, now only about 20 strong, then dug in, with 39th Battalion on our left and 33rd on our right. The signallers played a great part again in this Turther advance, as they were a very short period of time behind us with their wire hat laid and apparatus ready for use. We were therefore in a position to send back valuable information right away and to employ our artillery effectivoly in our defence against the enemy. A consultation of company commanders was held which resulted in a decision to consolidate this line and At Company of the 53rd was despatched to return the left flank which was open.


A spreading battle then commences . The chief objective is a powerful line
at closest one mile at farthest 3 miles . This is quite a proposition, and, may be
quite as stiff a task as we have ever set to an Australian Division, with only 24 true
to help them and only 3 artillery brigades to support them.  I have told them that they
have to go as far as they prudently can, but not encounter heavy losses . It is
rolling country.  It is not anything like as formidable as the task of capturing
Peronne. But you have to face the proposition that someone may keep his head
Cool and deploy a division in the Beaurevon line. We have had that line under
heavy bombardment, but it will be a very proud feat if they can accomplish it without
Serious loss. They are not to go beyond the red line in any circumstances. The
Salient will be big enough to pass the British army through.  We shall pass the
3rd & 9th Corps over it on the first day.
The Cavalry brigade is timed to reach the [** ? start line**] brown line at 2 0’clock – not
before. Their objective is to seize a definite line, and if the Enemy runs away they
will have to keep in touch with him.  we hope that we shall have to have a
pure pursuit battle.
I don't think we can possibly continue in the day following.  Firstly, our
flanks will not be up – Secondly, we cannot, I think, supply our men. I dont
think these roads will be adequate. On the first day I shall have to move heavy
artillery forward. No heavy artillery tractor-drawn ^ shall go  East of the start before 5pm.
That gives the roadmakers a good chance, but after that the lighter heavy artillery will
go forward. 8'  9.2's, Etc., will of course not start at all till we can repair
the bridge.  After the green line it will be (?) broad tracks. The real trouble
is the wire in the Beaurevour Line.
The heavy artillery barrage is to be similar to that of Sept. 18th and
there will be three bands as a time.

Diagram - see original
The IX Corps has got life belts, floating mats, ladders – Every contrivance
you can think of. But going down the slope towards the water they have to
Encounter thick wire - an ugly proposition.
Special Stunt
There will be smoke dropping by aeroplanes but no dropping of ammunition
by aeroplanes.
The fighting squadrons are to be most busy between 9 & 11 when there will
be least activity by us, and they are 2 tackle the Boshe on the Planks.



There are about 15 to 16 Squadrons &
The Mgs. won Shipt their positions. Murray says they don't know enough
(ie the Americans) to make it safe to shift them
As to the ferture it would be a mirach if the fe further advance can come off
on the 2nd day. Our front will then ing be 6000 yds. because the planks will be covered
Reserve brigades will relieve first night as pllows?
91. Ble.
14 Boe
3 bno.
4 bno.
They will go through for a few miles, and we will keep on changing brigude after
bricade till we think they have done their share. The frint will narrow to 4000 yds.
graduall & The 2nd Did. will pick up the story about 5th or 6th October and 90 on por
9 days & then I hope it will be finished a I am quite resolved not to call on the 1st
or 4th Divisions, and there ought not to be any necessity. The finish will be the breaking
of the wealhr & We shall come up against some surt of depensive line, and he
shall have to reorganise
Opposite us we have the polowing boop
8 5
5y Dis. which has been out for 3 weeks - We got 200 prisoners
but of them resterday & they had been gussed and diont like it
They are Prussians
11 Dw.
185" (should be done?
Yesterday there was a northward tad from us amounting to IDivisions
they may be a counteratach Auision
The Germans have been pritting their guns steadily into the positions shown
in 1 maps which we captured last year & we have of course been steadily
avoiding shooting al them a
The American infanting has to villow the tanks before the barrage start.
The 27th American Division cannot tell me where their from line is & I
cannot start monthying with the barrage. I say to I tank commander - pew
business is to get to that line al 2ero where the infantry Vollow you; and
to the Infantiy a Follow the tants? There will be night bombing all night.
The Enemy must know we are coming at some time but they druil know
the time . The germans may think that this is bluffy We are hoping
that the have American prisoners, because their wereles sand restenday
hat to tntel wee puting in the Amencane. (het plens in hare pen



The Army Commanders opposite us are
Resle 2 vonder Maunty
wame Hulier
51 Corps 18 C8tt any
Corps Commander is in Bussigny and Army at he catean
Alpine Corps has just been relieved. We think that Six of these
reserve divisions have gone overnight, and this will go tomorrow. The
probable reserves are (Vivian think).
D. 17 Reserve Der
557 Resene 16 Bewarian
Sep. 232 Dw
233. 273.
5 Bavarian 119 1st Resirve, 38, 25 Reserve. Dir
The distance between Villers Bretennenx and where we nowo are is
half-way to the proritier & Le Cabean is more than half-way between us
as and the fronties &
The immediate unfortunt ontcime would be that the French would
immediately be able to captire St quentin after we have hned the flank
of it&
The first-big places north of Le Catean are Mons and Charlerois
There are no lines of defence nearer than he Catean ( There are
defences near he Caleau but he has not had time to organise them)
The Americans had captined 200 guns by resterday.
1s & 3rd Armies 200 guns by today.
3rd Corps is putting One Batter, on our left flank.
Rain is giing by – the glass has stopped falling, & there shoned be a bright
interoal townovrow


107113 Elizabeth Street,
Tnanct House
231-232 Strand
Captain C.E.W. Bean,
Commonwealth War Historian,
Victoria Barracks,
19th December, 1936.
Dear Captain Bean:
Lately I was in touch with one of my old troops,
Sergeant Major Rupert Buckland, who contributed one
of the successful prize winning essays to the War
Records Competition. I asked him to dig up the old
narrative and let me have it and he did, and my
secretary has made a copy of it. I think it will
have an interest for you, and I am, therefore, for-
warding the copy to you.
With kind regards and the compliments of the
Sincerely yours
Charles H. Peters.



o Cast Cl.W. Bean
Through the Hindenburg Line
amoer 29th co October End 1918.
by Company Sergeant-Major Rupert, Buckland, M.M.
Jr Company, 38th Battalion, A.L.F.)
(This Essay was contributed to the A.L.F.War
Records Compotition, conducted during the
Armistice and was awarded a Silver Medal)
During the operation described, the 38th
Btn. A.L.F. was commanded by Colonel G.
Hurry, D.S.O., the Company Commander of
Cr Company was Captain C.H. Peters, McC. EBar.
It was 5.30 a.m. on the 29th September that we
crawled out of our bivvies near RoNSSOY to got ready
for the day's operations.
All were well acquainted with the nature of our
stunt, which was, in brief, to follow the Americans
through the Hindenburg line to their objective, known
as the green line, then to exploit their success
pushing through them for a distance of about four
Kilometres and there consolidate; this to be done
without barrage and under open warfare conditions.
The barrage that was put down on the enemy to
assist the Yanks to advance commenced at 5.50 a.m.
and the result of this, as far as we, personally,
were concerned, being, that our position was heavily
shelled by the enemy, mostly gas shells being used.
We were timed to move forward at 7.15 a.m. so
between 6 a.m. and that time we were subjected to
enemy gas shells, with the result that nearly all
hands were sick and many became casualties.
The Tfall in was extremely difficult in conse-
quence, of, the enemy shelling and of the fact that
we had to keep our gas masks on.
Well, off we went, the order of March being in
column of route until necessity compelled deployment;
soon we got to higher ground from which the gas had
It was like heaven to us, especially as,


at this time, the morning was revealed to us as being
beautiful, the sun shone out, and the atmosphere was
beautifully fresh. One could not help thinking,
that this, surely was an omen of success.
The landscape was really magnificent as well as
being undulating; the hollows were filled with gas.
and smoke which created some beautiful cloud effects.
We were on a particularly high piece of ground and as
we marched along we had an extensive view ahead of us.
It was not long till we were forced to adopt
artillery formation, the advance being now made over
very rough country and through many belts of wire.
At about 8 a.m. we found ourselves moving through
our artillery batteries, whose guns were shooting the
barrage, and much to our surprise realised, that we
were, at this early stage, under enemy machine gun
A fine spectacle was here witnessed by us-that
of an enemy plane (Red Devil type) flying quite low
and dropping signals for guidance to enemy artillery;
for quite a long time this devil hovered about, being
fired at by machine gunners from all points-however
at last, she was hit, and came down amidst the cheers
of many troops.
POT trench was reached by us, here a message was
received to the offect, that our leading company (A.
Coy) were held up by enemy machine gunefire, and were
sending out a patrol to reconnoitre.
We were all, naturally, at a loss to know what
could have happened, as if all had gone well the
Yanks should have been well ahoad and we should have
met no resistance of this nature, at this stage.
The resistance of machine gun fire increased, the
leading company pushed on and we took up a position
in the trench they had just vacated, known as DoG
trench. Here we were subjected to heavy enemy shelling
resulting in many of our number becoming casuities.
1 might here mention a few little items. Numbers
of Americans, many of whom were wounded, filtered
back to us and as each came into our trench he was
barraged with questions from our Officers and N.C.0s
each answer was the same, namely, that they had lost
their leaders and did not know where they had been,
or what had to be done. None could give us the
information required. I know this, that we drew


Dog Trench

3 -
our own conclusions which were that the Yanks must
have lost their barrage, which, sweeping ahead
according to plan, had exposed their troops to the
fire of machine gunners and riflemen who had found
ample time after the barrage lifted, to come out of
their dugouts and prepare their defence. This meant
that they mst have failed to accomplish their talk
of gaining their objective.
Our convictions, later on in the advance were
confirmed as we passed through lines of Amorican dead,
evidently just mowed down by enemy machine gunners
and snipers before they reached the enemy.
From our position in DoG trench, we could see
numbers of tanks ahead, which had been put out of
action by the enomy. These were in some cases on
fire, in fact nearly all were smoking.
One strange sight rather took our skipper's eye;
despite the heavy shelling and machine gun fire an
officer and sergeant were seen to be walking on top
of the parapot, noither had equipment or fire anms
but they were carrying leather bags. Our skipper,
Capt. C.H. Peters, M.C. & Bar, told them to hop into
the trench quickly which they did and their identity
was soon established. The officer wearinga white
Pibbon was wounded in the lower part of the face was
Lt.Wilkin, Arctic Explorer, and our official photo-
grapher, the Sergeant, being his assistant. Although
wounded, the photographer was still keen on his job
and expressed a desire to take our little part
consisting of company headquarters spread out along
the trench. As the camera clicked a big shell burst
behind the photographer, a short distance along the
trench where our right platoon was, inflicting several
casualties. This granteffort of the photographer has
since been reproduced in the Anzacr Bulletin.
At 3 p.m. word came along that the advance was to
be continued, and we made it in short rushes from shell
hole to shell hole, over the top we went into this
rain of machine gun bullets, pushing on very slowly
Indeed, the left platoon suffering heavy casualties as
soon as they got out of the trench. It was no fault
of the enemy that we pushed on as besides using machine
guns on us from all quarters, his minenwerfer mortars
were most active and ground shrapnel and HE shells
were bursting all round us.
At 4 p.m., however, we were checked by the broad
belt of wire west of South GLLLEMONT tranch, the few
gaps that were in the wire were under machine gun


barrage from the enemy who also had snipers covering
these gaps; these conditions rendered further pro-
gress impossible. Our leaders at this stage then
called for the help of artillery and soon our batteries
became active and were successful in silencing many
of the machine guns and minenwerfer. Tanks were then
sent for and soon we witnessed some of these on their
hazardous task, but it was not long before they were
put out of action by the ennmy. A smoke screen was
then requested which was put down in the valley ahdad,
this was most effective enabling us to get forward
without being observed by the enemy.
By means of a patrol it was found that SoUTH
GLLLEMONT trench had been vacated by the enemy, so
in very quick time we were in possession of this
trench, with Ar Company on the left and Alst Battn
on the right of us. We cleared the trench and in our
particular portion, took three prisoners, all of which
were wounded, soon we were busily engaged making the
trench as comfortable as possible and ourselves as
safe from onemy shelling as we could. Posts were
established, being manned by Yanks and diggers combined.
We had forty three Yanks in all, divided amongst A. Coy.
and our own, to holp us hold this line.
The night was (extremely rough, it being wet, windy,
and very cold. All hands were a bit down on it on
account of now knowing how things were actually pro-
At 9 pam. the cheerful news was passed along,
send back to DoG trench for our rations. This was
done, and in a little over an hour all were busy
eating a jolly good meal. Our morning meal together
with a good supply of cigarettes and matches, arrived
at 3.30 a.m. next day.
It might be mentioned here, that our Company was
now reduced to about 25 men, this enabled us to treat
the Yanks to as much tucker as they desired, without
running ourselves short.
At 6.30 a.m. the advance was continued and much to
the apparent disappointment of the Yanks, orders were
received that they were not to accompany us, however
we did not advance without all sorts of good wishes
and expressions of gratitude and admiration.
We advanced by way of the trench we were in as
Far as BREAD-LANE into which we turned and pushed
along this trench for a distance of about 200 yards,
got out of the trench and advanced in artillery


formation under the cover of dead ground to CLAYMORE
trench thense passed into BONY Avenue ninng pushed
along in the trench to a point on the crest of the
hill which commanded an extensive view of BONY village
and the surrounding country including the HINDENBURG
system of trenches. Here we established a block
with two Lowis gun teams, the remainder of the members
of the Company furnishing other garrison posts.
One result of the occupation of this trench was the
capture of two Minenwerfer Trench Mortars and six
machine guns; a few wounded Germans and many dead were
lying in the trenches.
An attempt was made by us to advance) thssearly part
of the morning, but this was checked by the enemy with
machine gun fire from the village, luckily our patrol
succeeded in withdrawing without a casualty. The enemy
commanded allapproaches and able to engage attacking
forces at 800 yards ths giving our small Company no
chance in the unequal fight.
We held on during the day and were subjected to
intermittent shelling by the enemy, which apart from
making us feel rather uncomfortable did little damage,
Great gloe was discernible amongst the men when
the signallers arrived with their apparatus, having
laid the wire, this was soon after we gained our
Now we were connected with H:Q. and able to get
back much valuable information on account of the
splendid position mann we were in to observe enem
On night approaching, we, being a detached post
orders were received to withdraw to outpost line in
CLAYMORE trench. Our numbers at this stage being
only two officers (Capt. C.H.Peters, M.C. & Bar and
Licut.P.Malloch) and twentytwo other ranks we were
easily accommodated in dug-outs in this line while
other companies, who up to this time were fresh as
compared to ours, furnished the protection. We were
allowed to sleep with one eye open, as it were, and
this we did after receiving a good nip of rum and a
sumptnous meal.
The following morning our former position in BoNY
Avenue was re-pccupied at an early hour, a sharp look-
out over enemy country being kept by all hands.
Movement in and around B0NY Village was noticed from
our position and at about 8.30 a.m. one of our acro-
planes was fired at by enemy machine gunners from BONY


Friendly patrols were observed moving forward to
establish connection with Southern attack in our
direction but still a long way off.
At about 9 a.m. we moved forward to the attack,
first advancing along the trench about a hundred
yards, afterwards adopting extended order across
Very little opposition was encountered and that
being from enemy artillery fire.
We appeared to be the first unit through the
HINDENBURG Line into BONY, however, it was not long
before men were advancing from all points and this
sight was indeed most wonderful to witness.
On reaching the HINDENBURG Line we experienced
a great feeling of elation together with a sense of
disappointment in regard to the construction of the
trenches from an engineering point of view. We had
all pictures in our mind of these trenches being
tremendously olaborate, now we were actually seeing
exactly what they were. The main features of this
system were the difficult wire entanglements, the
depth of the trenches and the wonderfully built
underground dugouts, which we had an opportunity of
studying later on in the stunt.
We pushed on round the north of the village
across the LE CATALET canal and here encountered an
extremely determined existence, a patrol of a
neighbouring company being wiped right out.
Our company, now only about 20 strong, then dug in,
with 39th Battalion on our left and 33rd on our right.
The signallers played a great part again in this
Turther advance, as they were a very short period of
time behind us with their wire hat laid and apparatus
ready for use. We were therefore in a position to
send back valuable information right away and to
employ our artillery effectivoly in our defence
against the enemy.
A consultation of company commanders was held
which resulted in a decision to consolidate this
line and At Company of the 53rd was despatched to
return the left flank which was open.


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