Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 10
Gilchrist - Bullecourt.
Gilchrist brother ws k at St Quentin
on Sept. 1 1918.
REVEILLE October 1, 1932
23rd Bn. at Mont St. Quentin
Mr. Percy Frost, of the 23rd Bn., A.I.F., proud of his
old unit, thought we had done it an injustice by giving
credit to the 21st Bn. for an exploit which, he contended,
was carried off by the 23rd.
Mr. Frost, of course, had in mind the block published
in last issue showing the 21st Bn. moving from Elsa
trench to the brick wall of Mont St. Quentin. Perhaps
in justice to the 23rd Bn., we should have mentioned that
that unit had also attacked there, but our photograph, we
can definitely assure Mr. Frost, was of the leading wave
of the 21st Bn.
Mr. Frost says: "It was the 23rd Bn. that attacked the wall. I was
with the 23rd when it attacked. 'B' Co. was on the right of the Peronne
Road on the night of August 31, and on the morning of September 1
we crossed the road and Pte. MacTein, who was killed while attacking
an enemy machine gun crew single-handed, was recommended for the V.C.
The machine gun crew was captured.
"We then advanced along a trench towards Mont St. Quentin. We then
came to the brick wall, and three of us - Sgt. Dykes, Lewis Gunner Thompson
and myself - went through the wood to the opposite side to where the
Red Cross huts stood. When we got within 20 yards of one of the huts
a machine gun was opened on us and Thompson was killed, his last
words being addressed to me, 'I'm done, Frosty.'
"We then came back through the wood and waited for a barrage to
open up on the side of the hill, as machine guns were troubling us. While
waiting for the barrage the mine on top of Mont exploded. We finally
took the objective and after being relieved went back to Cappy for a spell.
Lieut. Fred Jenkins was in charge of 'B' Co. during the advance,"
Mont St Q.
H/N. Melbourne
673 Bourke St
8th Sept. 1921
Captn C.E.W. Bean.
Dear Sir.
For some time past I have been disposed
to send to you various accounts of the capture
of Mont St Quentin that I had persuaded
men of the 21st Battn, and comrades of my late
Son Frank to write.
Last evening, when my wife and I were
having tea with Mr & Mrs Caleb Gilbeth, the
latter passed a letter to me saying, "This will
interest you, Robert."! It did :- it was your
letter to Major Treloar, (with whom I had been
discussing War records at the Exhibition earlier
in the day), relative to the attack on Mont
St Quentin and Gilbert's memorial of it.
After my son was killed at Mont
St Quentin, I was anxious to get as full a
report as possible of how he died and sought
out as they returned, many of his former comrades.
When I got into closer association, by various
means, with them I suggested to a number
of them that they should write their experiences
of the attack on Mont St Quentin. Simply, accurately and in
detail, for the benefit of the relatives of those who had fallen-
in the fight. How I persuaded men, who swear they could not
write is quite a sting.. I then got into touch with the next
of Kin of the thirteen men buried together ion the March as shown
in the photograph of the graves, sent herewith. So then I
forwarded copies of what I am sending you and you can realise
how they were appreciated by people starving for news of men
who had died so bravely. To Scotland, Canada, New South Wales,
Country districts in Victoria as well as Melbourne, Copies
were sent - I obtained portraits of the thirteen buried together,
which I am having [[?proudly]] reproduced, from a half line block, and
will distribute prints in the same way; fine manly lads
not a weakling amongst them. A whole Company.
Sir John Monash told me the Capture of Mont
St. Quentin was one of the big things in all history,
and but few knew it. You can tell [[shorthand]] It was the first diggers who did it.
I tried hard to get Sergt. Leverson X.C. to write his
version, but failed.. I am expecting a B. Coy Sgt to call&
see me soon, from where I hope to get an account of B
Coy's experiences, in the centre, between A on the right & C on the left.
After I had sent John Castle's story to
my friend Guy Jones, Editor of the Melbn
Herald, he wrote me saying "I cannot tell
you how much it moved me." He Knew
my son Frank before the War, shortly after
C.J. Dennis was living with him at our
orchard, "Sunnyside," South Sassepras,
where the "Sentimental Bloke was
completed, and where [[?Web]] Gilbert used to
visit us, before he went to England in 1914.
As one of the founders of the Melbourne
Historical Society I hold that historical
records to be worth anything must be
accurate and should have, what Carlyle was so
Keen on, veracity.
For this letter and what accompanies
it, blame your own. If I had not
read it I doubt if I would have written
and because this is much longer than
I intended, like Strome, blame my
pen, not me - "It governs me I govern not it."
Yours faithfully
On Friday the 30th. of August (1918) the 21st. battalion stopped
at a trench in front of a battery of 6" guns manned by English Tommeys,
behind them was a small village, Clery-Sur-Somme; we had been keeping
close up behind the attacking party for several days and the Germans were
making a stand now at Mont St. Quentin. On Saturday, 31st. of August,
we were given the order to prepare to move forward; we got ready, putting
our machine guns on the limbers as they were going to take them as far as
they could for us. We moved off in two's up a road alongside of a canal,
hidden by trees from German observation; we marched on and passed what
looked to be a large wooden bridge or rather the remains of one for the
Germans had burnt it down a few days before, it was still smouldering.
A few hundred yards further, we were halted and sat down along the road
for about an hour - meanwhile the 2nd. Division Engineers were making a
footbridge across the canal for us to go over. We crossed this bridge
in single file and after we had gone about another half mile, we came to
a Battery of 18 Pounders manned by Australians; they had their guns in
the open and were working very hard. We halted there, had our dinner and
took the guns off the limbers and cleaned them, [[the]] limbers had come to
this place by another road. The order then came to move gain and we
moved off in single file along another road. The Germans were trying
hard to shell this road, but most of the shells either fell short or passed
over us; we had some casualties. Our Company (C) was ordered to take
cover at the foot of a hill on the left hand side of the road. All this
time the Germans were shelling hard, some of the shells falling into a
swamp on our right. We then received word we would not move again till
after dark, but early in the evening a shell landed right into where we
were taking cover - wounding Cpl. Les (A.L). Baker, of No 9 Platoons Machine
Gun Section, in the leg. His wound was dressed and he was taken on a
stretcher to a dressing station a few hundred yards down the road, we had
marched up earlier in the evening. Frank Roberts, Roy Smerdon, myself
and a few others were sitting with Cpl. Baker when he was hit; it was
strange being so close together and only the one man getting hit. Some
time later a few of the boys lit a fire and some were sitting and some
standing round it, all talking about the day's work, when a shell landed
in the fire, killing two and wounding several.
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