Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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Hw. Bullecourt Gilchrist clchrists brother ws & at St Quentin T Sept 1918
H October 1, 1932. REVEILLE 23rd Bn. at Mont St. Quentin. 5 5 Mr. Percy Frost, of the 23rd. Bn., A.I.F., proud of his old unit, thought, we had done it an injustice by giving credit to the 21st Bn. for an expleit which, he contended, was carried off by the 23rd. 321 Mr. Frost, of course, had in mind the block published in last issue showing the 2lst Bn. moving from Elsa trench to the brick wall of Mont. St. Quentin. Perhaps in justice to the 23rd Bn., we should have mentioned that that unit had also attacked there, but our photograph, we can definitely assure Mr. Frost, was of the leading wave o of the 21st. Bn. Mr. Frost says: Ie was the, 23rd Bn. that artacked the wall.;. I was with the 23rd when it arcacked. B Co. was on the right of the Per- onne Road on the night of August 31, and on the morning of September 1 we crossed the road and Pte. MacTein, who was killed while arracking an enemy machine sun crew single handed, was recommended for the V.C. The machine gun crew was captured. We then advanced along a trench towards Mont St. Quencin. We chen came to the brick wall, and three of us—Sgr. Dykes, Lewis Gunner Thomp- son and myself—went through the wood to the opposite side to where the Red Cross hues scood. When we got within 20 yards of one of the hure a machine gun was opened on us and Thompson was killed, his last words being addressed to me, Tm done, Froscy. We then came back through the wood and waiced for a barrage to open up on the side of the hill, as machine guns were croubling us. While waiting for the barrage the mine on rop of Mont exploded. We finally took the objective and after being relieved weat back to Cappy for a spell. Lieut. Fred Jenkins was in charge of B Co. during the advance.
Mont St Melporome X 673 Bawke S 8th Sept. 1921 Captn. C. C. W. Pean. Dear Sir For some time past I have been disposed. to send to you various accounts of he Caphme of Mront S Quentin that I had persuaded men of the 21st Bathn, and Commds of my late Son Fank, to write Last evening, when my wife and Twece Lamptea with Mr MMs Closb Gilberty he latter passed a letter to me saying, this wall interest you Robats.! It did: - it was your letter to Major Iloar, (with whom I had been discussing Nar records at the Ehibition earlie in he day), relative to the attack on Mont D Quentin and Gilberts Memorial of it After my son was killed at Bront At Quentin I was anxious to get as full a repot as pissible of ha he died and sought out as hey returned Many of his Jormer Cmrade When I fot into closer association by arons means, with them I suggested to a number of them that they swould write therr efirence
of he attack on Mnt S Quentinn, Dimply, accuratly and in detail, for the benefit of the relatives of hse who had faller. in the fight. Nw I persuaded men, who suvre they could not write is quite a sto. I then got into touch with he next of him of the trusteen men buried together on the Brount as shown in he phitopaph of he graves, sent herewith. To trem I Inwarded Copies of what I am sending you and you can realise now tey were appreciated by people starg for heus of men who had died so bravely. To Scokand Kanada Nuwr Donth Wall Country districts in Victona as well as Melboume Copies win senty– I obtained partraits of the thiisteen buried together which I am having ginely reproduced) from a half tie Flock and fe manly Jase will distutute prento in the same way not a weakling amongst them. A noble Company. Drr John Monish told me the Capture of Mont St Quentin was me of the b things in all histon and but few knew it. You can tell i. It was the fortologers who did it. Kned Lard tofet Beyh Rowerson V.c to wite his version, but failed. I am &pecting a B. Coy Sp to call & see me soon, from whom I hope to gct an account of B Coy's expeniences in the Centr beloeen At on the right &con he left LIAA
3 After I had sent John Caskesstony Co my friend Guy Jmes Editor of te Helln. Heralt, he wrote me saying. I cannot tell you how much it moved me! He knew my son wank before he was sturty after C. J. Dennes was living with him at our, orchard Hurmyside Dark Dassepas when the Bentimental Bloke was Completed, and where Ircb filberly used to virl us, before he went to England) in 1914. to one of the founders of the Melbone Astrical Dociety I hold thal histrical reords to be work anytig must be Shonls ascovrate and have, what Carlyle was so keen on Veracity. For this letter and what accompanies it, blame yor am. If I had not read it I doubt if I would have written and because his is much longe than I intended, like stome, blame my pen, not me- It swerns me I forer not it Yours faithfully Sr Hberts
At MORE SE. RUENTE On Friday the 30th. of August (1918) the 21st. Battalion stopped at a trench in front of a battery of 6 guns manned by English Tomneys, behind them was a small Willage, Clery-Sur-Somme; we had been keeping alose up behind the attacking party for several days and the Germans were making a stand now at Mont St. Quentin. On Saturday, 31st. of August, we were given the order to prepare to move forward; we got ready, putting our machine guns on the limbers as they were going to take them as far as they could for us. We moved off in twos up a road alongside of a canal, hidden by trees from German observation; we marched on and passed what looked to be a large wooden bridge or rather the remains of one for the Germans had burnt it down a few days before, it was still smouldering. A few hundred yards further, we were halted and sat down along the road for about an hour - meanwnile the 2nd. Division Engineers were making a We crossed this bridge Pootbridge across the canal for us to go over. in single file and after we had gone about another half mile, we came to a Battery of 18 Pounders manned by Australlans; they had their guns in the open and were working very hard. We halted there, nad our dinner and The Limbers had come to took the guns off the limbers and cleaned them The order theMrcaty to move again and we this place by another road. The Ermans were trying moved of f in single file along another road. hard to shell this road, but most of the shells either fell short or passed over us; we had some casualities. Our Company (C Ras ordered to take cover at the foot of a hill on the left hand side of the road. All this time the Germans were shelling hard, some of the shells falling into a swamp on our right. We then received word we would not move again till after dark, but early in the evening a shell landed right into where we were taking cover - wounding Cpl. Les (A.L) Paker, of No 9 Platoonk Machine His wound was dressed and he was taken on a Gun Section, in the leg. stretcher to a dressing station a few hundred yards down the road, we had marched up earlier in the evening. Frank Roberts, Roy Smerdon, myself and a few others were sitting with Cpl. Baker when he was hit; it was Some strange being so close together and only the one man getting hit. time later a few of the boys lit a fire and sone were sitting and some standing round it, all talking about the day's work, when a shell landed ir the fire, killing two and wounding several. The two men killed. belonged to another Battalion that had just came up to us - one of the wounded men was a 21st. man, but 1 forget his name.,Our tea was then brought to us on the limbers; we had left the cooks behind at the place where we had dinner. After tea the order came to move again, the Germans were not shelling so badly now, and we moved in single file, in Sections along a road, which led to a village named Halle. We turned to our right on to a railway line and followed the line till we came to a cutting where we were told to halt. As we were going to stay for the night, we got to Work to make what we call a possy; it was very hard work and when we had just about finished, we were told we had been brought to the wrong place. We were taken back about a hundred yards domn the railway line, then we turned to our left into an old trench in front of Mont St. Quentin; here we again set to work to make ourselves a possy so as to snatch a few winks if we had the chance. We had to do a certain length of time each at Gas Guard. Mewene hald the Sth Bnigade mone soing oven in the merning Gestenben ist and we wone insuppert to them. The 23rd. Battalion were ahead of us - it is hard to say exactly where, as it was so very derk. Early on It was morning before we could tell where we were ourselves. the morning of September lst. - Sunday, we were standing to, waiting for Everything was fairly quiet, until our guns our artillery to open up. opened up, then the Germans guns replied and some of the ir shells came very close to our trench, but we were lucky we got only a few casualities, Mont St. Quentin was c pturedfy he ind they belonged to another Company. 5t Du put the Germans Counter-attacked and recaptured it. While waiting in the trench, a lot of German prisoners came down about fifty yards off, and Ted Heath, who was with his chun, Frank Roberts, went over to see if he could get a souvenir off them, as Ted and Frank were both great souvenir hunters. The order was passed round to us to prepare to move at a We went across open country in Artillery formation, and moments notice. when we had gone about half a mile, a mine (German) exploded - we had just passed over in time; the ground shook and flew in all directions; a wire The Germans were using was found later leading to this mine, a trip wire. their machine guns on us now as we were making for a communication trench which led into a trench from where we were going to hop over. We lay
2- down to take cover from the machine guns and while the Germahs stopped to put a fresh belt on their gun, we ran to the trench in parties of threes. One man (whom I did not know) was killed while running for the trench. We went along this trench till we joined the 23rd. Battalion; we had to keep domn the while as the Germans were playing along it with their gun. A Lieutenant was killed with a builet in the head, as 1 went past him, thought it was Lieut. Gonese7. We managed to get where we wanted to without We were then told that we were going over the top Turther casualities. The Artillery fired an Isolating Barrage at half-past one (in daytime). for one hour before we went over; we moved around to our hopping off The first thing I noticed position, word came time and over we went. was a man taking a photograph of us as we went over. C. Company was attacking on the left of the village of Mont St I noticed Quentin, our Platoon No 9 on the extreme left of the Company. a broken brick wall to our right as we advanced and we all fired at a German as he ran from the ruins of the village, but he was a long way off, We advanced in single file and were all in good humour, talking with one We did another, and Frank Roberts called out to me -all right Jack. not meet with any ovposition until we had gone through a small wood. In this wood my attention was drawn to an Australian lying on a stretcher he was calling to me for stretcher bearers, I called back to him that there would be some coming behind us, he had been lying there since the last attack on the village. I noticed that by the colours of his tunic. After we passed where he was lying, we began to meet with heavy fire from the A pal of mine (Roy (A.R) Smerdon) was No 1 on the German Machine Guns. Machine Gun of our Platoon, I was No 2, Frank Roberts No 3 and -- Tognulla We noticed on our left, a German Machine Gun Crew, firing across No 4. The Machine Gun team of which were Ted(C.E., Heath Nol, the frent of us. (W. T. Rabling No 2, A. E. Kelly No 3, I forget the name of the fourth man, ion to No 10 Platoon on our right, Roy Smerdon held his gun in front of him and bringing it with a sweep as he fired, put the German Gun out of We then noticed another post from action, as we saw a little later on. where some Germans were firing, but as Roy could not get at them from where we were, as we were going up an incline at the time, he got me to stand altor so that he could rest the gun on my shoulder, and that worked well. Roy Ao We came to a German st rongepost in a crater, Bid good work with his gun. The Germans were throwing bombs over at us. Tit was held very strongly. They could just get them over, and we were held up on account of these bombs. Sergeant Lowerson, who get the V.C. came over to us from No 10 Platoon, and saw we were held up and gave us the order to bomb them and When close to the edpe of crater with Sergeant then rush the position. Lowerson, Roy Smerdon, who was on my left, could not get the pins out of his bombs quick enough for his liking, as he had his machine gun in one hand, which made it awkward, so I straightened the pins for him. noticed another pal of mine, Frank Roberts (on my right) fall, I knelt over him and said Well Rob has he got you7 He said yesr and after that, straighten out my legs, Jack, which I did, as he was in an uncomforaable position, and he died, as soon as he finished speaking to me, and before 1 left him. I was with him no longer than two minutes. He was hit by a piece of German bomb apparently on the right side, as there was blood there. What made him ask me to straighten his legs, I do not know, unless it was on account of the peculiar position in which we two once found a dead We threw a few more bombs and Roy Smerdon fell, hit in the Australian. chest with a piece of German bomb; he seened to be in great pain and said, give me a drink of water, Jack, but I could not give it to him, as we were told never to give a man water if he were wounded in the chest or stomach; it was hard to refuse him, but 1 did it for the best; thought he might be saved, but died later. We had just taken the strong There were no stretcher bearers to be seen post as Roy Smerdon fell. I went to take Roy's revolver ofKnemhim, but it seemed to anywhere. hurt him so left it, but took his Machine Gun and fired half a magazine into some Germans, who were running from the strong-post, but I had a I was the only one left out of Roy Smerdon's Gun Team. stoppage. L(Cpl. Kelly came over to me from the right of the crater just as the crater was taken; he had Ted Heath's Gun with him. I heardlater, Ted We fixed Roy's gun and left Ted's gun, and as we had gone ont wounded. were running to get into a trench to join Sargeant Vic. Edwards, Kelly was hit in the leg by a Machine Gun builet; he took cover in a shell hole, (hoen oo of Roven)
but must have gone afterwards to where Rov was lying and got hit again. I could not believe it when I heard Kelly Killed, but I saw him later 1 Joined Sergeant Edwards and Pte.GS.H. EDobson lying near the crater who went to see if he could get any stretcher-bearers, but could not. Two 24th. Battalion stretcher-bearers came along the: trench and we told them where our wounded were lying. Sergeant Our Platoon did not have an of ficer in charge of it. T. H. Wignall, was in charge of us - he was wounded in the stomach and hand, and went out. He spoke to me as he passed, but he seemed very much Pte. N.JT. Norwood was wounded in the shoulder. He shook hands in pain. with me as he went out and we wished each ot her good luck. I did Bert Bulluss was also wounded by a bullet in the leg. not see Tognulla after we had taken the crater. He went more to the right Just after we had captured of it carrying Machine Gun Ammunition. the crater, three of our own Stokes Mortars landed close to us, one right The one that landed into into the Crater and two on the right of it. the crater, wounded one of our Sergeants, named Smith, in the hand. It was after we came through the wood that we met any opposition from the Germans, we came into open country then and were advancing up an incline to a crater: from the wood to the crater would be between 70 and 80 yards. The Germans started to throw bombs over at us, when we, were about 20 yards off the crater; it was then that our men began to fall. I noticed one of our men, named May, rush a German Machine Gun, but he fell wounded None of He was only a boy and had not long been with us. in doing so. us knew where we were going or how far we had to go; we did not know On the night of September lst. a lot of men where our objective was. balonging to the 7th. Brigade were sent up to take out our wounded, but it would be hard to find a lot of them in the dark, - they were lying around everywhere. That night, what was left of our Battalion and the 24th. Battn. held the line. Re. Rabling and myself were the only two left out of two gun teams - we were taking it in turns, one had an hour on the gun, while the other one rested. When it was dark, Sergesh! Edwards and Rabling went bask and got Ted Heath's gun - Dobson was put onas a runner that The Germans were shelling us with their 5.A, one landed right night. in our trench not far from Rabling and myself, killing some 24th. Battn. A party of men from the 7th. Brigade was sent up to carry out our men. The Germans came over in planes and dropped bombs around where wounded. Next morning, Monday Sept. 2nd. the 7th. Brigade went through we were. Our us and moved the Germans further on, leaving us in reserve again, Company was put into some big German dug-outs. On Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 3rd. we started to bury our dead; we also buried some dead Germans, to which I was detailed, that were lying about; only a few of us at a time could go out, because we were under observation from the German ob- Eleven of our men were buried side by side in one servation Balloons. grave; a big cross was made out of timber in the dug-out and a piece of biscuit tin nailed on to it. Each man’s name was punched on the tim with a nail by Pte. A. Green, the cross was then carried over and put np- There was no burial service as far as I know, as we were still under shorl We had then to get all the Machine Guns together, which we fire. had captured from the Germans, we carried them out to the road, and Dobson remained with them to help to load them, and they were carried away on the transports that brought up our rations. We were relieved and went back to a place named Cappy for a spell, which lasted a month. The 2lst. finished their fighting after taking Mont Brehain Oct. 5th. I was wound- ed in that attack and never joined the Battalion again as after Mont Brahain, it was so reduced in strength that it was absorbed into another Battalion. On November 11th. the Armistice was signed. No 4385. t his lesss is mor at Pte. John Castle the Melboune Exhotition No 9 Platoon, Angli Was Muscum 9 C. Company, 19/2 10/1/20 2lst. Battalion, A.L.F. Dathong 16 Hall St West Brunsarek- Kelboumne
nearle t 20 EUI Farely two and a half months before the freat War ended, the battle or Tight for the high ground, Hent ft.Quentin which cominated Ferenne, lasted three days. Press reperts that I have seen, in describing the operation, referred to it as the biggent plece of bluff in the war. Writers also said that our lesses were the saalleat that an attacking parly had suffered. Both of these atatenents are likely to be very wislending. The first fustralian assault upon this great Cernan strongheld was launched by ene af the 5th Brigade Units on the merning of Taturday with the assistance of a barrage they hopped aver 31st August 1918. Although they reached their objectives, and accomplished at Caybreak. ruch, they were unable to held the cround they had ven. Pefore a strong rell orgenised German countereat lack, they were driven back, and ferced from the ruins of the village. keeching a sunken road at the foot of the Fent, they made a stand, end repulsed two were countsreattacks, inflicting heavy loases. The operation having failed, and the necessity of taking the pesition being urgent, two more Australian Battalions (2½rd and 24th), were taken forward under cover of darkness that night. At daybreat next merning, Sunday lst Saptember, these units made a most determined at tack, and success was almost achieved, but, oving to rather heavy leases in Officers and men, the attack broke dern, and the Rens still retained pessession of the high ground. All this time, during both attacks, our Pattalion, the 2ist, had been in reserves, slightly in the rear. The shelling from the Germen 5.9 ouns was very severe, and we had nany anxicus rements during the night of the Jlst. Upon the merning of the second attack, whilst we were vaiting in a railway cutting, we had an oppertunity of sccing the rounded coming batk. In mixed groups, Huns and Tussiefs, helping one anether in turnt, noved elowly to Clearing Gtatiens in the rear. re were greatly enceuraged by the right of batches of German prisoners coming in. Is each Hun agpeared, a crosd of Tiegars would rush forward from their trencher, and in spite of the shells that were falling fast, subject each prisoner to a therough search, (ratting for souvenirs). From our Te then heard own wounded we received word that the attack had failed. that there was a pessibility of our Pattalien baing called in, for a third attempt; this proved to be correct. in due course we neved forward in artillery jormation. The ground over which we advanced war dead level, and we ware under direct ebser- vation from the enemy positions at the tep of Fent St.Quentin. The Cermans were now Tully reused, and as we want forsard, we were aubjected to heavy pachine gun fire, and it was a mest difficult task to reach the shallew German commnication trenches, lending up to the foot of the Fent itself. as we advanced, the intensity of the enemy fire increased, and with one accord ve all started to run for cover. Just as our Company (C), resched a broadegange railway line, a big land mine expleded, and threw a volume of dirt and metal a couple of hundred fest into the air. Although we falt the concussion from the explesion, we did not sustsin any casualties. The Hun who fired the mine, evidently pade a miseal- culation, for the mine expleded come acconds too soon. The machins gun fire was now deadly, and man were falling upon every eide. 14 was co bad that we were again compelled to seek rhelter in another old Cerman trench. Here we had a rest. Getting into this particular trench, one man loaded with various things, teak a running header from the railray lihe, and did not stop rolling till he reached the botton of the tranch. Surveying the country from this trench, ve ceuld sea our rounded from the sernings atiack still lying abeut, and later we had to pass by many the were badly battered. I say one ran cravling back to the dressing station with his richt leg off at the rnee. Nis one conplaint was that his Tagst had run out. Reveiving a smoke from one of the beys, he centinued on his way aniling. A light barrage of shragnel broke upon us at this stage, but luckily no one was hit. & Thilst sheltering in this shallew trench, Lieut A. Cernitf cane along and intermed us that we were to attack at 1.10 p.m. The rennants of the 23rd and 24th Battalions had been collected, and they were to hop ever with us.
(2). The trench from which the attack opened, presented a terrible sicht. Kany dead, both Cerman and Australian, were lying about. Our light Trench Fertars epened out on to the places where opposing machine gun posts had been located. As these started to land, the Hun gave us a fireworks display, numbers of green and white flares being fired into the air. While re watched these flares, the order cane Over with the best of luckc. Velling and rheuting, the men of the 21at Pattalien rushed to the attack. Each man seemed to realise that we were going to have a tough Tisht. The ruins of the houses in the village had been converted into a series of strongerests. In ruined houses and behind broken walls, the Germans were vaiting for us. in spite of the sweeping fire from hundreds of machine guns, the beys centinued en. Then the Huns saw that we cguld not be held, they forsook their guns and started to run. Fre they could reach their trenches furthe back, they were mown down with deadly rifle and Levis gun fire. Rey Imerdon in our plateen (No. 9), did great work,nttk hix xnx using his oun from the hip on the hoee principss. having driven the enemy from their outpests, we pressed forward in batte heart, in spite of the numerous gaps in our ranks. Our next difficulty came in the shape of a rather thick weed, and we cut our way through the undergrewth, pushing nearer to the main line of resistance. hs we cleared or mopped up all opposition on thex ground, we were subjected to heavy machine gun fire from positions that had been estab- lished in the trees. The men whe manned these posts had a not reception when noticed, and were quickly ellenced. The at tacking parties were now very weak, and wounded were making their way back. The scene at this stage was one that I shall never forget. Cerman dead, wounded, and also aound Huns lay everywhere, In saps, bays of tranches, and all such places which afforded protection, dead and wounded lay hudrled together in heaps, the wounded arying out for aasistance. Those Runs whe had survived, in attempting tocescape were shot in their tracks, Egt. v. Edwards putting in some dendly shoeting, saying - there's another bastard -- got him:c-tanother and co on, as sach phet teok effect. Many of our corrades by this time had passed out, Roy merdon, after Going magnificent cork, fell mertally wounded, and as Jack Castle atceped to assist him he murmured Don't Jack, it hurts. Set. Vignall, our Platoen Cormander, after leading us with good Jusgment, fell, weunded in the stemach. He was in great pain, but still perristed in directing the attack as best he ceuld. Placins him upon a German blanket, Arch. Green and I carried him to safety, where he received first aid attention from a captured Cerman Red Cress man. Cetting back to our plateon, or what rerained of it, we percasved that our job was not yet finished, the Runs in their main pesitien, which was yet unteuched, being full of fight. In our Irmediate frent was a great mine crater which was absolutely lined with machine guns. This was the key position of the defensive works, and it had so far resitted all attempts to take it. Te reach this it was necessary to rush acress about 60 yards of dead level ground. As we rushed forward to take it, the machine gun fire increased, causing many casuslties among us. We were also subjected to a shower of broom-handle bombs, (erudmashers). Those of us who survived these were compelled to beat a retreat to a trench in rear. It was in this rush that Frank Poberts Tell, and died within two minutes. Several of our wounded mates were lying out between us and the Huns, and, true to their name, the Huns opened fire on these poor helpless men with machine suns and revolvers. At this time things were looking real bad for us. Te had no idea how matters were going upon our right and left, as no cormuniention had been received from either. There seemed to be a possitility of the whele attack breaking down. The four of us whe were sheltering in the trench facing the crater did not feel strong enough to have another co (Jact Cratle, v. T. Fabling, Pay and myself). Being reinforced by three others including Egt. Lowerson, it was decided to wake a last offort. At a word from the Egt. we charged again. Nachine gun bullets were whistling through the air, bowbs were coming thick and fast. German Undercafficers fired revelvers point blank at the little band as it charged up the hill, the splendid exanple set by Set. Lowerson ineviring us all. Running right up to the edge of the crater, Lowerson hurled his Wills bombs fairly in the middle or the Each of us in pessession of bembs did llkevise with ror: effect Hars Est. Loverson received a round in 1n 1eg emins Csually to


Gilchrist - Bullecourt.

Gilchrist brother ws k at St Quentin

on Sept. 1 1918.





REVEILLE             October 1, 1932

23rd Bn. at Mont St. Quentin

Mr. Percy Frost, of the 23rd Bn., A.I.F., proud of his

old unit, thought we had done it an injustice by giving

credit to the 21st Bn. for an exploit which, he contended,

was carried off by the 23rd.

Mr. Frost, of course, had in mind the block published

in last issue showing the 21st Bn. moving from Elsa

trench to the brick wall of Mont St. Quentin. Perhaps

in justice to the 23rd Bn., we should have mentioned that

that unit had also attacked there, but our photograph, we

can definitely assure Mr. Frost, was of the leading wave

of the 21st Bn.

Mr. Frost says: "It was the 23rd Bn. that attacked the wall. I was

with the 23rd when it attacked. 'B' Co. was on the right of the Peronne

Road on the night of August 31, and on the morning of September 1

we crossed the road and Pte. MacTein, who was killed while attacking

an enemy machine gun crew single-handed, was recommended for the V.C.

The machine gun crew was captured.

"We then advanced along a trench towards Mont St. Quentin. We then

came to the brick wall, and three of us - Sgt. Dykes, Lewis Gunner Thompson 

and myself - went through the wood to the opposite side to where the

Red Cross huts stood. When we got within 20 yards of one of the huts

a machine gun was opened on us and Thompson was killed, his last

words being addressed to me, 'I'm done, Frosty.'

"We then came back through the wood and waited for a barrage to

open up on the side of the hill, as machine guns were troubling us. While

waiting for the barrage the mine on top of Mont exploded. We finally

took the objective and after being relieved went back to Cappy for a spell.

Lieut. Fred Jenkins was in charge of 'B' Co. during the advance,"




Mont St Q.

H/N.                        Melbourne

                                673 Bourke St

                                8th Sept. 1921

Captn C.E.W. Bean.

Dear Sir.

For some time past I have been disposed

to send to you various accounts of the capture

of Mont St Quentin that I had persuaded

men of the 21st Battn, and comrades of my late

Son Frank to write.

Last evening, when my wife and I were

having tea with Mr & Mrs Caleb Gilbeth, the

latter passed a letter to me saying, "This will

interest you, Robert."! It did :- it was your

letter to Major Treloar, (with whom I had been

discussing War records at the Exhibition earlier

in the day), relative to the attack on Mont

St Quentin and Gilbert's memorial of it.

After my son was killed at Mont

St Quentin, I was anxious to get as full a

report as possible of how he died and sought

out as they returned, many of his former comrades.

When I got into closer association, by various

means, with them I suggested to a number

of them that they should write their experiences




of the attack on Mont St Quentin. Simply, accurately and in

detail, for the benefit of the relatives of those who had fallen-

in the fight. How I persuaded men, who swear they could not

write is quite a sting.. I then got into touch with the next

of Kin of the thirteen men buried together ion the March as shown 

in the photograph of the graves, sent herewith. So then I

forwarded copies of what I am sending you and you can realise

how they were appreciated by people starving for news of men

who had died so bravely. To Scotland, Canada, New South Wales,

Country districts in Victoria as well as Melbourne, Copies

were sent - I obtained portraits of the thirteen buried together,

which I am having [[?proudly]] reproduced, from a half line block, and

will distribute prints in the same way; fine manly lads

not a weakling amongst them. A whole Company.

Sir John Monash told me the Capture of Mont

St. Quentin was one of the big things in all history,

and but few knew it.  You can tell [[shorthand]] It was the first diggers who did it.

I tried hard to get Sergt. Leverson X.C. to write his

version, but failed.. I am expecting a B. Coy Sgt to call&

see me soon, from where I hope to get an account of B

Coy's experiences, in the centre, between A on the right & C on the left.




After I had sent John Castle's story to

my friend Guy Jones, Editor of the Melbn

Herald, he wrote me saying "I cannot tell

you how much it moved me." He Knew

my son Frank before the War, shortly after

C.J. Dennis was living with him at our

orchard, "Sunnyside," South Sassepras,

where the "Sentimental Bloke was

completed, and where [[?Web]] Gilbert used to

visit us, before he went to England in 1914.

As one of the founders of the Melbourne

Historical Society I hold that historical

records to be worth anything must be

accurate and should have, what Carlyle was so

Keen on, veracity.

For this letter and what accompanies

it, blame your own. If I had not

read it I doubt if I would have written

and because this is much longer than

I intended, like Strome, blame my

pen, not me - "It governs me I govern not it."

Yours faithfully






On Friday the 30th. of August (1918) the 21st. battalion stopped

at a trench in front of a battery of 6" guns manned by English Tommeys,

behind them was a small village, Clery-Sur-Somme; we had been keeping

close up behind the attacking party for several days and the Germans were

making a stand now at Mont St. Quentin. On Saturday, 31st. of August,

we were given the order to prepare to move forward; we got ready, putting

our machine guns on the limbers as they were going to take them as far as

they could for us. We moved off in two's up a road alongside of a canal,

hidden by trees from German observation; we marched on and passed what

looked to be a large wooden bridge or rather the remains of one for the

Germans had burnt it down a few days before, it was still smouldering.

A few hundred yards further, we were halted and sat down along the road

for about an hour - meanwhile the 2nd. Division Engineers were making a

footbridge across the canal for us to go over. We crossed this bridge

in single file and after we had gone about another half mile, we came to

a Battery of 18 Pounders manned by Australians; they had their guns in

the open and were working very hard. We halted there, had our dinner and

took the guns off the limbers and cleaned them, [[the]] limbers had come to

this place by another road. The order then came to move gain and we

moved off in single file along another road. The Germans were trying

hard to shell this road, but most of the shells either fell short or passed

over us; we had some casualties. Our Company (C) was ordered to take

cover at the foot of a hill on the left hand side of the road. All this

time the Germans were shelling hard, some of the shells falling into a

swamp on our right. We then received word we would not move again till

after dark, but early in the evening a shell landed right into where we

were taking cover - wounding Cpl. Les (A.L). Baker, of No 9 Platoons Machine

Gun Section, in the leg. His wound was dressed and he was taken on a

stretcher to a dressing station a few hundred yards down the road, we had

marched up earlier in the evening. Frank Roberts, Roy Smerdon, myself

and a few others were sitting with Cpl. Baker when he was hit; it was

strange being so close together and only the one man getting hit. Some

time later a few of the boys lit a fire and some were sitting and some

standing round it, all talking about the day's work, when a shell landed

in the fire, killing two and wounding several.


























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Kimberley Hayes Kimberley Hayes
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