Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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10. bullets were flying around. There was much sport that morning firing at the retreating Huns, and Nimmo’ Smith does good work with the Lewis gun. At night the men were all placed in the dugouts and the line was held with machine-gum posts, who were relieved every two hours or so. Fritz bombarded, and the enemy planes came across and dropp ed many bombs that night. Of course No. 2929 was in it all. At night No. 2880 was out bith the machine guns with Hill Brown and Herb Heathcote and assisting in patrols. Nobody expected any food to be brought up that night, but it came along for all that, thanks to Hector Blanchmange (Sergt. Sutherland) the quarter master. That night or rather early next day the 2nd Division came through, and the battalion was relieved, and went back as far as the Hindenburg Line and stayed there for a couple of days. This was on 2/10118. The dead lay all over the place, and some of the large dugouts were full of hun dead, with a notice at the entrance to that effect. on 4/10 a move was made to Rosiel, and four days later Doignt was reached, and the men entrained at Peronne to go right out to Oisement for a well earned spell. Though they knew it not, they haddone their last stunt....
hed a Soue date Aug 23 - 28, 1918 Cent Christian. Battle of Proyart. Cheistian's company of the 59th was about 25t pom the German trenches. They had been promised (or were Expecting) relief when they were told they beest stay in longer. They were then ordered to attack the fermans a head of them. Crristin sergeant who went along, told him that they would not. The man sumply saied it couldnt be done & they wouldne'd do it. Christian said" "it has gob to be dose"? "Well they would do it Christian said "Sent them along to we, He got a trend laddes, & after telling the men what he thought of the matter he said Well. In going myself. He had nearly reached the a little actor toe of the laddes - he was about 8 stone weight & swall in all divscusions - when a beg hand got him by the paints & pulled him down o the men went over. A number of them were scuppered.
28 Dofft Firamurn 27/11/40. FN. Cappy Auy 25. 1918. Historian Victoria Barracks Paddington. Dear Sir ke your queries of 14th Nov. 1940 you have everything correct. Layt date of biobh was 16th April 1883. Ealisted at Townsville, but was working & living at Duchess Via CConcurry N.Q My work was Coffernuning I contracting on the Subeman Creekrailway. yes; I was defivitely in charge of 7 Company, 9th Bn on 256h August 1918. Captain Farmer of the 9th Omled the Coy to the front line but was wonded badly in the hand in the forenoon. I being then 2nd in Cond took Charge, Major James was in Command of the 9th Bn. He and Imade a daylight reconnarssance to the outskink of Cathyvillage. I kept my compony concealed by daylight. Ithen made an early morning personal reconnarssance about 4 am I decided he advance through Cappy I disregand orders to disengage that village. Irung Brigadir Gen. Gordon-Bennett dwect I hold him Twas
AUS7 goig to dissegard the order with his peomstin He said: what is it like in front I said Gibralte, but I expected to advance on this voute with libble opposition. He relleed: aloight do your best King. I advanced through Capty to the Chalk hit taking a gun & several machine guns I was then held jup. As this was the 9th Bn Objective. I repooted all well the M Conds, I had posted a senyt & hotrol on my reghta Cookl &hatrol on by left. The Germans were sixpised as they expected we to flank the village to the right or left; instead I went straight through the middle. If possible I world like to bay a wibute to mayor James in the Daglight reconnassance He was the bravest of the brave The official pholograbler too was wonderful. I had never before seen one in the very front line & trust your queries are answered satisfactorily. an a poor writer as I have very ltlle poactici Yours Laythully JKing
HN. 2331 4. Aruary 194 Aug 26. 1918. My dear Charles Edwrd. thank you kindly though I am sorry to hear there was no meeting the las before he started his adrantine inth Plant, Moreorers mnld deady tore say 36 or by the lrdhan 160 hours with you over the present war and our share in it. It not much use writing, too long and so much turns on how one says it. I am grateful that the old cot did not have a special sectim of the B to qiven the pitt for histing and possibly despatches. tonching the first part of your letter & have inly my recollections and impressions and no stimule in the my of corsc here. the peniod ending with Mr.S Quentin was one in which minash airily diore of his some what one sided bayans I am leaving gon dirsim vy the kires without shef and later yon will have a cone will you mues keep levet with the main body of the corps. the placing of Heasuarters ws abrrays a me bear to an 9.10. seemed to me in clined to side the ster at a distance and I remember playing the old hand at nnows in distances from has Bde t Br. Iwish I stent time after the aimistice in recording statisticsit after aoof. she thing the connted was forward K.M. ponded that it was well slly manne. I remember my will the complication 2 3 sr communicatim & ay chief recmeetion of mearalls was his enctim of the 9th 111 haisen officers! There are so many fctin to k taken ino acconnt in reprning to a sngave command gevten. Euc a den at se May a phr can atter to go up as Roertson did. nithout taking undue will bnt you cauld ao recommend this wth an untired man
I me nor then isteted to wan you hin atone ae at an and I dont carn you your tark in the samne of histry Aen can imagine my feelings when I got back that day is. as soon as it was clear the nos failes" that I must be mistalklen because the uss hat depante rejurt oc. There ought to be on record (3 Dinsion) a very heated discussion between Monust ayself. Less asked are next day if the transcript was to be recored. Cin the 3rd dim a shorthand tad alomys listened in to record ko. internewrs.- to which I said let her go- Gallagher ? It must be a cerions feet that you will soon wiits yiuis? to a lifes work with the acond satisfaction that it is not only will done but that asbodyy else conld have done it that way I used to think that the really happy man was the las wo built a decent lridge or laid out a good foat. But I hem realise the power of a clean fen, arien bn a seetter after Mto justum at tenaceen. and I teekin the mster of even one worth while book is 17.- now apply your mattrmaticn dy. health is very qiveen- I sleep very badty & get I suppose Parciage 5hours (not all at once). eat enough and keep any neight at 136 stone sometimes I putt giing aphill sometimes art. I have not been mrking with ey little hands but shall soon start again. I can do 5 wiles comfortable and possibly 10 if asked and the neather is cool Tamper mus a ht not over ABC writies gorenacent extravagance and my own baull balanc, fend the role of a were spectater very haid, &see no chance of vene allowed to do anything from nwe dove is the famiy yours en Pellibrand
(Abany 25, 1918 Cant. Mahoney at Clery Wood. Tent Masterman's Account. Clery wood had to be taken H Mahony's Coy of the 40th was given the job. It was about 30 stron. There was to be a barrage but they waited & as no barroge came after about 10 mintes (ater te appto tie it was decided togo on with the attack without it. The wood was approached by a trench running thus Very couse N2 They went up XC & at C Mahoney detached sengt Masterman with abt 5 men & a tgun to go up CA while the man party went up C.B. Mastermen went up to A. & got his gun going (to cover the other party He could hear a german machine-gun in action, the front of the wood, which was, abowasly well manner. The gun awas chearl firy at the other party. Peetly they observed tien of theC other party going back wounded -they could see them passing ashalow part of the other truch. Masterman saw one officer - HC (I forget the neae -Icraik? going along it nursing a wounded arm. accordingly wtho he sent across to the others or they to him – I think a messanger from them came to him & begged him to come over & support them as they were in a bad way. He crept along a cross trech (shown in the sketch) & found their treck dreadful with deadmen. As he got there one man next to him fell shot through the head. Serdt Crey was in ofth oter past commany, & told him that Mahoney had gove ahead to reconnoitie. along the other bransd of the trench, to B, & had been shot & asked masterman if he would gor out with him & bray him in. They crawled up the trench goey & Masterman - M. crawled over mahoney's body & they began to bring him in. He was practicate dead. After they had gone a little way, Mahoney being dead, it becaue clear they could not get him in to they left him & dicided to goback alone. masterman being beyond Mahoney had to crawlover,
his body which made him slow. When he got back to 2, he found no one there but in the brunch were a number of rifles. He looked out to see what was heppeacy, + saw just at that moment a namber of fermans coming out from the wood, counter -attacking, in extended or d He picket up a rifle. thinking that his own people were somewhere about) + began feing, but presently it famoued. He accordingly began to make off along a trench, when a stiel bomb fell in front of him. He turned back before it burst + botted the other way, when too more fell jast in front of him. He jumped out of the trench into a shell-holl, + lay quiet when another bomb fell on the lip of the crate. He waited to be blown to bits, but the explosion only dayed him. As he recovered hod tooked up he saw two, fermans madery towards him to bagonet him but an officer or NCO saw something about gefangener & stopped them from killing him. He was kindly enough treated in all the posion camps of the Germancommer camp. id has ma discovering on nr. a Camera, which he had managed to carry through to ao porson-connp (A. had a special pocket for it), took it away; he hever expected to see it again but it was recorded & returned to him at the end of the war.
Note. 43rd Bn. Clery (obtained at Bn Hgrs on day of battle.) 43rd Bn took over line along Kt St Quentin Bapaume rd along the whole divisional front. The order was:- 42 43 44 42 already had a company in with the right Bdr. There was very heavy fighting in the Bouchavesnes trenches. Got old Quarry and 2 Farm - lost it again. German clattacked 10th Bd: 3 times (according to their account) and they knocked him back. Fiuni and Scutari trenches ((present position7) 174 Bde at angle. T onnies started at 44S. 11th Bd. at 5.30. 2nd Aust. Divn at 6 am. Tonnies cane along well and took all their ob- Jectives, and G ot through with heavy casualties to old line beyond Bouch avesnes. The 3 rd Divn got to Allaine. The Germans en filaded the 43rd Bn from Mt St Q. But the 2nd Divn took Mt St Q. at 2 pm. The 4 3rd were on their objective by Tam. The barrage wa 5 minutes to 100 yards. Most of the prisoners were of the 2nd Guards DivnOne G erman said he owned 500 acres 7 near Chicago and reckons that this is the best day of his life He was asked what abt our artillery fire. Very good! How abt our acroplanes. Jesus! They had p retty modern news:- they thought the Germans were going to retire to the Hindenburg line. They knew it had been reached up at Bull ccourt. But they wd nt believe that the allies had taken 120,000 prosoners. They sinply put their heads back and laughed at it for a wild exaggeration. We got 6 whizzbangs, brought up to fire point blank. T he 4 2nd got 6 and the 43 rd 2 others (7) The Germans ed no get then away. the Germans said that they found our troops too good this mornbng. We heard the barrage going up north, and we thought the attack was there. Suddenly the barrage came down on us and the Australians were all round us. One German officer said he thought the Australians were the finest troops fighting not excepting the Germans thenselves.He said that the Guards (2 Guard Divn! were nervy. Our nen reported that they had actually seen one German officer shoot 6 of his men. The Germans also praised the Australian sniping. They said that it was either heart or head - pointed first to one then to the other. T he 43rd went in 9 platoons strong and one bn 5 platoons The 40th Bn caught it very heavily in these old trenches. The C Germans had 2 mcgs within 1 2 yards of the road where the 43rd Bn started. T hey wanted to go out and get them. At 2 pm the 43rd od see the 6th Bde on Mt St Q. They said it was ver y fine to see. Our men came up the commn trench. One pln lay on the read held up by m.q. The others worked round the right, Finally a sterean of Germans cane back out of the wood, and gt 1 nto a b 1g guarry abt 60 of them. Our men lay down. One man wd rush forward 116 down throw his bomb and get back then another. T hey outbombed the Germans who were bombeng back- and the German streamed back out of the Quarry and down the hill to the N.E. An artillery of ficer saw them and got guns on - into the trenches a number of him out from there, Prisoners can be seen coming back, now. At one stage the Germans od be seen coming back - abt 20 - with their hands in the air. The Germans fought for a bit on their way back. Our men didnt, seen to get many casualties. T he Gernans were immensely pleased with our white bread which the diggers were giving them. Not e from Casey The 6th Bde ftook abt 60 prisoners at Frise which they attacked in the evening (one day towards end of Angust). T he 8th Bde took prisoners from Belloy of the Rong Alexx Erste Regt, 2gds Divn. Hach Mine at MESD
From Leeet W.I1 6 Guard, 200/ COPY 2 Filewith Hisr Noles. 31 Aug 1918 ATTACK ON Mount St. Quentin-29-31st/8/1918 The Battalioy ! advanced, alon Sonme in t3 Orma Cion D; Arvllicry a Poad which eventu a2 ly pan into a fow path parallel whth the river on a course that would compel its crossing at a fright angle bend south of Clery. I cannot remember our operation orders but the company commanders were mounted. As we neared the bend opposite Clery two company commanders’ horses bolted back wounded and later, while passing through a cutting on the tow path, a salvo of whizz bangs’ Killed my horse. The head of the Battalion had pro- gressed as far as possible and all troops took what cover was offering - we occupied a very old and shallow trench system on the Forward slopes to the river. We were sub- jected to continuous artillery fire through- out the day including some of Sr calibre; one of which made a big crater in the centre of the path. The following morning we were with- drawn and returned by the same route to a wood on the river bank. Here the troops were given a good meal, reserve rations etc. and sanew operation order issued. The Battalion crossed the Somme here on a pontoon and advanced on Clery via the north bank with the object of fighting through Clery, thence turning south. This would place us directly on the opposite side of the river to where we were held up the previous day. Hs we approached Clery the artillery fire was particularly heavy but we entered the enemy trenches and forced him back steadily.


bullets were flying around.  There was much sport that morning

firing at the retreating Huns, and "Nimmo" Smith does good work with

the Lewis gun.

At night the men were all placed in the dugouts and the line

was held with machine-gun posts, who were relieved every two hours

or so.    Fritz bombarded, and the enemy planes came across and dropped 
many bombs that night.  Of course No. 2929 was in it all.  At

night No. 2880 was out with the machine guns with Bill Brown and

Herb Heathcote and assisting in patrols.  Nobody expected any food

to be brought up that night, but it came along for all that, thanks

to "Hector Blanchmange" (Sergt. Sutherland) the quarter master.

That night or rather early next day the 2nd Division came

through, and the battalion was relieved, and went back as far as the

Hindenburg Line and stayed there for a couple of days.  This was on

2/10/18.  The dead lay all over the place, and some of the large

dugouts were full of hun dead, with a notice at the entrance to

that effect.

On 4/10 a move was made to Rosiel, and four days later Doignt

was reached, and the men entrained at Peronne to go right out to

Oisement for a well earned spell.  Though they knew it not, they

had done their last stunt...........



Hist Notes.

Some date Aug 23- 28, 1918

Lieut Christian

Battle of Proyart.  Christian's company

of the 59th was about 25x from the German

trenches.  They had been promised (or were

expecting) relief when they were told they

must stay in longer.  They were then ordered

to attack the Germans ahead of them.  Christian's

sergeant, who went along, told him that

they would not.  The men simply said it

couldnt be done & they would'nt do it.

Christian said "it has got to be done" - "Well they won't do it".

Christian said "send them along to me".  He

got a trench ladder, & after telling the men what

he thought of the matter he said "Well, I'm

going myself".  He had nearly reached the

top of the ladder - he was a little actor about 8 stone weight

& small in all dimensions  - when a big hand

got him by the pants & pulled him down &

the men went over.  A number of them were





28 Duff St.



H.N. Cappy   Aug 25. 1918


Victoria Barracks


Dear Sir,

Re your queries of 14th Nov: 1940

you have everything correct.  Exact date

of birth was 16th April 1883.  Enlisted

at Townsville but was working & living

at Duchess via Cloncurry N.Q.   My work

was copper mining & contracting on the

Sulieman Creek railway.

Yes; I was definitely in charge of

'B' Company, 9th Bn on 25th August 1918.

Captain Farmer of the 9th Bn led the Coy

to the front line but was wounded badly

in the hand in the forenoon.  I being then

2nd in C'md took charge.  Major James was

in Command of the 9th Bn.  He and I made

a daylight reconnaissance to the outskirts of 

Cappy village.  I kept my Company concealed

by daylight.  I then made an early morning 

personal reconnaissance about 4am I decided

to advance through Cappy & disregard orders

to 'disengage' that village.  I rang Brigadier

Gen: Gordon-Bennett direct & told him I was




going to disregard the order with his permission

He said: "What is it like in front".  I said

Gibralter, but I expected to advance on this

route with little opposition.  He replied.

"Alright do you best King".  I advanced

through Cappy to the chalk pit taking a

gun & several machine guns I was then held

up.  As this was the 9th Bn objective.  I

reported "all well" to the Bn comdr, I had

posted a Sergt & patrol on my right & a

Corp'l & patrol on my left.  The Germans

were surprised as they expected me to flank

the village to the right or left instead I

went straight through the middle!

If possible I would like to pay a tribute 

to Major James in the Daylight reconnaissance 

He was the bravest of the brave.

The official photographer too was

wonderful.  I had never before seen one

in the very front line.

I trust your queries are answered


I am a poor writer as I have very

little practice.

Yours faithfully

J. W. King



4 February 1941

HN. 3rd Div                                     

Aug 25.1918

My dear Charles Edward.

Thank you kindly though I am sorry to hear there was no meeting

the lad before he started his adventure with [[Plauty?]] - moreover I would

dearly love say 36 or by the lord many 168 hours with you over the

present war and our share in it.  I am grateful  that the

old lot did not have a special section of the A.B.C. to [[queer?]] the pitch

for history and possibly despatches.

Touching the first part of your letter I have only my recollections

and impressions and no stimuli in the way of records &c. here.

The period ending with M.S. Quentin was one in which Monash

airily drove of his somewhat one sided [bayalus?] " I am leaving your

division N of the River without relief and later you will have a long spell.

You must keep level with the Main body of the Corps".

The placing of Headquarters was always a bug bear to me.  9th & 10th

seemed to me inclined to ride the storm at a distance and I

remember playing the old hand at pow wows on distances from

Bde to Bn.  I wish I had spent time after the armistice in recording

statistics - Not after proof.  The thing that cemented was found H.Qrs

provided that it was held strictly manned.

I remember very well the complication 2nd & 5th Divn communications 

& my chief [[recreation?]] of [[medicalls?]] was his eviction of the 9th & 11th.

liaison officers!  There are so many factors to be taken into account  in

referring to a Brigade Command system.  [[Since?]] a decent cost Bde Major

a Bdr. can afford to go up as Robertson did.  Without taking undue [[will?]]

but you could not [[recommend?]] this with an untried near




I was more than interested to hear your views about USA at [[Bony?]]

and I dont envy you your task in the shrine of history

You can imagine my feelings when I got back that day i.e.

as soon as it was clear the USA failed.  "that I must be mistaken

because the U.S.A. had definite reports etc".  There ought to be on

record (3rd Division) a very heated discussion between Monash

& myself.  Les asked me next day if the transcript was

to be recorded ( in the 3rd divn. a shorthand lad always listened

in to record H.Q. interviews - to which I  said let her go Gallagher!

It must be a curious feeling that you will soon  write "finis"

to a life's work with the proud satisfaction  that it is not only

well done but that nobody else could have done it that way.

I used to think that the really happy man was the lad who

built a decent bridge or laid out a good road.  But I now

realise the power of a clean pen, driven by a seeker after

truth.  "intune et tenaceu?" and I reckon the writer of even

one worth while book is IT. - now apply your mathematics.

My health is very queer - I sleep very badly & get I suppose

I  average 5 hours (not all at once). - eat enough and keep my

weight at 13 1/2 stone.  Sometimes I puff going uphill, sometimes not.

I have not been working with my little hands but shall soon

start again.  I can do 5 miles comfortably and possibly 10 if asked and the weather is cool.  Temper runs a bit hot over A.B.C. politics

government extravagance and my own [Brull?] balance.  I

find the role of a mere spectator very hard & see no chance of

being allowed to do anything.

Love in the family from mine

Yours ever 

J Gellibrand




abt Aug 28. 1918

Capt. Mahoney at Clery Wood

Sergt Masterman's account

Clery Wood had to be

taken & Mahoney's Coy of

the 40th was given the job.

It was to be a barrage

but they waited & as no

barrage came after about

10 minutes (after the apptd time)

it was decided to go on with

the attack without it.

The Wood was approached

by a trench running thus

Clery Copse

Diagram - see original document

They went

up XC a

& at

C Mahoney

detached Sergt


with abt 5 men

& a L. Gun to

go up CA while

the main party went up

CB.  Masterman went

up to A & got his gun

goind (?to cover the other party)

He could hear a German

Machine-gun in action, from

the front of the wood, which was

obviously well manned.  The gun

was clearly firing at

the other party. Ptesently

they observed men of the 

other party going back wounded

-they could see them passing

along a shallow part of the other

trench.  Masterman saw

one officer - Lt. C__________

(I forgot the name - ? Craik)

going along it nursing a

wounded arm.

Accordingly either he

sent across to the others or

they to him - I think a 

messenger from them came 

to him & begged him to

come over & support them

as they were in a bad way.

He crept along a cross

trench (shown in the sketch)

& found their trench dreadful

with dead men.  As he got

there one man next to him

fell shot through the 

head. Sergt Grey was in

command of the other party & told him

that Mahoney had gone

ahead to reconnoitred,

along the other branch of

the trench, to B, & had

been shot & asked Masterman

it he would go out with him

& bring him in.  They

crawled up the trench -

Grey and Masterman - M.

crawled over Mahoney's

body & they began to bring

him in.  He was practically 

dead.  After they had gone

a little way, Mahoney

being dead, it became

clear they could not get

him in, & they left him &

decided to go back alone.

Masterman being beyond

Mahoney had to crawl over




his body, which mad

him slow.  When he got

back to Z, he found o

one there but in the trench

were a number of rifles.

He looked out to see what

was happening, & saw

just at that moment a

number of Germans coming

out from the wood, counter

-attacking, in extended order.

He picked up a rifle,

(thinking that his own people

were somewhere about) & 

began firing, but presently

it jammed.  He accordingly

began to make off along a

trench, when a stick

bomb fell in front of

him.  He turned back

before it burst & bolted

the other way, when two

more fell just in front

of him.  He jumped out

of the trench into a 

shell-hole,  & lay quiet

when another bomb fell

 on the lip of the crater.

He waited to be blown to

bits, but the explosion

only dazed him.   As he

recovered and looked up

he saw two Germans

making towards him to

bayonet him but an officer

or NCO said something

about  "gefangener"

& stopped them from killing


He was kindly enough 

treated in all the prison

camps.  The German command

ant of his camp, one his men

discovering on him a

camera, which he had

managed to carry through

to his prison camp (M.

had a special pocket for

it), took it away, he

never expected to see it

again, but it was recorded

& returned to him at the end

of the war.




43rd Bn. Clery. (obtained at Bn Hqrs on day of battle.)

43rd Bn took over line along Mt St Quentin Bapaume

rd along the whole divisional front.  The order was:-






42 already had company in with the right Bde.

There was very heavy fighting in the Bouchavesnes trenches.

G ot old Quarry and Q Farm - lost it again.  German c/attacked

10th Bde 3 times (according to their account) and they knocked

him back.

Fiumi and Scutari trenches (?present position?) 174 Bde at


Tommies started at 4.45. 11th Bde at 5.30.  2nd Aust.

Divn at 6am.  Tommies came along well and took all their 

objectives, and got through with heavy casualties to old line

beyond Bouch avesnes.  The 3rd Divn ot to Allaine.

The Germans enfiladed the 43rd Bn from Mt St Q.   But the 2nd

Divn took Mt St Q. at 2pm.

The 43rd were on their objective by 7am.  The barrage was

5 minutes to 100 yards.  Most of the prisoners were of the 2nd

Guards Divn One German said he owned 500 acres? near Chicago

and reckons that this is the best day of his life.

He was asked what abt our artillery fire.  Very good!

How abt our aeroplanes?        Jesus!

They had pretty modern news:- they thought the Germans

were going to retire to the Hindenburg line.  They knew it had

been reached up at Bullecourt.  But they wd nt believe

that the allies had taken 120,000 prisoners.  They simply put

their heads back and laughed at it for a wild exaggeration.

We got 6 whizzbangs, brought up to fire point blank.

The 42nd got 6 and the 43rd 2 others (?)  The Germans cd nt

get them away.

The Germans said that they found our troops too good this

morning.  "We heard the barrage going up north, and we thought

the attack was there.  Suddenly the barrage came down on us and

the Australians were all round us."  One German officer said

he thought the Australians were the finest troops fighting

not excepting the Germans themselves.  He said that the Guards

(2 Guard Divn) were nervy.

Our men reported that they had actually seen one German

officer shoot 6 of his men.

The Germans also praised the Australian sniping. "They

said that it was either heart or head - pointed first to 

one then to the other."

The 43rd went in 9 platoons strong and one bn 5 platoons

The 40th Bn caught it very heavily in these old trenches.  The

Germans had 2 within 12 yards of the road where the

43rd Bn started.  They wanted to go out and get them.

At 2pm the 43rd cd see the 6th Bde on Mt St Q.  They said

it was very fine to see.  Our men came up the commn trench.  One

pln lay on the road held up by m.g.  The others worked round to

the right.  Finally a stream of Germans came back out of the wood,

and got into a big quarry abt 60 of them.  Our men lay down.  One

man wd rush forward lie down throw hi bomb and get back - then

another.  They outbombed the Germans who were bombing back - and

the German streamed back our of the Quarry and down the hill

to the N.E.   An artillery officer saw them and got guns on - into

the trenches - a number of him out from there.  Prisoners can

be seen coming back, now.  At one stage the Germans cd be seen

coming back - abt 20 - with their hands in the air.  The Germans

fought for a bit on their way back.  Our men didnt seem to get

many casualties.  The Germans were immensely pleased with out

white bread which the diggers were giving them.

Note from Casey.

 The 6th Bde took abt 60 prisoners at

Frise which they attacked in the evening (one day towards end

of August.)  The 8th Bde took prisoners from Belloy of the

Konig Alex & Erste Regt., 2 gds Divn, Flack Mine at M28D



1. Copy from Lieut W.H.G. Guard 20th Bn
File with History Notes  31 August 1918

ATTACK ON Mount St. Quentin - 29-31st /8/1918

The Battalion advanced along the Somme in 

artillery formation by a road which eventually
ran into a tow path parallel with the

river on a course that would compel its

crossing at a right angle bend south of


I cannot remember our operation orders

but the company commanders were mounted.

As we neared the bend opposite Clery

two company commanders' horses bolted back

wounded and later, while passing through a

cutting on the tow path, a salvo of "whizz

bangs" killed my horse.

The head of the Battalion had progressed 
as far as possible and all troops

took what cover was offering - we occupied

a very old and shallow trench system on the

forward slopes to the river.  We were 
subjected to continuous artillery fire throughout 
the day including some of 8" calibre;

one of which made a big crater in the centre

of the path.

The following morning we were withdrawn 
and returned by the same route to a

wood on the river bank.  Here the troops

were given a good meal, reserve rations etc.

and a new operation order issued.

The Battalion crossed the Somme here

on a pontoon and advanced on Clery via the

north bank with the object of fighting

through Clery, thence turning south.  This

would place us directly on the opposite side 

of the river to where we were held up the 

previous day.  As we approached Clery the

artillery fire was particularly heavy but

we entered the enemy trenches and forced him

back steadily.




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