Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 15
28 DIE BRÜCKE 29. August 1936.
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[sketch-see original document]
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[sketch - see original document]
14th Bde, 1st Sept.
14th Bde got Anvil Wood. Into Central Peronne.
There were only two bridges left which could be crossed at
all and one of these only allowed one man to crawl at a time.
It was along the othe r on ethat Peronne was first entered.
The main losses were incurred at these bridges.
As our attack reached Peronne the Germans blew
up their bridges. Some surrendered. Wheeled traffic could be
seen on the roads going SE from Peronne. There was considerable
movement in I 30. Doingt. Our left was going well.
At 9am aeroplanes saw our men going along the
main street and saw 30 Germans surrendering, in the town.
One battalion had 300 prisoners at an early hour.
The J.O was at 6am.We cd nt use a barrage so put
down area shoots. The 3rd Divn have reached E C 21 D and well
E of . . . . . . 250 prisoners and a battery of 77mm guns.
T he 5 th Divn is to go E of Peronne. There is a
lot of m.g fire. The 15th Bd still cannot get across the
river from W bank to E.
Against us are sd to be the 14th Bavarian Divn and
185th Divn.
(This is all report except the part abt the bridges
which is by first hand report).
2 nd Aust Divn.
The line ran through the Q of St Quentin. They
had to come back from Feuillaucourt, being enfiladed.
6 Bde went thro at 6am. All lines were at once
cut and the wireless smashed. There ws a lot of resistance
at Feuillaucourt. C.O.E of Feuillaucourt, between F. and Mt
St Q. on road. On right they have got to the Sugar factory
St Denis they have not got.
21 Bn has sent three coys to help the centre.
At 5.30 xxxxxx troops were seen at Anvil Wood but Martin says
this meant very little ( counterattack of any serious
nature there). At 5am the 3rd Divn saw men coming against
Feuillaucourt (?5pm) At 5.10 the 3rd Divn was c/attacked
and beat it off. The 3rd Divn were attacked along the road,
and pushed it off. 3rd Divn are in Yassa trench.
701 prisoners last night. Bde had 300 casualties.
Amongst prisoners in Peronne Mt St Q fighting have been
a regimental commdr and a Bn Commdr of the Guards.
A prisoner tells us that the bakery, pioneers, landsturm,
supply column, and all sorts of other units have been put
into the battalions since July to fill gaps. The line of
the river was to be held at all costs. The 14th Bde took some
field guns which they used against the enemy.
The Germans meant to counterattck on the night of 30/31
but in view of our probable attack gave it up.
Col. Peck had a uraemic stroke during this period and it
is doubtful whether he will be able to come to the front
again. White says that this is most unfortunate as Peck
was one of the very finest officers we had.
(By Sept 2 there had been 6 days fighting by 2nd Divn.
The battalions of the Divn are nw abt 500 to 600 strong. That
means abt 350 rifles per bn.)
6th Bde 1st Sept. 1918.
23 and 24 Bns mad the morning attack. The 23rd
Bn was ordered to get into square 14. It found that it had
not been pnopped up. It had to go into 14 and 20 near Halle.
and Anvil Wood. The wood was full of Germans.
They left at i0am on Aug 31st by Omiecourt -
ordered to move as soon . . . . . . . Country near Peronne was
German. The position in the little corner of the river flat
E of the bend was extraordinary - 5th Bde bent roun Mt St Q
Mt. St Q.
6 Bde behind it. 14 Bde squeezed in behind 6th. And 7th
(At 4pm) Bde squashed in behind that.
The 23 rd Bn was actually fighting to get into its
waiting position. The diggers were in the bank of the
Somme with the shells bursting above, and the men playing
cards on the bank below.
There had been a conference at 9pm on Sept 3i when
it was decided to attack at 6 am. There ws no time to issue
orders. 14 Bde had to attack St Denis SE. 6 Bde (23 and 24)
had to attack Mt St Q. Eastwards, thro St Q. village. The 5th
Bde said that the line wson the road and a barrage was therefore
put onto the village. But when the 6th Bde advance took place
they found that 5th Bde had been on the road but had been
mopped up by the Germans. The barrage ws therefore a very
long way ahead of the 6th Bde. 23 and 24 lost heavily getting
to the road. They took Feuillaucourt.
It was decided during the morning to attack at 1.30pm.
24, 23 ,and 21 Bns went in w their objve E. of the wood. St.Q.
village, was a regular redoubt. Barbed wire, posts, over 100
machineguns, trenches full of dead. There was hand to hand fighing
(that is, shooting at 15 paces) Many dead Germans. The
resistance, thickened. They ended up just clear of the wood
from Gott Mit Uns trench twds Allaine, in the two trenches
down the N side of the hill (which one can see running down
that side of it towards the front of Feuillaucourt.) There
were Germans in Allaine and the 6 Bde was out of touch w the
T he 22nd were put in late last night (Sept 1st) on
the flank. They are now (on Sept 2nd) in support of 7 Bde
in Tortille trench near Allaine.
The German had been going to attack us the night before
but we got in first. Casualties over 200. 6 Bde took
325 Germans prisoner.
6 Bde on paper is 2000 strong. It came in on fighting
strength1200 strong. Paper strength includes men on leave,
schools, detention etc.
It has lost abt 500 in battle since Aug 8.
The arty ws very good. The F.O.O of the R.H.A. 13 pdr
battery was in the front line. The arty was:-
4th Bde A.F.A. (attd to Bn Commdr)
5th Bde A.F.A.
5th Army Bde R.H.A. (attd to Bn Commdr)
16th Army Bde R.H.A.
298th Army Bde R.F.A.
7 th Bde. Sept 2nd 1918.
The 7th Bde is now (what hour?) in Koros Alley,
Ruprecht trench, Antig one Alley, Hera Alley, I 6 D4. 9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C.30 C 4. 2 (afternoon) 120 prisoners
today. Mt St Q. 400 casualties.
Godley said he wd get all the heights tomorrow,
towards Nurlu. Godley, persuade Monash. We (Wisdom) had to form
a defensive flank, to Aizecourt. We are on our objective.
By Sept 2 Divn had had 6 days fighting. We are now
now abt 500 to 600 per Bn - 350 rifles.
Posts now held since 74th Divn has gone back
at C 30. C. 4. 2., and I 6. A. 4. 9. (a pencil point)
The British were C/attacked abt 10.30am.
The British went over with their packs on. The
14th Bde has been held up by the pocket S of St Denis. There
are also M.Gs at St Denis, and M.Gs in another trench.
In the triangle made by the Aziect and Bap. Rds
(which was deadly by reason of M.G. fire (the German holding
Darmstadt trench (crossing the Aziect Rd from N to S abt half wy
down) the 26 th and some of 28th went over agst the Aziect Rd.
The British are at 23 Centl, SW of Moislains.
On 29th Aug the 7th Bde got across the canal but
not the swamp. 3 bns took 300 prisoners.
3.xxxxxx prisoners
14 Bde attack Canal (?)
27th got very heavy m.g. fire while in their
Jumping off trench, and a heavy barrage.
74 th Divn got on to the SE of Moislains.
One bn wandered over behind our lines at Allaines.
Wisdom used this captured bn to make a flank.
The 26th Bn caught it vey heavily from the guns
( at St Denis and on the ramparts in crossing the
triangle of roads. They reached the trench they were told
to settle in, refused back along the hill N of the Aziect
road to the Bapaume rd.
The 7th Bde has lost 400 men. It doesnt look
much; but as not more than 800 rifles went in it is heavy.
They lost particularly heavily in officers.
(Some officers of 28th Bn - Gaby and another
Roydhouse tells me, won the V .C. if ever any one did. One
officer was written in abt by practically every one of his men.)
After chasing the balloons for about a fortnight across
ground, where the price of battle had been dearly paid many times
before, bur noble Brigade of New South Welshmen were once again
to declare war - and on the old principle of "all things coming
to those who wait" - everybody had formed a pretty fair idea that
the show, must be a stiff proposition which prophecy turned out to
be only too true. But all set out with large hopes & on the afternoon
of the 31st August, one of the greatest obstacles - The Somme
River, was successfully crossed - and by some stroke of Providence
without casualties. It was not long however before our vague suspicions
of the Bosch intended opposition, were cleaned up, and we
were duly initiated into the argument with stuff of no small
Orders now came through that we were to hop over at 6.a.m.
on the following morning (1st Sept.) and the task of taking up the
selected positions, in the dark across unknown country strewn with
thick wire and the remains of old trenches, was by no means an
easy one and resulted in 2 companies of one of the Bns. being completely
lost for hours, only arriving on the tape line 5 minutes
before Zero. The eventful hour soon arrived & following behind a
fairly heavy artillery barrage, our boys commenced to "Deliver the
Goods" in their usual thorough style, and it was not long before
large groups of prisoners could be seen trailing to the rear and
in many instances escorted by one solitary Australian who had a
most enviable job from the enterprising souvenir hunter's point of
That they were glad to be on our side of the line was
clearly evidenced by that broad smile of satisfaction which seems
nowadays to relieve their somewhat gloomy countenance, with little
effort, despite the fact that they had been chosen men to defend
PERONNE against the Australians. Their physique on the whole was
quite good, anyhow good enough to allow of them taking the ends of
stretcher and in many ways, cheerfully rendering every assistance
to our stretcher bearers & wounded.
From the very start there was little doubt as to our
successful issue, but at the same time the enemy made it perfectly
evident that he intended to hold up the line of advance as long
as possible, their system of defence however was extremely patchy
and the fact that this artillery fire was wild & eratic (but nevertheless
heavy and of a good assortment) gave us the idea that his
moral was in a sense, weakening. THis machine gun fire was I think
more effective and from well concealed positions his gunners poured
out a fairly consistent volume of fire, which was chiefly responsible
for most of our casualties which up to this time were comparatively
light. As I have already said his defence was patchy for
the right flank Battalion was able to send 2 Companies through the
town with much less resistance than was met by the other Battalions.
This in addition to the fact that the Brigade Boundaries
were inclined to be of a diverging nature, rather than converging
had the effect of considerably increasing the frontage on reaching
the first objective, with the result that most of the Battalions
were well strung out, thus rendering liaison between them extremely
It was undoubtedly a Company Commander's Day out, who in
many instances found themselves well "out in the blue" fighting for
independent points of vantage. These minor à independent operations
had the effect of exploiting the days' successes.
The day closed, with the Artillery & Infantry of both
sides hanging on to their positions & more or less
mystified as to each others whereabouts.
The darkness soon came down on us as black
as it was possible for it to be, but despite this and
the many other disadvantages, such as heavy wire
heavy and unknown ground, our patrols remained active
throughout the night.
During the early hours of the morning of the
2nd inst., the good news came along that our brothers -
in - arms of the renowned Victorian Brigade, had made
a successful crossing of the river and were eagerly
awaiting orders to throw in their lot with us, and this
they were able to do later in the day with very good effect
by sending 2 companies through the town on that
enviable job of "mopping up", & by Il a.m. the town was
entirely a "Digger" possession.
During this drive, our boys were situated on
the bit of high ground a few hundred yards on the northern
side of the town, and had been previously obliged to
keep constantly on the "Hands down" owing to heavy enfilade
machine gun fire from the old ramparts, but on
these obstacles being duly overcome they were once again
able to breathe normally and appreciate the situation
generally, as the Lewis gunners at close range, gave
fresh impetus to the scattered groups of Bosche as they
retired across the ground at the N.E. extremity of the
News now came through that Mont St. Quentin
(around which had been hanging a shroud of mystery
throughout the whole stunt) had, as the result of a
very brilliant counter blow by the "Diamond Brigade"
on our left once again remained in our hands. The day
was again ours, and the remnants of the shattered Bosch
division could be seen making off across the high groundxxx in front in a complete state of disorganisation which
was'nt in any way improved, as a few of our batteries
commenced to drop fairly heavy stuff in the vicinity.
Towards evening the enemy gunners must have decided to
clean up all dumps of ammunition for the assortment that
greeted us for the next few hoursvas as complete as it
would be possible to get anywhere. About 10 p.m. things
quietened down somewhat & our relief was able to be complete
without a single casualty, but not before the
whole line had been successfully established.
This concludes what was probably one of the
most brilliant feats ever accomplished by Australian troops
and the mystery still remains how in 2 days a task such as
that could be completed which was, at first estimated by
the higher authorities to be at least a month's job.
(Sgd) R.G. Thompson.
PERONNE ON THE 1st and 2nd Sept. 1918.
The successful operation carried out on the 1st and
2nd instant by the 2nd and 5th Australian Divs. in the attack on
Peronne, ranks in my opinion as one of the toughest problems
ever undertaken by Aust. troops, and the result achieved places
the Engagement amongst the greatest & best co-operated attacks
during the present war.
The time allowed for actual arrangements was of the
briefest, but, coordination and Liaison between units proved very
As I was established at Battalion forward H.Qrs. am
afraid I cannot furnish anything of special note as regards the
actual fighting.
Since the Evacuation of this very notable town, which
has figured so a often in this war I have had an opportunity
of viewing its almost unassailable/defences, I.E. The Ramparts
and marshes which wore so strongly held by the Bosch, One marvels
that our troops, so few in number, Ever succeeded in driving
the enemy out.
Peaceful penetration combined with courage determination
and endurance, achieved the desired xxxxx. rosult.
At 5.a.m. on the morning of the 1st Instant, A Company
who were resting in an old Trench about 1200 yds from the assembly
position and who were to act in support to the 54th Bn.,
moved forward to gain the assembly position. The Bosch whose
artillery had been vory active during the whole night, increased
considorably about 5.a.m., putting down a heavy barrage of 5.9
and 8 Inch shells.
A. Coy on arriving at the Railway Embankment near the
western end of Halle Wood, found themselves under machine gun
fire which appeared to come from the direction of Mt. St. Quentin.
On starting forward at 5.a.m. we were under the impression
Mt. St. Quentin was held by the 2nd Div. and M.G. fire coming
from that quarter was rather a surprise. Capt. Dalkeith o/c A
Coy. halted his Company, for protection against the Railway Embankment,
at this time heavy rain commenced to fall and although
observation was had & we could see troops apparently the 2nd Div.
advancing in Small parties in extended order. Whilst resting
here, Lt. Cory was wounded by shell fire, After roconnoitring
for a few minutes o/c A Coy. moved out into the open West of
Halle Wood in extended order, immediately coming under heavy M.G.
and artillery fire. A circling movement to clear the edge of
Halle Wood, enabled us to reach the Poronne Road and utilising
the Eastern side Good cover was secured which enabled the men
to move forward and xxxx gain/their assembly position.
During our advance Casualties were very light due no
doubt to our men moving forward in open formation.
Bosch prisoners were used as Stretcher bearers & gave
valuable assistance in disposing of wounded.
N.C.Os and men whilst advancing under heavy barrage &
M.G. fire showed Great Coolness and excellent order was maintained.
In spite of the Heavy artillery and M.G. fire it was
very pleasing to note that during afternoon of the 1st Day our
Ration parties succeeded in getting Rations and MAIL to the xxxx
lads in the front line.
- 2 -
On the 2nd Day a new plan of attack was formulated and
carried out, the casualties being fairly heavy owing to concentrated
M.G. fire from the Ramparts.
One particular thing that I noticed was the rapidity with
which the wounded were evacuated from the scene of attack,
Company and H.Qrs. stretcher bearers assisted by Intelligence
and other H.Qrs. staff worked at high pressure.
After the taking of Mt. St. Quentin at 1.30.p.m. on the
1st day enfilading fire ceased and the situation was much xxxxx.
The 14th Bde. was withdrawn on the night of the 2nd inst.,
being relieved by the 15th Bde.
(Sgd) B. GARDNER, Lieut.
Sig. Officer.
NARRATIVE OF OPERATIONS FROM 31st August to 2nd Sept. inclusive.
On the morning of the 31st August 1918 we received
orders to be ready to move in a northerly direction and to
cross the Somme River preparatory to resuming the offensive
which was to be the taking of PERONNE.
Despite the fact that on the day previous the men
had been subject to a certain amount of artillery fire, together
with the knowledge of what was before them, their tails
were right up and all bore a cheerful expression and were
full of confidence concerning the coming event.
During the initial part of our journey Northwards
we had to put up with a little artillery fire, but this did
not last long owing to our airmen compelling the enemy to
pull down some of his balloons, after which we completed
our journey unmolested crossing the Somme about 5 p.m.
Immediately after crossing we came in touch with
some of the 2nd Division and numerous greetings were exchanged
between friends, jokes were cracked, news from the front line
was received and threats were made in all directions as to
what the men were about to do to the Common Enemy, referred to
by the majority of them in such terms as Jerry - or The Queer
Bloke - on the following day
At this stage we rested for some time alongside the
river under cover of a high embankment and all partook of a rough
meal while shells were constantly falling in the neighbourhood
some of which failed to explode, when cheers would echo from
quarters and curious slang phrases would be used.
Later in the evening xx we moved forward and occupied
trenches for the night, trenches which had but recently been
occupied by the enemy there being unmistakable signs of this -
a dead Hun lying in the entrance to same, and a distasteful
odour floating around. However the men settled down to obtain
as much rest as possible and to await orders for the following
At about 3.30 a.m. on the lst Sept. O.C. Companies were
summoned to attend a conference at B.H.Q. where orders were received
to move forward to an assembly position in support to the
attacking Battalions which were the 53rd and 54th.
Owing to the late hour at which orders were received
the move was a hurried one but everyone was xxxxx ready and
cheerful as they had ever been since the initial attack was
launched which started the, "Great Offensive" on the 8th of
August 1918, such cheerfulness being obvious by the witty remarks
that were passed, and the jokes cracked in the usual
slang such as the Australian troops excel in.
On our way to the assembly position very heavy artillery
fire was experienced and several casualties were inflicted,
but even this did not damp tho spirits of the cheerful
Anzacs, but only induced them to set their jaws. We finally arrived
at the assembly position at the appointed time all bearing
a determined look and ready to uphold the reputation already
gained by the Diggers as they are so called.
The attack commenced with the 53rd Battalion on the
left and the 54th Battalion on the right supported by the 56th
and 55th Battalions and well the Huns knew they were being attacked
for it was not long before they were on the move to their
- 2 -
rear and the first few prisoners were coming slowly back
through our lines, wearing a very weary and rattled expression
and bearing signs of having had a rough time.
This also gave all in rear the assurance that the stronghold
of the enemy had quivered and fallen, under the irresistable
dash of our victorious troops.
The 54th Bn. on the right pushed steadily on and soon
were in possession of the greater part of the desired town of
PERONNE at which place the Hun seemed to have been surprised,
for never should any attack have driven them out or even reached
such a position and one is inclined to think that it never would
have fallen, had it been held by such troops as ours.
The Battalion on the left were less fortunate having come
under very heavy Machine Gun fire and encountering strong German
wire entanglements, so that they suffered many casualties, but
still the spirit that animated these men was of the sort which
overcomes such difficulties and onward they pressed until coming
under fire from the flank they were compelled to stay their advance
until about 3.p.m., when the Brigade operating on their
loft took possession of Mount St. Quentin, thus relieving the
53rd Bn., of the flanking fire they had been compelled to endure.
Following on this success of the left Brigade the 53rd
Bn. again attempted to push forward, but without any success for
the Bosch immediately brought concentrated M.G. fire to bearon
them compelling them to again stay their advance.
Meanwhile the Support Battalion had thrown forward our
Company filling a gap between the two attacking Battalions, thus
making a continuous line as is essential in such an operation.
At this stage a definite position was established and
preparation made to deal with any counter-attack that may have
developed, but none cane which was fortunate for the Germans.
The day following, the attack was continued on a one Battalion
front the 56th Bn., leading the way followinged the by
the 55th Bn., and never has such artillery and machine gun fire
been experienced by advancing Infantry. Nevertheless they went
forward in their usual cheerful manner. The result of this
heavy fire was that we were hold up before the advance had pushed
forward any considerable distance so that we maintained our next
forward positions with the men who had already reached this area,
but we were able to locate the positions from which the enemy
M.G. fire was coming from.
At this point it was decided to approach the enemy's strong
positions from the left flank but this also failed more or less
and it was not until the 15th Brigade on our right pushed forward
and absolutely cleared the town and surroundings that we were
able to establish our forward line in a new position.
The 55th Bn. also pushed forward on our left and linked up
with the 2nd Division, thus establishing communication with that
About dusk a patrol was sent out to get in touch with the
58th Bn. on the right and after succeeding in this, it was
decided to again creep forward and dig a new line under cover
of darkness, thus establishing ourselves in a new and better
position, but owing to the fact that we were relieved by the
59th Bn. the same evening this operation was not carried out
by us.
In conclusion we must give credit and all praise due to
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