Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 14

First World War, 1914–18
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eh e ce l arüival ar.7. der the titlapann pace, an iner esound started wit film bas been produced by Amalgamatod Wireless (A'sia 7 bor. ack to Tornviile Ltd., fearuring many phases of radio manufacture, casting and wireless communications. It is a 16 mm. xound film, 1200ft. in length. Wherever it has been nhown it hus been accorded an excellent recoption. iral raion Amalgamated Wireless ls prepared to screen this d c. sor out 10,000 wm"talkia" at any League sub-branch gatherng, supplying operator and projector fres of cost. an The film traces the methods of despat g maee he was, and from the da when carrier pigenns brought to London After several neve of Wrllington's victory at Watérloo. The processe e and ver granted. in radio manufacture are depicted; then HAPTERXIIIndrmw aidanelles afiair. we brondeing ha and with troopa and war materi¬ vr. Woae md we wete taen on Tho teip of Sir Kingsford-Smith when bis plane Dan a mpen dig gh to Nen Zealond and saguerod back to Eydaoy on nue ongine ve tecefred showo; alxo a further utility af wirelans au applied to the trawior November 1. on the Australian coast. It ia tho yractice of tie radio mank at 2 Perouse to are by word ol mouth with te captalns af te frauies caer, and nns comeunn and an lneident er to tueon nu ahin's omnara be — TROPICAL MEDICINE. THE WORX OF THE sergeant or I would com mema tawier "Launch loated, all he vould meet us halfway. AUSTRALIAN ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. o uer al be reclled, and isolated miles from hararteriio ottin and au tripceasion ere, to die or recover ss we could. KMT. the Australten world-wide chort-vave surely enough, two or three mornings later la l oucod Pietortally. The nim gous on hat march was awful, although it wan'tw o o ad y wr boon Ansas- and phips at nea am the Pacisio lalunda. o eum Rorvihn far. The heat and flies worried us considerably, Australia and Augland is lutarentlbaly portrayed. More than 13461,9 when atour camping ground we just sat words a pear aro handled by the Australla Aaam siario and pant d. We had to wait seve al hours for The Ovarasa radio-telep len, iba ge rive, and then had to pitch tem. strating non 38,000,000 tclephene nubseribers In Grost Britatn, Kure hen we settled doun-te get all the rest we could. We North and South Amarica, and parts of Asta apd Africa can de resee worry about any parades, except an occasional rine by ownera of telephones in-any part of tho Comnonwealth. Ph n, and everybody appreciated the easy time. was produced inAustralla by ie Vux Moviotono Company, an comprehenaively coroty from a national esioc ull phane of Avtrna Jur sick went out everr ambulances which came ulroless deroloument. them, and our rations arrived at night and were Bootinge for Ue Mo are dang handiad oude the camp. It a stranger wandered into Brmt licity Manager of Amalaamated W amphe had To c , we a ration of half a peg of rum and balf a peg of lime- ju'ce daily, The rum came up in teak-wood barrels, and MILITART SADGES asted itke kerosene cil. The limejuice was a mixture of Mr. Calla A. Ciewenta, 1. Me Mous elther could be drunk by itself, so w rup ans T5e wos kioun Xlg" of dio 9ol made what we called a “Tigris cocktail." We mixed the World-wide appeal to collectorn of dac and limejuice, and then added a little river, water, him. with a* vion to ex har hich hud been chlorinated. It was an awful mixture, but apr ojd Australlan, or Brittat ve and gulped it dovch. who ad tat unita," naya ai per (To Be Continued)
Mont St. Quentin (From Page 28) troops, it was soon surrounded by the Australians, appear¬ ing out of the thick fog. Only one man came back to tell the story. The heavy machine-guns of the lst Machine-gun Company were also lost, in spite of brave resistance of the crews. “Hand-grenades and other munitions were used up, and the machine-guns failed us. There was nothing left to do, therefore, but to answer the Australian cries of Hands up!' by rendering our mach ne-guns useless." Consequently, one half of the two fighting battalions of the Alexander Regiment had already been annihilated before the other parts of the regiment could take any active part in the battle. The 7th Company had reached a steep slope about 150 metres west of the canal. Scarcely had the noise of battle reached-their ears, when the re¬ lieved 81st Regiment rushed through the company, im¬ mediately followed by the Australians. Thereupon fol¬ lowed wild confusion and hard fighting at close quarters. A counter-attack was abandoned as not practicable, especi¬ ally after a section of the 7th Company had been over¬ powered by the Australians, small remnants only fighting their way through to Feuillaucourt. Eventually the Australian shock-troops penetrated to the dug-outs of the commanding officers. The two bat talion headquarters of the Alexander Regiment and that of the 81st were taken by complete surprise and made prisoners after a short resistance. The same fate awaited the 8th Company, of which only three non-com¬ missioned officers and 12 men escaped. The 2nd Australian Division was favoured by extra¬ ordinary good luck during its intrepid attack. Without any preliminary preparation, and favoured by the thick fog, its companies pushed through the various gaps in the weak German advanced positions. Their attack co¬ incided with the commencement of the relief in the German lines. The Germans were surprised and sur¬ rounded, and the greatest bravery was of no avail. Yet the Australians, though considered first-class troops, were not entirely irresistible. By counter-attacking, the re¬ maining section of the 2nd Battalion of the Alexander Regiment, assisted by parts of the Augusta Regiment regained the northern slope of the Seefeld Heights. Two trenches were retaken, and the Australlans withdrew to the forest of Thanne. The storming columns of the Australians were clearly drawn towards the elevation of Mont. St. Quentin, which was silhouetted against the morning sky. The fore¬ most German lines had been overpowered so quickly that the reserves of Infantry Regiment No. 94, which were to support the Alexander Regiment, barely managed to occupy the outskirts of the village and bring the storm ing Australians to a halt. The battalions of the 5th Aus¬ tralian Brigade penetrated into the gap between the village and Feuillaucourt and overwhelmed the regi¬ mental headquarters of the 81st Regiment, which were in a natural crater, some 500 metres to the north of the village. The regimental adjutant reported the follow- ing: “The gallery was horizontally bulit into the crater wall, and formed two bends in its backward course, which were to be our salvation. We awaited the arrival of tho rellef staff from the Alexander Regimont; at 7 in the morning it had not yet arrived. There were only 15 of us in all—the commander of the regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Zimmer, 3 officers, and 11 privates. At half past 7 the commander sont back a guide whose duty it was to mect the rellef troops half-way. We watohed the gulde climb up to the back of the crater-wall, and hardly had he reached the top, when, with a loud cry he foll backwards. At the same time an 'English' machine-gun opened fire at the ontranoo of the gallery behind us. Luckily tho shots flew too high to be of any real danger. We then hastily brought the injured guide back into the gallery and treated his wounds. He was shot in the throat, but not fatally injured. We made an effort to escape from the trap, but were held back by a shower of bullets, fired by *English' machine-guns, boring themselves Into the carth before us. A few English Tommies and black troeps came down the slope. Our next move was to retire te the furthest portion of the gallery where the machine-guns oould not reach us. The Australians (we discovered their identity at a later date) threw a hand-grenade in the entrance, which unfortunately killed the last musketeer who crept back into the gallery. enemy, apparently coming to the conclusion that there were no more living soldiers in the gallery, established themselves at the entrance. We heard them conversing, but were unable to ascertain their number. The terrible minutes passed, full of uncertainty. What would the Aus¬ tralians' next move be, would they force the ontrance down? Bury ut alive—let us suffocate? In this dreadful uncertainty we waited 2 hours." Advancing from the north-east into the village and park the Australians almost succeeded in capturing the regimental headquarters of the 94th Regiment, which managed its escape only after losing seven men. Two infantry guns were also taken by the Australians. Mont St. Quentin seemed to be lost for the Germans, when the 1st Battalion of the Alexander Regiment wa ordered to counter-attack from the south-west. The fires by the Alexander and the remains of the 94th Regi¬ ment. The German shock-sections advanced with a loud “Hurrah!” and the Australians were driven headlong own the western slope of Mont St. Quentin. “The first thing we saw, having reached the top," related a combatant in tho Alexander Regiment, “was retreating 'Tommies.' We stood and shot after them. It was impossible for me to bring my machine-gun Into position, as everyone was pressing to the fore. As we ran forward we passed two German fleld-guns, the carriages and barrels of which were unmistakably marked by English characters—marked over and over again with white chalk. The way back was cut off by a large natural crater. A trench had been dug out at the bottom, in which the staff of the 81st Regiment had established themselves." But to return to the story of the adjutant of the 81st "t was then agreed in whispers (he says) to make a last attempt at oscape. We prepared ourselves to mako the offort. Huesmann, Lance-Corporal Larsch, and myself were the first to rush out of the crater. A shot rang out, and poor Larsch foll back dead! We naturally hesitated after this occurrence, but a second later loud cheering was heard from the ton of the slope, caused by the fact that a company of soldiers led by their sergeant-major was charging the surprised Australlans. They sped up the opposite of the slope, abandoning their loaded machine-guns. My batman, Johann Niehaus, paid his attention to the English machine-guns, and the others finished off the 25 odd blacks. Thus the summit of Mont St. Quentin-Feuillaucourt and the line of the great road were again in German hands. However, all further attempts of the Germans to advance failed. The historian of the Alexander Regiment writes that the “Australians were very tough!” Perfectly even opponents had clashed against each other, and both wer guided by the same strong determination for victory. The difference was that the Australians did not lack fresh and numerous reserves, whilst the decimated remnants of the German regiments—the Regiments of the Guards (Franz Alexarder and Augusta), and the infantry reg ments Nos. 122, 94, 96 and 95—had to depend entirely upon themselves. This factor was to bring the decision on the following day. General Monash had recognised early in the day that, in spite of the surprisingly rapid advance of the 2nd Division, he would have to use fresh forces on the north¬ ern bank of the Somme. Therefore, he ordered the 14th Brigade, which had followed the retreat'ng Germans to Barleux, to cross the river to the west of Clery and sup¬ port the 2nd Division. On the high river bank at Bus¬ court the Australian companies were awaiting the moment, when they would be able to get over the pontoon bridge which crossed the river at that point. “As we waited," says Lieutenant H. R. Williams,° of the 56th Bat¬ talion (14th Brigade), “our company commander, Lieutenant Bull, pointed across the river in a half-right direction to a hill about three miles away, saylng That is Mont St. Quentin. The 6th Brigade will attack the Mont, and our job is to mop-up Peronne.' The buildings of the town could be seen above the trees. In his book “The Gallant Company," page 242.
baa Jnotollle dsom a bevoxg it botestases 1 ban dottiw,nalc semzo T xoaa “When does the show start?' I asked. n “This afternoon,' said Bull. “Well, we will need lanterns for the attack if we are to be sooled on to Peronne, as we cannot get into position before dark'." And thus it happened: the 6th and 14th Austral'an Brigades prepared for a fresh attack on Mont St. Quentin, and we also prepared ourselv s in case of alarm. “The night was raw cold," writes Lieut. Williams, “and we huddled together for warmth. Tomorrow we were to face a task as stiff as any ever set before the Australian Corps. But tomorrow could wait. To-night our weary bodies craved sleep." On the following morning a fine ra’n was drizzling. It was the Ist of September. The battalions of the 6th Australian Brigade were lying at the foot of the hill of Mont St. Quentin. Other parts of the 2nd Div sion advanc d to the north. The Germans still tenaciously clung to the Ransbach Ridge and the flat heights to the 11101 bo0 The 14th Brigade made north of Mont St. Quentin. rapid progress in the south. The 53rd Battalion, advanc¬ ing upon the sugar factory between Peronne and Mont. oos St. Quentin, suffered particularly severe losses in the wire-entanglements as its soldiers were taken by heavy fire from the flank. They were supported by the 56th o b Battal on, whilst the 54th Battalion soon reached Anvil Wood in the direction of Peronne. Lieut. Williams, of the 56th Battalion, relates how his company came to a halt in a sunken road near Anvil Wood. “Here 1 saw two German machine-gun posts, each with their entire crew lying Jauba. dead around the guns. In one post were the bodies of sixteen dead Germans, including an officer. They had fought to the last. We recelved word that the 53rd Battalion was held up round the cemetery to the left of Peronne, swept by machine-gun fire from the ramparts of the town . . . . Some of the 53rd Battalion dug themselves in among the graves of the cemetery. A company of the 56th Battalion had become involved with the latter phase of the 53rd Battalion's advance, and were now holding a position among some hutments and a railway line near the cemetery. Then, he says, word came through that the 54th Battallon had gained a foothold in Peronne. “About 11 a.m. I saw the first German prisoners of the fight, a small party in charge of two slightly wounded men of the 54th Battalion. The prisoners were decidedly different had no idea where he came from. The position was becoming more from those we had seen during these last weeks. These were all big dangerous every minute. To the left the enemy stood close behind us, men in good uniforms, and wearing white shoulder knots on their uni¬ and to the right swarmed in masses into the valley. In front there forms. They belonged to the 2nd Prussian Guards Division. were these ducking figures which seemed impregnable against our shots. The Intelligence staff of our corps headquarters was surprised to fine We were already using the third case on the roil, and my shoulder among the few prisoners taken during the fighting at Mont St. Quentin was paining me badly. The sergeant kept on shooting whilst I watched. and Peronne, men from many units of the German Army. It wa¬ Suddenly he pointed to the left and yelled something at me. God help soon learned that volunteers had been called for to hold these position us! The enemy there was only 100 metres away, and kept disappearing against the coming attack of the Australians. It was no wonder, there in the trenches and craters. My men, having realised that it was fore, that the th and 14th Brigades had to fight like demons. The almost over, endeavoured to escape from the inevitability of being German machine-gunners could fairly be ranked with Leonidas's Spartan taken prisoners, and crept along the trenches to the left. The sergeant Three Hundred, as they fought by their guns to the death, and con¬ and myself now stood alone in the trench, and our cartridge strap tinued firing when all hope for themselves personally had vanished. was used up. I tore the machine-gun down to the bottom of the trench. but it was too late and ! had no time to reload it. What then took The rain gradually ceased, the smoke of the bursting place, did so in the space of a few seconds. In a flash ! saw over shells and shrapnel mix ng with the damp mist. the covering, the sergeant loaded his weapon, and I took out my pistol. On the trench, not 10 metres away, stood a 'Tommy,' his weapon 6th Brigade repeatedly attacked Mont St. Quentin, and aimed straight at me. Quick as lightning 1 turned to the left in order from the so-called “Elsa Trench” its companies moved to bend down and escape from range, but it was too late—something further and further ahead. They were repulsed four or hard hit my left shoulder, and 1 was thrown back against the trench five times, but always stormed forward again. Captain wall. My arm felt suddenly very hot. Then a form sprang into the Sullivan, of the 21st Battalion, was the first to enter the trench—that of the Australian with the glasses. vllage, where a hand-to-hand fight commenced. The few who managed to get out from the village and At about 3 p.m. the Australians had surrounded Mont the park were taken to the south of Allaines. Then the St. Quentin from two sides. Their artllery opened a fighting ebbed down. Both friends and foes were worn out devastating fire on the village, and then the storm broke and at the end of their strength. The uneven fight was loose. Already in the first onslaught some three com¬ resumed, however, in the morning of September 2nd. The panies of Australians drove the occupants of the village Germans retreated hesitatingly, covering the retreat into the farm lying in the east. to the Siegfried position. "It was close on 3 o’clock in the afternoon,” writes Corporal Barget, Mont St. Quentin was a battle which scarcely finds a of the Alexander Regiment. “A.l of a sudden we were covered b parallel as far as the courage and tenacity of both assail¬ encmy artillery. Shot after shot fell in our trenches mingled some ants and defenders and the fierceness of the fighting is times with grenades, and in the park to our left rose deadly red star concerned. Perfectly equal opponents were on both sides. shells. There was nothing left to do but attack. Our machine-guns They paid for the day with the greatest losses, and on were ready—our fingers pressed the triggers, and then followed the both s des on the following day a single battalion had thundering noise of fired bullets. Everywhere were flat steel-helmets appearing and disappearing; the whole valley swarmed with enemy to be formed of what had previously been two or three, infantry. We shot at the figures springing towards us, vanishing an to such an extent had they been decimated. For friend rcappearing like lightning. And—damn it! To the left the 'Tommies and foe alike, for victors and vanquished, for Australians were already behind our lines. The company commander cried ou and Germans, Mont St. Quentin will remain an unfading something to us which was lost in the terrific noise of battle. Suddenly leaf in the laurel wreath of glorious history. a sergeant of the 2nd Company appeared conveying cartridge-straps.
22. August 1936. DIE BRUCKE Die Deutsche Heimat WIE BAYREUTH ZUR FFSTSPIELSTADI ESI WURDE — KAMPF UND SIEG EINER IDEE. Von Herbert Günther. In den vierziger Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts reichte Richard Wagner als Hofkapellmeister zu Dresden dem sächsischen Ministerium eine Denk- schrift über die künstlerische Reorganisation des Theaters ein. Die Idee des Festspiels gewinnt festere Form durch die Entstehung des “Ringes des Nibelungen, mit dem sie unlösbar zusammenhängt. In Weimar versucht Franz Liszt, seinem Freunde dieses Festtheater zu schaffen, in München danach König Ludwig II. Dort vereitelt es der Hof, bier die Bürgerschaft. 1863 muss Wagner sich zur öffentlichen Ausgabe des “Ringes” entschliessen. Sein Vorwort bezeichnet genau die Eigenschaften der Festspiel-Aufführung von später: die sommer- liche Spielzeit mit Wiederholungen, der amphi- theatralische Zuschauerraum, das verdeckte Orchester, das übrigens endlich eine Forderung Goethes erfüllt, der “durch die mechanischen Be- mühungen und durch die notdürftigen, immer seltsamen Gebärden der Instrumentenspieler so sehr zerstreut und verwirrt” wurde. Mitwirkende wie Adolf Hitler im Gespräch mit Frau Winifred Wagner. Zuschauer sollen, unbeansprucht durch irgend- einer kleinen Ansprache: “Ihrer Gunst und den eine andere Beschäftigung, zur Andacht gestimmt werden. grenzenlosen Bemühungen der Mitwirkenden, meiner Künstler, verdanken Sie diese Tat. Sie ha- 1870 besinnt sich Wagner auf eine Wanderfahrt die seine Schritte 1835 durch das Fichtelgebirge ben jetzt gesehen, was wir können; nun ist es an Ihnen, zu wollen. Und wenn Sie wollen, so haben nach Bayreuth lenkte. Frau Cosima — nach langen Kämpfen ihm gerade angetraut — ahnt eine be- wir eine Kunst”. Alle Zuschauer, nicht zuletzt Kaiser Wilhelm I. und König Ludwig von Bayern, sondere Bedeutung hinter dieser Erinnerung, liest mit Wagner sogleich nach, was im Lexikon über Die Presse zeigte sich nach wie waren erschüttert. vor grösstenteils ablehnend, ja feindselig und Bayreuth steht, und sie bedenken alle Möglich- keiten. 1871 besucht Wagner zweimal die Mark- höhnisch. Die Gesamtkosten sollten durch 1000 Patronat- grafen-Residenz im Herzen Frankens. Verhand- scheine zu je 300 Talern aufgebracht werden. Allein lungen mit den Behörden verlaufen günstig, und es ergab sich ein Defizit von 160.000 Mark. Um auf dem grünen Hügel über der Stadt spricht der es zu decken, musste Wagner, ganz gegen die Meister seinen Entschluss aus: “Nirgendwo anders, denn hier” ursprüngliche Absicht, seinen “Ring” den Theatern freigeben. Ende April 1872 übersiedelt Familie Wagner nach Wagner beschäftigte vor allem “die ewige Sorge Bayreuth. Am 22. Mai 1872, Wagners 59. Geburts- dem Unzureichenden gegenüber”. Die materiellen tage, findet die Grundsteinlegung des Festspiel¬ Hemmungen verhinderten eine schnelle Korrektur hauses statt, gekrönt durch eine Aufführung von des bisher noch Unvollkommenen, das er mit vol¬ Beethovens IX. Symphonie in dem prachtvollen ler Deutlichkeit sah. Erst 1882 sollten sich die Tore barocken Opernhaus unter Wagners Leitung. 1874 des Festspielhauses wieder öffnen, und zwar für kann Wagner in sein Haus Wahnfried einziehen, den inzwischen entstandenen “Parsifal”. Wieder das ihm König Ludwig II. baute. 1875 beginnen die Proben. musste sich der Meister seine Künstler von allen Vom 13. bis 17. August’ 1876 endlich wurden Theatern zusammensuchen und sie in Eile für diese die Bayreuther Festspiele mit dem “Ring des besondere Bayreuther Aufgabe umformen. Wagner hatte bei der letzten “Parsifal”- Nibelungen” eröffnet. Eine Gedenktafel in Form eines marmornen Theaterzettels verewigt am Fest- Aufführung 1882, wie im Vorgefühl seines Heim- gangs, Abschied genommen: im 3. Akt bestieg er spielhaus die Namen der Hauptdarsteller. Am Schluss der erst 1874 beendeten, “im Vertrauen auf plötzlich das Pult und leitete den Abend zu Ende... den deutschen Geist entworfenen” “Götterdämme- Als er 1883 starb, trat Cosima aus dem Schatten rung” erwidert Wagner die begeisterten Rufe mit und nahm die Festspiele in ihre sicheren Hände.
26 DIE BRUCKE 22. August 1936. 1884 wurde noch einmal “Parsifal” angesetzt. 1886 the British from the French and gain strategic lauschte eine winzige Gemeinde von nur 300 Zu- mobility had not been achieved. A reverse was hörern in dem Raum, der 1700 Personen fasst, zum bound to follow and it came in the latter part of erstenmal “Tristan und Isolde”. Cosima Wagner the Summer when the allies who meanwhile had war unbeirrbar. Mal für Mal fügte sie dem been reinforced by the Americans, took on the “Parsifal” eines der anderen Wagnerschen Werke offensive themselves. an — von den reifsten wie “Meistersinger” und The Fourth British Army under General Rawlin- “Tannhäuser” bis zum “Lohengrin” und “Fliegen¬ son held the centre of the extended front line, den Holländer”. So hat sie Bayreuth den ganzen whilst to the North was the Third British Army of Wagner erschlossen, getreu dem Vermächtnis des General Byng, in the South the First French Army Meisters. of General Debeney. The attack commenced on Cosima Wagner wurde die Bewahrerin Bayreuths. the 8th August on both sides of the ancient Roman 1908 musste sie wegen schwerer dauernder Erkran- road leading from Amiens to St. Quentin. The kung ausscheiden, und ihr Sohn Siegfried übernahm countryside was covered by a slight mist when the die Leitung. 1914 brachte das Freiwerden des deadly concert of the artillery suddenly opened at bisher Bayreuth vorbehaltenen “Parsifal” für alle 4.20 a.m. The German infantry barely managed to Bühnen dem Festspiel die Gefahr einer Einbusse. man trenches of the front line, as the rattling and Dann begann der Weltkrieg. Erst ein volles Jahr- fire-vomiting gigantic forms of the tanks appeared zehnt später, 1924, öffneten sich Bayreuths Pforten before them, breaking down and crushing every- wieder. 1930 wurden Cosima und Siegfried Wagnei thing and thus preparing the way for the in die Ewigkeit abberufen. Wieder übernahm eine storming detachments of assault troops running be¬ Frau die Zügel: Siegfrieds Witwe Winifred tween and behind them. They were the Australian Wagner. Corps under General Sir John Monash which Das Haus auf dem Festspielhügel, von dem attacked the German XIth Army Corps and the Wagner einst mit Stolz sagte, es sei einzig, und Headquarters 51, striking between the Roman niemand könne es ihm nachbauen, hat allen Stür- highroad and the Somme river and particularly men der Zeiten standgehalten. Seit 1933 aber ist driving at the 47th and the 109th Infantry Division, ihm ein spürbar neues Blühen beschieden. Statt which was about to be relieved. In a particularly einzelner Patrone oder Stipendiaten wallfahrtet gallant attack the battalions of the 2nd and 3rd heute das ganze Volk dorthin. An seiner Spitze Australian Division succeeded in a short time to der Führer, der gleich 1933 trotz aller seiner Auf- break through the foremost positions of the German gaben die Zeit fand, einem ganzen Zyklus von sechs trench-system whilst the 5th and the 4th Divisions Vorstellungen beizuwohnen. were following. When the fog lifted the front line of the attacking forces had taken Lamotte and MONT ST. QUENTIN. Cérisy. Whilst they rested the following lines of infantry, light tanks and cavalry pushed through An Australian Military Exploit. their ranks to carry on the attack and before noon Abbreviated translation from an article by Carl had struck the front lines of the assault troops Henke, former Lt. Colonel of the German General already saw Foucaucourt lying before them. Staff. now Oberregierungsrat at the Research Regiments of the British cavalry divisions advanced Institute for Military History at Potsdam. in gallop, but were repulsed by the German “On the night of the 30th/31st Aug. the 2nd Australian machine-gun fire which revived on all sides. Also Division (Major General C. Rosenthal) stormed Mont St. growing numbers of tanks were disabled by German Quentin, a most important tactical feature commanding field artillery and hand-grenades. When German Peronne and the crossings of the Somme at that town." reserves took the offensive against their adversaries (Sir Douglas Haig’s Despatches) who were now in disorder, the latter were compelled After gaining their first laurels at Gallipoli and to retire and surrender the newly conquered ter¬ undergoing more training and better co-ordination ritory. As dusk fell the Australian line passed in Egypt the two Australian-New Zealand Army through Harbonnières and Maucourt. On the first Corps had been fighting since 1916 on the British day of the offensive they had advanced some 10 front. kilometres into the German front, taken several The German High Command had taken the fight¬ thousands prisoners and hundreds of guns. Sir ing initiative in the Spring of 1918 after the heavy Douglas Haig reported in glowing colours on the defensive battles of 1917 in Flanders, at Arras. on splendid achievements of the Canadian and Aus¬ the Aisne and in the Champagne. Formidable tralian troops in this battle. German attacks had cleft great gaps in the Allied To the East of Cambrai the German 21st Infantry front to the West of Lille and St. Quentin and to Division had at last found the desired rest, after the South of Laon. However the aim of separating the foregoing heavy fighting. On the 21st August PUBLISHERS: German-Australian Publications, Ltd., 16 Bond Street, Sydney, N.S.W., to whom all communications should be addressed. ’Phone: B 1922. Vrholly set up and printed in Australla by Shiping Neuspapers, Ltd., 10 Bond stret, Sraner.
22. August 1936. DIE BRUCKE 27 the disposition of its troops was as follows: Infantry ment, and this was later to prove fatal for the entire Regiment No. 87 stood between the Somme and the German position. Roman road to the South of the river to Chuignolles, The Ist Grenadier-Guards Regiment “Emperor in Chuignolles and to the South of it the Fuesilier- Alexander I.” and three batteries of artillery re¬ Regiment No. 80, and then up to the Roman road ceived orders in the late afternoon of the 29th the Infantry Regiment No. 81 which was flanked by August to occupy and hold by all means the highly the 107th Infantry Division. The 243rd Infantry important heights of Mont St. Quentin, which Division formed the second line to the West, from formed the key to the entire German position behind Cappy to Soyécourt. The attack of the First Aus¬ the Somme. Two companies each of the 2nd and tralian Division whichwas againstrongly reinforced 3rd battalions were despatched to the canal in order by numerous tanks commenced in the thick morning to proceed from there into the front positions. fog on the 23rd August. Tremendous fighting took Darkness, absolute lack of news, the uncertainty re¬ place for every ruined village and forest and every garding the whereabouts of the enemy and the lack bit of trench, and the German detachments which of guides knowing the locality permitted only very for the most part did not consist of more than cautious movement. At 3 a.m. the canal had been 20-30 men were gradually withdrawn towards the traversed. East. Finally the remainder of the 21st Division (To be concluded.) evaded the enemy by crossing to the North bank of the Somme at Feullières and Ommiècourt in the night from the 28th to the 29th August. On the German side after the crossing of the Somme the 21st Infantry Division now held the so- called Siegfried Ridge and the Seefeld Height be¬ Deutsche Arbeitsfront Ortsgruppe Sydney, Abtlg hind it with Infantry Regiment No. 87 and the Arbeitsvermittlung. Pitt Street, Zimmer 501, Fuesilier-Regiment No. 80. Fernspr. B 3026, Von 9 10 Uhr morgens und nach On the Australian side the 1st Division had 5 Uhr abends. Die Vermittlungen sind kostenfrei. pushed through to the South of the Somme in the Arbeit sucht: eastward direction, and the 2nd Division had fol¬ Eine deutsche Dame sucht Wirkungskreis. lowed the Germans to the North bank of the river. Spricht deutsch, englisch, franzoesisch und relieving also the 3rd Division which had advanced spanisch. Medizinische Kenntnisse und along the North bank through Braye-Suzanne and praktische Erfahrung als Aerzte-Hilfe. its advance troops already in the course of the 29th Wuerde Posten als Reisebegleiterin in Er¬ Augnst got into touch with the new German lines waegung ziehen, da selbst viel gereist. running from Cléry to the North. Junger Deutscher sucht Arbeit im Haus The German Fuesilier-Regiment had taken part oder Garten. Reparaturen, Maler- und for three weeks already, excepting for slight inter- Ausbesserungsarbeiten. Kann Kraftwagen vals in very heavy fighting and had sustained great fuehren. casualties. Its companies scarcely numbered more Deutscher mit praktischer Erfahrung im than 30 riflemen. Thus Australian battalions suc¬ Galvanisieren und Verchromen sucht Be¬ ceeded in penetrating into the principal defence schaeftigung. lines to the North of Cléry when they carried out their resolute attack at 5 a.m. on the 30th August Arbeits-Angebot: advancing without the slightest artillery prepara¬ 0005) Deutsches Maedchen gesucht als Stuetze tion. They were driven out of the trenches with der Hausfrau fuer australischen Haushalt the assistance of a company of the 4th Regiment of in Killara (Sydney). the Grenadiers of the Guards “Empress Augusta” 0007 Schreibmaschinenfraeulein mit gruendli¬ which was thrown into action from behind. How- chen Kenntnissen der deutschen und engli¬ ever they managed to force their way from the schen Sprache zum baldigen Antritt in North into the village and to cut off the company deutscher Firma gesucht. holding it and which would not evacuate the posi¬ 0008 Stuetze der Hausfrau fuer deutschen tion. However they were taken prisoners, one non- Haushalt in MELBOURNE gesucht. Vor- commissioned officer and 13 men only escaping to stellung erwuenscht im Pfarrhaus, 2: the East. In the second half of the day a few more Parliament Place, East Melbourne. assault troops of Australians advancing resolutely 0009) Deutscher Handwerker, Maschinenschlosser penetrated into the principal German defence line. oder Mechaniker gesucht fuer eine Werk- They were forced to retire before a German back- statt in Ashfield NSW. thrust losing 10 men dead and a non-commissioned 0010) Fuer alle Haushaltsarbeiten, drei Tage in officer and one private taken prisoners. Both be¬ der Woche, wird eine deutsche Frau ge- longed to the 56th Australian battalion. But the sucht. Potts Point. attackers remained in occupation of a large gap be¬ Heil Hitler! tween the 2nd and 3rd battalion of the 80th Regi- W. Heiler.
22. August 1936. DIE BRUCKE 28 MIT DER K.P.M. nach Holland Australia Line Java, Bali, (United Netherlands Navigation Company) Geniessen Sie luxuriöses Reisen auf einer grossen REGELMAESSIGER MONATLICHER weissen Yacht mit Ten¬ nis, Schwimmbad, Turnhalle, und Lido SCHNELL-FRACHTDIENST Café. Landen Sie in Macassar. Machen Sie mit einem örtlichen K.P.M. Dampfer einen Abstecher nach Bali, MIT NEUEN MOTORSCHIFFEN.ZWISCHEN keine extra Kosten verursacht. Besichtigen Sie Sourabaya, Semarang AUSTRALISCHEN HAUPTHÄFEN UND und Batavia. Passieren Sie den DUNKIRCHEN, ANTWERPEN, BREMEN, Equator, um das kosmopolitische Singapore kennen su lernen. HAMBURG, ROTTERDAM, und vice versa. Retour-Fahrpreise von Sydney oder Brisbane mit T.S.S. Nieuw Holland oder Nieuw Zeeland nach Java Die neuzeitlichen Schiffe dieser Linie sind besonders Der £67.10.-, nach Singapore £75. Besuch auf Bali ist in diesen Fahr¬ für schnelle Beförderung von WOLLE und Stück¬ preisen, die in australischer Währung gütern nach Häfen des europäischen Kontinents sind, eingeschlossen. eingerichtet und haben Platz für eine beschränkte Benutzen Sie die ruhige See-Route Auf dem Wege Anzahl von Kajüts-Passagieren. Geräumige Kabinen nach Europa- vierzehn Häfen in bunter mit Heisswasserleitung und sonstigen modernsten Europa nach Reihenfolge, von dem farbenprächtigen Anlagen, gemütliche Rauchzimmer, ausgezeichnete Osten bis zur heiteren Riviera. Fahr¬ Sehen Sie die Verpflegung. preise erster Klasse sind nicht teuerer halbe Welt. wie auf den anderen Routen. Weitere Hauptgeschäftsstelle für Australasien: Auskunft erteilen: John Sanderson & Co., Melbourne; Dalgety & Co., Ltd., HOLLAND AUSTRALIA LINE, Brisbane; Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd., Adelaide and Perth. 255 GEORGE STREET, SYDNEY. Royal Packet Navigation Co. Tel.: BW 2381 (3 lines). Telegramm Addresse: “HOLLANDIA." PAKETVAART HOUSE. 255 GEORGE ST., SYDNEY J. FRERCK 162 William Street, SYDNEY. F. P. H. SCHROEDER Tel.: F 3674 & SON. Schwarzbrot, Pumpernickel, Roll¬ Tabak-. Cigarren- und Cigaretton- mops, Wurstwaren, Fabrikanten. empflehlt: selbsteingemachtes SAUER- KRAUT 9d. per lb. 139½ Regent Street, Sydney. frisch angefertigte SCHOKOLADEN¬ TRUEFFELN 3/- per 1b Spesialmarken: Hengstenberg Senf und andere deutsche "QUEEN OF THE ORIENT" Delikatessen. "TLOR IMPERIAL" OIGARREN. MDRQUONAUT cnow KALODERMA. ERSTKLASSIGE FEUERWAFFEN UND FISCHFANGGERÄTE. (Wolff & Sohn, Karlruhe) Wir erteilen jede gewünschte Auskunft. Wohin zu gehen und was mitzunehmen. SEIFE, GELEE, RASIERSEIFE. SIL ROHU bekommt man von der Büchsenmacher und Fischerei Sachverständiger, Apotheke John Watson. 143 Elizabeth Street (in der Nähe von OUn FIOUA Market Street), SYDNEY. geg. 1852 SVDNEY 373 George Street, SYDNEY. Johann Maria Farina gegenüber Fernruf: MA3737. Romanoff Caviar Co. ABUANUSA Hengstenberg Senf. INHABER L. A. KOCH. Winter-Spezialitäten. F. W. L. BECKMANN. Watson's Influenza Mixture, 2/6. Watson's Liquid Snuff, 1/-. Fabrikantenvertreter und Kommissionsagent. Für Schnupfen, Katarrh, etc., Vermittlung von Versicherungen jeder Art. Es wird deutsch gesprochen. 16-20 Bridge Street, Sydney. Tel.: B 3529.
29. August 1936. DIE BRUCKE Die Deutsche Heimat REISE NACH DESSAU Von Carl Bulcke. So viel weiss ich noch. Frau und Kinder waren auf Ferien an der See, ich hauste ganz allein in der Wohnung. Das hab ich gern. Kein Dienstbote darf da sein, keine Aufwartung, die Dreihundert- Tage-Uhr wird mit dem Gesicht gegen die Wand ge- stellt und die Taschenuhr in einer Schublade ver- wahrt. Aber auf dem Schreibtisch liegt zu kleinen Bogen gefaltetes Papier, und ich schreibe an einer Novelle. Genau so war es damals im Sommer, und alles ging gut. Bis ich dann in meiner Novelle auf die Seite 12 kam, über einem Komma stolperte und laut vor mich hinsprach: “Die ganze Schreiberei trt soll auf zwei Tage der Deubel holen.” 44 Dann suchte ich den allerkleinsten Koffer, packte ein, was man für zwei Tage braucht, stellte unseren asiatischen Nelkentopf vom Abhang des Himalaja unserer lieben Nachbarin nebenan vor die Tür, schloss die Wohnung ab und trabte zum Bahnhof. Am Fahrkartenschalter sagte ich zu dem Beamten: “Bitte, hier sind sieben Mark. Mit diesem Geld Der grosse Markt in Dessau. Im Hintergrund die Marienkirche. möchte ich mit dem nächsten Schnellzug in der 3. Klasse irgendwohin eine kleine Reise machen.” stieg ich natürlich ab. Ein goldener Beutel ist Obwohl ich mich deutlich ausgedrückt hatte, musste besser als ein leeres Portemonnaie. ich es zweimal sagen. Dann wurde ich verstanden. Es war recht hübsch dort, still und behaglich, Der freundliche Beamte erklärte: “Damit kommen und am meisten gefiel mir, dass auf dem kleinen Sie gerade bis Dessau. Der Zug fährt in ein paar Tisch, an dem ich zu Abend ass, bequem zur rech¬ Minuten.' ten Hand eine kleine silberne Klingel gestellt war. Dann bekam ich die Fahrkarte und dazu noch Klingelte man, so gab es einen allerliebsten dünnen zwanzig Pfennig heraus, sass im richtigen Zug und Ton, und der Kellner kam. Ich weiss noch, ich lobte meine Schläue. Wo bist du schon überall ge- hatte mir Weserlachs auftischen lassen, die Gäste wesen, sagte ich mir, noch neulich rühmtest du dich, im Raum unterhielten sich flüsternd, ich schien jede deutsche Stadt zu kennen, sieh da, in Dessau ihnen irgendwie aufzufallen, wahrscheinlich, weil warst du noch nie. Es ist eine sehr kluge Idee, dass sie mich noch nie gesehen hatten. Ich selber wun¬ du jetzt nach Dessau fährst. Pass auf, du kriegst derte mich aber auch, und ich sagte zu meiner heraus, wie die Novelle hinter dem elenden Komma Seele: “Sind wir, liebe Seele, am Ende doch schon weitergeht. einmal hier gewesen?” Zugleich überlegte ich, was ich von Dessau wusste. Bauhaus und Junkerswerke. Ehemalige Anderen Tags fuhr ich in der Morgenfrühe Residenz, also wird ein Schloss dort sein. Der alte hinaus; sah Neubauten hier, Arbeits- und Wohn¬ Dessauer wird ein Denkmal haben. Viel mehr fiel stätten, sah Flugzeughallen dort, Flugzeuge mit mir nicht ein. Ja, halt, noch eins. Als junger ausgebreiteten Flügeln auf freiem Feld. Ich dachte: Mensch in Schleswig-Holstein waren meine Alters¬ Du irrst dich. Hier bist du nie gewesen. Doch die genossen und ich in Verehrung einem jungen Grübelei war wieder da, als ich zur Stadt zurück- Mädchen zugetan gewesen, das Marianne hiess und kehrte und in tiefer Ergriffenheit vor dem Bildnis die Tochter eines Malers war. Marianne war nun von Marianne stand. Das schöne Bild hatte ich schon lange tot. Doch der Maler hatte von ihr ein seit meinen Studententagen nicht wiedergesehen, lebensgrosses Bild gemalt, das ihren Namen trug: das wusste ich genau. Aber eine traumhafte Erin¬ Das strahlenäugige Mädchen steht zwischen jungen nerung war da, als hätte ich dies Bild schon einmal Buchenstämmen; auf den Stamm einer Buche dicht hier gesucht, heiss bekümmert, weil ich es nicht ge¬ neben ihr hat der Vater in kaum lesbarer Schrift funden hatte. In jenem Augenblick wusste ich die drei Worte “noli me tangere” geschrieben. Das übrigens plötzlich, wie die Geschichte hinter dem Bild hatte vor vielen Jahren die Stadt Dessau ge¬ Komma auf Seite 12 weiterging. kauft. Du wirst Marianne wiedersehen, dachte ich. Stellen Sie sich vor, dass ich gleich danach vor Als ich in Dessau ankam, erfuhr ich, dass eins einem Wirtshaus stand und zu mir sagte: “Wenn der Hotels “Zum goldenen Beutel” heisst. Dort du jetzt hier eintrittst, in den Raum rechter Hand 25
29. August 1936. DIE BRUCKE 250 they clashed against the retreating detachments of gehst, so wird da eine Rüstung aufgestellt sein. the 81st Regiment which pushed their way past the Rüstung aus dem späten Mittelalter, Helm mit ge- grenadiers and fusileers. In this melee the advance schlossenem Visier, tauschierter Panzer, Beinwehren lines of Australians emerged on the right and left und Armwehren. side of the trenches. Only two non-commissioned Ich trat ein; niedriger und halbdunkler Raum, officers and ten privates escaped from the 5th verhängte Fenster. Im Hintergrund rechts stand Company; the losses of 12th Company were even die Rüstung. Ich fragte: “Wie lange steht hier greater. Und der schon dieser Eisenmann, Herr Wirt The 6th Company had reached the summit of the Mann sagte in seiner anhaltinischen Landessprache, Seefeld Heights, but as neither on the left nor on er sei genau vor einer Woche in einem Nachbardorf the right flank it could establish any liaison with auf einer Versteigerung gekauft ... other German troops, it was soon surrounded en¬ Als ich am nächsten Tag wieder vor meiner tirely by the Australians appearing out of the thick Wohnung ankam, stand vor der Tür der Neben- fog. Only one man came back to tell the story. The wohnung immer noch der asiatische Nelkentopf. heavy machine-guns of the Ist Machine-gun Com- Unsere gute Nachbarin war also auch in die Ferien pany were also lost in spite of brave resistance of gefahren. Die Nelken hatten mir den Ausflug nicht the crews. übelgenommen; ich gab ihnen zu trinken. Consequently, one half of the two fighting Dies Erlebnis hat mich lange beschäftigt. Ich battalions of the Alexander-Regiment had already hatte an jenem Tag in Dessau den Schlossgarten been annihilated before the other parts of the und die Schmuckplätze gesehen, auf denen uralte regiment could take any active part in the battle. A Eibenbäume standen, so viele, so prachtvolle Eiben, counter-attack was abandoned as not practicable, wie sie sonst nirgendwo in Deutschland zu finden especially after a section of the 7th Company had sind; erst auf der Rückfahrt kam mir zu Bewusst- been overpowered by the Australians, small sein, wie diese Eiben in Dessau mich schon einmal remnants only fighting their way through to entzückt hatten. Ich musste feststellen, dass alles, das ich an diesem Tag gesehen hatte, meinem Feuillaucourt. Eventually the Australian shock troops pene¬ Herzen dämmernd vertraut gewesen war, Schloss, trated to the dug-outs of the commanding officers. Strassen, ein See, ein Marktplatz, selbst das Hotel The two battalion headquarters, of the Alexander “Zum goldenen Beutel” und die silberne Klingel. Regiment and that of the 81st were taken by com- Und dennoch war ich im wirklichen Leben nie, nie- plete surprise and taken prisoners after a short re¬ mals dort gewesen. Ich bin heute sicher, dass es das sistance. The same fate awaited the 8th Company Bildnis Mariannes gewesen war, das mich ohne mein of which only three non-commissioned officers and Wissen unaufhaltsam dorthin getrieben hatte ... 12 men escaped. The Second Australian Division was favoured by extraordinary good luck during its intrepid attack. MONT ST. QUENTIN Without any preliminary preparation, favoured by the thick fog, its companies pushed through the An Australian Military Exploit. (Concluded.) various gaps in the weak German advance positions. Abbreviated translation from an article by Carl Their offensive coincided with the commencement Henke, former Lt. Colonel of the German General of the replacement in the German lines. The Ger¬ Staff, now Oberregierungsrat at the Research mans were surprised and surrounded and the greatest bravery was of no avail. Yet the Aus¬ Institute for Military History at Potsdam. tralians, though considered first-class troops, were The 10th Company succeeded to reach the prin¬ not entirely irresistible. By counter-attacking, the cipal line of resistance of the 80th Regiment prac- remaining section of the II. Battalion of the tically unopposed, shortly after 5 a.m. A few Alexander Regiment, assisted by parts of the minutes later Australian soldiers appeared out of Augusta Regiment regained the northern slope of the dense fog on the left flank and then in front. the Seefeld Heights. Two trenches were retaken Immediately both sides engaged in a fierce battle and the Australians withdrew to the forest with fire-arms and handgrenades thrown from the of Thanne. Though a few shock sections of the closest distance. The company was surrounded and Fusileers advanced as far as the eastern slope of the attacked on three sides. Despite heroic resistance Siegfried position, they were too late, for there was its doom was sealed. Steadfast and loyal to the nobody left to support them on either flank. last moment the entire company and its commander The storming columns of the Australians were laid down their lives and not a single man escaped. clearly drawn towards the elevation of Mont St. The 12th and the 5th companies had met in an old Quentin which was silhouetted against the morning trench leading towards the enemy’s lines. Ad- sky. The foremost German lines had been over- vancing towards the summit of the Seefeld Ridge PUBLISHERS: German-Australian Publications, Ltd., 16 Bond Street, Sydney, N.S.W., to whom all communications should be addressed. ’Phone: B 1922. Wholly set up and printed in Australia by Shipping Newspapers., Ltd., 16 Bond Street, Sydney.
29. August 1936. DIE BRUCKE 27 powered so quickly that the reserves of Infantry wire entanglements as its soldiers were taken by Regiment No. 94 which were to support the heavy firing from the flank. They were supported Alexander Regiment barely managed to occupy the by the 56th Battalion whilst the 54th Battalion soon outskirts of the village and bring the storming Aus¬ reached the Anvil-Wood in the direction of Péronne. tralians to a halt. The battalions of the Fifth Aus¬ The rain gradually ceased, the smoke of the burst¬ tralian Brigade, however, penetrated into the gap ing shells and shrapnels mixing with the damp mist. between the village and Feuillaucourt and over- The 6th Brigade repeatedly attacked Mont St. whelmed the regimental headquarters of the 81st Quentin and from the so-called “Elsa-Trench” its Regiment, which were in a natural crater, some 500 companies moved further and further ahead. They metres to the North of the village. Advancing from were repulsed four or five times but always stormed the North-East into the village and park the Aus¬ forward again. Captain Sullivan of the 21st tralians almost succeeded in capturing the regi¬ Battalion was the first to enter the village where a mental headquarters of the 94th Regiment, which hand-to-hand fight commenced. managed its escape only after losing seven men. Two infantry guns were also taken by the An officer of the 56th Battalion related how his company came to a halt in a hollow road near Anvil¬ Australians. Wood. He says he saw there two German machine- Mont St. Quentin seemed to be lost for the Ger¬ gun nests with the entire crews lying dead around mans, when the First Battalion of the Alexander them, sixteen men and one officer. They had Regiment was ordered to counter-attack from the fought to the bitter end. Towards 11 o’clock the South-West. The Australians holding the village first German prisoners were brought in, led by two were taken under two fires by the Alexander and slightly wounded men of the 54th Battalion. They the remains of the 94th Regiment. The German were tall men in good uniforms with white shoulder shock sections advanced with a loud “Hurrah!” and straps, proving that they belonged to the Second the Australians were driven headlong down the Division of the Prussian Guards. Even vanquished Western slope of Mont St. Quentin. Thus the summit of Mont St. Quentin¬ they showed by their bearing that they belonged to an élite regiment. It was surprising to discover Feuillaucourt and the line of the great road were among the few prisoners of this battle men from so again in German hands. However all further many different units of the German army. The 6th attempts of the Germans to advance failed. The and 14th Brigade had been forced to fight like historian of the Alexander Regiment writes that the devils. The German machine gunners could be com¬ Australians were very tough!” Perfectly even pared to the 300 Spartans of Leonidas, as they held opponents had clashed against each other and both out at their guns to the end and continued firing were guided by the same strong determination for even when all hope for their personal salvation had vietory. The difference was that the Australians gone. did not lack fresh and numerous reserves whilst the At about 3 p.m. the Australians had surrounded decimated rests of the German regiments: the Regi¬ Mont St. Quentin from two sides. Their artillery ments of the Guards: Franz, Alexander, Augusta, opened a devastating fire on the village and then and the infantry regiments Nos. 122, 94, 96 and 95, the storm broke loose. Already in the first onslaught had to depend entirely upon themselves. This factor some three companies of Australians drove the was to bring the decision on the folowing day. occupants of the village into the farm lying in the General Monash had recognised early in the day East. that in spite of the surprisingly rapid advance of The few who managed to get out from the village the 2nd Division, he would have to use fresh forces and the park were taken to the South of Alaines. on the northern bank of the Somme. Therefore he Then the fighting ebbed down. Both friends and ordered the 14th Brigade, which had followed the foes were worn out and at the end of their strength. retreating Germans to Barleux, to cross the river The uneven fight was resumed, however, in the to the West of Cléry and support the 2nd Division. morning of the 2nd September. The Germans re¬ On the high river bank at Buscourt the Australian treated hesitatingly, covering the retreat to the companies were awaiting the moment, when they Siegfried position. would be able to get over the pontoon bridge which Mont St. Quentin was a battle which scarcely crossed the river at that point. finds a parallel as far as the courage and tenacity On the following morning a fine rain was of both assailants and defenders and the fierceness drizzling. It was the 1st of September. The of the fighting is concerned. Perfectly equal battalions of the 6th Australian Brigade were lving opponents were on both sides. They paid for the at the foot of the hill of Mont St. Quentin. Other day with the greatest losses, and on both sides on parts of the 2nd Division advanced to the North. the following day a single battalion had to be The Germans still tenaciously clung to the Ransbach formed of what had previously been two or three, Ridge and the flat heights to the North of Mont St. to such an extent had thev been decimated. For Quentin. The 14th Brigade made rapid progress in friend and foe alike, for victors and vanquished. for the South. The 53rd Battalion advancing upon the Australians and Germans Mont St. Quentin will re¬ sugar factory between Péronne and Mont St. main an unfading leaf in the laurel wreath of Quentin suffered particularly severe losses in the glorious history.

                                                                                           No 2, Copy




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                                  CHAPTER XIII.



                      AUSTRALIAN ARMY MEDICAL CORPS.








                Mont St. Quentin                          (From Page 28)

troops, it was soon surrounded by the Australians, appear-

ing out of the thick fog.  Only one man came back to

tell the story.  The heavy machine guns of the 1st

Machine-gun Company were also lost, in spite of brave

resistance oof the crews.  "Hand-grenades and other

munitions were used up, and the machine-guns failed us.

There was nothing left do do, therefore, but to answer

the Australian cries of "hands up!" by rendering our

machine-guns useless"

Consequently, one half of the two fighting battalions

of the Alexander Regiment had already been annihilated

before the others part of the regiment could take any

active part in the battle.  The 7th Company had reached

a steep slope about 150 metres west of the canal.  Scarcely

had the noise of the battle reached-their ears, when the re-

lieved 81st Regiment rushed through the company, im-

mediately followed by the Australians.  Thereupon fol-

lowed wild confusion and hard fighting at close quarters.

A counter-attack was abandoned as not practicable, espec-

ally after a section of the 78th Company had been over-

powered by the Australians, small remnants only fighting

their way through to Feuillaucourt.

  Eventually the Australian shock-troops penetrated to

the dug-outs of the commanding officers.  The two bat-

talion headquarters of the Alexander Regiment and that

of the 81st were taken by complete surprise and made

prisoners after a short resistance.  The same fat

awaited 8th Company, of which only three non-com-

missioned officer and 12 men escaped.

     The 2nd Australian Division was favoured by extra-

ordinary good luck during its intrepid attack.  Without

any preliminary preparation, and favoured by the thick

fog, its companies pushed through the various gaps in

the weak German advances positions.  Their attack co-

incided with the commencement of the relief in the

German lines.  The Germans were surprised and sur-

rounded, and the greatest bravery was of no avail.  Yet

the Australians, though considered first-class troops, were

not entirely irresistible.  By counter-attacking, the re-

maining section of the 2nd Battalion of the Alexander

Regiment, assisted by parts of teh Augusta Regiment,

regaine4d the northern slope of the Seefeld Heights.  Two

tranches were retaken, and the Australians withdrew to

the forest of Thanne.

    The storming columns of the Australians were clearly

drawn towards the elevation of Mont. St. Quentin, which

was silhouetted against the morning sky.  The fore-

most Germany lines and had been overpowered so quickly that

the reserves of Infantry Regiment No. 94, which were

to support the Alexander Regiment, barely managed to 

occupy the outskirts of the village and bring the storm-

ing Australians to a halt.  The battalions of the 5th Aus-

tralian Brigade penetrated into the gap between the

village and Feuillaucourt and overwhelmed the regi-

mental headquarters of the 81st Regiment, which were in 

a natural crater, some 500 metres to the north of the

village.  The regimental adjutant reported the follow-


  "The gallery was horizontally built into the crater wall, and formed

two bends is its backward course, which were to be our salvaties.  We

awaited the arrival of the relief from the Alexander Regiment:

at 7 in the morning it had not yet arrived.  There were only 15 of

use in all-the commander of the regiment.   Lieutenant Colonel Zimmer,

3 officers, and 11 privates.  At half past 7 the commander sent back a

guide whose duty it was to meet the relief troops half-way.   We watched

\the guide climb up to the back of the creater-wall, and hardly had

he reached the topem, when, with a lead cry he fell backwards. At

the same time as "English" machine-gun opened fire at the entrance

at the gallery busted us.  Luckily the shots flew too high to be of any

real danger. We then hastily brought the injured guide back into

the gallery and treated his woounds.  He wa shot in the throat, but not

fatally injured.  We made an effort to escape from the tree, but were

held back by a shower of bullets, fire by "English" machine-guns.

boring themselves into the earth before us.  A few English Tommies

and black troops came down the slope.  Our next move was to retire




to the furthest portion of the gallery where the machine-guns could

not reach.  The Australian (we discovered their identity at a

later date) threw a hand-grenade in the entrance, which unfortunately

killed the last musketeer who crept back into the gallery.  The

enemy, apparently coming to the conclusion that there were no more

living soldiers in the gallery, established themselves at the entrance.

we hear them conversing, but we were  unable to ascertain their number.

The terrible minutes passed, full of uncertainty. What would the Aus-

tralians' next move be, would they force the entrance down? Bury us

alive-1st us suffocate?  Is this dreadful uncertainty we waited 2


  Advancing from the north-east into the village and

park the Australians almost succeeded in capturing the

regimental headquarters of teh 94th Regiment, which

managed its escape only after losing seven men.  Two

infantry guns were also taken by the Australians.

     Mont St. Quentin seemed to be lost for the Germans,

when the 1st Battalion of the Alexander Regiment was

ordered to counter-attack from the south-west.  The

fires by the Alexander and the remains of the 94th Regi-

ment.  The German shock-sections advanced with a 

loud "Hurrah!" and the Australians were driven headlong

down the western slope of Mont St. Quentin.

   "The first thing we new, having reached the top," related a combatant

in the Alexander Regiment, "was retreating Tommies."  We stood and

shot after them.  It was impossible for me to bring my machine-gun

into position, as everyone was pressing to the fore. As we ran forward

we passed two German -field-guns, the carriages and barrels of which

were unmistakably marked by English characters- marked over and over

again with white chalk.  The way back was cut off by a large natural

crater.   A trench had been dug out at the bottom, is which the staff of

the 21st Regiment had established themselves."

    But to return to the story of the adjutant of the 81st


   "It was then agreed in whispers (he says) to make a last attempt

at escape.  We prepared ourselves to make the effort.  Husemann,

Lance-Corporal Larsch, and myself were the first to rush out of the

crater.  A shot rang out, and poor Larsch fell back dead!  We

naturally hesitated after this occurrence, but a second later loud

cheering was heard from the t ope of the slope, caused by the fact

that a company of soldiers led by their sergeant-major was charging

the surprised Australians.  They sped up the opposite of the slope,

abandoning their loaded machine-guns.  My batman, Joana Nichaus,

paid his attention to the English machine-guns, and the others finished

off the 25 odd blacks."

    Thus the summit of Mont St. Quentin-Feuilaucourt and

the line of the great road were again in German hands.

However, all further attempts of the Germans to advance

failed.  The historian of the Alexander Regiment writes

that the "Australians were very touch!"  Perfectly even

opponents had clashed against each other, and both were

guided by the same strong determination for victory.

The difference was that the Australians did not lack fresh

and numerous reserves, whilst the decimated remnants

of the German regiments - the Regiments of the Guards

(Franz Alexander and Augusta), and the infantry regi-

ments Nos. 122, 94, 96 and 95 - had to depend entirely

upon themselves.  This factor was to. ring the decision

on the following day.

   General Monash had recognised early in the day that,

in spite of the surprisingly rapid advance of the 2nd

Divisions, he would have to use fresh forces on the north-

ern bank of the Somme,  Therefore, he ordered the 14th

Brigade, which had followed the retreating Germans to

Barieux, to cross the river to the west of Clery and sup-

port the 2nd Division.  On the high river bank at Bus-

court the Australian companies were awaiting the moment,

when they would be able to get over the pontoon bridge

which crossed the river at that point.

  "As we waited," says Lieutenant H. R. Williams* of the 56th Bat-

tallion (14th Brigade), "our company commander, Lieutenant Bull,

pointed across the river in a half-right direction to a hill about three

miles away, saying "That is Mon St. Quentin.  The 6th Brigade will

attack the Mont, and our job is to mop-up Peronne."  The buildings

of the town could be seen above the trees.

* In his book "The Gallant Company," page 242.



"When does the show start?" I asked,

"This afternoon," said Bull.

"Well, we will need lanterns for the attack if we are to be sooled

on to Peronne, as we cannot get into position before dark."

  And thus it happened:  the 6th and 14th Australian

Brigades prepared ourselves in case of alarm.

  " The night was raw cold," writes Lieut. Williams, "and we huddled

together for warmth.  Tomorrow we were to face a task as stiff as

any ever set before the Australian Corps.  But tomorrow could wait.

To-night our weary bodies craved sleep."

     On the followig morning a fine rain was drizzling.

It was the 1st of September.  The battalions of the 6th

Australian Brigade were lying at the foot of the hill of

Mont St. Quentin.  Other parts of the 2nd Division

advanced to the north.    The Germans still tenaciously

clung to the Ransbach Ridge and the flat heights to the

north of Mont St. Quentin.  The 14th Brigade made

rapid progress in the south.  The 53rd Battalion, advanc-

ing upon the sugar factory between Peronne and Mont.

St. Quentin, suffered particularly severe losses in the

wire-entanglements as its soldiers were taken by heavy

fire from the flan.  They were supported by the 56th

Battalion, whilst the 54th Battalion soon reached Anvil

Wood in the direction Peronne.

  Liuet. Williams, of the 56th Battalion, relates how his company

came to a halt in a sunken road near Anvil Wood.  "Here I saw

two German machine-gun posts, each with their entire crew lying

dead around the guns.  In one post were the bodies of sixteen dead

Germans, including an officer.  They had fought to the last.  We

received word that the 53rd Battalion was held up round the cemetery

to the left of Peronne, swept by machine-gun fire from the ramparts

of the town . . . .  Some of the 53rd Battalion dug themselves in

among the graves of the cemetery.  A company of the 56th Battalion

had become involved with the latter phase of the 53rd Battalion's

advance, and were now holding a position among some butments and

a railway line near the cemetery."

     Then, he says, word came through that the 54th Battalion had

gained a foothold in Peronne.  "About 11 a.m. I saw the first German

prisoners of the fight, a small part in charge of two slightly wounded

men of the 54th Battalion.  The prisoners were decidedly different

from those we had seen during these last weeks.  These were all big

men in good uniforms, and wearing white shoulder knots on the uni-

forms.  They belong to the 2nd Prussian Guards Division . . . . . 

The intelligence staff of our corps headquarters was surprised to find

among the few prisoners taken during the fights at Mont St. Quentin

and Peronne, men from many units of the German Army.  It was

soon learned that volunteers had been called for to hold these positions

against the coming attack from the Australians. It was no wonder, there-

fore, that the 6th and 14th Brigades had to fight like demons.   The

German machine-gunners could fairly be ranked with Leonidas's Spartan

Three Hundred, as they fought by their guns to the death, and con-

tinued firing when all hope for themselves personally had vanished."

 The rain gradually ceased, the smoke of the bursting

shells and shrapnel mixing with the damp mist. The

6th Brigade repeatedly attacked Mont St. Quentin, and

from the so-called "Elsa Trench" its companies moved

further and further ahead.  They were repulsed four or 

five times,  but always stormed forward again.  Captain

Sullivan, of the 21st Battalion, was the first to enter the

village, where a hand-to-hand fight commenced.

  At about 3 p.m. the Australians had surrounded Mont

St. Quentin from two sides.  Their artillery opened a

devastating fire on the village, and then the storm broke

loose.  Already in the first onslaught some three com-

panies of Australians drove the occupants of the village

into the farm lying in the east.

  "It was close on 3 o'clock in the afternoon," writes Corporal Barget,

of the Alexander Regiment.  "All of a sudden we were covered by

enemy artillery.  Shot after shot fell in our trenches mingled some-

times with grenades, and in the park to our left rose deadly red star-

shells.  There was nothing left to do but attack.  Our machine-guns

were ready --- our fingers pressed the triggers, and then followed the

thundering noise of fired bullets.  Everywhere were flat steel-helmets,

appearing and disappearing; the whole valley swarmed with enemy

infantry.  We shot at the figures springing towards us, vanishing and

reappearing like lightning. And ---- damn it!  To the left the 'Tommies'

were already behind our lines.  The company commander cried out

something to us which was lost in the terrific noise of battle.   Suddenly

a sergeant of the 2nd Company appeared conveying cartridge-straps.




  I had no idea whee he came from. The position was becoming more

dangerous every minute. To the left the enemy stood close behind us,

and to the right swarmed in masses into the valley.    In front there

were these duking figures which seemed impregnable against our shots.

We were already using the third case on the roll, and my shoulder

was paining me badly.  The sergeant kept on shooting whilst I watched.

Suddenly he pointed to the left and yelled something at me.  God help 

us!  The enemy there was only 100 metres away, and kept disappearing

in the trenches and craters.  My men, having realised that it was

almost over, endeavoured to escape from the inevitability of being

taken prisoners, and crept along the trenches o the left.  /the sergeant

and myself now stood alone in the trench, and our cartridge strap

was used up.  I tore the machine-gun down to the bottom of the trench,

but it was too late and I had no time to reload it.  What then took

place, did so in the space of a few seconds.  In a flash I saw over

the covering, the sergeant loaded his weapon, and I took out my pistol.

On the trench, not 10 metres away, stood a 'Tommy.,' his weapon

aimed straight at me.  Quick as lightning I turned to the left in order

to bend down and escape from range, but it was too late ----something

hard hit my left shoulder and I was thrown back against the trench

wall.  My arm felt suddenly ery hot.  Then a form sprang into the

trench ---- that of the Australian with the glasses."

  The few who managed to get our from the village and

the park were taken to the south of Allaines.  Then the

fighting ebbed down.  Both friends and foes were worn out

and at the end of their strength.  The uneven fight was

resumed, however, in the morning of September 2nd.  The

Germans retreated hesitatingly, cover the retreat

 to the Siegfried position.

      Mont St. Quentin was a battle which scarcely finds a

parallet as far as the courage and tenacity of both assail-

ants and defenders and the fierceness of the fightin is

concerned.  Perfectly equal opponents were on both sides.

They paid for the day with the greatest losses, and on

both sides on the following day a single battalion had

to be formed of wha had previously been two or three,

to such an extent had they been decimated.   For friend

and foe alike, for victors and vanquished, for Australians

and Germans, Mont St. Quentin will remain an unfading

leaf in the laurel wreath of glorious history.



22 August 1936.                             DIE BRUCKE                                              25

                                        DIE DEUTSCHE IBEIMAT





                    Von Herbert Gunther.

In den vierziger Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts

reichte Richard Wagner  als Hofkapellmeister zu

Dresden dem suchsischen Ministerium eine Denk-

schrift uber die kunstlerische Reorganisation des

Theaters ein.

    Die Idee des Festspiels gewinnt festere Form

durch die Entstehung des "Ringes des Nibelungen",

mit dem sie  unlosbar zusammenhangt.

     In Welmar versucht Franz Liszt, seinem Freunde

dieses Festtheater zue schaffen, in Munchen danach

Konig Ludwig II.  Dort vereitelt es der Hof, Fer

die Burgerschaft.  1863 muss Wagner sich zur


offentlichen Ausgabe des "Ringes" entschliessen.

Sein Vorwwort bezeichnet genau die Eigenschaften

der Festspiel-Auffuhrung von spater:  die sommer-

liche Spielzeit mit Wiederholungen, der amphi-

theatralische Zuschauerraum,  des verdeckte

Orchester, das ubrigens endlich eine Forderung

Goesthes erfult, der "durch die mechanischem Be-

muhungen und durch die notdurftigen,  immer

seltsamen Gebarden der Instrumentenspieler so sehr

zerstreut und verwirrt" wurde.  Mitwirkende wie

Zuschauer sollen, unbeansprucht durch irgend-

eine andere Beschaftigung, zur Andact gestimmt


  1870besinnt sich Wagner auf eine Wanderfahrt,

die seine Schritte 1835 durch das Fichtelgebirge

nach Bayreuth lenkte.  Fran Cosima --- nach langen

Kampfen ihm gerade angetraut --- ahnt eine be-

sondere Bedeutung hinter dieser Erinnerung,  liest

mit Wagner sogleich nach, was im Lexikon uber

Beyreuth steht, und sie bedenken alle Moglich-

keiten.   1871 besucht Wagner zweimal die Mark-

grafen-Residenz in Herzen Frankens.  Verhand-

lungen mit den Behorden verlaufen gunstig, und

auf dem grunen hugel uber der Stadf spricht der

Meister seinen Entschluss aus:  "Nirgendwo anders,

denn hier".

    Ende April 1872 ubersiedelt Familie Wagner nach

Bayreuth.  Am 22.  Mai 1872. Wagners 59. Geburts-

tage, findet die Grundsteinlegung des Festspiel-

hauses staff, gekront durch eine Auffuhrung von

Beethovens. IX. Symphone in dem prachtvollen

barocken Opernhause unter Wagners leitung.  1874

kann Wagner in sein Haus Wahnfried einziehen,

das ihm Konig Ludwig II.  baute.  1875 beginnen

die Proben.

     Vom 13. bis 17. August 1876 endlich wurden

die Bayreuther Festspiele mit dem "Ring des

Nielungen" eroffnet.  Eine Gedenktafel. in Form

eines marmornen Theaterzettels verewigt am Fest-

spielhaus die Namen der haauptdarsteller.  Am

Schluss der erst 1874 beendeten, "im Vertrayeb ayf

den deutschen Geist entworfenen".  "Gotterdamme-

rung"  erwidert Wagner die egeisterten Rufe mit











                         Adolf Hitler im Gesprach mit Frau Winifred Wagner.


einer kleinen Ansprache: "Ihrer Gunst und den

grenzenlosen.  Bemuhungen der Mitwirkenden,

meiner Kunstler, verdanken. Sie diese Tat.  Sie ha-

ben jetzt geschen, was wir konnen; nun ist es an

Ihnen, zu wollen.  Und wenn Sie wollen, no haben

wir eine Kunst". Alle Zuschauer, nicht zuletzt

Kaiser Wilhelm I.  und Konig  Ludwig von Bayern,

waren erschuttert.  Die Presse zeigte sich nach wie

vor grosstenteils ablehnend,  ja feindselig und


    Die Gesamtkosten sollten durch 1000 Patronat-

scheine zu je 300 Talern aufgebracht werden.  allein

es ergab sich ein Defizit von 160,000 Mar.  Um

es zu decken,, musste Wagner,  ganz gegen die

ursprungliche Absicht,  seinen "Ring" den Theatern


     Wagner beschaftigte vor ailem "die ewige Sorge

dem Unzureichenden gegenuber.  Die materiellen

Hemmungen verhinderten eine schnelle Korrektur

des bisher noch Unvollkommenen, das er mit vol-

ler Deutlichkeit sah.  Erst 1882 sollten sic die Tore

des Festspielhauses wieder. offnen, und zwar fur

den inzwischen entstandenen.  "Parsifal".  wieder

musste sich der Meister seine Kunstler von allen

Theatern zusammensuehen und sie in Eile fur diese

besondere Bayreuther Aufgabe umformen.

   Wagner hatte bei der letzten "Parsifal"-

Auffuhrung 1882, wie im Vorgefuhl seines Heim-

gangs, Abschied genommen : im 3. Akt bestieg. er

plotzlich das Pult und leitete den Abend zu Ende . . .

Als er 1883 starb, trat Cosima aus dem Schatten

und nahm die Festspiele in ihre sieheren Hande.




1884 wurde noch einmal "Parsifal". angesetzt.  1886

lauschte eine winzige Gemeinde von nur 300. Zu-

horern in dem Raum, der 1700 Personen fasst, zum

erstenmal. "Tristan und Isolde".  Cosima Wagner

war unbeirrbar.  Mal fur Mal fugte sie dem

"Parsifal" eines der anderen Wagnerschen Werke

an --- von den reifsten wie "Meistersinger" und

"Tannhauser" bis zum "Lohengrin" und "Fliegen-

den Hollander".  So hat sie Bayreuth den ganzen

Wagner erschlossen,  getreu dem Vermachtnis des


      Cosima Wagner wurde die Bewahrerin Bayreuths.

1908 musste sie wegen schwerer daurnder Erkra-

kung ausscheiden, und ihr Sohn Sigfried ubernahm

die Leitung.  1914. brachte   das Freiwerden des

bisher Bayreuth vorbehaltenen "Parsifal" fur alle

Buhnen dem Festspiel die Gefahr einer Einbusse.

Dann begann der weltkrieg.  Erst ein volles Jahr-

zehnt spater, 1924, offneten sich Bayreuths Pforten

wieder.  1930 wurden Cosima und Siegfried Wagner

in die Ewigkeit abberufen.  Wieder ubernahn eine

Fran die Zugel:  Siegfrieds   Witwe   Winifred


      Daus Haus auf dem Festspielhugel,  von dem

Wagner einst mit Stolz sagte,  es sei einzig und

niemand konne es ihm nachbauen,  hat allen Stur-

men der Zeiten standgehalten,.  Seit 1933 aber ist

ihm ein spurbar neues Bluhen beschjeden.   Statt

einzelner Patrone oder Stipendiaten  wallfahrtet

heute das ganze Volk dorthin.  An seiner Spitze

der Fuhrer.  der gleich 1933 trotz aller seiner Auf-

gaben die Zeit fand, einem ganzenZyklus von sechs

Vorstellungen beizuwohnen.


                MONT ST. QUENTIN.



             An Australian Military Exploit.

    Abbreviated translation from an article by Carl

Henke, former Lt. Colonel of the German General

Staff.  now Oberregierungsrat at the Research

Institute for Military History at Potsdam.

   "On the night of the 30th/31st Aug. the 2nd Australian

Division (Major General C Rosenthal) stormed Mont St.

Quentin, a most important tactical feature commanding

Peronne and the crossings of the Somme at that town".

                        (Sir Douglas Haig's Despatches).

  After gaining their first laurels at Gallipoli and

undergoing more training and better co-ordination

in Egypt the two Australian-New Zealand Army

oCorps had been fighting since 1916 on the British


     The German High Command had taken the fight-

ing initiative in the Spring of 1918 after the heavy

defensive battles of 1917 inFlanders. at Arras. on

The Aisne and in the Champagne.  Formidable

German attacks had cleft great gaps in the Allied

front to the West of Lille and St. Quentin and to

the South of Loaon.  However the aim of separating



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