Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 13

First World War, 1914–18
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no opposition wntill ue finally came a on the next which consitited of large number of Geens and big garrison. Altho our history becords it as our captere I fancy that the real cause was the bombry from the nght tho no other members of the on the spot & aWockin, force were Hhe surrender was made t us. Inad- ently we stoggered some ladon with spore; and I sell have two pairs of Teiss and a warck that is keeping excellent Kine- gathered on that occassion. As regards the number. Well; now I have had time to cool down and infformation on Claims gattered from your loercous volumes Id always treat numbers with reserve. We did get a big lor of Luns Flat day, in that M.G. nest. as regards other trops, here could have been a regiment of aed indians preset & I would not have taken in the fact. One thing is vivid- but isrellevan to the yearn - & that is that on tryng Heestablisk leason with the
reginend the was gong over on did C, I found that a Low before Lero neitter He men nor their H.C.Os had the Lagiess notion of where they were going or wht they lad to do not morning, I don seiembr who they were, but rementer wondering Low in the blazes He Homny troofs got on when their ofices were skibled. me If I had my maps with to do a might have been able Hem all bit betke but I sent Feare agd te Oxley Libvary some been on my platoon must have the lefft of the 43 I Oterwise would not have had occassion to estallias touch with the tommies on the left. Thaxis about all Irem Hember. Wis amazing how trivial incidents remain in ones memory and Jacts of importance seem to fade away. gremtuber all sorks of iterns such as the sovven curance to the the 43rt HDrs dieg out in which
was sitaated, He sairs were beain in and one Lad to VoPoggan down finding He entrance; & my difficulty in the 43rd atnghe with He wind well ap as I thought I might be in Fritzes line instead of our own. I hope that you may get some thing out of this. I donts it lowever Yours Sincerely John H. Buber
HISTORICAL NOTRS. NOR (Extracted from reply to letter sent to Lieut 26 Battallon, in connection with Blographical detalis for Vol. IV). On the attack of 2nd September 1918, north of Peronne, in which the 26th Battalion participated, he was the only officer to reach the objective. With a sergeant and one private he kept the Germans at bay for 6 hours until the sergeant was killed and the private wounded and ammnition exhausted. A German platoon then overwhelmed him and he was taken prisoner, with wounded knee. A few days later the 26th Battalion again attacked and reached the objective this time, and found the sergeant's grave which the Germans had dug and over which they had placed a cross. Lieut. Major and his little partyhad previously captured one light machine gun and the German who was firing it. The German prisoner was sent back to the rear of our lines. It was only many weeks later that it was ascertained that Lieutenant Major was still alive and a prisoner of War...
L D2 ILLE October 1, 1932 23rd Bn. at Mont St. Quentin- Mr. Percy Frost, of the 2ard Bn. A.L.F., proud of his old unit, thought we had done it an injustice by giving credit to the 21st Bn. for an expleit which, he contended, was carried off by the 23rd Mr: Frost; of course, had in mind the block published in last issue showing the 21st Bn. moving from Elsa trench to the brick wall of Mont St. Quentin. Perhaps in justice to the 23rd Bn.; we should have mentioned that that unit had also attacked there, but our photograph, we can definitely assure Mr. Frost, was of the leading wave of the 2lst Bn Mc. Frost says: I was the 23rd Ba. that arracked the wall. I was with the 23rd when it accacked. B' Co. was, on the right of the Per- onne Road on the night of August, 31, and on the morning of September 1 we crossed the road and Pic. MacTein, who was killed while anacking an enemy machine sun crew single handed, was recommended for the V.C. The machine gun crew was capcired. We then advanced along a creach towards Mont Sc. Quentin. We then came to the brick wall; and three of us—Sqr. Dykes, Lewis Gunner Thomp. son and myself—went through the wood to the opposite side to where the Red Cross hues scood. When we got within 20 yards of one of the hust a machine gua was opened on us and Thompson was killed, his lase words being addressed to me. Im done, Frosry. We then came back through the wood and waiced for a barrage to open up on the side of the hill, as machine guns were troubling us. While waiting for the barrage the mine on top of Moni exploded. We fnally cook the objective and after being relieved went back to Cappy for a spell. Licut. Fred Jenkins was in charge of B' Co. during the advance. 542
pd Hut Soldier Settlement Office comiens Via Cotton Vale 26th June 2 Hessrs Angus & Robertson Lrd Dear Sirs If you think this would be of any use to the author of Book do VI History of Australia in the war of 1914 - 1918, will you please forward -on. The 26th Battalion-attacked in-advance of About St Quentin on the 2nd Sept 1918. A noon on the 4th I got orders to stand by at One Oclock to go out on a day eight patrol with Lt -Col J. A. Robinson N.S.O. (26th Bn) through a copse & quarry about 500 yds in advance of our front line. We knew for certain the copse had been occupied by the German the night previous by the rattling of markine guns from different points It was a bright sunry day and at 1 Oclock the Colonel & I started off with the usual weapons of defense-down a communication trench leading from the front line to the copse, we had only one
1 & +S & 1 8 hundred yards to go and we were in good cover of the copse, we went 50 yds further and found ourselves in the open again with a stretch of 200 yds between us and the main Copse. The Colonel led on and I followed and -apart from a few shots fired at us from a long range we were not-disturbed, we went through the Main Copse and into the quarry, after we had examined the buildings + Lugout we crossed the St Denis - Bussi Road- and went down Darmstradt Trench for 300 yds, at this point we bumped up against a firman sentry and as we were 800 yds into the firman lime we withdrw -and that night the Battalion extended their line 1000yds down Darmstradt Trench My reason for writing this is or account of Colonel Robins on being such a modest man and didn't make a song of it. The faw people who know about this stuat-are General. E. A. Wisdom, Major Lee (Brigade Major 7th Bde) and the digger who were on the post where we started. Although this is not a V.C, act, nobody but a very brave man would undertake and lead such a steent
Reweille REV May 1, 1932 A. L. O’'Connor; Mate's Tribute Strange to say, of the battalions of the lst Divi- sion and 4th Brigade, A.L.F.—those which served in the war from start to finish—neither the 4th nor 5th Bn. collected a V.C. Each of the other 14 battalions scored—some, such as the lst, 7th, and 16th, very liberally. One member of the 4th Bn. (and afterwards of the 56th Bn.), who earned a V.C., though he was not awarded one, was Co. Sgt.-Major A. I. O’Connor, who tragically met his death in Sydney at 11 a.m. on November 11, 1929. O’'Connor. who was an electrician, had descended from work on the overhead wires to pay his respects to Departed Comrades during the two minutes silence, and on climbing back to his job came in contact with a live wire, and was killed in- stantly. He is survived by a very cour- teous wife and three beautiful children, who have their home in a Sydney suburb. O’'Connor was born at Deniliquin about 40 years ago, coming from well-known family. At Hve years of age he was taken to West Wyalong, from which place he enlisted in early 1915. He sailed from Sydney with 8th Reinforcements, 4th Bn., and saw service with the 4th Bn. tll March, 1916. On formation of the 5th Div. he was posted (as cpl.) to Dr Coy., France. His history from then on 56th Bn., and salled with became practically that of Bn. He took part in the early showed his courage Battle of Fromelles on July 1 and capabilities. Hig company, being reserve company of the bn., was responsible for bringing up ammunition and carrying in wounded dur- ing that fight. On many occasions during daylight on July 20, 1916, with others of his section, O’'Connor went into No Man's Land and brought in wounded. He carrted out this work until the bn. was relieved 48 hourg after. At Fleurbaix he did most of the company's patrol work for which he was splendidly adapted, being keen, consclentious, and thorough. CHARGE OF OUTPOST At Flers, in Oct., 1916, he again showed what he was made of On one occasion, being in charge of an outpost (with a section of four men)—two were killed by snipers—he insisted on taking the next turn on observation. He carried on through Gueudecourt, Switch Trench, Rose Trench, and Delville Wood, being equally at home whether in the front line or No Man’s Land, or on arduous fatigue, and was promoted to sergeant. He was wounded in the head and arm on March 16. 1917, and on rejoining, carried on in usual gallant fashion, particularly at Wyschaete and Messines. He went to the Somme in March, 1918, and on the 24-25, volunteered to act as guide to 15th Bde., which night of April and with others re- cepted, was to retake Villers Bret. He was ac Elliott. About this ceived the personal thanks of Brig. time he was A./C.S.M., and a better one it would not be nossible to have, O’'Connor having the greatest infiuence for good over the men his company, being greatly respected by officers, N.C.O.s, and Personally he carried out many patrols during the period May- August, 1918, and in the big advance on August 8 he showed rare Try out the work skill and initlative, thus enabling the company to co allotted with small loss. At Peronne on Sept. 1, Dr Company was ordered to attack on the left of Mont St. Quentin. Under heavy artil- lery, M.G., and riffe fire, the company started to advance, and in a few minutes all officers (3) were out of action and platoons became mixed. O’'Connor took complete charge, and with skill and courage, re- organised the company. He pointed out the objective, and led the company forward, and captured objectives. Although casualties were numerous and fire heavy, he, by setting a splendid example, soon had the position consolidated. After night fell he personally reconnoltred over a front of 600 yards, and brought in two wounded. For this he received his D.C.M. and Roumanian Sliver Medal, and promotion to warrant rank After being relieved two days later, the company, now 17 strong, was inspected by Major-General T. Hobbs, and O’'Connor was per- sonally thanked and shaken hands with by General Hobbs. How he falled to get the V.C. was beyond understanding. O'Connor returned to Australia in August, 1919, and was a very preminent member ad battalion reunions and Anzac Day functions up to the time of his death. There was no more efficient soldier, none braver, and none better liked and respected, than O’'Connor. His memory will ever remain with those who were privileged to serve with him.— D. 56 On. Sept 1.
September 1, 1957 REVEILLE succeeded in a short time in breaking through the fore- MT. ST. OUENTIN most positions of the German trench-system, the 5th and the 4th Divisions following them. CAPTURE When the fog lifted the front line of the attacking force had taken Lamotte and Cerisy. Whilst they rested the following lines of nfantry, light tanks and cavalry pushed through ther ranks to carry on the attack, and Stronghold before noon had struck, they saw Foucaucourt lying before them. Regiments of British cavalry advanced Stormed at the gallop, but were repulsed by the German machine- gun fire which revived on all sides. Also, growing numbers of tanks were disabled by German field artiiler; and hand-grenades. When German reserves took the (By Lieut.Col. Carl offensive against their adversaries, who were now n dis- Henke, formerly of order, the latter were compelled to retire and surrender the German General some of the newly-conquered territory. As dusk fell the Staff, and now at Australian line ran through Harbonnieres and Morcourt. the Research Insti- On the first day of the offensive, they had advanced some tute for Military 10 Kilometres into the German front, taken several thou History at Potsdam) sands of prisoners and hundreds of guns. Sir Douglas Haig reported in glowing colours on the splendid achieve- ments of the Canadian and Australian troops in this Australian Memorial Mt. St. Quentin battle. On the night of the 30th-31st August, the 2nd Ansiralian Division To the east of Cambrai the 21st German Infantry Dvi- (Major-General C. Resenthal) stormed Mont Sr. Quentin, a most import ont tactical feature commanding Peronne and the crossings of the Somme sion had at last found desired rest, after the foregoing at that town.— (Sir Denglas Haig's Despatches). heavy fighting. On the morning of August 8, however, they were again alarmed, and on the 9th the infantry of the division arrived in Peronne, under Colonel The German High Command had taken the fightne Kundt. The battalions hurried as quickly as possible from initiative in the spring of 1918, after the heavy defensive the station to the front, which extended from Chuignolles, battles of 1917 in Flanders, at Arras, on the Aisne, and south of the Somme, to Lihons. The enemy, however, in the Champagne. having turned their full attention to the southern attack, Formidable German attacks had cleft great gaps in the Allied front to the west of Lille progressed only very slowly at this pont, and the 21st and St. Quentin, and to the south of Laon. However, Division was able to fill the capacity of reserve for the the aim of separating the British from the French and front lines on both sides of the Roman road (the old thus gaining strategic mobility, tangible as it seemed, German postion of 1916) t1l it at last relieved the latte had not been achieved. These attempts only served to On August 2lst the disposition of its troops was as fol- weaken the German front considerably, and the quickly lows: Infartry Regiment No. 87 stood b tween the Somme dmin shing divisions were but only partially replaced. and Chuignollee; in Chuignolles and to the south of it A reverse was bound to follow, and it came in the latter was Fuslier Regiment No. 80; and then up to the Roman part of the summer, when the Allies, who meanwhile had road Infartry Regiment No. 81, which was fanked by been reinforced by the Americans, took on the offensive the 107th Infantry Divison. The 243rd Infantry Divsion themselves. formed the second line from Cappy to Soyecourt. The pace was set by a sudden and overwhelming attack The attack of the lst Australian Division, which was by the French tank corps out of the woods surrounding again strongly reinforced by numerous tanks commenced Willers-Cotterets. The Germans were forced to evacuate in the thick morning fog on August 23rd. Tremendous the land they had previously won south of Laon almost fighting took place for every ruined village and forest to the Veslc. Hardly had the German front here gained (Continued on Page 28) a stronger footing, when the united French and English forces attacked the point lying to the west of St. Quentin between Arras and Soissons. The Fourth British Army, under General Rawlinson, held the centre of the extended front line, whilst to the north was the Third British Army of General Byng, in the south the First French Army of General Debeney. The attack commenced on August 8th on both sides of the ancient Roman road leadng from Amien: to St. Quentin. The countryside was covered by a slight mist when the deadly concert of the artillery suddenly opened at 4.20 a.m. The German infantry barely managed to man the trenches of the front line, as the rattlng and fir.- vomiting gigantic forms of the tanks appeared before them, breaking down and crushing everything, and thus preparing the way for the storming detachments of assault troops running between and behrd them. It was the Australian corps, under General Sir John Monash, which attacked the German XI. Army Corps and the Headquarters 51, striking between the Roman high road and the Somme River, and particularly driving at the 47th and the 109th Infantry Division, which was about to be relieved. in a particularly gallant attack, Storming Ment St. Quenth the battalons of the 2nd and 3rd Australian Dvisions (Australlan War Mamorial Model)
28 September 1, 1837 REVEILLE The ist Grenadier Guard Regiment (Emperor Alex- Mont St. Quentin (From Page 6) ander P) and three batteries of artillery had received and every bit of trench, and the German detachments, orders in the late afternoon of 29th August to occupy which for the most part did not consist of more than and hold by all means the highly important he'ght of Mont St. Quentin, which formed the key to the entire 20-30 men, were gradually withdrawn towards the east. German position behind the Somme. The night was Finally, the remainder of the 21st Division evaded the comparatively uneventful, and on the 30th the regiment enemy by crossing to the north bank of the Somme at Feullieres and Omiecourt during the night of August remained untroubled in its somewhat backward position. 28th/29th. The regimental leader, Major von Voss, with h's staff and Colonel Kundt (commander of the 42nd Regiment) were The Australian field of attack was hitherto divided stationed between Allaines and Mont St. Quentin in a from west to east by the winding and sluggish River trench transversing the road. At 9 in the evening news Somme, and a canal running parallel to it. The river reached them that the Alexander Regiment was to be bends sharply southwards at the old fortified town of relieved at Mont St. Quentin by the 38th Infantry Divi- Peronne; this formed for the Germans a strong frontier sion, and that the Alexander Grenaders, in their turn, obstacle behind which they could, to some extent, revive were to relieve the 80th and Sist Regiments on the See- their strength. To overcome this obstacle, it was neces- feld Height and the Siegfried Ridge. A small company sary to go round it north of Peronne. On August 2lst had been sent out earlier that evening to take view of the General Byng, with the Third English Army, fiercely surroundings and ascertain which of the contradictory attacked the line between Arras and Albert to enable reports as to the position in front was correct. General Rawlinson to overcome the difficulty more easily It was almost 11 o'clock before an officer returned. in the course of this advance made by General Byng, the He reported that the enemy had advanced rapidly and New Zealand Division captured the town of Bapaume. On was only 200 metres from the canal, and that more troops the 30th the Third and Fourth Armies' line north of the were urgently needed at the front. He had been unable Somme ran westwards to the Marrieres Woods, and east to obtan any news of the 80th Fusilier Regiment, but wards from Combles and Rancourt to the north. In this that was a comparatively unimportant matter, and action position, therefore, the enemies faced each other. had to be taken immediately. Two companies each of On the German side, after crossing the Somme, the the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the Alexander Regiment 21st Infantry Divison now held the so-called Siegfried were despatched to the canal in order to proceed from Ridge and the Seefeld Heights behind it with Infantry there into the front positions. Darkness, absolute lack Regiment No. 87 and the Fusilier Regiment No. 80. The of news, the uncertainty regarding the whereabouts of Fusilier Regiment had sent forward a company to the the enemy, and the lack of guides knowing the locality front north of Clery, and another to the western exit of permitted only very cautious movement. By 3 a.m. the the village. Infantry Regiment No. 81 formed a con- canal had been traversed. necton with the Somme on the slope of the Seefeld The 10th Company succeeded n reaching the principal He ght, stretching back to the Tullinger woods. line of resistance of the 80th Regiment practically us On the Australian side the Ist Division had pushed opposed, shortly after 5 a.m. A few minutes later Aus- through to the south of the Somme in an eastward direc- tralian soldiers appeared out of the dense fog on the tion. The 2nd Division had followed the Germans to the left Hank, and then in front. Immediately both sides north bank of the river, relieving the 3rd Division, which engaged in a fierce battle with firearms and hand-grenades had advanced along the north bank through Bray-Suzanne, its advanced troops already, in the course of the 29th at close quarters. The company was surrounded and attacked on three sides. Despite heroic resistance, its August, getting into touch with the new German lines doom was sealed. Steadfast and loyal to the last moment, running from Clery to the north. Somewhere near 5.30 the entire company and its commander laid down their in the afternoon they reached the railway trench under cover of the Raven Heights, and forced the compan lives, and not a single man escaped. The 12th and 5th Companies had met in an old trench standing to the north of Clery back to its principal defence-line. However, they did not succeed in forcing leading towards the enemy's lines. Advancing towards the summit of the Seefeld Ridge, they clashed against the their way into Clery itself. Tho German Fusilier Regiment had taken part, except retreating detachments of the Sist Regiment, which pushed their way past the Grenadiers and Fusiliers. In for slight intervals, in the very heavy fighting of the last hree weeks, and had sustained great casualties. ths melee the advanced lines of Australians emerged on the right and left sides of the trenches. Only two ompanies scarcely numbered more than 30 riffemen. Thus non-commissioned officers and ten privates escaped from he Australan battalions succeeded in penetrating into the 5th Companyl the losses of the 12th Company were he principal defence-lines to the north of Clery when hey carried out their resolute attack at 5 a.m. on August even greater. The two non-commissioned officers who escaped, re- 10th, advancing without the slightest artillery prepara ported. We were fired on at close range from both ion. They were driven out of the trenches with the sides, the enemy forcing his way to us in the trenches. issistance of a company of the 4th (Empress Augusta) This all happened very rapidly, and we were overrun be- Regiment of the Grenadier Guards, which was thrown nto action from behind. fore we had time to recover and return fire. However, the Australians We tried managed to force their way from the north into the to hasten back into the next cross-trench, and once there, to open fire, but we were forced further back to the head- fillage and to cut off the company which held it and which would not evacuate the position. quarters.. We were taken absolutely by surprise, but in They were taken spte of this we managed to open fire and infict heavy orisoner, only one non-commissioned officer and 13 men losses upon the enemy, who temporarily ceased advancing. iscaping to the east. His next move, however, was to place machine-guns at in the second half of the day some more Australian the close range of 50 metres, which was fatal to our issault troops advancing resolutely penetrated into the company in close formation, and which called forth terrible rincipal German defence-line. They were forced to sacrifice. Finally, we were overwhelmed by troops from stire before a German back-thrust, losing 10 men dead the south-cast. Very few unwounded men fell into nd a non-commissioned officer and one private taken the hands of the enemy. Fsoner. Both belonged to the 56th Australian, Bat The 6th Company had reached the summit of the See- Alon. But the attackers remained in occupation of a feld Heights, but, as neither on the left nor on the right Irge gap between the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 80th Hank could it establish any Laison with other German legiment, and this was later to prove fatal for the entire erman position. (Continued on Page 31)

no opposition  untill we finally came

on the "nest" which consisted of a 

large number of guns and big

garrison.   Altho our history records

it as our capture I fancy that the

real cause was the bombing from the

night tho no other members of the

attacking force were on the spot &

the surrender was made to us. 
Incidently we staggered home laden with

spoil; and I still have two pairs

of Zeiss and a watch that is

keeping excellent time - gathered on

that occassion.  In regards the number.

Well, now I have had time to cool

down and information on "claims"

gathered from your previous volumes

I'd always treat "numbers" with reserve.

We did get a big lot of huns that 

day, in that M.G. nest.

As regards other troops, there could

have been a regiment of red indians

present & I would not have taken in the

fact.  One thing is vivid - but irrellevant

to the year - & that is that on trying to to

establish liason with the



regiment that was going over on our

left, I found that a hour before

zero neither the men nor their

N.C.O.'s had the hagiest notion of

where they were going or what

they had to do next morning, I dont

remember who they were, but remember

wondering how in the blazes the 

tommy troops got on when their officers

were skittled.

If I had my maps with me I

might have been able to do a

bit better but I sent them all

the Oxley Library some time ago.

My platoon must have been on 

the left of the 43rd otherwise, I

would not have had occasion to

establish touch with the tommies

on the left.

That is about all I remember.

It is amazing how trivial incidents

remain in ones memory and facts

of importance seem to fade away.

I remember all sorts of items such 

as the rotten entrance to the 43rd

dugout in which the 43rd HQrs.




was situated, the stairs were blown

in and one had to toboggan down

the entrance, & my difficulty in finding

the 43rd at night with the wind

well up as I thought I might be

in [sntges?] line instead of our own.

I hope that you may get some-

thing out of this.  I doubt it however

Yours Sincerely

Colin. H. Butler





(Extracted from reply to letter sent to Lieut. F.W.F. MAJOR

26 Battalion, in connection with biographical details

for Vol. IV).

" On the attack of 2nd September 1918, north of Peronne,

in which the 26th Battalion participated, he was the only officer

to reach the objective.  With a sergeant and one private he kept

the Germans at bay for 6 hours until the sergeant was killed and

the private wounded and ammunition exhausted.  A German platoon

then overwhelmed him and he was taken prisoner, with wounded knee.

A few days later the 26th Battalion again attacked and reached

the objective this time, and found the sergeant's grave which the

Germans had dug and over which they had placed a cross.  Lieunt.

Major and his little party had previously captured one light

machine gun and the German who was firing it.  The German

prisoner was sent back to the rear of our lines.  It was only

many weeks later that it was ascertained that Lieutenant Major

was still alive and a prisoner of war.  ........."





October 1, 1932

23rd Bn. at Mont St. Quentin

Mr. Percy Frost, of the 23rd Bn., A.I.F., proud of his

old unit, thought we had done it an injustice by giving

credit to the 21st Bn. for an exploit which, he contended,

was carried off by the 23rd.

Mr. Frost, of course, had in mind the block published

in last issue showing the 21st Bn. moving from Elsa

trench to the brick wall of Mont St. Quentin.  Perhaps

in justice to the 23rd Bn., we should have mentioned that

that unit had also attacked there, but our photograph, we

can definitely assure Mr. Frost, was of the leading wave

of the 21st Bn.

Mr. Frost says:  "It was the 23rd Bn. that attacked the wall. I was

with the 23rd when it attacked. 'B' Co. was on the right of the Peronne 
Road on the night of August 31, and on the morning of September 1

we crossed the road and Pte. MacTein, who was killed while attacking

an enemy machine gun crew single-handed, was recommended to the V.C.

The machine gun crew was captured.

"We then advanced along a rench towards Mont St. Quentin. We then

came to the brick wall; and three of us - Sgt. Dykes, Lewis Gunner 
Thompson and myself - went through the wood to the opposite side to where the

Red Cross huts stood.  When we got within 20 yards of one of the huts

a machine gun was opened on us and Thompson was killed, his last

words being addressed to me, "I'm done, Frosty".

"We then came back through the wood and waited for a barrage to

open up on the side of the hill, as machine guns were troubling us.  While

waiting for the barrage the mine on top of Mont exploded.  We finally

took the objective and after being relieved went back to Cappy for a spell.

Lieut. Fred Jenkins was in charge of 'B' Co. during the advance.




H N Notes

Mr. Bean

We have not answered

this as you will no doubt 

prefer to do so yourself


Soldier Settlement Office


Via Cotton Vale

26th June '21

Messrs Angus & Robertson Lrd


Dear Sirs

If you think this

would be of any use to the author of Book No VI

History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918, will

you please forward on.

The 26th Battalion attacked in advance of

Mont St. Quentin on the 2nd Sept 1918.  At noon

on the 4th I got orders to stand by at One

O'clock to go our on a daylight patrol

with Lt-Col J. A. Robinson D.S.O. (26th Bn)

through a copse & quarry about 500 yds in 

advance of our front line.  We knew for certain

the copse had been occupied by the Germans

the night previous by the rattling of machine

guns from different points.

It was a bright sunny

day and at 1 o'clock the Colonel & I started

off with the usual weapons of defence down

a communication trench leading from the front

line to the copse, we had only gone one




hundred yards to go and we were in good cover

of the copse, we went 50yds further and found

ourselves in the open again with a stretch of

200 yds between us and the main copse.  The

Colonel led on an I followed and apart from

a few shots fired at us from a long range we

were not disturbed, we went through the Main

Copse and into the quarry, after we had

examined the buildings and dugout we crossed the

St Denis - Bussu Road and went down

Darmstradt Trench for 300 yds, at this point

we bumped up against a German sentry and

as we were 800 yds into the German line we

withdrew and that night the Battalion

extended their line 1000 yds down Darmstradt


My reason for writing this is on account 

of Colonel Robinson being such a modest man

and didn't make a song of it.  The few people

who know about this stunt are General E. A. Wisdom

Major Lee (Brigade Major 7th Bde) and the diggers

who were on the post where we started. Although 

this is not a V.C. act, nobody but a very

brave man would undertake and lead such

a stunt.

[[*I give you my word of honour that this story is true and hope you

can find space for it. Thanking you,*]]

Yours faithfully,

P.J. Whittaker

Late Lieut. 26th Bn





May 1, 1932

A.I. O'Connor; Mate's Tribute

Strange to say, of the battalions of the 1st Division

and 4th Brigade, A.I.F. - those which served

in the war from start to finish - neither the 4th nor

5th Bn. collected a V.C.  Each of the other 14

battalions scored - some, such as the 1st, 7th, and

16th, very liberally.

One member of the 4th Bn. (and afterwards of the 56th

Bn.) who earned a V.C. though he was not awarded one,

was Co.Sgt-Major A.I. O'Connor, who

tragically met his death in Sydney at

11a.m. on November 11, 1929.  O'Connor,

who was an electrician, had descended

from work on the overhead wires to pay 

his respects to "Departed Comrades"

during the two minutes silence, and on

climbing back to his job came in contact 

with a live wire, and was killed instantly.  
He is survived by a very courteous 
wife and three beautiful children, who have their

home in a Sydney suburb.

O'Connor was born at Deniliquin about 40 years ago, coming from a

well-known family.  At five years of age he was taken to West

Wyalong, from which place he enlisted in early 1915.  He sailed from

Sydney with 9th Reinforcements, 4th Bn,. and saw service with the 4th

Bn. till March 1916.

On formation of the 5th Division. he was posted (as cpl.) to "D" Coy.,

56th bn., and sailed with it to France.  His history from then on

became practically that of "D" Coy., 56th Bn.  He took part in the 

Battle of Fromelles on July 19, 1916, and early showed his courage

and capabilities.  His company, being reserve company of the bn., was

responsibly for bringing up ammunition and carrying in wounded 
during that fight.

On many occasions during daylight on July 20, 1916, with others

of his section, O'Connor went into No Man's Land and brought

in wounded.  He carried out this work until the bn. was relieved 48

hours after.  At Fleurbaix he did most of the company's patrol work,

for which he was splendidly adapted, being keen, conscientious, and



At Fliers, in Oct., 1916, he again showed what he was made of.

On one occasion, being in charge of an outpost (with a section of four

men) - two were killed by snipers - he insisted on taking the next turn on

observation.  He carried on through Gueudecourt, Switch Trench, Rose

Trench, and Delville Wood, being equally at home whether in the front

line or No Man's Land, or on arduous fatigue, and was promoted

to sergeant.

He was wounded in the head and arm on March 16, 1917, and on 

rejoining, carried on in usual gallant fashion, particularly at Wyschaete

and Messines.  He went to the Somme in March 1918, and on the

night of April 24-25, volunteered to act as guide to 15th Bde., which

was to retake Villers Bret.  He was accepted, and with others 
received the personal thanks of Brig. "Pompey" Elliott. About this

time he was A./C.S.M., and a better one it would not be possible to

have, O'Connor having the greatest influence for good over the men

of his company, being greatly respected by officers, N.C.O's, and


Personally he carried out many patrols during the period May-

August, 1918, and in the big advance on August 8 he showed rare

skill and initiative, thus enabling the company to carry out the work

allotted with small loss.  At Peronne on Sept 1, "D" Company was

ordered to attack on the left of Mont st. Quentin.  Under heavy 
artillery, M.G., and rifle fire, the company started to advance, and in a 

few minutes all officers (3) were out of action and platoons became

mixed.  O'Connor took complete charge, and will skill and courage, 
re-organised the company.  He pointed out the objective, and led the

company forward, and captured objectives.

Although casualties were numerous and fire heavy, he, by setting

a splendid example, soon had the position consolidated.  After night

fell he personally reconnoitred over a front of 600 yards, and brought

in two wounded.  For this he received his D.C.M. and Roumanian

Silver Medal, and promotion to warrant rank.

After being relieved two days later, the company now 17 strong,

was inspected by Major-General T. Hobbs, and O'Connor was 
personally thanked and shaken hands with by General Hobbs.

How he failed to get the V.C. was beyond understanding.  O'Connor

returned to Australia in August, 1919, and was very prominent

member at battalion reunions and Anzac Day functions up to the time

of his death.

There was no more efficient soldier, none braver, and none better

liked and respected, than O'Connor.  His memory will ever remain

with those who were privileged to serve with him - "J"





MT. ST. QUENTIN    September 1, 1937




(By Lieut.-Col Carl

Henke, formerly of

the German General

Staff, and now at

the Research 
Institute for Military

History at Potsdam)

"On the night of the 30th-31st August the 2nd Australian Division

(Major-General C. Rosenthal) stormed the Mont St. Quentin, a most important 
tactical feature commanding Peronne and the crossings of the Somme

at that town." - (Sir Douglas Haig's Despatches).

The German High Command had taken the fighting

initiative in the spring of 1918, after the heavy defensive

battles of 1917 in Flanders, at Arras, on the Aisne, and

in the Champagne.  Formidable German attacks had

cleft great gaps in the Allied front to the west of Lille

and St. Quentin, and to the south of Laon.  However,

the aim of separating the British from the French and

thus gaining strategic mobility, tangible as it seemed,

had not been achieved.  These attempts only served to

weaken the German front considerably, and the quickly

diminishing divisions were but only partially replaced.

A reverse was bound to follow, and it came in the latter

part of the summer, when the Allies, who meanwhile had

been reinforced by the Americans, took on the offensive


The pace was set by a sudden and overwhelming attack

by the French tank corps out of the woods surrounding

Villers-Cotterets.  The Germans were forced to evacuate 

the land they had previously won south of Laon almost 

to the Vesle.  Hardly had the German front here gained

a stronger footing, when the united French and English

forces attacked the point lying to the west of St. Quentin

between Arras and Soissons.

The Fourth British Army, under General Rawlinson,

held the centre of the extended front line, whilst to the

north was the Third British Army of General Byng,

in the south the First French Army of General Debeney.

The attack commenced on August 8th on both sides 

the ancient Roman road leading from Amiens to St.

Quentin.  The countryside was covered by a slight mist

when the deadly concert of the artillery suddenly opened

at 4.20a.m.   The German infantry barely managed to

man the trenches of the front line, as the rattling and fire

vomiting gigantic forms of the tanks appeared before

them, breaking down and crushing everything, and thus

preparing the way for the storming detachments of

assault troops running between and behind them.

It was the Australian corps, under General Sir John

Monash, which attacked the German XI. Army Corps

and the Headquarters 51, striking between the Roman

high road and the Somme River, and particularly driving

at the 47th and the 109th Infantry Division, which was

about to be relieved.  In a particularly gallant attack,

the battalions of the 2nd and 3rd Australian Divisions

succeeded in a short time in breaking through the fore-

most positions of the German trench-system, the 5th and

the 4th Divisions following them.

When the fog lifted the front line of the attacking

force had taken Lamotte and Cerisy.   Whilst they rested

the following lines of infantry, light tanks and cavalry

pushed through their ranks to carry on the attack, and

before noon had struck, they saw Faucaucourt lying

before them.  Regiments of British cavalry advanced

at the gallop, but were repulsed by the German machine-

gun fire which revived on all sides.  Also, growing

numbers of tanks were disabled by German reserves took the

offensive against their adversaries, who were now in dis-

order, the latter were compelled to retire and surrender

some of the newly-conquered territory.  As dusk fell the

Australian line ran through Harbonnieres and Moncourt.

ON the first day of the offensive, they had advanced some

10 kilometres into the German front, taken several thou

sands of prisoners and hundreds of guns.  Sir Douglas

Haig reported in glowing colours on the splendid 
achievements of the Canadian and Australian  troops in this


To the east of Cambrai the 21st German Infantry D'vi-

sion had at last found desired rest, after the foregoing

heavy fighting.  On the morning of August 8, however,

they were again alarmed, and on the 9th the infantry

of the division arrived in Peronne, under Colonel

Kundt.  The battalions hurried as quickly as possible from

the station to the front, which extended from Chuignolles,

south of the Somme, to Lihons.  The enemy, however,

having turned their full attention to  the southern attack,

progressed only very slowly at this point, and the 21st

Division was able to fill the capacity of reserve for the

front lines on both sides of the Roman road (the old

German position of 1916) till it at last relieved the latter.

On August 21st the disposition of its troops was as fol-

lows:  Infantry Regiment No. 87 stood between the Somme

and Chuignolles; in Chuignolles and to the south of it

was Fusilier Regiment No. 80: and then up to the Roman

road Infantry Regiment No. 81, which was flanked by

the 107th Infantry Division.  The 243re Infantry Division 

formed the second line from Cappy to Soyecourt.

The attack of the 1st Australian Division, which was

again strongly reinforced by numerous tanks commenced

in the thick morning fog on August 23rd.  Tremendous

fighting took place for every ruined village and forest


Continued on Page 28)


REVEILLE                                September 1, 1937

Mont St. Quentin  (from Page 6)

and every bit of trench, and the German detachments,

which for the most part did not consist of more than

20-30 men, were gradually withdrawn towards the east.

Finally, the remainder of the 21st Division evaded the

enemy by crossing to the north bank of the Somme at

Feullieres and Omiecourt during the night of August


The Australian field of attack was hitherto divided

from west to east by the winding and sluggish River

Somme, and a canal running parallel to it.  The river

bends sharply southward at the old fortified town of

Peronne; this formed for the Germans a strong frontier

obstacle behind which they could, to some extent, revive

their strength.  To overcome this obstacle, it was neces-

sary to go round it north of Peronne.  On August 21st

General Byng, with the Third English Army, fiercely

attacked the line between Arras and Albert to enable

General Rawlinson to overcome the difficulty more easily.

In the course of this advance made by General Byng, the

New Zealand Division captured the town of Bapaume.  On

the 30th the Third and Fourth Armies' line north of the

Somme ran westwards to the Marrieres Woods, and east-

wards from Combles and Rancourt to the north.  In this

position, therefore, the enemies faced each other.

On the German side, after crossing the Somme, the

21st Infantry Division now held the so called Siegfried

Ridge and the Seefeld Heights behind it with Infantry

Regiment No. 87 and the Fusilier Regiment No. 80.  The

Fusilier Regiment had sent forward a company to the

front north of Clery, and another to the western exit of

the village.  Infantry Regiment No.81 formed a con-

nection with the Somme on the slope of the Seefeld

Height, stretching back to the Tullinger woods.

On the Australian side the 1st Division had pushed

through to the south of the Somme in an eastward 
direction.  The 2nd Division had followed the Germans to the

north bank of the river, relieving the 3rd Division, which

had advanced along the north bank through Bray-Suzanne,

its advanced troops already, in the course of the 29th

August, getting into touch with the new German lines

running from Clery to the north.  Somewhere near 5.30

in the afternoon they reached the railway trench under

cover of the Raven Heights, and forced the company

standing to the north of Clery back to its principal

defence-line.  However, they did not succeed in forcing

their way into Clery itself.

The German Fusilier Regiment had taken part, except

for slight intervals, in the very heavy fighting of the last

three weeks, and had sustained great casualties.  Its

companies scarcely numbered more than 30 riflemen.  Thus

the Australian battalions succeeded in penetrating into

the principal defence-lines to the north of Clery when

they carried out their resolute attack at 5 a.m. on August

30th, advancing without the slightest artillery preparation. 
They were driven out of the trenches with the

assistance of a company of the 4th (Empress Augusta)

Regiment of the Grenadier Guards, which was thrown

into action from behind.  However, the Australians

managed to force their way from the north into the

village and to cut off the company which held it and which

would not evacuate the position.  The were taken

prisoner, only one non-commissioned officer and 13 men

escaping to the east.

In the second half of the day some more Australian

assault-troops advancing resolutely penetrated into the

principal German defence-line.  They were forced to

retire before a German back-thrust, losing 10 men dead

and a non-commissioned officer and one private taken

prisoner.  Both belonged to the 56th Australian Batallion.  
But the attackers remained in occupation of a 

large gap between the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 80th

Regiment, and this was later to prove fatal for the entire

German position.

The 1st Grenadier Guard Regiment ("Emperor Alexander I") 
and three batteries of artillery and received

orders in the late afternoon of 29th August to occupy

and hold by all means the highly important height of

Mont St. Quentin, which formed the key to the entire

German position behind the Somme.  The night was

comparatively uneventful, and on the 30th the regiment

remained untroubled in its somewhat backward position.

The regimental leader, Major von Voss, with his staff and

Colonel Kundt (commander of the 42nd Regiment) were

stationed between Allaines and Mont St. Quentin in a 

trench transversing the road.  At 9 in the evening news

reached at Mont. St. Quentin by the 38th Infantry Division, 
and that the Alexander Grenadiers, in their turn,

were to relieve the 80th and 81st Regiments on the Seefeld 
Height and the Siegfried Ridge.  A small company

had been sent out earlier that evening to take view of the

surroundings and ascertain  which of the contradictory

reports as to the position in front was correct.

It was almost 11 o'clock before an officer returned.

He reported that the enemy had advanced rapidly and

was only 200 metres from the canal, and that more troops

were urgently needed at the front.  He had been unable 

to obtain any news of the 80th Fusilier Regiment, but

that was a comparatively unimportant matter, and action

had to be taken immediately.  Two companies each of

the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the Alexander Regiment

were dispatched to the canal in order to proceed from

there into the front positions.  Darkness, absolute lack

of news, the uncertainty regarding the whereabouts of 

the enemy, and the lack of guides knowing the locality

permitted only very cautious movement.  By 3 a.m. the

canal had been traversed.

The 10th Company succeeded in reaching the principal

line of resistance of the 80th Regiment practically
 un-opposed, shortly after 5 a.m.  A few minutes later 
Australian soldiers appeared out of the dense fog on the 

left flank, and then in front.  Immediately both sides

engaged in a fierce battle with firearms and hand-grenades

at close quarters.  The company was surrounded and

attacked on three sides.  Despite heroic resistance, its

doom was sealed.  Steadfast and loyal to the last moment,

the entire company and its commander laid down their

lives, and not a single man escaped.

The 12th and 5th Companies had met in an old trench

leading towards the enemy's lines.  Advancing toward

the summit of the Seefeld Ridge, they clashed against the

retreating detachments of the 81st Regiment, which

pushed their way past the Grenadiers and Fusiliers.  In

this melee the advanced lines of Australians emerged

on the right and left sides of the trenches.  Only two

non-commissioned officers and ten privates escaped from

the 5th Company! the losses of the 12th Company were

even greater.

The two non-commissioned officers who escaped, 
reported:  "We were fired on at close range from both

sides, the enemy forcing his way to us in the trenches.

This all happened very rapidly, and we were overrun 
before we had time to recover and return fire.  We tried

to hasten back into the next cross-trench, and once there,

to open fire, but we were forced further back to the head-

quarters.  We were taken absolutely by surprise, but in

spite of this we managed to open fire and inflict heavy

losses upon the enemy, who temporarily ceased advancing.

His next move, however, was to place machine-guns at

the close range of 50 metres, which was fatal to out

company in close formation, and which called forth terrible

sacrifice.  Finally, we were overwhelmed by troops from

the south-east.  Very few unwounded men fell into

the hands of the enemy"

The 6th Company had reached the summit of the 
Seefeld Heights, but as neither  on the left nor on the right

flank could it establish any liaison with other German

(Continued on Page 31)



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