Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 12
On the morning of Saturday, 31st August 1918, we, C. Company of
the 21st Battalion A.I.F. crossed the Somme and had dinner behind artillery
After dinner we moved up to a chalk pit and had heavy shelling while
going. Corporal Les. Baker was wounded in the leg by a piece of shrapnel
St 7.30 p.m. we went into supports for the night.
On Sunday, 1st September our barrage opened at 4 a.m. German
artillery retaliated with scattered fire for half an hour. About 6 a.m.
we received word that the 22nd and 24th Battalions had been counter-
attacked and driven back. At 7.30 a.m. we moved out in sections to get
into positions. About 10 o'clock we reached the railway line half way
up the hill, crossed the line and got into an old sap leading up to
an old brick wall on the tight. At 1.30 p.m. we attacked and advanced
over first road where there was heavy machine gun fire and a good deal
of bombing ^on both sides. We forced the German right wing back, causing the left to
withdraw, and we reached our objective about 3 p.m., an old sap about
100 yards beyond the village. Private A. Walker was killed in sap
above the village after our objective had been taken,
Private A.E. Crawford.
21st Battn
2/9/19 Orbost
East Gippsland
Docts of Record
Photographic montage of soldiers killed
To the Memory of
BLACKMORE, ALBERT HENRY- Lce. Cpl., M.M., "B" Co., No. 2116,
Age 24 years. Son of J.A. and E. Blackmore, North Maldon.
BOTTOMLEY, WILLIAM JOHN - Pte., "A" Co., No. 7199. Age, 39 years
8 months. Son of John and Mary Jane Bottomley, Echuca.
20 years. Fourth Son of David C. and Emma Chandler, North
COPE, ARTHUR LINDSAY- Lieut., "C" Co. Age, 28 years. Second Son of
Edwin and Jane Cope, Strathmerton.
DOWELL, WILLIAM FRANCIS - Pte., "A" Co., No. 6747. Age, 20 years. Only
Son of Frederick and Margaret Dowell, Thornbury.
HUNT, COLIN EDWARD- Sgt., "B" Co., 6817A. Age, 22 years 9 months.
Second Son of James Jupp and Martha Jamison Hunt, Surrey Hills.
KELLY, ALBERT EDWARD - Pte., "C" Co., No. 6833. Age, 40 years. Second
youngest Son of Thomas and Ellen Kelly, Essendon. Husband of
Mrs. Belle Kelly, and father of Gracie and Albert.
SMERDON, ALFRED ROY- Pte., "C" Co., No. 6390. Age, 25 years 7 months.
Son of John James and Ann Smerdon, Murrayville.
STAAF, GUSTAF WILLIAM OSCAR -Lce. Cpl., "C" Co., No. 5413. Age
27 years. Fourth Son of Andrew and Frances Staaf, Echuca.
THOMPSON, EDWIN WERRETT -Pte., "B" Co., No. 664A. Age, 25 years.
Second Son of William E. and Mary A. Thompson, Drysdale.
THORBURN, WILLIAM HUGH- Pte., "B" Co., No. 6178. Age, 35 years.
Youngest Son of Hugh and Lois Eliza Thorburn, Newton, N.S.W.
WALKER, ALEXANDER -Pte., "C" Co., No. 6398. Age, 23 years 5 months.
Only Son of George and Janet Waker, Rosehearty, Aberdeenshire,
Photograph of grave site.
1. Peronne
Sept 1, 1918 H.N.
54 Bn
AC Hall Gundooee
27th Jan 1941.
Dear Dr. Bean.
Thank you for yours of 21st inst
with map & extract from your notes.
The ma leaves no doubt in my mind that
it was B reached by my patrol.
Your notes say "About 100 prisoners were taken
out of the N.E. end of the town that morning with
M.Gs & Minnewerfers. Does this refer to the
morning of the 1st or 2nd as to the best of
my knowledge my patrol were ^was the only one in that
end of the town that day & while we took
action we only succeeded in putting out of
action one M.G. as far as I remember.
But I have always understood that the
58th Batt. took about that number of prisoners
the next day.
As far as the fighting at C & D was concerned
I do not think I would have been quite so
far north as that. ^Unless C & D are meant to
refer to the trenches
& not the particular points. I have pencilled in the
approx line of my advance. Though I may not
be quite accurate about the starting point.
My diary says we hopped over at 6.15. A.M. but
I cannot say if that was [yend?]] home or the
actual time we went on. Things were a bit
rushed. I think I saw two of our own shells
& not much enemy artillery fire. Enemy M.Gs
were fairly active as we were getting close to
the first belt of wire which was practically
untouched & looked impassable. The first
trench put up a fight until we got well
into it but the second was tightly held
& only one or two posts seemed to put
offer much resistance.
From there the going was easy for a
while but MG posts became active as we
got nearer the town but they appeared
to have been hurriedly organised & badly
placed or I do not think I should have
been writing this now.
Of the three posts you marked, I was not at the
one on the left but the other two were both
B Coy posts for certain the one on the right
was mine. There was also a post somewhere
about 27 d & 9 where I have put a pencil dot, but
I cannot remember if it was held on the
1st or not. The position is only approximate
as I only visited it at night, as the way
to it along the Boulevard would have
been unhealthy in daylight as Flamicourt
was strongly held & in this case the M.Gs
seemed to be remarkedly well placed.
By some error we got both our own & the
enemy barrage on the morning of the
2nd. I believe some of the other advanced
posts were withdrawn for a while but the
order did not reach us.
Hope you can sort what you want out of this.
I know you must be used to wading through
thousands of words to catch one or two that
may possibly be of use. Best wishes.
Yours sincerely.
P.S. My sone aged eleven starts at A.S.B. this coming
term. A.C.H.
Map of Peronne
H.N. Sept 2. 1918
Dr C.W. Bean Tallyaha
Official Historian Quigne
Victoria Barracks Jan 31st
Dear Dr Bean
I am afraid that I am not going
to be of much use to you in respect to
the fight of Sept 2nd 1918.
Here it is! out of a hazy past and perhaps
some of it may dovetail in with
information you already have.
We moved off with the 43rd on the
morning of the 2nd under what I seem
to remember as a "bitzer" barrage &
more or less followed down a line
of shallow trenches untill held up at
a bomb stop by the hun.
We exchanged salvoes but were
prevented from crossing the gap by
a machine gun or guns firing from
over our half-left. They had us
pinned down in the trench for quite
a time but over on our right we
could see some enterprising individual
bombing his way up in their direction.
In a lull a couple of us made the
gap & with bombs at the ready
proced along the trench encountering
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