Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 3
7 Aug. 1918. Order of 85th Res. Inf.Bde (German) 200 marks to
be paid to Cpl.Rademacher, L/Cpl Muller, and Grendr Sonderman
213rd RIR for bringing in 2 pr isoners of the 18th English Divn.
35th Batalion, BRAY.
Col.White in his Hqrs at Etinhem on the day of the
fight NE of Bray, on return from the line, told us:-
The Germans put down at 3.45am a solid barrage
on the whole area, f ortunately mostly behind the J.O.line.
T he troops were lying out at the time, End only one platoon
was wiped out on the xxxxxxxxx J.O.line.
One instantaneous fuse got amongst them and wiped out a
sergeant and about 10 men.
They got away very well. The German barrage
slackened 5 to 10 mins before zero, but they got their barrage
going again within 2 minutes of ours opning. The German
shortened his barrage but didnt pick up our line till
it halted, on the brown line. Abt 20 mins before they left the
brown line the German was onto them again. From on top it is
dead level to Bray. The only incident on the way to the brown
line was in a small copse in L14B1;4;. The German had a machine
gun Hdqrs and telephone station and deep dugouts there. They
fought there and our line was held for a time but the flanks
got on and mopped it out. 50 to 60 prisoners came from these
dugouts. 2 L.T. Ms were there - it had been the German
support position. "It is the first occasion on which I have
ever seen box latrines in a German position and real sanitation",
said White, "and a dugout fit to live in without our
having to have it thoroughly cleaned first. There were not many
casualties in the 35th. In the copse there were several casualties.
None occurred after that till we got on to the ridge
overlooking Bray. The Germans then xgassed the valley running
from 14 A and B with tear and sneezing gas. They quickly shortend
their barrage (5.9 all the time) and followed us very quickly.
One battery could be seen on the left but they ceased before
we reached the green line. He searched the area very effectively.
We had to have gas helmets on for half an hour.
M.G fire began about then and livened up from
Bray and the ridges N.E of Bray. It was not enough to be annoying
and at fairly long range except from Bray. Xxxxxxxxxx
But as our artillery died away the German mgs livened up and
made it difficult getting about. Lt Ades was too keen and got
out too far (and was killed) We dug in on the railway - the
military line in 9D- and patrolled out to where we could get
a look round the back of BRAY. But M.Gs and Xxxxxxxxx
a L.T.M. which in 2 shots killed or wounded a whole L.G post,
made it impossible to get round the far side. If we had been
prepared to lose men we cd have got round but it wd have
required a special operation. There must be a mg in some ofhhe
bldgs in order to reach some of the country which their shots
are reaching - possibly one in the church- you cannot reach the
right front company at present for this reason.
We were in touch with the 3rd Pioneers on the right and
the 33 rd on the left the whole of the way. The pioneers did
very well, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx where they are on
their objective in linkingnup.
We got a lot of prisoners in a quarry. I was visiting
our left company at the time and we had to go across beyond
this quarry to them. As we did so a number of Germans there
began to get away. 6 got away - but we got 30 (the colonel and
his orderly apparently did this). The Germans fought with
bombs abd rifles in the prisoners cage. But our men fired
a smoke bomb onto it and the Germans went for their lives. They
would probably be afraid of our men getting on top of them throuh
the smoke.
The cavalry went through the Tommies, but there
must have been a tremendous lot oi guns up on the ridge. 15
horses galloped out of Bray without riders - 5 went along the
Bray Corbie road. I fancy these were led horses that had
been stampeded. Probably they were the horses of dismounted
cavalrymen. M.Gs burst out in the rear when the cavalry went
throgu (I suppose this means towards the German rear).
We got on to three of these mgs. One was in the cemetery. You
could see the steam from his gun and we got a L.G onto them and
kept them quiet.
The gas took the dash out of the men.The smoke was
very thick in that valley. The rate of barrage was 100 yds in
4 minutes. This was very slow for our men, and the hours halt
much too long (-n.b the British had to move much further and
we had to swing slowly with them). White only got the order to
exploit at 12.30, (midnight night of attack) The barrage was
timed for 2.15. and as the companies had to be in position an
hour before zero this left 45 mins - no time really to arrange
the exploitation. White had asked specially about exploitation
before, and was told No - it wd not be allowed. It wd have meant
a scrap, as it turned out; but had we organised for it he
thinks Bray cd have been taken in our stride. We cd have rushed
the guns which were firing on our objective. But as it was the
men had been told they were for a certain objective and that
they were to dig in there; And when you have once told them
that, and they have got it thoroughly into their heads, it is
hard to get them to move on the spur of the moment.
One German mg was knocked out by a L.G. bullet.
there were abt 120 prisoners and 40 - say 200 probably for
this battalion. Abt 60 Germans were ded in their old positions
(take this with caution - may be true , may not). We are 100
to 150 yds ahead of our objve. 5 or 6 tanks were knocked out.
White asked permission to establish his Hqrs forward - and was
given it. But it had just been withdrawn when we saw him, and
he had been ordered back to his old Hqs above Etinhem. He said
that the old Hqrs with its single sheet of iron overhead and
well registered by the Germans was far more dangerous. But
that nights C/attack showed that perhaps there was some reason
in the order. The attack was just beginning as we walked back
from Whites hqrs.
Mr Hy. F. Dench, of Burke Road, Camberwell, has
received a letter of sympathy from Brig: Gen: W. Ramsay
McNicoll of the 10th Brigade, Victoria, and giving details
of how Captain Harold Dench, C.O. of the 38th Battalion
(Bendigo) met his death. The following is an extract
from the letter:-
"As a Company Commander he had a most responsible
"position, and the manner in which he handled his Company
"and behaved in most difficult circumstances, drew high
"praise from his Commanding Officer, who was, unfortunately,
"killed a few days later. Your son fell a few hours after
"one of the most successful operations which has been undertaken
"by this Brigade. An imprtant town on the SOMME had [*Bray*]
"just been captured, and he and his Company were given the
"post of honour - the guarding of the left flank - to protect
"the town. It was a difficult and dangerous position, but
"largely owing to Harold's work and fine example the position
"was consolidated and held under very heavy fire and against
"determined counter-attacks. He was killed instantly by a sniper
"whilst rallying men, not Australians, on his flank, who, having
"lost their officers, were giving way. It was a most gallant
"action on his part, for he had to stand and direct them in the
"open under heavy fire, but he succeeded in rallying them before
"he was hit, and this act alone was of the greatest service
"to the Brigade - and indeed to the whole Australian Corps."
Lt: Col: Hurrey also writes to say: "The Battalion
"has been fighting continuously since August 8th, and up to
"the time of his death your son was in no small degree
"responsible for the splendid things that now stand to the credit of
"the Battalion. He had no fear whatever, and the example of
"courage and resourcefulness that he set to his Company was
"simply invaluable."
P. T. O.
Captain Peters, O.C. "C" Coy., writes conveying
sympathy on behalf of the men, N.C.O's, and Officers:-
"Harold was known for his cool courage, initiative,
"and thoroughness. He was a grand leader, one who will be
"a big loss to our dear old 38th. You would kike to hear the
story of his death, I am sure, for it is a very noble story indeed.
"On August the 24th "C" Coy was holding a line in front of
"the BRAY MORLANCOURT ROAD, during the early stages of our
"Advance Guard operations near the SOMME. "C" Coy's H.Q.
"were in a chalk pit off a sunken road. Some troops on our
flanks (not Australians) became disorganised and commenced to
"come back. Captain Dench made heroic efforts to rally them,
"and it was on his second trip to the flank that he was killed
by a M.G. or sniper's bullet. At the same time Lieut: Barker
who was with him was severely wounded."
Lieut: Martin writes:- "The Brigade captured an important
"town, BRAY, on the morning of the 24th August, and then
"consolidated a line on its eastern side, which was subjected to very
"heavy shelling and some determined counter-attacks by the enemy.
"The 38th was on the left, and Harold and his Company were
"given the post of honour - the guarding of the left flank -
"for we were very doubtful of the troops on our left, who were
not Australians. Every officer and man in the Battalion
"says that from the moment the advance bagan Harold did
"wonderful work, and that his disregard of danger and personal
"example had much to do with the way the men kept to their
"work of consolidation under very trying conditions. During
"one of the enemy attacks the troops on the left broke, and
"Harold rushed out in the open under extremely heavy fire and
"succeeded in stopping the rot, and getting most of them in
"with his own Company. It was a daring and fine action on
"his part, but just as he had rallied them a sniper hit him
"and he died instantly.
[*Twice mentioned in Dispatches by Sir
Douglas Haig for "Gallant & Meritorious
[*30 Aug 1940*]
Newspaper cuttings - see original document
Death of a War Hero
107. Infanterie Division.
Div. St. Qu., den 24. VIII. 1918.
Abt. Ib Nr. 4837.
Besondere Anordnungen.
1.) G.O. Die Truppenteile, Lager - und Ortskommandanturen haben sofort
in den Unterkunftsorten und Biwakplätzen Gasalarmgeräte in
ausreichender Zahl anzubringen. Es dürfen nur Geräte, die
geschlagen werden, verwandt werden.
Die Gasalarmgeräte sind durch Schilder mit der Aufschrift
"Gasalarm" kenntlich zu machen.
2.) G.0. In dem Bereich jeder Lager- bezw. Ortskommandantur tst ein
Reizraun einzurichten, der durch ein Schild zu bezeichnen ist.
3.) IIb. Oel und Fette pp. für M.G. können von den Truppen in kletnen
Mengen bein Unladekommando der Division (Sgt. Grunert) in
Peronne, Friedhofstr.22 empfangen werden.
Für die Richtigkett:
[J Shaefer?] gex. Havenstein.
Hauptmann u. 2. Genstbs. Offizier.
Verteilungsplan wie bisher.
107. Infanterie Division.
Div. St. Qu., den 24. VIII. 1918.
Abt. Ib Nr. 4837.
Besondere Anordnungen.
1.) G.O. Die Truppenteile, Lager - und Ortskommandanturen haben sofort
in den Unterkunftsorten und Biwakplätzen Gasalarmgeräte in
ausreichender Zahl anzubringen. Es dürfen nur Geräte, die
geschlagen werden, verwandt werden.
Die Gasalarmgeräte sind durch Schilder mit der Aufschrift
"Gasalarm" kenntlich zu machen.
2.) G.0. In dem Bereich jeder Lager- bezw. Ortskommandantur tst ein
Reizraun einzurichten, der durch ein Schild zu bezeichnen ist.
3.) IIb. Oel und Fette pp. für M.G. können von den Truppen in kletnen
Mengen bein Unladekommando der Division (Sgt. Grunert) in
Peronne, Friedhofstr.22 empfangen werden.
Für die Richtigkett:
[J Shaefer?] gex. Havenstein.
Hauptmann u. 2. Genstbs. Offizier.
Verteilungsplan wie bisher.
September 1, 1933
Battle of Chuignes
(By Lieut.-Col. H. G. Viney, C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O.)
Newspaper cutting - see original document
May 30, 1931 REV
Lost: A Digger’s Escapade
REVEILLE October 1, 1932
Largest Trophy: Aussie Capture
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