Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/274/1 - 1918 - 1941 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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9 2. to do was f or our officers and men to take charge of any English troops there and form th em ih posts where possible. The lith Bde in the meantime was ordered up to put 2 Bns on the old J.O.trench and well behind the 47th Divn on the left. A T.M. was also ordered to stand by and be ready to bombard ap any people emerging from the west of Bray. Seseral times during the night Germans tried - patrols and lost people -In the afternoon the Germans attacked us in the s ame way as they did the English, but our artillery and ngs were too quick f or them and no German got nearer than i000 to 500% yards except on the left where they passed closer following the troops there. It took place abt 4.30 t0 5 p.m. 16 machineguns plus all artillery got onto the German and he didnt reach our front line except near the chalk pit (which, we held from the Germans to the end) where our people had rein forced the English as soon as they saw things were wrong. The Germans got away back in F 25; Those Bitish who stopped, shelter ed within our lines. About 9am the Germans came at us. it was only a small party - looked as if a party of 30 were detailed as storm troops for that object. They were beaten off. Our defence took him in the flank as he moved across. There was no wire before our old J.O. line that could have stopped him. The C.O. of one London regt on the flank came over to 33rd Bn Hars (forward) which was abt a mile from the front line.Grant of 34th was there also. We had communication with them by buzzer. Some of our people collected at the foot of Happy Valley lot of ammunition and they said confidently that the Germans could not pass them. The British may be on the brown line now (this was the following evening that Pain gave me this acct) The Colonel of the Londons had a brigade reserve and details 51 men. (I am not sure that this means - perhaps other evidence will explain it). The 12th and 47th Divn seemed to have gone to bits to the north of us, Pain said.But funther N. near B ecordel the line seemed to be all right. We had 3 German minenwerfer in action which silenced a German Mwfer which was firing on our men. The Bde had abt 400 casualties. There was f ighting at odd times last night, but yesterday evening it was a really big attack. Nothing was done to the Germans opposite the English front though the Germans were in full view marching. (I suppose t his is partly accounted for by the 3rd Corps guns being blown out) Prisoners:13offrs 224 o.g. Casualties 22 offrs 384 or. Off icers hit:- 33Bn Capt T allis, Lts Farleigh K. Lts Hutchings,Lee,Burke, Fant, Fletcher, Maj. Brodziak wd. (Brodziak was afterwds k.or perhaps died of this wd.I think it was later he was k. by a shell near Clery) 35th Bn Lt Ades K. Lts Blakely, McGinnes,Barlow, Thompson wd.
C.0. 25/8/1. 332D BITTALIOW, L.I.F. RETOKT OH OTERATIOUE CF AUZUFT EERDERATR. 1918. Ref. 630 N.E. 25th August, 1918. .......................... ................................ ... IARETION: 1. The first iatimation of tho öperation wan gi ven'at a Brignde Confereuco at i.1b p.m. ca Auguet sOth., wheu the schame was outlined. I held a Conferonce of Conmany Commanders and Headquartor Ofriders at 4 r.m. und preparatichs were immediately begun. S.O.S. and Sucesen Dignal rockats ane bombs did not raach us until 6 p.M. on the 21st. A Large rercontage of bonts were not detonated and this aused deluy in the distripution Tüe Jumping-Off tape line sad läid lzom 7.13.a.50.80 te L.7.u.40.05. ou the night of Angust Slat/L2nd. Conpany and platoon toundarion and one direction tape per platoon were also olsaily marked. HEPFOAOH Previoun to tho operations, the Battalion was dispored M AND alws: TT?? ASShnal: Du. M.G. in quarry at Z.23.b.7.1. A.Go, in K.17:0: 4 K.23.3. B.Co: in K.17.d. C.Co. in K.18.b. und'. D. Co. in Quarry at K.23.b.8.1. The routes were overland and direct. Thoy wero not parked but were previously reconnoîtred by n.c.O's and Ton "L" Co. paased the right Starting Peint at K.18.c.6.6 ("c" co.N.g.) at 1.55 a.u. and were followod by "D" Co. at a distance of 100 yûrds. "C" Co. passed Left Starting Point at K.15.b.95.65. (derelict tank) at £.25 a.m. and ware followed by "A" Co. at a distance of 100 yardz. The very bright moonlicht malo the approach murch very diffloult; tho officers laying the tape lines clearly waw the Battalion moving at a distance of 800 yards. At 2.30 u.m. the anomy opened a hoavy bombardment on our Iront line area and his machine guns were also vory active. The bombardment lasted until 3.40 a.m., On acoount of the brightusss and the hosvy shelling ard machine gun fire, each Company moved forward in extended erder and advanced by alternato sections. This undeubtadly saved heavy caaualties. Tô avoiû casualtios'' A" Co. remained under cover in K.18.d. in the trenchos vaoated by "C" Co. until 3.30 a.m. wban they adwanced by sections to the aossably position. The assamhly of tho wörd Battalion was complote at 4 a.m. All ocmpanion were under cover in trunches and on the MYTR EaIhruzMEULTE Toad, closs to the tape line and moved forward to the tawe line at zero minus 15 minutos. While waiting rlatoon markera ware planed on the tape line; the assombly on the lino was cazried out very quickly The whole Battalion was formed up to a depth of 30 yards. Tie ordered formnation was soon obtained in the advance. "B" Co. 34th battalion wore attachod to the Jõrd Battalion us a reserce for our left flank. They moved from thoir Support position in L.15.d. at 4 a.m. and were assembled 60 yards in raar of "D" Co. at 4.20 c.m. ue enowy undoubtedly ohserved our mazsing for he agair openod a hoavy bombardment on our forward position at 4 s.M. Fortunataly z kind and thouchtful but foolish Germæn at once firod a langthen sighel whereupon the Vver)
.x. IDS LTTACM: Rr. ? estillery cenreniently lizted Zod yerds and thus clagrad our sswombly. Jur cazumllice during the spprosch tacch snc asssubly Zotalled 12 othog Fauks (A.30. 4, B.9o. nil, C.30. 6. D.C5. 5.) I: is besause of tho soun! judgmamt sud initideive of all Compang Säficers that our casualties wore mot very nuch greater. (i) Ohr norther boundäry wun nominally the line K.7.c.70.20 - L.0.d.13:50, notually it wan the line L. 7.a.40.05 - L.8.d.45.50. I arranged with the O.e. Soth Londen Regiment that his right compan, would wollcw bchind mo leit oompang to the BEN Line to protect the divisional jorction. .e (ii) PIRST CHJNII/E: tu: The artillery opepod simultancoualy at 4.45 a.m. Enewg machine guns openod a heavy fire but we were not iccted by hia artillery. ur barrage was very ragged and inaccurate and was difficult to follew. vory large number of our casualties in the advance wers inflictod by our cen shells. The 47h Division on ou left advanced slowly and with hesitation und had to be urged to keep up to the barrage. The eneng did not make a determined stand; his moralo was not high. Machine gunners woro au excoption; tho maintained a heavy fire until our troops rushed them, when'theg dagerly surrenderod. At L. wo capturod a Battalion Hoadquartors of the 12ith Regimant including the Hattalion Commander, Aljutant, Machine Gun Offioer, Artillery Liaison Officer and 40 other. raiks and 4 machine guns. Hud this gurrison, whose position was an exceedingly good one, made a determined stand, eur attack would have beo: groatly jogpardised. The machino gumners dired up to the last minuto hut their Wiro was wilz aod high. shoitly before rosching iha DROWN Eine, an aneny party of l5 men undor am officer worked behind us from the 47en Divisichal frost aed cpened a fire on 2.Co. The mist end smoke anablod thom to core down unobserved. Aparty from D. Co. and one from 4. Co. Mt once turned hack and charged tham, and auccesded in killing s und taking the rezmeinder prisoner. Mödause of his gallantry tho 52ficer was takan grisoner. Tho?Rown Zie wes cspturod to time, aud Auring the Cå winutos halt thare to allow the troces on cur logt to rauch their cbjestive, the Gettalion was Jhoroschly roorganlach ane the momping un complsted. 3.00. 4th Rattalion romained wohlzz tho terrace in'E.d.a. ord0r. Shortly after wo roschod tha RRw hine, the ang altillery fire opened on us, previously bis Wire did rothevan inconyenienes us. Ho had two ballcone wall fürward and thoy st itentae directed the fire, . ... . but the raseilty of ahellg fell in reng of us. n saut ovorez largehuumber et gus shells and gas ressirators had ta. be wor.. The wind wan 4.j.". aud 3.n.M.h. 7 iii) 3n3 OED OBJZSTT7T: "R" and "ö" Ges. Sontinned as first wave - thare was no les rrogzing. Cas rempürstorz haü to bo worn for Stao würst Wü5 Jaedz. ... ruuch zan mot as succeszäwäkr mainteines on either whenk, au in 1he ürence to the tirat o: jecti o. I.: hamd Jeneen Logimemt werks. te the lezt, and thes did nat zollew whe berrage well; oonseducnt.s wo had to "out and tee zu o:ion o caterd sur a- ...- , and the Chilr PEz in n.3.d. ties to the MA EM Lins were graster then Ou oas? . to the groms owirg to eg auchüne gun fire fror AKAK EnG NRET RELUE and 5o his art)llery. The aos
CONSOLLO- ATIOH: CAVALRY: COuk- ATTACK: AUGUST 22nd. a. was woro lightly hold; the cuomy had time to display divoretion sy withlrawing. Eh2 GREEz Lino was captured at 3 a.m. The rositicn was misomfortably dominstod by the BEAY REDGS En was contiqually under heavy zuschine gun: iro. Tho Rattalion was scon reor zuised. "B" and "C" Cos.: hald the front lino, "B" Co. from tho Chulk rit) L.3.d.50.90 t0 L. and "C" Co. from L.3.d.50.90 to L.9.d.35.60. A.Co. was id close support to "C" end "D" Co. to "B"; the suphort line in the early stagen was 100 paids in rear of the Tront line. (i7): LLA1807. sho closost liaison wus maintained Ey us with both flanks. A" sni "D" Ces. aupplied liaison sections and constant touch was kget up to the BRCEN Line. The halt at the first objective enablod Os.C. "B" and "" cos. to get in close touon with the Z0th and £2nd London Regiments and thay were able bo clear up difficulties. Ebe Londonors knaw vory littlo of tho plan; no explanation of the protective barrage had been given thom; thoy did not know whem tho advance to the reen line coumenoed; nor were they sure whother the th London Regiment ware to continue the adwance or whethar the 22nd Tondoners wera to lespirog through. There was a noticeable dribbling back of Euglish troops luring the socond advance. Theso men wore unhurt and simply driftod away. They were not checked by their officers. It is signifisant that thoso men who followed us showed no signs of hesitation and did roally good work. Owing to tho gap botweon us and the 35th Rattalion on our richt we established a liaison platoou to socure our right Tlank. The value and ncessity of lisison sith flanks are not yet fully appreciated. Te these operations efforts to maintain lisison vere confined chiefly to us. Consolidation was extremely difficult and dangerous 4. bocuase of the heavy machine gun fire. Evory se made of natural covor and Lowis gun posts established in front. Our front line ran from L.9.d.35.60 - L.9.b.5.4. L.3.d.6.9. and was hold by 3 and C. Cos. who osch had three platoons in the frout liuc, and one in dlose support. B.Co. H.4. were established at L.3.d.25.70 and C.Co. at L.9.b.3.6. A und'D Cos. wore in support in old quemy positions in L.9.a. East of the BRAY - HAPPEY VALLEY RSad, from L.2.a.70.50 to L.9.d.40.95 with both Company H.C. at L.9.a.30.90. B.Co. 54th En. took up a position under the terrace from L.9.ä.20.50 to L.S.b.35.55. Co.H.G. were established at L.9.a.10.20. A party of the Northumberland Hussars, the remannts of a squadron, gallopped dovn the ERAY-TRICCURT Road shortly after the capturs of tho CHEE Line. oy sufered hoavy casualtios from machine guns and acroplane bombs on reaching our loft flank. ähe leading cavalryman wore a Germzz: steel helmot a tho mist and smoko sors riflemeu took thom for the onemy and fired about 20 reunds, inflisting oasualties to herses. 2 Officarn and lo men fellowed by nsout 20 riderlass horsos galloped towards HEAY and resohed the outshirts of the village. All exuupt one officer becane casualtics. The cavalry displayod the grestest courage and dash But shock acticn against a noxt of machine guus can only and in failure. Shortly after 1 p.m. on the 32nd I obberved a countor attaok devoloriie from CAFTNT WOOD in F.18. and alowly advanoims in artillery formetion preceded by a line ir ......................- (over)
NITHE OF AUIUST 22ND [232D. AUQUST ZJRD: eztended order. against tho lait flank of the 47th Livisson. I estimato the strangth to be abewt 250. Ther avancee witheut artillez, support. I insorred rigade H.4. of this at 1.20 p.m. This adrancó continuod lcisuroly and without interrustiou until 1.30 p.m. when a lone Erieich plane at last discoverod it and dired the gorenod fire. warning sichal whoreupon the artille! Tho attack did not appoar to bo whole-hearted. The 24th London Regimemt cn the laft of ths 47th Division broke uny and the retirement spreadeta my loft flank shortly aftor 5 p.m. The 23rd Londoners gavo way, and then ühree companios of the 22nd London Regiment." The fourth r Tho British commany romained with us at tho CHAna PIT. madc as dotormined a stand as the Gormans did during our udvance. This loft lank i air, aa the Londoners ratiromcht "H" Co. ut once formed a dafonsive wua not kopt in hand. flank end wero reinforced by "D" Co. "E" C5. 34th Bn. also swung tho right flank northwards. A heavy machine gun, Lawis Gun and rifla fire was openod snd tho enemy's advanco was chockod. Captured machine guns, rifles, and minenwerfers wore used against the anomy; this not only increased our firo power but also consorzod cur fast dimini¬ shing supply of anmnmnition. In aodition it is a grost satisfaction to uso enomy wespons. At 7.30 p.m. Lt. Col. PARCITEN, SEnd London kegimant and his staff roported at my Roadquarters and informed me that all except the CHALK PIT garrison had broken away. His trcops thou came undor my command. it 7.40 p.m. Major F.G. GRANT, Commanding 34th Battalion réported to me that he had received ordors to take up a line L.8.d.central to L.8.a.9.7. with his three compamies. was informed of this by a message from Erigade at 7.45 p.n. as the cnon wre holding the Nothorm half of HAETT VAILI from S. 27:c. 35.99 to L.2.b.10.80 to L.2.a.50.00. I ordered two companiss to prolong and straugthen our defensivo flank, andone coppung to be hold in reserve under the terrace in a to L.8.a. Uur northorm line then ran from tho Chik l L. t0 L. to N.2.d.25.80 to r. Touch was obtained with elements of li2hd Brigade whose linc continued North of the HiILWAY to T.2.a.O.5. Whe Sith Baitalien was in positiom by 9 p.n. The situation was quiet at 10 p.m. Our troops mado a most gallant and There was never a thought of withdrawing. dotcrmined stand. Anticipating the likelihood of trouble on our left flank I issued instructions bofore the cperation that any withdrawal or falluro by the afth Division was topbo met with by forming a dofensive flank and not by withdrawing. The whole front was continuously and thoroughly patrolled the roughout the night, aach Company sanding out three olfices' patrols. Tast of the OREE" Line the eueng was digging along the öRiY-MAMDTZ Road in L.S.b. T.10.a. and L.4.c. Fire was opened on him with Lewis Cuns and No.36 Rifle gren¬ ados, and work ceasod. Whers wäs a grost deal of movemamt in the hutments and dums Artillery firo was hrought to bear ca this aica. in L.10.z. Throughout tho nicht thore was much trausport in ARAX and aloug the URAY-CEILCN WOOD Road. Uutil 9.30 a.m. the enemy had been vory quiet. At that tine he opemed a heazy hombariment on Jur forward position. particularly on the PüAY-MEACEIE ROad. Shis wire continued till 12.45 p.m. at 10 s.m. the cnamp was scon manning in the Valley in L.4.a. & c. and F.28.4. i platcon cormandor of the Zänd London Regiment thought fi! to fire the S.O.S. Signal tut cur artillery did not soo it. It is still a proud rocord of the 33rd Babtalion that they fuore wus cnomy moverent too havo nover fired the S.C.3. v.- All our fire was corcentratei on i: HASTY VALLST. ..7 When requested tho artillory onewy ard the attack failed. - a ppeued a heawy dire and helred sass considersely so break
OUR Avaiumauy 10. mokud ATILLEIT: 11. MACHIIE GuNS: COMMNIC- 12. ATIGNS: .......... 5. up tho attack. Aftar this reverce the eneny infau rr kept oover for the remainder of the day. The rol We wore relieved by tha 36th Dattalion, A.I.F. was complete at 3 a.m.g The barrago was very ragged and inaccurato and inflicted Although a margin of heavy casualties on our troops. 300 yards was allowed at tho oponing of the barrage, severe : within l2 yards of the tape line and sholls fell In tho first five minutos our guns oaused oasualties. causod us 10 casualties. During the first procctivo barrage one 4.5 sholl foll 200 yards bohind the BROW" Line 18 pounders, 4.5s and 6" howitzers continually fired short Repeated roquests wore made throughout the second day. to lengthen 500 yards or cease fire but without rosult. shells cousistontly foll betwean our front and support lines. We wore more afraid of our own artillery than the eneny and unfortuustoly we had roason, one of my Company Com. anders, Captain T.W. TOLLIS was killed by one of our own sholls. All ranks are vory omphatic dn their depreciation of our artillery in this oporation. Two trench mortars wont forward with CH MORTARS: B.Co. 34th Battalion but only five rounds were taken to The personnol wore then converted their final position. to infantry. Judging by his bombardmants previouc to zero the enemy He did not bring down a evidently oxpected our attaok. barrage howovor watil wo were on the BROwN Line, whon owing to the long halt thero, his two observation balloons could ochily direst the fire. Aitor the oapturo of the GEEE Lîne the enemy resorted to Tho GREEN Line escaped his sholls. rea shotts. The enemy's artillory was very much more active than ours fter the capture of our final objective. He fired "chiefly 4.2s and 5.9 guns and howitzers and a few 77's. Most of his batteries were in CMYLON WOOD. One minenwerfor fired in to the CHAIK PIT from L.4.a. 6.6. Too much praiso cannot be cestowed on the work of our machine guns, particularly the soction attached to tho Throughout they did most exoelleut work. 33rd Battalion. Machine guns with the 35th Battalion rendorod us the groatest assistance and very matcrially protectod our flank. Their fire was always accurate and woll sustained and their co-operation immodiate and whole-hearted. Battalion Heaiquarters were ostablished at K.18.a.3.7. Advancod Uaadquarters wore 9.30 p.m. on August 21st. cstablishod at 8 a.m. in the captured I2ath Regimental Headquarters at L. The following means of communication wore omployed: Runner Tolephone Pigeons Message rockots. In addition a Power Buzzer was installed at Battalion Another Power H.G. and lator movod to aivancod H.2. Zuzzer was then installed at K.18.a.3.7. The maintenance of lines was a most difficult and frequent task, but the linesmen displayed the greatest courage Thoy are to bo highly commende) and davotion te duty. on their work. The Message rockots were not altogother successful. an were sent but few were received. Sevon pigcons wero released; mesaages samt by this mothod were not acknowledged. Onoe again tribute must be paid to the conspiouous gall¬ antry, untiring cieray, and cheerful willingness of the T7LuTleiS.
N ALCRLFT: Flz: AIRCRAFT CAPTURES: 15. TEINSPORT: 15. lEDICIL: 17. 15. 14. (hr planes were disappointinzly inacti: fhey laft the arsa too carly. sem necuod ther wore wissing. Several of our planos wore uncertalu of our gosition. Althongh flares were lightod iu the Frort Line. to plade continuully flew along tho Zurrort Line oallin: for flares. Our plhnes hrought u: twe boxes of S.A.A. It would have helped us considerably ospooially whon tho expond- iture of S.A.A. was so great had they brenght further surplies. Particularly during the worning of August 22nd cueny planos were verg active. The "Red Circus" in onc flight of Cwand another of S, made theuselves very objoctionable. Thoy flew very low, dropped bombs on us and fired tho machino guns at us. Undoubtodly tho anemg ha the air sureriority on tho 22nd. At 3 p.m. on tho 22ud No.470, L/Cpl. W.R. Janieson, a Lewis Gunner, fired a rifle at a low flying enemy pl¬ ano and brought it down. The pilot, an officer, was acting as observer, and tho observer, a corporal, as the pilot. The bullet wuunded the Corporal in the foot and struck the engiue. On landing both occupants tried to get away but Major C.E.W. BRODZIAK, G.C. B. C0. and No.1880, Sgt. J.K. ESLauchlan rushed forward and capturod thom. The officer expressod vory great surprise at being shot down in this manner. The 33rd Battalion captured 13 Oificers 300 ether ranks. 1 aeroplane. 3 4.2 howitzers. 1 .77 um gun. 2 light minenwerfers. 16 machine guns. The guus were captured by us in the Southern ond of Y VALLEY and in the CHAIK PIT. HAP As they were in the 47th Divisional arca we aro not submitting claims for then. Mot moals were prepared in the quarry at K.23.b.C.1. and brought forward in limbers at 10 p.m. on the 22nd. Liberal surplies of water and hot tea wore also takon forward. The limbers went right up to the Frout Line. The food was hot and plentiful and thoroughly approciated by tho men. 20,000 rounds of S.A.A. were also taken forward to the Front Line by our Transport. This saved carrying parties: our strangth was low and the man tired. The Transport Soction is to be highly commended for their splendid work. The getting forward of theso supplies was a big factor in our successful defence. Die R.A.P. was established noar Battalion R.Q. at K.10.a.3.7. The wounded had to be attended to in the open. Prisouers were used to evacuate our wounded. But as most of our casualties occurred during the advance to the GREl N Line and most of our prisonors wore capturod bofore reaching tho EROWN Line a great amount of hesv, work foll to the rezimental stretcher bearers. The R.A.P. was much too far from the CRLEN Line but there was no su- ficieutly sufe or suitable place forward. An n.A.P. was in the procoss of construotion at L.8.s.15.15. whon we woro relioved. There was a dolay in obtaining dressings and strotcher from the Motor Relay Post. This was due to the dump of stretchors being destroyed by ahell fire and to the fact that after carryinz down to the Motor Post prisoners did not return to the H.A.P. - thus stretchers were not returnod.
Thore was a satisfactorr sumply of water and cafe-au-lai The work of tho stretcher bearofs and of the A.A.M.C. d0 ails was axccedingly well carried out. stretcher beare had a hard and dangerous task but they faced it unflinchingly, and nover spared themselvos. CASUALTIES: offic her Rauks. 18. (i! Killed in Action. 15. wounded. 90. Missing. --5 Most of the wounds were - I. icer (8t 2 0f rauks remained othel dut. i) Görpared wien the josses we luilicten on anemy our casuallies were very light. Apart from the 300 prisonors we captured we killel at lsast 100 Germans. The reason for this large number is that the cuewy machine gunners who ceased fire to surrender on our rushing them, ware shown no mercy. The casualties inflicted by us during the counter attack muat have beon very heavy. No ostimate can bo farmed. REMARKS: 19. (i) The barrage was too slow. When the enemy is not in strong earthworks the rate could be much faster. The long provective barrage on the BEOWN Lins was (ii) not appreciated. Quicker lifts would have helped us therc. The protective barrage on our final objoctive was (iii) too short. Had any diificulty been encountored during the secouß stage, and the barrage lost, the capturs of the GREE: Line might have been very difficult. (iv) I suggost that signals to langthen range be issued to iufantry. Our experionce in these recent operations load us to believo that either battorios had no O.Ps or that the O.Ps wore not efficiently mannod. (v) A special S.C.S. signal in nocessary for daytimc. It is almost inpossible to seo the present S.O.3. by day. (vi) Planes when firing sigaals to show that a counter- attack is forming should be oxtremoly caroful to fire in the direction of the attaok. Que plane meroly flew round and fired the signals in any direction. (vii) Although several pigeon messages wore sent nono were acknowledged. When sonding a message by a pigeon one understande that it will be transmitted to the addressee. (viii" with organisation and careful preparation messags rockets should prove highly successful. srongly recommand that a coloured light be used by day. Tbe present white light does not attract attention. (ix) RCOKERS: In many cases the Brock lighter easily breaks and the striker is often missing. In an attack a rocket cannot be tenderly trestod. (X) Boubs shbuld be dotonsted before being delivered from Drigade S.9. Captured weapons, S.A.A. aud matarial should bo (i) fully utilised. Germen telsphones and wire proved of great use. (xii) The change in colour of the rings on cur aeropanes has not bequ fully promulgated. The uuits on our left flank know nothing about the diäferent marking. (riii) Tho wearing of enemy clothes er hesagear in action should not be allowed. Even if a man losos his steel helmet he should not wear a Gorman onp. (kiv) The uxtra water bottla was a great boou. iteoliaator-olotol. GAumanding Göürd Dattalion, A.I.3.
DISTRIBUT: Coples Nos. 1 and 2. to 9th Inf. Bde.H.9. 3. to C.0. 4. to A.Co. 5. to B.Co. 6. to C.C0. 7. to D.Co. 4. to Trausport Officer. 9. to R.M.O. 10. to File. 11-13. to War Diary. RIA
33RD BATTALION, A.I.F. C.0.25/8/1. TO ACCOMPANY REPORT ON OPERATIOTS OF AUGUST 22ND/24TH, 1918. To Para 7 add. The Adjutant of the 15th London Regiment reported to me at 11.50 p.m. that two companies of his Battalion were digging in from I told him that I thought much L.8.central to L.2.c.5.7. better use could be made of them by covering our junction with the 142nd Brigade. He returned to his C.O. and informed him of this. Four hours later he reported to me together with a Company Commander and informed me that his C.O. had placed his remaining two companies at my disposal, one to be used as I thought fit and the other to be kept in reserve. There was no time to dig in, so I ordered the Company Commander to immediately get in position under the terrace from L.1.d.9.8. to L.2.c.O.5. and instructed him to reinforce the Divisional junction in case of a counter-attack; that he was to act quickly and not to await further orders from me. The reserve company took up a position under the terrace in L.8.a. The action of this Battalion Commander in placing his command at my disposal was certainly a generous one.

q 2.

to do was f or our officers and men to take charge of any
English troops there and form th em in posts where possible.

The 11th Bde in the meantime was ordered up to put 2 Bns
on the old J.O.trench and well behind the 47th Divn on the left.

A T.M. was also ordered to stand by and be ready to bombard an
any people emerging from the west of Bray.

Several times during the night Germans tried - patrols
and lost people -In the afternoon the Germans attacked us
in the s ame way as they did the English, but our artillery
and mgs were too quick f or them and no German got nearer
than 1000 to 5000 yards except on the left where they passed
closer following the troops there. It took place abt 4.30 to 5
p.m. 16 machineguns plus all artillery got onto the German and
he didn't reach our front line except near the chalk pit (which
we held from the Germans to the end) where our people had reinforced
the English as soon as they saw things were wrong.

The Germans got away back in F 25; Those Bitish who stopped,
shelter ed within our lines. About 9am the Germans came at us.
it was only a small party - looked as if a party of 30 were
detailed as storm troops for the object. They were beaten off.
Our defence took him in the flank as he moved across. There
was no wire before our old J.O. line that could have stopped

The C.O. of one London regt on the flank came over to 33rd
Bn Hqrs (forward) which was abt a mile from the front line.Grant
of 34th was there also. We had communication with them by buzzer.

Some of our people collected at the foot of Happy Valley a
lot of ammunition and they said confidently that the Germans
could not pass them.The British may be on the brown line now
(this was the following evening that Pain gave me this acct)
The Colonel of the Londons had a brigade reserve and details -
52 men.(I am not sure what this means - perhaps other evidence
will explain it). The 12th and 47th Divn seemed to have gone
to bits to the north of us, Pain said.But further N. near
B ecordel the line seemed to be all right. We had 3 German
minenwerfer in action which silenced a German Mwfer which
was firing on our men. The Bde had abt 400 casualties. There
was f ightingat odd times last night, but yesterday evening
it was a really big attack.Nothing was done to the Germans
opposite the English front though the Germans were in full
view marching.(I suppose t his is partly accounted for by the
3rd Cops guns being blown out)Prisoners:13offrs 224 o.r.
Casualties 22 offrs 384 or.

Off icers hit:-
33Bn Capt T allis, Lts Farleigh K.
Lts Hutchings,Lee,Burke,Fant, Fletcher,Maj.Brodziak wd.
(Brodziak was afterwds k.or perhaps died of this wd.I think
it was later he was a shell near Clery)

35th Bn Lt Ades K.
Lts Blakely,McGinnes,Barlow,Thompson wd.


C.O. 25/8/1. 33RD BATTALION, A.I.F.

Ref. 62D N.E. 25th August, 1918.


  1. The first intimation of the operation was given at a
    Brigade Conference at 1.15 p.m. on August 20th., when
    the scheme was outlined. I held a Conference of
    Company Commanders and Headquarter Officers at 4 p.m.
    and preparations were immediately begun.
    S.O.S. and Succeed Signal rockets and bombs did not
    reach us until 6 p.m. on the 21st. A large percentage
    of bombs were not detonated and this caused delay in
    the distribution.
    The Jumping-Off tape line was laid from J.13.a.50.80 to
    L.7.a.40.05. on the night of August 21st/22nd. Company
    and platoon boundaries and one direction tape per platoon
    were also clearly marked.


2. Previous to the operations, the Battalion was disposed
as follows:
Bn.H.Q. in quarry at K.23.b.7.1.
A.Co. in K.17.c. & K.23.s.
B.Co. in K.17.d.
C.Co. in K.18.b. and K.
D.Co. in quarry at K.23.b.8.1.
The routes were overland and direch. They were not
marked but were previously reconnoitred by N.C.O's and

"B" Co. passed the Right Starting point at K.18.c.6.6
("C" Co.H.Q.) at 1.55 a.m. and were followed by "D" Co.
at a distance of 100 yards. "C" Co. passed Left
Starting Point at K.18.b.95.65. (derelict tank) at
2.25 a.m. and were followed by "A" Co. at a distance of
100 yards.

The very bright moonlight made the approach march very
difficult; the officers laying the tape lines clearly
saw the Battalion moving at a distance of 800 yards.
At 2.30 a.m. the enemy opened a heavy bombardment on our
front line area and his machine guns were also very
active. The bombardment lasted until 3.40 a.m.
On account of the brightness and the heavy shelling and
machine gun fire, each Company moved forward in extended
order and advanced by alternate sections. This
undoubtedly saved heavy casualties.
To avoid casualties "A" Co. remained under cover in
K.13.d. in the trenches vacated by "C" Co. until 3.30
a.m. when they advanced by sections to the assembly

The assembly of the 33rd Battalion was complete at 4 a.m.
All companies were under cover in trenches and on the
[[ETINEREIL-MEAULTE?]] Road, close to the tape line and moved
forward to the tape line at zero minus 15 minutes.
While waiting platoon markers were placed on the tape
line; the assmebly on the line was carred out very
quickly. The whole Battalion was formed up to a depth
of 30 yards. The ordered formation was soon obtained
in the advance.

"B" Co. 34th Battalion were attached to the 33rd
Battalion as a reserve for our left flank. They moved
from their Support position in L.13.d. at 4 a.m. and were
assembled 60 yards in rear of "D" Co. at 4.20 a.m.
The enemy undoubtedly observed our massing for he again
opened a heavy bombardment on our forward position at
4 a.m. Fortunately a kind and thoughtful but foolish
German at once fired a lensthen signal whereupon the


artillery conveniently lifted 200 yards and thus
cleared our assembly.

Our casualties during the approach march and assembly
totalled 15 other ranks (A.Co. 4, B.Co. nil, C.Co. 6,
D.Co. 5.) It is because of the sound judgment and
initiative of all Company Officers that our casualties
were not very much greater.


3. (i) Our northern boundary was nominally the line
K.7.c.70.20 - L.3.d.45.50, actually it was the line
L.7.a.40.05 - L.3.d.45.50. I arranged with the O.C.,
20th London Regiment that his right company would follow
behind my left company to the BROWN Line to protect the
divisional junction.

The artillery opened simultaneously at 4.45 a.m.
Enemy machine guns opened a heavy fire but we were not
affected by his artillery. Our barrage was very
tagged an inaccurate and was difficult to follow. A
very large number of our causualties in the advance were
inflicted by our own shells. The 47th Division on our
left advanced slowly and with hesitation and had to be
urged  to keep up to the barrage.

The enemy did not make a determined stand; his morale
was not high. Machine gunners were an exception; they
maintained a heavy fire until our troops rushed them,
when they eagerly surrendered.

At L.8.e.1.6. we captured a Battalion Headquarters of
the 124th Regiment including the Battalion Commander,
Adjutant, Machine Gun Officer, Artillery Liaison Officer
and 40 other ranks and 4 machine guns. Had this
garrison, whose position was an exceedingly good one,
made a determined stand, our attack would have been
greatly jeopardised. The machine gunners dired up to
the last minute but their fire was wild and high.
Shortly before reaching the BROWN Line, an enemy party
of 15 men under an officer worked behind us from the
47th Divisional front and opened a fire on D.Co. The
mist and smoke enabled them to come down unobserved.
A party from D. Co. add one from A. Co. at once turned
back and charged them, and succeeded in killing and
taking the remainder prisoner. Because of his
gallantry the Officer was taken prisoner.

the BROWN Line was captured to time, and during the 55
minutes halt there to allow the troops on our left to
reach their objective, the Battalion was thoroughly
reorganised and the mopping up completed. B.Co. 34th
Battalion remained under the terrace in L.8.a. as ordered
Shortly after we reached the BROWN Line, the enemy's
artillery fire opened on us, previously his fire did
not even inconvenience us. He had two balloons
well forward and they evidently directed the fire,
but the majority of shells fell in rear of us. He
sent over a large number of gas shells and gas
respirators had to be worn. The wind was [[?]].S.W. and
5 m.p.h.

"B" and "C" Cos. continued as first wave - there was
no leapfrogging. Gas respirators had to be worn for
the first 500 yards.

[[Foush?]] was not as successfully maintained on either
flank as in the advance to the first objective. The
22nd London Regiment worked to the left, and they did
not follow the barrage well; [[ou requently?]] we had to
extend our front and take the [[northern?]] portion of
[[?]], and the [[CHALK PITS?]] in L.5.d.

Our casualties to the GREEN Line were greater than
to the BROWN owing to enemy machine gun fire from
BRAY and BRAY RIDGE and to his artillery. The area



was more lightly held; the enemy had time to display
[[disoration?]] by withdrawing. The GREEN Line was captured
at 3 a.m. The position was uncomfortably dominated
by the BRAY RIDGE and was continually under heavy
machine gun fire.

The Battalion was soon reorganised. "B" and "C" Cos.
held the front line, "B" Co. from the Chalk Pit,
L.3.d.50.90 to L.9.b.40.65 and "C" Co. from L.3.d.50.90
to L.9.d.35.60. A.Co. was in close support to "C" and
"D" Co. to "B"; the support line in the early stages
was 100 yards in rear of the front line.

The closest liaison was maintained by us with both
flanks. "A" and "D" Cos. supplied liaison sections
and constant touch was kept up to the BROWN Line. The
halt at the first objective enabled O.C. "B" and "D"
Cos. to get in close touch with the 20th and 22nd
London Regiments and they were able to clear up
difficulties. The Londoners knew very little of the
plan; no explanation of the protective barrage had been
given to them; they did not know when the advance to the
green line commenced; nor were they sure whether the
20th London Regiment were to continue the advance or
whether the 22nd Londoners were to leapfrog through.
There was a noticeable dribbling back of English troops
during the second advance. These men were unhurt and
simply drifted away. They were not checked by their
officers. It is significant that those men who
followed us showed no signs of hesitation and did
really good work.

Owing to the gap between us and the 35th Battalion on
our right we established a liaison platoon to secure
our right flank.

The value and necessity of liaison with flanks are not
yet fully appreciated. In these operations efforts
to maintain liaison were confined chiefly
to us.


4. Consolidation was extremely difficult and dangerous
because of the heavy machine gun fire. Every use was
made of natural cover and Lewis gun posts established
in front.

Our front line ran from L.9.d.35.60 - L.9.b.5.4. -
L.3.d.6.9. and was held by B and C. Cos. who each had
three platoons in the front line, and one in close
support. B.Co. H.Q. were established at L.3.d.25.70
and C.Co. at L.9.b.3.6. A and D Cos. were in support
in old enemy positions in L.9.a. East of the BRAY -
HAPPEY VALLEY Road, from L.9.a.70.50 to L.9.d.40.95,
with both Company H.Q. at L.9.a.30.90. B.Co. 34th Bn.
took up a position under the terrace from L.9.a.20.50
to L.8.b.95.95. Co.H.Q. were established at L.9.a.10.90.

5. A party of the Northumberland Hussars, the remnants of a
squadron, gallopped down the BRAY-[FRICOURT?]] Road shortly
after the capture of the GREEN Line. They suffered
heavy casualties from machine guns and aeroplane bombs
on reaching our left flank. The leading cavalryman
wore a Germen steel helmet and in the mist and smoke
some rifleman took them for the enemy and fired about
20 rounds, inflicting casualties to horses. 2 Officers
and 10 men followed by about 20 riderless horses
galloped towards BRAY and reached the outskirts of the
village. All except one officer became casualties.
The cavalry displayed the greatest courage and dash, but
shock action against a nest of machine guns can only end
in failure.

AUGUST 22nd.
6. Shortly after 1 p.m. on the 22nd I observed a counter
attack developing from [[CARTIT?]] WOOD in F.18. and slowly
advancing in artillery formation preceded by a line in


extended order, against the left flank of the 47th
Division. I estimate the strength to be about 250.
They advanced without artillery support. I informed
Brigade H.Q. of this at 1.20 p.m. This advance continued
leisurely and without interruption until 1.30 p.m. when a
lone British plane at last discovered it and fired the
warning signal whereupon the artillery opened fire.

The attack did not appear to be whole-hearted. The 24th
London Regiment on the left of the 47th Division broke way
and the retirement spread to my left flank shortly after
5 p.m. The 23rd Londoners gave way, and then three
companies of the 22nd London Regiment. The fourth
company remained with us at the CHALK PIT. The British
made as determined stand as the Germans did during our

This left my flank in the air, as the Londoners retirement
was not kept in hand. "B" Co. at once formed a defensive
flank and were reinforced by "D" Co. "B" Co. 34th Bn.
also swung the right flank northwards. A heavy machine
gun, Lewis Gun and rifle fire was opened and the enemy's
advance was checked. Captured machine guns, rifles, and
minenwerfers were used against the enemy; this not only
increased our fire power but also conserved our fast diminishing
supply of ammunition. In addition it is a great
satisfaction to use enemy weapons.

At 7.30 p.m. Lt. Col. PARGITEN, 22nd London Regiment and
his staff reported at my Headquarters and informed me that
all except the CHALK PIT garrison had broken away. His
troops then came under my command.

At 7.40 p.m. Major F.G. GRANT, Commanding 34th Battalion
reported to me that he had received orders to take up a line
L.8.d.central to L.8.a.9.7. with his three companies. I
was informed of this by a message from Brigade at 7.45 p.m.
as the enemy were holding the northern half of HAPPY VALLEY
from F.27.c.35.90 to L.2.b.10.80 to L.2.a.50.90. I ordered
two companies to prolong and strengthen our defensive flank,
and one company to be held in reserve under the terrace in
L.8.a. Our northern line then ran from the CHALK PIT to
L.3.c.05.50 to L.2.d.80.50 to L.2.d.25.80 to L.2.c.6.9.
Touch was obtained with elements of 142nd Brigade whose line
continued North of the RAILWAY to L.2.a.0.5.

The 34th Battalion was in position by 9 p.m. The situation
was quiet at 10 p.m. Our troops made a most gallant and
determined stand. There was never a thought of withdrawing.
Anticipating the likelihood of trouble on our left flank I
issued instructions before the operation that any withdrawal
or failure by the 47th Division was to be met with by
forming a defensive flank and not by withdrawing.

7. The whole front was continuously and thoroughly patrolled throughout
the night, each Company sending out three officers'
patrols. East of the GREEN Line the enemy was digging
along the GRAY-MAMETE Road in L.8.b. L.10.a. and L.4.c.
Fire was opened on him with Lewis Guns and No.36 Rifle grenades,
and work ceased.

There was a great deal of movement in the hutments and dumps
in L.10.a. Artillery fire was brought to bear on this [[arca?]].
Throughout the night there was much transport in BRAY  and
along the BRAY-CEYLON WOOD Road.

8. Until 9.30 a.m. the enemy had been very quiet. At that time
he opened a heavy bombardment on our forward positions,
particularly on the BRAY-[[MEADLTE?]] Road. This fire continued
till 12.45 p.m. At 10 a.m. the enemy was seen massing in
the Valley in L.4.a. & c. and F.28 d.

A platoon commander of the 22nd London Regiment thought fit
to fire the S.O.S. Signal but our artillery did not see it.
it is still a proud of the 33rd Battalion that they
have never fired the S.O.S. There was enemy movement too
in HAPPY VALLEY. All our fire was concentrated on the
enemy and the attack failed. When requested the artillery
opened a heavy fire and helped very considerably to break


 up the attack.

After this reverse the enemy infantry kept cover for the
remainder of the day.

We were relieved by the 38th Battalion, A.I.F. The roll
was complete at 3 a.m.

9. The barrage was very ragged and inaccurate and inflicted
heavy casualties on our troops. Although a margin of
300 yards was allowed at the opening of the barrage, seven
shells fell within 15 yards of the tape line and
caused casualties. In the first five minutes our guns
caused us 10 casualties. During the first proactive
barrage one 4.5 shell fell 200 yards behind the BROWN Line
18 pounders, 4.5s and 6" howitzers continually fired short
throughout the second day. Repeated requests were made
to lengthen 500 yards or cease fire but without result.
Shells consistently fell between our front and support

We were more afraid of our own artillery than the enemy,
and unfortunately we had reason, one of my Company Commanders,
Captain T.W. TOLLIS was killed by one of our own

All ranks are very emphatic in their depreciation of our
artillery in this operation.

TRENCH MORTARS: Two trench mortars went forward with
B.Co. 34th Battalion but only five rounds were taken to
their final position. The personnel were then converted
to infantry.

10. Judging by his bombardments previous to zero the enemy
evidently expected our attack. He did not bring down a
barrage however until we were on the BROWN Line, when
owing to the long halt there, his two observation balloons
could easily direct the fire.

After the capture of the GREEN Line the enemy resorted to
area shots. The GREEN Line escaped his shells.

The enemy's artillery was very much more active than ours
after the capture of our final objective. He fired
chiefly 4.2s and 5.9 guns and howitzers and a few 77's.
Most of his batteries were in CEYLON WOOD.

One minenwerfer fired in to the CHALK PIT from L.4.a.6.6.

11. Too much praise cannot be bestowed on the work of our
machine guns, particularly the section attached to the
33rd Battalion. Throughout they did most excellent work.
Machine guns with the 35th Battalion rendered us the
greatest assistance and very materially protected our

Their fire was always accurate and well sustained and
their co-operation immediate and whole-hearted.

12. Battalion Headquarters were established at K.18.a.3.7. at
9.30 p.m. on August 21st. Advanced Headquarters were
established at 8 a.m. in the captured 124th Regimental
Headquarters at L.8.a.1.6.
The following means of communication were employed:
Message rockets.
In addition a Power Buzzer was installed at Battalion
H.Q. and later moved to advanced H.Q. Another Power
Buzzer was then installed at K.18.a.3.7.

The maintenance of lines was a most difficult and frequent
task, but the linesmen displayed the greatest courage
and devotion to duty. They are to be highly commended
on their work.

the Message rockets were not altogether successful. Many
were sent but few were received.

Seven pigeons were released; messages sent by this method
were not acknowledged.

Once again tribute must be paid to the conspicuous gallantry,
untiring energy, and cheerful willingness of the



13. Our planes were disappointingly inactive. They left
the area too early. When needed they were missing.
Several of our planes were uncertain of our position.
Although flares were lighted in the Front Line. One
plane continually flew along the Support Line calling
for flares.

Our planes brought us two boxes of S.A.A. It would
have helped us considerably especially when the expenditure
of S.A.A. was so great they brought further

14. Particularly during the morning of August 22nd cherry
planes were very active. The "Red Circus" in one
flight of 8 and another of 9, made themselves very
objectionable. They flew very low, dropped bombs on us
and fired the machine guns at us.

Undoubtedly the enemy had the air superiority on the

At 3 p.m. on the 22nd No.470, L/Cpl. W.R. Jamieson,
a Lewis Gunner, fired a rifle at a low flying enemy plane
and brought it down. The pilot, an officer, was
acting as observer, and the observer, a corporal, as
the pilot. The bullet wounded the Corporal in the
foot and struck the engine. On landing both occupants
tried to get away but Major C.E.W. BRODZIAK, O.C. B. Co.
and No.1880, Sgt. J.K. McLauchlan rushed forward and
captured them. The officer expressed very great
surprise at being shot down in this manner.

15. The 33rd Battalion captured
13 Officers 300 other ranks.
1 aeroplane.
3 4.2 howitzers.
1 .77 mm gun.
2 light minenwerfers.
16 machine guns.
The guns were captured by us in the southern end of
HAPPY VALLEY and in the CHALK PIT. As they were in
47th Divisional area we are not submitting claims for

16. Hot meals were prepared in the quarry at K.23.b.8.1.
and brought forward in limbers at 10 p.m. on the 22nd.
Liberal supplies of water and hot tea were also taken

The limbers went right up to the Front Line. The
food was hot and plentiful and thoroughly appreciated
by the men.

20,000 rounds of S.A.A. were also taken forward to the
Front Line by our Transport.

This saved carrying parties: our strength was low and the
men tired.

The Transport Section is to be highly commended for their
splendid work. The getting forward of these supplies
was a big factor in our successful defence.

17. The R.A.P. was established near Battalion H.Q. at
K.18.a.3.7. The wounded had to be attended to in the

Prisoners were used to evacuate our wounded. But as
most of our casualties occurred during the advance to
the GREEN Line and most of our prisoners were captured
before reaching the BROWN Line, a great amount of
heavy work fell to the regimental stretcher bearers.

The R.A.P. was much too far from the GREEN Line but
there was no sufficiently safe or suitable place
forward. An R.A.P. was in the process of construction
at L.8.a.15.15. when we were relieved.

There was a delay in obtaining dressings and stretchers
from the Motor Relay Post. This was due to the dump
of stretchers being destroyed by shell fire and to the
fact that after carrying down to the Motor Post prisoners
did not return to the R.A.P. - thus stretchers were not









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