Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/273/1 - 1918 - 1937 - Part 27
Hand drawn diagram- see original document.
(COPY. of draft)
SECRET. ? 7/7/18.
Fourth Army.
Monument Wood Offensive.
1. I beg to submit in outline a plan for offensive action,
involving the capture of ground on a frontage of about 4,000 yards,
to an average depth of 700 yards east of Villers-Bretonneux. It
is submitted, however, that this plan should be considered only as
the first stage of a comprehensive operation to eliminate the enemy
salient to the east of CACHY and VILLERS-BRETONNEUX. as it may be
very difficult satisfactorily to arrange for synchronised action by
this Corps and the 31st French Corps d'Armee, it is suggested that
the objectives proposed for the respective Corps should be considered
together, i.e., as a complete operation; but that the carrying out
of the task for this Corps should take place first in order of time,
the action of the French Corps (which would thereby be greatly
facilitated) following after a very short interval of time.
2. It is further pointed out that action by this Corps alone,
without any subsequent action by the French, would form for us an
awkward, and in some aspects, a very undesirable salient; disad-
vantages which would largely counteract the advantages to us of the
proposed operations.
3. The advantages to us are:-
(a) shortening and straightening of out line
(b) deepening our defences east of Villers-Bretonneux
(c) ejecting the enemy from the remainder of the high
ground which he still holds in P.31 (hill 105)
(d) maintenance of our initiative.
4. Accompanying map shows:-
(a) in black, approximate present British and French front
(b) in red, prepared final objective for Australian Corps,
in the first stage
(c) in blue, proposed final objective for the French Corps,
in the second stage
5. The red objective will involve the capture of the
Monument and Wood, and the remainder of Hill 105 in P.31 and P.26.
The new frontage will be 4,550 yards, until the completion of the
second stage, when it will be reduced to 3,000 yards. A temporary
encroachment of about 150 yards upon an south of the French Corps
tactical boundary is also involved.
6. The red objective task will involve the employment of one
Brigade of Infantry of the Second Austr. Division, with three
battalions in the first line, and one battalion in immediate support of
the Monument Wood flank. An additional Battalion of the 2nd
Division would be placed at the disposal of the attacking Brigadier,
as a reserve to deal with any unexpected emergency. The Brigade
allotted for this task to be the 5th Aust. Brigade, (Brig.Gen.
Martin). This Brigade is at present in the line.
7. In view of the occurrences of an inter-divisional relief
in B Division sector, of the fact that one other Brigade of the
Second Division was employed in the Battle of July and urgently
requires a few days' rest, and of the fact that at least 4 days will
be required to prepare the 5th Brigade for the operation, it is
considered that the operation cannot take place before July 15;
but that it would be better to plan it to take place on July 17,
so that proper co-ordination of all arms can be assured.
8. It is proposed again to employ tanks, in order to reduce
casualties to the infantry. It is considered that one Battalion of
Tanks should be held in readiness for employment, including supports
and reserves, and counter-attack tanks. Probably 21 or 24 Tanks will
be sufficient in the actual advance with the Infantry.
9. It is also proposed to employ a normal advancing Artillery
Barrage. The frontage will require 9 Brigades of Field Artillery,
all of which could, if obligatory, be provided from Corps resources,
but the loan of 2 Brigades of Field Artillery from Army resources
would materially simplify the Artillery dispositions, and obviate any
encroachment upon the xxxxx normal Artillery defences of the Corps.
10. All other subsidiary arrangements would be on normal lines,
i.e., Counter-battery work, M.G. barrages, use of smoke, employment
of aircraft, etc. etc. None of these matters would present any difficulty.
11. Very special attention will have to be given to the working
out of plans to disguise our preparations, and to conceal during
battle the actual frontage of the attack, with a view to dislocating
the enemy Artillery reaction. It is hoped that, in this, novel
expedients will suggest themselves, after fuller consideration of the
12. As, in viewxof the necessity for secrecy, I have refrained
from discussing these proposals, in details, with any of my subordinate
commanders concerned they must be regarded, for the present, as
tentative only, and subject to modification in details.
Lt. Gen.
Conferences of 11/7/18.
1. -OBJECTIVE. The attached map shows in BLACK the present frontvline
south-east of VILLERS-BRETONNEUX. The proposed objective of the
operation is shown in BLUE. The total frontage at the present date
(11th July) is 2,759 yards. The average depth of the proposed advance
is between 500 and 600 yards.
Infantry: The total number of Infantry required for the
operation is estimated at 2 battalions. It is prepared to employ the
5th A.I. Brigade for the operation.
Artillery: Total artillery required will be 7 Artillery
Brigades. These are available from present Corps resources.
Tanks: The total number of tanks required will be 2 or 3
Sections (8 to 12 tanks).
3. NATURE OF THE OPERATION. The general method of attack will be to
place an artillery smoke barrage covering the whole objective. An
artillery creeping barrage will be employed to move through the depth
of the area of advance rapidly and establish itself on an S.O.S. line
beyond the line of the proposed objective. Under cover of this the
tanks allotted for the operation will move out along the pre-determined
routes and clean up MONUMENT WOOD, ASSYRIA Trench and remaining
portion of the enemy's defensive system.
The total number of Infantry actually employed in the advance
will be reduced to what is considered the necessary minimum.
In the southern portion of the operations each party of troops
detailed to the objective will move with its own tanks. It remains
to be determined whether any tanks will move out direct against the
northern portion of the objectives, as this presents difficulties in
finding concealed positions in which tanks can lie up during the day
and which are near enough to the infantry bases of departure.
It is proposed to carry out the operation in the early evening at
such an hour as will give the infantry every facility for determining
their position and consolidating the posts which will be established
before dark. It is anticipated by doing this the infantry will have
the whole night to consolidate and the enemy will be unable to
determine where to place his barrage.
This involves the necessity of placing the infantry in their
start positions on the night prior to zero and retaining them in these
positions throughout the day. It is essential that there shall be
absolutely no movement on this portion of the front throughout the
whole of the day prior to zero hour.
4. -ARTILLERY. Artillery positions will be selected in advance and
careful registrations carried out under cover of the normal harassing
As soon as details of the attack are determined it is desirable
that there shall be a complete cessation of the present nibbling
tactics on this part of the front in order to give the enemy a feeling
of security and lull his suspicions.
A complete counter-battery schame must be employed similar to
xxx that employed on the 4th July. This counter-battery scheme must
commence at zero hour.
5.-TANKS. A careful reconnaissance must be made on the eastern
portion of VILLERS-BRETONNEUX and definite places selected for every
tank which is to co-operate in the operation where it can lie up
through the whole of the day prior to zero hour. These places must
be selected in accordance with the detailed plan of action for each
individual tank.
use a dense smoke screen on MORLANCOURT and SAILLY LAUSETTE with
the idea of inducing the enemy to believe that an attempt is being
made to capture these places. Smoke mortars will be used for this
and details will be worked out.
A barrage will be placed as far as possible upon the whole of the
remainder of the Corps front and the III Corps will be asked to place
a similar barrage on their front. In this barrage it is proposed to
use a large proportion of smoke shell. The object of the barrage is
mere to raise the enemy's suspicions then to inflict casualties or
damage material.
2nd Australian Division.
(General Staff)
ON 15th July, 1918.
After explaining to the Army Commander the situation in the
neighbourhood of Monument Wood, the existence of the Mound in Square
V.1, and my proposals for further exploitation, easterly, along the
VARFUSEE railway, also the attitude of the French on our right flank,
he agreed to the following plan of action:
1. The trench line captured by us to-day from U.5 cent. to U.6 cent.,
is to be jointly held by us and the French as an "International
Trench"' the French digging that portion which crosses No Man's Land.
2. We are to induce the French, with out help, to work southward
down Stanboul Trench and Craft Trench, with a view to seizing and
holding it.
3. After the occupation of this trench, the French are to be asked
to take it over and hold it without out help. the French will also
take over and hold, without our help, the trench from U.5 east. to
the junction of Stanboul and Syria trenches, this section then
becoming merely a C.T.
4. We will then hold only the portion from the last-named inter-
section as far East as U.6 cent., as an "International trench".
5. The French to have suggested to them that they should shorten
their line by establishing a line of posts from the southern end of
Craft Trench, south-westerly to their salient in U.16.a, North of
Hangard Wood.
6. our final objective line is to run from U.6 cent., easterly to
V.1.b.6.5 and thence north-easterly to join our present front line
at the Varfusee Road at P.27.e.2.5. The territory enclosed by
this objective line which is still unoccupied by us is to be taken
a process of minor operations and effusive patrolling, employing no
resources beyond these at the disposal of the "A" Division. This
objective line is to represent the furthest advance to the eastward
and south-eastward that we are to make for the time being, and we will
consolidate on this line and organise defences thereon.
7. All negotiations with the French troops, to ensure their co-oper-
ation, will,, for the time being, be made by the "A" Divisional
Commander xxxxxx direct with the Regimental and Divisional Commander
of the French on the immediate flank, seeing that the Army Commander
considers it hopeless to induce the French Army Command expressly to
order these operations and arrangements.
(Intd.) J.K.
Telegram Received at Aust. Corps HQ, 2.5 p.m., 10/7/18.
Following cable received from DEFENCE Melbourne begins a.a.a.
VS.262. Commonwealth of Australia desire to congratulate Monash
and all ranks in his command on the splendid success attending
the recent operations at Hamel and Vaire Woods. That the casualties
sustained were slight in character is especially pleasing, and adds
to the gratification with which the news has been received.
From DAG, A.I.F.
Circulated 4.15 D.R.L.S. down to battalions and similar formations
throughout Corps area.
4 July 1918.
Handed in at Versailles, 4.45 p.m.
Received at Aust Corps HQ, 5.42 p.m.
On behalf of Prime Minister of Britain and also of Prime
Ministers of Canada, New Zealand, and Newfoundland attending
Versailles council I am commissioned to offer you warmest
congratulations upon brilliant success of Australian forces
under you command and to say that the victory achieved by
your troops is worthy to rank with greatest achievement of
Aust. armies.
Prime Minister of Australia
Handed in at Versailles, 4.45 p.m.
Received at Aust. Corps HQ., 5.50 p.m.
My personal congratulations and those of the Government of
Commonwealth on brilliant success of battle. Please convey to
officers and men participating in attack warmest admiration
of their valour and dash and manner in which they have maintained
highest traditions of Australian Army. I am sure that achiev-
ment will have most considerable military and political effect
upon Allies and neutrals and will heighten morale of all Imperial
Prime Minister, Australia.
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