Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/273/1 - 1918 - 1937 - Part 25
intervals be free from fire. Therefore if an attack be made in mist
or darkness it may thus be possible for a portion of the enemy to cut
the wire without interference from the Machine Guns. If on further
consideration you are of opinion that the reason mentioned by the C.R.E. which I admit are sound in themselves, outweigh the reasons I have mentioned, I am perfectly agreeable to modify my views in accordance with your directions, but in that case, I would certainly like to have my views recorded as of possible future interest, should the enemy get through at the sports referred to.
Re Reply to Complaint (2):
I would^nt like to directly contradict this statement but the
plan of the wire and Machine Gun Posts as they exist - and this plan
was prepared by the 8th Field Company Engineers - certainly suggest
this possibility to me.
Re Reply to Complaint (3):
I will only remark that the siting of Machine Guns in the main
trench line is contrary to all the teaching of the recent books on the
subject and for the reason that the enemy naturally puts a heavy barrage on the main trenchline and an extra special barrage on forward -- traverses and other spots that look likely to hold Machine Guns. Thus
I could expect in defending this line to have the majority of the guns
knocked out before the Infantry attack develops. The further reply
that such positions were selected in conjunction with the Divisional
Machine Gun Officer, Battalion Commanders and Brigade Major only goes to prove the correctness of my original proposition for, when I pointed out to my Brigade Major and Battalion Commanders that they were -- obvious defects in the sisting according to the book and in the light of reason, they all with one accord began to make excuse "It was the C.R.E. and the Divisional Machine Gun Officer" that thou gavest us that led us astray.
My power of criticism was thus short circuited and the difficulties
of the present system brought home to me. It is the hopelessness
of making anyone at all responsible for any error that forced from
me the criticism that its very continuance appears to me to be courting
Re Complaint 4.
I regret that by an undetected typographical error the word
"West" was substituted for the word "East" in my report. Consequently
I have nothing to say to this reply. My original criticism was directed
to the "amended" line East or rather South of the Village.
In regard to the remark that this latter line was sited in
consultation with the Brigade Major and Battalion Commander on the
spot, I can only say that when I criticised them for certain defects
they put it on the C.R.E. and pointed out to me the paragraph in your
orders which said he alone was responsible for siting the line and
that they had to follow his direction, although they admitted he had
consulted them.
Regarding Complaint 5.
I have nothing further to add.
Regarding Complaint 6.
I have nothing further to add to my previous comments. I would
say that I am by no means sure that the reply of the C.R.E. does dispose
of my difficulties in this matter. Judging by what has happened
on occasions in the past, even the few minutes required for its destruction might not be available at the critical moment. The fact that
construction of a Bri^dgade in a place which could not be criticised
would cause additional labour is beside the point. If it was absolutely
impossible to construct a bridge in a less exposed place, then, I
submit, I should have been at once requested to place a special permanent guard to protect it.
I don't think that the remark of the C.R.E. that my report condemns
my staff more than Divisional Staff for reasons he mentions
affects the matter one way or the other. I am not concerned with the
condemnation of anyone at all, least of all the Divisional Staff, but I
do say that a system which allows each in turn to disclaim responsibility
is wrong and its continuance "appears to me to be courting disaster".
I again assert that I had no intention of making any comparison
between the present C.R.E. and Lieut.Col. or any other C.R.E.
but merely gave that as an instance when the present system had more -- clearly condemned itself than any I could call to mind. The fact that
by good fortune one may chance to find a genius as C.R.E. cannot in my
opinion alter the radical unsoundness of the policy.
In regard to remarks of the C.O. of the 5th Machine Gun
Battalion I disclaim all idea of criticising him personally, but I do
not agree that Machine Guns cannot be sited in rear of a continuous --
trench line and in rear of this line in particular. If arrangements
are made to protect our men in the trench I see no difficulty, If, on
consideration, you agree with Major MARSDEN'S contention I am perfectly willing to modify my views on the subject, but again I should like my view placed on record.
In regard to the remarks of the C.S.O. LL. I would again deny
all intention of personal criticism. In this case I can claim definite
evidence to the country. When Major WOOTTEN was a very junior Officer indeed I sought to get him as he knows transferred to my Brigade as 2nd in command of a Battalion. Had I any doubts of his capacity that would hardly have been to my advantage. I have had no reason since to change my opinion of his capacity unless to add to my admiration for it.
In point of fact I had no idea he was in any way concerned.
My reference to "Junior Staff Officers" arose as follows"
I told Col. Peck on the telephone that I was not satisfied with
the line. He said that he and the C.R.E. had sited it. I said it was
impossible for him to do that satisfactorily unless he was there every
day to check the work, which of course he could not do. He replied that
he had juniors whom he sent there to have a look at it.
I had not seen any of the G.S.O.'s there at all in fact and was
until then quite unaware that any of them had a hand in the matter at all.
I think this will make it quite clear that there was no personal
reference to Major WOOTTEN at all.
I would also express my regret that the report was not made
"Confidential". I can only say that no thought that the matter in it
could possibly be regarded as offensive or injurious to anyone at anytime entered my mind.
Brig. General.
Commanding 15th Australian Infantry Brigade.
Lt Col G.E.M. Hill
2nd Bn East Lancs Regt
16th Oct. 1935
Dear Sir
I received your letter of the 11th Sept 1935
yesterday and will with pleasure give
you such information as I can.
I was born at Javistoch 21.2.1876.
Where my Father, who had been an Officer
in the 5th Fusiliers, then lived. This
property, now mine, belonged to my Father's
Uncle and came to my Father on the death
of his first cousin.
I was educated at Dulwich College and
abroad in Switzerland and Germany,
and went through Sandhurst obtaining
a commission in the East Lancashire Regt.
Sept 5th 1896. I served throughout the
S.African War in the 1st Mounted
Infantry being Adjutant of that Batt.
during the latter part of the war.
Later was Adjutant of the 2nd Bn. The
East Lancashire Regt. at the outbreak
of the war I was a Captain and employed
as a Staff Capt. at the Hd Qrs of the Southern
Command Salisbury. I managed from
there to rejoin the 2nd Bn E.Lancashire
Regt. and went to France with them in the
8th Division on 4th Nov. 1914. I served
in France with the 2nd Bn for 3 years
altogether, during which period I
commanded the Bn for 2 years.
I was twice wounded officially but
very slightly on each occasion. I was
captured at Berry-au-Bae at the end
of May 1918.
I commanded the 2nd Bn for four years
after the war giving up command in
April 1925, was selected for further
promotion but retired voluntarily
in 1926.
I remember well the fight at Villers-Bretonneux
in April 1918. The German tanks
out ran our line and my Bn was
driven in to Bn Hd Qrs where
I had considerable difficulty in holding
a line, there were no trenches of any sort,
and unfortunately the unit on my
right gave way and the Germans
got round my right flank and fired
into us from behind with a machine
gun. Just as things were looking rather
blue a very cheery subaltern (or Captain?)
of your people turned up with a patrol
his name was Christian, - he and his men
helped to stop the Germans who attempted
to rush us just as the C. turned up.
I was entirely without communication
with my division, wireless and
telephone had been smashed and the
runners failed to get through - however
Christian got back and I had later a
note from him say "Hold on help is
coming". I was very grateful to him for
what he did and also to his men.
I heard from him only this summer
and was glad to know he was going
Yours truly
20 Parkstone Avenue,
DORSET. 12/12/1935.
Dear Sir,
Your letter of the 25th September reached
me two days ago.
I regret I cannot furnish you with the
addresses of the Officers you named, only one,
Capt Hunniken came into Villers-Bretonneux on the
day following. My Tank was the only one that
took part in this actual engagement.
I enclose particulars of the part I took
in this affair, details of which I have in my diary
in respect of this incident.
The first Battalion, Tank Corps was
practically the only one that brought their Tanks out
of the Retreat in this Sector, and took up positions
on the South side of the Somme and were with the
A.I.F. for some considerably time, at Maricourt,
Bray, Bonnay etc.
I hope the enclosed particulars will
arrive it time to be of use, and I shall be pleased
to know where I can obtain the Official History when
Yours faithfully
J Butler
[Send to Trebar.]
C.E.W. Bean Esq,
Victoria Barracks,
Paddington, N.S.Wales.
I first received instructions for the Villers-Bretonneux
affair at midnight on Thursday 25th April, with orders to set
out immediately on a given Map Reference.
My Tank was an old Mark IV six pounder, one, of our Battalion
that survived the Retreat in March where we were stationed in front
of Peronne a few weeks previous. We had trekked continuously for
six days and night and had no time to recondition, which our Tanks
sadly needed.
I arrived late in the afternoon on the out-skirts of
Villers-Bretonneux. My Tank was severely tested by this
continuous trek and to make matters worse it was necessary to
take my Tank up the Railway Embankment and over the metals to
take up my position on the Map Reference.
When I eventually stopped my Tank we had been on the go
without a stop for 15 to 16 hours.
I found the troops in the vicinity of this spot were a
fresh detachment of Yorkshire Boys just arrived, and I was
immediately called upon to "put them wise" to the workings of a
Bosch Minniwerfer Machine Gun they had captured, with stacks of
ammunition. Shortly afterwards an Officer from the A.I.F.
Brigade Headquarters came for me with a spare mount, and we
made our way to the C.O. by way of the Tunnel under the Railway,
to his dug-out.
He explained the position briefly, that the Bosch were
still in the Village and that a machine gun nest was still hanging
on in the Cemetery, and would not be dislodged. My orders were
to go into V-B and clear them up.
On returning to my Tank I immediately got her going again,
after having ^had only something under an hour to cool down. The best
way into the Village from this spot was to go along the Road
running almost parallel with the Railway. It was lucky for me
and my crew that I decided on the Road route, because soon after I
started the Bosch put over a Barrage on the alternative route, and but
by great good fortune the road was not shelled.
Travelling on hard road surfaces ^ always was a strain on the tanks,
and, after the gruelling test of long hours travel this last bit
of road proved almost too much. I managed to gain the entrance
to the Village at 8 p.m. and manoeuvred the Tank to give me an
opportunity to enfilade the two main streets, and by this
time she literally "Petered out"
Realising it was quite impossible to move further, I decided
to use my two six-pounders on the buildings from where the Bosch were still sniping. Unfortunately the extraordinary heat that had been
generated in the Tank by this continuous trek, had actually affected
the ammunition to such an extent that it was found impossible to
fire a shot. The Breachs of the two six-pounders could not be closed
and the cartridges could not be forced into the Hotchkiss guns.
At this stage I left my Sergeant in charge of the Tank, and
taking a Runner I set out to report to the C.O. at his dug-out where
I had previously seen him.
By this time the Bosch wrer were shelling heavily and also sending
over Gas shells.
I returned to my Tank and remained inside during the night
where we were forced to wear our gas masks the whole time.
The next day a fresh magneto was brought up and we were able to
withdraw, the Bosch by that time having cleared off.
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