Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/273/1 - 1918 - 1937 - Part 23
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You might be able to put a few questions to me on the foregoing
whereby I can give you further assistance.
(sgd.) N. G. Halton
Hand drawn diagram – see original
This is a rough reproduction
of the sketch he added to his
report and if drawn from memory
it is a jolly good picture.
Note 'A'
Halton was not aware at the time that counter-attack was
made on 24th that the unit on our right (7th Bedfords) did not
have to face [[?]] on attaining their objective. I was not aware
either when I received Bde operation orders that the right flank (British)
Brigade was only required to reach an objective situated more or less on the
line held prior to German attack on 24 April. We went in to the attack
believing that the units on our right would xxx be required to face East when they
consolidated. Halton, of course, had not seen the Brigade operation order or
was he present when I gave attack orders to Coy Commanders. His O.C. (Captain
Wilmot) was killed early in the fight so Halton faced the morning light on 25 April
believing that our objective (& that of the British battalion on his right) was on a North
& South line facing East. Actually our objective (13th Bn) ran from U 6 C 5.3
and East to U 6 a 4.3 (along line of CACHY - MARCELCAVE Road
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