Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/273/1 - 1918 - 1937 - Part 21

First World War, 1914–18
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4 H.N W.B. 51 Bn. 216 Stirling St Keeley. Perth W.a. 2H 6. 35 Bear Oictoria Barracks Dear Sir. hoticing your appeal for any particulars that may kelp. of the fart played by the 51st 32200 Bns in the attack on Villers Bretonnenx april 1812 of the night of L4 I was. Sergt acting Plation Commander of No 2 Plateoon A lay. 51st Bny on tat night.? I well mry I give you my. experiences as well as my memary serves me. I you will possibly be able is port out anything of interest. It was I thenk about 9 9m. on & being behind the line the April 24 51st Bn was on Lade. Ranners were noticed making toeveras the company Commanders remember the first words &I will always member of my plation. spaken by. a
& they were Hulls where have the B- Poms run now? However no imformation was given then we were just frmed up maved off in fifating order Ret & surng the march the C.o. called company. Commanders forward & explained the action that was to take place they in turn called Platoon commanders forward & they in their twin explained what was to be done to the men suring the 10 minate rest each howr dont think that an action was fought during te whole period of the war with so little preparation. During the most of the march a German acropheare was flying over head so Spity had plenty of notice. We landed on the jamping off take I think about 10.20 Pm about 10 minates late & started the attack immediately. But instructions were. Bly on the left with beft flank resting on the wood we were not to pretrate the wood
but Keep maving forward pressing two sunken roads & establish surselves on the orest of monument hell which was the orest of the ridge jast the second Sanken road. We also had to Keep Dieers Bretonneax on our left onot penebrate the village but lind up with the 1 Bryade who were attacking on left of Dieurs after we had passed the Village. Owing to barbed were, Heavy. Macking gan fore & heavy casualties A. company was broken up I had to act in small purties seeing that it was impossible to fet through the were where we were I took what was left of my plation away to the right where the other cop had made a breat I passed throught there & then moved bock to what should have been my correct position but it tuered out that my small party were the only ones of H. Coy to get through. The jermand did not wait after we broke through the were but feel back on to
a line of sulposts near the second Sanken road , it was here that I made contact with a large force of Temons my party totalled only nene, but thinking that The best of the Bn were moving forward on my left, rught. we prove the fermans out I held off. o counter-attack. gausing the enemy heavy casualties. I made my Leadquarters in a quarry that the English troops Northamptons I think had also used as Hgrs as they had left four of their wounded on stretchers in the dugon It was here that the German tank was lyen it had fallen on its side when it went over the quarrry barke. I think that was the first gaman lenke captured & if you remember I tried to give you an iasa of the shope of the t shortly ofter the action. Doplignt was coming on po I decided to send a messenger back to fnd out what had become of the rest of the Bn & he returned with the
impormation that they had stopped on the preveous pise just about on a line with the Dulero Bretonneux railway station as the fermans were positions on my rugnt & left I was forced to abondon the position when was within a short sistance of our objective get the English wounded back & rejain the res of te Bor. If appeared to me that the Germans found attempt to fight back only made a once he started to fiee back as everything was in his favour as we had lost over two thirds of our effectioes on te first wore, had our left flandr wide open & were broken up into small parties & had no articling suffort I think that I was the only. Boyt to march out of the action o Leent J. Kitchen was the only Offcer & he was killed in reserves next morning hope that some of this may. be of some use to fet in with abeady have. you
C.A. Sadlier won his V.c. in this action but he penetrated the wood against instraction possibly. his action keeped to beak down the germon defense. I am povy I could not give a mave detailed description but after the heavy losses on the were. breaking upon small farces it was a bit of a mix-up+ I certainy would not have got as for forward as I aid if I hadn't have got lost. Yours faith fully f.a Keelly. 1967 Sgt. J.A. KEELEY A. Cay. 51 BN
24 8345. 10 FUACO SSRS A 20 JuY 11935. al woltiees Leet ed red io Birce vedt Helds mortf Take Reoiers Bog 216 Stirling Street, Ce Pome 450 Dear Sir, TC Ihare to whank you for your Courtesy in Iwriting to me in connection with the operations at Willers-Bretonnenx. Your notes are most useful. Itake it from other orddence that the Corman tank was south, or slightly southewest, of the Monument orchard, that is to say, slightly to our right of the Monument. I would be grateful if you would let me know anything that fixes the position of the quarry. Yours Fasmouiy. CoE.Y. Bean &ste vo an Official Nysterian. 2207 teaf est rstts B as Be CosobgoS 10 AETvo 295 2016 Lizesn tue Ad hom NOSS ASS ) T.
H.N. 214 Starling St WB. 51Bn. Perch elley. W.A. 30th July. 1933 C.B.W. Dear. Dear Sir, your letter of 20 Just to hand. with reference to the position of the German tank. You will frealize that swing to the nature of the action & the fact that it was night points of the compas are vojue However I have done my best to sketer the lve of advance The 4 Dwision never reached their took up a position at objective of the 51 Ref14). My position was at Ref. (33 & the lank was on its side in quarry at Refs. The H.D.POST. Ref.2 was in the quarry & it was here I sent back four wounded the fave me to understand they were Northamptons I hed ban abondoned by their comrades. & this quarry had been used as Head quarters before being driven
oat. made I hope you will be able to soreter, as whle some pense out of the being able to describe the action it is hard to put it on papr yours faithfully a. Keeley.
REE Stei 86 13 R R RESERINCSNSO MOHUMENY HILE BIAAKon pide hon imin EICUSHAIO PSI four wounded ACHS hies hare my ra 868 13 PoSo 5 BANA 21 3 up till day breash HANK 6FE 4313 B occupe these brenched 4 Rivision fell back or tthe at daybreat WEN 72 Har ground 4 1 leadirg out of A Ditters Brtt St164 R 15t t6 5th Division or left of Ville TUNKEN ROND 4 H &GXTSJSI BAABED WIRR

V/B. 51 Bn.
Keeley.                                        216 Stirling St
                                                              Perth W.a.
                                                                   24 6. 35
Dr Bean,
Victoria Barracks,
Dear Sir,
Noticing your
appeal for any particulars that may help.
of the part played by the 51st & 52nd Bns
in the attack on Villers Bretonneux
of the night of 24th april 1918_
I was. Sergt acting Plation Commander
of No 2 Platoon A Coy. 51st Bn on that
night & I will try & give you my.
experiences as well as my memroy serves
me & you will possibly be able is sort out
anything of interest.
It was I think about 9 AM. on
& being behind the line the
April 24th & being behind the line the
51st Bn was on parade. Runners were
noticed making towards the Company Commanders
 & I will always remember the first words
spoken by a member of my platoon.



& they were "Hullo  where have the B.-
Poms run now?"
However no imformation was given
then we were just formed up &
moved off in fighting order Kit & during
the march the C.O. called company.
Commanders forward & explained the action
that was to take place they in turn
called Platoon commanders forward & they in
their turn. explained what was to be done
to the men during the 10 minute rest each
I dont think that an action was
fought during the whole period of the
war with so little preparation.
During the most of the march a
German aeroplane was flying over head so
Fritz had plenty of notice.
We landed on the jumping off.
tape I think about 10.20 Pm about 10 minutes
late & started the attack immediately. [[?]]
instructions were. A. Coy on the left with
left flank resting on the wood we
were not to penetrate the wood But


but Keep moving forward crossing two
sunken roads & establish ourselves on
the crest of Monument hill which was
the crest of the ridge past the second
sunken road. We also had to Keep
Villers Bretonneux on our left & not
penetrate the village but link up with
the 15th Brigade who were attacking on
left of Villers after we had passed the
Owing to barbed wire, heavy. machine
gun fire & heavy casualties A. Company was
broken up & had to act in small parties.
Seeing that it was impossible to get through
the wire where we were I took what
was left of my platoon away to the right
where the other coys had made a break
& passed throught there & then moved back
to what should have been my correct
position but it turned out that my
small party were the only ones of A. Coy
to get through.
The germans did not wait after we
broke through the were but feel back on-to


a line of outposts near the second
sunken road , it was here that I
made contact with a large force of Germans
my party totalled only nine. but thinking that
the rest of the Bn were moving forward
on my left, rught. we prove the fermans
out I held off. o counter-attack. gausing
the enemy heavy casualties. I made
my Leadquarters in a quarry that
the English troops Northamptons I think
had also used as Hgrs as they had
left four of their wounded on stretchers
in the dugon
It was here that the German tank
was lyen it had fallen on its side when
it went over the quarrry barke. I think
that was the first gaman lenke captured
& if you remember I tried to give you an
iasa of the shope of the t shortly ofter
the action.
Doplignt was coming on po I
decided to send a messenger back
to fnd out what had become of the
rest of the Bn & he returned with the


impormation that they had stopped on the
preveous pise just about on a line with
the Dulero Bretonneux railway station
as the fermans were positions
on my rugnt & left I was forced
to abondon the position when was
within a short sistance of our objective
get the English wounded back & rejain the
res of te Bor.
If appeared to me that the Germans
found attempt to fight back
only made a
once he started to fiee back
everything was in his favour as we had
lost over two thirds of our effectioes
on te first wore, had our left flandr
wide open & were broken up into small
parties & had no articling suffort
I think that I was the only.
Boyt to march out of the action o Leent
J. Kitchen was the only Offcer &
he was killed in reserves next morning
hope that some of this
may. be of some use to
fet in



C.A. Sadlier won his V.c. in this action
but he penetrated the wood against instraction
possibly. his action keeped to beak
down the germon defense.
I am povy I could not give
a mave detailed description but after the
heavy losses on the were. breaking upon
small farces it was a bit of a mix-up+
I certainy would not have got as for forward
as I aid if I hadn't have got lost.
Yours faith fully
f.a Keelly.
A. Cay.






20 JuY 11935.
al woltiees Leet ed red
io Birce vedt Helds mortf
Take Reoiers Bog
216 Stirling Street,
Ce Pome
Dear Sir,
Ihare to whank you for your Courtesy in
Iwriting to me in connection with the operations at
Willers-Bretonnenx. Your notes are most useful.
Itake it from other orddence that the Corman
tank was south, or slightly southewest, of the Monument
orchard, that is to say, slightly to our right of the
Monument. I would be grateful if you would let me know
anything that fixes the position of the quarry.
Yours Fasmouiy.
CoE.Y. Bean
&ste vo an
Official Nysterian.
teaf est rstts B
as Be
CosobgoS 10
Lizesn tue
) T.


214 Starling St
WB. 51Bn.
30th July. 1933
C.B.W. Dear.
Dear Sir,
your letter of 20
Just to hand.
with reference to the position of the German
tank. You will frealize that swing to the
nature of the action & the fact that it was
night points of the compas are vojue
However I have done my best to sketer the
lve of advance
The 4 Dwision never reached their
took up a position at
objective of the 51
Ref14). My position was at Ref. (33
& the lank was on its side in quarry at
Refs. The H.D.POST. Ref.2 was in the
quarry & it was here I sent back four
wounded the fave me to understand they
were Northamptons I hed ban abondoned
by their comrades. & this quarry had been
used as Head quarters before being driven


I hope you will be able to
soreter, as whle
some pense out of the
being able to describe the action it is hard
to put it on papr
yours faithfully
a. Keeley.




BIAAKon pide hon
four wounded
hies hare
13 PoSo
up till day breash
4313 B occupe
these brenched
4 Rivision
fell back or tthe
at daybreat
Har ground

leadirg out of
Ditters Brtt
St164 R 15t
t6 5th Division
or left of Ville



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