Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/27/1 - April - August 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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83 will be geven to a lare seti an immenal 4 cpetus ta asteshee thiad a wywar is the beat war pum pr Geomary and mort C1 h in allies Artain to bring alout a dinsur of the allus w Rush of 9l & 10a aferFrite a yet 123 ar t ote on be Pabatery
28 Verve then have no sleep. Abet givea great shock to the strongest men. heavy strain officers there is a uagia on ta hander this thy are opt. Tthere is much mow to them than there is opposesachee sixto soom 27 crowds of I quas t all conceatiate on a post Gennan officers told me one minute he cined see the 2s - One officer heat munute in green anifoom to pwords. The at the carry he sd he never saw new
70 39 ordnance. Officer Ap 22. The day before we left t. Austin lears into th Couage at 6pm. Fairly sunyover with Chuldscases Ia compasses - like a saddlers s madie I say - Ine got 10 I gan barrels, & 200 pains of troncies & all thespesaid compasies a staices - real good ones i 18 panting with excitement. Two complety guns They is just do for the 5th – just splended. I think I'll getcon allround tonight. If I coonly get that try when she finishes with Kamsay. I'we got a boat alongsid now. If I can get back I can get some more. I teft Tuckett digging out the trowsers for all he ws worth. In coms A.C. ondc Divisional ordnans tells him . No in theyr not for you - these are 15t Huitialian Den. Im Australian + New Zealand, says A.C. with a heavy accent on the and. There no New Zealand steeff in this says Divisiontl ordnance. Then he ran off to unload his boat & get what move he cd. Dunner & such bays werend thought of And theres the X - just left Alex wrt fieldjun amuunition, he gasps as he teaves. Too take for as"says H.C p
70 30 we can take all the Ang lo. can give us, 3 willion sall arms - but De can't get much of the other. They might give as a part of it.
o meosags Ennar signallers - t interfered ao by I. Eg Todley we say a goumples with patch red & white go down lined listen to a Brigade message opp. HR. (Possibly a returned ts austialian. Cd. Maclagan asked what is that man doing 2. 6Cs L. Someore sd: Oh hes one of t8th red white. I be tonorrow preen & shite or sd M.L. that sure cus watson tetts me Cno then with red white has right to interfere w line&

70 27

an immense        will be given to a large section of the German

fail [[shorthand?]] impetus [[shorthand?]]
public who believe that a long war is the best war from for Germany and most

[[shorthand?]] allies
Certain to bring about a divison of the allies
Push of the 9th & 10th
after the 15th retired.

27th April.
9 in action today.
5 [[?]] Mackay.
4 supporting 3rd
getting on to [[?]]
machine guns.
8.30 Drawing fire
& [[?]] careless of shrapnel wh.
element to [[shorthand?]] on to them.
be right
giving nimble
The battery wh aid - yesty was near Kojadere
getting order on beach.



70 28

Nerves. Men have no sleep. A hit
gives a great shock to the strongest man.
There is a [[shorthand?]] ^heavy strain on officers & under this
they are apt. ^to imagine There is much more
xxxx opposed to them than there is
-e.g. crowds of ^machine guns ^six x to our one [[shorthand?]]
all concentrated on a point.
One officer [[shorthand?]]. ^told me one minute he could see the [[shorthand?]] ^German officers
in green uniform w (swords at the carry). The [[shorthand?]] ^next minute
he sd he never saw them



70 29

Ordnance. Officrs
Ap 22. The day before we left L. Austin
tears into the lounge at 6pm. Fairly slung over
with [[shorthand?]] ^ field glasses & compasses - like a saddlers shop merchant
"I say - I've got 10 [[?]] gun barrels, &
200 pairs of trousers & all these compasses &
glasses - real good ones", ^ he said [[shorthand?]]panting with
excitement. "Two complete guns! They'll
just do for the 5th – just splendid. I
think I'll get 'em all round tonight!    If I
cd only get that [[?try]] when she finishes with
Ramsay. I've got a boat alongside
now. If I can get back I can get some
more. I left Tuckett digging out the
trowsers for all he ws worth."
In comes A.C. ordnance.
Divisional Ordnance tells him - "No sir -
they're not for you - these are 1st
Australian Divn."  "Im Australian
& New Zealand", says A.C. with a
heavy accent on the and. "Theres
no New Zealand stuff in this", says
Divisional Ordnance.
Then he ran off to unload his
boat & get what more he cd. Dinner
& such things werent thought of.
"And theres the X - just left Alex
with field gun ammunition", he gasps
as he leaves.
"Too late for us" says A.C.



70 30

"We can take all the Anglo. can give
us, 3 million small arms - but we
cant get much of the other. They might
give us a part of it."



70 31

Signallers - ^messages interfered w by ^Germans.
Eg Today we saw a youngster with match
red & white go down line & listen to a
message opp. ^Brigade H.Q. (Possibly a
^? returned Australian). xxxCol. Maclagan
asked what is that man doing? [[shorthand?]] xxx Someone sd: Oh
he's one of the 8th red & whites. It'll be
green & white ^tomorrow sd McL.
Sure eno' Watson tells me ^that no
man with red & white has right to
interfere w line.




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