Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/27/1 - April - August 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of CE W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR1606/2717 Title: Notebook, April - August 1975 Contains references to the landing, Sir John Monash, the 14th and 16th Battalions and Leane's Trench. AWMISS-3DRLCO6127H
53 i 40 RecIII L.H.W. 25 008 85 22 22 2 58 3C 25 57 5282 32 257 Records: Monash 1612n. 1413n. (Leanes Finch]. 5 3 3- 23 553 53 33
2 ons RecIII. Records: C.CL. Monash 1612n 1413n. 1Leanes 4.45 298L.H.V. Fuch]. S.ol.S to-6 CM 6Bn Drive G Dra Leaves to Ple WI Birrell -Co.7 Bn. Ple HB Herrin S Bn 2Bde. YC. Seyt DD Smith S Bn 7 be Y LHC 38 bisc. Ballybeef. Fellows chucked out Saida Bangwhen 2
27 70 min oC2 Sr Jacd 7090/191 -1-1 He v.4 Te 7 Eight 7419 d Fo Qumber p -1 x 27 4 Elston i ofIn Nind. 9erte 1 nal. e 17 717 72.E 7 403 On 196 They I e5 Rec. Records: Monash 1612n 70 1413n. 1Leanes LH.W. Ropes Hill Trunch 213th 18t 15th 16th 1126. Coartnys 14th Cc 96. Yu opP B 8 Popes. D Col. Rowell 3rdL.H. Mnno: W Col. Cannan 1516B of Rantin Courtieys to Cor R.E. Courting 1A Px Mn, Capt Guiin 10 N. 5 part of 6. of 15 x 187 i Pope -4i L Popes Will (oot. CO. 16th1 Popes & c x 13th. Geinns Pt 13t Macags p Ger. n3 2 1 7432 gotl r C 4r2 63 1 71 Yonry Co HG.
Folly Frida 7 Graham JN.C.J. 26t 7SY640 2.13 00 7 1314 adam I am pwel 205617-0- 121c0 822&d 56 2078 eeled 27- e 3d Fea 737 Cape Helles 157F7. 12.55 d & rifle fire. to this the s. 10- ✓95 10.35 2 X Nid 8.30
not in Deary hot in drary at in tiae 570 5 May 25 P.fC, was it ? May 26.8.1pm.. tayig w bg lost 124. 40c 17,78 - e I Smbros 447145. A) WE FL2F & hawlers y 6007 o wounded & keep. ()5 Bde at Lemnos. Kecup are amatenrish Cc- && Austi 5000 l 30 Diary Hay 30. &1 St tonight. -t 87-1 put in Juny 71 V7 Olive whitb o
o/0 6 Abt 2912 v or 324c. Alix. 66 34 4L,/1, t h unade 6Sayea Tent with .C1. but it econacctgue C Sumng Eq, T 26802 44 7c $30,000. t western o/ 18,000 J.LE. ga is 229 Lewas. t 500s t waked, lpbelts etc say 90 2 ar 21 very. 8. 62.27.2 A.E.-. LN.OC Sp. Lady f after 6.2 Rehivi 8t
27th Jurs 9.2. 4pol8 o70
Regtt Records Landry Monash 2. 14th Bn 3. 16th Bn Collamed just before any 6 in Reserve gully) Monash 70 on Monday Isaw Maclagan & Bridges at Machagan H.A. & settled limits of sections & interchange of troops. (aft 8am. rest o I reported to Gen Godly & at 11 am I took the 14. Bn. up Walls with me and had not sone half way when I was again recalled. This time Iweret on to Plupis Platean & met Berdwd Jodlen wather They were not surewhere to put in 16th Bn. At last they letme p with it & it took up between right flank of 13th O Popes Hill lpto & including courtneys Pist. finished Abt 2 pm. moct. HB. I went again to see Maclagan & on at occasion saw Walker, Macaurin & thaclagan, whows very done up. Sir Bridges told me where 15 Bn was Came up. & told me I she get it the same afternoon. coust fighting On This morry igot parties of my own Bde reporting in smale section from ther parts ofthe line. And as te con in I let other cincts wh were mavedly with wod so 155 Tuesd. Olajo 2coys came upt asked way to our left.I 4.10 Kantn reports holding on well 5.10 Hard Pressed on hill to
gonact right from S.18 Sbs called for all along line 528 Shopnet. 5.40V. boten righe pont. 5.87 Enges Sentng. 29th 3 am. Thus Chatkam Bn arrived & pat in on right of Courtreys. 3pm. thers. Pope reported heavy attact on his fent. 30t Considerable attacks on maries on our right. Had to be continuale fored. I by small bodie 15th Bn rejoine went down t That night yea. Godley to receive orders for for offencive wh ws to have bn on 15t May & made 6 Whole A.C 1613.14 15 May 2 15 13 14

Official History,
1914- 18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.
Diaries and Notebooks
Item number: 3DRL606/27/7
Title: Notebook, April - August 1915
Contains references to the landing, Sir John
Monash, the 14th and 16th Battalions and
Leane's Trench.


Rec III. Records:  
Monash. 1612n

1413n. [Leanes Trench].
L.H. entirely
Original DIARY NO. 27
AWM38   3DRL 606 ITEM 27 [1]
The use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War Memorial.  But, apart from those terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer's mind.  Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep;
also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when
discovered.  Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he
did try to ensure such accuracy of statements by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise had taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.

16 Sept., 1946   C. E. W. BEAN.


Rec III. Records:
Monash 1612n
1413n. [Leanes
70 [[shorthand?]] "Page covered with label - see original" 
4.45 armistice arises L.H entirely.
5 [[shorthand?]] [[shorthand?]]
Driver G Drew [16 Bn Leanes Tr]
Pte W J Birrell C Co 7 Bn
Pte A B Herrin 5 Bn 2 Bde
M C Sergt N D Smith 5 Bn
9 wells in lower part of gully: we are only 30 ft & 

driving wells put gully going down
4.3.7 LH stopped among trenches
Sniper on day guns

8 in to 38 in in their own trenches not firing guns [?]

as well exploding bullets

sent back and told that they are firing on their own men
Fellows chucked out eggs ^bisc. ^Bully beef Saida
Bang when Turks came to avenge them 



men held them with 2 rifles
Man named Jacob got run over in the trench and 

keen to accept it

He was wounded and jumped over into trenches
Message came to Pope expect engines on your right you will

get in touch with them
1st  Night number of xxx men came out and asked their officer.
Elston went up with a man who took Hind.
Another message came down wanted a senior officer

who had better come one [?mae].

yet went miner Pope.

Pope said I do not supply them our engines when

engines are there and for their taking of them.

Went to put the 5 men there when began to be as fit 

on his resting.

On 19th put in support and only put in 40 of reserves.

They were not in supports and supports in firing line.

Rec III. Records:
Monash. 1612n
1413n. [Leanes
Popes Hill L. H. entirely
would be 13th
Quinns post 13th 15th 16th each day 2 days.
Courtneys 14th exclusive and relieve themselves.
Quinns  and more than ½ of battalion permanent interests.
Popes. Lt Col. Rowell 3rd L.H.
Quinns: Lt Col. Cannan 15th Battalion 
[* Major Rankin held for 4 days

lost 75 men in 5 minutes*]
Courtneys Lt Col R.E. Courtney 14th battalion
Quinn: Capt Quinn who first held the post part of 6

of 15th 
Pope came in earlier in the day and took Popes Hill

suffered many casualties
16th at Popes hill when built to 13th
Is on hand as Quinns Post built to 13th
Main battalion of 15 was away to ride under Maclagan
Gc. [?] 6pm 

sadly bad news Turks being kept in the 2 trenches
Co. 14th warned. 

found 3 lines of empty trenches.

Young officer 1 platoon.



Folly Friday
Major Graham [[shorthand?]] 2 L.H.
attacked [?] a trench and fill in the communication
but we are down
[*2 Bn in Diary 10*]
[*When parapet ws knocked down
twice after he put it up: -
"Look - that ends it - I'm not goin'
to do another 'ands turn!"
8 in emplacement you IC. T.
where white horses are.*]
1.45am - 3am see the number of unsuccessful
46 -56 casualties Major Cramp killed

12.15pm when close spotting from the Triumph. We are on the beach.

We reach the Triumph. [?] envelop the bows when is a big black

spirt went as high as her masts.
["hand drawn sketch - see original"]
 General immediate listing keeled over towards us you could see

her keeling more and more. We ran over our [?]

we saw no sign of a submarine

saw destroyer fire 3 shots. Then getting men into boats

destroyers from Cape Hellas

15 minute 

12.55 destroyer to go.

10.7 explosion and rifle fire. Is this the mine.

10.35 2 explosions and rifle fire

Mine exploded 5.30 


May 25 Mining to be explored. was it?
May 26. 8.10pm. Rapid firing
Destroyer landing w reinforcements lost 12k.
40 wounded, message to see destroyer - sent from Imbros
4  only arrive here 5. She laid up in the place
where cable ship was  & trawlers before.

How many troops landed today. Wounded & Reifs.
- ( ) 5th Bde at Lemnos.
Reinfs are amateurish.
officers coming back. Austin.
5000 [?] left
[*not in Diary*]
30 Diary Aug 30. & last page
Destroyers back at the point tonight. [*not in diary*]
 shells in which gun (?) being put in
guns get on to  in olive grove
White  horses scamping away.
[*not in diary*]


Abt 29th April some of the ships going to Alex. 6 of them
with 3 destroyers  dispatch ship,  
made it [?] Smyrna.
T went into gulf to save it but is
in mooring.
HAND DRAWN SKETCH - see original
-U2 with  oxyacetylene claim.
Dummy funnels, [?} guns. they say they have 80 of these

in the north sea and with them outside
30,000 tons
? Western liner of 18,000  tons. 1 funnel

they have 2 Inflexibles and are now making 2 more in
First for the Triumph saw destroyer past going

 into Lemnos with 500 men  naked, lifebelts etc
say there were 2 submarines 1 fired at very first.
they chased her. A little later they got the Triumph
Q. E. gone back. L .N. is flag ship.
Resident in Cairo.  Today coming up for 12 hrs
Husband helping her after this work.
Relieving [?]


27th May Thurs.
9.35. Outbreak of [?] firing


Regtl. Records' Landing
2. 14th Bn
3. 16th Bn
(obtained just before Aug 6
in Reserve Gully.)
70 Monash
on Monday I saw Maclagan & Bridges
at Maclagan's H.Q. & settled limits of
sections & interchange of troops. (abt 8am.)
I reported to Gen Godley & at 11 am I took the^rest of 14. Bn
up the valley with me and had not gone half way when I was again
recalled. This time I went on to Phipp's
Plateau & met Birdwd, Godley Walker
They were not sure where to put in 14th Bn.
At last they let me go with it & it took
up between right flank of 13th on Popes
Hill up to & including Courtneys Post.
finished abt 2 pm.
Mod. H.Q. I went again to see Maclagan & on
tt occasion saw Walker, Maclaurin &
Maclagan, who ws very done up. Gen Bridges
came up & told me where 15 Bn was
& told me I shd get it the same afternoon.
const. fighting.
On Tues morng I got parties of my
own Bde reporting in small sections from
other parts of the line. And as they came
in I let other units wh were mixed up with
mine go.
1.55 Tuesd. O l ago 2 coys came up &
asked way to our left. X
4.10 Rankin reports holding on
5.10 Hard Pressed on hill to


70 Monash.
right front
5.18 S bs called for all along
5.28 Shrapnel.
5.40 V. hot on right front.
5.47 Engrs sent up.
29th 3 a.m. Thurs Chatham Bn arrived
& put in on right of Courtneys.
3 p.m. Thurs Pope reported heavy
attack on his front.
30th Considerable attacks on
marines on our right. Had to
be continually ^ reinforced by small bodies
15th Bn rejoined.
That night xxx ^went down to Gen Godley to
receive orders for xxx first offensive wh ws to
have bn on 1st May & made by
whole A.C.
16. 13. 14.
May 2 15 13 14

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