Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/26B/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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Turks to charge. The NEpty was wiped out, officer & all. The message was passed verbally to 1 officer of the 3rd Bre [Mnselonaghy) ad le. se e ihhl fow macconaghyt Information (his posit Battle out post claims that it got 220 Turks. Left 1 post on Wednesday & advised them not to take over 1 post. The treaches were sufficienty improved to do without the covering party.
Sent migls (utter) On Sunday night a plation under Batter got orders to go foward & dig in 60 yards ahead of line. Sunday night attacked & diggenyg in. Men all had entrenchioy tools & would dig as long as no target, & fere when got target. Monday: they (Butlers pty) lay out under shrepvel. (malore) i 130 Evons w1 machis as on Monday ws just behien I firing line. They wanted to get Turks on a bet, & sof order was given for machineguns to cease firing. The man in charge of mgs on I left sd he would not cease fering without order
fom a Cohorec. Cars Coh whiat in Sydney a as promoted at mina sd he wd go along & tell him. He weat - & as he came back a man in one of support dugouts was hit Evans ricked him up & carried him to safely, & just as he got there, he hinselfy fell with 5 or 6 maching fun bukets in him. Sergt. Malone A.M.C. was with him & Ibucket Malthe ws carrying ws hit & I bottom taken out of it by same gun. Matone ws hit- 3 shots thro his cap, I thro putty & boot & 1 thro (tail of he then coatg tos not wounded. Ao he worked along helf a trinch he wontd find 10 or 15 mew to dress. By 1 time he got back to other half there wd be 10 or 15 more- & so it went on. outh in The Turks were scrub 150 yds away or more. On Monday afternoon (MacConaghy] when Tmessage came along about the 29th Dion. Mclelland made men realest to these were tarks by
shooting them, They got on 1sy line & therefore Maj. MacConaghy ordered tham to shoot at them. 111 shooling on your own men. someof men wd say. We heard to fifty times, (d MacC. to me telleng 1story). I went along to 3rd Bll Hgrs & was wno Indeans were here. I went atong to trace to report + I co not trace it. I didnt see Machagan but I saw their staff officer & they sd. There is not an Indian we expect I Indeans up here in two days but not before 2 days When I Turks came along to the 3rd Bn claiming to be Indeans Lt Book of 12Bn, who ws there, stepped out from front to see if they were Indeans & came back to Passurang to they were not. He ws soon after killed: Capt. Wilson had a truck
just inside Iedge fom steeles His men swore by him for his cheerfulness. He was shot in an advanced trench, I cdnot be got back for 24 hours. He died on Hospital ship Coo On Monday afternoon Col. owen, abt 2pm., went to Col Machagan to say there was. an attack along Baby 700. He went right down to Gen. Walher on Plugge's Platean, Gea Bridges ws there abt 2 pm. Col. Owen got I ships gans to open fire 6 or 7 shells right they put on them. Capt. Price was acting as adjatent. The H Bn arrived at an awkward time and were taken up by Lamb. They went up to right of Pope's Hill (asfar as my information Goes GEw.B.
In contrcion & diffent of handling such a mined body of men I found it necessary (sd Col-Owene) personally to lead them back to the right. I put them to trenches on Iright of battation, about this time Col. MacLaurmn was killed & I. was ordered to take tenpora command of Bde, Maj. Benvitt D.S.D. commanded Bn. was this then on tuesday that 14 Bn eenhap? CewB. (Nalore) On Tresday Malone had to relieve a trench conten about H mew dug in on the Sunday about 20 yds from any one Else. They lao commanication till every one els Wednesday. Lik
they were in an odd bit as first; & they had no water since the Sunday. By the Thesday tey had only 8 wholemen left. They hed had no officer nor N.C.O & consisted of Soo Bn, 3od Bd New Yealand, & allsorts. The 3rd Bn was on I right of 3r Bdl, yet 3rd Bde Agrs ws on right of it again - & scattered bits of 3od Bde. The Bod Bn fering line he no supports. At first there were a few men in a fire trech, Supports in dug outs a little behind men in a dugont & perheps 3 mena little behind that. But they becaue very weededout. Men knew there was no support behind them except 1 skulkers in 1 gullies
IBs had to go over top into trenches unless hey went all way round from I left where trench ran out eventually. On Wed. they got comn brench hro farther down & by Thers. the had two more. The day they were relieved) Balkin Seekin says 300 Bn occupied Courty steites Etc. Rankine (afterwos Ouinns) ws. further to 1 left. Lamb had Courtneys. Beeken himself was sent on Sunday he had in alle all day) to take over an advanced battle outpost down 1 gully to 1 South of German Officers trinch. (5. Folly The battle outpost was about 120 yds 67 down this gully the tettle Courtneys with a drop about batpost 20 yards in port of it up to which the Turks would creep. The turk on T. Tolly were able to enfileds then by creeping down am to buste n thas Cone ageant crept up 15. Tolly one, day & silenced a mest supers were week ch a rut they were 16 hours without amn ition & 30 hours
oso w ag 26 401 5 21 cut try o t t syse tons o r o t w food but they had The attacks they notice whee on Monday afternoon when an attock from I leftwes beaten off. Monday night was prety hot Tuesday afternoon abt 4.30 a body of wrks were seen by them. coming up on their lest. Beekin thought. "Were done. told Mackonald to keep down & not to fire. These Tarks came up in lines of 100020, with perhaps 20, - sonetimes 5 or 10- yards in; They were atmost shoulder to between Shoulder. The men lining I hilltop (ait on Beekins left rear?) got 1 order to charg Turks immediatel fled. As they went, I maching gune got on to them ( selbys guno - 4of t massed near Steeles). One officer told me that he thoughat first) t 1 Turks were knowing themeloes flat; but they never got up again. Thy seemed to go down in rows. They were in grey with longing coats The same day a Turkishattack was made at the angle of our position (Ounors, Pores Etc), The turks were streaming down 700 & walkers tep & down Gully behand Popes, & were firny into 1 backs of our men along almost to Maclagans HD. Col. Ower was implorins I navy to fix. Maj Irvine ws getting recifts op to left – & when he got to top insisted on getting up with his periscope to see what was about. About 100 people shouled to his
to try Mt o o o try abut 5 775 Homry ovr 1 sun pom 9 t tor te g to keep his heed down Chastrown to lone this CawB.) because of snipers on walkers top, This was I same smper who had hit tept. Bean Irvine sd: Tnepers be demned! "He stood up where I level of the crest is about, 6ff above path. Immedly a sniper hit him in I back He stiffered himself riged & then collapsed into a dugont. He is buried up there where he felt Maclaurin was bit within 5 menates, but some old distrace away, near Maclagans H.D (Lieut Batler 3 Bn) Tuenday night at abt 5 baglecalls going all along turk left or left centre. About 8.30 pm. two Bns appeared coming down from Baby 700 direction in arty anas (or somethen like our fighting colum of with two Columns, apperently in fours) When they came under fore F7 (ast 20oyds away) they deploys there was a company forward with the outpost + one plation was with drawn away to Plefor under Butter. Abt 9 pm. Butte was hit. At this time some of these troops were lying out w bayonets for 10 hours without aum unition. The Turks came up Gally & clows 700, but seemed to break ito small partie under fire, & did not coms straight Te attack was beater off our outs finally witdrown. Thus truches re now be
Garupt 100k 1 4 anstation Northa Sanstation from 302L600 I 3 AMFBD AUSTRMIAN WIAR RTMCRIAL ASCESS STATUS OPEN opic Rept Br Recordso Bt Br Landin 1325 376 bn

Turks to charge. The NZ pty

was wiped out, officer & all.

The message was passed

verbally to I officer of the 3rd 






             Battle outpost


             3rd Battalion

            which reinforced 3rd Bde.

(on MacConaghy's Information (his  position)


Battle outpost claims that it got 220

Turks. Left I post on Wednesday

& advised them not to take over

I post. The trenches were sufficiently

improved to do without the covering



Sund night

(Butler) On Sunday night a

platoon under Butler got orders to

go forward & dig in 60 yards

ahead o I line.


Sunday night attacked &

digging in. Men all had

entrenching tools & would dig

as long as no target, & fire 

when got target.


Monday:  They (Butlers pty) lay out

under shrapnel.

    (Malone) or Brown)

     Evans w I machine

guns on Monday ws just behind

I firing line. They wanted to get

I Turks on a bit, & s0 I order

was given for machine guns to

cease firing. The man in charge

on I on I left sd he would 

not cease firing without orders


from a colonel. Evans (who enlisted

in Sydney & ws promoted at Mena)

sd he wd go along & tell him, He

went -& as he came back a man

in one o I support dugouts was hit.

Evans picked him up & carried him

to safety, &, just as he got there, he

himself fell with 5 or 6 machine gun

bullets in him. Sergt. Malone

A.M.C. was with him & I bucket

Malone was carrying ws hit & I bottom

taken out of it by I same gun. Malone

ws hit - 3 shots thro his cap, 1 thro

I putty & boot & 1 thro I tail of his

coat & ws not wounded ^then. As he

worked along half a trench he

would find 10 or 15 men to 

dress. By I time he got back to I

other half there wd be 10 or 15

more - & so it went on.


The Turks were mostly in I

scrub 150 yds away or more.


On Monday afternoon [MacConaghy] when

I message came along about the

29th Divn. McClelland made I men

realise th these were Turks by


shooting them. They got on I sky

line & therefore maj. MacConaghy

ordered them to shoot at them.

"shooting on your own men!"

-some o I men wd say. We heard

th fifty times. (sd MacC. to me

telling I story). I went along to

3rd Bfe Hqrs & was td no

Indians were here. I went along

to trace th report & I cd not trace

it. I didnt see MacLagan but

I saw their staff officer & they

sd: "There is not an Indian

-we expect I Indians up here in

two days but not before 2 days".


When I Turks came along

to the 3rd Bn claiming to be Indians

Lt Booth of 12 Bn, who ws there, stepped

out from front to see if they were

Indians & came back w I assurance

th they were not. He ws soon after

killed. Capt. Wilson had a trench



just inside I edge from Steele's.

His men swore by him for his

cheerfulness. He was shot in an

advanced trench, & cd not be

got back for 24 hours. He died

on Hospital ship.

(Col. Owen)

On Monday afternoon Col.

Owen, abt 2pm., went to Col.

MacLagan to say there was an

attack along Baby 700. he

went right down to Ge, walker

on Plugge's Plateau. Gen Bridges

ws there abt 2pm Col. Owen

got I ships guns to open fire

& they put 6 or 7 shells tight

on them. Capt. Price was acting

as adjutant.


The 14 Bn arrived at an

awkward time & were taken up

by Lamb. They went up to I

right of Pope's Hill (as far as

my information goes C.EW.B.)


In I confusion & difficulty of

handling such a mixed body of

men "I found it necessary" (sd

Col. Owen) "personally to lead them

back to the right. I put them 

into I trenches on I right o I

battalion. About this time

Col. MacLauren was killed & I

was ordered to take temporary

command of I Bde. Maj. 

Bennet D.S.O commanded Bn

(was this then on Tuesday that  14 Bn

went up?) 



^(Sergt Malone) On Tuesday Malone had to

relieve a trench containing about

14 men dug on the Sunday about

20 yds from any one else They

had no communication till

Wednesday. Like every one else,


they were in an odd bit at

first; & they had

no water since the

Sunday. By the

Tuesday they had

only 8 whole men left. They

had had no officer nor N.C.O.

& consisted of 3rd Bn, 3rd Bde,

New Zealand, & all sorts.


The 3rd Bn was on I right o I

3rd Bde ^(?), yet 3rd Bde Hqrs ws on

right of it again -& scattered bits

of 3rd Bde. The 3rd Bn firing line had

no supports. At first there were a

few men in a fire trench, supports

in dug outs a little behind - 3 

men in a dug out & perhaps 3

men a little behind that. But

they became very                      Sketch

weeded out. Men knew

there was not support

behind them except I

skulkers in I gullies.


S/Bs had to go over top into

trenches unless they went all I 

way round from I left where I

trench ran out eventually. On

Wed. they got comm trench

thro further down & by

Thurs. they had two more.

(The day they were relieved).



Beekin says 3rd Bn occupied Courtney

Steele's etc. Rankine (afterwds Quinns) ws

further to I left. Lamb had Courtneys.

Beekin himself was sent on Sunday

Evening (he had bn in I valley all day) to take

over an advanced post battle outpost

down I gully to I south of German officers


The battle outpost               Sketch

was about 180 yds

down this gully

with a drop about

20 yards in front of it

up to which the Turks would creep. The Turks

on J. Jolly were able to enfilade them by creeping

down amongst the bushes & (?) tunnelling. (one

sergeant crept up J. Jolly one day & silenced a machine gun there).

Snipers were their chief anxiety. They were

14 hours without communication & 30 hours without


food but they had a spring of water.


The attacks they noticed were on Monday

afternoon when an attack from I left was

beaten off. Monday night was pretty hot.


Tuesday afternoon abt 4.30 a body of

Turks were seen by them coming up on

their left. Beekin thought: "We're done!" He

told MacDonald to keep down & not to fire.

These Turks came up in lines of 10 or 20,

with perhaps 20, - sometimes 5 or 10 - yards

between ^the lines. They were almost shoulder to

shoulder. The men lining I hill top (got i.e.

on Beekins left rear?) got I order to charge.

Turks immediately fled. As they went, I machine

guns got on to them (?Selby's ^machine guns - 4 of them

massed near Steeles). One officer told me that h

thought (at first) th I Turks were throwing themselves

flat, but they never got up again. They seemed

to go down in rows. They were in grey with longish



The same day a Turkish attach was made at

the angle of our position (Quinns, Pops etc). The Turks

were streaming down 700 & Walkers Top & down

gully behind Popes, & were firing into I backs of

our men along almost to Maclagans HQ. Col Owen

was imploring I navy to fire. Maj Irvine ws

getting reinfts up to I left -& when he got to I top

insisted on getting up with his periscope to see

what was about. About 100 people shouted to him


Caot Beam sent a note by

a man addressed to the

senior doctor. He said th he

was a personal friend of Gen  

Bridges & a close personal friend 

Gen  Birdwood, & th xx unless they

were taken on board at once he

wd see th an inquiry was held

& th all evidence was well

thought out.


Tht finished I matter -

they were brought aboard within

10 minutes.


Hughes Guns

In the early days infantry of

10th, 9th, 3rd, & even N.Z. Batt

came to Hughes, commdr of 8th (?) Bty

for orders in th part o I line on

Boltons Ridge.


Hospital  .Carriers

day of landing


Capt JW B Bean aamc., M.D of

3rd Bn, was taken off ^wounded to the

Seeang Chun abt 5pm. Then

barge loads of wounded was put

alongside her, bumping into 

her side w wounded men (aerious

cases lying down cases) on board.

One man was sick - Capt B holding

his head - & seemed likely to die.

They should be I people who looked

over I side but took no notice -

In I meanwhile boatloads of

lightly wounded were walking

on board. But those in I barge w

Capt Bean could not do this 

-they were serious cases. Finally



to keep his head down (Maj Brown told me this

CEW.) because of snipers on Walkers Top.

This was I same sniper who had hit Capt. Bean.

Irvine sd: "Snipers be damned!" He stood up

where I level of the crest is about 5ft above I 

path. Immedly a sniper hit him in I back.

He stiffened himself rigid & then collapsed into a

dugout. He is buried up there where he fell.

Mclaurin was hit within 5 minutes, but some

distance away, near Maclagans ^old H.Q.


(Lieut Butler 3 Bn.) Tuesday night at abt

5 bugle calls going all along Turk left or 

left centre. About 8.30pm two Bns appeared

coming down from Baby 700 direction in arty

formation columns (r something like our fighting columns

-with two columns, apparently in fours).

                                  When they came under fire

Sketch                     (at 200 yds away) they deployed

There was a company forward with the

outpost & one platoon was with drawn away

to I left under Butler. Abt 9pm. Butler

was hit. At this time some of these troops were

lying out w bayonets for 10 hours without 

ammunition. The Turks came up I Gully & down

700, but seemed to break into small parties

under fire & did not come straight


The attack was beaten off. Our outpost

was finally withdrawn. These trenches are now behind th

Turkish fire.


Gallipolli  Regt Record


Book 26


Typed 4/6/19



Translation from Shorthand


Book 26

AWM38              3DRL 606 ITEM 26B  [1]





(To be copied)


12Bn          )     Regtl

1st Bn        )     Records of

6th Bns    )      Landing

7th              )

3rd Bn      )



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