Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/26B/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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Col. McCay met me there & told me there was a gap in line straight in front, + I was to put my battalion in there & line (forward slope - I took this to be slope towards Gaba Tepe. I had to fall the Gapbetween the Companies of the 9th Bn on my right & the 10th on my left This was a sudden hange. I put A,C.+ part ofD, + had to collect the other part down below + pash 1 others from below as often as I ad get hold of them Henderson sent m
vessage back. Been ordered to advance 300 yds beyond I position you have assigned to me. Icd not find Jackson near my machine geen. A machine gun was near German Officers trench, I I was trying to find him I tried to get in touch with hem my coys, & wanted to know where firing line was? & the 6th Bn wh ws in rear of me was pushing in. I was a sort of directing poss. As soon as I went up, I crossed to see how Kings were going. A me in I ankle got suiper
Maj. Blezard ws shot just above I heart & seriously wounded just abt 1 time when Col. In Cay-spoke to me. Here Col. Elliotts narrative ended; & grills took it up] we advanced (be sd) up to about 1 positn of present tine. We didnt know abt digging in there. Allwe knew was to we were told to advance: Note. It is wort while remembering to in this landing whole plan ws completer attered from I moment. oding. The 3rd Bde tried to wit g by sn it out par
a moment on the second ridge, & then pashing on (as 1 and Bde landed) for the F ridge - the same Story Everysh a senior off ad come up & say; You cant dig in here you have got to go on. The 2ord Bde had its whole plan enterity a altered from I moment of landing - + what happened at Suvla landing later really happened here also - 1s quantities of men who were landing went up into I fight without any idea of what their objectiveg was, because none had be given them. For a good portion of this force no plan existed at all - it ws
wised blank in I momentof landing by MacCagans (proper) decision - & thy, vergin broops had to go into to fight to guide their actions by 1 light of soldierly their own judgment - Nothing ever ws more atterty uncalled for than I shallow conclusion to the confusion of first day w. due to their going too far. The End Bde was hauled from one fank to other & pitched into an unknown task - what shd we say of such a situation for 1 start of a batt in Frana. Cluts. We were under Shrapnel fire all time going acros 400 platean - it came from 971 & from Otive Grove. He advance across
400 took as about one hour. on Iedge of 400 we came to a Turkish trench, facing across I plation. We got in there Therewere only abt 12 of us there. We stayed in there a while snysing & got a few. We could see them skermishing from bush to bush. A. 2 gun battery was firing on Bottons Green After we advanced across Jolly & Love valley between, Pine, when we got up 1 other side, we found another little trc Turkish trench, a suipers post wh could hold abt
4 or 5 men, wh was all I had with me at the time. The others were mostly at the Edge of 400. We could there sel two gan emplocement half way up I kill with guns in them firing. I could see every shell being fired, & the blue smoke, I the results on Boltons Ridz to means Preen?] We cd see these guns 700 yards away we tried to hit the men operating them, passing from o post to another. The people we saw moving were in thaks. In I meantime dcrowd had ever advanced on right & got
the -7 Dead mans Green, we could see th shells bursting over them. It appeared to me as though they had advanced over that Green & then had retired, & in retirnng I guns gave them a bad time That was Mam. About 1Pm they advanced again; & these same guns got at them again & they seemed to retire again, & these guns got at them again. At Iam soon after I got there, I sent one of men back with amess 1 message marked1 positn of thesr guns. At abt 12 noon I did at 1P.M I did I same.
I same. No recalts & no reply of our warship. Your mess went back at this time. age & then wrote another mess thought I must inform HOrs. & started to retire, We retured over Lore Pine & then got up on to forward Edge of 400 Fatcan (?J. Jolly). I went about 50 yards along & found $3 boxes of the 5th In Mashine ammanition. They were full of bullets. We got hold of these & were carrying them back Aowe were going back about 100 yards from 1Edge o1 ridge, a shell burst about 5yds away & killed 3 or 4 men lying behind a little knoll - att
ame timee I was knocked over. After a few seconds got up. I was not hit I came a bit further & saw a coy of the 6th under Maj wells. I asked if he knew where MArs was. He didn't know. I got back to find Ba HGn. There was no battalion. We saw 815, 615 1th, 9th. I slipped down some 20 to 30 feet of sand pit. Some signallers picked me up. The adjutent se of 7th, Henderson, handed I message into them. The telephoned & 1 warships between 5 & 5.15 opened on to those gans & they did not fire any more. They were guns screened by brushwood,

Col. McCoy met me there &
told me there was a gap in
/ line  straight in front, &
I was to put my battalion
in there & line / forward
slope - I took this to be / 
slope towards Gaba Tepe.
I had to fill the Gap between
the companies of the 9th Bn
on my right & the 10th on
my left.
This was a sudden
change. I put A, C, &
part of D, & had to collect
the other part down below &
push / others from below as
often as I cd get hold of
Henderson sent me a


message back: "Been ordered
to advance 300 yds beyond
/ position you have assigned
to me."
I cd not find Jackson
near my machine gun. A
machine gun was near
German Officers trench, &
I was trying to find him.
I tried to get in touch with
him my coys, & wanted to
know where / firing line
was; & the 6th Bn, wh ws
in rear of me was pushing
in. I was a sort of directing
post. As soon as I went
up, I crossed to see how
things were going. A
sniper got me in / ankle.


Maj. Blizard ws shot just
above / heart & seriously
wounded just abt / time
when Col. M'Cay spoke to
[here Col. Elliott's narrative
ended; & Grills took it up].
We advanced (he sd) up
to about / positn o / present
line. We didnt know abt
digging in there. All we
knew was tt we were told
to advance.
[Note. It is worth while
remembering tt in this landing /
whole plan ws completely 
altered from / moment of
landing. The 3rd Bde tried to
carry it out partly by came  waiting


a moment on the second
ridge, & then pushing on (as /
2nd Bde landed) for the 3rd
ridge - the same story everywhere
-a senior offr wd come up
& say: "You cant dig in here,
xxx men; You have to go on."
The 2nd Bde had its whole
plan entirely y altered from
/ moment of landing - &
what happened at / Suvla
landing later really happened
here also - i.e. quantities 
of men who were landing 
went up into / fight without
any idea of what their objective
was, because none had bn given 
them. For a good portion of this
force no plan existed at all - it ws


wiped blank in / moment of
landing by Maclagans (proper)
decision - & they, virgin troops,
had to go into tt fight to guide
their actions by / light of
their own soldierly judgement - Nothing ever
ws more utterly uncalled for than
/ shallow conclusion tt the 
confusion o / first day ws
due to their going too far. The
2nd Bde was hauled from one 
flank to / other & pitched into
an unknown task - what shd
we say of such a situation for /
start of a battle in France? C.E.W.B.]
We were under shrapnel
fire all / time going across 400
plateau - it came from 971 & from
Olive Grove. The advance across


400 took us about one hour.
On / edge of 400 we came
to a Turkish trench, facing
across / plateau. We got
in there.
Diagram- see original scan.
There were
only abt 12
of us there. We stayed in there
a while sniping & got a 
few. We could see them
skirmishing from bush to 
bush. A 2 gun battery was 
firing on Boltons Green.
After we advanced across /
valley between J. Jolly & Lone
Pine, when we got up / other
side, we found another little
trench Turkish trench, a
snipers post wh could hold abt


4 or 5 men, wh was all
I had with me at the time.
The others were mostly at the
edge of 400. We could
there see two gun emplacements
half way up / hill with
guns in them firing. I
could see every shell being
fired, & the blue smoke, &
the results on Boltons Ridge.
(he means Green?) We cd see
these guns 700 yards away.
We tried to hit the men
operating them, passing from one
post to another. The people we
saw moving were in Khaki.
In / meantime a crowd had
advanced on / right & got their over.


Dead Mans Green ^(?The Wheatfield) - &
we could see the shells bursting
over them. It appeared to
me as though they had
advanced over that Green &
then had retired, & in retiring
/ guns gave them a bad 
That was 11a.m.

About 1p.m they advanced 
again; & these same guns got
at them again & they seemed
to retire again, & these guns
got at them again. At 11am,
soon after I got there, I sent one
of / men back with a message
& in / message marked / positn
of these guns. At abt 12 noon
I did / same. At 1p.m. I did


/ same. No results & no reply
of our warships. Four messages
went back at this time. I 
wrote another message & then
thought I must inform HQrs.
& started to retire. We retired
over Lone Pine & then got up
on to  / forward Edge of 400
Plateau (?J. Jolly) - I went
about 50 yds along & found
8 3 boxes of the 5th Bn machine
gun ammunition. They were
full of bullets We got hold of
these & were carrying them back.
As we were going back about
100 yards from / edge o /
ridge, a shell burst about
5 yds away & killed 3 or 4 men
lying behind a little knoll _ At /


same time I was knocked
over. After a few seconds
I got up. I was not hit.
I came a bit further &
saw a coy of the 6th under
Maj Wells. I asked if he
knew where HQrs was. He
didn't know. I got back but to
find Bn HQrs. There was no
battalion. We saw 8th, 6th,
7th, 9th.. I slipped down some
20 to 30 feet of sand pit. Some
signallers picked me up. The
whole adjutant of 7th, Henderson, handed
/ message in/to them. The telephoned
& / warships between 5 & 5.15
opened on to those guns & they
did not fire any more. They
were guns screened by brushwood.


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