Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/26B/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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he got it out it was shot through. A piece as big as a 2/-bit was taken out -it would have broken of if he had tried is on another lurk. The Turks all cleared saw off into the scrub. We a few shot, but they made a lying down fight of and we made a standing up fight it. Maj. Kindon puffing pipe all time. (Shooting towards Fishermens Hut]. There was firing away on our right & we wanted to get along there & help in it Thought that was where they were wanted to go. Saw
Col. Clark lying dead there ontop of a heap of about 4 men of 12th & perhaps one of 15t think they were went rightalong the col & beyond to where I green ridge joins. Heng on till abt 5 oclock. Thrapnel was hat till we cased out to left when it seemed to get lighter it went more down gally During 1afternoon I turk began to cone on - blue coated fellows. Before then the tarks we can tying in the you stope were all chaki - cd only tell them from our boys by their skull caps. We had seen several dead + several wounder
a fair number only. (our men mostly complained to they saw few Ts. C.E.W. B. Their machine gan's used to be laid on little paths cut straight thro 1scrat eiter for rifles or for Machineguns. I dednt tumble to it at first (3d shout) but afterwas I saw to whoever went along these paths ws shot down someone slie told me. toI brown pately were treches + to 1 paks had t be avoided. That a a discovery we only made by Experience & ws very Expensive 7 Our men were EW.B. very few by then, so we decided
wote JD Shout, 15 Bn went well forward up 700 with Maj. Kindon. As they were comey back they met some New Yealanders who had had a machine guo out there they had buried the machine gun, they sd.] to retire. I had toto Harry Freme to hold that col (at 1end of Chessboard) with I men & te last I saw of him was to he was binding upone man with a field dressing. on retiring (abt 5 pm. found Col. Brawrd lying out there. I came down to 7 beach + saw Someone here & took up abt 200 stragglers of I men whom cd find on that side. Then I took them up to Col. Braund. Then I came down again & saw a staff officer & be promised to Bround let him have 2 Bns of New Zealanders to dig in up there that night
Fran Maj. Bennett 5th Bn. Galeka 7th First a considerable amount of Shraprel - first few boats especially. Only 3 got out of one boat as one of first lot. They landed well down to left where they shd have landed one of while boats Very few got rifl fire from shore except I first batch of the 7th Bo The rest landed 6 Skipper of the Galelia came in very Close - Capt Burt. Each boat load wer Over to Shrapnel Gully. We formed up alt 200 yards from the 7th
Mountain Main guns were still - down Shrapnel Jully. going Formed up at 7am. Moved at 7.W am. Moved off in Company columns, 50 paces between them be were told to the 7th wbe on our right & the 5th were supposed to be on our left; but as we landed before them we took their place We pushed over Razorbock Hill. Then down Keplesos The Rimple was about on our left. They temporarily establishe
present line, & then pashed on i 8.30 am. at latest. As we got forward the line was very tin. 777 65 i We got to Pine Ridge. We got Shrapnel going down. The men started falleng back. went forward with about 20 but landed over with abt three. Lay down & one was shot. I went back to get remfts. The 5th E remfd us & some of the 1St Bde - at any rate we found them there afterwards. We went forward to Endeavour to get
the original position & lost touch because tose on right had not gone on. In the thick scrub we could get touch with anybot on our left. The the wanted to dig in on their present ocition. The Brigadier tobe them to pask on & they pushed on - some with 8th (who stayed back & dug in). San we got out + wne here Potin linsR. Note. 7X 7th was on both sides of 162part of 729 6th but Especially on frore ner in creek were te left of 6th nest atract men.
ome of men falling back wanted to get to beagh. po I collected the main mass of the reinforcements + made one solid tine git forward extended I line a good bit to I right - 200 to 300 yards, We strengthened 1 that line. Weed see Enen yegans on gun Ridge exactly opposite. I reported these yous & navy got on to them abt 2 hours tater. I was wounded abt 4 pm. in front line. The we were told scrubation as very thick but Evemy co not be seen. we lost very few
mea lying down. Hametton Hook Wells Strachan 1e day 15t Week Helles 157 day have all been killed. Upts to day (June 5) we heae had 16 death anoupt officers in OBn I got a rifle bulled thro I shoulder & thro I wrist. I ws standing up directing fire ou to a graup of tarks in front a is. I as only one hit in back. to live I got, handed over to some officer of another Battalio Went on hospital shyp + can back nex day. I have not messed another day Mea who had gone up in 205 & 305 finding only 20r3 left wanted to go back

he got it out it was shot
through. A piece as big as
a 2/- bit was taken out
- it would have broken off
if he had tried is on another
Turk. The Turks all cleared
off into the scrub. We threw saw
a few shot, "but they made
a lying down fight, of it and
we made a standing up fight
of it.
Maj. Kindon puffing pipe
all / time.
[Shooting towards Fishermens
There was firing away on
our right & we wanted to
get along there & help in it.
Thought that was where they
were wanted to go. Saw


Col. Clark lying dead there
on top of a heap of about 4 men
of 12th & perhaps one of 1st.
think they were
went right along the col
& beyond to where / green
ridge joins. Hung on till
abt 5 oclock. Shrapnel was
hot till we eased out to
left, when it seemed to get
lighter - it went more
down / gully.
During / afternoon / Turks
began to come on - blue
coated fellows. Before then the
Turks we saw lying in the
slope were all khaki - you
cd only tell them from our boys
by their skull caps. We had seen
several dead & several wounded.


a fair number only. (our
men mostly complained tt
they saw few Ts. C.E.W.B.)
Their machine guns used
to be laid on little paths
cut straight thro' / scrub
either for rifles or for
machine guns. I didnt
Tumble to it at first (sd
Shout) but afterwds I saw
tt whoever went along these
paths ws shot down. [Someone
else told me. tt / brown patches
were trenches & tt / paths
had to be avoided. That ws
a discovery we only made by
Experience & ws very Expensive.
C.E.W.B.] Our men were
very few by then, so we decided


—→ [Note
Lt Shout, 1st Bn went well forward
up 700 with Maj. Kindon. As they
were coming back they met some
New Zealanders who had had
a machine gun out there -
they had buried the machine
gun, they sd.]

to retire. I had told Harry
Freme to hold that col (at
/ end of / Chess board) with
6 men & the last I saw
of him was tt he was
binding up one man with
a field dressing.
X↑ On retiring (abt 5 p.m.)
found Col. Braund lying out
there. I came down to /
beach & saw someone
here & took up abt 200
stragglers of / men whom I
cd find on that side. Then
I took them up to Col. Braund.
Then I came down again & saw
a staff officer & he promised to
let him ^(Braund) have 2 Bns of New
Zealanders to dig in up there
that night.


From Maj. Bennett
6th Bn. Galeka.
First a considerable amount
of Shrapnel-first few boats
especially. Only 3 got out of
one boat - one of / first lot.
They landed well down to /
left where they shd have landed
- one o / white boats.
Very few got rifle fire
from / shore except / first batch
of the 7th Bn.
The rest landed 6/7
Skipper of the Galeka
came in very close - Capt
Burt. Each boat load went
over to Shrapnel Gully. We
formed up abt 200 yards
from the 7th.

Diagram- see original scan.


? Main guns were still
going - down Shrapnel Gully.
Formed up at 7a.m. Moved
off at 7.10 a.m. Moved off
in Company columns, 50
paces between them
Diagram- see original scan.
We were told tt the 7th wd be
on our right & the 5th
were supposed to be on our
left; but as we landed
before them we took their
We pushed over Razorback
Hill. Then down; Pimples. So
The Pimple was about on our
left. They temporarily established


present line *, & then pushed
on - 8.30 am. at latest. As
we got forward the line was
very thin.
We got to Pine Ridge. We
got Shrapnel going down. The
men started falling back. I
went forward with about 20
but landed over with abt
three. Lay down & one was
shot. I went back to get
reinfts. The 5th Bn reinfd us
& some of the 1ST Bde - at
any rate we found them
there afterwards. We went
forward to Endeavour to get


the "original" position & lost
touch because those on /
right had not gone on.
In the thick scrub we could
not get touch with anybody
on our left. The 7th wanted
to dig in on their present
position. The Brigadier told
them to push on & they pushed
on - some with 8th (who
stayed back & dug in).
we got out &
Diagram- see original scan.
7th was on
both sides of
6th but
Especially on
left of 6th.


some of / men falling back
wanted to get to / beach.
1p.m. I collected the main
mass of the reinforcements
& made one solid line
& dug it forward &
extended / line a good bit
to / right - 200 to 300
yards. We strengthened
that line. We cd see /
enemys guns on Gun
Ridge exactly opposite. I
reported these guns & /
navy got on to them abt
2 hours later.
I was wounded abt
4 pm. in / front line. The
we were told scrub ahead
was very thick but / Enemy cd
not be seen. We lost very few


men lying down.
Hamilton Hook        Wells    Strachan
1ST day.      1ST Week Helles   1st day
have all been killed -
Up to today (June 5) we have had
16 deaths amongst officers in 6 Bn)
I got a rifle bullet thro' /
shoulder & thro' / wrist. I ws
standing up directing fire onto a
group of Turks in front o /
guns. I ws / only one hit in
tt line. I got up back, handed over
to some officer of another Battalion.
Went on hospital ship & came
back next day. I have not
missed another day.
Men who had gone up in
20s & 30s, finding only
2 or 3 left, wanted to go back



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