Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/26B/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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cansing us to lose heavily Only had entrenching wots practicall no cover. Gear? all sitter with pellets. This increased but we were told to hold on though I line ws rapedty t thinning. Abt 4 pon I attack seemed to be making more trods the left flank. (Abt 5 O'clock they seemed to come back under very heavy fire]. Artilliny fire did not stacken. We reorganised our line & I sent back to I reverse stope to say no remfts were coming. My observer reported fts were moving more to our right - Sowe adnot retire rifle From t him arty &
fire became very heavy we lost very heavily we still remained in pasit & I Endeavoured t get into touch with the Bde Agrs. Had seen Col. Weir before this on my right, but ws unable to get in touch w him again. Lts Foster & M. Pherson had both bu wd. & taken to beach I attempted to collect my commany but only found 10 of them whilewe were waiting, rein from the Et 13 de came up with entreaching tooks to our positi, & when I saw them secure I went down to see if I co collect my fellows. Major Ross informed me to the sodBde ws to reform on 1 Beach. We returned
& reformed on Beach. Ap. 25 We lay on 1 Benh. Wext morning we pashed of agn abt 3 0'clock not. reorganised - ap ints firig line. Again got a message to goot Beach to reoyanise On way down I collectedabt women. I knew I had lost very heard because my own Coy soon quiteaway. 1.30, got orders to reinforces right centre. Up shripnel valley. we stayed up there all Monday, all next day, & by the the whole 100 men had gone. Then, wed mornen at 8 o'clock I received orders to take my command doen to 1 Beach 18. 12th Bn). We putled out of the form
line & I collected 60 men & down to Beeck &reorgamn By night time I had abt 300 Men. Ap. 29th Roll call, 8 offrc. 472 other racks No equipment; lost machine was, signalliy year. They were smashed, handed over to the 7th Machinegunner of 12t wes with his gun in trunches. When it ws knocked out & he was wound he got a rifle (until montly week) Night of Ap. 29th stayed there (on Beach). Early nex morning moved of at 8.30 & relieved 4t Bn in ferry line. Remained there 4 8 hours -went back (mey2) to Beacd, where ere alleged to have a day's
rest doing. Brygade fatieues We relieved 4t Bn. 8thBn relieved us. On may3abt 6pm we came in as supports to firm line. On May 4 we took over these trenches. Have been here ever since. by. A small party of the 10th Bn were nearer to the Beach than we. Went to Mr Cays Ridge Then waited for 2nd Bde. As soon as saw it coming on went forward to Bottons Red + there first came under fare direct from East. Went on to Gully, & over another redge & into another Gully. Shrapnel in Shrapael Valley. On Nr slope
of Bottons Ridy appeared to be Tarkish truches. Platoons reconnoitring in frontall 1 Col. Weir wson I left time. of D Coy. Could see troops advancing on right. While MCay begin to arrive at M Cays Ridge we moved to Botton Ridge 224 R4 to 224 M89 fire desultory, probably from 224 S & O. No fire from right Opened fire on Wine glass (30d Ridge): 2nd Bde came to Boltons Ridge. We moved forward moving due E. On forward slope of Bolton's R. we got heavy fire. No 10 Plstoon bach in we after organising moved forward into thick scrub
3 ritt 4 munrs killed here went into witen Kiba Boyds of Trks Redge firing at them (Gen Redge) with his revolver Some 100 men went forward to Kitia Ridge & remained there till after 4 pm. to afternoon, Became hopelessly mixed in this shrapnel Fettback to small ridge as E stope could not be held + organised defence there. Reinforcements came forward from Ridge behind in small bits (Note. Blamey thinks that the furthest- Withane got forward was the Gully below (and West Pine Ridge. The slope down to it is very steep & there are several small ridges to cross- The Pine
Ridge -Mortar Ridge lave is the one we ought to have held had we had decent maps. As it was we took the highest land, Retreated to line occupied by the Sth Bnon my right Found 5 men of my own coy. (witham was of C. Coy himself, but was with D in this fight]. Maj. Saker of 5th Bn was organising a defensive line somewhereon 400 Plateau. We dug in there & watched Queen Elizabeth banging 700 ryony Sunday Ridge between 6px] Fellows got up & (I cheered (shots Holland ws woundedon Bottons the morning Party of 30 got into Turkish trenches with bayonets lowds Gaba Tie.
We were watching the Bashsute for an hour. Manro, going thre 1 serub: No.I Pitoon, All present?" No2 Pla, all Exactly as if he were present on tiger's took on a field day. near Mena Camp May 18-19. Abt 8pm., when I bombt. started again, men were seen by 12 Bn coming down slope of Kilia Ridge in masses with white flags. from 3oo Be 1 At 75 following messafly. 1st are apparently massing behind their lines. Tey are to cover then advance with white flags? From Col. Smith: 7.40 Would not advise staying? in sap while defence opposite 9th Bn had. no.
Plags. rifles but white Lt Shont. 15t Br Ap 25- 1915ch hout & 15 Bn went up over Maclagans R. thro' Shrapnel Gully + Monash Gully & up wear Quinns. Here is an old Turkish Heady there + Swannell was kelled trying to shoot a Turk (kneelin up) there. They went over 4 Turkish treaches, In I end of on treach, in a hole were a lot of Turks & we drove them out. A Sergeant Stabbed one with his bayonet & as

causing us to lose heavily.
Only had entrenching tools,
practically no cover. Gear? all
pitted with pellets. This
increased but we were told to
hold on though I line ws rapidly
thinning. Abt
Abt 4 pm I attack seemed
to be making more towds the left
flank. [Abt 5 o'clock they seemed
to come back under very heavy
fire]. Artillery fire did not
slacken. We reorganised our line
& I sent back to I reverse
slope to say no reinfts were
coming. My observer reported
I reinfts were moving more
to our right - some cd not.
From 6 am arty & rifle


fire became very heavy &
we lost very heavily.
We still remained in
positn & I endeavoured to get
into touch with the Bde Hqrs.
- Had seen Col. Weir before
this on the my right, He but ws unable
to get in touch w him again.
Lts Foster & M'Pherson had
both bn wd. & taken to beach.
I attempted to collect my command
but only found 10 of them.
While we were waiting, reinfts
from the 4th Bde came up with
entrenching tools to our positn, &
when I saw them secure I went
down to see if I cd collect my
fellows. Major Ross informed
me tt the 3rd Bde ws to
reform on 1 Beach. We returned


& reformed on I Beach.
Ap. 26 We lay on I Beach.
Next morning we pushed off
agn abt 3 0'clock not ?
reorganised - ap into I
firing line. Again got a message to
go onto I Beach to reorganise.
On way down I collected abt
100 men. I knew I had lost very
heavily because my own Coy
? soon quite ?away?
1.30, got orders to reinforce right
right centre. Up shrapnel valley.
We stayed up there all Monday, all
next day, & by then the whole
100 men had gone. Then, Wed. morning,
at 8 o'clock I received orders to
take my command down to I Beach
(i.e. 12th Bn). We pulled out of the firing


line & I collected 60 men &
got down to I Beach & reorganised.
By night time I had abt 300
Ap. 29th Roll call,
8 offrs. 472 other ranks
No equipment; lost machine
guns, signalling gear. They were
smashed, handed over to the 7th.
Machine gunner of 12th was with
his gun in I trenches. When it ws
knocked out & he was wounded
he got a rifle (until Monday week)
Night of Ap. 29th stayed there (on
Beach). Early next morning moved
off at 8.30 & relieved 4th Bn in
firing line. Remained there 48 hours
- went back (May 2) to Beach, where
 we were alleged to have a day's


rest doing. Brigade fatigues.
We relieved 4th Bn; 8th Bn
relieved us. On May 3 abt 6pm.
we came in as supports to I firing
line. On May 4 we took over
these trenches. Have been here
ever since.
D Coy: A small party of the
10th Bn were nearer to the Beach
than we. Went to M'Cays Ridge.
Then waited for 2nd Bde. As
soon as saw it coming on,
went forward to Boltons Ridge
& there first came under fire
direct from East. Went on to
Gully, & over another ridge &
into another Gully. Shrapnel
in Shrapnel Valley. On N. slope


of Boltons Ridge appeared to be
Turkish trenches. Platoons
reconnoitring in front all I
time. Col. Weir ws on I left
of D Coy. Could see troops
advancing on right.
While M'Cay began to arrive
at M'Cays Ridge we moved to
Bolton Ridge 224 R4 to 224 M8-9.
Fire desultory, probably from
224 S & O. No fire from right.
Opened fire on Wine glass
(3rd Ridge). 2nd Bde came to
Boltons Ridge. We moved forward
- moving due E. On forward
slope of Bolton's R. we got heavy
machine gun fire. No 10 Platoon
after organising moved forward
into thick scrub.


Some 100 men went forward to
Kilia Ridge & remained there till
after 4 pm. tt afternoon, Became
hopelessly mixed in this shrapnel.
Fell back to small ridge as
E slope could not be held
& organised defence there.
Reinforcements came forward
from Ridge behind in small
parties bits.
[Note. Blamey thinks that the
furthest Witham got forward was
the Gully below (and West of)
Pine Ridge. The slope down to it
is very steep & there are several
small ridges to cross-The Pine


Ridge -Mortar Ridge line is
the one we ought to have held had
we had decent maps. As it
was we took the highest land).
Retreated to I line occupied
by the 8th Bn on my right.
Found 5 men of my own
coy. [Witham was of C. Coy himself,
but was with D in this fight].
Maj. Saker of 5th Bn was
organising a defensive line
somewhere on 400 Plateau. We
dug in there & watched
Queen Elizabeth banging 700
Ridge between 6pm & 7^pm on Sunday.o'clock on Sunday
Fellows got up & (? cheered I shots)>
Holland ws wounded on Boltons
in the morning.
Party of 30 got into Turkish
trenches with bayonets towds Gaba Tepe.


We were watching the Bacchante
for an hour. Munro, going
thro I scrub: "No. 1  Platoon,
All present?" "No 2 Pla, all

present?" Exactly as if he were
on Tiger's Tooth on a field day.
near Mena Camp
May 18-19.
Abt 8pm., when I bombt.
started again, men were seen
by 12 Bn coming down slope of
Kilia Ridge in masses with
white flags.
At 7.5 following message ^from 3rd Bde Hqrs: "Turks
are apparently massing behind
their lines. 'They are to cover their
advance with white flags' ."
From Col. Smith: 7.40 Would not
advise staying? in sap while defence

Opposite 9th Bn had no.


rifles but white flags
Lt Shout.
1st Bn Ap 25 - 1915 etc
Shout & 1st Bn went
up over Maclagans R. thro'
Shrapnel Gully + Monash
Gully & up near Quinns.
There is an old Turkish Headqrs
there & Swannell was killed
trying to shoot a Turk (kneeling
up) there.
They went over 4 Turkish
trenches. In I end of on
trench, in a hole were a lot
of Turks & we drove them
out. A Sergeant stabbed
one with his bayonet & as


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