Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/26A/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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at 5 13 1 ^ 15 13 £ 7 & 15 33 Tho 300 Bn fovs on right of 3rd Bole get 3rd Bdg H.Q. wadon right of it ogain & safthered bits of 3rdBde. The 3rd Bn ffariny tie had no supports atfefor there were a few men in a fire toench, supports in a dy one a little behind - Smen) in a day out o perh. non a lifte behiend to But they became very weeded out. mew cueet there woo no support behind them except the shulkers in te juflies. S.Bs had to go over pp into truches Unless they dent all 1 way sound from 1 left where I trunck say out eventually n ed t comma bund thro further down & by tayrs. Kn had two more the day they were relieve) [Evans w pachine gung on Monday oot just behind fermy leng. They wanted to sttt tarks on a bit & so the order ws given fof ogrins to Cepse firng. The man in charge of mops on left so he wdn't cease firing without o di from
Peplister in Sypd / My I mine le colonel. Evand sd he wofgs along& tell thim. He went - 9 ps be ti a ffaueback a man in one of the supposs day outs (ws hit. Evans picked him up of carried fim to safety & just as he got there he himself fell w 5 or 6m.s. ballets in thim Mafone A.M.C. ws by him and the bucket he (ws carryin ws hit +bottom taken gut of it by same oen. Matons ws hit in 5 places 3 thro I cap, 11 thro the ffutty and bost ove thro' the Casl of his coat. As he worked bead frt W or 15 me alon haf truch time he got back to to dress - by other half thert wo be 10/ or 15 more. & so it went on Te tarked were mat in 1scrt 150yds away or more. Some coopte bits of bn 1ot right acrow PGully befind German officers trunck I firet (day, but had to come back. Hospitals Tack was taken off to the secang Chuf Abt 50C. Their barge as put along side her -bumping into her side w wounded Cerious tying down pases) on beord. One man ws s/ck – T holding his head & seemed likely to die. Thy shouted to I people whoI looked over I side but took no notice - in thcanwhile bargeloads of lightly wounded were walking on (board; but thefe people cd not do to - they were I serifus cases. Finaly I sent a note by agman addressed to senior doctor- He bel to he us a personal fiend of Jen. Bridges & a close personal friend of fin Brdwood, & to unless they were tekn on board at once he wa see to an inquire ws held of to all I condence ws well brought out. That finished matter -f they were being brought aboard within 10 mpnutes
3rd63n D 2 an e 220 20 8it 3.52 5 & 1c.4 24 T892911 M. Clelland 6 2111 671ap 7 5 - e to mc 1 3rd7 9 87 JMC 26t $20 Y 26 1426 Durny Mond a tues, at any rate (when the tueks famealory to the 3 By claimin, to bo 12 di an 1 1. B001k of 12 Bn who as there plepped out from port to see if they were Inclians & came back w passurana t they were not. He ws soon after kelfed. Capt Witson had a ftrinch just ipside the edge from Steeles. He's men swore by him for hes checrfulness. He ws shot in an advanced truah I ad not be got back for te hours. He dried on Hosp. Ship. July 7th. 9. Bn 770 16001 3rd Bn. 500 Ad 25 01 6.P r &SE Br 1. G.N 3 Bdi. or both 4 C 25 he 64264 Parts of Bits H 18r 2nd 512 3en WEISHL TSON Bno mixed 19 12 1597 0 Go0yd 3100 70, 30078 ts shelled/2. 26th posity 5 10 am pwen asks for 20 on 238- V4 (and 224 K 5 1C. T0 19 2 5510 d. Ships s at 11am) oon ocomen along squart EYD 78P.C.W.✓ Valley SE 7 spur with smppers i 0 p 1021
65 3 the Brt B. May 19t Streetf mce + 3rd Bn Sap - whls Sx Mf -6s o 4275 718 B1 p MC. 24 t Autin N3 Cr D. Ar Biti 72 t ii 6E1 tc2. N 4P.T. C10315614 1 00 CD 12 7 80 sbit 621 Hate 982obr Gs y loh Backsheest E FC & - 2.& Dop6cor pi 7o A p. 1& 401 3 Bn tung on is I weak. 601t moore [ 27 4 pm. of ela 3Bn t ta Maj. I rvine C Owen RE n o o917 7.3 supg Irvine -- 6s1 11 t Lamb. B.C. Popes & 4co on (s abt poaite of 15Bn. C. C. aft Courtneys (Cept Dears Co). Neside of Gernar Officers Ys. Din f Brodzidcr Capt. Mraton F. Wilson Ril 28april. Col. 3 had right. M.C. Yon left of Brown (29 of B Co.) wilsep on left of M C. Beaco ws -A3 6 Macdonald)
[ D 2 4 X5 3 5 cbPs I - ^X 615 6 Evans. 3e 1451- p 141 awounded man 2-28 the 2074 r Popes Thes & we rks soC & behind Popes. Col. E. f Con. f o4 on tuespay linns Capt Lear popes. (Cap. Roche of 10th I too. Cowce ws at guinnd Capt hear wd further up the Gunis Guly Capt Bunns) . Courteys first day. left top of quins fully & day in 300 yds in rear of Icr Mas. hdmb ws on it In 526 left So ec2 16 Walkersf- 7 74 InL. phaki on our lep rear, 4c when c Capt (Lear) 320 paths wh 0v. Col. Owep f lep of centre 2
Brobr. 5 8 26 C 0 & C D.S d 3 33 M Laurin 3 if H.B.M -cs. Mond. Co (Cd. Owen n On Lagan 773½ CBaby 700s of Tr. Je. Walker on Ppyses J& Ger Cown. 172c 10 677SAC )- + Awtward krrived The 146 in 41 1 C0r NCEd put 6 Y. 8SP in J Col machanrin I NLWU Mas. D.T. Bennett D.SO
7th Galeha. A Co. und mas. Mason 1 cts Mc Gill V25t Ellight. EC pt 4. 45 No tows 20D Ix Lt Somen 200 row 60 pts V. se4 Cs $14180c 86 S7 ackson Y. 14 Gont 140 1 somervitle 4 9 W 24 140 pS A Fackson /2 Capt. Lechey 20 i. 6. 4 3C Jackson JS. e 2 7) Ao Tacksons 1 2 t 374 Fet,10. 1Cvx 4 S out & 22 2704 4/11P to 7+8 12.- 77 24 n 624 Chepman) 2p Leahy) twice - Jackson/3 to Heighway 9. 6 10h - 2 CVC 98 FF9 - I. sent 2 cy. Jackson he 72 200d 2J e 7. 0 Jx a I sent 7D1 oc N Mc HP2V T. HLcahy v -A0 150 S3533
15 5t). B Coy/ underles 1 C JCL0d gritts .C 14000✓ St pennac MJ C Auzac Cove $81 Y] bit 183x i- 7Glasprd7 W. Stuart + C 71C le TC 225t Maclagan tc 6 Mac1. of . 7 pSiv iC 45 4350 frils C Switt ofse 5 8:1 i 1 Tackson 6C Mason 15 Slagfrd Te C Mason V. wift 1E T -0p 59017 Blezard fe C.x.V.1D Mcays fill c. St o91S011 00 160t9p292 t & MF- 4 JCRS 10 351 Bn He 6 1C 02H0 L N6s Cd see – Hanr D Col.M.C 3 s C. 2 .Co 26 FK.T.J. + 17104 9Bn 163C G (ACrID
frts 16 170 29 v06 pEx e Anderson a 300 2. 8010x Jo6 Takson Sf 7074 C Geruan CY 1067 171 JC 4.C C 6th Br 1 xo2 evis Vo e 4.ce 7 Blez 36 5 To on.4 C W.C. E be Je Co Bx aL 2240 fo0 297 3. Olive gove & be - 400 4 In thr. 17 too 3 be 70 270 712 1279 ofp o.80 e1 V 2 Boltons green. bo- J. Joly 7 L.P c8 f 27 8 1-14 475 511016 817400x ✓59/12 Fc so c - 1 I 52 S Bottons7 (1200) S. 6-0700 30 VSAS 1- ctaki& of 166 910- 5 0 (x The + C) 47 - bd 716-
4 veis 79v6 5 274 Bu 49 x11. 1 0 (I. 00p 8 14 2 1C 6CPO.N. H.G. et LoulRn Ceedge of 400 vs4503C-6 J. Joll) Fe 320 SBn + 2/00 1 1.0 df 100/2 11 4T 85 3743 knoll t 002 po & fth tay wells210 -16 Bn HG. 3Up 1780 492 61 f 120/30 4. 137t ec 715 Henderson 1 9916b 12 2s 545. 15 162 to 6 4/5 9 + o Fereemed 1 24/x 3) 80 7600 37120 M.C f-10-w0 W30x 1t SBt t 1.20s 7t C0.V7121 10/200 30 & n11c Cc P.VIX t s GP. 760. 1 002 C50.1000 S 21- 62 8pbt 9½ 76/.L6 N1309.P40 Worth Stope of Happy 403 Capt Hentena)NM 21e 7.

The 3rd Bn ws on right of 3rd Bde
9 [[?]] 3rd Bde H.Q. was on right of it
again - & scattered bits of 3rd Bde.
The 3rd Bn firing line had no supports.
After At first there were a few men
in a fire trench, supports in a dug out
a little behind - 3 men in a dug out
& perh. 3 men a little behind tt.
But they became very crowded out.
Men knew there ws no
support behind them
except for skulkers in
the gullies.
S.Bs had to go over top into trenches
unless they went all / way round from
/ left where / trench ran out eventually.
On Wed. they got commn trench
thro further down & by Thurs. they
had two more (the day they were
Evans w machine guns on Monday
ws just behind firing line. They wanted
to get / Turks on a bit & so the order
ws given for M.Guns to cease firing. The
man in charge of on left sd he
wdn't cease firing without orders from


a Colonel. Evans^(enlisted in Syd. [[?]] [[(swine)?]] sd he wd go along & tell
him. He went - & as he didxx come back a man
in one of the support dug outs ws hit. Evans
picked him up & carried him to safety -
& just as he got there he himself fell w 5 or
6 m.g. bullets in him. ^[[?]] Malone A.M.C. ws
by him and the bucket he ws carrying
ws hit & / bottom taken out of it by /
same gun. Malone ws hit in 5 places
3 thro / cap, 1 thro the putty and boot,
one thro' the tail of his coat. As he worked along 
half a trench he wd find 10 or 15 men
to dress - by / time he got back to
/ other half there wd be 10 or 15 more -
& so it went on.
The Turks were mostly in / scrub
150 yds away or more.
Some isolated bits o / bn got
right across / gully behind German
officers trench / first day, but had to come back.


Jack was taken off to the
Seeang Chun abt 5 o'c. Their barge
ws put along side her - bumping into
her side w wounded vass men (serious
lying down cases) on board. One
man ws sick - J. holding his hand -
& seemed likely to die. They shouted to
/ people who looked over / side but
took no notice - in / meanwhile
barge loads of lightly wounded were
walking on board; but these people cd not
do it - they were / serious case. Finally
xxx J. sent a note by a man addressed
to / senior doctor. He sd tt he ws a
personal friend of Gen. Bridges & a close
personal friend of Gen Birdwood, & tt
unless they were taken on board
at once he wd see tt an inquiry
ws held & tt all / evidence ws
well brought out. That finished /
matter - they were being brought
aboard within 10 minutes.



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