Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/26A/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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CC Begs) asppyciating 45 Capo 10 J.C.Ffte a. 2F.A. 7ot J of o 75 17.D.C.M. w 2 1717 S 12 N E allet o gd When Chettips Hughes o Bn 10.U. 6 N9.2. 38 y N F Holmes Message Ip weha your men from soulder 1 130 v
3L4 on Popp. 2 12-15 At Pttat pt to o watter of 17124 12 T i 20 1 Popes i RD L1 4 D/2 under stord They (324 26
l5 Prish 8th a Ja Cays 79. 32 9t N1c Ccus7-B1 7712 18.4 Cca) Bacchapti M) Cof cs co. Sent fGJ. V 2/K.T. iis Gun /Rp. Colellift) 7tcs K.T. 2 6.p.207KI 22 Fer Reof I f20-76 e Abt 1 our left Ir E COM. i Fine Ridge. CEF -r a 7V CF Se We is 101 8R1E (.222 is Botton & Fielb. 12.30 8t N1 C X Leector or 58 28204 0-0/1 3 1. iis t pottes s Co. Fel1220 0 d X Palh Pits por 8r7 Gates 2.1 3S CM. JCO ve. 8 127i0 15 T Bacchanle 7or 2 2o - To S. They Pive (922 To f 2 51 C. F/C Ex 112 7494 50
ns Macfillips 11 tago at N. here Lt T4t 57 29 30 Duntron 10 on watters
Yots.Y 11266 112.C.V. 614 30702/2 41. & TW 224 DA 12 Capt Hark land 28t CIN C7L. C0p of -C17 Ete. Corpl. Hodoway, Matripson E71 paftes L44 7 eo Saw 6 20 56f fie 7LRTs gX C 100). Cc 48-C7 KTo held it. (7 1. 87TK.T. Pin ((0) is much highes then her 2.0642 2 2 ds ahed 1. Bacch Sis- e 05 0w: 23 hollow 4 7.30 969 ). 7 EPS
F.FI $2002 7 rds aheed. Bacches 6). hollow ? AE p N 930. 10. 2 2.3 YY Ttetarks of Jan 12l- 7 Co 11 7 r - gun f in S pro yours I Pemple 0 5 50/6 6/in2 C 27r or 36554 sCx Pr003 Ir £. 2 6 X t 65C1 WI2 9. o 76/1514 V7969 C o
1 X are n 416 Bob Turks por here 3 6 to on day of landing To iustrate Bisks o/c 400 Fuibiret Prisk ro no one so furter). Trnks inos Attack two sadbled horse here att rvoys away, Noy Turks in Afternoon. quiett 2 IAS
Pans 10½ 912 Inf. B2d - Even in W.J. came to Hughes for the eaply days. 3rd. Bn. cants work. Left for quenns. Browns) night On Sunday a plation undle Butler ? sot orders to go ffrward & dig in (60yds adeed of tim) Sunday night attacked o dypy in ten all had ntricting tools & ad dig as long at ao target & fire then Sot Farget. Mondan Cay out find in shrapuel. Tuesday night at AH.S bughcalls sory alralory Tark left or lef ctie Abo 8.30 2 Bns appeared) comey dowwn from Baby 700 deresting in artillery columns or something like our fifhting coleyn - with appareglly in four. 2 colo. when they agie under fire (abt 200y& away) they septoyed. There was a Companyy fopward to I patpost & one plation wt withdrawn away to left
under Butte. Abt. You. B. wshit. Att this tri some of thse troops were lyeng out wt bayonets for 10 hro withing Ammenaction. The Ts) came up 1 gulle & down 700 but secufed to breakint small partties indw fore & did not come straight. The attack ws beater of. Our outpost too finally with drawn. There tocuphes are now belieut the Turkish fines. 3rd Bn wenten on 1Prighto I third Bde - reall it weas much in 1 middly of them - mysed up w odd bits of them. On Tuesday Malone had to relieve a trench coptaining abt 14 men day in on the Sunday alt 20 9ds from any one Else They had no Communiatin till wed. Like Every oue else they were fiet in an odd betgs. they had no tater sina the Sunday (By the Tuesds theey had ony 8 whole men tef hadhed note or N.C.O. & counst of Fd Bu Srd Bde, W at sort

 B of S [[shorthand]] asphyxiating [[shorthand]]  
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]  4.5  [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]  NZ [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] F.A. & 2 EA.

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]


[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 10
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]  attack [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]


When Phillips Hughes [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
Bn 10.11. & NZ V [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]] 
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]


[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]


[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Holmes [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]


Message [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Wilorow your
men from Boulder
July 12
12.30 [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]


[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] and rough sketches of positions


[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] and rough sketches of positions


[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 3LH on Popes
2nd[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
12-15 Allah Allah
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Turks [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Walkers [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 12.45 [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 12[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Popes 
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]200 x 250

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Popes [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] (2Coy) under Col Stoodant 
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] (3.30)
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]




8th [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Camp [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 3 [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 9th [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Bacchante [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

Sent [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] K-T. [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Gun Ridge . Col Elliot [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 7th [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] K.T. [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] K.T.

2 [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Gun Ridge [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

Abt 12 [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] our left [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Pine Ridge 

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
3 [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

We [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 8th [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

([[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 12th) [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Boltons [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Field

12.30 8th [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]


[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

1 section [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 8th

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Boltras [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

Col Field [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Balk Pits[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

Yates [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Bacchaule [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]. They

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] L Pine [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 5.30 


Macwilliams [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 11
[[Tago?]] at No 3 [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] & Duntroon Bay.

Col Niall [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

9 LH [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

Turks 37 

Turks[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Lt
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

Latrine[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

Turks [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]


Sat [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
 Bombed 9 LH 

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] walkers [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
First LH [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 



Yates [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

3 [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

Capt Hartlaw  8th [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

Corpl. Hatherway , Pte Mathieson

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Hellas [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]


[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Pine[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] KT[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]
[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] KT & held it.

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] KT 

Pine [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] is much higher than here 

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

2 yds ahead 

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Bacch [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]




"On His Majesty's Service  







No Text

hollow [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 9.30.10

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

The Turks [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Gun [[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] gun [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 

Guns [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] Pimple.


[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]


[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]]

[[pitman shorthand symbols?]] 


Sketch Map of positions 
6th or day of Landing

(to illustrate Prisk a/c)



Inf - 10th 9th - 3rd - evac 

N.Z. Came to Hughes for [[pitman shorthand symbols?]] in 

the early days.



3rd. Bn.
Lambs Brown work. Left on Quinns 

On Sunday night a platoon under Butler ?
[[Gotasdens?]] to go forward & dig in (60yds
ahead of line)
Sunday night attacked & dying in - 
men {about ?]] entrenching tools & ard 
dig as long as notarget & fire when
S of target.
Monday lay out under sharpnel.

Tuesday night at  alt s bugle calls
Going [[allalong?]] Turk left or left centre. 
Abt 8.30 2 Bns appeared  coming down
from Baby 700 [[diriater?]] in artillery
columns ( fight or something like our 
fighting column - with ????????? in four.
2 cols. Note sketch of two columns apparently in fours 
when they came under fire (abt 200 yds &
away) they deployed. There was a
Company forward as I outpost  & one
platoon was withdrawn away to left


under Butler. Abt. 9 pm You. B. was hit.
Att this time some of these troops were
lying out w  bayonets for 10 hrs  without 
Ammunition. The Ts, came up 1 gully e
& down 700 but seemed to break into
small parties under fire & did not
come straight.
The attack ws beaten off. Our
outpost was finally withdrawn.
There trenches  are now behind the
Turkish lines.
3rd Bn went in ou I right o I third
Bde - really  it ws as much in l middle 

of them - mixed up w odd bits of them.
On Tuesday Malone had to relieve a
trench containing abt 14 men dug in
on the Sunday abt 20 yds from any
one Else They had no Communication
till wed. Like Every our  else they were
in an odd bits at first they 
had no water sin or the
Sunday. By the Tuesday 
they had only 8 whole
men left - [[Lathead?]] no Le or N.C.O.
& consists of 3rd Bn , 3 Bde , N.Z all sorts.


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