Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/26A/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR1606/26A7 Title: Notebook, April - May 1975 includes references to the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th and 12th Battalions, Helles, the transport, GALEKA and the 28 June sortie. AWMSS-SDRLCOGI2GAN
0 t 8 5- -- 2 315 i 5 0 a e 208 .D.2 35 2 3 0.E ot 5333 527 3= 5- Res II. Records:1Bn. 6Bn713n3B Derana 34 2 3 tc a0 &2 32333 uepiA
6 18 Rec II. Records: IBn. Bn. 667Bn 3B 12 Bn 811.42 HfA Devana 11pro Sat 24 C 2.0 N.7 61 1224 toheldt 3X + 6 Io Capn 23N9o n 4 3rm743V 5 0s 00 . 31 y D0L 2N39 24 fc 90000 if T430a S DNS 2 GT 2 10o80 Towy 61802 222
12t Bn r Lo 7100 0r kor 4 9 S N2 6 C V D. B3 1a5 0SN p2 X Ar O let. BFC SS. 109314 er r9. AC. to ps6.5 of N3.B. 22 2 2 colln 379 H0.7Et. 1Ly -cob vs 11, -122578. LPat L95N 8 1 capt Burt p1162C anda capt dawert t be 23776.9041 37p 71 21 oP
12/15 Bn HD A p 224 93.1-.343 74 20/0 HNc. p2408 there Col 2f180A9 2 7el. 42 622 f Capt Lawler 2 h12464 be 237 22-3 6p02700 At " 41Pm 6 p160114 2X.W. 4 ofEnd p224 Col. Bround2 nd i5 f 300 27A 63A X 162 - 126c ts 3/) a (same neght Cast Lawtor c 7.601 S B 6 224 98 E.V9224 99. nCo 589 fc 2 SD 199 h Saw J 224 m 78 (4) (200) J9P be 2.VS 224 Ap7+ 5061f 1055
121 Bn I X . 22482100100 ire (39 Bto L9 101 6r 10 fOldham SR.J S 830-19-p.L 2 6 1 6 314 o 21a NG 24 C. conton (0 "120.C 6 9 4. nbccw 746. Desal 130 Ls t os e of912 pittes E79 650101 1. B N bWm L1012. 6p Co 16 5e - 6 1100 5 oi e S JR 1 N D9of
124 Bn 6.2 11528 c ce we 5611 7 Lts Foster & M. Berson 7 6t 100/ 6c0 X 74c2 -416 4t 800 0a 1 7Ros X5 327 g to. - to o 21 n 36 nor 2 7 i n 100 vit 198616 1.30 1 V 1. 16 &100 ee r, (1c.RB. pc4600s 74 2s & 14/4 74300 29th Roth call 860 4727v. 220 o handed 7th 7
Lawler dropped his sword, evidently, in scrub Morshead (l) ws/coming op 28 to plation when he came on handler at abt 1Edge of Malones gully () L. sd No' a b. will you come infor my lop had his then, No swopd? He sd the poor ofd Col. ws killed, down by) those hits, Lorted just I dont tender whens Wholham c/— Hope hes alo ike that h its a begar. Mooshead made his plat lef form & moved across. (hawter waved his hand - & moved his own plation across & pined him. Ther we nothing to see there. Lawles presently stood up - they were being fired on from No1Fost or thereabts. (they wereon seaward plope) - & should now then 12 Bss when he ws shot. t 24 B C5c 1s3Ap 157. D to mon 2 2914V x 7118.30 S a Bn 4 G0 Rx/27480i DNG. 4/8 74 SoCo (P S- 2n6 ps t 50c0. Do.or Ns0 760 ct MCays of &6 waited for 22 Co)171cCo. Botton f 20-p0 10/2 1E.41 9 1440- Thropnel in Thrds vally. N slope of Bottonf Plations CH.N Col. Weis Aof DCo. cd besx 6M/. at M. Co Botton 4224R4 224 M84 2245✓ O1v.p
Wetn Blamey thinks that the furthest & westof got forward ws the Gully below Vine Ridge, the slope down to it is very steep, & theis are several small ridgs to cross- Holly Ridge, Eners Ridg). Pins Ridge. (In Pine Ridge, Mortar-f life is the one we ought to have held had we had debent maps. As it was we took the highest (apd]. Some of 15t Bn got mixed up with 6t2 away of night & wele suit up by in vicat to reiforce S.1E 11D Bn. went well C up 700 w St. Stout May. Kingdon. As then wery .C theny met some New Zatanders who had ho a d. out there they had buri the machine gan, tey 59 Daly 20 Capt. Lawler ie piked upty him on aent e e e e e t n ho ecabbans. Thereats isword alon Curiouity X Harry Freme E 661 sword -a Whaks Has a cerimonegt V on 1blade& i on handle and very bright with 15 1o 21 wine glass (3. 2nd Bde for Bottons 7C C6 Bo h.En 1- No10 2C 7 B. X L Manso4 76300°2 Kilia Ridge 106 (qun ne). 22p. c Kete 29 4 small fo asEor- 26f c7 of on myof &8 Saker of5) ta be B 00xCL49cte 70042 6p70 is on Bottons Sr Hotlanof Parly of 30 7E YC. SSG. Tipe
12BM. 8pm. C se 18-19 12 -I slope of Kilia in masses w 7 Cop 75.40S16s 7 Bn J be 94ches From /300 2 FColog 740/2 28 ho p9118170 1. 51 tnon 12t Bn s tBachante for f he No 19rNo29. Manro fo 7. on ofCptoot. Lawler had o sword - 7 p 1.900V100 60 141) 2 601 7 71F do No 3gun Hughes tbeet 281521 V ExE. fo Bn 03 . F Cm HE 2 Pilp N. 011 6T.T. Foa thellip

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.

Diaries and Notebooks

Item Number: 3DRL606/26A/1

Title: Notebook, April - May 1915
Includes references to the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, and
12th Battalions, Helles, the transport GALEKA
and the 28 June sortie.




Rec II Records : / Bn
6 Bn 7 Bn 3 Bn
IT. 9 Derana


DIARY No. 26.
AWM 38
3DRL 606 ITEM 26A [1}


The use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War memorial. But apart from these terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer's mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half-asleep;
also, not infrequently what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when
discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.

These records should therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing believed. Further, he cannot, of course vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he
did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.
16 Sep., 1946.                   C.E.W. BEAN




[Page - mostly of shorthand symbols - cancelled by vertical & diagonal lines]
12th Bn. 
Rec II Records: / Bn.
6 Bn 7 Bn 3 Bn

12 Bn [symbols]  H.Q. Derana
11pm Sat 24 [symbols] ∧M.E [symbols]

(A) [symbols] whilst
[3 lines of symbols]
3pm [symbols]

[7 lines of symbols]
[symbols] 4.30 am
[3 lines of symbols]

Towv [symbols



[Page - mostly of shorthand symbols - cancelled by vertical lines]
12th Bn. 

[3.5 lines of symbols]
H.Q.s   A.  D.  B.   C.

[1.5 lines of symbols]
A ½ D [symbols] left
B & C [symbols


A.G. [symbols

[3 lines of symbols]

[symbols] Lt Pat [symbols
[symbols]  Capt Burt ∨2nd AG [symbols

[symbols] Capt Lawler [symbols



[Page - mostly of shorthand symbols - cancelled by vertical lines]

12th Bn.
H.Q. & AG 224 93 [symbols

[symbols]  NE 224 c 8
Here Col [symbols

[symbols] Capt Lawler

[symbols] 700

At ~ 4pm [symbols

[2 lines of symbols
[symbols]  2nd [symbols] 224 f 1
Col. Brand [symbols
[2 lines of symbols
[symbols]  (same night)
Capt Lawler Lt [symbols

[symbols]  224 G8 [symbols
[symbols]  224 G9 

[2 lines of symbols

Saw [symbols]  224 w 7 & 8 ([symbol]) (400)
" 224 H5 - 7 [symbols]  No 5 [symbols


[Page - mostly of shorthand symbols - cancelled by vertical lines]

12th Bn.
[2 lines of symbols

[symbols] (3 G B6 1 G 10th Bn)

[symbols] Oldham
[symbols]  8.30 9 symbols

[4 lines of symbols

[symbols]  contour [symbol

1 ~ 12 [symbols


[symbols] Desult
[symbols] 1.30 symbols


[symbols] pitted

[symbols] 4 pm [symbols

[5 lines of symbols

6 pm [symbols



[Page - mostly of shorthand symbols - cancelled by vertical lines]

12th Bn.
[symbols] Col Weir [symbols]
[symbols] Lts Foster & McPherson

[symbols] 10 [symbols]

[symbols] 4 C [symbols]


[symbols] Ross [symbols]


26 -----


3 [symbols]


[symbols] 100 [symbols]


1.30 [symbols]

[symbols] 100

[symbols] 6 Wed [symbols]

[symbols] (11.12 PM)

[symbols] Go [symbols]
[symbols] 3000


29th Roll call 8 [symbol] 472 [symbols]


[symbols] Landed [symbol] 7th


[Pages of text cancelled by vertical lines]
Lawler dropped his sword, evidently in /
scrub. Scott Morshead (Lt) ∨2 Bn ws coming up
w platoon when he came on Lawler at abt
/ edge of Malone's Gully.(?) L. sd "It's a b---!
Will you come in on my left?". He had his
[symbol] then & no sword & he sd;"the poor old Col.
ws killed, down by those huts, dropped just 
like that! ^I dont know where Witham is - Hope he's alright -
He & I were pals. 
Oh its a beggar!" Scoot Morshead
made his plat. left form & moved across .
Lawler waved his hand - & moved his own
platoon across & joined him. There ws nothing
to see there. Lawler presently stood up - they
were being fired on from No 1 Post or
thereabts. (they were on seaward slope) - &
shouted "Now then 12 Bn" when he ws shot.

12th Bn

[line of symbols]

[symbols] Mond 2


[symbols] 18.30
4 Bn [symbols] 48 [symbols]



[symbols] 4 x 8th [symbols]

3rd n 6 psn [symbols]

4 [symbols]


D6 or [symbols

[symbol] M'Cays [symbols] waited for 22
[symbols] Bolton

Shrapnel in Shrap Valley
N slop of Boltons [symbols]
(Col Weir ∨cd  [symbols] of D Co.

G M'C [symbols] at M'C's
[symbols] Bolton 224 R4
224 M 8-9

[symbols] 224 S & O x. [symbols]



[Page of text cancelled by vertical lines]

Blamey thinks that the furthest ∧Witham they
got forward ws the Gully below ^& West of Pine
Ridge. The slope down to it is very steep, &
there are several small ridges to cross -
Holly Ridge, Snipers Ridge, Pine Ridge.
(The Pine Ridge, Mortar line is the one we ought
to have held had we had decent maps. As it
was we took the highest land).
Some of 1st Bn got mixed up with 6th
away on right & were sent up by
Capt McNicol to reinforce 5th.
Lt. Stout 1st Bn. went well [[?]] up 700 w
Maj. Kingdon. As they were - [[?]] they
met some New Zealanders who had a [[?]]
out there - they had buried the machine 
gun, they sd.
Baby 700 - well round the side of it. He told me this D " mention
Capt. Lawler - There ws / sword alone
no scabbard.
Curiously [[?]] Harry Frewe [symbols]
[symbols] It ws a ceremonial sword [[?]] w khaki
on / handle and very bright with V.R. on / blade & it
ws picked up by him on

[Page mostly of shorthand symbols cancelled by vertical lines]

12th Bn

[symbols] wine glass (37.7)
2nd Bde [symbols] Boltons
[symbols] B's
[symbols] No 10 G

Lt Munro

Kilia       7630


(Gun Ridge)

[symbols] 100 [symbols] Kilia [symbols]

4 [symbols]

[symbols] small [symbols]


[symbols] 8th on my [symbols]
Witham (Co ws c)

[symbols] Saker of 5th [symbols]

[symbols] 400 x [symbols]
[symbols] 700 [symbols] 6 & 7 [symbols]

Holland [symbols] on Boltons [symbols]

Party of 30 [symbols] G. Tepe


[Page mostly of shorthand symbols cancelled by vertical lines]

12th Bn

18-19 ~ 8 pm. [symbols]
12 Bn - [symbols] slope of Kilia [symbol]

in masses w [symbols]

7.5 [symbols]

from 3rd [symbols]

Fr Col or: 7.40 [symbols]


[symbol] 9th [symbols]




[Page mostly of shorthand symbols cancelled by vertical lines]

[symbols] the Bacchante for an hour

Munro [symbols]  No 1 G  [symbols] No 2 G

[symbols] Tooth

Lawler had a sword - [symbols]  900 [symbols] 


Photo. Wheel of No 3 gun Hughes 7th





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