Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/260/1 - 1916 - 1930 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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(3) Distribution :- Copies to: 1. 25th Bn. 2. 26th Bn. 3.B7th Sn. 4. 28th sn. S. Tth AAb.Coy. 6. 7th A.L.T.M.B. 7. S.Squid, 13th A.L.H. 8. Half B.Coy, lst Arzao Cyclist Corpe 8.Sth' Field, Ant (Bearer sub-div 10. 0:C. Advanced Cuary Artillery 11.0.C. fth Field Coy 12. 116tHH. Rittary. 13. 173ndH. Battery. 29 At1 15. 14 5 -950.0. 17: searf Capt. 18. 0.C. 17th A.4.8-0. 19. Brigide Sig.Cffioer. 327th Iun. Brisde. Sth A.L 332 EthA.I. Bde 33. -379 S9u2d. A.F.C. 31 15th A.1. Bd.7. Dirry 28. File. 3.62 27 to 30 Spare Il aeconanes Off.1Ato H.4. 10c1 Aess as tid en 204 IE
is 1141 41 &11144 AEWANOD GUAAD & BAd AUSEEALLAN SWISION. 00000 00000000030ABaaaBaBBBSS ADDNDU to Opration Order 70.69. Refarsnc As B7 C.N..2 VAULX-VAAUOOUAT 1/10,000. BTCN... Ed.S.A. 1/70,000. (1) 76 map rofenency in Operstion Order No. 89 add STAAH.RVATLK VAASCOUET 1/10,000. (3) Care will be taken that, inir time is adonted in reckoning Zero timo. Ths Both Erigade is attacking LONGATTS simultaneourly 13) 7ith our attack on LAGNICOUAT. (3) The C.0. 125th Sattalion will arrangs to Keep in oldss truch with the right of the 30th Brigide. (5) After the capture of LAGNICOURT and after the posts mentioned in para 2 of Operatior Order 10.89 hav: bear s-tiblished the 6.0. 77th Battalion 7111 sand atrors patrols to rsconneitrs NOAESIL and if it is unoccupied they will push through it. Posts vill then br antblishre on the sineral line C., C.l7.central, C.10.0.5-95. If Both Srigade attack hes succesded, the line vill be Carried to C.E.cstral Ir this attack fails the line rill be astablished along the line C.9.d.55-9S, C09-0.7.5., O.8.d.15.f5 where touch ill be established with the nearest post of the Both Srigids: (E) For the purpose of the operatior the boundary betreen the 20th origide and the 7th' Australian Scigade will be the road v.13.b.7.R., C.S.biF.8., C.Becantral. 171 on the 20th Seigds gaining LONGATTE the 25th Battalior 71ll push forward patrols to astablish pots linking up the Right of he 10th srigeds ar: the Left of the 27th Battelion Should NOREULL be unoocupied the 25th Battalion posts vill be established on the lin. C.10.CafS.9S., C.Togntral, at which points it will be in touch with the 27th Battelion and th: 30th Srigad: respectively. 181 A contact acroplana will fly over the ling at about 700. a.m. (ney tims) 19) Order No.89 para 2 line 3. For C.18.c.3.7. read C.16.d.3.7. N. .ELLINE TOF, Captsir, Assrigade ha jor, 7th Australiar Infartry Briged. Distribution as par Order No. 89.
Task Farle A! (issued with 2nd Aust. Div. Artillert 8rd3r w0.B3) AA5 MOWMOSe EEEEESESASASSHa 0 CDDD Unit Time TAek MEEWSRAMAH o00ooot 0 MAL 4th 0.00 to 0.130. A. Sty APA Brigade Abdd C. to Oulkibills. thynce to C.15.s.As.S5. " " 3 3ty C.1Fia.45.55. to 0.16.a.35,55 to C.10tc.1.2. 0 363 0.1010:122. to C.9.b.O.t. " 104th How. Bty Road junction at C. C.101615.1. C.101878.1. C.10.0-95.10. A. sty sth ArA Brigade C.231d:95:00. to C.23.s.1.1. to ConSERSSS. " GSStoC.23--79. " " 2314179; to 3:33.b.45.45. 15 "1 is 963t CSBSys to CiiTidiorl: 6.17d16: to 317,8,06.55. " 283EA HOM B6Y CBGdA615, C.23.B.ASAS Road Junations at C.24.0.05.B0,0.23.d. 95.75,6.23.b.8.A. C.23-b.35-75. enwD m ve awow PA2ST 11. All Batteries 4th APA Bde 0.30 to 0.30 As in Phase 1. A! B! & E. Sth Oraep back to N.E. Rats one lift 50 Yards every 2 mimites O pty Sth APA 303 "0040 00.30 Search road from C.18.d.00.35 to D. P. Bty Sth AFA Bds 0.24 0.20 Search road from 9,1704.711: to 9.17,8.816. 6134 to 6130 Search baok to N.B. Pats ons lift 6f 50 yards every 2 minutes. 165th Hey Battery 0.20 t0 6,30 Roads from O.BAbESS to O.24.3 95735 (3) and C,3456.30135 to G.18,d:90:95 Task Tabls Br (Issued with 2nd Aust. Div. Order No,22) Aotion by 14th A.F.A., Brigade Batteries, CE n0 E A. 18 pndr Bty 14th A.F.A. Ide 0.0. to 0.15 Road C.23,d,35:00 to 0:35,6,75.00 0.15 0020 C.23.d.95,00 to G.BGibsS.30. "0.30 0.20 Lift back from G.23½d19: 0 to C. 24.6.E.0, through village east Road C.24,c.B-3 C.232d195.3C C.24.A.35.36, Rate lift 100 yard: perminute, 0.30 to 0.40 Search road From 0.16,6375-00 to C70030 B’ 19 pnar Bty 0.0. t0 C.20 Road C.24.0,15.10 to 0.30.a.85.8. 0.20 to 0.43 Lift back N.E. at rate 200 yards per minute to road C.24.b.10.25 D.10.C.0,4, and resting there. mad O’Bty Sth App pda 0.20. 60 9.80 Oresp back to N.E. rate one lift of 50 yards every 2 minutes
10 20 Sheet C X Lting 50 per 2m 155 a247 P.30 2 3 ort030 L2.0 88 24 23 litting 50 perfr OO 30
- MAP Thustrating He Batle LAGNICOURT, 18--1 17- 16:- Post Rost. co 81081 Position at icst. TorrOp 80S CPECoopOr Dc07 te e e erne hounced pere toPost. Post. Coptired by German DAdTDTMAyHS Pett Fat Eiemny BSF.IEactO R M RR Coffon 7 5 Ein A Eatern fort Acoy. toste reimfereed Firestt by Partiesef 285 8r. PostedbJ C. Cox ne Monghs40 2 20 a o opter psct From Snipers tr this oldg. until Neen Doiven out by Rytso i and grenade by Dcey. a amicou Garrison all Killed. 1 byEnemy Paptareet brept Charrg Enemy Counter Garrisentilled) AHack Keached here. Rerb Wire fene 5.3 high SEwemy MG.E. M Sc DochLiiht iredarby B Madegoed L from the fby D30P hip 30 29 28 Scale: I1ODOO. Ref: MAp. STC. NW. FEID SURvE COV. RE 39 our 2/18
- TRAGING Showing Dispositions Before & After the Battle LAGNICOURT,, 26th. March 1917. Mn Horeeit 11 181:-:7:- 6 16 17 Vralcov 5 f. Coppe. 4 Cosll. 5 21 EOICOU 13 0 4 xRs. Cattied py 18 1 Hoise o 4 and immediately occepied by 1a 2. Berteone, Very Good fbserratiess 0.1828 2 h 31 886 todet 5 iDicant f 334.4 5:- Wood. iisit 4 24 biies M sn 1 p 23 823 Si Morchies 141 1 Ref Map 57C.N.W. Scole-1:20,000. FEiD Suver COr. RE NernC.. on 21//15 Jo7
AUS7 N. 117. 4694. 30 July 1929. Dear Sir, In writing the account of the battle of Lagnicourt for Volume IV of the Official Histery of the War, I have found some difficulty in describing the part played by the 26th Battalion, and especially by you company and Captain Cherry. The records hardly mention what occurred - (1) in the attack on the buildings at the entrance of the village, (11) in the attack on the hedges, (1l1) in the attack on the crater. Concerning the German counter-attack the records are rather Tuller. 1 enclose a rough sketch of the village. If you can remember what happened and would note down for me (on the back of the sketch, if you prefer) your recollections of the events as you saw them, I should be most grateful. Yours faithfully H.H. Bieske, Esq. 251, Chapple Street, Broken Hill, N.S.W.
327 Wyman St. Broken Hill N.S. Wale 6th Aug 1929 Mr C.S. W. Been Victoria Berracks Kaddington Dear Sir, Your communication deted 30h July containing a request for information re the battle of dagniconrs arrived sifely to hand& in reply thereto Ian ffeet that I can perneps supply a certain amount of the information you requires with regard to the movements of C compesy commended by Capt Cherry & who was entrusted with the beck of penetating the village. Lers time was 5 am. 26-5-17 & the night was about the blackest I have seen. The village was as it had been all along in comperete darkness giving the idea that it had been evacuated but we were all of one mind in thinking otherwise. Capt Cherry divided his company in two portions, the one half under Lieut Hamilton with whom I was placed taking the left of the road while Cherry with Lieut Corner advances
all went well until along the road. about 50 yards of the we arrived within village when we received the full effect of machine gans. Hamilton was one of the hirst to fall & sang out to me to take charge, so on I went, but we were caught by a wide awake Fritz who machine-gunned us & when I entered the first live of trenches marked of I did so with only five men, the remainder appror 45 men being casualties. Fritz cleared & did not wait so count my ssall band. A machine gun was busy at the left from so I tlook my band over & we bombed them out without losing one of the small party. We then found ourselves in the It second line of trenches marked. 3. Here again Frity did not wait. paused hhere to consider my next move. To the left all was quiet & on the right I could hear rifle shots which soudded too far away to have come from Cherry. I then came to the conclusion that Cherry & his men were wifsed out so I decided to go to the right & investigate. Anyway I made up my mind for the time (being
to keep clear of the road as I we not strong enough to encounter sesstance accordingly I clossed the road, & as I did not meet Cherry I was now sure he was gone. Kifte shooting was distinct on my right fron, & this I considered came from aloyd's Coy so with the idea, of linking Gs with him I took the peck I have marked until I came upon a road without meeting any resistance. Here we paused & bssened. Hearing voices to the left we went in their direction & soon I came right on a Fritz, officer. He was more surprosed than I as had come from behind, Realizing pushed my it was all oo nothing revolver straight into his himmy made him gent his hands up I march down in front of us. Then the from began. Fritz came from nowhere off They went at the gallops with my give lads, firing along the road at them. Like a lool I forgot my prsoner & the next think I knew was he had a bear hug on me + both my arms pined so that I could not are my revolver. Catch as catch


Distribution : -

Copies to : 1. 25th Bn.

2. 26th Bn.

3. 27th Bn.

4. 28th Bn.

5. 7th A.M.G. Coy

6. 7th A.L.T.M.B.

7. B Squad, 13th A.L.H.

8. Half B. Coy 1st Anzac Cyclist Corps

9. 5th Field Amb (Bearer sub-div)

10. O.C. Advanced Guards Artillery

11. O.C. 6th Field Coy

12. 116th H. Battery

13. 122th H. Battery.

14. 2nd Aust. Div. "G"

15.  '' " " "Q"

16. G.O.C.

17. Staff Capt.

18. O.C. 17th A.A.S.C.

19. Brigade Sig. Officer.

20. 20th Imp. Brigade.

21. 5th A.I. Bde

22. 6th A.I. Bde

23. 3rd Squad R.F.C.

24. 15th A.I. Bde.

25. War Diary

26. File

27 to 30 Spare

31. Reconnaissance Off. 1st Anzac H.A.






ADDENDUM to Operation Order No. 89.


Reference MAPS 57 C.N.W 2 VAULX-VRAUCOURT 1/10,000.

57cN.W Ed.5.A. 1/20,000.


(1) To map reference in Operation Order No. 89 add

57 c.N.[?].2 VAULX-VRAUCOURT 1/10,000.

(2) Care will be taken that summer time is adopted in

reckoning Zero time.

(3) The 20th Brigade is attacking LONGATTE simultaneously

with our attack on LAGNICOURT.

(4) The C.O. 25th Battalion will arrange to keep in close

touch with the Right of the 20th Brigade.

(5) After the capture of LAGNICOURT and after the posts

mentioned in para 2 of Operation Order No. 89 have been

established the C.O. 27th Battalion will sand strong

patrols to reconnoitre NOREUIL and if it is unoccupied they

will push through it. Posts will then be established on

the general line C.17.d.7.4., C.17.central, C.10.c.5.95.

If 20th Brigade attack has succeeded, the line will be

carried to C.3.central   If this attack fails the line will

be established along the line C.9.d.55.95, C.9.c.7.5.,

C.8.d.15.65 where touch will be established with the

nearest post of the 20th Brigade.

(6) For the purpose of the operation the boundary between

the 20th Brigade and the 7th Australian Brigade will be the

road C.15.b.7.2., C.8.b.5.8., C.3.central.

(7) On the 20th Brigade gaining LONGATTE the 25th Battalion

will push forward patrols to establish posts linking up the

Right of the 20th Brigade and the Left of the 27th Battalion

Should NOREUIL be unoccupied the 25th Battalion posts will

be established on the line C.10.c.F5.95., C.3.central, at

which points it will be in touch with the 27th Battalion

and the 20th Brigade respectively.

(8) A contact Aeroplane will fly over the line at about

7.0 a.m. (new time)

(9) Order No.89 para 2 line 3. For C.18.c.3.7. read


(signed) N. WELLINGTON, Captain,

A/Brigade Major, 7th Australian Infantry Brigade

Distribution as per Order No. 89.


Task Table 'A' (issued with 2nd Aust. Div. Artillery Order No.22)


Unit Time Task
'A' Bty ^4th AFA Brigade 0.0. to 0.20.

Road C.17.c.00.55 to C.16.b.1.3.

thence to C.16.a.45.55.

'B' Bty " " " " "

C.18.a.45.55. to C.16.a.20.65 to


'C' Bty " " " " " C.10.c.1.2. to C.9.b.0.6
104th How. Bty " " "

Road junction at C.10.c.25.05

C.10.c.5.1. C.10.c.7.3. C.10.c.65

C.10.c.8.1 C.10.c.95.10.

'A' Bty 5th AFA Brigade " " "

C.23.d.95.00 to C.23.s.1.1. to


'B' " " " " " " " C.23.d.25.35 to C.23.d.7.9.
'C' " " " " " " " C.23.d.7.9. to C.33.b.45.45.
'D' " " " " " " "

C.23.b.45.45 to C.23.b.55.75 to


'E' " " " " " " " C.17.d.0.1. to C.17.c.00.55.
105th How. Bty " " "

C.23.d.40.15, C.23.b.45.45 Road

Junctions at C.24.c.05.50.50, C.23.d.

95.75,C.23.b.8.4. C.23.b.35.75.



All Batteries 4th AFA Bde 0.20 to 0.30 As in Phase 1.

'A' 'B' & 'E' 5th " "


" " "

Creep back to N.E. Rate one lift

50 yards every 2 minutes

'C'  X Bty 5th AFA Bde 0.30 " 0.40

Search road from C.18.d.00.25 to


'D' Bty 5th AFA Bde

0.20 " 0.24


0.24 to 0.30


Search road from C.17.d.7.1. to


Search back to N.E. rate one lift

of 50 yards every 2 minutes.

105th How Battery 0.20 to 0.30

Roads from C.24.b.25.35 to C.24.b

95.35 (3) and C.24.b.20.35 to




Task Table 'B" (Issued with 2nd Aust. Div. Order No.22) Action by

14th A.F.A. Brigade Batteries

'A' 18 pndr Bty    
14th A.F.A Bde


0.0 to 0.15

0.15 " 0.20

0.20 " 0.30



Road C.23.d.95.00 to C.39.b.75.00

C.23.d.95.00 to C.29.b.85.30.

Lift back from C.23.d.95.50 to

C.24.c.6.0. through village east

Road C.24.c.D-3 C.23.d.95.80 -

C.24.a.35.30, Rate lift 100 yards


0.30 to 0.40
Search road from C.18.c.75.00 to
'B' 18 pndr Bty


0.0 to 0.20

0.20 to 0.40


Road C.24.c.15.10 to C.30.a.65.65
Lift back N.E. at rate 200 yards

per minute to road C.24.b.10.25

D.10.c.0.4. and resting there.


x **  

'C' Bty 5th AFA Bde 0.20 to 0.50


Creep back to N.E. rate one lift

of 50 yards every 2 minutes


Sheet C
Diagram - see original document


–            MAP            –

Illustrating the Battle



Diagram - see original document


Ref: Map. 57c N.W.     FIELD SURVEY COY        Scale: - 1:10,000.



Date    21/1/18




Dispositions Before & After the Battle


"LAGNICOURT" 26th March 1917.

Diagram - see original document

Ref: Map. 57c N.W.   FIELD SURVEY COY    Scale: - 1:20,000.



Date    21/1/18


FL. 4151.





30 July 1929.


Dear Sir,

In writing the account of the battle of Lagnicourt

for Volume IV of the Official History of the War, I have

found some difficulty in describing the part played by the

26th Battalion, and especially by your company and Captain

Cherry. The records hardly mention what occurred -

(i) in the attack on the buildings at the entrance

of the village,

(ii) in the attack on the hedges,

(iii) in the attack on the crater.

Concerning the German counter-attack the records are rather


I enclose a rough sketch of the village. If you

can remember what happened and would note down for me (on the

back of the sketch, if you prefer) your recollections of the

events as you saw them, I should be most grateful.


Yours faithfully

H.H. Bieske, Esq.,

251, Chapple Street,

Broken Hill,



327 Wyman St

Broken Hill

N. S. Wales

6th Aug 1929


Mr C.E.W. Bean

Victoria Barracks



Dear Sir,

Your communication dated 30th July

containing a request for information re

the battle of Lagnicourt arrived safely

to hand & in reply thereto I can feel

that I can perhaps supply a certain

amount of the information you require,

with regard to the movements of C

Company commanded by Capt Cherry & who

was entrusted with the task of penetrating

the village.

Zero time was 5 a.m. 26-3-17 & the night was

about the blackest I have seen. The village

was as it had been all along in complete

darkness giving the idea that it had 

been evacuated but we were all of one

mind in thinking otherwise.

Capt Cherry divided his Company in two

portions, then one half under Lieut Hamilton

with whom I was placed taking the left of

the road while Cherry with Lieut Corner advanced



along the road. All went well until

we arrived within about 50 yards of the

village when we received the full effect

of machine guns. Hamilton was one of

the first to fall & sang out to me to 

take charge, so on I went, but we were

caught by a wide awake Fritz who pxxred

machine-gunned us & when I entered the 

first line of trenches marked A I did

so with only five men, the remainder

approx 45 men being casualties.

Fritz cleared & did not wait to count my

small band. A machine gun was busy

at the left front so I took my band

over & we bombed them out without losing

one of the small party. We then found 

ourselves in the al second line of

trenches marked B. Here again Fritz

did not wait. I paused here to

consider my next move. To my left all

was quiet & on the right I could hear

rifle shots which sounded too far away

to have come Cherry. I then came

to the conclusion that Cherry & his

men were wiped out so I decided to

go to the right & investigate. Anyway

I made up my mind for the time being



to keep clear of the road as I was

not strong enough to encounter resistance.

Accordingly I crossed the road, & as

I did not meet Cherry I was now sure

he was gone. Rifle shooting was distinct on

my right front, & this I considered came

from Lloyd's Coy so with the idea of

linking up with him I took the track

I have marked until I came upon a

road without meeting any resistance.

Here we paused & listened. Hearing voices

to the left we went in their direction

& soon I came right on a Fritz officer.

He was more surprised than I as

I had come from behind. Realizing

it was all or nothing I pushed my

revolver straight into his tummy,

made him put his hands up &

march down in front of us. Then the

fun began. Fritz came from nowhere &

off they went at the gallop with my

five lads firing along the road at

them. Like a fool I forgot my

prisoner & the next thing I knew

was he had a bear hug on me & 

both my arms pinned so that I could

not use my revolver. Catch as catch

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