Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/253/1 - 1918 - 1939 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
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AII 6. flying & band playing & were received by the Fleaish & Walloon citizens in an eathusiastec manner. How well these people treated res! I was billettee with M. Robilliard - the accountant of a large own works - & became one of the family at once. The kindness of Monsiewr & Madame was overwhelming In the infanting all ranks below, say, brigade commender are simply Autoinators fattalion commanders have perhaps a little latitude when steeats are on but the rest are simply puppets who dance when the trings are pulled. Speaking generally the individual is comfletely rsolatio within his battalion. He hardly knows what the next battalion is doing, but. plods through existence in a selfcontained commenity of about a thousand men. Off duty he seldom praternizes with men of other units though ready at all times to meet them in sporting contests. Gcowise, all this builds up espret decoips. & the dictrie of my battalion, right or wrong. his spirit of devotion to the wet is really a
Marvellous thing, & permeates all ranks. Few men who have been on active service with a battelion fail to develop an intense regard for the unit. The honour of the battalion becomes a personal matter, & the seatement persists untie the old soldier digs in forthe last time service in the renhs is practically a period of arrested meatal develobment. The occasions when a man is allowed to trenk for himself are few and far between He is governed by rule and regulation every moment of his existence. Tis is probably quite necessary to ensure that the war machine will work, but it puts vion into the Toul many a time and oft.
CAPTAIN LONCMOREIS MESSAGES TO AATH BATTALION 8 August 1918. 6 a.m. The advance is continuing but in disconnected parties who have lost touch owing to the fog and smake. All units are well mixed. I have at present party of about 100 advancing in 9180. Some parties are ahead of me and some on left flank. No touch on right. No shellfire and no opposition. Nothing to stop 4th Div. coming through except possibility of losing themselves. The fog and smoke are awful. 7 a.m. Have reached my objective, Kate and Thin Wood, with a mixed crowd. Am reorganising and digging in. One of our guns firing between Kate and Thin Woods, firing very short (4 or 5 inch gun). Fritz plane flew over very low two minutes ago. In touch with 35th on right, and C & D on left. I will send xxt full particulars of line as soon as possible. Everything O.K. for 4th Dive to hop through. 8020 a.m. 4th Div. and tanks passed through me at Green Lyne at Everything now O.K. Casualties 1 killed I wounded 8020 7 missing.
a Rec Aug17- - AUGUST S BATTLE Impressions of a 14th Bn. Soldier Morcourt had been strongly heid, and its easy canture was a surprise to us. We raked the town for stragelers, of when 200 were found, and sent back to the rear. Everywhere we saw evidence of the hurried exit of the divisional head quarters of the enemy. in a large canteen we helped curselves to the best we could And there, including connac.... When we reached the tep of a lttle rise we could see our fellows, a ten indred yards off, advancing in an increasing opposition machine gua and riffe Are, and, fur- ther on, the Germans re-ergantsing Then there was an air Aght. 14 lasted only a tew minutes. planes outnumbered those a enemy, and chased them home. Just on our immediate frent Ave planes came down in just those few minutes. two of ours and three Fritzes. The 16th Sn. was to come on, free over us and carry on to the Ana objective. The 16th Ba. men came along in Whippet tanks. On being disgorged they stood about vemitial as the result of the stiffing atmosphere and the rocking metion of the tanks.... For all of us it was a day of stunts and thrills and terrible fatigues, but it was achool plenle cempared with some of the frightful ineffective nerve-destreying Hghts we had on the Samme in 1916-17.— Extracts from an account of the August 8. 1918. Aghting the late Sot. W. H. Boyes, D.C.M., M.M., 14th Plateen, Coy., 14th 8a., A.L.F., who died on March 18, 1935.
673. decay and mutilation, and I would, after, (strugglin free from the earth, pick up a body by me to lift him out with me, and find him a decayed corpse. 1 pulled a head off - was covered with blood. The horror was indescribable. In the dim misty light of dawn I collected about 50 men and sent them off, mad with terror, on the right track for home. Then two brave fellows stayed behind and helped me with the only unburied wounded man we could find. The journey down with him was awful. He was delirious — I tied one of his legs to his pack with one of my puttees. On the way down 1 found another man and made him stay and help us. It was so terribly slow. 14 We got down to the first dressing station. There I met another of our men who was certain that his cobber was lying wounded in that barrage of fire. I would have given my immortal soul to get out of it but I simply had to go back with him and a stretcher-bearer. We spent two hours in that devastated village searching for wounded — but all were dead. The sights I saw during that search, and the smell, can, I know, never be exceeded by anything else the war may show me. I went up again the next night and stayed up there. We were shelled to hell ceaselessly. K went mad and disappeared. the expervences to which were The infantry andsed at this stage were subjectedt expenies ripped away in a few moments all thosepre conventions behind which civilised men shelter their true souls even from the milder breezes of life, and left them facing the storm supported only by the naked framework of their character. The strain eventually became so great that what is rightty Known as courage - the will to persist — would not suffice, since, however keen his will, the machinery of a man'’s self-control might become deranged. The same officer wrote: I have had luck and kept my nerve so far. The awful Sepoint difficulty is to keep it. The bravest of all often lose it courage does not count here. It is all nerve — once that goes one becomes a gibbering maniac. The noise of our own guns, the enemy’s shells, and the getting lost in the darkness.... Only the men you would have trusted and believed in before proved equal to it. One or two of my friends stood splendidly, like granite rocks round which the seas stormed in vain. They were all junior officers; but many other fine men broke to pieces. Every one called it shell shock, but shell shock is very rare. What 90 per cent get is justifiable funk, due to the collapse of the helm - of self-control. The shelling at Pozieres did not merely probe character and nerve; it laid them stark naked as no other experience of the A.I.F. ever did. In a single tour of this battle, divisions were subjected to greater stress than in the whole Gallipoli campaign. The shell-fire was infinitely worse than that subse- quently experienced in the third Battle of Ypres, but with one mitigating circumstance: it was only the infantry and their associated front-line units who suffered severely. The bombard-
157 Point Fonsdale victoria Juse 192 Dear Mr Bazley I am in receipt of your letter of the 25th ultims in reference to Dean Dedimarde & Harvey & am obliged for your information. In reference to Dedimarde cascalty my list fom the department set aut his death on I think 8th aujust 16. As I knew he had been recommended for a deccation time for his tervices about that I knew it was a mistake which I get rectified y inquiries. We died in September 1916 as a result of the Mauquet farm operatices. Harvey died P.W. (captured at Bullicourt but Bdnet know his meart of Lin.
other austhiatian papers presiceus tunt the Deant lorse thes etter wisthent Victorian ones were Very poor & quite failed expressing my appreciation of your last to do it justice. Volencce which desirves all that has been you will pardon ree for pointing said about it - & morey Only ace View satisfied me - the oly one that I saw which out two mistakes (certainly not teriousaces) my which I noticed immediately as I know grasped the spirit of the Work - wattut the 14 Dattalim Story y hart. I am in the Milbourne Heralds Written y the Writing fom memory as my chapter, Reuscabout whe I understand is an ex 19 for both mistakes accive in the same digger. Some of them were Very poor & is in the printers hands mavisting, In the goran counter raid almost all betray that fatal autialian on thi t of 3rd July the 14th cascralties are set out defect - lack of imagination. I sent oer as eleven. I think eleven was the mumber Beau the review of the Ballarat Carrien of the killed. The casualties (speaking which I thought might not have comsunder againpe memory were just about his notice. It was written ye cotton the Editor forty. 3f you look up the 14th Battation I was told. The interesting part to wue was the list of Ballarat Sddeers mentioned in the diary I think you will find my statement Volene though some (E.G. Eric Brind) were confimned. The other is that the Bayes who missed out. I hope when the next Vdume distinguished himself there was not Frank caes out some paper asks me to review it. (T. H. Bayw but his brither Bill M. H. Boyes Except the Sydney Bulletin of exerse I have not seen tho U.S.W. Qcceenstand I
Frant Boyes was an dugual 14th man & finally got a commissio. Bitl Bayes won two disoratios in Eleven days (N.Y a 8.8.18 and the D.C.M on 19.8.18 - the latter at which he was badly wounded & a very pinopiece of Work, for which there was some talk of recommending him fer the nd V.C. Bill Boyes left australia in the 2 reinforcuments of the 29th Battalion which were in charge of my So & Lt Tovell, Half of them joined the 14h under my son the other half jound the 46 under Tovell Subsegeently who was not a fighting soldier & got several new fighting jobs. I mention the above so that when the next Edition of the 3rd Volume is published it can be rectified. at your lesure (for sam in no hurry) you might lt me have the Pozieres carrespondece that I forwarded you. I intend &r hand it all aw (except oue or two who way want then maniscripts back) tc Myr
Ireloar to be Kgpt permaneutty. altn Mr Murray who is doing the maps for my history is (he toldrnce) going to sydncy this week. He expected to bee you & Mer Bean. I have had a Worrying time precently as my sister-in-law who is or wsreally 60) has undergane a servais operation & for a day or two I thought we would lose her. My brother too is in a hospital at Darlinghurst & he to0 is 65. With best Wishes to yea & Mr Beau &I hope you will be both vory spared to carry out the great Work you are enjayed in The mental effort io doed must be tremendan My little job has been quite enaughfu me. I could never have tackled youurs Volumes. Yours Sincerely Newton Wanliss
Lt-Col. J.Craven D.C.M. C.O. 25149 Battalion, Kelvin Grove, BRISBAN Hilderstone Street, Kangaroo Point, STH BRISBANE. C 12th. June 1933. Capt. Bean Official Historian, Victoria Barracks, SLDNEY. Dear Sir) As you are now busily engaged on the 1918 Volune of the there are a few incidents of the August 8th. 1918 Official History - advance which may or may not have come under your notice and as a participant and eye witness of that battle 1 put then before you for your consideration. Rank at Time LL. J. CRAYEN, D.C.M.. Sisnalling Officer 14th. Battalion A.L.I 1 am difinately of the opinion that the Howitzer of large calibre, supposed to be British, which fired several Shells when (we were moving up the Cerisy-GaileyRd, to leap-frog through the Green line, narrowly missing the C.O. Col. Crowther and self and afterwards wounding Dr. Trumble and Killing several Ambulance men, was a German Gun from North of the Somme, in rear of our advance owing to failure of Troops to advance there. When our 14th. Battalion with its left Flank on the 2. Cerisy Road hopped over at 8.20 a.m. there was a heavy enemy machine gun and rifle fire- and to ny intense astonishment an A.S.C. Limber followed by others, drove up over the Road in full view of the enemy, and level with our advanced Infantry, the driver whistling, and a miracle of miracles he retired quickly without damage, this was at the time when the advance was momentarily held up and diggers were looking with one eye over the edge of Shell holes. The Cerisy ridge opposite seemed thickly manned by enemy, like bees on a hive, who retired when the tanks approached. After the occupation of the next ridge overlooking Morcourt we could see large parties of Germans escape along the banks of the Somme. Our B. Company (Capt. Cole) our left Company of the Battalion was experiencing shelling by a German Battery which could be plainly seen by me on the North side of the Somme. Then I saw a very valiant action, a Battery of Guns gallopped up about 200 yds. in our rear, unlimbered and I watched the German Gunners align on to them and open fire, causing great damage, and the horses again gallopped up limbered up and I again saw the Germans load and fire, causing further great damage, it was a wonderful act of gallantry on the horsemens! part whoever they were - eventually 4 M.C. Cuns of the (4th. M.C.Coy. 1 think) silenced this enemy Battery. It was on this ridge mentioned in para 3. that I think I got the first message back to Gen. Brand of the position between 9 and 10 a.m. 1 noticed 2 Brigade linemen running a line under the edge of the ridge across to the 15th. Battalion and 1 got a Telephone and tapped in said General we are now on the ridge in front of Morcourt." He apparently had no news of the advance for some time and said so, he was very andyed, and rightly so, at my ambiguous message (in front of Morcourt) but he was very 40

flying & band playing & were received by the
Flemish and Walloon citizens in an enthusiastic
manner. How well these people treated us!
I was billetted with M. Robilliard - the
accountant of a large iron works - & became
one of the family at once. The kindness of
Monsieur & Madame was overwhelming

In the infantry all ranks below, say, a
brigade commander are simply automatons
Battalion commanders have perhaps a little
latitude when stunts are on, but the
rest are simply puppets who dance when
the strings are pulled. Speaking generally
the individual is completely isolated
within his battalion. He hardly knows
what the next battalion is doing, but
plods through existence in a self-contained
community of about a thousand men.
Off duty he seldom fraternizes with men of
other units, though ready at all times to
meet them in sporting contests. Of course,
all this builds up esprit de corps. & the
doctrine of "my battalion, right or wrong."
This spirit of devotion to the unit is really a


marvellous thing, & permeates all ranks.
Few men who have been on active service
with a battalion fail to develop an
intense regard for the unit. The honour
of the battalion becomes a personal matter,
& the sentiment persists until the old
soldier "digs in" for the last time.
Service in the ranks is practically
a period of arrested mental development.
The occasions when a man is allowed to
think for himself are few and far between.
He is governed by rule & regulation every
moment of his existence. This is
probably quite necessary to ensure
that the war machine will work, but
it puts iron into the soul many a
time and oft.


8 August 1918.
6 a.m. The advance is continuing but in disconnected parties who have
lost touch owing to the fog and smoke. All units are well
mixed. I have at present party of about 100 advancing in Q18c.
Some parties are ahead of me and some on left flank. No touch
on right. No shellfire and no opposition. Nothing to stop
4th Div. coming through except possibility of losing themselves.
The fog and smoke are awful.
7 a.m. Have reached my objective, Kate and Thin ? Wood, with a mixed
crowd. Am reorganising and digging in. One of our guns firing
between Kate and Thin Woods, firing very short (4 or 5 inch gun).
Fritz plane flew over very low two minutes ago. In touch with
35th on right, and C & D on left. I will send xxx full
particulars of line as soon as possible. Everything O.K. for
4th Div. to hop through.
8.20 a.m. 4th Div. and tanks passed through me at Green Line at
8.20 a.m. Everything now O.K. Casualties 1 killed 1 wounded
7 missing.


Aug 1935

Impressions of a 14th Bn Soldier
Newspaper article. See original


decay and mutilation, and I would, after, struggling free from
the earth, pick up a body by me to lift him out with me, and
find him a decayed corpse. I pulled a head off, was covered
with blood. The horror was indescribable. In the dim misty

light of dawn I collected about 50 men and sent them off, mad
with terror, on the right track for home. Then two brave
fellows stayed behind and helped me with the only uburied
wounded man we could find. The journey down with him was
awful. He was delirious - I tied one of his legs to his pack
with one of my puttees. On the way down I found another man
and made him stay and help us. It was so terribly slow.
[* Start -
8 - point
1¾ - *] We got down to the first dressing station. There I met
another of our men who was certain that his cobber was lying
wounded in that barrage of fire. I would have given my
immortal soul to get out of it but I simply had to go back
with him and a stretcher-bearer. We spent two hours in that
devastated village searching for wounded - but all were dead.
The sights I saw during that search, and the smell, can, I
know, never be exceeded by anything else the war may show me.
I went up again the next night and stayed up there. We
were shelled to hell ceaselessly. X went mad and disappeared..
The experiences to which the infantry indeed were at this stage were subjected to such
experiences as ripped away in a few moments all those protective
conventions behind which civilised men shelter their true souls
even from the milder breezes of life, and left them facing the
storm supported only by the naked framework of their character.
The strain eventually became so great that what is rightly
known as courage - the will to persist - would not suffice,
since, however keen his will, the machinery of a man's
self-control might become deranged. The same officer wrote:
I have had luck and kept my nerve so far. The awful
difficulty is to keep it. The bravest of all often lose it -
courage does not count here. It is all nerve - once that goes
one becomes a gibbering maniac. The noise of our own guns, the 
enemy's shells, and the getting lost in the darkness . . .  .
Only the men you would have trusted and believed in before
proved equal to it. One or two of my friends stood splendidly,
like granite rocks round which the seas stormed in vain. They
were all junior officers; but many other fine men broke to
pieces. Every one called it shell shock, but shell shock is
very rare. What 90 per cent get is justifiable funk, due to
the collapse of the helm - of self-control.
The shelling at Pozières did not merely probe character and 
nerve; it laid them stark naked as no other experience of the
A.I.F. ever did. In a single tour of this battle, divisions
were subjected to greater stress than in the whole Gallipoli
campaign. The shell-fire was infinitely worse than that subsequently
experienced in the Third Battle of Ypres, but with one
mitigating circumstance: it was only the infantry and their
associated front-line units who suffered severely. The bombard-


[* Corrections
Noted Vol 3
& [[HN]]
Vol VI *]
Point Lonsdale
5th June 1929
Dear Mr Bazley
I am in receipt of your letter
of the 25th ultimo in reference to Dean
Dodemaide & Harvey & I am obliged for
your information.
In reference to Dodemaide
my ∧ casualty list from the department set out his
death on I think 8th August 16. As I knew
he had been recommended for a decoration
for his services about that ∧ time I knew it was
a mistake which I got rectified by
inquiries. He died in September 1916 as
a result of the Mouquet farm operations.
Harvey died P.W. (captured at Bullecourt)
but I don't know his next of kin.



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