Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/229/1 - December 1918 - February 1919 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Jan 30. Saihs in Princisslas an oh Sonutampton S.Malo packet which has been reanny ferry trips between Salonica & Medws for two years. Jan 31. Atsea alday. Feb 1. Arrised in Evening at Suda Bey, Crete. Te dd Munnewasta is on the rocks Tibt. outside - the ship I landed from at Augac. Feb 2. Sailed at II am. from ida Byj. Feb.S at sea allday. Reached Mudros at dusk. Stayed on board allnight Fet Y. Rest Camp at Lemnos near site of our oe No 3 AgH. walked to Termal. FebS. walked to varos-after seevy paves at E. Madios. on return got a w phose
Capt Woods aff messeg from MLO, to say we were to straght to Princess Ena sailing at Bam- Feb. 6. At down this mornin we were of Inbros aiy round th N. Side it Pound foct of Penensule, past old breakwallershere & Rever Clyds into Darsanelles, Maay 8 guaforts. H. Thauck, whise our party anded, Withins & I lef them & went tan on to constentinoply to amayber to detects of Turkish oids of campag dit 7s Constent wpale. went o goe- May cameon selfe wett i us. Fet.8 waseffa – Col. Marphy & Col. Crawford promisedt Diske Feb ye woode with Harod woods formerly of angaccous Intellyence Febr0. seedss to Eyor tustsalit Inparteed sebn wow, on board Kapurthala Feb. 12. On Eecurtiale FFour camp near R. Babr a Canctery 3000 tarkisl haves inel 3 Germans of Pioncer Atachments K. in Cuut. & one suck doctor Feb. 13. Saileton Kepurthate for thanat. Feb 14. ared at Chanat. Found wession crossing today with 5 horses, limbes & f m & working pty of Ewtic alder provided 515 Dun Shanah & J.R.S telbeh
Ler Stopper night at old Turk hospital near Cham Burne where T.H. were camped last manth. Feb. 15. Lestnight near our amp we noticed four croases. we ct over & foumd a cemetery went to Angac panng camp O H. Haghes, Anzac Field troop, fast. Eages (& Seryt wootley his Ant) betanged in Legge valley. Feb 16. weat over cometeries with Hughes. Result of this is a reports wh I wrote tonight for Cablin to High Commr & to austie
24 party went over the Track followed by H.V Howe, 11 Bn, on Ap. 25 1915. Feb. 17 went to the N. Side of Ars Burna for its starting Party point Buchanan marked the following points on his max at my request. B handing of Howe's Boat (one of Draks Brockman's fow). This boat struck the shore N of Are Barnn coming in the direction shown. One boat (left Goat (overing force) was still further lift (N) Fabb 100yds. Howes party threw of its packs & started up the scrub immediately climbing one of the underfatures (marked by
Buchanan's tractng) of Plugus Platian As they went ap they saw one or 2 Tarks moving on Skgline. an Position where these turks were ceen (2) sum Position of shallow Turhish French Cotopaphed by wilkins) which was first l met with. Our twike lying down in it aptured. (W. photepaphed be shore from this trench to show vies wh. Tarks had). (4) Where Howe unders tood annear to have been killed - on parapet of Turk b on sammit. Howe got on top about D. [ Turks were then running back lowds right on Plyres Falian but 105 911 were reaching top of Enaclagan's Hill & then to were) left to them by D(B. orders.) rom where Howe reached the lon, two wirk y can
26 in derection of wire Gully – which shows from here as breek in the ridge acvos Shrgnel v 269 1/1141 wch Pluges Platian rises markedly to the Towds. left ton corner of the platian £ two tarks gamped up, shot Batt beside Howe & ran off. Howe went on this way of reached the Edge of Rest Gally looking down on it from a high scmubby point sast on the inland side of the cnife Edge ridge connecty it with walkess. Here DB began to reorganise the 11thBn. There were two to here, one dead, one badly wod with brain hanging out. I/B tried to give him morphia tk ws reaching for his water Cottle & one i an put it in his hand
evidently Sketch A te 233/1 CEw. B. 7774 45 as his stage is was liyght tarks were moving at were fully. Our man, Howe thinks. were by this time (2pr lates) moving ap the worthern Pace of Mr Cays Hidl - advancin tarks our ma 2/60 boy moved down from Plugpes by a wandeing pate (there are two patis – this was the Northrin most) (see shelch in field note book – taken from (6) (5)) tark tenls. where DB Coy reonanised under edge of Rest fully 63 they were I hour at 6.
(7) 28 From hers they moved up Phsapnal valley. (Near the Pick handle stuck in ground - wh man thangtt a mine at junction of Rest & Strapual valleys - someone pve Howe a con of amum to carry). In Smrapsel Valley salvoes of 3 shrapnel shell from direction of 971 began. Poing apere Howe found Maclagan on 2nd Day (later 5t Bn Hers. Neaclamin E. Jas above is and theyds to lef). as core where shrap ntly hes into Monas (past jully on left gulle t toh is annamed 1 200 men were sent of to took for ers who wer thought to be on 15pur wark

Jan 30. Sailed in Princess Ena

an old Southhampton St Malo

fol packet which has

been running ferry trips

between Salonica & Mudros

for two years.

Jan 31. At sea all day.

Feb 1. Arrived in Evening at

Suda Bay, Crete. The old

Minnewaska is on the rocks

Feb 1. All outside - the ship I

landed from at Anzac.

Feb 2. Sailed at 11 a.m. from

Suda Bay.

Feb. 3 At sea all day. Reached

Mudros at dusk. Stayed

on board all night.

Feb. 4. Rest Camp at Lemnos

near site of our old No 3 A.G.H.

walked to Thermac.

Feb 5. Walked to Varos - after

seeing graves at E. Mudros.

On return got a wire phone



message from M.LO ^Capt Woodruff to say

we were to go straight to

Princess Ena sailing at 6pm.

Feb. 6. At dawn this morning

we were off Imbros -

going round the N. Side

of it. Round foot of Peninsula, past

old breakwater ships & River Clyde into Dardanelles.

Many 8 gun forts. L At Chanak, where our party

landed, Wilkins & I left them & went

on to Constantinople to arrange obtain if possible 

details details of Turkish side of campaign

Feb 7. at Constantinople. went to G.H.Q. - Maj. Cameron helped
Feb 8. ^went to Turkish War Office - Col. Murphy & Col. Crawford promised to


Feb 9. Woods SangDined with Harold Woods formerly of Anzac Corps


Feb 10. ^Saw Gen. Deedas

Feb 11. Wires- ^sent to to Eng. & Australia. Embarked on board Kapurthala

Feb. 12. On Kapurthala

At our Camp near K. Bahr a cemetery of

3000 Turkish graves incl 3 Germans of

Pioneer detachments k. in Aug. & one

Greek doctor

Feb. 13. Sailed on Kapurthala for Chanak.

Feb. 14. Arrd at Chanak. Found messine

crossing today with 5 horses, limber & 4 mules

& working pty of 8 English soldiers provided

by 28th Divn (at Chanak) & G.R.O. Kilid Bahr.



Feb 1x  Stopped night at old
- Turk hospital near Cham

Burnu where 7th L.H. were camped last month.

Feb. 15. This mor Last night near

our camp we noticed four crosses.

We went over & found a cemetery

Went to Anzac passing camp

of Lt F. Hughes, Anzac Field Troop,

Aust. Engrs (& Sergt Woolley his

Asst). We Camped in Legge Valley.

Feb 16. Went over cemeteries

with Hughes.  Result of this

is in xx reports wh I

sent in wrote tonight for

cabling to High Commr & to









Feb. 17. Party went over the

Track followed by H.V. Howe, 11 Bn, on Ap. 25 1915.

Party went to the N. side of Ari Burnu for its starting

point & Buchanan marked the following points on his

map at my request.

(1.) Landing of Howe's boat (one of Drake Brockman's 
tow). This boat struck the shore N of Ari Burnu

coming in the direction

shown. One boat (left ofboat 

covering force) was still
Hand drawn diagram - see original document

further left (N) by abt 100 yds. Howes party threw

off its packs & started up the scrub immediately

climbing one of the underfeatures (marked by



Buchanan's tracing) of Plugges Plateau.

As they went up they saw one or                        

2 Turks moving on skyline.

Hand drawn diagram - see original document

(2) Position where these Turks were seen.

(3) Position of shallow Turkish Trench

(photographed by Wilkins) which

was first trench met with. One

Turk lying down in it captured.

(W photographed the shore from this trench to show view wh. Turks had).

(4) Where Howe understood Annear to have been killed - on parapet

of shelte Turk trench on summit. Howe got on top about (2).

[Turks were then running back towds right on Plugges Plateau

but 10th & 9th were reaching top of Maclagan's Hill & these

T's were left to them by D/B. orders.]

From where Howe reached the top, two Turk trenches ran



in direction of Wire Gully - which shows from here as a

break in the ridge

across Shrapnel Valley.                   

Hand drawn diagram - see original document

Plugge's Plateau rises markedly to the N.

Towds. left top corner of the plateau   
Hand drawn diagram - see original document                   

two Turks jumped up, shot ^Pte Batt

beside Howe & ran off.

Howe went on this way & reached the edge of Rest Gully

looking down on it from a high scrubby point just

on the inland side of the knife edge ridge connecting

it with Walkers. Here D/B began to reorganise the

11th Bn. There were two Ts here, one dead, one badly

wd with brain hanging out. D/B tried to give him morphia.

Turk ws reaching for his water bottle & one man put it

in his hand.



Sketch A

xxx 233/1



At this stage it was light. Turks were moving

at Wire Gully. Our men, Howe thinks, were

by this time (½ hr later) moving up the Northern

face of M'Cays Hill - advancing

Hand drawn Diagram - see original document

D/Bs Coy moved down from Plugges by a winding

path (There are two paths - this was the Northern

most) (see sketch in field note book - taken from (6))X

(5) Turk tents.

(6) Where D/Bs Coy reorganised under edge of Rest Gully

They were ½ hour at 6.



From here they moved up Shrapnel valley. (Near the

Pick handle stuck in ground - wh men thought a mine -

at junction of Rest & Shrapnel valleys - someone gave

Howe a box of ammn to carry).

In Shrapnel Valley salvoes of 3 shrapnel shell

from direction of 971 began.

(7) Point where Howe found Maclagan on 2nd Day

(later 5th Bn HQrs. Maclaurin ^later k. just above it and

few yds to left).

At corner where Shrap. Valley turns into Monash

Hand drawn diagram - see original document                                    
(past gully on left

which is unnamed)

200 men were

sent off to look for

Snipers who were thought to be on / spur marked ↓



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Diane WareDiane Ware
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