Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/225/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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L41 or t C Cay s t 1 221 Lond after 53 pashed off mored off in arty fonaton 5 as above. They got at 200 to 300y do when they came under heary mg. firs from Cabaret Im, Bony System wh ws on high god, & up valley ahesd of hhim. Te left us on I tanneb, 1 fire we so strong to they all kept to Irt 01 tunnel (32d Dir got well stopped there in an attempt later) Tannel protector less. Tey adod till they fot 5 14 kno 28 central They found 53 Bn still there & soc of 58 Bn still there Then 53Bn wh as tere mosed on. There ws a valley
W5 nrs to 5 2p 240 m o0 o t m 82 2 12t m 6 H. t 40 t t oa 4pN 1on1 back at them. Also pties of Jerms were still in 1wood & t our men were getting shots from Irear. These germs were nopped up without much trouble C parties of new who cdnt get away quick Enough They then jot touch W Maj. Murray just N. of Icemetery in I.Sandpit N of frty-back. They cosee to nt StD Ws still in ferman hands & decided to it 1s unwise to go on pirten fir (time being D loy had swenng back on ( lef to bik ot 23 Bn acon oh pls put & lickest with Is Bn?
S t 51524 16 acasy 10 o5 MN o no unforr aar pon 7 fannet mou aor 2o yd sax where 1oly crosse tunnel then it as reporres to & ferms were coming in force Ap 1 top o1 tunnel bank to Clattack. Capt Goldrick and ordered Coy to move back to 12 runnng out of C.T up 1 Nside of Cnal Bank in order to deal w thee posts first before advancing. Half Coy went along 12on topof Moun (crossing it) - the Americins held his. The S/P ws 200 yds out. The Americans asked for infor knew noting o1 fight. A Chadwick ten went out to his batman to rly catting - crawling along without being seen. He co see 1 m.9s. but 2t ferms at 1 moment. He camged back to 1 o W of mouned to get E.9. F C O.. Jast as he got beck
1S7 t in ca y g i t i i my e wea urr upsi My 222 O Tackson & Lergt Sallivan Dloy came up & asked where IPws. they were told + crawled along w side of bank, & Co batuar. They got along 1 botom ofbank till opp the ms. fost. Jast as they were crawling up to attack the were shot deadby a M.9. abt to yds away on their left in a bit of y. This wand known to I patrol. C04 or went out & got past Irly cutty towds fen when the same mg. opened on 1 patrol & putled thim up. They got out L.G.& fired on it. L.G. kept I fire down while they managed to craw found to where Tackson & Sullivan verer found both deads it ws inpossible to getr at this mp. a
209 Sep 9 5 n g re 2 good moy t as yo oot no 100t r o d some a lible to left covered it & fired on them. Fire also cane from along 1mound & from Bony They camebeck repated to Coldnick howthings were. Dering this time Goldrick had got 1 dispositis of 53 from Copt Thouse Tohnton (53) & it ws arrayed to S5 shd consistacros space to Nawroy live wh they were suppoded to be holding St Att 22D 5.2 Capt Goldrick gave orders for the Coy to form North o] C.J. soi abt 28C& advance. woods of A Coy ws in touch on 1 Nawroy line abt grid betw 22728 just w of line. Coy got abt as far as rly witout wuch five but as, soon as ty get over Iridge four down
AU 12b p 22 t o fo as a t t t t t 06 4 mon t. Ce oatly came 161 fire from Etealony Canay bank, from Bony, & from rly ridge - & close range LTMe & Whezzbangs on (for ridge - & L.T.Ms Dh Kny cd see firing fom down in valley. The Coy lt getting lowds 22C.D. Here us no one on lefs & 8 Chadvick on tumuel bank as tryig to fet some men to cover the left & (ferms were got being passed on les near, W. offtunnel. When Iorder ws go to get back, Eside of & into I trench under canal bank; Capt Goldrick & t Cohen had bu wod out there. He Coy reported to it as impossisle to get out to vay. So thry ioved back to
Mr Crs acgs s to you sy my pmgo In this attack serft who got down Irly line further then Any others. Tot a sight of members of Germs down Ivalley in a Suwken 2d - & got into Ar B Coyspositi & got a Le out again onto them. to pvi 3 2 409 8- n Go0y an FI Thinch. There to Chedwich ws baoh Hown up by a shell- 6 Pye reported to Capt Giblet. It wd be abot 10.30 then. There were a lot of cemalties out there. The Coy stayed there for I best part of day. Then abt 3 Pm. Half ofCoy went down Ocross to ArB loys & then owing to leavy nig. fire into Se Catelil y where Ax B were. Abt 6.30 pn 1 forms cd be sten massing in A22At D in numbers massed in a Sunken rd, & an advance of kin apptly patiots. A barray. linews wy obtained by Bn from A22C.1.6 to A22 5 B7.2 5o A 22D 8.6.8as 6
as h protogng- t t h N ma a by ynovong vonoE se s 9 t 9 S we l protect extreme pt of 53 at bend of trench. Stutesbury spoke to fiblets on phone & he od he wd beable to deal to anything by L.Gs. No Cfattack as made. Yeras cloared out very early next morning. The only gattack ws to Germs tried to foud them out down the Le Cat. lne – Here the Ryan St Bn won his V.C. he ferms were in 12 & also behiwd Ryan in the W. of Y - (in description in V.C. awaw This attack had bu made abt noon when Ao B Coys were in 1Y before Cloy Cot in. That night vestres were a recd bform an outpost t from Caual at A22C27
of 8 of ort E.H 7 o 53 o por 96L0S 3 m on o 1 i 5152 woyor o knowg t t athe t7 5 A22D 5.8 & heep touch to 30d Dir. His cont bedone Owny to dark till 4.30 am when it ws done fairly easily. The night as pretty quiet. In 1 after we bomber ferms down back into their countiy. It ws a bad place for him to actack into w as in both . Tereas a barrage to 7 morning Early for 15 Bdc & this piptened I ferms. his day Bn ws instrd to mose a lind from A16 Coutl to A23 cett. keeping touch a 3d division & 54 Pn on et. This bo a case for patiols & Coys afs. They ceptd a few Es. From thest they sent petrols
E Jackson K. Sergr Sullisan K. 4 Dillow & on Oct ( by shell just before advance. Capt. Goldrick wd as above - Captd several ng pots CSM Cantwell ws k leading a pts out a ni post aft 600r 1 on Sept 30. during nd advance along 1 mount, where Schadwit L Jackson ws k. 4 y 86F 4 27 my n yo a by saylight right wnto St Martin's village. Snone of howes thy caught a ferman patrol & the serft - an Absstian gave as good infar as to ferm intentions. ST Bn as reld there - on its Wil & relieving units (6. Inniskillen were able to get patrole in Country I of Joy & S Martin where we were On 30 Sept. A 85 of pesed be seem on Bospect Hill firmy fost after Bn had gone over I hill at Midday in Cattack where they had to come back. These guns te cearedout. On Sept 30 they knew & little as 5 positer of 3d Di on flank & heavy fire ws coming from Bony1 29go taken. heyits there.

in to fill / gap.  They cdnt
get 23 at all.
On / rt flank on /
edge o / cemetery were a
No. of open graves dug by
/ Germans.  They consolidated
these.  From / time they broke
cover from / wood they were
under arty fire from open
sights from guns on / three wooded
hills NE of Peronne.
On the St Quentin Quinsconce
Rd ws a sort of good or
ordnance yard & a no.
of huts.  E of this ws a Coal
dump & abt 9 a.m. this
Coal dump ws exploded by a
mine (abt I 21 B 4.7.

Imd after 53 pushed off
55 moved off in arty formatn
as above.  They got abt 200
to 300yds when they came
under heavy m.g. fire from
Cabaret Fm, Bony System
wh ws on high grd, & up /
valley ahead of them. The
left ws on / tunnel, /
fire ws so strong tt they all
kept to / rt o / tunnel (3rd
Div got well stopped there in an
attempt later) Tunnel protected
left. They advd till they got
to / trench thro' 28 Central.
They found 53 Bn still there &
some of 58 Bn still there.
Then 53Bn wh ws there
moved on. There ws a valley


just N of tt trench.  55 covered
them by an arrangement
as soon as they moved into
this dip, seeing tt they were
getting it heavily from Cab. Fm.
Lt Chadwick C Coy then got in tuch
w Capt Goldrick O.C. C Coy
to left in same trench & he ordered
them to move round / trench to /
left & get form up on / rly
cutting in 28A near / tunnel
so as to be in positn to attack
E at / original objve.  Capt
Giblet of a & B Coy ws getting into
positn at / same place for
/ same attack.  Just as they
were abt to form up for /
attack Lt Diggs Hill of 53 Bn
told Chadwick tt he had got into
v. hot water - a S.P. of Germs

back at them.  Also pties
of Germs were still in / wood & they
our men were getting shots
from / rear.  These Germs
were mopped up without
much trouble (parties of
men who cdnt get away
quick enough.
They then got touch
w Maj. Murray just N. of
/ Cemetery in / Sandpit
N. of / rly back.
They cd see tt Mt St Q
ws still in German hands &
decided tt it ws unwise to
go on further for / time being.
D Coy had swung back
on / left to link w / 23 Bn
& linked with ^a coy of 55 Bn they x wh ws put



A man behind him..
From there they changed
directn imd right to push
thro the Quinconce wood
(Anvil wood).
There ws no stiff resistance
in this wood.  (Currie's W.M Curray Gun
ws just on the 5th class Rd
on the NW side o / wood at
21 A 25.15.
After passing thro /
wood & getting into / open
they saw Germs running
away in front (7.15 a.m)
& were quite out of touch on
/ flanks.  The Germs saw them
pulling up & he too pulled up
& began to rally abt / St Arnis
Rd & / Sugar Refinery & to come

on top o / tunnel mound -
abt 20 yds past where / rly crosses / tunnel.

& then it ws reported tt

Germs were coming in force

up / top o / tunnel bank

to C/attack.
Capt Goldrick imd ordered /
Coy to move back to / trench running
out o / C.T. up / N side o /
Canal Bank in order to deal w
these posts first before advancing.
Half Coy went along / trench on top of
mound (crossing it) - the Americans
held this. The S/P ws 200 yds out.
The Americans asked for infn
knew nothing o / fight.  Lt Chadwick
then went out w his batman to /
rly cutting - crawling along without
being seen.  He cd see / but
no Germs at / moment.  He came
back to / trench on W of mound to get
a L.G. & 4 o.r.  Just as he got back 



On crossing this trench they
found fire coming from
/ left flank from another
trench N of / rd & parallel
to / rd.  They had to change - a S. Westerly continuatn of Save trench
direction left ^(further continued than shown on / map).  The men
lined / road & then at
once passed over it -
thus changing direction
& facing this obstacle.  There
ws no wire in front of of 
this trench.  Lieut W. Smith
ws wd in front of this trench -
the Coy rushed & took /
trench & one o / germ.  Prisoners
shot Lt Smith w an
Automatic revolver in / back.
Smith got in w his garrison
& had / garrison bailed up w
their hands up & was shot by

Lt Jackson & Sergt Sullivan D Coy
came up & asked where S/P ws.
They were told & crawled along
w side of bank, & C's batman.
They got along / bottom o / bank
till opp the m.g. post.  Just as
they were crawling up to attack they
were shot dead by a m.g. abt
20 yds away on their left in
a bit of trench.  This wsn't known
to / patrol.  The C & 4 or went
out & got past / rly cutting towds
/ gun S/P when the same m.g.
opened on / patrol & pulled them
up.  They got out L.G. & fired
on it.  L.G. kept / fire down
while they managed to crawl
round to where Jackson & Sullivan
were found both dead.  It ws
impossible to get  at this m.g. as



L. Gunners' got up & sprayed
their guns over / wire &
Smith & a number of
men made a rush &
got thro' / gap in / wire
on / road wh ws abt
/ left centre & / Coy.
When they got into these
strong posts / were
still boiling there - Smith there
found tt A Coy had lost
all its offrs ^except Lt Young & took it
from tt time under him.
Capt. Evers  wd.
Lt Tofler  wd
Lt Lamerton k.
Lt Young ws at tt moment
away on / rt flank.

some a little to left covered it
& fired on them: Fire also came from
along / mound & from Bony.
They came back & reported
to Goldrick how things were.
During this time Goldrick had
got / dispositns of 53 from Capt
Johnston Jhonson (53) & it ws arranged
tt 55 shd connect across
space to Nauroy line wh
they were supposed to be
holding at to abt  22 D 5.2
Capt Goldrick gave orders for
the Coy to form North o / C.T.
abt 28C & advance to join. This
ws Woods of A Coy ws in touch
on / Nauroy line abt grid betw
22 & 28 just W of / line.  Coy
got abt as far as rly without
much fire but as soon as they
got over / ridge going down / 



abt 250 yds after.
A Coy got well away &
were held up w two heavy
belts of strong unbroken wire
in front of Johannes trench,
Capt Smith noticed tt they
were held up & closed up
to give them Support.  There
ws an intense m.g. fire
on & Capt Smith found tt
/ men cdnt force a passage
thro / wire.  They were
held up for abt 30 mins.
This ws m.g. fire from / trench
& enfilade from Mt St Q.
Capt Smith got up to /
front Coy.  He told them it
wdnt do to be held up -
they had to get thro.  The

valley came under v. heavy
fire from ab right along Canal
bank, from Bony, & from
rly ridge - & close range
LTMs & Whizzbangs on / far
ridge - & L.T.Ms wh they
cd see firing from down in /
valley.  The Coy ws getting towds
22 C & D.  There ws no one
on left & Lt Chadwick on
tunnel bank ws trying to get
some men to cover the left -
& / Germs were got being passed
on / left rear, W. of / tunnel -
When / order ws gn to get back,
& into / trench ^close under / ^E side of / Canal
bank; Capt Goldrick & Lt Cohen
had bn wd out there.  The Coy
reported tt it ws impossible to get
out tt way.  So they moved back to



find / way into it & there ws a
nasty fire - so both got into
Florina.  They got into Florina trench
15 mins before Zero, when it ws
broad daylight.
On left it ws Lt Eastment

※ In this attack Sergt who got
down / rly line further than
any others.  got a sight of members
of Germs down / valley in a
sunken rd - & got into
A & B Coys positn & got a LG
out again onto them.

who bombed up Florina trench,
finally got a gap in / knife res
wire & moved / knife rests.
On rt A Coy (Capt Evers) led
off.  B Coy (under Capt Smith) folld

/ trench - There Lt Chadwick ws badly
blown up by a shell -
Lt Pye reported to Capt
Giblet. It wd be abt? 10.30 then.
There were a lot of casualties
out there.  The Coy stayed there
for / best part o / day.  Then
abt 3pm.  Half o / Coy
went down across to A& B
Coys & then owing to heavy m.g.
fire into / Le Catelet trench
where A & B were.
Abt 4.30 pm / Germs
cd be seen massing in A22 A &
B in numbers massed in a
Sunken rd, & in advance of
them apptly patrols.  A barrage
line ws laid down by obtained
by Bn from A 22C. 1.6 to A22
B 7.2 to A 22D 8.6. so as to



they took / trench along /
rly.  Guides ^of 23 Bn were to be
for each Coy - one came
for Bn, to time.  He wsnt
too sure of / way so
Maj Murray had to send
out a patrol.  This patrol
found tt Germs were occupying
Bns route lay (as marked,
up / rd to Prague trench & then
Coys had to turn into it.
C Coy (Maj Murray) had to fight
from / start.  This made them
abt 25 mins behind right in
getting away.
The right got into Florina
trench - the Support Coy ws supposed
to get into Prague, but it cdnt

protect extreme pt of 53 at /
bend o / trench.  Stuttsbury
spoke to Giblett on / phone & he
sd he wd be able to deal
w anything by L.Gs.  No C/attack
ws made.  Germs cleared out
very early next morning.
The only c/attack ws tt Germs
tried to bomb them out down
the Le Cat. line – Here Pte
Ryan 55 Bn won his V.C.
The Germs were in / trench &
also behind Ryan in the W. of
/ trench - (see description in V.C. award)
This attack had bn made
abt noon when A & B Coys
were in / trench before C Coy got in.
That night instrns were
recd to form an outpost line
from Canal at A 22C 2.7 



going over / ridge in I 7.
Waited there till
midnight.  Confce of C.O.s
at Bde Hqrs at I 17 c
at midnight.  C.O. got back.
to Bn abt 2.30 am. & had
to arrange to relieve 23 Bn
in Florina trench, get Coy Commdrs
together, promulgate / scheme,
waken / men & get them to
JOT by 6 a.m.  The Bn had a
hot meal abt 3.30 a.m.
The led off, C & D leading
as they had furthest to go,
A & B & Hqrs following
Diagram - see original document

to A 22 D 5.8 & keep touch
w 3rd Div.  This cdnt be done
owing to dark till 4.30 am.
When it ws done fairly easily.
The night ws pretty quiet.
In / aftn we ^had bombed / Germs
down back into their country.
It ws a bad place for him
to attack into w us in both
trenches.  There ws a barrage tt
morning early for 15 Bde &
this frightened / Germs.  This
day Bn ws instrd to move
to a line from A 16 Centl
to A 23 centl. keeping touch
w 3rd Division & 54 Bn on
rt.  This ws a case for patrols
& Coys aftr.  They captd a few
prisoners.  From there they sent patrols 



Lt Jackson  k.
Sergt Sullivan  k.
Lt Dillow k on Sep Oct 1 by shell
just before / advance.
Capt. Goldrick  wd  as above - Captd several
mg. posts
CSM Cantwell ws k leading a
pty onto a m.g. post abt
10 or 11 on Sept 30. during /
advance along / mound ^near where
W Chadwicks , Lt Jackson ws k.

on reaching Clery, as shelling
ws heavy put Bn in /
reentrant in I 1. where
it ws v steep.  There they
^reconnoitred & found tt I 7 & 8 were
full of 6 Bde & secondly they
wd have got v heavy casualties

by daylight right into St
Martin's village.  In one o /
houses they caught a German
patrol & the Sergt - an Alsatian
- gave us good infn as to Germ
55 Bn ws reld there - on its
line & relieving units (6. Inniskillens)
were able to get patrols in country
S of  Gouvy & St Martin where we
On 30 Sept. a Bty of 4.2s cd
be seen on Prospect Hill firing
just after Bn had gone over / hill
at midday in / attack where they
had to come back.  These guns
later cleared out.
On Sept 30 they knew v little
as to positn of 3rd Div on flank.
& heavy fire ws coming from Bony &
/ heights there.  29 mgs taken.


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