Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/225/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 9
When this barrage, what
there ws of it, started, /
Germ. woke up & started
m.g. fire & arty fire.
C.O. decided, as they
cdnt get further, to string
Bn out E & W thro / trench
line thro G.3 B, G4 A & B,
& go forwd from there in arty
formatn & deploy at / start
line. This worked satisfactorily
& they were only 15 mins
late; 55 Bn were to Support
53 Bn.
Our own ^heavy gun barrage at / last
moment ws cut out owing to /
American higher Command
saying tt their people were [[still]]
in the line. A few guns of light 119
to go well beyond St D
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
They sent Scouts out. As
soon as these Scouts got over
a bump of land E of St
Denis they ran into enemy
German m.g. posts. Neither
side ws expecting / other.
Lt Elsmore & his pln
hopped in & go an offr &
10 Germs & 2 mgs - He
found himself directly opposite
a double post in a pozzy.
wd take them to / J.O. line.
These guides didn't materialise
So adjt ws sent in to find
out what ws / matter. He
ws informed tt no one knew /
way. Col. had to take Bn
then himself across [[comity]]
& found tt / reference gn by
Sigs for 15 Bde Hqrs ws also
an error - 300 yds out.
Col. had no time to correct
this & so took them straight
across as best he cd to /
start line - a vile night
- dark, slippery, drizzling.
All these things so delayed /
march tt when they reached
G 4 A 2.4 Zero had
arrived & / barrage fell.
They ran right on top of
these Germs - not more
than 100 yds from past / rd -
/ first man wh fired
put a bullet thro /
offrs shoulder & tt did it.
We They had 3 wd.
They had to get back
as soon as possible w
an offr & 10 men 2 guns & 3 wd
men of ours. They kept
a line slightly ahead o / old
line just far eno forwd
to keep / Germ beyond
on / other side o / rd. Aziecourt
The aftn ws well on.
The Coy now had abt 26
men. 58th Bn had / corner
53 Bn Bellicourt.
(Col Cheeseman)
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
56 53 55 54
On night of 29, 53 Bn ws
resting abt Hervilly. They were
told to settle for / night.
At 2am word came for
C.O.s, Confce at Col. xxxx Cheeseman's
Hqrs. 53 ws suppd to be /
last to attack on acct o /
heavy casualties at Peronne.
At 3a.m. Gen. walked in
& sd "You will attack at 6 am."
He gave a plan.
The 55 Bn offered to guide
53 to 15 Bde Hqrs. where quides
o / Mt St Q & Aziect
Rds. The main trouble
now ws arty fire from
/ hills - you cdnt move
now at all. 59 behind
/ bank had casualties &
Other Coys of 55 also
Orders were then
recd for 55 & 56 under
Col xxxxxx Woods to take
St Denis wood. Wyllies Coy
ws now 26 strong & / others
not v. much stronger.
Next orders were recd
tt 59 wd relieve them tt night
& they came from / bank &
did so. 55 wd have moved
up E of St. Denis & straightened
line after dark - but ws reld.
C: LT Eastment ws wd in aftn
D: Capt. Lindsay wd in 5pm att.
Lt Anslow k. during first
Consolidatn near / brickwks
Lt Dent Wd in 5pm attack.
Hqrs: Lt Shearwood. k by shellfire
going to 23rd Bn HQ abt Zero
(H.4 k. 6. wd.)
Bn went in abt 400 strong (?,
Abt 236 casualties o.r.
(none now missing).
Sept 1 started rainy - ended
better; Sept 2 was pretty
The German 106 [[fuse?]]
out in / open ws v.
dangerous - severed arms
& severed limbs.
K. Inglis as above.
Hunt (w Coy attd to 53) attacking
some m.g. posts
Jackson Cotterill in aftn Sept 2 in
Factory reconnoitring to
move up in evg to
fill up after xx gap
to 58
by shell
. Collis in attack
w 53 on aftn of
. . Sept 1st. following behind 53.
W. King lost leg .
Horne on Sept 2
Nichols wd on Sept 2
gettin thro / Cemetery near
/ rly line.
Crank's & Weatherley's
Gun ws up betw / brickworks
& / wood amongst / huts.
Currie's gun ws taken
by him in / first rush
on Quincouce Wood. This
gun ws blazing over open
sights. C. rushed it & sprayed
/ crew w his m.Gun. He
got his m.g. (at / head o /
sap running along / rly)
in / same style.
All night S/Bs were
out collecting wd in Nomansland
& ammn being got forward
Lt Davies ws k digging in in
morning out by / Cemetery (C
55Bn. Bellicourt.
(Maj Stutsbury, Lt Chad wick
& 2 NCOs)
Bn lay at Hervilly.
Had to follow 30 Am. Divn
& take a positn betw Estrees
& Nauroy. 14 Bde in
support to other two.
Just W. of Villeret they
met / fog pretty thick &
were held up on / rd by
traffic. They were moving
on / black rd. The traffic
ws arty.
53 55
____ ____ →
____ ____
56 54
To go by black Rd independently
to betw Estrees & Nauroy, moving
either thro or round Bellicourt
(as depended on fire). From
Hervilly offrs had bn sent up to
of 53 Bn were back in /
positn from wh they started
at 5 p.m. B. sent a runner
giving his positn & strength &
ws with drawn at 1.a.m.
as there ws to be a new
barrage next day.
Another party x (D Coy
under Lt Waite) got into
/ sugar factory into / big
cement troughs; Lt Ha
Others got into the broken ground
by the rly cuttings w jxxx fork
there S. of Factory. Waite
got there into / Factory.
They came back abt 3.30 a.m.
They heard Currie's shouts
after them. (Currie & 2 others
also captd a m.g. just after
find a rd route round Belicourt
(that morning). Left Hervilly
abt 8. Constantly held up by
traffic. 11 a.m. held up
West of Villeret. Maj Stutsbury
C.O. Bn went on to W of
Bellicourt & found arty
coming back & heard tt attack
had bn held up. Then Brought Bn
up from Villeret to G 7D, trenches on
hill W of Bellicourt. They reported
their positn & were ordered
to take up positn in trenches
Skin trench in G 8A - 54
being on rt in Rope trench. Others
in rear. There by 3.30 or 4pm.
The barrage ws v heavy just
W. of Bellicourt in trenches Bn
wd have gone to xx.
While in Skin trench a regt
He got in touch there w
Capt Downing & Col Marshall.
He sd tt / 5 pm attack
had broken down but tt /
Bn ws in / rly cuttings in
front of [[?]] J O line.
Bevan recrossed / moat
at / same place w his men
- it ws now dusk - & pushed
forwd as far as he cd to
a ditch abt 22 C 4.7 but
cdnt get any further - He
sent patrols forwd (had
12 men left) & tried to get
touch w / rest of Bn. He
cdnt get touch but Lt Scott -Bde M.gunner 14 M.G. Coy -
ws scouting around & met
Bevan & told him tt / rest
of Americans (prob Bn, in
½ dozen waves) in arty fr
lines of skirmishers w fixed
bayonets - who sd they
reckoned their people were
in trouble & they had bn sent
up to help. They were going
NE towds the Hill in A 28 C.
At 6.30pm. 55 recd order
to go thro Bellicourt & take
a positn in Le Catelet line
B . G 5 B & D. They moved
abt 10 to 7 & went by Red
Rd to Bellicourt. Bellct. ws
being heavily shelled so they
decided to move round N of
it thro / line. They had
got ½ way thro / line abt
G 3 D 5.6 when they recd a
verbal order tt / move ws
cancelled. At 15 Bde advd Hqrs
follow / moat round as
m.g. fire ws coming from
/ ramparts. The men knew
some rough timber across /
moat (/ Germs had bn
making dugouts under /
ramparts) - Crossed /
moat, got on top o /
ramparts & followed them
around (some bits of timber
reached right across / moat
like telegraph poles - abt 25 ft)
B. pushed down / ramparts
for abt 200 yds. He struck
inland to 28 A 20.95
& pushed across & struck
54 Bns left post facing a
big brick wall (probly
facing Flamicourt & / Stn).
This ws confirmed. Bn moved
back again in rain & mud
& v. dark & gas to Skin
trench - very pleased!. They had /
"donks" - 12 of them up rt in
/ line (w supplies, water etc)
as they were still carrying out
/ original plan. These were
got by enormous efforts into
/ Hindenburg line exc. the big
black mule w / AMC
material who refused to jump
down in / night - the man
who ws leading him ws lying
down. (They got back w diffy
to Skin trench & settled down &
then at 11pm came new an
order to attend a Confce at
xxxxx 53 Bn Hq. at 11pm.
Got there at 1 p.m. 1a.m. trying to
were to make a dash & get
in close under / ramparts
& then work E in dead
ground of / moat & / rly
Both parties went over
/ top at 5 p.m.
C Coy got to the Second
rly line (not shown on map).
They cdnt move from there owing
to m.g. fire from E end o /
ramparts & St Denis.
Lt Bevan of A Coy ^started with
65 men A, B, & a pln of 55.
He ws E of the Cemetery
when / attack ws ordered. They
rushed straight down for
/ ramparts w / men. He
saw it wd be impossible to
find map reference in a
black night (Brig just arrd)
There ws instrd tt 53 Bn w
55 in support ws to attack
from 28 B & D N along / line
o / tunnel & / Le Catelet System.
55 ws to move in support
of 53 & make good Le Catelet
line from / junction w
15 Bde at 28 B 6.5. ; 53 ws
to clear whole line; 55 ws
to occupy line & later then push
out E. w patrols & gain
ground towds / St Martin
Estrees Rd.
This attack to begin at 6 am.
Confce ended & Stutsbury got
back to Bn at 3.15 a.m;
Informed Coy Commandrs
Beside / Rly embakt ws
a big factory bldg. 53 Bn
left patrols out there as long
as they thought safe & withdraw
them after midday. There were
hundreds of Germs streaming
back over / open to / SE
Corner of Mt St Q & into
small trenches by / St Denis Rd.
Nothing ws done then
till 5 pm. At 5 pm.
another attack ws made.
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
There ws a
trench S of /
rly embankt
as shown.
C & D Coys
into this.
They were to attack as shown. A & B
Bn pushed off at 4.30.
Looking up aerial photos
they saw a track thro /
wire & decided to send I.O.
to find it, & avoid Bellicourt.
Lt. R.S. Morris M.C I.O. found
/ track, as he went. leading Bn at /
head o / Column thro /
wire to J.O. positn in
A 28 C & D by 5.55am.
Formed up on tick of 6.
A barrage ws supposed
to be down but only 2 or 3
guns fired.
Formed up in C.T. in 4
A & B. 53 were a little later
in positn. They kicked off from
same C.T. Bn only had 2 Coys
& pushed off.
A & B
C & D
Each double Coy abt 90 strong.
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