Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/225/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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psick ap quides at 1 last house on 1 Bellicourt Vawroy Rd, in Bellict. Bn lept 4 am. for J.O.T but fendes werent there. It ws saiing & v. cott. They then went to 29 Bn Hers who prodused 2 runners & in 1.O. Who took Ba along Bellict -Nauroy Rd 6 where the C.T. crosses it. There packanes were & a picks & shovels were cossed to 1r Eachman Bn atasted to Nawroy Itel Senson c a 3 AF. Cwere s lead. Half way to Nawroy, o er top
comnn ws troken half way down C Coy, wh put I two last cays of the Bor ws hastining to get to zero & I weather wt v. bat. Te 1.0. lined tim up on ard in Vauroy. This Rd faced I wrongway. The whole of A & ½C got lined up there when barrage tropped rest out of touch, no Sign of 56. There ws a bis gap on 1 left 15 Bde. 60A by men ws 17 Cloy 37 in to were there wt all
F This barrag ar v. good exc. for a whole bty falling short. whole way. This hit at least 15 men before they saw what we happining, when they side stipped it. They were to tell boe by the barrige hatting 1s they did this; but this ty a short toen Objoe van tike this barrage droppes. They took over S.6Bns Sector as well as their own & barry dropped short into Nawroy? when it lifed they followed it & met no my no opposite They had joue abt 251 yds when S tBn came up in column of Roate onto field. They marched past D4, shook out, + SGsother squeezed 54 in Ken. Bengon eslid Vine Hall to cone coys came on wt to from nalet in so dis organisn by this sor but reargainsed on final objie. Here tyy got ont Keis proper sistors 56 Bn went or 5 Estrees. where Capt Benson had
consultation with K Watt & it ws decided to puch on & see wht cd be gained Walt pushed on. A Coy 54 wentalong 5 occupy 1 Sunken Rd on htalts left to Tolemprise Fn. All A Co alis went kere, Coy just forwod ofcrest D+ Br 2hsf C reon I reverse stope consolitation 5 Bde didn't come up on left for some reason 54 had tse coys in support as a defensive flank. There they jained on reverse shope to Bde on main ofyves 15
When 55 withdrew Beason withdrew his 1 coys also to main objie St went foud apo later This time Benson disnt sent his Coy down apo as his Coy wd have to go straight down to N end of village in view of Germans who by now had pulled themselves 6 getin & were play in to mgs. I putting in counterpreparato I defensive flank ws put in from lef of 56 back to 15 Bde which ws still in main obiie A divisional order came ap then to push on. Capt. t Benson ws in a quandary
What to do when Col Mnershell came up & went to see 56 Bn + cbost came back & confirmed Bensons arrangements & told him t stay The 54th a in a much shelles area, but had few casualties. They day in where they were. After 1 his ferman shoot ended, exc. where he saw movement Abt dusk, after sunset, S4 Bn shifte to 1 Sunken Rd. in A24D at 1 head of Soult valley - & a bit shead of it making 1 port line. They were in touch on both plenks w 1 front line (Vine Hales 2 Coys in front & Bensons in Suppt)
They day special Ef there & stayed tilling of Oct 2 when 2 Di passed thro 4 came out along red roate to posites of night of Sept 29 & folly days.
t 54 Bn. Pesame (Col Holland) T lef oft Herews a Rd wh abt bisicted the sector of 54 Bn. terman attack secuned to be bounded by this 30/The warprce Fouilloy Rd. 54 En had 2 posts in 198 & 2 in B.D. These were plu posts The ferm barrage in Taomin seened to be ontarea S. of tis Rd. 24A6.4 ws Bn H.Q. nearte 2 trees. The posts were Echelonss Abt 19 B 8.8 & 8.A C.O. had be round I posts & had come back & to nighe
& ws just reporting all quiet when down came 1 ferm barryp. Thls jerms came on abt 11) his later but were heavily firet a from our posts wh well. The germs seemed to come on a kin it on 1 road - prit thrick. The seemed, when sopped, to swerve to 2t ito sap wh as made by 1 ke Bes Kifes swinging back on rt. COD Holland moved his supports & reserves up on it to cover I flank hhas founed. The British had a line of oid parts bent straylt
back a round to rt but I ferms never actually got hill 104 itself St Bn cane and founed a contin cate from 54 Bns it flank. to the Cachy Rd wh Couhander I rly 1plu H Harvey ws commdes in/c of it post. 55Buch ws dug in to 1 banks in front of Hamelet had 2 coys to move if needed.

pick up guides at /

last house on / Bellicourt

Nauroy Rd, in Bellict.

Bn left 4a.m. for J.O.T

but guides werent there.

It ws raining & v. cold.  They

then went to 29 Bn Hqrs

who produced 2 runners &
an I.O. who took Bn along

Bellict-Nauroy Rd to where

the C.T. crosses it.  There

pack mules were & a picks

& shovels were issued to / men.

Each man Bn started

to Nauroy

      Vine Hall               Benson

  ____     _____           _____    _____     →

     D          B                  C           A

A & C were to lead.  Half way 

to Nauroy, over / top,


commn ws broken half

way down C Coy, wh

put / two last Coys off -

the Bn ws hastening to get

to zero & / weather ws

v. bad.

The I.O. lined them up

on a rd in Nauroy.

This Rd faced / wrong way.

The whole of A & ½ C got

lined up there when

/ barrage dropped -

rest out of touch, no

sign of 56.  There ws

a big gap on / left

to 15 Bde.

60 A Coy )

17  C Coy  ) 77 men ws

all tt were there when


X  This barrage ws v. good Exc.

for a whole bty falling short /

whole way.  This hit at least

15 men before they saw what

ws happening, when they side

stepped it.

They were to tell / barra objve by the

barrage halting / & they did this; but

this bty ws short to / end

& objve ran like this →

Diagram - see original document


barrage dropped.  They took

over 56 Bns sector as

well as their own & barrage

dropped short into Nauroy. X

When it lifted they followed

it into & met no m.g.

no opposition.

They had gone abt 250

yds when 56 Bn came up

in column of Route onto

/ field.  They marched

past 54, shook out, &

squeezed 54 in.  54's other

coys came on w them.  Benson asked Vine Hall to come

in on the left in the front line -

Bn ws disorganised by ^all this

but reorganised on final

objve.  There they got onto

their pr open sectors.

56 Bn went on to Estrees

where Capt Benson had a


consultation with Lt Watt

& it ws decided to push on

& see what cd be gained.

Watt pushed on.  A Coy

54 went along to occupy /

Sunken Rd on Watts left. to

Folemprise Fm.  All A Coy

went there, & ^2 plns of C Coy just

forwd o / crest.

D & B & 2 plns of C

were on / reverse slope


15 Bde didnt come

up on left for some reason.

54 had these Coys in support

as a defensive flank.  There

they joined on reverse slope w

15th Bde on main objve


When 56 withdrew Benson

withdrew his 1½ coys also to

main objve.

56 went forwd agn later.

This time Benson didnt send his

Coy down agn as his Coy wd

have to go straight down to N

end of village in view o / Germans

who by now had pulled

themselves together & were

playing w &

putting in counter preparatn.

A defensive flank ws put

in from left of 56 back to

15 Bde which ws still on 

/ main objve.

A divisional order came 

up then to push on.  Capt

Benson ws in a quandary


what to do when Col Marshall

came up & went to see 56 Bn

& about came back &

confirmed Bensons arrangements

& told him to stay.

The 54th ws in a much

shelled area, but had few

casualties.  They dug in where

they were.  After 1½ hrs German

shoot ended, exc. where he saw


Abt dusk, after Sunset,

54 Bn shifted to / Sunken Rd

in A 24 D at / head of Sault

Valley - & a bit ahead of it -

making / front line.  They were

in touch on both flanks w

/ front line (Vine Hall's 2 Coys

in front & Bensons in suppt).


They dug special trenches there &

stayed till mg of Sep Oct 2

when 2 Div passed thro.

54 came out along

red route to positns of

night of Sept 29 & follg days.


 54 Bn. Peronne. V/B.

(Col Holland)

The left of B

There ws a Rd wh abt

bisected the sector of 54 Bn.

German attack seemed to be

bounded by this rd (The Warfusee

Fouilloy Rd.  54 Bn had

2 posts in 19B & 2 in

13D.  These were pln posts.

The Germ barrage in / morning

seemed to be on / area S.

of this Rd.

24 A 6.4 ws Bn H.Q. near the

2 trees.

The posts were echeloned

abt 19B 8.8 & 8.4

C.O. had bn round / posts

tt night & had come back &


& ws just reporting all quiet

when down came / Germ.


The Germs came on abt

1½ (?) hrs later but were

heavily fired on from our posts

wh held.  The Germs seemed to

come on w their rt on /

road - pretty thick.  They

seemed, when stopped, to

swerve to / rt into /

gap wh ws made by /

Br Kings Royal Rifles swinging back on 

/ rt.

Col. Holland moved his

supports up & reserves up

on rt to cover / flank thus

formed.  The British had a

line of old parts bent straight


back & round to / rt. -

but / Germs never actually

got hill 104 itself.

56 Bn came and formed

a continuatn from 54 Bns

rt flank. to the Cachy Rd wh

went under / rly.

Lt. Harvey ws / pln

Commder in/c of rt post.

55 Bn wh ws dug in to /

banks in front of Hamelet

had 2 coys to move if





















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